Dear readers, The month of May introduces scorching hot summer days, meaning that it’s time to leave the familiar and seek relief from the uncomfortable heat. Cool breezes and the promise of exploration and adventure in new destinations can offer a renewed source of energy.In this issue, Travellive will take you to Hang En, one of the most magnificent and difficult-to-access waterfalls in the Central Highlands. The author of this article began developing his ambition to conquer the waterfall when he read an exciting post shared on Facebook. Within six months he and his friends were on their way to explore Hang En’s deep forests and high mountains. The difficulties involved in a journey like this can only be handled through perseverance and the constant pursuit of adventure. Each individual has their own idea of a perfect summer excursion. The deciding factor is whether you have enough determination to ignore your doubts and fears of the unknown. Don’t just make plans, go out and chase adventure! We hope that your travel plans offer you energy, entertainment and an escape from May’s exhausting summer heat.

Dear readers,
The month of May introduces scorching hot summer days, meaning that it’s time to leave the familiar and seek relief from the uncomfortable heat. Cool breezes and the promise of exploration and adventure in new destinations can offer a renewed source of energy.In this issue, Travellive will take you to Hang En, one of the most magnificent and difficult-to-access waterfalls in the Central Highlands. The author of this article began developing his ambition to conquer the waterfall when he read an exciting post shared on Facebook. Within six months he and his friends were on their way to explore Hang En’s deep forests and high mountains. The difficulties involved in a journey like this can only be handled through perseverance and the constant pursuit of adventure.
Each individual has their own idea of a perfect summer excursion. The deciding factor is whether you have enough determination to ignore your doubts and fears of the unknown. Don’t just make plans, go out and chase adventure!
We hope that your travel plans offer you energy, entertainment and an escape from May’s exhausting summer heat.


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15/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Telling<br />

theSTORY<br />

of<br />

Vietnamese<br />

STREET<br />

FOOD<br />

NGòI<br />

KÕ CHUYåN<br />

¬M TH#C<br />

ßòNG PHˇ<br />

VIåT<br />

Season<br />

in the sun<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />






OVER 1000 LEADING<br />


Content ><br />

1 5 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 7<br />

DesTinaTion - FooD&beveRaGe - culTuRe - whaT&wheRe - DiscoveR -<br />

TRavelleRs' ouTFiT - evenT calenDaR - Fashion - inTeRview<br />

Le Veranda Phu Quoc Resort<br />

88 ><br />

74 ><br />


gi~a Thung xanh<br />

mai ch¢u<br />

HÃ nµy, h∑y thˆ dµnh cho m◊nh<br />

mÈt l˘a ch‰n kh∏c, n¨i khung<br />

c∂nh ÆÂng ruÈng ng∏t xanh Î<br />

thung lÚng Mai Ch©u, Ha B◊nh.<br />

The green valley of<br />

mai chau<br />

This summer, reward yourself<br />

with another option of green<br />

paddy fields in Mai Chau Valley,<br />

Hoa Binh.<br />


ngòi kÕ chuyån ¬m<br />

TH#C ßuònG PHˇ ViåT<br />

"Bπn kh´ng c«n ph∂i e dà hay<br />

m†t thÍi gian l˘a ch‰n nhi“u,<br />

t†t c∂ vi÷c c«n lµm lµ bπn<br />

ngÂi xuËng, g‰i m„n, ®n vµ<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m s˘ n∏o nhi÷t cÒa<br />

Æ≠Íng phË."<br />

Telling The sTory<br />

of vieTnamese<br />

sTreeT food<br />

"You do not have to hesitate, all<br />

you have to do is to sit down,<br />

order food, and enjoy it in the<br />

environment of the street."<br />

78 ><br />


CHÄo Há Või nH~nG ßiÕM ß⁄n<br />

TRuy≈n CÅM H`nG<br />

H∑y cÔng Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n 5 Æa danh thÛ v - n¨i<br />

h¯a hãn mang lπi cho bπn nhi“u c∂m h¯ng, vÌi<br />

vŒ Æãp bi”n, Æ∂o, cao nguyn vµ c∂ x¯ mi÷t<br />

v≠Ín s´ng n≠Ìc.<br />

welcome summer wiTh These<br />

inspiring desTinaTions<br />

Travellive will take you to the country's best<br />

destinations, which promise to deliver beautiful<br />

inspiration through seas, islands, plateaus,<br />

and orchards.<br />

56 ><br />


daisy's mid-summer dream<br />

Hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ v≠Ót kh´ng<br />

gian vµ thÍi gian, v“ vÌi thÍi k˙ r˘c<br />

rÏ Æ∑ b l∑ng qun trong nh˜ng<br />

n®m 1920s, cÒa c´ nµng qu˝ ph∏i,<br />

hoang dπi vµ Æ«y kiu k˙ trong<br />

nh˜ng b˜a ti÷c tr≠a hà ƫy tinh t’.<br />

A journey through space and time<br />

back to the forgotten 1920s, of<br />

aristocratic women enjoying fine<br />

summer lunch parties.<br />

4<br />



1 5 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 7<br />

122 ><br />

70 ><br />


9 ßiÕM "PHÅi<br />

Tõi" ô ukraine<br />

Trong mùa<br />

há nÄy<br />

T‰a lπc tπi trung<br />

t©m ch©u ¢u, nh≠ng<br />

cho tÌi giÍ, Ukraine<br />

v…n lµ Ɔt n≠Ìc ›t<br />

Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏<br />

nh†t Î c˘u lÙc Æa.<br />

10 places<br />

To visiT in<br />

ukraine in The<br />

summer Time<br />

Ukraine is the biggest<br />

country, situated<br />

in the very heart<br />

of Europe, and,<br />

so far, is the most<br />

undiscovered one.<br />

110 ><br />


TinH T⁄ TR`nG TRÄ<br />

Trung hoa<br />

Khi b„c v· tr¯ng Æ” th≠Îng th¯c,<br />

tr´ng chÛng nh≠ nh˜ng vin c»m<br />

thπch v´ cÔng Æ∏ng yu vµ bæt mæt<br />

vÌi h≠¨ng v th¨m ngon tinh t’.<br />

The subTle flavor of<br />

chinese Tea eggs<br />

After they are hard boiled and gently<br />

cracked, they are steeped and<br />

braised in an especially aromatic<br />

blend of tea, herbs and spices.<br />


ßÅo RaPa nui - n•i TÜn<br />

CùnG Cûa TH⁄ Giõi<br />

T´i c„ th” c∂m nhÀn nät v®n h„a<br />

b∂n Æa Î Rapa Nui vÌi nh˜ng b¯c<br />

t≠Óng Moai m´ ph·ng cho mÈt n“n<br />

v®n h„a huy“n b›.<br />

rapa nui island - The end<br />

of The world<br />

I could feel the native culture as soon<br />

as I arrived at the airport and saw the<br />

copies of the Moai statues, specific to<br />

the Rapa Nui culture.<br />


visiTing sinh village<br />

ß’n lµng tranh d©n gian nÊi ti’ng cÒa<br />

x¯ Hu’, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m c∏ch<br />

lµm tranh theo phong c∏ch lµng S◊nh.<br />

Sinh is a well-known folk painting<br />

village in Hue. A visit to artisan Ky<br />

Huu Phuoc offers an opportunity to<br />

experience the procedure of making<br />

Sinh village folk paintings.<br />

100 ><br />


ThÉc hang –n<br />

- dÅi L|a bÑC<br />

gi~a n@i r\ng<br />

kon ch r°ng<br />

VÌi vŒ k˙ v‹, nn th¨<br />

vµ huy“n ∂o, ng‰n<br />

th∏c h¯a hãn sœ lµ<br />

Æi”m check-in kh´ng<br />

th” b· qua vÌi nh˜ng<br />

ng≠Íi th›ch phiu l≠u.<br />

hang en<br />

waTerfall - a<br />

silver sTrip of<br />

silk amid The<br />

kon chu rang<br />

Jungle<br />

Hang En Waterfall<br />

with its magnificent,<br />

poetic and subtle<br />

beauty promises to be<br />

a must-see check-in<br />

for adventurous<br />

tourists this summer.<br />


Th’ GiÌi Publishers<br />


Editor-in-chief<br />

Tr«n ßoµn L©m<br />

BI£N TÜP<br />

Editors<br />

Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng, Trang Nguy‘n<br />

ß∆ng ThÔy Linh, Kevin Raison<br />

THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT<br />

Graphic design<br />

Long Le<br />

Hanh Mai<br />


Advertising<br />

Hotline: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750<br />

Email: ads@vntravellive.com<br />

TíA SOÑN<br />

Head Office<br />

Banbientap@vntravellive.com<br />

T«ng 3, 59 ThÓ NhuÈm,<br />

Q. Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi<br />

Tel: 04 3936 8349<br />

Fax: 04 3936 8350<br />

V°N PHíNG TP.HCM<br />

HCMC Office<br />

T«ng 3, 144 V‚ V®n T«n,<br />

P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM<br />

Tel: 08 3930 9641<br />

Fax: 08 3930 9642<br />

Website: www.vntravellive.com<br />

Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 04/GP-xBßS<br />

In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng <strong>05</strong> n®m <strong>2017</strong> - In tπi c´ng ty TNHH<br />

MTV In vµ th≠¨ng mπi TTxVN<br />


Creative Producer: CAC TRUC<br />

Photographer: KY ANH TRAN<br />

Model: MINH TRIEU<br />

Stylist: PONG CHUAN<br />


Lighting Assistant: TAN PHAT<br />

Fashion: CONG TRI, LAM GIA<br />



Location: LE VERANDA RESORT<br />




for online subscription, please visit: http://vntravellive.com/bookmagazine/<br />

6<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


H•N 1000 ßIÕM ßñC MIŸN PHê<br />

TR£N TOÄN QUˇC<br />

(The list will be upDated and developed each month)<br />

(Danh s∏ch lin tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c thm hµng th∏ng)<br />

HANOI<br />

CAF–S & BARS (66)<br />

µ6 Degrees Cafe & Lounge<br />

µChurch Boutique<br />

µClub Opera<br />

µCoffee Bike<br />

µCong Cafä (18)<br />

µCora Cafä<br />

µHelio Cafä (4)<br />

µHighland Coffee (15)<br />

µFoutain Cafä<br />

µGardenista<br />

µJoma Bakery Cafä<br />

µLissom Parlour<br />

µL’Harmony<br />

µManzi<br />

µMoca<br />

µParis Deli (2)<br />

µPu Ku<br />

µRunam<br />

µRunam Bistro<br />

µTay Tap Bar<br />

µThe Coffee Bean & Tea<br />

Leaf Vietnam (2)<br />

µVpresso (6)<br />

RESTAURANTS (34)<br />

µDon’s Tay Ho Bistro<br />

µHome Restaurant<br />

µLy Club Restaurant<br />

µNgon Villa<br />

µMyWay Cafe &<br />

Restaurant (5)<br />

µNha hang ße Nhat (2)<br />

µNha 9NKC<br />

µPho 24 (6)<br />

µQuan Ngon (4)<br />

µRooftop<br />

µSawasdee Restaurant<br />

µPho Bien (4)<br />

µThai Village Restaurant<br />

µSwing Lounge<br />

µTop Chef Restaurant<br />

& Bar<br />

µToViet Cellar<br />

µTrong ßong Son<br />

Restaurant<br />

µViet Deli<br />

SPAS (6)<br />

µHong Ngoc Center<br />

µSpa Aquamarine<br />

µThu Cuc Spa (2)<br />

µLa Casa Spa<br />

µZen Spa<br />

AIRLINES (2)<br />

µNoi Bai International<br />

Airport (Business<br />

Lounges)<br />

µTurkish Airlines (The<br />

Best European Airline-<br />

Bussiness Class)<br />

CRUISES (4)<br />

µEmeraude Classic<br />

Cruises<br />

µPelican Luxury & Image<br />

Halong Cruises<br />

µParadise Luxury (2)<br />


µAsian Travelmate<br />

µTourist Information<br />

Center (TIC)<br />

µVietnam Tourism<br />

Association<br />

OTHERS (24)<br />

µBMW Showroom<br />

µFord Showrooms (8)<br />

µHong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch<br />

µIpanima Showroom (2)<br />

µLounge of Vinhome Time City &<br />

Vinhome Royal City<br />

µNest AIA<br />

µNshape Fitness (3)<br />

µPeugeout Scooteis<br />

µTan My Design<br />

µTechcombank Lounge<br />

µTimes Square<br />

µToong Working Space (2)<br />

µVan Tri Golf<br />

HCMC<br />

CAF– (104)<br />

µCafä EON - EON 51<br />

µCiao Coffee (3)<br />

µCong Cafä (4)<br />

µDeciBel Lounge<br />

µGloria Jean’s Coffee (2)<br />

µGoody<br />

µHighland Coffee (36)<br />

µInbox<br />

µKlasik Coffee Roasters<br />

µLa Cafeteria de<br />

L’usine (3)<br />

µLa Fenetre Soleil<br />

µLa Toronde Cafe<br />

µLe Saigonais<br />

µMOF Japanese Sweets &<br />

Coffee (6)<br />

µNYDC (5)<br />

µRunam Bistro (3)<br />

µThinker & Dreamer Coffee<br />

µTerrace Cafä (5)<br />

µThe Coffee Bean & Tea<br />

Leaf Viet Nam (14)<br />

µThe Coffee House(13)<br />

µThe Workshop Cafe<br />

µFly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream<br />

CLUBS (2)<br />

µClub Royale<br />

µInternational Tourist<br />

Club<br />

RESTAURANTS (34)<br />

µBon Bon Restaurant<br />

µDi Mai Restaurant<br />

µGao Restaurant<br />

µJaspas restaurant<br />

µKhanh Casa<br />

µPho 24 (19)<br />

µsanfulou Restaurant<br />

µShri Restaurant &<br />

Lounge<br />

µsorae Restaurant<br />

µWrap & Roll<br />

Restaurant (2)<br />

SPAS (12)<br />

µAnam QT Spa<br />

µAuthentic Spa<br />

µL’Apothiquaire Spa (3)<br />

µLotus Spa<br />

µSen Spa<br />

µSian Skincare<br />

Laser Clinic<br />

µThann Sanctuary<br />

Day Spa<br />

µThe Spa Saigon Pearl<br />

TçM ßñC PHI£N BÅN ßIåN T^ TÑI<br />

F o r d i g i t a l p u b l i c a t i o n , p l e a s e v i s i t :<br />

<br />


Melia Hanoi<br />

µTropic Spa<br />

µZennova Spa Cay Diep<br />

AIRLINES (2)<br />

µTan Son Nhat<br />

International Airport (Business<br />

Lounges)<br />

µTurkish Airlines (The<br />

Best European Airline-<br />

Bussiness Class)<br />

CONSULATE (1)<br />

µUK Trade & Investment<br />

OTHERS (17)<br />

µCitimart<br />

µFord Showrooms (11)<br />

µFahasha<br />

µInternational SOS Clinics<br />

Viet Nam<br />

µIpaNima Showroom (2)<br />

µPhuong Nam<br />

µFit 24 Fitness<br />

µAmerica Eye Center<br />


CAF– (10)<br />

µHighland Coffee Parkson<br />

Hai Phong (2)<br />

µHighland Coffee Parkson<br />

µMegastar Hai Phong<br />

µHighland Coffee Megastar<br />

Bien Hoa<br />

µHighland Coffee Big C,<br />

Da Nang<br />

µHighland Coffee Indochina,<br />

Da Nang<br />

µHighland Coffee Megastar<br />

Vinh Trung, Da Nang<br />

µRunam Bistro, Da Nang<br />

RESTAURANT (2)<br />

µPho 24 - Nha Trang<br />

µEnjoy - Quang Nam<br />

AIRLINES (4)<br />

µCam Ranh Airport(Business<br />

Lounge)<br />

µCan Tho Airport (Business<br />

Lounge)<br />

µDanang International Airport<br />

(Business Lounge)<br />

µLien Khuong Airport<br />

(Business Lounge)<br />

CRUISES (7)<br />

µAphrodite Cruise (1)<br />

µParaside Luxury (4)<br />

µParadise Previlege (2)<br />

µParadise Peak (1)<br />

µParadise Cruise<br />

µStarlight Cruise<br />

µOriental Sail<br />

µCalypso Cruise<br />


µIn cooperation with Vietnam<br />

Airlines, Travellive copies are<br />

available at business lounges<br />

of six international airports in<br />

Vietnam, including Noi Bai,<br />

Tan Son Nhat, Lien Khuong,<br />

Cam Ranh, Da Nang and<br />

Can Tho<br />

µIn cooperation with Turkish<br />

Airlines (The Best European<br />

Airlines). Every business<br />

traveller on flight by Turkish<br />

Airlines to Vietnam is<br />

provided with a Travellive<br />

publication for free.<br />

µ180 Travel Agents,<br />

(belonging to Vietnam<br />

Tourism Association) in<br />

Vietnam<br />

µIssued by National<br />

Newspapers Distribution<br />

Company, Fahasa Book<br />

Distribution Corporation,<br />

Phuong Nam bookshop<br />

system, Citimart<br />

supermarkets (HCMC)...<br />

Runam Cafe<br />

Sofitel<br />

Legend<br />

Metropole<br />

Enjoy a 3-Day/2-Night Stay in a Superior room<br />

From VND 5,450,000++<br />

For two adults and two children under 12 years old sharing existing bedding<br />

This Package Includes:<br />

Daily deluxe buffet breakfast<br />

Welcome drink and cold towel upon arrival<br />

One dinner set menu and one barbecue<br />

set menu on weekdays, or barbecue buffet<br />

on Saturday night<br />

Complimentary F&B voucher valued at VND 500,000<br />

Complimentary Spa voucher valued at VND 100,000<br />

Round-trip transfer from Ho Chi Minh City to<br />

Phan Thiet by open bus<br />

20% discount on best available rates for an<br />

additional night stay<br />

Reservations: (062) 3849 849 or rsvn@pandanusresort.com<br />

Prices are subject to 5% service charge and 10% VAT.<br />

Surcharge for Friday & Saturday nights<br />

Valid from 01 Apr to 31 Oct <strong>2017</strong>,<br />

excluding : 30 April, 01 May & 02 Sep<br />

Tranfer services are not applicable for children<br />

300 KhÉch sÑn, ResoRT hÄnG ß¡u viåT nam<br />

The leading hotels and resorts in Vietnam<br />

Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi<br />

For more details, please follow the link below<br />

www.vntravellive.com/news/kenh-phat-hanh-8392.html<br />

Quarter 5, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan, Vietnam<br />

www.pandanusresort.com<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />



The month of May introduces<br />

scorching hot summer days,<br />

meaning that it’s time to leave<br />

the familiar and seek relief from<br />

the uncomfortable heat. Cool<br />

breezes and the promise of<br />

exploration and adventure in new<br />

destinations can offer a renewed<br />

source of energy.<br />

Th∏ng 5, khi mÔa hà ph∂ h¨i n„ng sau g∏y, ch›nh lµ lÛc bπn b≠Ìc ra kh·i th’<br />

giÌi quen thuÈc cÒa m◊nh, Æi v“ ph›a c„ nh˜ng c¨n gi„ m∏t lµnh. MÈt nguÂn<br />

n®ng l≠Óng mÌi sœ Æ≠Óc tπo trong bπn tı c∂m h¯ng chinh phÙc vµ kh∏m ph∏<br />

nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n mÌi lπ Î Æ©u Æ„.<br />

Tπp ch› k˙ nµy c„ mÈt c©u chuy÷n Æ∆c bi÷t. ß„ lµ bµi vi’t v“ ng‰n th∏c Hang<br />

–n, T©y Nguyn. êt ai bi’t rªng, t∏c gi∂ Æ∑ †p Ò d˘ Æfinh chinh phÙc ng‰n<br />

th∏c nµy tı nˆa n®m tr≠Ìc. ChÛng t´i Æ∑ "Ɖc" th†y c∂m xÛc h∏o h¯c Æ„<br />

qua nh˜ng dflng chia sŒ ngæn ngÒi nh≠ng Æ«y ph†n kh›ch trn mπng x∑ hÈi<br />

Facebook. ß” rÂi nˆa n®m sau, khi Æi“u ki÷n thuÀn lÓi, con ng≠Íi th›ch "x<br />

dfich" nµy Æ∑ cÔng nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn "kh®n g„i" t◊m vµo tÀn rıng s©u, nÛi<br />

thºm. Chÿ c„ th” lµ Æam m mÌi l˝ gi∂i Æ≠Óc s˘ Æ∏nh ÆÊi bªng chuy’n Æi Æ«y<br />

gian nan, thˆ th∏ch.<br />

ChÛng t´i tin rªng, mÁi ng≠Íi Æ“u †p Ò cho ring m◊nh mÈt k’ hoπch kh∏m<br />

ph∏ Æ«y c∂m h¯ng nh≠ th’ trong mÔa hà nµy. S˘ kh∏c bi÷t c„ ch®ng chÿ lµ<br />

bπn c„ ÆÒ quy’t t©m, Æ∆t xuËng nh˜ng lo toan - x∏ch balo ln Æ≠Íng. H∑y<br />

th˘c hi÷n ≠Ìc m¨ cÒa m◊nh thay v◊ chÿ ln k’ hoπch.<br />

ChÛc qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂ mÈt th∏ng 5 rÈn r∑ vµ giµu c∂m xÛc khi c¨n gi„ mÔa hà bæt<br />

Æ«u thÊi tı sau l≠ng.<br />

Ban Bin TÀp<br />

QU≥ ßóC GIÅ TH¢N M⁄N!<br />

In this issue, Travellive will take<br />

you to Hang En, one of the most<br />

magnificent and difficult-toaccess<br />

waterfalls in the Central<br />

Highlands. The author of this<br />

article began developing his<br />

ambition to conquer the waterfall<br />

when he read an exciting post<br />

shared on Facebook. Within six<br />

months he and his friends were<br />

on their way to explore Hang En's<br />

deep forests and high mountains.<br />

The difficulties involved in a<br />

journey like this can only be<br />

handled through perseverance<br />

and the constant pursuit of<br />

adventure.<br />

Each individual has their own idea<br />

of a perfect summer excursion.<br />

The deciding factor is whether<br />

you have enough determination<br />

to ignore your doubts and fears<br />

of the unknown. Don't just<br />

make plans, go out and chase<br />

adventure!<br />

We hope that your travel plans<br />

offer you energy, entertainment<br />

and an escape from May's<br />

exhausting summer heat.<br />

Editorial Board<br />

10<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />




TP.HCM<br />

PHI£U TRñN<br />


CuÈc sËng Æ«y thi v nµy Æ≠Óc v› von nh≠ nh˜ng ly cocktail<br />

nhi“u mÔi h≠¨ng vµ kh∏ch sπn Renaissance Riverside Sµi<br />

Gn sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m kh„ qun.<br />

H∑y bæt Æ«u cuÈc hµnh tr◊nh Æ«y h¯ng khÎi nµy tπi Rbar vÌi r†t<br />

nhi“u m„n cocktail ngon tuy÷t mang h≠¨ng v cÒa nhi“u thµnh<br />

phË du lch nÊi ti’ng Æ≠Óc pha ch’ bÎi ÆÈi ngÚ nh©n vin chuyn<br />

nghi÷p. Tan ch∂y trong v cocktail Æ∆c tr≠ng qua c∏c nguyn li÷u<br />

pha ch’, bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c nh≠ m◊nh Æ≠Óc Æ’n ch›nh n¨i †y. VÌi<br />

gi∏ 170.000VNß/m„n cocktail, th˘c ƨn cocktail tπi Rbar lu´n<br />

Æ≠Óc thay ÆÊi hµng th∏ng nhªm mang Æ’n s˘ phong phÛ vµ c¨ hÈi<br />

th≠Îng th¯c Æa dπng h¨n.<br />


*8 - 15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3822 0033)<br />

BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


TP.HCM<br />

¬M TH#C HU⁄<br />


HOUSE<br />

VÌi mÙc Æ›ch giÌi thi÷u v®n Hu’ Æ’n g«n vÌi m‰i ng≠Íi,<br />

The Hu’ House Æ≠Óc m´ ph·ng nh≠ 01 ng´i nhµ v≠Ín<br />

Hu’ cÊ k›nh sœ h†p d…n du kh∏ch bªng c∏c m„n ®n truy“n<br />

thËng b◊nh d, tı c¨m h’n, b∏nh bÃo, bÈt l‰c, b∏nh nÀm, bÛn b,<br />

bÛn tht n≠Ìng... Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Hu’ Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n nÊi ti’ng<br />

kh∏c cÒa Vi÷t Nam nh≠ cao l«u HÈi An, m◊ Qu∂ng, b l∏ lËt, ch∂<br />

gi, b∏nh ÆÀp, nem n≠Ìng... ß’n vÌi The Hu’ House, th˘c kh∏ch<br />

kh´ng chÿ hi”u thm ph«n nµo v“ v®n h„a Hu’ qua »m th˘c vµ<br />

nät ki’n trÛc Æ∆c tr≠ng x¯ Hu’ cÒa nhµ hµng mµ cn Æ≠Óc ngæm<br />

nh◊n khung c∂nh Sµi Gn tı trn cao.<br />


CUISINE *T«ng th≠Óng Ta nhµ Master Building, 41 - 43 Tr«n Cao V©n,<br />

P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM *Tel: 0909 246 156)<br />

