Stefania Alonzo

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Reader’s Digest<br />

By <strong>Stefania</strong> <strong>Alonzo</strong><br />

Hour 4 and 5

Table of Contents<br />

A Hard Time Falling Asleep (100 Word True Story).……………………………………pg. 1<br />

My Sister’s Hero (100 Word True Story).………………………………………..……….pg. 2<br />

Word Power Definitions…………………………………………………………………….pg. 3<br />

Word Power Game…………………………………………………………………………pg. 4<br />

Word Power Game Answer Key…………………………………………………………..pg. 5<br />

Emotional Health (Health/Medical).............................................................................pg. 6<br />

Two Most Beautiful Words…………………………………………………………………pg. 7<br />

When Are Heart Attacks Most Likely to Occur? (Who Knew).………….....................pg. 8<br />

Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day (Who Knew).………………………………………….pg. 9<br />

Why Are Movie Trailers Called ‘Movie Trailers’? (Who Knew).................................pg. 10<br />

Restaurant Chatter (Comic Strip).............................................................................pg. 11<br />

Free Strings Classes at OTMS (Advertisement)..……………………………………..pg. 12<br />

Ibi Ginsburg, a Holocaust Survivor………………………………………………………pg. 13<br />

Jokes and Riddles…………………………………………………………………………pg. 14

100 Word True Story<br />

A Hard Time Falling Asleep<br />

I remember one time I couldn’t fall asleep, so my dad told me stories<br />

of when I was around one. One of them was that I would take a long time to<br />

fall asleep. My dad would put me in my crib and lay on the floor. Sometimes I<br />

would hold his hand. Around fifteen minutes later, when my dad thought I was<br />

asleep, I would stand up in my crib to check that he was there. Then I would<br />

lay down again. This would happen every day, around 8 times. It took about two<br />

hours for me to fall asleep at that age.<br />


100 Word True Story<br />

My Sister’s Hero<br />

When I was 5, and my sister was 3, my family and I went to the park.<br />

My sister was playing with a ball and was very happy. After a while, she<br />

dropped the ball and it rolled over to a boy who was about 5 years old too.<br />

The boy grabbed her ball and didn’t want to give it back. My sister just<br />

stared at him, because she didn’t know what to do. Then, realizing what<br />

had happened, I marched over to the boy. I snatched the ball out of his<br />

grasp and gave it to my sister. That day, I was a hero for her.<br />


Word Power Definitions<br />

1. Aa- basaltic lava forming very rough jagged masses with a light frothy texture.<br />

2. Snollygoster- A person who can’t be trusted<br />

3. Widdershins- In a contrary or counterclockwise direction<br />

4. Argle-bargle- copious but meaningless talk or writing<br />

5. Blatherskite- a person who talks at great length without making much sense<br />

6. Lollygag- to move slowly, fall behind<br />

7. Gabelle- a tax on salt<br />

8. Tittynope- a small quantity of something left over<br />

9. Ulotrichous- having wooly or crispy hair<br />

10. Lackadaisical- lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy<br />

11. Chanticleer- a name given to a rooster, especially in fairy tales<br />

12. Sesquipedalianism- characterized by long words; long-winded<br />

13. Logomachy- an argument about words<br />

14. Jargogle- to confuse, jumble, or mix things up<br />

15. Nudiustertian- of or relating to the day before yesterday<br />



Answer Key for Crossword!<br />


Emotional Health<br />

Not a lot of people think about being healthy emotionally, but it is essential to living a life full<br />

of balance, wholeness, and contentment. It is related to wellbeing and mental health. Emotional health<br />

is thought as an extension of mental health. It is a state of positive psychological functioning. Healthy<br />

place says that emotional health is “the optimal functioning end of the thoughts, feelings, and<br />

behaviors that make up both our inner and outer worlds.” In other words, it is what we think, feel,and<br />

do through the good and bad things in life. The steps that people should use to become emotionally<br />

