Nate Esterline

readers digest project

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<strong>Nate</strong> <strong>Esterline</strong>

1<br />

Table of Contents<br />

Health…………………………………………………………………………2<br />

Weird Words.………………………………………………………………...3<br />

2 most beautiful words……………………………………………………....6<br />

Riddles………………………………………………………………………...7<br />

GOAL!..........................................................................................................8<br />

Winter Break…………………………………………………………………...9<br />

Who Knew……………………………………………………………………...10<br />

Recipe…………………………………………………………………………..11<br />

I Survived……………………………………………………………………….12<br />


2<br />

Health<br />

Xeroderma Pigmentosum, “Vampire Syndrome”<br />

Humans need sunlight to get vitamin D, but too much exposure to the sun’s UV rays can<br />

hurt you. About 1 in 1 million people have xeroderma pigmentosum and are extremely sensitive<br />

to UV rays. These people must be completely away from sunlight, or will experience extreme<br />

sunburns and breakdown of the skin. If someone with the condition isn’t careful, they could<br />

easily develop skin cancer.<br />

Xeroderma pigmentosum is caused by a rare recessive mutation of the repair enzymes.<br />

Functioning normally, these enzymes fix broken DNA that can be caused by UV rays. While<br />

there are some treatments available, the best prevention from damage is merely staying<br />

completely out of sunlight, just like a vampire.If you go in the sun you’ll get burned and it will be<br />

extremely painful. It doesn't just affect the skin though, it causes dry and scaly skin, as well as<br />

spider veins, it can discolor the eyes and make your eyes hurt. Another thing that can come out<br />

of having this disorder is dwarfism or even mental retardation, and people barely live past 40.<br />

Luckily it is a recessive autosomal disorder, and occurs in one in every one million people.<br />

http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/10-strangest-known-medical-conditions/<br />

Weird Words

3<br />

Bumbershoot<br />

An umbrella.<br />

Snollygoster<br />

A person who can't be trusted.<br />

Hemidemisemiquaver A musical timing of 1/64.<br />

Gongoozle<br />

To stare at, kibitz.<br />

Gardyloo!<br />

A warning shouted before throwing water from above.<br />

Nincompoop<br />

Oocephalus<br />

A foolish person.<br />

An egghead.<br />

Smellfungus<br />

A perpetual pessimist.<br />

Tatterdemalion<br />

A child in rags.<br />

Widdershins<br />

In a contrary or counterclockwise direction.<br />

Rigmarole<br />

Nonsense, unnecessary complexity

4<br />

Vomitory<br />

An exit or outlet.<br />

Skedaddle<br />

To hurry somewhere.<br />

Logorrhea<br />

Loquaciousness, talkativeness<br />

Maverick<br />

A loner, someone outside the box.<br />



6<br />

The 2 most beautiful words<br />

Elly Cook- music cally<br />

Griffin Spencer- joy success<br />

Zach Fox- baseball god<br />

Reid Trumbull- donuts love<br />

Mac Marzullo- adidas shoes<br />

Luis Masroua- happy love<br />

Wanya’ Crofton- throwing grapes<br />

Mykael Huggins- rap music<br />

Anthony Cotton- power knowledge<br />

Katie Noll- dance dance<br />

Amelia Senglaub- Amelia Senglaub<br />

Eryk Yarkosky- life god<br />

Grace Spencer- happy life<br />

Andy Murga- music greatness<br />

Ayden Boyle- baseball food

7<br />

Riddles<br />

Two girls have the same parents and were born at the same hour of the same day of<br />

the same month, but they are not twins. How can this be possible?<br />

They weren’t born in the same year.<br />

They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and<br />

thumbs of their own. What are they?<br />

Gloves.<br />

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your<br />

exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will<br />

pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no<br />

matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy<br />

ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?<br />

The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote "your exact weight" on the paper.

8<br />

GOAL!<br />

Tweet! It was the finals of the tournament. The game was slow and we got scored on<br />

early, but right before halftime my team made it 1-1. After halftime my team was ready<br />

to score another, the game was still going slow and we didn't end up scoring, but neither<br />

did the other team. We then went to PKs and my team was up and we had scored all of<br />

our PKs, it was my turn, and if we made it we would win. I had to make this shot, I ran<br />

up and shot into the right corner, and I scored! My team won the tournament.