Xua tan ngµy hà n„ng n˘c tπi Eastin Grand Hotel Saigon<br />

MÁi ngµy tı 6h s∏ng Æ’n 9h tËi, tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c s∂ng kho∏i khi Ææm ch◊m trong lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh tπi h b¨i ngoµi trÍi vµ sˆ dÙng<br />

phng gym tπi t«ng 3 kh∏ch sπn Eastin Grand, th≠Îng th¯c mÈt ly n≠Ìc uËng th¨m m∏t. Kh∏ch Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n sinh tË/mocktail ho∆c bia vÌi<br />

gi∏ chÿ tı 250.000VNß/ng≠Íi, trŒ em gi∂m gi∏ 50%.<br />

(EASTIN GRAND HOTEL SAIGON *253 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, P.10, Q. PhÛ NhuÀn, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3844 9222<br />

*Website: www.eastingrandsaigon.com)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

12<br />


• <br />

<br />

• <br />

• <br />

• <br />

• <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 13

BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


HCMC<br />



Intended to introduce Hue's culture to the public, The Hue House is styled as an old Hue garden house serving simple traditional<br />

Hue dishes. These dishes include com hen (rice with clams), banh beo (steamed fern-shape cake), bot loc (Tapioca starch with<br />

shrimp), banh nam (steamed rice pancakes with shrimp), bun bo (beef noodles), and bun thit nuong (grilled pork noodles). Other<br />

Vietnamese dishes from outside of Hue include cao lau Hoi An (Hoi An Vermicelli), mi Quang (Quang noodles), bo la lot (grilled beef<br />

and betel leaf), cha gio (spring rolls), banh dap, and nem nuong (grilled meat rolls). Visitors to The Hu’ House will be able to learn<br />

more about Hue's culture, cuisine and architecture, and enjoy scenery from Sai Gon.<br />

(THE HU⁄ HOUSE - AUTHENTIC VIETNAMESE HU⁄ CUISINE *The Master Building's Top Floor,<br />

41-43 Tran Cao Van, P.6, Q.3, HCMC *Tel: 0909 246 156)<br />

HCMC<br />



Come and join us in the Rbar to see<br />

our mixologists create memorable<br />

Renaissance's quintessential cocktail<br />

experience. Let the city unfold around your taste<br />

buds as you sip out its spices and aromas.<br />

Signature cocktails are VND 170,000, featured on<br />

a menu that changes monthly.<br />


*8-15 Ton Duc Thang, District 1, HCMC<br />

*Tel: 08 3822 0033)<br />

HCMC<br />

Blow away the heat of summer at Eastin Grand Hotel Saigon<br />

Enjoy a feeling of refreshment every day from 6am to 9pm working out at the gym or sinking under the clear blue water of the<br />

outdoor swimming pool at Eastin Grand's third floor. Guests can also order smoothies, mocktails or beer starting at VND50,000/<br />

person, with a 50% discount for kids.<br />

(EASTIN GRAND HOTEL SAIGON *253 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC<br />

*Tel: 08 3844 9222 *Website: www.eastingrandsaigon.com)<br />

14<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


HÄ NóI<br />

TH#C ß•N MùA Há MõI<br />

TÑI DON'S T¢Y H¤<br />

BÈ th˘c ƨn mÔa hà mÌi ngæn g‰n tÀp trung chÒ y’u vµo nh˜ng Æ∆c s∂n tinh t’ cÒa Canada vµ Vi÷t Nam. CÔng vÌi<br />

th˘c ƨn ch‰n m„n, Don's T©y H cn c„ th˘c ƨn ring cho nh˜ng m„n ®n nhanh, kinh t’ h¨n dµnh cho kh∏ch tπi<br />

qu«y bar mÎ Oyster Bar vÌi nhi“u l˘a ch‰n h†p d…n. Khu v˘c Bar t«ng 1 vµ khu ban c´ng sœ Æ≠Óc bË tr› thµnh kh´ng<br />

gian mÎ vÌi t«m nh◊n tho∏ng h¨n. ß∆c bi÷t, cuËi tu«n c„ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n mπi cho m„n hµu Chef's Creek Canada chÿ<br />

60.000VNß++/con. Ngoµi ra th˘c ƨn dµnh cho Æ mang Æi/mang Æ’n nhµ kh∏ch - delivery menu h†p d…n h¨n vÌi gi∏ net<br />

gi∂m tÌi 15% vµ mi‘n ph› ph› giao Æ trong vng 5km. VÌi k˝ hi÷u Î cuËi tn mÁi m„n ®n nn kh∏ch hµng chÿ c«n Ɖc m∑ sË<br />

cÒa m„n ®n khi muËn Æ∆t m„n.<br />

(DON'S BISTRO *16 Qu∂ng An, T©y HÂ, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3719 3719 *Website: www.dons-bistro.com)<br />

ßÄ NøNG<br />

ßπi ti÷c<br />

ph∏o hoa tπi<br />

top view bar<br />

Bπn Æang t◊m mÈt Æa<br />

Æi”m l› t≠Îng Æ” xem<br />

ph∏o hoa trong dp L‘<br />

HÈi ph∏o hoa quËc t’<br />

sæp tÌi? Tπi Top View<br />

Bar vÌi h≠Ìng nh◊n<br />

tr˘c di÷n C«u RÂng<br />

& bao qu∏t t«m cao<br />

thµnh phË, ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh ßπi Ti÷c ph∏o<br />

hoa sœ Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c<br />

vµo c∏c ngµy di‘n ra<br />

l‘ hÈi ph∏o hoa (20<br />

& 27/5, 03 & 24/6),<br />

nhªm mang Æ’n cho<br />

du kh∏ch mÈt Æi”m<br />

ngæm ph∏o hoa an<br />

toµn, ÆÈc Æ∏o tı trn<br />

cao. TÌi Æ©y, chÿ vÌi<br />

500.000VNß/ng≠Íi lÌn<br />

ho∆c 300.000VNß/trŒ<br />

em, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

th≠Îng th¯c mi‘n ph›<br />

Firework Cocktail,<br />

th≠Îng th¯c set menu<br />

É, ¢u th≠Óng hπng,<br />

ha m◊nh cÔng ban<br />

nhπc Flamenco s´i<br />

ÆÈng vµ Æ∆c bi÷t, xem<br />

tr˘c ti’p mµn tr◊nh<br />

di‘n ph∏o hoa tı t«m<br />

cao cÒa Top View Bar.<br />

(TOP VIEW BAR -<br />


ßÄ NøNG *03 Nguy‘n<br />

V®n Linh, ßµ NΩng *Tel:<br />

0236 3525 969 *Email:<br />

sales@vandahotel.vn)<br />

TP.HCM<br />



Ha trong kh´ng gian sang tr‰ng, hi÷n Æπi cÒa nhµ hµng The Central<br />

- kh∏ch sπn Liberty Central Saigon Citypoint lµ ti÷c buffet vÌi s˘<br />

hÈi tÙ cÒa h¨n 100 m„n ®n tinh t’ tı c∏c n“n »m th˘c tr¯ danh<br />

trn khæp th’ giÌi. Th˘c kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi kh∏m ph∏ vµ tÔy ch‰n c∏c m„n<br />

®n hÓp kh»u v tı m„n Vi÷t truy“n thËng, m„n ¢u, m„n É cÔng c∏c m„n<br />

h∂i s∂n t≠¨i trong buffet tr≠a, tËi mÁi ngµy ho∆c buffet cuËi tu«n. Th˘c<br />

kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” ch‰n cho m◊nh kh´ng gian ngoµi trÍi læng nghe nhp<br />

sËng thµnh phË ho∆c mÈt kh´ng gian ring t≠ cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh. Ti÷c buffet<br />

tπi nhµ hµng The Central kh´ng chÿ lµ »m th˘c, mµ cn lµ mÈt c∏ch Æ” tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m h≠¨ng v Æa dπng cÒa cuÈc sËng. Th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” l˘a ch‰n buffet<br />

tr≠a gi∏ 299.000VNß++ (Th¯ 2 - Th¯ 6), buffet tËi c∏c ngµy trong tu«n gi∏<br />

450.000VNß++ (Th¯ 2 - Th¯ 5) ho∆c ßm h∂i s∂n vµo cuËi tu«n vÌi m¯c<br />

gi∏ 599.000VNß++ (th¯ 6 - ChÒ NhÀt).<br />


Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3822 5678 *Website: www.odysseahotels.com)<br />

16<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


HCMC<br />



The Central Saigon Citypoint Hotel's modern and luxurious Central Restaurant contains a party buffet serving more than 100 fine<br />

dishes from all over the world. Customers can discover and choose dishes suited their tastes, from traditional Vietnamese food<br />

to European-Asian fusion seafood dishes. The buffet is available for lunch, dinner or weekend buffets. Customers can sit outdoors<br />

and observe the city, or in a private space. The Central Restaurant's buffet offers not only cuisine, but also an introduction to diverse<br />

ways of life. The lunch buffet is offered for VND299,000++ (Moday - Friday), the weekday dinner buffet is VND450,000++ (Monday -<br />

Thursday), and the weekend seafood nights costs VND599,000++ (Friday - Sunday).<br />


*Tel: 08 3822 5678 *Website: www.odysseahotels.com)<br />

DA NANG<br />

Great Fireworks<br />

Party at Top View<br />

Bar<br />

The Great Fireworks Party will<br />

be held during the fireworks<br />

festival days (May 20 th & 27 th<br />

and June 3 rd & 24 th ). Are you<br />

looking for an ideal place to<br />

watch the festival? Top View<br />

Bar's direct view of the Rong<br />

Bridge and the city skyline is a<br />

perfect environment. The bar<br />

offers a unique and safe place to<br />

watch, for only VND500,000/<br />

adult or VND300,000/child.<br />

This price includes a Firework<br />

Cocktail and premium Asian<br />

and European food menu sets.<br />

During the evenings, guests<br />

can enjoy a vibrant Flamenco<br />

band and, of course, watch the<br />

fireworks performance.<br />


VANDA HOTEL *03 Nguyen Van<br />

Linh, Da Nang *Tel: 0236 3525 969<br />

*Email: sales@vandahotel.vn)<br />

HANOI<br />


DON'S TAY HO<br />

Don's Tay Ho has introduced a new summer menu focusing<br />

on fine cuisine from Canada and Viet Nam. Along with an<br />

A La Carte Menu, Don's Tay Ho also has a separate Bar<br />

Tapas menu of fast, simple, economical dishes for guests at the<br />

open Oyster Bar. The first floor bar and balcony provide an open<br />

space and a broad view. There are weekend promotions for the<br />

Canada chef's creek oysters, sold for only VND60.000++/unit. The<br />

restaurant is now also offering a new take-away/delivery menu. They<br />

will deliver for free within 5 kilometers and take 15% off of the net<br />

price. Customers will find it convenient to order each dish with the<br />

codes listed on the menu.<br />

(DON'S BISTRO *16 Quang An, Tay Ho, Ha Noi *Tel: 04 3719 3719<br />

*Website: www.dons-bistro.com)<br />

18<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


TP.HCM<br />


¬M TH#C<br />

ßóC ßÉO TÑI THE<br />


Nhµ hµng t«ng th≠Óng The Bookmark Saigon,<br />

thuÈc kh∏ch sπn The Alcove Library vÌi t«m<br />

nh◊n tuy÷t vÍi toµn thµnh phË lu´n lµ Æa chÿ<br />

yu th›ch cÒa nhi“u du kh∏ch, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ ng≠Íi n≠Ìc<br />

ngoµi. The Bookmark Saigon nÊi ti’ng vÌi b˜a s∏ng tÿ mÿ<br />

do ch›nh tay c∏c Æ«u b’p tπi nhµ hµng chu»n b tı c∏c<br />

nguyn li÷u theo mÔa, Æi”n h◊nh nh≠ m„n phÎ vÌi n≠Ìc<br />

dÔng Æ≠Óc h«m tı x≠¨ng vµ hoµn toµn kh´ng dÔng bÈt<br />

ng‰t, do Æ„ Æ∂m b∂o Æ≠Óc y’u tË dinh d≠Ïng. Bn cπnh<br />

nh˜ng m„n ®n thu«n Vi÷t truy“n thËng, nhµ hµng cn c„<br />

nhi“u l˘a ch‰n kh∏c dµnh cho th˘c kh∏ch. H∑y Æ’n vÌi<br />

the Bookmark Saigon Æ” c„ Æ≠Óc b˜a ®n ngon mi÷ng,<br />

kh´ng gian †m cÛng, g„c nh◊n tı s©n th≠Óng Æãp mæt vµ<br />

©m nhπc m du, t†t c∂ sœ khi’n bπn c∂m th†y th≠ gi∑n,<br />

d≠Íng nh≠ m‰i th¯ Æ“u chÀm lπi vµ c∏ch bi÷t kh·i s˘ Ân<br />

µo, n∏o nhi÷t vµ ch„ng v∏nh cÒa Sµi Gn.<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />



ß◊nh Ch›nh, P.8, Q. PhÛ NhuÀn, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 6256 9966<br />

*Email: alcove@alcovehotel.com.vn)<br />


MÔa hà ngÀp<br />

næng tπi Nha<br />

Trang<br />

Sheraton Nha Trang<br />

sœ lµ Æi”m Æ’n l˝ t≠Îng<br />

cho k˙ nghÿ gia Æ◊nh<br />

trong hà nµy. TÀn<br />

h≠Îng k˙ nghÿ tuy÷t<br />

vÍi tπi Æ©y vÌi m¯c<br />

gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i c„ bao gÂm<br />

®n s∏ng cho mÔa hÃ<br />

n®m nay cho c∂ gia<br />

Æ◊nh. VÌi gi∏ chÿ tı<br />

2.900.000VNß++/<br />

phng/Æm, bπn sœ c„<br />

1 Æm nghÿ tπi phng<br />

h≠Ìng bi”n Deluxe<br />

Ocean View, buffet<br />

s∏ng hµng ngµy cho c∂<br />

gia Æ◊nh (2 ng≠Íi lÌn<br />

vµ 2 trŒ em d≠Ìi 12<br />

tuÊi), mi‘n ph› vui ch¨i<br />

tπi Sunny Bees, gi∂m<br />

gi∏ 15% khi sˆ dÙng<br />

dch vÙ ®n uËng tπi c∏c<br />

nhµ hµng vµ qu«y bar.<br />

Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng<br />

tı nay Æ’n 30/6/<strong>2017</strong><br />

(kh´ng ∏p dÙng cho c∏c<br />

ngµy l‘).<br />



SPA *26 - 28 Tr«n<br />

PhÛ, Nha Trang *Tel:<br />

<strong>05</strong>8 388 0000 *Email:<br />

reservations.nhatrang@<br />

sheraton.com)<br />



Há AN NHI£N B£N GIA ßçNH<br />

Chÿ c∏ch Trung t©m Di s∂n PhË cÊ HÈi An 5 phÛt l∏i xe, Palm Garden<br />

Resort h†p d…n du kh∏ch bÎi nh˜ng Æi“u r†t b◊nh d tı ao c∏, chum<br />

n≠Ìc, chi’c c«u nh· nËi Æ´i bÍ hay nh˜ng vπt xanh m≠Ìt cÒa hµng<br />

tr®m loπi c©y phÒ b„ng vµ khoe sæc bn b∑i bi”n Cˆa ßπi, k’t hÓp vÌi ki’n trÛc<br />

m´ ph·ng phË cÊ HÈi An. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh tr‰n g„i mÔa hà cho gia Æ◊nh chÿ vÌi<br />

5.999.000VNß++/phng, bπn sœ c„ 2 Æm nghÿ gÂm ®n s∏ng, 1 b˜a tr≠a ho∆c<br />

tËi, Æ„n ti‘n s©n bay, x´ng h¨i, b∑i bi”n ring, gi∂m 50% massage toµn th©n. TrŒ<br />

em Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c kem m∏t lπnh mÁi ngµy vµ tham gia c∏c hoπt ÆÈng thÛ v<br />

nh≠ tr≠Ót s„ng vÌi v∏n nªm, cho c∏ ®n, c©u c∏...<br />

(PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA *Lπc Long Qu©n, bi”n Cˆa ßπi,<br />

HÈi An, Qu∂ng Nam *Tel: 0235 3927 927 *Email: info@pgr.com.vn<br />

*Website: www.palmgardenresort.com.vn)<br />

20<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />




Just a five minute drive from center of Hoi An, the Palm Garden Resort attracts tourists with a pond, a water<br />

jar, a small bridge and plenty of bright green trees along the Cua Dai beach. The family summer package is only<br />

VND5,999,000++/room and includes a two night stay, breakfast, one lunch or dinner, airport pickup and drop-off<br />

services, sauna access, private beach access and a 50% discount full body massage. Children can enjoy ice cream all day<br />

and participate in fun activities such as boogie boarding, feeding the fish, and fishing.<br />

(PALM GARDEN BEACH RESORT & SPA *Lac Long Quan, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An, Quang Nam *Tel: 0235 3927 927<br />

*Email: info@pgr.com.vn *Website: www.palmgardenresort.com.vn)<br />


Bright summers<br />

at Nha Trang<br />

The Sheraton Nha<br />

Trang is an ideal summer<br />

destination for families.<br />

For VND2,900,000++/<br />

room, you will get a one<br />

night stay in a room with<br />

a deluxe ocean view,<br />

breakfast buffet for two<br />

adults and two children<br />

(under 12), entrance to<br />

Sunny Bees, and a 15%<br />

discount on food service<br />

at restaurants and bars.<br />

This promotion lasts from<br />

now to June 30 th , <strong>2017</strong><br />

(not applicable during the<br />

national holiday).<br />



SPA *26-28 Tran Phu,<br />

Nha Trang *Tel: <strong>05</strong>8<br />

388 0000 *Email:<br />

reservations.nhatrang@<br />

sheraton.com)<br />

HCMC<br />




The Bookmark Saigon at the top of the Alcove Library<br />

Hotel is a favorite destination for many tourists,<br />

especially visiting internationally. It is famous for its<br />

city view and great breakfasts, which are carefully prepared<br />

by chefs using fresh, seasonal materials. Pho soup is flavored<br />

by simmering pork bones in water no other seasonings are<br />

needed. The restaurant also offers a range of food in addition<br />

to its traditional Vietnamese dishes. Visit Bookmark Saigon<br />

to eat good meals in a cozy place with a great view. Enjoy the<br />

slow pace of the life seperated from the speed and noise of<br />

the city.<br />


OF THE ALCOVE LIBRARY *133A Nguyen Dinh Chinh, 8<br />

Ward, Phu Nhuan district *Tel: 08 6256 9966 *Email: alcove@<br />

alcovehotel.com.vn)<br />

22<br />




ß∂m nhÀn ch¯c vÙ TÊng Qu∂n L˝ (General Manager) mÈt resort khi cn<br />

r†t trŒ, Nguy‘n Th Lan Ph≠¨ng (1993) Æem Æ’n c©u chuy÷n †n t≠Óng v“<br />

hµnh tr◊nh cÒa v n˜ doanh nh©n trŒ trong l‹nh v˘c du lch kh∏ch sπn.<br />

Xin chµo ch Nguy‘n Th Lan Ph≠¨ng,<br />

c∏m ¨n ch Æ∑ dµnh thÍi gian cho buÊi<br />

ph·ng v†n. Ch c„ th” chia sŒ c¨ duyn<br />

nµo khi’n ch gæn b„ vÌi l‹nh v˘c du<br />

lch kh∏ch sπn khi cn r†t trŒ?<br />

Gia Æ◊nh t´i khÎi c´ng x©y d˘ng Famiana<br />

Resort tπi PhÛ QuËc tı lÛc c¨ sÎ hπ t«ng<br />

tπi Æ©y cn r†t hπn ch’, lÛc bË mã Æ“<br />

ngh t´i v“ giÛp ÆÏ qu∂n l˝, t´i r†t bÏ ngÏ<br />

nh≠ng cÚng cË gæng v◊ bi’t Æ©y lµ m h´i<br />

n≠Ìc mæt cÒa bË mã m◊nh sau bao nhiu<br />

n®m lao ÆÈng v†t v∂. C´ng vi÷c ch›nh cÒa<br />

t´i lµ d…n Æ≠Íng cho m‰i ng≠Íi lµm vi÷c<br />

theo quy chu»n vµ vπch ra Æ≠Íng lËi.<br />

Nh˜ng thuÀn lÓi vµ kh„ kh®n khi Æi“u<br />

hµnh c∂ mÈt resort 4 sao Î PhÛ QuËc?<br />

T´i r†t th›ch m´i tr≠Íng vµ con ng≠Íi Î<br />

PhÛ QuËc. R†t nhi“u ˝ t≠Îng vµ c¨ hÈi<br />

cho mÈt doanh nh©n trŒ. Tuy nhin, r†t<br />

kh„ tuy”n Æ≠¨c nh©n s˘ v◊ PhÛ QuËc v…n<br />

cn thi’u chÁ gi∂i tr›, tr≠Íng h‰c, mua<br />

sæm; c¨ sÎ vÀt ch†t cn hπn ch’; nhµ cung<br />

c†p nguyn vÀt li÷u cho kh∏ch sπn, resort<br />

th≠Íng Î xa...<br />

Ch sæp x’p c´ng vi÷c nh≠ th’ nµo<br />

Æ” c„ th” c©n bªng cuÈc sËng vµ<br />

c´ng vi÷c?<br />

Trong c´ng vi÷c, t´i may mæn c„ ÆÈi ngÚ<br />

nh©n vin tÀn t©m, tinh th«n tr∏ch nhi÷m<br />

cao. Kh∏ch du lch nghÿ d≠Ïng tπi Famiana<br />

khen nhi“u nh†t lµ nh©n vin th©n thi÷n,<br />

nhi÷t t◊nh vµ d‘ m’n. VÌi t´i, Æ©y lµ nh˜ng<br />

Æi“u quan tr‰ng nh†t. Bn cπnh c´ng vi÷c<br />

qu∂n l˝ kh∏ch sπn, t´i Æ®ng k˝ nh˜ng kh„a<br />

h‰c m◊nh th›ch nh≠ vœ, photoshop,... ß´i<br />

khi chÿ ƨn gi∂n lµ Ɖc s∏ch, l∏i xe, tr<br />

chuy÷n cÔng bπn bà cÚng lµ c∏ch t´i dµnh<br />

thÍi gian cho m◊nh.<br />

Ch c„ nh˜ng ch›nh s∏ch g◊ Æ” thu<br />

hÛt du kh∏ch, Æπt Æ≠Óc mÙc tiu kinh<br />

doanh Æ“ ra?<br />

Nhi“u n®m qua resort Æ≠Óc kh∏ch t◊m<br />

Æ’n theo ki”u "h˜u xπ t˘ nhin h≠¨ng".<br />

Nh≠ng c´ng ngh÷ ngµy cµng ph∏t tri”n,<br />

Famiana c«n Æ»y mπnh truy“n th´ng vµ<br />

marketing Æ” nhæc nhÌ th≠¨ng hi÷u vµ<br />

ti’p cÀn g«n h¨n kh∏ch hµng c„ nhu c«u.<br />

Bn cπnh Æ„, Famiana kh´ng ngıng Ƶo<br />

tπo nh©n vin, chÛ tr‰ng dch vÙ, c∂i thi÷n<br />

c¨ sÎ vÀt ch†t Æ” Æ∏p ¯ng kh∏ch hµng<br />

Æ≠Óc tËt nh†t. BÎi Æi“u khi’n kh∏ch hµng<br />

l≠u gi˜ l©u nh†t kh´ng ƨn thu«n lµ c∏c<br />

y’u tË v“ c¨ sÎ vÀt ch†t, mµ ch›nh lµ dch<br />

vÙ t≠¨ng x¯ng.<br />

Famiana Resort c„ nh˜ng kh∏c bi÷t<br />

nµo Æ” cπnh tranh trn th tr≠Íng?<br />

ChÒ tr≠¨ng Famiana kh´ng chπy theo<br />

th tr≠Íng, cπnh tranh v“ gi∏ Æ” rÂi ch†t<br />

l≠Óng dch vÙ b gi∂m. Famiana c„ lÓi th’<br />

thi’t k’ theo bungalow, khu´n vin xanh<br />

g«n gÚi thin nhin, dch vÙ ngµy cµng<br />

Æ≠Óc n©ng cao cho kh∏ch hµng s˘ hµi lng<br />

tuy÷t ÆËi. V◊ Famiana t©m ni÷m "ßi“u<br />

kh∏ch hµng c«n lu´n lµ Æi“u chÛng t´i Æ∏p<br />

¯ng vµ h¨n th’ n˜a".<br />

C∏m ¨n ch Æ∑ dµnh thÍi gian cho buÊi<br />

ph·ng v†n vÌi Travellive.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


TP.HCM<br />




T‰a lπc tπi t«ng tr÷t kh∏ch sπn PARKROYAL Saigon,<br />

Garden Brasserie c„ v tr› kh∏ l˝ t≠Îng, nªm ngay<br />

cπnh h b¨i k’t hÓp nh˜ng b∂n nhπc trŒ trung vµ<br />

sœ tuy÷t h¨n khi ch›nh bπn Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng m„n ®n<br />

h†p d…n mang ÆÀm h≠¨ng v »m th˘c Ch©u ¢u vµ Ch©u É<br />

vÌi th˘c ƨn c˘c k˙ Æa dπng. ß«u tin, bπn h∑y ghä qu«y<br />

sÛp Æ” th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng chän sÛp †m n„ng, th¨m ngon.<br />