healthy are:<br />

1. Knowing what your personal strengths are, helping them grow, and living with them<br />

2. Learning to see positive things in negative situations<br />

3. Being able to learn from mistakes<br />

4. Being flexible in situations<br />

5. Seeing the good things about yourself<br />

6. Being thankful for the things you have<br />

7. Being able to deal with stress<br />

8. Having time to enjoy and relax<br />

9. Living life with a sense of purpose<br />

10. Building relationships<br />

11. Smiling<br />

When you are emotionally healthy, you are self-confident and start<br />

enjoying life. You begin to relax and have an open mind and heart. An<br />

emotionally healthy person is calm and patient with others in many<br />

situations. Many people are not emotionally healthy. They judge<br />

others, and aren’t fun to be around. If you want to have good<br />

relationships, becoming emotionally healthy will help. You will find life to<br />

be easier if you are emotionally healthy.<br />

http://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/mental-illness-overview/what-is-emotional-health-andhow-to-improve-it/<br />

http://www.drjeanette.com/emotionalhealth.html<br />


Dillon- World peace<br />

The two most beautiful words are...<br />

Zoha- Childhood, beauty<br />

Ms. King- Goats, goat<br />

Ana (Mom)- God, peace<br />

Oscar (Dad)- God, Jesus<br />

Valeria (Sister)- God, animals<br />

Niki- Mellifluous, ineffable<br />

Abby- Sunrise, diamond<br />

Elizabeth- Bacon, spring<br />

Zane- Mountains, life<br />

Sophia- Love, happiness<br />

Megan- Bunnies, Jax<br />

Conner- Beef, cake<br />

Caleb- Ocean, pizza<br />

Aubrey- Majestic, beautiful<br />


Who Knew<br />

When are Heart Attacks Most Likely to Occur?<br />

Heart attacks are most likely to happen in the winter, on a Monday, and just after<br />

waking up in the morning. Winter is connected to stress, infections in cholesterol<br />

levels, depression, and decreased activity. Those are some causes of heart attacks.<br />

Increased stress of returning to work is why it’s most likely to occur on a Monday.<br />

Rushes of stress upon waking up and having thinner blood in the mornings<br />

contribute to having heart attacks just after waking up. High blood pressure, heart<br />

rate, and blood vessel tone in the morning also contribute.<br />

http://myheart.net/articles/predict-heart-attack/<br />


Who Knew<br />

Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day<br />

In Europe and the US, May 29 is Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day. This holiday is about good<br />

fortune and prosperity, and has been celebrated since the early 1900s. Families would put a piece of<br />

cloth, usually from their bedroom, or linen in the cupboards they used to store food. They believed<br />

that putting the cloth of linen would help have more abundance of food and children. As technology<br />

improved, refrigerators were invented. Now, people put pillows on fridges instead of cloth or linen in<br />

cupboards. This holiday is a simple way to try getting good fortune and prosperity.<br />

https://www.thefactsite.com/2013/02/put-pillow-on-your-fridge-day.html<br />


Who Knew<br />

Why are Movie Trailers Called ‘Movie Trailers’?<br />

The first movie trailer was made in 1912 by Broadway producer Nils<br />

Granlund. He decided to show cut up clips from a movie, but after the movie<br />

had happened. As time went on, the movie trailers became more popular. At<br />

first, the trailers were made by the theater companies, but then movie studios<br />

began making them themselves. The trailers were always shown after the movie,<br />

but in the late 1930s, theaters began showing them before. They were called<br />

movie trailers because they were originally shown as trailers, after the movie.<br />

