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other rich spiritual gifts showered upon trusting hearts on<br />

the " Day of Pentecost." The power was so marvelous that<br />

" three thousand souls " were moved to repentance. And of<br />

these it is recorded, " All that believed were together, and<br />

had all things in common, and sold their possessions and<br />

goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need."<br />

On this auspicious day the Jewish Apostolic Church, or genuine<br />

Christian church, under the inspiration and baptism<br />

of the Christ-spirit^ began to exist. The communism was<br />

absolute. These newly baptized souls, full- of fervor, were<br />

willing to surrender selfish ownership for the common good.<br />

Their principles were peace, purity, and " all things in common,"<br />

constituting the millennial church, the church of the<br />

ages. " Ukklesia,'^ translated " church" means, literally,<br />

" assembly." As understood apostolically, it implied a sympathizing<br />

assembly, convened and welded for a heavenly purpose.<br />

"Now there were in the church {ekklesia, assembly)*<br />

that was at Antioch certain prophets " (Acts xiii. 1). These<br />

prophets, apostles,<br />

" women of Samaria," and believers generally,<br />

quickened by the Christ-principle, constituted themselves<br />

into spiritual families, brotherhoods, and communities<br />

holding " all things in common." " But," says one, " men naturally<br />

like to have their own." Granted ; and so some men<br />

naturally like to have their neighbors' !<br />

Thieves are of this<br />

kind. But it is no more natural for thieves on a low physical<br />

plane to steal, and misers to clutch and hoard, than for<br />

the philanthropic and spiritually-minded to adopt a broad,<br />

fraternal communism. The angelic in the heavens are certainly<br />

communists. And I have yet to learn that spirits put<br />

patches of the summer-land into market, loan money, or<br />

speculate in corner-lots. When men pray, " Thy will be<br />

done on earth," why do they not go to work, and do it ?<br />

Jesus came centuries ago. When is salvation coming ?

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