Sau Æ„ lµ qu«y salad thanh m∏t vÌi r†t nhi“u loπi kh∏c<br />

nhau. Nµo g·i xoµi, salad Æu ÆÒ... mang h≠¨ng v Ch©u<br />

É; Æ’n salad tht heo, salad t´m theo phong c∏ch Ch©u<br />

¢u nhã nhµng k›ch th›ch v gi∏c... B˜a tr≠a t˘ ch‰n quËc<br />

t’ c„ gi∏ 529.000VNß++/ng≠Íi (tı th¯ 2 - th¯ 6), buffet<br />

tr≠a chÒ nhÀt 599.000VNß++/ng≠Íi, mi‘n ph› sˆ dÙng b”<br />

b¨i. ß∆c bi÷t, chÿ 799.000VNß++/ng≠Íi, bπn sœ c„ c¨ hÈi<br />

th≠Îng th¯c b˜a tËi h∂i s∂n vµ buffet BBQ vÌi cua bi”n,<br />

t´m sÛ, c∏ hÂi, hµu, s Æi÷p, Ƶ Æi“u, tht cıu nhÀp kh»u,<br />

tht b New Zealand...<br />

C¡N TH•<br />

HÄ NóI<br />


PARKROYAL SAIGON *309B - 311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, P.1,<br />

Q. T©n B◊nh, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3842 1111<br />

*Email:dining.prsgn@parkroyalhotels.com)<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />

PH@ QUˇC<br />

Nghÿ d≠Ïng<br />

mÔa hà tπi<br />

MGallery By<br />

Sofitel La<br />

Veranda Resort<br />

Phu Quoc<br />

MGallery By Sofitel La<br />

Veranda Resort Phu<br />

Quoc giÌi thi÷u ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh "An Inspired<br />

Summer", ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

nghÿ d≠Ïng mÔa hà ∏p<br />

dÙng tı ngµy 1/5 Æ’n<br />

h’t ngµy 31/10 bao gÂm<br />

3 g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng cao c†p<br />

dµnh cho 3 ph©n khÛc<br />

kh∏ch hµng: gia Æ◊nh<br />

Æang t◊m ki’m mÈt k˙<br />

nghÿ hà Æ∏ng nhÌ, nh˜ng<br />

du kh∏ch muËn tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m kho∂nh khæc th≠<br />

gi∑n Æ” c©n bªng lπi tinh<br />

th«n vµ c¨ th”, vµ nh˜ng<br />

kh∏ch du lch ngoπi quËc<br />

Æang sinh sËng trong vµ<br />

ngoµi Vi÷t Nam Æang<br />

t◊m ki’m mÈt n¨i nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng bn bÍ bi”n vµ<br />

dch vÙ spa cao c†p. 3<br />

g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng c„ gi∏<br />

khÎi Æi”m tı $150++/<br />

Æm bao gÂm: 2 Æm<br />

nghÿ tπi resort vµ ®n<br />

s∏ng buffet, Æ≠a ti‘n s©n<br />

bay, quµ t∆ng vµ nh˜ng<br />

ti÷n ›ch Æ∆c bi÷t trong<br />

g„i dch vÙ bπn ch‰n...<br />




PHU QUOC *ß≠Íng<br />

Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, b∑i<br />

bi”n D≠¨ng ß´ng, PhÛ<br />

QuËc *Tel: 02973 982<br />

988 *Email: contact@<br />

laverandaresorts.com)<br />


Khu nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng The<br />

Anam ch›nh<br />

th¯c khai<br />

tr≠¨ng<br />

Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ƺng<br />

c†p 5 sao The Anam<br />

nªm bn b∑i bi”n dµi<br />

tuy÷t Æãp cÒa Cam<br />

Ranh Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c<br />

khai tr≠¨ng cuËi th∏ng<br />

4 vıa qua vÌi 117 villa,<br />

96 phng kh∏ch, khu<br />

spa gÂm 10 phng tr<br />

li÷u vµ rπp chi’u phim<br />

3D. The Anam lµ s˘ k’t<br />

hÓp tinh t’ gi˜a vŒ Æãp<br />

mang phong c∏ch ki’n<br />

trÛc Ph∏p cÊ Æi”n vµ vŒ<br />

duyn d∏ng tr«m m∆c<br />

mang h¨i thÎ truy“n<br />

thËng Vi÷t Nam nÊi ln<br />

nh≠ mÈt Æi”m s∏ng cho<br />

l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng chuy’n<br />

Æi nghÿ d≠Ïng bi”n cao<br />

c†p g«n khu v˘c Nha<br />

Trang. The Anam vÌi<br />

Æ«y ÆÒ ti÷n nghi ƺng<br />

c†p quËc t’ nh≠ khu<br />

spa tr li÷u, 3 nhµ hµng,<br />

2 qu∏n bar, rπp chi’u<br />

phim 3D, phng ti÷c,<br />

c∏c dch vÙ phÙc vÙ hÈi<br />

ngh, trung t©m th” thao<br />

d≠Ìi n≠Ìc, phng tÀp<br />

yoga, s©n tennis, c©u lπc<br />

bÈ dµnh cho thi’u nhi<br />

vµ 3 h b¨i lÌn sœ lµ<br />

l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng trong<br />

hà nµy.<br />

(THE ANAM *B∑i Dµi,<br />

Cam Ranh, Nha Trang<br />

*Tel: <strong>05</strong>83 989 499<br />

*Website: www.theanam.<br />

com)<br />

VüNG TÄU<br />

Alma Oasis Long H∂i mÔa næng Æãp<br />

Tho∏t kh·i chËn bÀn rÈn Æ” ha m◊nh vµo kh´ng gian thin nhin vµ Æ„n nh˜ng tia næng b◊nh minh †m ∏p sœ giÛp bπn nπp nguÂn<br />

n®ng l≠Óng t≠¨i mÌi. Alma Oasis Long H∂i, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng h≠Ìng bi”n Æ«y th¨ mÈng vµ chÿ c∏ch Sµi Gn ch≠a Æ«y 02 giÍ Æi xe<br />

sœ lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bπn cÔng ng≠Íi th©n th·a th›ch ng©m m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc m∏t, læng nghe ti’ng du d≠¨ng cÒa s„ng bi”n vÁ vµ<br />

Æ∆c bi÷t lµ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt kh´ng gian sËng mang phong c∏ch ßa Trung H∂i vµ ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e vÌi dch vÙ spa Æ∑ bao<br />

gÂm trong gi∏ phng, chÿ vÌi 4.000.000VNß++.<br />

(ALMA OASIS LONG HÅI *Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Long H∂i, Bµ Ra - VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3662 222 *Website: www.almaoasislonghai.com)<br />

24<br />




An all-day dining restaurant that redefines casual dining, PARKOYAL Saigon's Garden Brasserie offers extensive buffet<br />

selection combining Western and Asian cuisines perfected by local dishes for Lunch of Dinner and an a la carte<br />

menu that will surely whet your appetite. Located next to the hotel's poolside, it will undoubtedly make your dining<br />

experience immensely perfect. Lunch Buffet priced at VND529.00++ per person on Mondays through Fridays while Sundays<br />

at VND599,000++ per person which entitles complimentary use of the pool. Seafood BBQ Dinner Buffet every night for<br />

the freshest catch and mouthwatering seafood such as crabs, shrimps, oysters and scallops while indulging in the finest New<br />

Zealand lamb and beef only at VND799,000++ per person.<br />

(GARDEN BRASSERIE - GROUND FLOOR PARKROYAL SAIGON *309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi, 1 Ward, Tan Binh District, HCMC<br />

*Tel: 08 3842 1111 *Email: dining.prsgn@parkroyalhotels.com)<br />

HCMC<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />

VUNG TAU<br />

Alma Oasis<br />

Long Hai<br />

during the<br />

summer season<br />

Renew your energy by<br />

taking a break from your<br />

busy life and escaping<br />

deep into nature. The<br />

romantic Alma Oasis<br />

Long Hai resort is<br />

just a two hours drive<br />

from Sai Gon, an ideal<br />

setting for you and your<br />

loved ones to relax<br />

in the cool water and<br />

listen to the waves.<br />

You can experience<br />

the Mediterranean<br />

lifestyle and services<br />

including spa services<br />

for a room price of only<br />

VND4,000,000++.<br />


HAI *44A, Long Hai, Ba<br />

Ria-Vung Tau *Tel: 064<br />

3662 222 *Website: www.<br />

almaoasislonghai.com)<br />

PHU QUOC<br />

A relaxing<br />

summer<br />

stay at the<br />

MGallery by<br />

Sofitel La<br />

Veranda Resort<br />

Phu Quoc<br />

The MGallery by Sofitel<br />

La Veranda Resort Phu<br />

Quoc has introduced<br />

their "An Inspired<br />

Summer" package,<br />

applicable from May<br />

1 st until October 31 st .<br />

This includes three<br />

packages for three<br />

kinds of customers<br />

those looking for a<br />

memorable stay, those<br />

looking for relaxation<br />

and peace, and those<br />

looking for a pristine<br />

seaside resort and<br />

high-quality spa services.<br />

There are three<br />

packages starting at<br />

USD150++/night, which<br />

includes two nights<br />

at the resort, buffet<br />

breakfasts, pickup and<br />

drop-off services, and<br />

special conveniences<br />

and gifts.<br />




PHU QUOC *Tran<br />

Hung Dao Street, Duong<br />

Dong Beach, Phu Quoc<br />

*Tel: 02973 982 988<br />

*Email: contact@<br />

laverandaresorts.com)<br />


The official<br />

opening of the<br />

Anam Resort<br />

The five-star Anam<br />

Resort, located on the<br />

beautiful Cam Ranh<br />

coastline, officially<br />

opened in late April. The<br />

resort has 117 villas, 96<br />

living rooms, ten spa<br />

treatment rooms and a<br />

3D theater. The Anam<br />

subtly combines classic<br />

French architecture<br />

with local Vietnamese<br />

charm, creating an ideal<br />

destination for tourists<br />

considering premium sea<br />

resorts near Nha Trang.<br />

The Anam offers facilities<br />

meeting international<br />

standards, such as a spa<br />

treatment zone, three<br />

restaurants, two bars, a<br />

3D theater, a banquet<br />

room, MICE services,<br />

an underwater sports<br />

center, a yoga studio,<br />

tennis courts, clubs<br />

for children, and three<br />

swimming pools.<br />

(THE ANAM *Bai Dai,<br />

Cam Ranh, Nha Trang *Tel:<br />

<strong>05</strong>83 989 499 *Website:<br />

www.theanam.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


ThÒ t≠Ìng Nguy‘n Xu©n PhÛc vµ ThÒ t≠Ìng Thongloun Sisoulith th˘c hi÷n nghi l‘ cæt b®ng khai tr≠¨ng tπi Crowne Plaza.<br />



S∏ng ngµy 27/04/<strong>2017</strong>, tπi Kh∏ch sπn<br />

5 sao Crowne Plaza Vientiane, Lµo,<br />

TÀp Æoµn BIM Group vµ TÀp Æoµn<br />

InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG®)<br />

Æ∑ phËi hÓp tÊ ch¯c buÊi L‘ cæt b®ng<br />

kh∏nh thµnh d˘ ∏n Kh∏ch sπn 5 sao Æ«u<br />

tin tπi Lµo - Crowne Plaza Vientiane. D˘<br />

∏n Crowne Plaza Vientiane ra ÆÍi kh´ng<br />

chÿ lµ minh ch¯ng cho s˘ hÓp t∏c quËc t’<br />

tËt Æãp gi˜a BIM Group vµ IHG mµ cn<br />

lµ s˘ giao l≠u v®n h„a vµ hÓp t∏c kinh t’<br />

gi˜a Vi÷t Nam vµ Lµo. S˘ ki÷n Æ∏nh d†u<br />

mÈt b≠Ìc ph∏t tri”n tËt Æãp h¨n n˜a<br />

trong ti’n tr◊nh ph∏t tri”n cÒa hai n≠Ìc.<br />

Nªm trong chi’n l≠Óc ph∏t tri”n chung vµ<br />

mÙc tiu Æem Æ’n nh˜ng s∂n ph»m, c´ng<br />

tr◊nh kh∏ch sπn quy m´ phÙc vÙ hµng<br />

loπt c∏c lÓi ›ch cÈng ÆÂng, d˘ ∏n Crowne<br />

Plaza Vientiane ra ÆÍi kh´ng chÿ lµ minh<br />

ch¯ng cho s˘ hÓp t∏c quËc t’ tËt Æãp<br />

gi˜a BIM Group vµ IHG mµ cn lµ s˘ giao<br />

l≠u v®n h„a vµ hÓp t∏c kinh t’ gi˜a Vi÷t<br />

Nam vµ Lµo. S˘ ki÷n Æ∏nh d†u mÈt b≠Ìc<br />

ph∏t tri”n tËt Æãp h¨n n˜a trong ti’n<br />

tr◊nh ph∏t tri”n cÒa hai n≠Ìc.<br />

§ng ßoµn QuËc Huy, Ph„ chÒ tch TÀp<br />

Æoµn BIM Group chia sŒ: "ß≠Óc kh∏ch<br />

hµng vµ ÆËi t∏c tin t≠Îng Æ∏nh gi∏ lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng tÀp Æoµn kinh t’ uy t›n,<br />

BIM Group t˘ hµo lµ ƨn v ph∏t tri”n<br />

b†t ÆÈng s∂n lu´n mang Æ’n nh˜ng c´ng<br />

tr◊nh ch†t l≠Óng, lµ mÈt trong sË ›t nh˜ng<br />

chÒ Æ«u t≠ Æ∏p ¯ng Æ≠Óc nh˜ng yu c«u<br />

khæt khe cÒa c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u hµng Æ«u<br />

quËc t’ trong vi÷c hÓp t∏c ph∏t tri”n. VÌi<br />

mong muËn kh´ng ngıng n©ng cao ch†t<br />

l≠Óng c´ng tr◊nh, ch†t l≠Óng cuÈc sËng vµ<br />

dch vÙ qu∂n l˝ mang t«m quËc t’, BIM<br />

Group r†t vui mıng ÆÂng hµnh cÔng IHG<br />

kh∏nh thµnh kh∏ch sπn 5 sao tiu chu»n<br />

quËc t’ Æ«u tin tπi Lµo - Crowne Plaza<br />

Vientiane, hy v‰ng sœ mang tÌi thµnh<br />

phË Ving Ch®n xinh Æãp mÈt c´ng tr◊nh<br />

Æi”m nh†n, mÈt n¨i l≠u trÛ Æºng c†p cho<br />

du kh∏ch".<br />

Bµ Leanne Harwood, Ph„ chÒ tch phÙ<br />

tr∏ch khu v˘c ß´ng Nam É vµ Hµn QuËc<br />

cÒa InterContinental Hotels Group<br />

(IHG®) cÚng cho bi’t: "ChÛng t´i l†y<br />

lµm vinh d˘ khi lµ th≠¨ng hi÷u vÀn hµnh<br />

kh∏ch 5 sao Æ«u tin tπi Lµo. L˘a ch‰n<br />

Lµo lµ Æi”m Æ’n quan tr‰ng cho mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng th≠¨ng hi÷u cao c†p trong<br />

h÷ thËng c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u cÒa m◊nh<br />

- Crowne Plaza, chÛng t´i tin t≠Îng Æ©y<br />

sœ lµ mÈt th tr≠Íng c„ tËc ÆÈ ph∏t tri”n<br />

mπnh mœ, thu hÛt nhi“u nhµ Æ«u t≠ cÚng<br />

nh≠ du kh∏ch bÎi n“n v®n h„a phong<br />

phÛ Æ∆c sæc vµ v tr› Æa l˝ Æ«y ti“m n®ng.<br />

ChÛng t´i hy v‰ng vÌi s˘ tÀn t©m, chuyn<br />

nghi÷p vµ tiu chu»n cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

danh ti’ng toµn c«u Æ∑ Æ≠Óc khºng Ænh<br />

trong nhi“u n®m hoπt ÆÈng cÒa IHG, khi<br />

Æi vµo hoπt ÆÈng Crowne Plaza Vientiane<br />

sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n hµng Æ«u cÒa du kh∏ch mÁi<br />

khi Æ’n Lµo".<br />

Kh∏ch sπn 5 sao Crowne Plaza Vientiane<br />

lµ s˘ k’t hÓp hµi ha cÒa nh˜ng gi∏ tr<br />

ki’n trÛc truy“n thËng cÒa Lµo vÌi nh˜ng<br />

Æ≠Íng nät thi’t k’ ƺng c†p vµ hi÷n Æπi.<br />

ß©y lµ kh∏ch sπn 5 sao Æ«u tin tπi trung<br />

t©m thµnh phË Ving Ch®n vÌi g«n 200<br />

phng kh∏ch sπn nªm trn khu Ɔt rÈng<br />

20,000m 2 . Nªm trong TÊ hÓp Trung<br />

t©m th≠¨ng mπi, v®n phng cho thu<br />

cao c†p Royal Square do TÀp Æoµn BIM<br />

Group tri”n khai x©y d˘ng, Kh∏ch sπn 5<br />

sao Crowne Plaza Vientiane sÎ h˜u Æ«y<br />

ÆÒ c∏c dch vÙ ti÷n ›ch ƺng c†p nh≠ khu<br />

trung t©m hÈi ngh vÌi h¨n 8 phng h‰p,<br />

chuÁi nhµ hµng Æa dπng v®n h„a »m th˘c<br />

c∏c n≠Ìc Vi÷t Nam, Lµo, Th∏i Lan, qu«y<br />

bar lounge, b” b¨i, gym,...<br />

ß∆c bi÷t Crowne Plaza Vientiane lµ<br />

d˘ ∏n c„ v tr› Ææc Æa, chπy d‰c Æ≠Íng<br />

Samsenthai vµ Sithong, g«n c´ng vin vµ<br />

b¯c t≠Óng Vua Fa Ngum nÊi ti’ng, v vua<br />

Æ«u tin vµ lµ ng≠Íi s∏ng lÀp nn v≠¨ng<br />

quËc Lan xang (Tri÷u Voi) cÒa ng≠Íi Lµo.<br />

C„ th” n„i Æ©y sœ lµ Æi”m Æ’n bÀc nh†t<br />

cÒa kh∏ch du lch vµ ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng,<br />

Æ∏p ¯ng Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c tiu chu»n cao c†p<br />

phÙc vÙ cho c∏c hÈi ngh quËc t’, cÔng<br />

nhi“u s˘ ki÷n t«m cÏ quËc gia kh∏c.<br />

Crowne Plaza<br />

Vientiane<br />

- kh∏ch sπn 5<br />

sao Æ«u tin<br />

tπi Lµo.<br />

26<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

cRowne plaZa vienTiane * ß≠Íng Samenthai, Vientiane, Lµo * Tel: +856 21 908 888

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HóI AN<br />

L¢M ߤNG<br />



Madagui mang trong m◊nh mÈt s¯c h†p d…n r†t ring mµ khi t◊m Æ’n du kh∏ch sœ c∂m<br />

th†y tho∂i m∏i, b· lπi sau l≠ng nh˜ng m÷t m·i, c®ng thºng, nh˜ng lo toan bÈn b“ cÒa<br />

nhp sËng Æ´ th. N¨i Æ©y c„ dch vÙ l≠u trÛ Æa dπng tı loπi h◊nh l“u trπi, phng tÀp<br />

th” Æ’n phng gia Æ◊nh hay villa sang tr‰ng lu´n sΩn sµng phÙc vÙ m‰i nhu c«u nghÿ d≠Ïng cÒa<br />

du kh∏ch. ßi”m nÊi bÀt nh†t cÒa Khu Du lch Rıng Madagui lµ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏ rıng<br />

nguyn sinh cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng hang ÆÈng k˙ b›. Ngoµi ra Madagui cn thu hÛt du kh∏ch bªng<br />

c∏c tr ch¨i vÀn ÆÈng c∂m gi∏c mπnh nh≠ tr≠Ót Zipline, Bæn sÛng s¨n, Bæn sÛng Æπn thÀt, Leo<br />

nÛi, Tr≠Ót c·, b„ng l®n, banh ÆÙng, phao cuËi, jetki...<br />

Tr∂i nghi÷m dch vÙ<br />

ƺng c†p th’ giÌi Î<br />

La Siesta Resort &<br />

Spa Hoi An<br />

VÌi h b¨i n≠Ìc m∆n ngoµi<br />

trÍi, Hoi An La Siesta Resort<br />

& Spa cung c†p 8 bi÷t th˘ Î<br />

thµnh phË HÈi An. Resort<br />

nµy c„ ti÷n nghi BBQ, t«m<br />

nh◊n ra khu v≠Ín, nhµ hµng vµ<br />

WiFi mi‘n ph› trong toµn bÈ<br />

khu´n vin. Hoi An La Siesta<br />

Resort & Spa nªm trong b∏n<br />

k›nh 1,1km tı HÈi qu∏n Qu∂ng<br />

Ch©u vµ 700m tı PhË cÊ HÈi<br />

An. S©n bay quËc t’ ßµ NΩng<br />

c∏ch chÁ nghÿ 30km, lµ Æi”m<br />

Æ’n th›ch hÓp cho chuy’n hµnh<br />

tr◊nh cÒa du kh∏ch khi Æ’n phË<br />

cÊ HÈi An.<br />


HOI AN *134 HÔng V≠¨ng, Thanh<br />

Hµ, HÈi An *Tel: 0235 3915 915)<br />

(KHU DU LëCH R\NG MADAGUI *Km152 QL20, Th tr†n Madaguoi, H. ßπ Huoai,<br />

L©m ßÂng *Hotline: 063 3709 444 *Facebook: www.facebook.com/madaguiforestcity)<br />

BçNH THUÜN<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />

R#C Rö<br />




Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Hello Sunny vÌi mÈt chuÁi c∏c hoπt ÆÈng<br />

Æ„n hà Æa dπng, h†p d…n nh≠: nhµ phao tr≠Ót n≠Ìc,<br />

x©y l©u Ƶi c∏t, lÌp lµm b∏nh cupcake, ch¨i xe Æi÷n<br />

c©n bªng... tπi The Cliff Resort & Residences sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n<br />

l˝ t≠Îng cho bπn vµ gia Æ◊nh trong hà nµy. ß∆c bi÷t, chÿ vÌi<br />

4.900.000VNß/2 ng≠Íi lÌn vµ 2 trŒ em, bπn sœ c„ 2 Æm nghÿ<br />

tπi phng Azul Sea View, mi‘n ph› 1 buÊi buffet tr≠a, Æ≠a Æ„n<br />

tπi ga Phan Thi’t, 1 bÈ quµ t∆ng mÔa hÃ, gi∂m 25% spa, 10%<br />

jetski & kayak. Bn cπnh Æ„, vi÷c th≠Îng th¯c h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon,<br />

c∏c m„n uËng gi∂i nhi÷t mÔa hà vµ Æ∆c s∂n Æa ph≠¨ng ÆÈc Æ∏o<br />

lµ c∏c hoπt ÆÈng kh´ng th” b· qua khi Æ’n MÚi Nä mÔa hà nµy.<br />

(THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES *Khu phË 5, P. PhÛ Hµi,<br />

Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Hotline: 0623 719 138 *Website: www.<br />

thecliffresort.com.vn)<br />

28<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />




The Hello Sunny Campaign includes a series of summer activities such as a floating house, building sand castles, making cupcakes,<br />

and self-balancing scooters, offering an ideal option for you and your whole family this summer. For only VND4,900,000/two<br />

adults and two children can stay two nights in a room facing the Azul Sea. This price includes a free buffet lunch, free pickup<br />

and drop-off at Phan Thiet train station, a summer gift set, a 25% discount on spa services, and a 10% discount on jet ski & kayak use.<br />

Guests can also enjoy fresh sea food, summer drinks and unique local specialities when visiting Mui Ne this summer.<br />

(THE CLIFF RESORT & RESIDENCES *5 Phu Hai ward, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan<br />

*Hotline: 0623 719 138 *Website: www.thecliffresort.com.vn)<br />

HOI AN<br />

Meeting<br />

international<br />

standards at<br />

the La Siesta<br />

Resort & Spa<br />

Hoi An<br />

The La Siesta Resort<br />

& Spa Hoi An has<br />

eight villas and an<br />

outdoor seawater<br />

swimming pool. The<br />

resort has BBQ<br />

services, a garden<br />

view, a restaurant and<br />

free wifi. The resort<br />

is 1.1 kilometers<br />

away from Quang<br />

Chau Assembly and<br />

700 meters from<br />

Hoi An. Da Nang<br />

International Airport<br />

is 30 kilometers from<br />

the Resort. This is an<br />

ideal destination for<br />

visitors to Hoi An.<br />


& SPA HOI AN *134<br />

Hung Vuong, Thanh Ha,<br />

Hoi An *Tel: 0235 3915<br />

915)<br />

LAM ßONG<br />



Tourists can leave their troubles behind when visiting Madagui. Madagui offers various accommodation services, from tents<br />

and multi-party rooms to private family rooms and luxurious villas. The most striking feature of the Madagui Forest Resort<br />

is the chance to explore the area's primitive forests and mysterious cave systems. Madagui also attracts tourists seeking<br />

adventure with activities such as Ziplining, paintball, shooting, mountain climbing, grass sledding, rollerskating, and jet-skiing.<br />

(MADAGUI FOREST RESORT *Km 152 QL20, Madaguoi Town, Da Huoai, Lam Dong *Hotline: 063 3709 444<br />

*Facebook: www.facebook.com/madaguiforestcity)<br />

30<br />



30 lot K, Hoang Quoc Viet, Phu My, Dist. 7, HCMC<br />

T: 08 3785 0927 - H: 0909 693 569<br />

E: saleshcm@merperle.vn<br />


ICON 4 Tower Level 16, 243A De La Thanh St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi<br />

T: 04 3736 8188 - H: 0973 727 8<strong>05</strong><br />

E: saleshn@merperle.vn<br />


88A, Tran Phu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa<br />

T: <strong>05</strong>8 352 3387/97 - F: <strong>05</strong>8 352 60<strong>05</strong><br />

E: salesnt@merperle.vn<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


TOURS<br />

TP.HCM<br />

ßïN HOÄNG H§N TÑI THI£N ßòNG<br />


(ThÍi gian: 4 ngµy 3 Æm *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay *Kh∏ch sπn: 3 sao *Gi∏: 11.899.000VNß/kh∏ch)<br />

Bali, hn Æ∂o nÊi ti’ng nh†t cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc vπn Æ∂o Indonesia, x≠a nay v…n Æ≠Óc v› nh≠ "thin Æ≠Íng du lch nhi÷t ÆÌi", hay cn<br />

Æ≠Óc g‰i vÌi c∏i tn m¸ mi“u lµ "Hn ng‰c b›ch cÒa Ch©u É". Bn cπnh thin nhin k˙ thÛ, Bali cn sÎ h˜u n“n v®n h„a Æ∆c<br />

sæc, vµ s˘ hi“n lµnh, th©n thi÷n cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng. T†t c∂ Æ∑ tπo nn mÈt Bali Æ∏ng yu Æ’n m hÂn, khi’n cho b†t k˙<br />

ai khi Æ’n Æ©y Æ“u ph∂i tr«m tr khen ngÓi vµ l≠u luy’n khi rÍi xa...<br />

(VIET SUN TRAVEL *240 L˝ Ch›nh Thæng, Q.3, TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3526 2075 *Website: www.vietsuntravel.com)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Du lch NhÀt<br />

B∂n ngæm hoa<br />

Lavender<br />

(ThÍi gian: 4 ngµy 3 Æm<br />

*Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay<br />

*Kh∏ch sπn: 3 sao *Gi∏:<br />

23.499.000VNß/kh∏ch)<br />

MÔa hà lµ mÔa ngÀp<br />

trµn sæc mµu cÒa ÆÒ<br />

c∏c loµi hoa nh≠: O∂i<br />

h≠¨ng, hoa hÂng, c»m<br />

tÛ c«u, din v‹ vµ h≠Ìng<br />

d≠¨ng. Hµnh tr◊nh du<br />

lch Tokyo - Hakone -<br />

Mt.Fuji - Kamakura sœ<br />

cho du kh∏ch c∂m nhÀn<br />

Æ«y ÆÒ v“ NhÀt B∂n qua<br />

thÒ Æ´ Tokyo, ngæm nÛi<br />

PhÛ s‹,... ß∆c bi÷t thÍi<br />

gian nµy, qu˝ kh∏ch sœ<br />

Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh ngæm<br />

hoa o∂i h≠¨ng ngÛt ngµn<br />

tπi c∏c c´ng vin Î c∏c<br />

h quanh nÛi PhÛ S‹,<br />

ngæm hoa c»m tÛ c«u<br />

trong khu´n vin chÔa<br />

Hase Dara.<br />

(DU LëCH VIåT *175<br />

Nguy‘n Th∏i B◊nh, Q.1,<br />

TP. HCM *Tel: 08 73<strong>05</strong><br />

6789 *Website: www.<br />

dulichviet.com.vn)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Chim<br />

ng≠Ïng Rocky<br />

Mountain<br />

(ThÍi gian: 9 ngµy 8 Æm<br />

*Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay<br />

*Kh∏ch sπn: 3 sao *Gi∏:<br />

81.500.000VNß/kh∏ch)<br />

VÌi nh˜ng ai yu th›ch<br />

bÈ phim Chuy÷n T◊nh<br />

Sau NÛi (Brokeback<br />

Mountain) cÒa Æπo di‘n<br />

tµi ba L˝ An, chæc hºn<br />

v…n cn †n t≠Óng s©u<br />

sæc v“ t◊nh yu Æ≠Óc<br />

xem lµ mÈt trong 10<br />

chuy÷n t◊nh Æãp, l∑ng<br />

mπn vµ buÂn nh†t lch<br />

sˆ Æi÷n ∂nh Hollywood.<br />

Tour sœ Æ≠a du kh∏ch<br />

Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n n¨i quay<br />

bÈ phim tıng giµnh<br />

Æ≠Óc 3 gi∂i Oscar,<br />

quy’n rÚ bÎi khung<br />

c∂nh hÔng v‹, l∑ng mπn<br />

cÒa nh˜ng s≠Ín ÆÂi<br />

th¨ mÈng, c∏nh ÆÂng<br />

tr∂i dµi, nh˜ng d∑y nÛi<br />

Æ∏ trÔng trÔng Æi÷p<br />

Æi÷p xen gi˜a h÷ thËng<br />

h n≠Ìc vÌi gam mµu<br />

xanh ng‰c b›ch tuy÷t<br />

Æãp tπi r∆ng nÛi Rocky<br />

Mountain.<br />

(GOLDEN TOURS *233<br />

Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, Q.1,<br />

TP. HCM *Tel: 08 3925<br />

3456 *Website: www.<br />

goldentours.vn)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

TÌi Dubai - Kh∏m ph∏ V≠¨ng quËc xa xÿ<br />

(ThÍi gian: 6 ngµy 5 Æm *Ph≠¨ng ti÷n: M∏y bay *Kh∏ch sπn: 4 sao *Gi∏: 25.900.000VNß/kh∏ch)<br />

Dubai k◊ di÷u, †n t≠Óng bÎi ki’n trÛc v‹ Æπi, nh˜ng ta nhµ cao nh†t th’ giÌi, trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi s«m u†t, kh∏ch<br />

sπn 7 sao xa hoa vµ lÈng l…y, tr ch¨i tËc ÆÈ c≠Ïi land cruiser trn sa mπc. Bn cπnh Æ„, nh˜ng di t›ch v®n h„a Å<br />

RÀp v…n læng Ɖng trong c∏c khu chÓ Vµng, chÓ gia v, khu phË cÊ Bastakiya, ph∏o Ƶi vµ vi÷n b∂o tµng Dubai.<br />

(HANOITOURIST *18 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 6260 6888 *Website: www.hanoitourist.vn)<br />

32<br />


HCMC<br />

Da Nang's<br />

brilliant and<br />

colourful<br />

fireworks<br />

(Time: 4 days 3 nights<br />

*Vehicle: Aircraft *Price:<br />

VND7,499,000/person)<br />

Lasting two months (from<br />

April 29 th to June 24 th ),<br />

the Da Nang International<br />

Fireworks Festival<br />

will be the meeting<br />

point for visitors who<br />

love Central Vietnam.<br />

Apart from watching<br />

fireworks, tourists to<br />

Da Nang can also visit<br />

Son Tra peninsula, Linh<br />

Ung Pagoda, "t¯ tr†n<br />

ßµ thµnh" (four famous<br />

tourist sites in Da Nang).<br />

The journey will take<br />

you to the ancient and<br />

peaceful town of Hoi<br />

An, where you will see<br />

houses and alleyways built<br />

hundreds of years ago,<br />

the Sa Huynh cultural<br />

museum, handicrafts and<br />

fine arts workshops, and<br />

unique cuisine including<br />

cao l«u (vermicelli), banh<br />

bao (dumplings), banh<br />

vac, and hoanh thanh<br />

(wontons).<br />

(LIEN BANG<br />

TRAVELINK *881 Tran<br />

Hung Dao, District 5,<br />

HCMC *Tel: 08 3838<br />

2288 *Website: www.<br />

lienbangtravel.com)<br />

HCMC<br />

Central<br />

Vietnam's<br />

gorgeous scenery<br />

(Time: 4 days 3<br />

nights *Vehicle: Coach<br />

*Hotel: 3 stars *Price:<br />

VND3,750,000/guest)<br />

According to the itinery,<br />

tourists will visit the<br />

ancient town of Hoi An<br />

a world cultural heritage;<br />

and admire Ngu Hanh<br />

Son (Marble Mountains),<br />

which are known as a<br />

"Nam thin danh thæng"<br />

(famous tourist attraction<br />

of Viet Nam) with five<br />

mountains representing<br />

Kim (Metal), MÈc<br />

(Wood), ThÒy (Water),<br />

H·a (Fire), and ThÊ<br />

(Earth). Tourists will visit<br />

the Son Tra peninsula<br />

and Linh `ng Pagoda, the<br />

location of the highest<br />

Lady Buddha Statue in<br />

Viet Nam (65m); Ba Na-<br />

Chua Mountain, known<br />

as the second Da Lat of<br />

Central Vietnam; and<br />

bathe at My Khe beach,<br />

which Forbes Magazine<br />

considers one of the six<br />

most attractive beaches in<br />

the world.<br />

(DAT VIET TOUR *198<br />

Phan Van Tri, Ward 10, Go<br />

Vap District, HCMC *Tel: 08<br />

7308 1888 *Website: www.<br />

datviettour.vn)<br />

HCMC<br />



(Time: 2 days 1 night *Vehicle: Aircraft *Hotel: 3 stars *Price: VND2,600,000/person)<br />

Tourists to Phu Yen have the chance to visit the magnificent Ganh Da Dia (Da<br />

Dia Rapids) where polygonal rocks heaped together create strange, jagged<br />

shapes. In Binh Dinh, tourists can visit the H«m H´ - L©m Vin wild tourism<br />

zone. The beautiful Kut River is like a "miniature Ha Long Bay" in the middle of<br />

Vietnam. Visitors can also participate in recreational activities such as kayaking in the<br />

Kut River, bathing in the Troi Lap river, and fishing.<br />

(BENTHANH TOURIST *82 Calmette, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, District 1, HCMC<br />

*Tel: 08 3822 7788 *Website: www.benthanhtourist.com)

34<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

VÌi th’ mπnh lµ ÆÈng<br />

c¨ diesel, d˘a trn<br />

n“n t∂ng h¨n 100 n®m<br />

s∂n xu†t xe th≠¨ng<br />

mπi, thıa h≠Îng m∑<br />

gen Truck DNA, c∏c<br />

dng xe SUV vµ b∏n<br />

t∂i cÒa Isuzu Vi÷t<br />

Nam Æang d«n khºng<br />

Ænh Æ≠Óc v tr› cÒa<br />

m◊nh tπi th tr≠Íng<br />

Vi÷t Nam th´ng qua<br />

vi÷c Æ∏p ¯ng tËt nh†t<br />

2 nhu c«u c¨ b∂n cÒa<br />

ph«n lÌn kh∏ch hµng<br />

sˆ dÙng xe 4 b∏nh lµ<br />

an toµn vµ ti’t ki÷m<br />

nhin li÷u.<br />

Ph©n khÛc xe du lfich v…n Æang lµ<br />

ph©n khÛc c„ t›nh cπnh tranh cao<br />

nh†t trong thfi tr≠Íng ´ t´ Vi÷t Nam<br />

vÌi s˘ tham gia cÒa r†t nhi“u th≠¨ng<br />

hi÷u, cÔng vÌi hµng loπt m…u xe Æ∏p<br />

¯ng h«u nh≠ t†t c∂ c∏c nhu c«u cÒa<br />

kh∏ch hµng, tı m…u m∑ Æãp, ÆÈng<br />

c¨ mπnh mœ Æ’n chi ph› hÓp l˝...<br />

Do Æ„, s˘ ph∏t tri”n mπnh mœ trong<br />

thÍi gian vıa qua cÒa 2 dflng xe mu-<br />

X vµ D-MAX dÔ ›t nhi“u g©y b†t ngÍ<br />

nh≠ng ph«n nµo Æ∑ th” hi÷n Æ≠Óc<br />

Æfinh h≠Ìng ÆÛng Ææn cÒa Isuzu<br />

cho s∂n ph»m cÒa m◊nh. Th≠¨ng<br />

hi÷u Æ’n tı NhÀt B∂n mang Æ’n cho<br />

kh∏ch hµng s˘ tin t≠Îng tuy÷t ÆËi<br />

v“ s˘ an toµn vµ m¯c tiu hao nhin<br />

li÷u tËi ≠u. Ngoµi vi÷c ph∏t tri”n th’<br />

mπnh lµ ÆÈng c¨ thıa h≠Îng c∏c<br />

≠u th’ tı n“n t∂ng xe th≠¨ng mπi<br />

(Truck DNA), th≠¨ng hi÷u Æ∑ Æ≠Óc<br />

khºng Æfinh trn thfi tr≠Íng v“ s˘<br />

b“n bÿ,<br />

mπnh mœ,<br />

ISUZU<br />

cÚng r†t bi’t c∏ch<br />

"chi“u" kh∏ch hµng khi c„ nh˜ng<br />

c∂i ti’n mπnh mœ v“ "ngoπi h◊nh"<br />

cho c∏c dflng xe du lfich cÒa m◊nh,<br />

giÛp tho∂ m∑n nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng<br />

c„ yu c«u cao v“ ÆÈng c¨ nh≠ng<br />

cÚng Æfli h·i cao v“ thi’t k’. ß∆c<br />

bi÷t, vÌi quy’t t©m Æ∏p ¯ng tËt nh†t<br />

nhu c«u cÒa kh∏ch hµng, Isuzu<br />

V÷t Nam Æ∑ x©y d˘ng vµ Æang Æ»y<br />

mπnh h÷ thËng Æπi l˝ D Square, lµ<br />

h÷ thËng showroom vµ ch®m s„c,<br />

b∂o tr◊ chuyn nghi÷p cho 2 dflng xe<br />

mu-X vµ D-MAX. Hi÷n Isuzu Æang<br />

c„ 1 ßπi l˝ D Square ch›nh th¯c tπi<br />

Hµ NÈi vµ 2 showroom tr≠ng bµy D<br />

Square (1 Î Hµ NÈi vµ 1 Î Tp.HCM)<br />

Æ∑ Æ≠Óc Æ≠a vµo hoπt ÆÈng, vµ sæp<br />

tÌi, Isuzu Vi÷t Nam Æang ti’p tÙc

Thµnh vin th®m h·i vµ trao t∆ng quµ nhu y’u ph»m cho ng≠Íi d©n Vi÷t Nam Æang sinh sËng tπi khu v˘c<br />

chÔa H≠ng Hπnh - Phnom Penh, th” hi÷n tinh th«n tr∏ch nhi÷m ÆËi vÌi cÈng ÆÂng.<br />

nÁ l˘c vµ Æ∆t ra mÙc tiu x©y d˘ng thm 7 Æπi l˝<br />

D Square n˜a trong n®m <strong>2017</strong> trn toµn quËc.<br />

VÌi nÁ l˘c vµ h≠Ìng Æi ÆÛng Ææn, c∏c dflng xe du<br />

lfich cÒa ISUZU thÍi gian vıa qua Æ∑ c„ m¯c t®ng<br />

tr≠Îng r†t t›ch c˘c vµ d˘ ki’n sœ cfln t®ng mπnh<br />

trong thÍi gian tÌi khi h÷ thËng Æπi l˝ D Square<br />

Æ≠Óc mÎ rÈng.<br />

MÌi Æ©y, c´ng ty TNHH § t´ Isuzu Vi÷t Nam<br />

cÚng Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c hµnh tr◊nh "Isuzu Diesel<br />

Challenge <strong>2017</strong>" - Hµnh tr◊nh l∏i xe an toµn vµ<br />

ti’t ki÷m nhin li÷u vÌi tÊng cÈng 29 xe Isuzu<br />

mu-X vµ Isuzu D-MAX dflng xe 2.5L vµ 3.0L theo<br />

lÈ tr◊nh tı Tp. HÂ Ch› Minh - MÈc Bµi - Phnom<br />

Penh (Campuchia) - Tp. HÂ Ch› Minh. K’t qu∂<br />

chung cuÈc cÒa hµnh tr◊nh khi’n r†t nhi“u<br />

kh∏ch hµng ph∂i b†t ngÍ khi th’ mπnh v“ ÆÈng<br />

c¨ Diesel cÒa Isuzu Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng tri÷t Æ”, giÛp<br />

mu-X vµ D-MAX vÀn hµnh mπnh mœ, b“n bÿ vµ<br />

ti’t ki÷m nhin li÷u tuy÷t vÍi. VÌi m¯c tiu hao<br />

trung b◊nh l«n l≠Ót lµ 7,47 l›t ÆËi vÌi dflng xe 3.0L<br />

vµ 7,29 l›t ÆËi vÌi dflng xe 2.5L cho hµnh tr◊nh<br />

242km tı TP. HÂ Ch› Minh Æi Phnom Penh, Æ©y<br />

ch›nh lµ s˘ khºng Æfinh r‚ rµng nh†t tı ISUZU<br />

Æ’n vÌi kh∏ch hµng.<br />

Kh´ng chÿ lµ hµnh tr◊nh giÛp kh∏ch hµng Æ≠Óc<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m tËi Æa s˘ nÊi bÀt v“ kh∂ n®ng ti’t<br />

ki÷m nhin li÷u cÒa ch›nh chi’c xe Æang sˆ dÙng,<br />

Isuzu Diesel Challenge <strong>2017</strong> cfln lµ mÈt hoπt<br />

ÆÈng th” hi÷n s˘ tri ©n ÆËi vÌi kh∏ch hµng vµ s˘<br />

quy’t t©m Æ»y mπnh ph∏t tri”n tπi thfi tr≠Íng Vi÷t<br />

Nam cÒa Isuzu Vi÷t Nam. Vµ Æ∆c bi÷t, vÌi th´ng<br />

Æi÷p "Chia sŒ yu th≠¨ng", ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cÚng Æ∑<br />

giÛp ÆÏ, th®m h·i vµ trao t∆ng 550 su†t quµ nhu<br />

y’u ph»m cho ng≠Íi d©n Vi÷t Nam Æang sinh<br />

sËng tπi khu v˘c chÔa H≠ng Thπnh - Phnom<br />

Penh, th” hi÷n tinh th«n tr∏ch nhi÷m ÆËi vÌi<br />

cÈng ÆÂng. Isuzu Vi÷t Nam cÚng quy’t t©m sœ<br />

duy tr◊ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh nµy trong nh˜ng n®m ti’p<br />

theo vÌi quy m´ lÌn h¨n vµ xu†t ph∏t tı nh˜ng<br />

tÿnh thµnh kh∏c trn toµn quËc.<br />

Kh∏ch hµng Æ∑ h’t s¯c b†t<br />

ngÍ khi th’ mπnh v“ ÆÈng<br />

c¨ Diesel cÒa Isuzu Æ≠Óc<br />

∏p dÙng tri÷t Æ”, giÛp mu-X<br />

vµ D-MAX vÀn hµnh mπnh<br />

mœ, b“n bÿ vµ ti’t ki÷m<br />

nhin li÷u tuy÷t vÍi.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


BEAUTY<br />

& Healthcare<br />

TP.HCM<br />



Trung t©m nha khoa Dr HÔng Æ«u t≠ mÈt Labo r®ng gi∂ ring cÒa trung t©m vÌi c∏c trang thi’t b ÆÂng bÈ theo c´ng ngh÷<br />

CAD (Computer Aid Design) vµ CAM (Computer Aid Manufacture), Æ” ch’ t∏c ra nh˜ng chi’c r®ng s¯ vÌi Æ«y ÆÒ ch¯c<br />

n®ng, th»m m¸ theo quy tr◊nh c´ng ngh÷ k¸ thuÀt sË tı kh©u thi’t k’, cæt s¯, nung s¯... Quy tr◊nh nµy Æ∂m b∂o cho r®ng<br />

s¯ cÒa bπn c„ k’t qu∂ ch›nh x∏c v“ s˘ kh›t s∏t vÌi r®ng thÀt, ÆÈ b“n cao. Sau Æ„, r®ng s¯ sœ Æ≠Óc hoµn t†t bÎi c∏c k¸ thuÀt vin<br />

Æ≠Óc Ƶo tπo chuyn nghi÷p v“ k¸ thuÀt, th»m m¸, ch‰n mµu sæc th›ch hÓp vµ tπo ra cho mÁi chi’c r®ng s¯ cÒa bπn nät ÆÈc<br />

Æ∏o ring. T†t c∂ quy tr◊nh trn Æ≠Óc hoµn t†t trong vng 24 giÍ. TT Nha khoa Dr HÔng & cÈng s˘ chÿ sˆ dÙng c∏c vÀt li÷u mÌi<br />

vµ cao c†p cho c∏c loπi r®ng s¯, Æ≠Óc nhÀp kh»u tr˘c ti’p tı M¸ vµ EU.<br />

(TT NHA KHOA DR HùNG & CóNG S# *244A CËng Qu˙nh, Q.1, TP. HCM *Hotline: 0914 900 016<br />

*Email: info@nhakhoadrhung.com *Website: www.nhakhoadrhung.com)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