When they started showing movie trailers before the movie, the name had<br />

stuck, so they didn’t change it. Since the 1930s, they have been called movie<br />

trailers.<br />

https://priceonomics.com/why-are-movie-trailers-called-trailers/<br />


Restaurant Chatter<br />


Free Strings Classes at OTMS!<br />

Go to OTMS for FREE strings classes! All you have to bring is your<br />

instrument, and a method book (depending on how advanced you are). Classes<br />

for fourth to eighth graders available! Class times vary from 7:45 to 2:50, and<br />

are 45 minutes long. Located at the end of the school, after the eighth grade<br />

entrance. You will learn the basics like how to sit properly, how to hold your<br />

instrument and bow, and how to count rhythm and read notes. As you become<br />

more advanced, you’ll be able to do vibrato, tune your own instrument, and<br />

play in different key signatures and positions. You will also be able to play<br />

songs that are more than a page long with different parts. Soon you’ll be able to<br />

play like the professionals!<br />


Ibi Ginsburg, a Holocaust Survivor<br />

Ibi Ginsburg was one of the few survivors of the Holocaust. Ibi was born in Hungary to a strict<br />

and religious Jewish family. On March 19, 1944, the Germans invaded Hungary. The Jews were told to<br />

wear yellow Stars of David on their clothes, which included Ibi and her family. All of the Jewish people<br />

were sent to live in crowded, isolated ghettoes (they were small sections of cities where Jews were forced<br />

to live, separated from the rest of the cities by walls and barbed wire fences). After two weeks of living in<br />

the ghettoes, Ibi and her family were told to pack for a three day journey. They did as they were told, but<br />

didn’t know where they were going. After the three day journey, they arrived at Auschwitz Birkenau,<br />

which was a camp. Ibi and her family were separated. Her father was taken first, and then Ibi and her 13-<br />

year-old sister were taken to a different part of camp. Her mother and two younger sisters were led to<br />

another direction, where they were immediately taken to gas chambers to die.<br />

Ibi and her 13-year-old sister had clothes and possessions taken away, had their hair shaved off,<br />

and had to wear a camp uniform. They had to live in a wooden building with concrete floor, and sleep on<br />

bare wooden bunks. There was very little food, and they had to stand for hours so they could be counted.<br />

After three months they were taken to work in a slave labor camp in Germany. When Germany was<br />

losing the war, they were taken on a forced march to a concentration camp. There, they were freed by<br />

Americans on May 1, 1945. Ibi Ginsburg, her father, and 13-year-old sister were able to survive the<br />

Holocaust.<br />

Sister, Father, and Ibi<br />

Ibi and Her Mother<br />

http://holocaustlearning.org/survivors/ibi-ginsburg<br />


Jokes and Riddles<br />

A teacher says “whoever answers my question can go home.” A boy throws a book on the floor.<br />

“Who was that?” the teachers asks. “Me,” the boy says “and now I can go home.”<br />

A girl named Rory was in the hair salon where the hairstylist was doing her hair. “What’s your name?”<br />

the hairstylist asks. “Rory” she replies. “What a beautiful name,” the hairstylist says. “My 2-year-old<br />

nephew is named Rory!”<br />

In school, a first grader heard someone say that an apple a day takes the doctor away. He didn’t like<br />

going to the doctor, so he believed it. He ate around 10 apples that day. Those apples didn’t help him.<br />

Instead, he got so sick he had to go to the doctor.<br />

A 5-year-old girl loved horses, so her parents brought her to a carousel. She got on a horse and the<br />

carousel began to move. When the ride ended, she got off and told her parents “I thought horses<br />

were bigger and made noises! This one acts like a statue!”<br />

Q: What has a tongue but can’t talk?<br />

A: A shoe<br />

Q: What has a head, a tail, and no feet?<br />

A: A coin<br />

Q: Tiny Tim the turtle had a box of teeny, tiny chocolates, which he brought to his mom Tiffany for<br />

mother’s day. His mother lived in Texas, where she taught children how to tie their shoes. They said<br />

hello, and Tiny Tim gave her the box of chocolates. Then, he left to go to Australia. How many t’s are<br />

in that?<br />

A: Two t’s are in THAT<br />

Q: Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?<br />

A: Neither, they both weigh a ton!<br />

Q: What starts with a P and ends with an E and has a million letters in it?<br />

A: Post Office!<br />

Q: What is full of holes but can still hold water?<br />

A: A sponge!<br />

Q: What has two hands, a round face, always runs, but stays in place?<br />

A: A clock!<br />


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