

100 AROUND THE WORLD. cian, and a solid tMnker. It is believed that he knows more about the geometrical and astronomical purposes of the great pyramid Ghizeh than any other living man. He has done much for the Dunedin Museum, corresponded with Prof. De Morgan, of London, invented a singular thermometer, solved heretofore unsolved mathematical problems, and " squared the circle ; " which, if I understand it, is to find the ratio between the diameter and the circumference, or to find the side of a square which is equal to. a given circle. Our lectures were largely attended by the more ihinking class of the citizens. Dr. Dunn had a most successful run of practice in the city, to the great horror of " " professors and the medical fraternity. His trances puzzled, and correct clairvoj-ant examinations maddened them. The newspaper correspondence, brisk on both sides, was personal and emphatically base on the part of the " profession," touching the " official sheepskin." While away from the city, laboring in Christchurch, the doctor filled our lecture-hours in the theatre most acceptably to the listening pgople. And, further, he reviewed several clergymen, in their united attacks upon Spiritualism, in a most able and eloquent manner. I felt proud of bis efforts. Both " The Tunes " and " The Star " — daily papers — reported us both quite fully and impartially. The theatre was crowded to the conclusion of our stay. Seed was sown, that, under the watch-care of angels, must produce a bountiful harvest. TASTES AND TRIUMPHS. The New-Zealand mind is naturally skeptical. And some of the Spiritualists tread upon the very border-lands of materialism. Their motto is, demolition, — " Down with the Christian religion ! " Newly-fledged, marvel-hunting Sj)iritualists here, as in America, requiring a " sign " daily, as did the Jews, are not generally pleased with the practical " cross-bearing power of Spiritualism." The majority prefer a combative, frisky sensationalism to the historic, philosophic,

and pathetic style of lectures. NEW ZEALAND. 101 The two methods of public utterance are the solid and the sensational. Each fills a necessary niche : the one is enduring, the other ephemeral. Straws, touched by a torch, flash and flame ; but it is the clear, glistening anthracite that warms the apartment, and gives permanent comfort. THE CHALLENGE. Previous to our reaching Dunedin, and after, cringing sectarists, half frightened at the tottering condition of their creeds, kept up a continual attack upon Spiritualism, in the daily journals, over fictitious signatures ; cowardly business at best, and infernal when descending to personalities. To test the mettle of the clergy, and put a veto upon so much anonymous scribbling by churchly pettifoggers, I expressed the desire publicly, to meet the clergy in a four-days' oral discussion upon these propositions — : 1. Resolved., That Spiritualism is true, and King James's Version supports it. 2. Resolved, That the system of faith denominated " evangelical theology " is true, and King James's Version supports it. None of the clergy could summon sufficient courage to enter the arena. They lacked confidence in their doctrines, or their abihty to defend them. They felt the ground trembling under their feet. Old dogmas are dying. Orthodox churches are the churches of the tombs. All that the clergy can say is, " Come and see where our Lord lay ; " while Spiritualists exclaim, " He is not there, but risen." Angels and spirits are with us ; and the golden future is musical with promised beauties and beatitudes. DUNEDIN PRESBYTEKIANISM. Original sin, total depravity. Trinity, vicarious atonement, and endless hell-torments, are the leading dogmas of Calvinism. Presbyterians are Calvinists. These quotations are from their published sermons — :


cian, and a solid tMnker.<br />

It is believed that he knows more<br />

about the geometrical and astronomical purposes of the great<br />

pyramid Ghizeh than any other living man. He has done<br />

much for the Dunedin Museum, corresponded with Prof.<br />

De Morgan, of London, invented a singular thermometer,<br />

solved heretofore unsolved mathematical problems, and<br />

" squared the circle ; " which, if I understand it, is to find the<br />

ratio between the diameter and the circumference, or to find<br />

the side of a square which is equal to. a given circle.<br />

Our lectures were largely attended by the more ihinking<br />

class of the citizens. Dr. Dunn had a most successful run<br />

of practice in the city, to the great horror of " "<br />

professors<br />

and the medical fraternity. His trances puzzled, and correct<br />

clairvoj-ant examinations maddened them. The newspaper<br />

correspondence, brisk on both sides, was personal and emphatically<br />

base on the part of the " profession," touching the<br />

" official sheepskin." While away from the city, laboring<br />

in Christchurch, the doctor filled our lecture-hours in the<br />

theatre most acceptably to the listening pgople. And, further,<br />

he reviewed several clergymen, in their united attacks<br />

upon Spiritualism, in a most able and eloquent manner. I<br />

felt proud of bis efforts. Both " The Tunes " and " The<br />

Star " — daily papers — reported us both quite fully and<br />

impartially. The theatre was crowded to the conclusion of<br />

our stay. Seed was sown, that, under the watch-care of<br />

angels, must produce a bountiful harvest.<br />


The New-Zealand mind is naturally skeptical. And some<br />

of the Spiritualists tread upon the very border-lands of materialism.<br />

Their motto is, demolition, — " Down with the<br />

Christian religion !<br />

" Newly-fledged, marvel-hunting Sj)iritualists<br />

here, as<br />

in America, requiring a " sign " daily, as did<br />

the Jews, are not generally pleased with the practical<br />

" cross-bearing power of Spiritualism." The majority prefer<br />

a combative, frisky sensationalism to the historic, philosophic,

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