Guardian Vi÷t<br />

Nam khai<br />

tr≠¨ng cˆa<br />

hµng mÌi tπi<br />

Hµ NÈi<br />

Guardian Vi÷t Nam Æ∑<br />

ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng<br />

cˆa hµng b∏n lŒ th¯<br />

49 vµo cuËi th∏ng 4<br />

tπi Royal City, khºng<br />

Ænh chi’n l≠Óc Æ«u<br />

t≠ vµ ph∏t tri”n mπnh<br />

mœ cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

Guardian tπi Vi÷t Nam.<br />

T‰a lπc tπi mÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng tÊ hÓp trung<br />

t©m th≠¨ng mπi mua<br />

sæm - »m th˘c - gi∂i<br />

tr› lÌn nh†t vµ hµng<br />

Æ«u ß´ng Nam É,<br />

Guardian Royal City<br />

h¯a hãn sœ lµ Æa chÿ<br />

mua sæm l˝ t≠Îng, n¨i<br />

ng≠Íi tiu dÔng c„<br />

th” t◊m th†y hµng ngµn<br />

s∂n ph»m ch®m s„c<br />

s¯c kh·e vµ sæc Æãp<br />

ch†t l≠Óng cao tı c∏c<br />

th≠¨ng hi÷u nÊi ti’ng<br />

trong n≠Ìc vµ trn<br />

th’ giÌi.<br />


NAM *Royal City, 72A<br />

Nguy‘n Tr∑i, Thanh<br />

Xu©n, Hµ NÈi *Website:<br />

www.guardian.com.<br />

vn *Facebook: www.<br />

facebook.com/guardianvn)<br />

TP.HCM<br />



ßËi t≠Óng Æ≠Óc trÓ gi∏ lµ nh˜ng b÷nh nh©n kh´ng c„ b∂o hi”m ho∆c c„ b∂o hi”m trong n≠Ìc; kh´ng ∏p dÙng cho b÷nh nh©n c„ b∂o<br />

hi”m quËc t’ vµ kh´ng ∏p dÙng cho c∏c ph…u thuÀt c†p c¯u. NhÍ tµi trÓ tr˘c ti’p tı FV, chi ph› Æ” b÷nh nh©n Æ≠Óc Æi“u tr tπi Æ©y<br />

chÿ ngang vÌi m∆t bªng chung cÒa c∏c b÷nh vi÷n t≠ nh©n trong thµnh phË. Khoa Ngoπi TÊng qu∏t b÷nh vi÷n FV chuyn th˘c hi÷n ph…u<br />

thuÀt Æi“u tr ung th≠ vµ c∏c b÷nh l˝ v“ Æ≠Íng tiu h„a, dπ dµy, th˘c qu∂n, tr˘c trµng... cÔng nhi“u b÷nh l˝ kh„ vµ nguy hi”m kh∏c. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng tı nay Æ’n h’t ngµy 30/9/<strong>2017</strong>. ߯ng Æ«u Khoa Ngoπi TÊng Qu∏t lµ Ti’n s‹ - B∏c s‹ ßÁ Minh HÔng, vÌi h¨n 20 n®m kinh nghi÷m<br />

ph…u thuÀt. ß∆c bi÷t, c∏c b∏c s‹ tπi Æ©y ¯ng dÙng k¸ thuÀt nÈi soi trong Æi“u tr ph…u thuÀt giÛp b÷nh nh©n ›t Æau ÆÌn vµ mau hÂi phÙc.<br />

(KHOA NGOÑI T‡NG QUÉT - BåNH VIåN FV *SË 6 Nguy‘n L≠¨ng Bªng, PhÛ M¸ H≠ng, Q.7, TP. HCM<br />

*Tel: 08 5411 3333, Ext:1250 *Website: www.fvhospital.com)<br />

36<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

1 2 3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

5<br />

7<br />


MÈt chÛt sæc hÂng chºng lµm cho bÈ ÆÂ käm nam t›nh<br />

mµ h¨n th’, n„ cn khi’n cho chµng trai trŒ b≠Ìc ch©n ra<br />

kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi trong mÈt di÷n mπo Æ«y thu hÛt, s∂ng<br />

kho∏i vµ t˘ tin h¨n.<br />

Wearing pink offers young men an attractive, comfortable and<br />

confident look, making him ready to discover the world.<br />

8 9<br />

1, LOEWE Black Anton Backpack (www.ssense.com) I 2, ALEXANDER MCQUEEN Wool-Cashmere Baseball Cap (www.barneys.com) I 3, OAMC<br />

Printed Linen And Cotton Shirt (www.stylebop.com) I 4, TOM WOOD Silver Slim Bracelet (www.ssense.com) I 5, TOM FORD Square Sunglasses (www.<br />

stylebop.com) I 6, GOPRO - HERO5 Black 4K Ultra HD Camera (shop.gopro.com) I 7, BELL & ROSS BR 03-92 Black Matte Watch (www.barneys.<br />

com) I 8, ADIDAS ORIGINALS Stan Smith Leather Sneakers (www.stylebop.com) I 9, FENDI Houndstooth Bermuda (www.stylebop.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


BEAUTY<br />

& Healthcare<br />

HCMC<br />




The promotion program, valid until September 30 th , <strong>2017</strong>, is designed for non-insured and locally-insured patients, not for<br />

internationally-insured patients. It does not apply to emergency surgeries. With this promotion, the prices of surgeries at FV<br />

Hospital become as competitive as those in private hospitals. FV's General Surgery Department treats patients suffering from<br />

colon and rectal cancers, and conditions related to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder and pancreas, as well as other dangerous<br />

conditions. The department is led by Dr. Do Minh Hung, MD, PhD, who has more than 20 years of experience working as a general<br />

surgeon. Doctors of the hospital always apply the best procedures in minimally invasive surgeries to minimize patient pain and promote<br />

quick recovery.<br />

(GENERAL SURGERY DEPARTMENT - FV HOSPITAL, 6 Nguyen Luong Bang, Phu My Hung, Dist. 7, HCMC<br />

*Tel: 08 5411 3333, Ext: 1250 *Website: www.fvhospital.com)<br />

HANOI<br />

Guardian<br />

Vietnam<br />

opens a new<br />

shop in Hanoi<br />

Guardian Vietam<br />

officially opened its<br />

49 th retail shop in<br />

late April in Royal<br />

City, affirming its<br />

strong investment and<br />

development strategy<br />

in Vietnam. Located<br />

in one of the busiest<br />

shopping centers<br />

in Southeast Asia<br />

offering shopping, food<br />

and entertainment<br />

Guardian Royal City<br />

promises to be an ideal<br />

shopping destination<br />

where consumers can<br />

find thousands of highquality<br />

domestic and<br />

international beauty<br />

and health products.<br />



CITY *72A Nguyen<br />

Trai, Thanh Xuan,<br />

Hanoi *Website:<br />

www.guardian.com.<br />

vn *Facebook: www.<br />

facebook.com/<br />

guardianvn)<br />

HCMC<br />





Dr. Hung has invested in an in-house lab with advanced<br />

technology computer aid design (CAD) and computer<br />

aid manufacture (CAM) to produce high-quality and<br />

aesthetically-pleasing dental porcelain. Dental procedures<br />

include designing, cutting and furnacing. They ensure well-fitting<br />

and durable dental procelain. The procedure is completed by<br />

professional and skilled technicians who use their experience<br />

to choose a personalized and appropriate color for the dental<br />

porcelain. This is all is done in 24 hours. Dr. Hung & Associates<br />

Dental Center uses only new and high-quality materials directly<br />

imported from the USA and Europe.<br />


Quynh, Dist. 1, HCMC *Hotline: 0914 900 016 *Email: info@<br />

nhakhoadrhung.com *Website: www.nhakhoadrhung.com)<br />

38<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

5<br />

SUN, SAND<br />

AND SEA<br />

H∑y ha m◊nh cÔng c∏t træng, næng vµng vµ bi”n xanh vÌi<br />

c∏c gam mµu r˘c rÏ nh†t. Th·i nam ch©m thu hÛt nh†t<br />

bn bÍ bi”n, kh´ng ai kh∏c - lµ ch›nh bπn!<br />

Enjoy the white sand, the yellow sunshine and blue sea<br />

in bright, colorful clothing. These items will make you the<br />

stronger magnet on the beach!<br />

7<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1, MISSONI Mare Crochet-Knit Kaftan (www.modaoperandi.<br />

com) I 2, HOUSE OF HOLLAND Seeing Stars Gold Mirrorred Round<br />

Sunglasses (brandoutlet.borderfree.com) I 3, ANJUNA Dorina<br />

Embroidered Triangle Bikini (www.net-a-porter.com) I 4, EUGENIA<br />

KIM Mirasol Sun Hat (www.modaoperandi.com) I 5, VALENTINO<br />

Burnished Silver-tone Beaded Cuff (www.net-a-porter.com) I 6,<br />

BOTTEGA VENETA Metallic Intrecciato Leather Slides (www.neta-porter.com)<br />

I 7, EMILIO PUCCI Printed Cotton-terry Towel (www.<br />

theoutnet.com) I 8, SENSI STUDIO Beaded Canasta Tote (www.<br />

modaoperandi.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

39<br />


TOÄN QUˇC<br />

OTHER<br />


TOÄN QUˇC<br />



CuËi th∏ng 4 vıa qua, Ford Vi÷t Nam Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh Tr∂i nghi÷m c´ng ngh÷ th´ng<br />

minh nhªm giÌi thi÷u c∏c c´ng ngh÷ hi÷n Æπi hµng Æ«u Æ≠Óc trang b trn c∏c dng xe phÊ<br />

bi’n cÒa m◊nh, bao gÂm c∏c c´ng ngh÷ hÁ trÓ l∏i xe an toµn, ti’t ki÷m nhin li÷u vµ k’t nËi<br />

th´ng minh. NhÍ Chi’n l≠Óc MÈt Ford vÌi vi÷c tËi ≠u h„a nguÂn l˘c toµn c«u, Ford lµ h∑ng xe tin<br />

phong mang c∏c c´ng ngh÷ th´ng minh th≠Íng chÿ trang b cho c∏c dng xe cao c†p vµo c∏c dng<br />

xe phÊ bi’n vÌi gi∏ thµnh cπnh tranh nh†t. ThÍi gian Æ” mang c∏c phin b∂n xe vÌi c´ng ngh÷ hi÷n<br />

Æπi Æ’n c∏c th tr≠Íng kh∏c nhau cÚng rÛt ngæn lπi Æ∏ng k”.<br />

(FORD VIåT NAM *Hotline: 1800 - 588 888 *Email: fordvn@ford.com<br />

*Website: www.ford.com.vn)<br />

Luxasia Vi÷t Nam<br />

ra mæt chi’n dch<br />

Kho∂nh khæc<br />

t≠¨i Æãp<br />

VÌi ni“m Æam m vµ t◊nh yu<br />

m∑nh li÷t dµnh cho ph∏i Æãp,<br />

tÀp Æoµn Luxasia lu´n gi˜ cho<br />

m◊nh mÈt s¯ m÷nh k’t nËi<br />

hoµn h∂o gi˜a ng≠Íi tiu dÔng<br />

cÔng nh˜ng th≠¨ng hi÷u lµm<br />

Æãp ƺng c†p th’ giÌi nh≠:<br />

Guerlain, Elizabeth Arden,<br />

Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs,<br />

DKNY, Tommy Hilfiger,<br />

Michael Kors, Davidoff, Juicy<br />

Couture... Ch‰n th∏ng 4 Æ”<br />

ra mæt chi’n dch thÛ v mang<br />

tn "Kho∂nh Khæc T≠¨i ßãp"<br />

- Luxasia Vi÷t Nam mang Æ’n<br />

cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ<br />

v vµ kh„ qun nh†t trong mÔa<br />

hà nµy. ChuÁi s˘ kin sœ di‘n<br />

ra tı nay Æ’n ngµy 31/5/<strong>2017</strong><br />

tπi: Takashimaya, Diamond<br />

Plaza, Parkson L Th∏nh T´n,<br />

Robins Crescent Mall theo 2<br />

khung giÍ vµng: 12:00 - 14:00<br />

vµ 18:00 - 21:00.<br />


*T«ng 1, ta nhµ Centrepoint,<br />

106 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, P.8, Q.<br />

PhÛ NhuÀn. TP. HCM *Tel: 08<br />

3997 7378)<br />

TOÄN QUˇC<br />

Porsche Macan - Chi’c SUV hπng sang<br />

dµnh cho gia Æ◊nh<br />

Porsche Macan, chi’c SUV b∏n chπy nh†t cÒa Porsche trn toµn th’ giÌi, sÎ h˜u v„c<br />

d∏ng th” thao vÌi n®m chÁ ngÂi hoµn h∂o dµnh cho gia Æ◊nh Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c c„ m∆t<br />

tπi Vi÷t Nam. Macan hÈi tÙ Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c c´ng ngh÷ mÌi cÒa Porsche bao gÂm c∂ s¯c<br />

mπnh tı ÆÈng c¨ l…n t›nh n®ng an toµn vµ c∂m gi∏c l∏i tuy÷t vÍi. Macan Æ∑ Æ≠Óc ph∏t<br />

tri”n vÌi tri’t l˝ cÒa Porsche. ß„ lµ khi Porsche thay th’ s˘ nhµm ch∏n trong vi÷c<br />

l∏i xe hµng ngµy bªng phong c∏ch th” thao vµ hi÷u su†t v≠Ót trÈi theo c∏ch hi÷u qu∂<br />

nh†t c„ th” - vµ Æ≠¨ng nhin, lu´n Æ∂m b∂o s˘ an toµn vµ ti÷n nghi tËi Æa. Phin b∂n<br />

Macan tiu chu»n c„ gi∏ 2.980.000.000VNß.<br />

(PORSCHE VIåT NAM *Tel: 08 5414 1911 *Website: www.porsche-vietnam.vn)<br />

40<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />


L†y sæc vµng lµm mµu chÒ Æπo cho bÈ trang phÙc,<br />

tr´ng bπn thÀt t≠¨i trŒ vµ r˘c rÏ, h÷t nh≠ nh˜ng<br />

tia næng hà ngÀp trµn xung quanh.<br />

Wearing yellow makes you look bright and young, like<br />

the surrounding summer lights.<br />

8<br />

9<br />

7<br />

10<br />

1, LOEWE Hammock Bag (www.barneys.com) I 2, CLARINS Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen Care Oil Spray (www.sephora.<br />

com) I 3, EUGENIA KIM Sunny Hat (www.barneys.com) I 4, ANYA HINDMARCH Small Appliquäd Shell Cosmetics Case (www.<br />

theoutnet.com)) I 5, KAREN WALKER Super Duper Strength Square-frame Acetate Sunglasses (www.net-a-porter.com) 6, IEDDIE<br />

BORGO Safety Chain Gold-plated Bracelet (www.net-a-porter.com) I 7, HELMUT LANG Stretch-silk top (www.theoutnet.com) I 8,<br />

MARNI Gold and Gunmetal-tone Multi-stone Clip Earrings (www.net-a-porter.com) I 9, VALENTINO Soul Rockstud Stamped Leather<br />

Slide Sandals (www.barneys.com) I 10, SOLACE LONDON Blake Crepe Wide-leg Pants (www.theoutnet.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />





In late April, Ford Vietnam organized "Experiencing Intelligent Technology" with the intention of<br />

introducing the leading technology used in its popular brands, including technology that supports<br />

safe driving, fuel saving and intelligent connecting. Thanks to its "One Ford" strategy maximizing<br />

global resources, Ford is the leading automobile company bringing intelligent technology to its<br />

premium and popular cars at competitive prices. They have also significantly shortened the time it<br />

takes to introduce new versions and technology.<br />

(FORD VIETNAM *Hotline: 1800 - 588 888 *Email: fordvn@ford.com<br />

*Website: www.ford.com.vn)<br />

OTHER<br />



Luxasia<br />

Vietnam<br />

introducing<br />

Great moment<br />

campain<br />

Luxasia group has always<br />

upheld a passion and<br />

love for their consumers,<br />

offering beauty brands<br />

meeting international<br />

standards. These brands<br />

include Guerlain, Elizabeth<br />

Arden, Calvin Klein,<br />

Marc Jacobs, DKNY,<br />

Tommy Hilfiger, Michael<br />

Kors, Davidoff, and Juicy<br />

Couture. Luxasia has<br />

chosen April as the time<br />

to introduce their ëGreta<br />

Moment' campaign. The<br />

campaign will last from<br />

now until May 31.at:<br />

Takashimaya, Diamond<br />

Plaza, Parkson Le Thanh<br />

Ton, Robins Crescent<br />

Mall over two time<br />

frames: 12:00 - 14:00 and<br />

18:00 - 21:00.<br />


*First floor, Centrepoint<br />

Building, 106 Nguyen Van<br />

Troi, 8 Ward, Phu Nhuan<br />

District. HCMC *Tel: 08<br />

3997 7378)<br />


Porsche Macan-premium SUV family car<br />

Porsche Macan, the best selling Porche SUV in the world, is now officially available in Vietnam. The sporty car has five<br />

seats and is perfectly designed for a family. The Macan has all of Porsche's latest technology, including a strong engine,<br />

safety functions and excellent driving sense. The Macan is developed in line with Porsche's philosophy-to replace the<br />

boredom of routine driving with sporty style and excellent efficiency, while maintaining safety and convenience. The<br />

standard Macan is priced at VND2,980,000,000.<br />

(PORSCHE VIETNAM *Tel: 08 5414 1911 *Website: www.porsche-vietnam.vn)<br />

42<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

1, WOOLRICH Cotton<br />

Baseball Cap (www.<br />

stylebop.com) I 2, FENDI<br />

Black & Gold Momento<br />

Watch (www.ssense.com)<br />

I 3, TOT£ME Navy Biarritz<br />

Beach Towel (www.ssense.<br />

com) I 4, LANVIN Classic<br />

Billfold Wallet (www.<br />

farfetch.com) I 5, GHURKA<br />

Leather And Pewter Flask (<br />

www.modaoperandi.com)<br />

I 6, THOM BROWNE Strip<br />

Panel Swim Shorts (www.<br />

lanecrawford.com) I 7, THOM<br />

BROWNE Navy & Gold<br />

TB 1<strong>05</strong> Aviator Sunglasses<br />

(www.ssense.com) I 8,<br />

HELBERS Leather Crisscross-<br />

Strap Sandals (www.barneys.<br />

com) I 9, RICK OWENS Black<br />

Weekender Bag (www.<br />

ssense.com)<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

8<br />


FOR MEN<br />

Ph∏i nam vËn d‹ ƨn gi∂n, vÀy h‰ sœ Æem theo<br />

nh˜ng vÀt dÙng g◊ khi Æi bi”n? D≠Ìi Æ©y lµ mÈt<br />

vµi m„n ÆÂ mµ c∏nh mµy r©u c„ th” tham kh∂o<br />

giÛp k˙ nghÿ trÎ nn thuÀn ti÷n vµ thÛ v h¨n.<br />

Most men enjoy simplicity, so what should they<br />

bring when travelling to the beach? Here is a<br />

list of items that can make a trip to the beach<br />

convenient and interesting.<br />

5<br />

6<br />

9<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HÄ NóI<br />

Tı nay Æ’n 4/6/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Tri”n l∑m "Cˆ ÆÈng<br />

cÒa k˝ ¯c"<br />

Ngh÷ s¸ tπo h◊nh ng≠Íi Ph∏p gËc<br />

Vi÷t Florian Nguy‘n sinh n®m 1988<br />

vµ Ænh c≠ tπi TP HÂ Ch› Minh tı<br />

n®m 2016 n¨i anh †p Ò mÈt d˘ ∏n<br />

ngh÷ thuÀt th gi∏c tÀp hÓp nh˜ng<br />

tranh vœ Æen træng vµ c∏c t∏c ph»m<br />

ngh÷ thuÀt sæp Æ∆t. Tri”n l∑m "Cˆ<br />

ÆÈng cÒa k˝ ¯c" tπi L'Espace lµ<br />

ph«n nËi dµi cÒa d˘ ∏n anh Æ∑ bæt<br />

Æ«u th˘c hi÷n cÔng bin Æπo mÛa<br />

ng≠Íi Ph∏p gËc Vi÷t, Säbastien Ly,<br />

v“ k˝ ¯c hµnh vi. Tri”n l∑m Æ≠Óc<br />

x©y d˘ng tı mÈt loπt c∏c tranh vœ<br />

vµ sæp Æ∆t th˘c Æa vµ sœ Æ≠Óc sˆ<br />

dÙng lµm ch†t li÷u cho buÊi tr◊nh<br />

di‘n mÛa "Kh´ng chÿ lµ k˝ ¯c" cÒa<br />

Säbastien Ly. Vµo cˆa t˘ do.<br />


L'ESPACE *21 Trµng Ti“n, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 04 3936 2164<br />

*Website: www.institutfrancaisvietnam.com)<br />

WHAT'S<br />

ON<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

TOÄN QUˇC<br />

KhÎi chi’u ngµy 26/5<br />



Salazar B∏o ThÔ lµ bÈ phim th¯ 5 cÒa loπt phim C≠Ìp Bi”n VÔng Caribe do nam di‘n<br />

vin Johnny Depp thÒ vai ch›nh - thuy“n tr≠Îng Jack Sparrow. Trong ph«n 5, hÂn<br />

ma cÒa thuy“n tr≠Îng Salazar trÎ v“ vµ d˘ Ænh tiu di÷t m‰i c≠Ìp bi”n d∏m Æi lπi<br />

trn bi”n, k” c∂ Jack Sparrow. ß” sËng s„t, Jack Sparrow ph∂i ln Æ≠Íng Æi t◊m c©y Æinh<br />

ba huy“n thoπi cÒa th«n bi”n Poseidon, mÈt b∏u vÀt c„ kh∂ n®ng Æi“u khi”n bi”n theo ˝<br />

muËn cÒa ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng.<br />

H÷ thËng rπp chi’u CGV trn toµn quËc.<br />

20h ngµy 21/5/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Liveshow Chÿ yu m◊nh em<br />

Liveshow Æm nhπc "Chÿ yu m◊nh em" sœ mang Æ’n cho c∏c bπn 1 Æm nhπc tuy÷t vÍi vµo<br />

21/5 tÌi tπi Hµ NÈi. Nh˜ng b∂n nhπc dance s´i ÆÈng, nh˜ng b∂n nhπc pop-ballad tr˜ t◊nh nÂng<br />

nµn s©u læng, nh˜ng mµn vÚ Æπo Æiu luy÷n l´i cuËn trn n“n nhπc Æi÷n tˆ EDM thÍi th≠Óng<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc th” hi÷n qua gi‰ng ca cÒa ßµm V‹nh H≠ng, H Ng‰c Hµ, Noo Ph≠Ìc Thnh, cÔng<br />

kh∏ch mÍi Æ≠Óc nhi“u ng≠Íi yu th›ch: Quang Hµ, Minh Kh∏nh vµ Blue Band... chæc chæn sœ<br />

mang Æ’n cho kh∏n gi∂ mÈt Æm nhπc "bÔng nÊ" c∂m xÛc kh´ng th” nµo qun.<br />

Gi∏ vä: 600.000 - 4.000.000VNß<br />

(CUNG V°N HïA H~U NGHë HÄ NóI *91 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi<br />