9<br />

Winter Break<br />

I was in the airplane super excited to land in San Diego. This winter break was going to<br />

be one of the best i've ever had. The trip was fun but my favorite part was when we<br />

went to coronado beach. That day me and my mom were standing next to the USS<br />

Midway, and we watched one of the many aircraft carriers go out into the ocean for a<br />

training run. Next, we went to Coronado beach. It was really cool, the sand sparkled<br />

gold and it was really warm outside. The water on the other hand, was very cold, so I<br />

mostly watched the aircraft carrier in the distance. San Diego was a great winter<br />

getaway for me and my family.

10<br />

Who Knew<br />

Do Dogs Dream? Yes, in fact dogs dream like humans and about similar things.<br />

Many people believe that dogs do dream. Most dog owners have noticed that at various<br />

times during their sleep, some dogs may quiver, make leg twitches or may even growl<br />

or snap at something in their dream, giving the impression that they are dreaming about<br />

something.<br />

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/canine-corner/201010/do-dogs-dream<br />

Why is the sky blue? A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in<br />

the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look<br />

towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has<br />

been scattered out and away from the line of sight.<br />

http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/BlueSky/blue_sky.html<br />

How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop? A group of engineering students<br />

from Purdue University reported that its licking machine, modeled after a human tongue,<br />

took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Twenty of the group's<br />

volunteers assumed the licking challenge-unassisted by machinery-and averaged 252<br />

licks each to the center.<br />


11<br />

Recipe<br />

Beignets<br />

Ingredients<br />

●<br />

2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast<br />

● 1 1/2 cups warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)<br />

●<br />

1/2 cup white sugar<br />

●<br />

1 teaspoon salt<br />

●<br />

2 eggs<br />

●<br />

●<br />

1 cup evaporated milk<br />

7 cups all-purpose flour<br />

●<br />

Market Pantry All-Purpose Flour - 5 lbs<br />

●<br />

1/4 cup shortening<br />

●<br />

●<br />

1 quart vegetable oil for frying<br />

1/4 cup confectioners' sugar<br />

Directions<br />

1. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add sugar, salt, eggs, evaporated milk, and blend.<br />

Mix in 4 cups of the flour and beat until smooth. Add the shortening, and then the remaining 3<br />

cups of flour. Cover and chill for up to 24 hours.<br />

2. Roll out dough 1/8 inch thick. Cut into 2 1/2 inch squares. Fry in 360 degree F hot oil. If beignets<br />

do not pop up, oil isn’t hot enough. Drain onto paper towels.<br />

3. Shake confectioners' sugar on hot beignets. Serve warm.<br />


12<br />

I survived<br />

On April 20th, 1999 in Jefferson county, Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold<br />

murdered 13 students and injured 24 students at columbine high school. Harris and<br />

Klebold had both been to juvenile detention camps previous to the shooting. They went<br />

to juvenile detention for discussing their plans to shoot up columbine. They were both<br />

released early for good behavior, but right when they returned home they kept<br />

discussing their plans. On April 20th, 1999, they had placed bombs set to detonate<br />

when they were inside (most bombs they made didn't detonate), and before the<br />

shooting they had seen a friend outside. Brooks Brown was outside the school when<br />

Eric Harris said to him “It doesn’t matter anymore, I like you now, get out of here, go<br />

home.” They killed 3 people in the cafeteria and then they proceeded to the library,<br />

where they massacred 10 students. After the library massacre, they roamed the halls<br />

and teased students. Klebold and Harris exchanged shots with police officers many<br />

times during the attack, but they never injured any officers. An hour after the shooting<br />

started, Harris and Klebold committed suicide in the library of the school.

13<br />

Technology<br />

As most of us know, Apple has almost always created great devices, and the<br />

IPhone 8 will be no exception. The IPhone 8 is expected to be Apple’s biggest update to<br />

the device ever. It’s rumored to have a new OLED display that covers the entire front. If<br />

they did that, they would have to completely remove the home button. Nobody knows<br />

for sure what will replace the home button, but some concepts include ideas like a touch<br />

bar similar to the one on the macbook pro. The touchbar would work like the macbook<br />

pro’s touchbar, displaying different icons while on different apps. The IPhone 8 will be<br />

an extreme technological advance for society, offering many features that are never<br />

before seen. All in all the IPhone 8 looks very promising as a future device we will see<br />


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