*Hotline: 0966 624 815)<br />

TOÄN QUˇC<br />

KhÎi chi’u ngµy 30/6/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Despicable Me 3 (KŒ<br />

trÈm m∆t tr®ng 3)<br />

Phin b∂n toµn c«u cÒa KŒ trÈm<br />

m∆t tr®ng ph«n 3 h¯a hãn s˘ t∏i<br />

xu†t Æ◊nh Æ∏m cÒa mÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng siu ph»m hoπt h◊nh Æ≠Óc<br />

yu qu˝ nh†t trn toµn th’ giÌi. Gia<br />

Æ◊nh Gru sæp trÎ lπi, ti’p nËi nh˜ng<br />

c©u chuy÷n h„m hÿnh, nh˜ng cuÈc<br />

phiu l≠u gay c†n, h†p d…n; vµ cÔng<br />

vÌi h‰ lµ s˘ trÎ lπi cÒa nh˜ng thµnh<br />

vin kh´ng käm ph«n quan tr‰ng<br />

cÒa Æπi gia Æ◊nh Gru, c∏c Minion!<br />

Nh˜ng chµng lÔn Æ∏ng yu vÌi Æi÷u<br />

c≠Íi Æ∆c bi÷t cÔng c∏c tr ÆÔa h„m<br />

hÿnh sœ ti’p tÙc lµm tan ch∂y tr∏i<br />

tim cÒa ng≠Íi h©m hÈ trn toµn th’<br />

giÌi. KŒ trÈm m∆t tr®ng 3 v…n gi˜<br />

nguyn nh˜ng gi∏ tr cËt l‚i lµm nn<br />

thµnh c´ng vang dÈi cÒa bÈ phim Î<br />

2 l«n ra mæt Æ«u tin.<br />

H÷ thËng rπp chi’u CGV trn<br />

toµn quËc.<br />

44<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

1<br />

1, KENZO KIDS Embroidered Logo<br />

Cap (www.farfetch.com) I 2, STELLA<br />

MCCARTNEY Guitar Backpack (www.<br />

barneys.com) I 3, IL GUFO Elephant-<br />

Print Cotton-Blend T-Shirt (www.<br />

barneys.com) I 4, VILEBREQUIN<br />

Octopus-Print Swim Trunks (www.<br />

barneys.com) I 5, ANCIENT GREEK<br />

SANDALS Little Socrates (www.<br />

revolve.com) I 6, BARNEYS NEW<br />

YORK Basketball Luggage Tag (www.<br />

barneys.com) I 7, KYME JUNIOR Miki<br />

Sunglasses (www.farfetch.com) I 8,<br />

DL 1961 Jacob Chino Shorts (www.<br />

barneys.com)<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

A LITTLE<br />

TRIP<br />

Bä trai hi’u ÆÈng hºn sœ r†t hµo h¯ng v“ chuy’n nghÿ m∏t sæp tÌi<br />

cÔng gia Æ◊nh. H∑y cÔng con ln k’ hoπch vµ chu»n b nh˜ng m„n<br />

ÆÂ c«n thi’t vÌi nh˜ng gam mµu mµ bä yu th›ch nh†t nhä!<br />

An ornery little boy is probably getting excited about the upcoming<br />

family trip. Plan and prepare the necessary items in his favorite colors!<br />

7<br />

8<br />

5<br />

6<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HANOI<br />

From now until June 4 th , <strong>2017</strong><br />

Exhibition<br />

"Movement of<br />

Memories"<br />

Vietnamese-born French visual<br />

artist Florian Nguyen, who was<br />

born in 1988, has been living in<br />

Ho Chi Minh city since 2016,<br />

where he has embarked on a<br />

visual arts project collecting<br />

black and white paintings and<br />

art. The exhibition, "Movement<br />

of Memories," at L'Espace is a<br />

continuation of the project he<br />

started with Vietnamese-French<br />

choreographer, Säbastien Ly<br />

on memories and oblivion. The<br />

exhibition consists of a series of<br />

painting and field installations,<br />

which will serve as a backdrop<br />

for Säbastien Ly's "Not Just<br />

Memories" dance performance.<br />

Free entrance.<br />


L'ESPACE *21 Trang Tien,<br />

Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi *Tel: 04<br />

3936 2164 *Website: www.<br />

institutfrancais-vietnam.com)<br />


Launched on 26 May<br />

Pirates Of The<br />

Caribbean: Salazar's<br />

Revenge<br />

Salazar's Revenge is the fifth<br />

movie of the Pirates franchise,<br />

once again featuring Johnny<br />

Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow.<br />

In this movie, the ghost of<br />

Captain Salazar returns,<br />

threatening to kill all pirates<br />

who dare to travel the sea,<br />

including Jack Sparrow. In<br />

order to survive, Captain Jack<br />

has to set out to find the god<br />

Poseidon's legendary Trident,<br />

a treasure that can control<br />

the sea according to the users'<br />

wishes.<br />

CGV cinema system nationwide<br />

HANOI<br />

8pm on May 21 st , <strong>2017</strong><br />


The live show "Only Love You" on May 21 st offers a wonderful night of music in Ha<br />

Noi. Upbeat dance music and passionate pop ballads featured alongside the voices of<br />

Dam Vinh Hung, Ho Ngoc Ha, Noo Phuoc Thinh and special guests Ha, Minh Khanh,<br />

and Blue Band promise an explosive and unforgettable night of music.<br />

Ticket price: VND600,000 - VND4,000,000<br />

(HA NOI FRIENDSHIP CULTURE PALACE *91 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi<br />

*Hotline: 0966 624 815)<br />

Launched on June 30 th , <strong>2017</strong><br />

Despicable Me 3<br />

The global version of Despicable Me 3 promises the return of one of the most loved<br />

animated stories in the world. The Gru family is back to continue their witty stories and<br />

exciting adventures. The Minions are also returning! The adorable little dummies with their<br />

silly laughes and witty jokes will melt the hearts of fans all over the world. Despicable Me 3<br />

retains its core values that gave it its huge success in the first two movies.<br />

CGV cinema system nationwide<br />


46<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />


Con g∏i yu cÚng muËn ®n di÷n thÀt thÍi trang<br />

nh≠ mã trong m‰i hoµn c∂nh. Vµ chºng dp nµo<br />

Æ” bä c∂m th†y m◊nh Æ≠Óc "lµm Æ·m" tho∂i m∏i<br />

h¨n lµ trong nh˜ng ngµy hÃ. H∑y cÔng con sˆa<br />

soπn vµ giÛp bä c„ mÈt chuy’n Æi nghÿ vui vŒ,<br />

xinh t≠¨i vµ Æ∏ng nhÌ nh†t nhä!<br />

Little girls want to be fashionable like their mothers,<br />

and summer is the perfect time to let a girl dress<br />

herself. Help her prepare for a memorable trip!<br />

6<br />

7<br />

5<br />

8<br />

1, CHLO– Tassel-Detail Hat (www.barneys.com) I 2, BEATRIX NY Juju The Ladybug 19 Two-Wheel Suitcase (www.barneys.com) I 3,<br />

DONSJE AMSTERDAM Pig Crossbody Bag (www.barneys.com) I 4, ATSUYO ET AKIKO Skull Charm Beaded Bracelet (www.barneys.com) I<br />

5, BARNEYS NEW YORK #Jetsetter Passport Cover (www.barneys.com) I 6, STELLA MCCARTNEY Beaded Crpe Dress (www.barneys.com) I 7,<br />

ZIMMERMANN Aerial One-Piece Swimsuit (www.barneys.com) I 8, IPANEMA Deco Rubber T-Strap Sandals (www.barneys.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


REAL<br />

ESTATE<br />




Nªm trong lng thµnh phË bi”n Nha Trang, Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ƺng c†p quËc t’ Marina Hill, bao gÂm 68 c®n Bi÷t th˘ hi÷n<br />

Æπi tr∂i dµi trn ng‰n ÆÂi xinh Æãp, sÎ h˜u mÈt Æa th’ phong thÒy tuy÷t vÍi vÌi 02 y’u tË: Th’ Ɔt vµ Tr«m h≠¨ng.<br />

SËng trong khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Marina Hill, c≠ d©n sœ hµi lng vµ trµn Æ«y n®ng l≠Óng sËng khi c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc s˘ yn b◊nh<br />

cÒa c∂nh vÀt, s˘ tinh khi’t cÒa kh´ng gian xanh ng∏t, s˘ hung v‹ cÒa c∂nh Æãp kh´ng giÌi hπn t«m nh◊n. MÁi khi b◊nh minh l„ rπng<br />

vµ hoµng h´n bu´ng xuËng Æ“u mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ. Bn cπnh y’u tË phong thÒy vµ ti÷n nghi cÒa tıng c®n<br />

Bi÷t th˘, khu ti÷n ›ch phÙc vÙ cÈng ÆÂng Marina Hill cn mang Æ’n nh˜ng gi∏ tr cÈng h≠Îng cÔng vÌi h b¨i, s©n tennis, phng<br />

tÀp gym, spa, cafä s∏ch, nhµ hµng É-¢u... Æπt chu»n quËc t’.<br />

(MARINA HILL *SË 117, Nguy‘n Xi”n, Th´n Hn Ngh, V‹nh Ng‰c, TP. Nha Trang, Kh∏nh Ha<br />

*Hotline: 0919 767 827 *Website: www.marinahillvilla.com)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

Ch›nh th¯c ra<br />

mæt The ZEN<br />

Residence<br />

The ZEN Residence<br />

ch›nh th¯c ra mæt c´ng<br />

chÛng, tπo nn s¯c hÛt<br />

kh„ c≠Ïng cÒa ng´i<br />

nhµ Æem lπi s˘ ha hÓp<br />

gi˜a t©m hÂn an nhin<br />

vµ nhp sËng hi÷n Æπi.<br />

NhÍ ch›nh s∏ch h†p d…n<br />

dµnh ring cho buÊi<br />

ra mæt s∂n ph»m, h¨n<br />

50% sË l≠Óng c®n hÈ<br />

The ZEN Residence<br />

Æ≠Óc giÌi thi÷u Æ∑ t◊m<br />

Æ≠Óc chÒ nh©n. Bn<br />

cπnh nh˜ng ≠u Æ∑i, The<br />

ZEN Residence g©y †n<br />

t≠Óng mπnh nhÍ mang<br />

Æ’n mÈt chËn an c≠ l˝<br />

t≠Îng cho nh˜ng ai Æ“<br />

cao ÆÍi sËng tinh th«n,<br />

≠a chuÈng phong c∏ch<br />

h≠Ìng nÈi nh≠ng kh´ng<br />

käm ph«n cÎi mÎ vÌi<br />

nhp sËng hi÷n Æπi. The<br />

ZEN Residence c„ c∏c<br />

loπi c®n hÈ tı 1 Æ’n<br />

3 phng ngÒ, vÌi m¯c<br />

gi∏ chÿ tı 1,5 t˚ VNß/<br />

c®n. 100% c®n hÈ c„<br />

khu v˘c ban c´ng vµ s©n<br />

ph¨i ring bi÷t. MÁi c®n<br />

hÈ Æ≠Óc Æ∂m b∂o 2 chÁ<br />

ÆÀu xe m∏y vµ 1 chÁ Æ”<br />

xe ´ t´.<br />

(ßÕ BI⁄T TH£M<br />


TI⁄T, VUI LíNG LI£N<br />

Hå *Hotline: 0902 178<br />

088 *Website: www.<br />

gamudagardens.com.vn)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Thin Æ≠Íng xanh hoµn h∂o m‰i ti÷n êch<br />

Nªm ngay v tr› trung t©m quÀn T©n PhÛ, Celadon City nÊi bÀt vÌi kh´ng gian xanh m∏t, cÔng vÌi c∏c h c∂nh quan uËn<br />

l≠Ón bao quanh c´ng vin xanh rÈng 16,4ha. ß≠Óc v› nh≠ ßµ Lπt thu nh· gi˜a thµnh phË Ân µo vµ n∏o nhi÷t, Æ©y c„ th”<br />

coi lµ 1 n¨i v“ b◊nh yn mÁi ngµy cÒa c≠ d©n Celadon City. VÌi nhi“u ti÷n nghi gÂm khu th” thao, h÷ thËng tr≠Íng h‰c<br />

lin c†p AIS, lµng v®n h„a, trung t©m mua sæm vµ khu gi∂i tr› nhªm Æ∏p ¯ng c∏c nhu c«u cho cuÈc sËng n®ng ÆÈng vµ<br />

hi÷n Æπi cÒa c≠ d©n. Celadon City ki’n tπo nn mÈt cÈng ÆÂng mµ bπn mong ÆÓi. Ti’p nËi thµnh c´ng tı d˘ ∏n Ruby,<br />

Gamuda Land sæp ra mæt d˘ ∏n Emerald Precinct, khu d©n c≠ cao c†p Æ≠Óc ch®m chÛt k¸ l≠Ïng tı c∂nh quan ti÷n ›ch<br />

cho Æ’n tıng trang thi’t b nÈi th†t cÒa mÁi c®n hÈ.<br />

(V°N PHíNG NHÄ M√U CELADON CITY *SË 88, ß≠Íng N1, Ph≠Íng S¨n K˙, Q. T©n PhÛ, *Hotline: 0903 340 888)<br />

48<br />



Marina Hill<br />

- Luxury<br />

Resort in<br />

Nha Trang<br />

Located in the<br />

heart of coastal<br />

Nha Trang,<br />

the Marina Hill<br />

international class<br />

Resort consists of<br />

68 modern villas<br />

scattered along<br />

beautiful hills. The<br />

villas incorporate<br />

elements of feng<br />

shui for two<br />

elements: landscape<br />

and incense.<br />

Visitors to the<br />

Marina Hill Resort<br />

will be satisfied<br />

and energized by<br />

the tranquility of<br />

the landscape, the<br />

purity of the green<br />

space, and the<br />

magnificence of the<br />

beautiful scenery.<br />

Each sunrise and<br />

sunset promises<br />

new memories.<br />

In addition to<br />

effective feng<br />

shui and modern<br />

conveniences,<br />

the Marina Hill<br />

community facilities<br />

offer swimming<br />

pools, tennis<br />

courts, a gym, a<br />

spa, a book cafä,<br />

and Asian-European<br />

restaurants meeting<br />

international<br />

standards.<br />


*No 117, Nguyen<br />

Xien Street, Hon<br />

Nghe Village, Vinh<br />

Ngoc, Nha Trang City,<br />

Khanh Hoa Province.<br />

*Hotline: 0919 767<br />

827 *Website: www.<br />

marinahillvilla.com)<br />

HCMC<br />

A green<br />

heaven<br />

with perfect<br />

conveniences<br />

Located in the heart<br />

of Tan Phu District,<br />

Celadon City's green<br />

space, scenic lakes, and<br />

16.4 hectare green park<br />

has plenty to offer its<br />

residents. Resembling<br />

a small Da Lat in the<br />



midst of a busy and<br />

noisy city, Celadon<br />

City is a peaceful place<br />

to visit and live. It has<br />

many conveniences,<br />

including a sports<br />

complex, an AIS interlevel<br />

school system,<br />

a cultural village, a<br />

shopping centre, and<br />

an entertainment area<br />

meeting the demands of<br />

its dynamic and modern<br />

residents. Celadon<br />

City establishes an<br />

ideal community living<br />

situation. Following<br />

the Ruby Project's<br />

success, Gamuda Land<br />

is launching the Emerald<br />

Precinct project a<br />

high-end resident area<br />

with meticulously<br />

cared for landscape,<br />

conveniences, and<br />

interior equipment.<br />

HANOI<br />

The ZEN Residence has officially opened to the public, featuring exquisite housing units that combine<br />

a peaceful environment with the fast pace of modern life. Thanks to the policies instated at the<br />

launching ceremony, more than 50% of The ZEN Residence apartments have found their owners. In<br />

addition to its conveniences, The ZEN Residence provides an ideal environment for those who appreciate<br />

an introverted, spiritual life but are still open to the pace of modern life. The ZEN Residence consists of<br />

one-bedroom to 3-bedroom apartments with prices starting at just VND1.5 billion/unit. Each apartment<br />

has its own separate balcony and drying area. Purchase of a unit guarantees two motorbike parking lots and<br />

one car parking space.<br />


*Website: www.gamudagardens.com.vn)<br />



TEMPLATE *No 88,<br />

N1 Street, Son Ky Ward,<br />

Tan Phu District, HCMC<br />

*Hotline: 0903 340 888)<br />

REAL<br />

ESTATE<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


luxuryliving<br />

BƒT ßóNG SÅN<br />

DU LëCH<br />

s# l£n ng§i cûa<br />

"T‡ húp lai"<br />


"CON GÄ ßà TR`NG VÄNG"<br />

N’u nh≠ n®m 2016 -<br />

<strong>2017</strong> lµ thÍi k˙ ln ng´i cÒa loπi h◊nh Æ«u<br />

t≠ condotel - villas trong ph©n khÛc b†t<br />

ÆÈng s∂n nghÿ d≠Ïng, th◊ t≠¨ng lai Vi÷t<br />

Nam sœ ph∏t tri”n nh˜ng "tÊ hÓp lai" k’t<br />

hÓp gi˜a gi∂i tr›, du lch - nghÿ d≠Ïng,<br />

th≠¨ng mπi vµ Æ´ th.<br />

Theo b∏o c∏o v“ t≠¨ng lai du lfich n≠Ìc ngoµi tπi khu<br />

v˘c Ch©u É - Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng tı n®m 2016 Æ’n 2021<br />

cÒa MasterCard, Vi÷t Nam sœ Æπt tËc ÆÈ t®ng tr≠Îng<br />

hªng n®m käp v“ sË l≠Óng ng≠Íi Æi du lfich n≠Ìc ngoµi<br />

Î m¯c 9,5%, Ưng th¯ 2 khu v˘c Ch©u É - Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng,<br />

chÿ sau Myanmar (10,6%). Trong bËi c∂nh ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam t®ng<br />

tr≠Îng du lfich n≠Ìc ngoµi ln Æ’n 7,5 tri÷u ng≠Íi vµo n®m 2021<br />

50<br />


T‡ húp<br />

Tu¡n ch¢u - hÄ nói<br />

kh§ng ché lÄ T‡ húp ph`c húp,<br />

s# ra ßòi cûa cÉc d# Én "T‡ HúP LAI" ßÉp<br />

`ng ba xu hõng du lëch lõn TÑi khu v#c<br />

Ch¢u É - thÉI Bçnh D•nG<br />

(so vÌi 4,8 tri÷u ng≠Íi trong n®m<br />

2016) Æ” tÀn h≠Îng c∏c dfich vÙ<br />

du lfich gi∂i tr› Æa dπng, th◊ tπi Vi÷t<br />

Nam vÌi c∂nh quan thin nhin<br />

phong phÛ, kh› hÀu vµ v®n h„a kh∏c<br />

bi÷t tı Bæc xuËng Nam, d‘ dµng<br />

khai th∏c Æa dπng du lfich, v…n ch≠a<br />

thÀt s˘ thu hÛt du kh∏ch chi tiu<br />

vµ c≠ trÛ l©u dµi do dfich vÙ du lfich,<br />

gi∂i tr›, c¨ sÎ hπ t«ng cho c∏c loπi<br />

h◊nh nghÿ d≠Ïng cao c†p v…n cfln<br />

d≠Ìi dπng "ti“m n®ng."<br />

Tı r†t sÌm, c∏c n≠Ìc trong khu v˘c<br />

nh≠ Singapore, Th∏i Lan, Malaysia,<br />

Hong Kong... Æ∑ chi mπnh ng©n<br />

s∏ch x©y d˘ng nh˜ng tÊ hÓp du lfich<br />

- kh∏ch sπn ƺng c†p bn cπnh c∏c<br />

khu vui ch¨i, mua sæm nhªm th·a<br />

m∑n nhu c«u du lfich vµ gi∂i tr› cÒa<br />

du kh∏ch, Æem lπi gi∏ trfi cao v“ kinh<br />

t’ cho Ɔt n≠Ìc vµ nhµ Æ«u t≠, ÆÂng<br />

thÍi trÎ thµnh bi”u t≠Óng Æπi di÷n<br />

cho du lfich quËc gia.<br />

CÙ th”, theo BÈ Tµi ch›nh<br />

Singapore, tÊ hÓp Marina Bay<br />

Sands Æπt thu 3,135 t˚ USD vµ<br />

Resorts World Sentosa Æπt doanh<br />

thu 2,942 t˚ USD Æ∑ Æ≠a Singapore<br />

x’p hπng ba thfi tr≠Íng casino th’<br />

giÌi v“ doanh thu n®m 2013, chÿ sau<br />

Macau Ưng vfi tr› th¯ nh†t vÌi 45,2<br />

t˚ USD vµ Las Vegas Strip Î vfi tr›<br />

th¯ hai vÌi 6,5 t˚ USD. Trong vflng<br />

5 n®m tı khi ch›nh th¯c mÎ cˆa,<br />

Marina Bay Sands (cÔng vÌi Resorts<br />

World Sentosa) Æ∑ Æ„ng g„p 1,5 -<br />

2% GDP hµng n®m cÒa Singapore<br />

vµ Æem lπi 1,8% sË vi÷c lµm (trn<br />

20,000 c´ng vi÷c) trong n≠Ìc (theo<br />

CNBC, 2015)<br />

S# L£N NG§I CûA "T‡ HúP LAI"<br />

TÑI VIåT NAM<br />

Vi÷t Nam nh˜ng n®m g«n Æ©y, thfi<br />

tr≠Íng Æ∑ bæt Æ«u ph∏t tri”n ph©n<br />

khÛc nµy, khi xu†t hi÷n c∏c tÊ hÓp<br />

kh∏ch sπn, resort k’t hÓp vui ch¨i,<br />

gi∂i tr›, nghÿ d≠Ïng cÔng mÈt chÁ<br />

nh≠ Vinpearl Land (Nha Trang &<br />

PhÛ QuËc), Cocobay (ßµ NΩng),<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


52<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

The Sunrise Bay (ßµ<br />

NΩng), Tu«n Ch©u - Hµ<br />

NÈi Ecopark (ph›a T©y<br />

Hµ NÈi),... C∏c tÊ hÓp<br />

nµy sœ thu hÛt du kh∏ch, gia t®ng<br />

nhu c«u l≠u trÛ l©u dµi, Æ„ng g„p<br />

t≠¨ng x¯ng vÌi ti“m n®ng vËn c„<br />

cÒa du lfich Vi÷t Nam. ß∆c bi÷t<br />

khu v˘c ßµ NΩng, vÌi qu¸ Ɔt lÌn<br />

vµ vfi tr› Ææc Æfia hi÷n Æang d…n<br />

Æ«u vÌi c∏c d˘ ∏n tÊ hÓp nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng quy m´, Æ≠Óc Æ«u t≠ ti÷n<br />

›ch chu»n m˘c. Vµ mÌi nh†t, ßµ<br />

NΩng Æang x´n xao vÌi s˘ xu†t<br />

hi÷n cÒa d˘ ∏n The Sunrise Bay<br />

vÌi quy m´ h¨n 180ha, nªm ngay<br />

tπi Trung t©m quÀn H∂i Ch©u,<br />

ßµ NΩng. Quy tÙ kh∏ nhi“u ƨn<br />

vfi t≠ v†n thi’t k’ danh ti’ng nh≠<br />

AEDAS, EDSA, Safdie Architect,<br />

The Sunrise Bay ßµ NΩng ph∏t<br />

tri”n nh≠ mÈt "tÊ hÓp lai" gÂm<br />

mÈt khu Æ´ thfi d©n c≠ (bi÷t th˘,<br />

nhµ phË, shophouse) k’t hÓp<br />

vÌi khu Æ∂o gi∂i tr› - nghÿ d≠Ïng<br />

(kh∏ch sπn, trung t©m th≠¨ng<br />

mπi - hÈi nghfi, nhµ h∏t, gallery<br />

ngh÷ thuÀt, cˆa hµng mi‘n thu’,<br />

b’n du thuy“n... ), Æ≠Óc k˙ v‰ng<br />

mang Æ’n mÈt bi”u t≠Óng ki’n<br />

trÛc mÌi cho ßµ NΩng vµ mÈt<br />

kh´ng gian sËng ti÷n nghi, hi÷n<br />

Æπi cho h¨n 40.000 ng≠Íi. Bn<br />

cπnh Æ„, The Sunrise Bay vÌi<br />

thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o tı Æ∂o nh©n tπo<br />

cfln c„ th” thu hÛt tµu bi”n quËc<br />

t’ dıng ch©n tπi c∂ng bi”n Vi÷t<br />

Nam, gia t®ng nhu c«u mua sæm<br />

tı nguÂn kh∏ch cao c†p tπi c∏c<br />

khu mi‘n thu’.<br />

ßÄ NøNG - THÄNH PHˇ<br />


DU LëCH CH¢U É<br />

Kh´ng chÿ lµ tÊ hÓp ph¯c hÓp,<br />

s˘ ra ÆÍi cÒa c∏c d˘ ∏n "tÊ hÓp<br />

lai" Æ∏p ¯ng ba xu h≠Ìng du lfich<br />

lÌn tπi khu v˘c Ch©u É - Th∏i<br />

B◊nh D≠¨ng: s∂n ph»m du lfich<br />

c„ chi“u s©u, gæn li“n thin<br />

nhin, v®n h„a Æfia ph≠¨ng; t®ng<br />

tr≠Îng du lfich nÈi khËi vµ du lfich<br />

kho∂ng c∏ch ngæn (short-haul);<br />

gia t®ng nhu c«u v“ t≠ nh©n h„a<br />

vµ c∏ nh©n h„a ÆËi vÌi thfi tr≠Íng<br />

cao c†p.<br />

Thµnh phË ßµ NΩng, vÌi c∏c<br />

ch›nh s∏ch quy hoπch ph∏t tri”n<br />

du lfich nh≠ d˘ ∏n mÎ rÈng s©n<br />

bay quËc t’; d˘ ∏n "T∏i ph∏t tri”n<br />

Æ´ thfi thµnh phË ßµ NΩng" vÌi<br />

tÊng m¯c Æ«u t≠ kho∂ng 9.677 t˚<br />

VNß; d˘ ∏n di dÍi ga Æ≠Íng sæt<br />

ra khu v˘c ph›a T©y thµnh phË<br />

(<strong>2017</strong> - 2023) nhªm gi∂m Ôn tæc<br />

giao th´ng trung t©m vµ tπo ti“n<br />

Æ“ ph∏t tri”n c∂ng Lin Chi”u,<br />

mÎ rÈng h«m Æ≠Íng bÈ H∂i V©n<br />

k’t hÓp vÌi d˘ ∏n Æ≠Íng cao tËc<br />

ßµ NΩng - Qu∂ng Ng∑i,.. vµ lµ<br />

n¨i di‘n ra nhi“u s˘ ki÷n quan<br />

tr‰ng t«m cÏ quËc t’. ßµ NΩng<br />

vÌi s˘ xu†t cÒa c∏c tÊ hÓp nu<br />

trn lµ thµnh phË Æi tin phong<br />

theo xu h≠Ìng thfi tr≠Íng du lfich<br />

Ch©u É - Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng. D˘<br />

Æo∏n, b†t ÆÈng s∂n du lfich - nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng - gi∂i tr› tπi ßµ NΩng n„i<br />

ring vµ tπi c∏c thµnh phË lÓi<br />

th’ sΩn c„ v“ thin nhin lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng knh Æ«u t≠ s´i<br />

ÆÈng trong t≠¨ng lai, g„p ph«n<br />

Æem Æ’n s˘ t®ng tr≠Îng mπnh<br />

mœ, k˙ v‰ng bi’n du lfich thµnh<br />

nghµnh kinh t’ mÚi nh‰n cÒa<br />

Vi÷t Nam.

luxuryliving<br />


the rise of<br />

travel and leisure complexes<br />

The years 2016 and <strong>2017</strong> are experiencing a rise in leisure real estate including<br />

condotels and villas. It is predicted that travel, leisure and amusement<br />

complexes will boom in the future.<br />

Text: Phan Cac Truc

These complexes have satisfied tourists' need<br />

for tourism entertainment, and have contributed high<br />

economic value to countries and investors<br />




According to a Mastercard<br />

report on "The Future of<br />

Outbound Travel in Asia<br />

Pacific," Viet Nam is expected to<br />

enjoy a compound annual growth<br />

rate of 9.5% between 2016 and<br />

2021 for outbound travel, ranking<br />

second in the Asia Pacific area, just<br />

behind Myanmar (10.6%). In 2021,<br />

around 7.5 million Vietnamese are<br />

expected to travel abroad, compared<br />

to 4.8 million in 2016. Meanwhile,<br />

Vietnam's breathtaking natural<br />

sights, temperate climate and<br />

diversity of culture ought to create<br />

an ideal environment for tourism<br />

development. However, Vietnam<br />

has not actually been able to attract<br />

many tourists who want to stay<br />

for extended periods and spend<br />

generously because the country's<br />

tourism industry, entertainment<br />

services, and infrastructure for<br />

high-grade leisure forms are still<br />

developing their "potential."<br />

Meanwhile, other countries in<br />

the region, including Singapore,<br />

Thailand, Malaysia and Hong<br />

Kong, have been investing in luxury<br />

travel-hotel complexes, amusement<br />

parks and shopping centers for a<br />

long time. These complexes have<br />

satisfied tourists' need for tourism<br />

entertainment, and have contributed<br />

high economic value to countries<br />

and investors. More importantly,<br />

these complexes have come to<br />

symbolize countries in the minds of<br />

tourists.<br />

According to the Singapore Ministry<br />

of Finance, in 2013, Marina Bay<br />

Sands and Resort World Sentosa<br />

casinos recorded revenue of 6.077<br />

billion dollars, making Singapore<br />

third in the global gambling market.<br />

Las Vegas is just ahead with 6.5<br />

billion dollars, and Macau remains<br />

far in the lead with 45.2 billion<br />

dollars. Within its first five years of<br />

operation, Marina Bay contributed<br />

1.5 - 2% of Singapore's annual GDP<br />

and provided 1.8% of employment<br />

over 20,000 jobs (according to<br />

CNBC, 2015).<br />

54<br />


Event information<br />



In recent years, hotel, resort and<br />

amusement parks complexes have<br />

started appearing in the Vietnamese<br />

market Vinpearl Land (in Nha Trang<br />

and Phu Quoc), Cocobay (in Da<br />

Nang), Sunrise Bay (in Da Nang),<br />

and Tuan Chau-Hanoi Ecopark (in<br />

western Ha Noi). These complexes<br />

promise to attract tourists and<br />

increase their desire to stay in<br />

Vietnam longer, contributing to<br />

expanding the country's tourism<br />

potential. Da Nang with its large<br />

land area and optimal location is<br />

the city with the largest number of<br />

these projects, including Sunrise<br />

Bay. Sunrise Bay is a large-scale<br />

project covering more than 180<br />

hectares, located in the center of<br />

Hai Chau District. Designed by the<br />

world's leading architectural fi rms,<br />

including AEDAS, EDSA and Safdie<br />

Architect, Sunrise Bay will be an<br />

integrated resort offering multiple<br />

world-class attractions such as an<br />

urban area (including villas and<br />

shop-houses), and an amusement<br />

and leisure island (including hotels,<br />

restaurants, shopping centers,<br />

theatres, art galleries, duty- free<br />

shops, marinas, convention facilities<br />

and entertainment). It is eagerly<br />

anticipated to be a new architectural<br />

symbol of Da Nang and offer a<br />

comfortable and modern living space<br />

for more than 40,000 people. In<br />

addition, Sunrise Bay's unique manmade<br />

island can attract international<br />

vessels stopping at Vietnamese<br />

seaports. The island's duty-free<br />

shops will contribute to attracting<br />

wealthy tourists.<br />



Da Nang is home to several tourism<br />

complexes and meets three great<br />

Asia Pacific tourism trends: their<br />

tourism products are attached<br />

to nature and local culture; they<br />

are developing regional tourism<br />

and short-haul tours; and they are<br />

increasing the need for privatization<br />

and individualization within the<br />

high-grade market. Da Nang is<br />

developing tourism in several ways,<br />

including the expansion of the Da<br />

Nang International Airport; the<br />

"Urban redevelopment of Da Nang"<br />

project with a total investment of<br />

VND 9,677 billion; and the relocation<br />

of the railway station to the area west<br />

of the city (<strong>2017</strong> - 2023) to reduce<br />

traffic congestion in the downtown,<br />

area and encourage the development<br />

of the Lien Chieu port and the<br />

expansion of the Hai Van Pass<br />

Tunnel in combination with the Da<br />

Nang - Quang Ngai highway project.<br />

Its central location makes Da Nang<br />

an ideal host of many international<br />

events. The number of travel and<br />

leisure complexes in the city has<br />

developed Da Nang into a vanguard<br />

city within Asian-Pacific tourism.<br />

Tourism, leisure and entertainment<br />

real estate in Da Nang and other<br />

cities is expected to develop into a<br />

prosperous investment channel in<br />

the future, contributing to making<br />

tourism a key economic industry in<br />

Vietnam.<br />


TI⁄P THë Sˇ<br />

Ti’p th sË trong ngµnh b†t ÆÈng s∂n Vi÷t<br />

Nam ph∏t tri”n nhanh kh´ng chÿ v“ sË l≠Óng<br />

mµ ch†t l≠Óng. C∏c c´ng ty BßS kh´ng ngıng<br />

khai th∏c vµ ¯ng dÙng c∏c chiu th¯c, c´ng<br />

cÙ ti’p th vµo c∏c s∂n ph»m vµ dch vÙ BßS<br />

vµo vi÷c kinh doanh b∏n hµng. Tuy nhin<br />

hi÷u qu∂ ti’p th b†t ÆÈng s∂n v…n lµ mÈt<br />

c©u h·i lÌn, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ vi÷c khai th∏c ti’p<br />

th sË. Nhªm giÛp c∏c th≠¨ng hi÷u BßS c„<br />

mÈt c∏ch ti’p cÀn mÌi trong x©y d˘ng chi’n<br />

l≠Óc vµ tri”n khai c∏c hoπt ÆÈng ti’p th hi÷u<br />

qu∂ h¨n, Masso Group cÔng vÌi c∏c chuyn<br />

gia trong ti’p th d˜ li÷u sË tÊ ch¯c buÊi hÈi<br />

th∂o "Chi’n l≠Óc ti’p th trn n“n t∂ng d˜<br />

li÷u sË, Æi”n c¯u ngµnh b†t ÆÈng s∂n". HÈi<br />

th∂o c„ s˘ tham gia cÒa c∏c di‘n gi∂ c„ uy t›n<br />

trong l‹nh v˘c truy“n th´ng nh≠ ´ng James<br />

Nguy‘n - Gi∏m ÆËc Digital cÒa Massogroup,<br />

´ng Nguy‘n H∂i Tri“u - TÊng Gi∏m ÆËc cÒa<br />

Younet Media, ´ng Sang Nguy‘n vÌi 15 n®m<br />

kinh nghi÷m trong qu∂n l˝ kinh doanh vµ t≠<br />

v†n c´ng ngh÷ th´ng tin, bµ Cindy Nguy‘n -<br />

chuyn gia v“ Facebook Marketing khu v˘c<br />

Ch©u É Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng - phÙ tr∏ch th<br />

tr≠Íng Vi÷t Nam vµ c∏c n≠Ìc Æang ph∏t tri”n.<br />

Th´ng tin thm v“ Masso Group tham kh∂o tπi<br />

website: www.massogroup.com.<br />



Digital marketing in Vietnam's real estate<br />

industry has developed rapidly both in<br />

terms of quantity and quality. Real estate<br />

companies have increased their application<br />

of marketing strategies and real estate<br />

products and services. The efficiency of<br />

real estate marketing is still a big question,<br />

however, especially concerning the use<br />

of digital marketing. In order to promote<br />

a new approach to strategy and develop<br />

more efficient marketing activity among real<br />

estate companies, Masso Group and digital<br />

marketing experts will hold a seminar called<br />

"Marketing strategies based on digital data:<br />

a case study in real estate." The seminar has<br />

attracted the participation of prestigious<br />

lecturers in the communications field,<br />

including James Nguyen, Digital Director<br />

of Massogroup; Nguyen Hai Trieu, General<br />

Director of Younet Media; Sang Nguyen,<br />

who has 15 years of experience in business<br />

management and information technology<br />

consultancy; and Cindy Nguyen, an expert<br />

in Facebook marketing in Asia Pacific and<br />

the person responsible for the Vietnamese<br />

market and developing countries.<br />

For further information, please refer to website:<br />

www.massogroup.com<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Nªm gi˜a khu v≠Ín nhi÷t ÆÌi bn bÍ<br />

bi”n ph›a T©y Nam cÒa PhÛ QuËc, La<br />

Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery By<br />

Sofitel mang Æ’n mÈt hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m<br />

ph∏ v≠Ót kh´ng gian vµ thÍi gian, v“ vÌi<br />

thÍi k˙ r˘c rÏ Æ∑ b l∑ng qun cÒa nh˜ng<br />

n®m 1920s, cÒa c´ nµng qu˝ ph∏i, hoang<br />

dπi vµ kiu k˙ trong nh˜ng b˜a ti÷c tr≠a<br />

hà tinh t’.<br />

Located in the heart of a tropical garden<br />

on the southwest coast of Phu Quoc, La<br />

Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery by<br />

Sofitel offers a journey through space<br />

and time back to the forgotten 1920s,<br />

of aristocratic women enjoying fine<br />

summer lunch parties.<br />

LOCATION: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery By Sofi tel<br />

PHOTOGRAPHER: K˙ Anh Tr«n<br />

MODEL: Minh Tri÷u - STYLIST: P´ng Chu»n<br />

MUA: Vi‘n D≠¨ng - LIGHTING ASISSTANT: ß∆ng T†n Ph∏t<br />

FASHION: C´ng Tr›, L©m Gia Khang, Furla, Christian<br />

Louboutin, Topshop Topman<br />


56<br />


fashion<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


fashion<br />

58<br />


LOCATION: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery By Sofi tel<br />

PHOTOGRAPHER: K˙ Anh Tr«n - MODEL: Minh Tri÷u<br />

STYLIST: P´ng Chu»n - MUA: Vi‘n D≠¨ng - LIGHTING ASISSTANT: ß∆ng T†n Ph∏t<br />

FASHION: C´ng Tr›, L©m Gia Khang, Furla, Christian Louboutin, Topshop Topman<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


fashion<br />

60<br />


fashion<br />

LOCATION: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery By Sofitel<br />

PHOTOGRAPHER: K˙ Anh Tr«n - MODEL: Minh Tri÷u<br />

STYLIST: P´ng Chu»n - MUA: Vi‘n D≠¨ng - LIGHTING ASISSTANT: ß∆ng T†n Ph∏t<br />

FASHION: C´ng Tr›, L©m Gia Khang, Furla, Christian Louboutin, Topshop Topman<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


62<br />


fashion<br />

rn n“n nhπc Jazz vµ kh´ng gian cÊ Æi”n,<br />

ÆÀm nät th≠Óng l≠u nh˜ng n®m 1920, La<br />

Veranda Resort nh≠ mÈt ng≠Íi con g∏i t„c<br />

ngæn uËn cong, kiu k˙ trong nh˜ng bÈ trang<br />

phÙc cÊ Æi”n, xa hoa vÌi s˘ Æ›nh k’t tinh t’ vµ nh˜ng h‰a<br />

ti’t Æa mµu sæc. Mang ÆÀm vŒ qu˝ ph∏i cÒa ng´i bi÷t th˘<br />

phong c∏ch thuÈc Æfia ki”u cÊ, tıng chi ti’t nh· trong 70 c®n<br />

phflng tπi Æ©y Æ“u lµ ch¯ng nh©n cÒa h¨n mÈt th’ k˚ lfich<br />

sˆ, gÓi nhÌ v“ cuÈc hµnh tr◊nh k˙ di÷u Madame Catherine<br />

- mÈt phÙ n˜ qu˝ ph∏i ng≠Íi Ph∏p, c„ cÈi nguÂn Î PhÛ<br />

QuËc, ng≠Íi Æ∑ t˘ tay thi’t k’ vµ trang tr› La Veranda.<br />

BuÊi tËi tπi La Veranda, ngæm nh◊n c∏c chµng trai vµ c´ g∏i<br />

gˆi nhau nh˜ng lÍi th«m th◊, r≠Óu vµ s©m-panh trong khu<br />

v≠Ín mµu xanh nhi÷t ÆÌi, d≠Ìi n“n trÍi trong veo nh˜ng v◊<br />

sao, bπn d≠Íng nh≠ lπc mÈt trang s∏ch trong c©u chuy÷n<br />

Gatsby, "In his blue gardens men and girls came and went<br />

like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and<br />

the stars." - F. Scott Fitzgerald.<br />

LIKE THE free-spirited women of the 1920s, La Veranda<br />

Resort gracefully combines classic luxury with colorful<br />

energy. Every detail of the more than 70 rooms in the<br />

colonial-style villas is bold and elegant. They are reminiscent<br />

of the marvelous journey of Madame Catherine - a French<br />

noblewoman originally from Phu Quoc. She herself<br />

designed and decorated La Veranda.<br />

Visitors might observe that La Veranda at night looks like<br />

a scene out of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. "In<br />

his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths<br />

among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars."<br />

- F. Scott Fitzgerald.<br />

LOCATION: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery By Sofitel<br />

PHOTOGRAPHER: K˙ Anh Tr«n - MODEL: Minh Tri÷u<br />

STYLIST: P´ng Chu»n - MUA: Vi‘n D≠¨ng -<br />

LIGHTING ASISSTANT: ß∆ng T†n Ph∏t<br />

FASHION: C´ng Tr›, L©m Gia Khang, Furla, Christian Louboutin,<br />

Topshop Topman<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


fashion<br />

64<br />


fashion<br />

LOCATION: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc MGallery By Sofitel<br />

PHOTOGRAPHER: K˙ Anh Tr«n - MODEL: Minh Tri÷u<br />

STYLIST: P´ng Chu»n - MUA: Vi‘n D≠¨ng - LIGHTING ASISSTANT: ß∆ng T†n Ph∏t<br />

FASHION: C´ng Tr›, L©m Gia Khang, Furla, Christian Louboutin, Topshop Topman<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


food&beverage<br />

Sau khi lµm sπch bªng bia t≠¨i, trai sœ Æ≠Óc h†p cÔng r≠Óu vang træng, kÃm chÛt hµnh t·i. Tuy÷t ÆËi<br />

kh´ng t»m ≠Ìp Æ” gi˜ Æ≠Óc v th¨m ngon, ÆÀm Ƶ vËn c„ cÒa trai.<br />

66<br />


Moules Frites<br />

TUYåT ßéNH NõC Bé<br />

VËn nÊi ti’ng vÌi nh˜ng m„n ngon nh≠ chocolate, bia hay b∏nh qu’... song c„ lœ Moules-<br />

Frites/ Mosselen-friet (trai ®n kÃm khoai t©y) mÌi lµm nn {ch†t} ring cÒa »m th˘c Bÿ. ß∑ vang<br />

danh khæp th’ giÌi suËt hµng thÀp k˚ qua, nh≠ng m„n ®n t≠Îng chıng h’t s¯c ƨn gi∂n nµy<br />

lπi v´ cÔng ÆÈc Æ∏o, vµ chÿ lµ ch›nh n„ khi bπn th≠Îng th¯c ngay trn vÔng Ɔt mã.<br />

Theo ph©n t›ch cÒa blogger »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Quora Valentin V., mÈt trong nh˜ng<br />

l˝ do mµ m„n ®n nµy trÎ nn tuy÷t vÍi nh≠ vÀy lµ v◊ ng≠Íi Bÿ th›ch h∂i s∂n vµ bia.<br />

H‰ bi’t c∏ch tÀn dÙng, cÚng nh≠ ch’ bi’n h∂i s∂n, trong Æ„ c„ c∏c loπi trai. M„n<br />

®n Æ≠Óc n†u d≠Ìi b†t k˙ h◊nh th¯c nµo, tı vÌi r≠Óu, b¨, th∂o mÈc, ho∆c c„ th”<br />

lµ n≠Ìc dÔng cµ chua, rÂi ®n kÃm vÌi khoai chin gifln. ThÀm ch›, h‰ cfln dÔng ch›nh<br />

nh˜ng vfi bia t≠¨i nÊi ti’ng cÒa m◊nh Æ” rˆa trai nhªm gi˜ Æ≠Óc vfi thfit t≠¨i quy÷n vÌi<br />

men say nÂng ÆÈc Æ∏o. M∆t kh∏c, c∏ch ng≠Íi ta th≠Îng th¯c m„n ®n nµy trn b∑i bi”n s´i<br />

ÆÈng, hoµ cÔng v®n ho∏ »m th˘c tuy÷t vÍi, cµng khi’n n„ trÎ nn Æ∆c sæc.<br />

ßËi vÌi nhi“u ng≠Íi, vi÷c ch’ bi’n m„n Moules-Frites/Mosselen-friet kh´ng h“ ƨn gi∂n<br />

nh≠ng khi h≠Îng thÙ thµnh qu∂, bπn sœ th†y n„ hoµn toµn x¯ng Æ∏ng vµ kh∏c bi÷t vÌi c∏c<br />

m„n thfit hay salad th´ng th≠Íng.<br />

Sau khi lµm sπch bªng bia t≠¨i, trai sœ Æ≠Óc h†p cÔng r≠Óu vang træng, kÃm chÛt hµnh t·i.<br />

Tuy÷t ÆËi kh´ng t»m ≠Ìp Æ” gi˜ Æ≠Óc vfi th¨m ngon, ÆÀm Ƶ vËn c„ cÒa trai. Khoai t©y chin<br />

gifln n„ng hÊi lu´n Æi cÔng vÌi trai h†p, dÔ vÀy, bπn v…n c„ th” g‰i thm b∏nh m◊ Æ” ch†m<br />

vÌi n≠Ìc sËt cfln s„t lπi d≠Ìi Æ∏y nÂi.<br />

Bπn c„ th” thm mÈt ›t rau mÔi t≠¨i vµ th∂o mÈc kh∏c Æ” h†p cÔng trai. MÈt Æi“u c«n l≠u<br />

˝ lµ chÿ nn h†p chÛng trong kho∂ng 5 phÛt Æ” trai gi˜ Æ≠Óc ÆÈ ng‰t, vfi m∆n Æ∆c tr≠ng vµ<br />

m“m ÆÒ lˆa.<br />

Nghe th◊ ƨn gi∂n vÀy, nh≠ng h≠¨ng vfi Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa m„n nµy sœ khi’n bπn thflm thÃm<br />

m∑i, thÀm ch› lµ g©y nghi÷n! ß„ lµ l˝ do mÁi su†t ®n Moules-Frites/Mosselen-friet dµnh<br />

cho 1 ng≠Íi lπi c«n ›t nh†t 1kg trai vµ Æ‹a khoai t©y chin cÏ lÌn. Ngoµi ra, h∑y dÔng tay vµ<br />

v· trai lµm kãp gæp khi th≠Îng th¯c m„n nµy, nh≠ vÀy mÌi ÆÛng Æi÷u!<br />

VÌi s¯c h†p d…n kh´ng th” chËi tı, trai ®n kÃm khoai t©y Æang ngµy cµng phÊ bi’n tπi c∏c<br />

nhµ hµng Ph∏p vµ M¸ vÌi nhi“u phin b∂n vÌi kem, ngh÷ t©y, r≠Óu t∏o, cµ ri, ho∆c thÀm<br />

ch› vÌi pho m∏t Roquefort tan ch∂y vµo n≠Ìc sËt. Nh≠ng dÔ bi’n th” nh≠ th’ nµo Æi ch®ng<br />

n˜a, bπn cÚng Æıng qun g‰i thm chÛt r≠Óu træng thÀt lπnh Æ” th≠Îng th¯c cÔng Moules-<br />

Frites/Mosselen-friet.<br />

Text: Thu Nguyen - Photos: Dennis The Prescott<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Text: Thu Nguyen - Photos: Dennis The Prescott<br />

You also can add some<br />

coriander and herbs to<br />

steam with mussels.<br />

Remember to steam them<br />

for 5 minutes to keep their<br />

original sweet and salty<br />

taste and tenderness.

food&beverage<br />

Moules Frites -<br />

A N<br />




Belgium is famous for its chocolate, beer and waffles, Moules-frites or Mosselen-friet (a popular main dish<br />

of mussels and fries), however, seems to be the national dish, specific to the Belgian gastronomy. Moulesfrites<br />

has been well known around the world for decades, but this simple yet unique dish is the best when<br />

you enjoy it right in its birthplace.<br />

According to the famous food blogger QuoraValentin V, one of the reasons that this dish became popular<br />

is Belgian's taste for seafood together with beer. Belgians know how to process seafood to make it the<br />

tastiest. They even use their famous beer to rinse the mussels to make their meat fresh and soaked with<br />

the flavor of beer. Moules Frites can be cooked with wine, cheese, herbs or ketchup and is served with<br />

fries. Also, this dish is often enjoyed on the beaches, an interesting combination of gastronomy and<br />

entertainment, which makes it even more special.<br />

Though the cooking of Moules Frites is not simple at all, its tasty flavor deserves the cooks' effort. Tasting a<br />

piece of mussel, you will feel its difference from normal meats or salads.<br />

After being rinsed with fresh beer, mussels are steamed with white wine and a little onion and garlic. Mussels<br />

are not seasoned so as to keep their original flavor. Fries are often served with steamed mussels, but you can<br />

order some bread to eat with the sauce left in the pot.<br />

You also can add some coriander and herbs to steam with mussels. Remember to steam them for 5 minutes<br />

to keep their original sweet and salty taste and tenderness.<br />

That sounds simple, but its special taste is extremely attractive and always makes you want to eat more, or<br />

even become addicted! That is the reason why each portion of Moules-frites or Mosselen-friet for one person<br />

needs at least 1 kg of mussels and a large plate of fries. You also should use your hands and mussel shells as<br />

a clamp while enjoying this dish. That's the right way!<br />

With its undeniable attraction, mussels served with fries have become more and more popular in French<br />

and American restaurants with various versions. Mussels can be cooked with ice cream, saffron, apple wine,<br />

curry or even with Roquefort cheese. However different the versions are, you should not forget to order some<br />

cold white wine to enjoy with Moules-frites/Mosselen-friet.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


food&beverage<br />



Nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u hÃ, h∑y thˆ lµm mÌi v gi∏c trong b˜a chi“u bªng m„n Tr¯ng Trµ Trung Hoa<br />

(Chinese Tea Egg) vÌi nh˜ng nät r†t ring vµ v th¨m ngon tinh t’.<br />

ôTrung QuËc, tr¯ng trµ chÒ y’u Æ≠Óc ®n trong b˜a nhã ho∆c Æ´i khi ®n cÔng vÌi<br />

mÈt b∏t c¨m hay ch∏o. Blogger nÊi ti’ng Pat Tanumihardja, t∏c gi∂ cuËn The Asian<br />

Grandmothers Cookbook, vµ Smithsonian vÌi blog »m th˘c Pickles and Tea Æ∑ kh´ng<br />

ti’c lÍi khen ngÓi vŒ Æãp tÌi m¯c kh´ng d∏m ®n cÒa tr¯ng trµ. ßÂng thÍi, c∏c t∏c gi∂ cfln khºng<br />

Æfinh, tÌi Th≠Óng H∂i, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c tr¯ng trµ ngon tuy÷t, ngay c∂ tı nh˜ng g∏nh hµng<br />

rong hay cˆa hµng ti÷n lÓi. ßi”m tuy÷t vÍi cÒa tr¯ng trµ lµ c„ th” ®n quanh n®m.<br />

Th´ng th≠Íng, qu∏ tr◊nh lµm tr¯ng trµ gÂm hai ph«n: luÈc s´i tr¯ng, ÆÀp n¯t v· tr¯ng rÂi Æun<br />

s´i chÛng trong hÁn hÓp trµ, gia vfi vµ th∂o mÈc. K’t qu∂ lµ khi b„c v· tr¯ng Æ” th≠Îng th¯c,<br />

tr´ng chÛng nh≠ nh˜ng vin c»m thπch v´ cÔng Æ∏ng yu vµ bæt mæt vÌi h≠¨ng vfi th¨m ngon<br />

tinh t’. TÔy vµo kho∂ng thÍi gian luÈc tr¯ng vµ om trong n≠Ìc trµ mµ m„n tr¯ng trµ sœ c„ vfi nhã<br />

hay nÂng, mµu sæc cÒa tr¯ng cÚng kh∏c bi÷t, tı mµu s∏ng tÌi n©u s…m.<br />

MÈt Æi”m thÛ vfi kh∏c cÒa tr¯ng trµ lµ bπn c„ th” tπo ra nh˜ng h≠¨ng vfi kh∏c nhau vÌi tıng loπi<br />

trµ vµ th∂o mÈc, k” c∂ lµ vÌi trµ Lipton. Tuy nhin, trµ ´ long Th≠Óng H∂i lµ l˘a ch‰n sË mÈt vÌi<br />

h≠¨ng vfi chu»n nh†t. Bπn cÚng c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c m„n tr¯ng trµ mÁi l«n mÈt kh∏c bªng c∏ch<br />

thay ÆÊi ÆÈ ch›n cÒa tr¯ng. C„ khi lµ Æ· kh´, khi lµ hÂng Ƶo, c„ lÛc lπi nh≠ ph†n træng, tı m“m<br />

tÌi chæc...<br />

Text: Thu Nguyen - Photos:Many Photographers<br />

70<br />





EGGS<br />

On early summer days, please try to extend<br />

your tastes with Chinese tea eggs as a snack,<br />

a delicious dish with a distinct flavor.<br />

IN CHINA, tea eggs are mainly served in light<br />

meals, or sometimes served with a bowl of rice<br />

or porridge. Pat Tanumihardja, who is famous<br />

for the blog Pickles and Tea and the author of<br />

The Asian Grandmothers Cookbook, is lavish in<br />

praising these marbled tea eggs. They are so<br />

beautiful and aromatic that he doesn't dare<br />

to eat them. In Shanghai, these tasty tea eggs<br />

are a common, inexpensive snack sold on the<br />

street or in convenience stores. Notably, tea<br />

eggs can be eaten all year round.<br />

Normally, the process of cooking tea eggs has<br />

two steps. First, the eggs are boiled. After they<br />

are hard boiled and gently cracked, they are<br />

steeped and braised in an especially aromatic<br />

blend of tea, herbs and spices. After a few<br />

hours, when you peel these eggs they will<br />

amaze you with their beauty. They look like<br />

marbles with a wonderful fl avor. Depending<br />

on how long you boil and braise the eggs,<br />

the tea eggs will have a mild or strong taste.<br />

Their colors are also different, changing<br />

from light colors to dark brown.<br />

Another interesting thing about tea eggs<br />

is that you can create various fl avors with<br />

different kinds of tea and herbs, even with<br />

Lipton tea. However, Shanghai Oolong<br />

tea is the number one choice for tea eggs<br />

for its best aroma. Especially, each time<br />

you enjoy tea eggs, you can feel differences<br />

in the color and taste of the eggs. They are<br />

sometimes red or pink, sometimes white.<br />

They can be soft or fi rm.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


THE RECIPE for successful tea eggs lies in<br />

the ingredients (tea and egg) and the way of<br />

cracking the eggs.<br />

Tea is naturally very important. Selecting<br />

tea and soaking eggs in tea are the most<br />

important steps. Tea and eggs must be<br />

braised long enough so that the eggs are<br />

aromatic but not strongly so.<br />

To make eggs soft and tasty is not simple.<br />

First, take the eggs out of the fridge for<br />

several hours. Bring the water to a boil, then<br />

rapidly and gently add eggs to the pot with<br />

a big ladle. Simmer them for 7 minutes and<br />

stop. Remove the eggs and put them into a<br />

pot of cold water until they are cool enough<br />

to handle.<br />

While you wait for the eggs, prepare the<br />

blend of tea. First, bring the tea to a boil,<br />

then lower the heat and simmer for about 10<br />

minutes so that it is aromatic. Stop cooking<br />

and open the lid to make it cool.<br />

ßËi vÌi m„n tr¯ng trµ, ch◊a kh„a nªm Î ba Æi”m: trµ, tr¯ng vµ<br />

c∏ch ÆÀp tr¯ng. Trµ - Æ≠¨ng nhin lµ r†t quan tr‰ng, vi÷c l˘a<br />

ch‰n vµ l≠u tr˜, Ò trµ lµ c´ng Æoπn quan tr‰ng nh†t. Trµ c«n<br />

Æ≠Óc Ò vµ Æun s´i ÆÒ t«m Æ” th»m th†u h≠¨ng vfi vµo trong tr¯ng, song<br />

kh´ng Æ≠Óc qu∏ hoi nÂng.<br />

VÌi tr¯ng, Æ” tr¯ng vıa m“m mπi, vıa bÀt ln Æ≠Óc h≠¨ng vfi phong phÛ<br />

cÚng kh´ng h“ ƨn gi∂n. Tr≠Ìc tin, Æ” tr¯ng ra ngoµi tÒ lπnh vµi giÍ.<br />

Sau khi Æun s´i n≠Ìc, nhã nhµng vµ nhanh ch„ng hπ tr¯ng vµo trong Æ„<br />

bªng mÈt chi’c muÁng lÌn - tuy÷t ÆËi kh´ng lµm r¨i ho∆c n¯t tr¯ng. Sau<br />

kho∂ng 7 phÛt, tæt lˆa, nhanh ch„ng th∂ tr¯ng vµo chÀu n≠Ìc Æ∏ Æ’n khi<br />

chÛng Æ≠Óc lµm m∏t hoµn toµn.<br />

When the eggs are cool, use a metal spoon to<br />

tap all around each egg gently. Try to make<br />

slight cracks all over the shell like a cobweb<br />

so that the tea can penetrate the eggs.<br />

Finally, after soaking the eggs in tea for<br />

about 24 hours (kept in a fridge), you can<br />

enjoy this special snack. If you want a<br />

stronger flavor, soak the eggs in tea for 3 to 4<br />

days in order to have a new taste.<br />

Trong thÍi gian chÍ ÆÓi, chu»n bfi hÁn hÓp trµ bªng c∏ch Æun s´i sau Æ„<br />

gi∂m lˆa, Æ” liu riu cho h≠¨ng vfi th´i ra n≠Ìc trong kho∂ng 10 phÛt. Sau<br />

Æ„ tæt lˆa, mÎ næp, Æ” nguÈi.<br />

Tr¯ng khi nguÈi, dÔng th◊a kim loπi g‚ chÛng n¯t mÈt c∏ch nhanh vµ<br />

d¯t kho∏t, song dÔng l˘c vıa ÆÒ Æ” tπo c∏c v’t n¯t nh≠ mπng nh÷n, cho<br />

phäp h≠¨ng vfi cÒa n≠Ìc trµ th»m th†u.<br />

CuËi cÔng, sau khi ng©m tr¯ng ngÀp trong n≠Ìc trµ kho∂ng 24 giÍ (trong<br />

tÒ lπnh), bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c m„n trµ chi“u Æ∆c sæc vµ tinh t’ nµy.<br />

N’u bπn muËn vfi ÆÀm Ƶ h¨n, h∑y ng©m tr¯ng trong trµ tı 3 Æ’n 4 ngµy<br />

Æ” c„ mÈt h≠¨ng vfi mÌi.<br />

72<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Th§ng tin th£m:<br />

"40 Delicious<br />

Vietnamese<br />

Dishes Listed By<br />

CNN"<br />

NXB: Ph≠¨ng Nam,<br />

Amazon<br />

Bπn c„ th” t◊m mua<br />

s∏ch trn h÷ thËng<br />

nhµ s∏ch Ph≠¨ng<br />

Nam, ho∆c trn knh<br />

Amazon<br />

T∏c gi∂:<br />

Tr«n Th B›ch Ng‰c<br />

SN: 26-12-1981<br />

Ngh“ nghi÷p:<br />

Thi’t k’ ÆÂ hoπ<br />

(graphic designer),<br />

photographer<br />

ß´ng Nam É lµ chËn thin<br />

Æ≠Íng cÒa »m th˘c Æ≠Íng<br />

phË. Tı Hµ NÈi Æ’n Bangkok,<br />

bπn kh´ng c«n chi qu∏ nhi“u<br />

nh≠ng v…n c„ th” c„ r†t nhi“u<br />

b˜a ®n ngon mi÷ng vµ h†p<br />

d…n. B†t k˙ ai Æ’n Vi÷t Nam,<br />

cÚng ph∂i tr«m tr tr≠Ìc s˘<br />

Æa Æπng cÒa »m th˘c Æ≠Íng<br />

phË kh∏c bi÷t tı Nam ra Bæc,<br />

Æ∆c tr≠ng bÎi s˘ nhã nhµng,<br />

t≠¨i ngon.<br />

Ôa hà lµ mÔa cÒa ®n ch¨i, th∂<br />

m◊nh trn nh˜ng con phË<br />

»m th˘c dµi b†t tÀn tı Hµ<br />

Giang, Hµ NÈi, HÈi An, Æ’n<br />

Sµi Gfln, PhÛ QuËc... Ph„ng<br />

vin Travellive Æ∑ c„ dfip g∆p gÏ chfi<br />

Ng‰c Tr«n, t∏c gi∂ quy”n s∏ch "40<br />

delicious Vietnamese dishes listed by<br />

CNN", ng≠Íi lu´n trµn Æ«y c∂m h¯ng<br />

khi n„i Æ’n »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË, bn<br />

chi’c gh’ nh˘a xanh, d‰c g„c t≠Íng<br />

vµng, trn chi’c thÛng tre...<br />

--Chµo chfi, c∂m ¨n chfi Æ∑ dµnh thÍi<br />

gian Æ” chia sŒ cÔng Travellive v“ c∂m<br />

h¯ng th˘c hi÷n cuËn s∏ch nµy. NguÂn<br />

ÆÈng l˘c g◊ thÛc Æ»y chfi?<br />

-Ng‰c Tr«n: Ngay tı nh·, khi tπo ra<br />

nh˜ng m„n ®n "th∂m hoπ", t´i lu´n<br />

c„ ni“m tin m◊nh sœ lµm Æ≠Óc g◊ Æ„<br />

v“ »m th˘c nh≠: c„ khi lµ ng≠Íi vi’t<br />

b◊nh ph»m, lÛc lµ chÒ nhµ hµng, khi<br />

th◊ Æ«u b’p (c≠Íi). Gia Æ◊nh t´i tr≠Ìc<br />

Æ©y cÚng bu´n b∏n trong khu chÓ<br />

mµ giÍ nµo cÚng b∏n nh˜ng m„n<br />

ngon m m»n. T´i ham ®n hµng nn<br />

kh´ng bao giÍ c„ Æ≠Óc ti“n ti’t ki÷m<br />

nh≠ c∏c bπn. S˘ kh∏c bi÷t kh› hÀu,<br />

v®n ho∏, lËi sËng vÔng mi“n... Æ∑ lµm<br />

nn s˘ Æa dπng trong ch’ bi’n c∏c<br />

m„n ®n. Vµ ch›nh Æi“u nµy Æ∑ kh¨i<br />

dÀy nh˜ng c∂m h¯ng b†t tÀn cÒa t´i<br />

khi th˘c hi÷n cuËn s∏ch.<br />

--Theo chfi, Æi“u g◊ lµm nn s˘ Æ∆c tr≠ng<br />

cÒa »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË Vi÷t Nam?<br />

-Theo t´i, c„ ba y’u tË ch›nh lµm nn<br />

s˘ thÛ vfi cÒa »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË<br />

Vi÷t. ß«u tin, c„ th” n„i m„n ®n<br />

Vi÷t lµ m„n ®n xanh, c„ r†t nhi“u rau<br />

vµ n’u bπn t◊m hi”u thm, mÈt sË<br />

loπi rau trong Æ„ lµ nh˜ng loπi thuËc.<br />

¬m th˘c Vi÷t Nam, tı Æ≠Íng phË<br />

Æ’n c∏c nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng, Æ“u<br />

g©y †n t≠Óng bÎi s˘ Æa dπng cÒa rau<br />

l∏, rau mÔi vµ gia vfi Æ’n m¯c ngay c∂<br />

ng≠Íi Vi÷t Æ´i khi cÚng kh´ng bi’t r‚<br />

Æ„ lµ loπi rau g◊.<br />

Th¯ hai, lµ s˘ tho∂i m∏i. Bπn kh´ng<br />

c«n ph∂i e dà hay m†t thÍi gian l˘a<br />

ch‰n nhi“u. Khi bπn th†y chi’c gh’,<br />

bµn nh˘a cfln trËng th◊ t†t c∂ vi÷c c«n<br />

lµm lµ ngÂi xuËng, g‰i m„n, ®n vµ<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m s˘ n∏o nhi÷t cÒa Æ≠Íng<br />

phË.<br />

Sau cÔng, b› quy’t gia truy“n cÚng<br />

lµ Æi”m m†u chËt. C„ nh˜ng n¨i mµ<br />

c´ng th¯c Æ≠Óc truy“n tı ÆÍi nµy qua<br />

ÆÍi kh∏c. ßi“u nµy lµm nn th≠¨ng<br />

hi÷u, thµnh c´ng cÒa m„n ®n vµ chÒ<br />

qu∏n.<br />

--MÈt trong nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c<br />

†n t≠Óng nh†t cÒa chfi khi th˘c hi÷n<br />

cuËn s∏ch nµy lµ g◊?<br />

T´i nhÌ nh†t lµ c∂m gi∏c th≠Îng<br />

74<br />


interview<br />

th¯c m„n phÎ n†u tı gµ th∂ ÆÂi nÛi,<br />

ng≠Íi d©n Î Æ©y hay g‰i lµ gµ cæp<br />

n∏ch. B∏nh phÎ Æ≠Óc tr∏ng ngay<br />

tπi chÁ bªng gπo n≠¨ng dŒo th¨m<br />

n¯c mÚi trong buÊi sÌm. Sau mÈt<br />

ngµy leo mi÷t mµi trn nh˜ng con<br />

Æ≠Íng ÆÃo dËc ln Hµ Giang, ch¨i<br />

ÆÔa vÌi lÚ trŒ, ngÒ thÀt s©u, s∏ng<br />

dÀy th◊ chºng g◊ bªng t´ phÎ n„ng<br />

ngoµi chÓ!<br />

M„n Bæc ÆÀm m∆n, m„n Trung<br />

ÆÀm cay, m„n Nam lπi ÆÀm ng‰t.<br />

Chÿ c«n th≠Îng th¯c m„n ngon cÒa<br />

tıng vÔng lµ bπn sœ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc<br />

nät Æ∆c tr≠ng trong v®n h„a, con<br />

ng≠Íi Î mÁi n¨i bπn Æ’n.<br />

CUˇN SÉCH<br />

LÄ MïN QUÄ<br />

L≥ TôNG<br />

DÄNH CHO<br />


NH~NG NGòI<br />

Y£U THêCH ¬M<br />

TH#C - CüNG<br />

NH MUˇN TçM<br />

HIÕU V≈ CON<br />

NGòI, TÜP<br />

T|C CûA CÉC<br />

VùNG MI≈N<br />

VIåT NAM<br />

TEXT: Pan Banana - ÅNH: Ng‰c Tr«n<br />

NGòI<br />

KÕ CHUYåN<br />

¬M TH#C<br />

ßòNG PHˇ VIåT<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Text: Pan Banana - Photos: Ngoc Tran<br />

76<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

Vietnamese street<br />

food<br />

Southeast Asia is a "paradise" of street food. In Hanoi or Bangkok, you can enjoy<br />

beautiful and delicious dishes without spending too much money. Visitors to Vietnam<br />

also express their admiration for the diversity in street food from the North to the<br />

South. Most street food is characterized by its mildness and freshness.

interview<br />

This book is an ideal present for those who love<br />

Vietnamese culture and want to learn about the people and<br />

custom of regions across Vietnam. It is especially appropriate<br />

for tourists and foreigners living in Vietnam.<br />

The summer holidays offer<br />

opportunities to explore<br />

the culinary streets that<br />

stretch across the country,<br />

from Ha Giang, Hanoi, and Hoi<br />

An to Sai Gon and Phu Quoc. A<br />

Travellive reporter met with Ngoc<br />

Tran, the author of the book entitled<br />

"40 Delicious Vietnamese Dishes<br />

Listed by CNN" to talk about her<br />

book as well about Vietnamese<br />

street food in general. The culinary<br />

enthusiast shared her interesting<br />

stories.<br />

Reporter: Good morning, thank you for<br />

your coming. Can you share with us<br />

a bit about your book? What inspired<br />

you to write this book?<br />

Ngoc Tran: Since I was small I've<br />

felt called to do something related<br />

to gastronomy, like being a chef, a<br />

restaurant owner or a food critic,<br />

even though I sometimes cooked<br />

terrible food! My family used to have<br />

a stall at the market and I spent a lot<br />

of time there. I was bewitched by the<br />

tasty dishes being sold around me.<br />

I spent all of my money trying new<br />

foods, so I never had savings like my<br />

friends did. Different foods came<br />

from regional differences in climate,<br />

culture, lifestyle and cooking<br />

methods, and that is what inspired<br />

me to write this book.<br />

What do you think makes Vietnamese<br />

street food so special?<br />

Vietnamese street food is unique<br />

for a number of reasons. First,<br />

it often involves a wide selection<br />

of vegetables, sometimes even<br />

including medicinal herbs that<br />

are good for health. Whether you<br />

enjoy street food or specialties in<br />

luxurious restaurants, you'll always<br />

find an impressive mix of greens.<br />

Sometimes even Vietnamese people<br />

cannot identify all of the vegetables<br />

they are served.<br />

Second, street food is simple and<br />

low maintenance. You do not have<br />

to hesitate or spend time trying to<br />

find an unoccupied table and chair.<br />

All you have to do is to sit down,<br />

order food, and enjoy it in the<br />

environment of the street.<br />

Last but not least, the recipes for<br />

these foods are secrets that have<br />

been handed down from generation<br />

to generation. These secrets<br />

have created success and good<br />

reputations for numerous dishes<br />

and restaurants.<br />

What was your most impressive food<br />

experience while writing this book?<br />

After a long day of exploring the<br />

mountain roads of Ha Giang and<br />

playing with the local children,<br />

I got a full night's sleep, and then<br />

started the next day with a hot bowl<br />

of phÎ gµ in the local market. I was<br />

most impressed by this dish, as it<br />

was made with chicken that had<br />

been raised on the hills, and the<br />

noodles were made onsite from<br />

aromatic rice.<br />

Each region of the country has its<br />

own ways of seasoning food. The<br />

food of the north is typically salty,<br />

food in the center is spicy, and<br />

food in the south is sweet. Tasting<br />

food from each region will allow<br />

you to feel each region's cultural<br />

characteristics.<br />

Further information:<br />

"40 Delicious Vietnamese Dishes<br />

Listed By CNN"<br />

Published by Phuong Nam, Amazon<br />

This book is available at Phuong Nam bookstores<br />

or on Amazon.com<br />

Author: Tran Thi Bich Ngoc<br />

Born: December 26th, 1981<br />

Profession: graphic designer, photographer<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


destination<br />

Text: Truc Phan, Trang Nguyen<br />


Th∏ng 5, hà v“, c„ nhi“u c∏ch Æ” xua tan c∂m gi∏c kh„ chu khi ph∂i sËng chung<br />

vÌi c∏i n„ng, trong Æ„ c„ gi∂i ph∏p x∏ch vali ln Æ≠Íng du lch, thˆ nh˜ng tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m mÌi mŒ. H∑y cÔng Travellive Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n mÈt trong 5 Æa danh thÛ v<br />

d≠Ìi Æ©y, nh˜ng n¨i h¯a hãn mang lπi cho bπn nhi“u c∂m h¯ng, vÌi vŒ Æãp bi”n,<br />

Æ∂o, cao nguyn vµ c∂ x¯ mi÷t v≠Ín s´ng n≠Ìc.<br />

Scorching hot summer days arrive in May. The best way to<br />

escape the uncomfortable heat is to get out and experience new<br />

and interesting things. Travellive will take you to the country's<br />

best destinations, which promise to deliver beautiful inspiration<br />

through seas, islands, plateaus, and orchards.<br />

78<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


CÅM H`NG<br />

Quang Ninh<br />

M£ HOÖC B`C<br />


GI~A BIÕN KH•I<br />

Xu†t hi÷n trong phim "Kong:<br />

ß∂o Æ«u l©u" vÌi nhi“u c∂nh quay<br />

hoµnh tr∏ng, vfinh Hπ Long Æ∑ g©y<br />

Æ≠Óc †n t≠Óng mπnh vÌi kh∏n gi∂<br />

vÌi phong c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp cÒa hµng<br />

ngh◊n Æ∂o Æ∏ v´i hÔng v‹. ß©y lµ<br />

mÈt trong 7 K˙ quan Thin nhin<br />

Th’ giÌi mÌi vµ Æ≠Óc UNESCO t´n<br />

vinh lµ Di s∂n Th’ giÌi Æ’n 2 l«n.<br />

Bi”n trÍi xanh ngæt vÌi v´ sË hfln<br />

Æ∂o Æ∏ v´i sıng s˜ng gi˜a bi”n trÍi,<br />

»n sau Æ„ lµ nh˜ng hang ÆÈng k˙ v‹<br />

Æ∑ trÎ thµnh mÈt h◊nh ∂nh qu∏ ÆÁi<br />

quen thuÈc cÒa Vfinh Hπ Long.<br />

CÔng vÌi Vfinh Hπ Long, lµng chµi<br />

Cˆa Vπn cÚng lµ mÈt Æfia danh<br />

kh∏c cÒa Qu∂ng Ninh xu†t hi÷n<br />

trn phim Kong. Khung c∂nh<br />

thin nhin h˜u t◊nh nh≠ tranh vœ<br />

vÌi nÛi Æ∏ rÈng lÌn vµ n≠Ìc bi”n<br />

xanh th®m thºm cÒa lµng chµi nh·<br />

nµy cÚng lµm bao ng≠Íi m say.<br />

Nªm c∏ch xa bÍ hµng chÙc km,<br />

bn nh˜ng v∏ch nÛi, lµng chµi nh≠<br />

mÈt Ëc Æ∂o trn bi”n, nh˜ng ng´i<br />

nhµ bà nªm li“n k“ nhau, kh´ng<br />

ti’ng cfli xe n∏o nhi÷t, chÿ c„ ti’ng<br />

ng≠ d©n › Ìi g‰i nhau h·i th®m,<br />

ti’ng d«m g‚ mπn thuy“n ÆuÊi<br />

c∏ sau nÛi v‰ng lπi. VÌi phong<br />

c∂nh s¨n thÒy h˜u t◊nh, lµng chµi<br />

nµy Æ≠Óc trang web t≠ v†n du<br />

lfich TravelandLeisure l˘a ch‰n lµ<br />

1 trong 10 Æi”m Æ’n ven bi”n Æãp<br />

nh†t th’ giÌi. Cfln website du lfich<br />

Journeyetc Æ∑ Æ≠a vµo danh s∏ch<br />

16 ng´i lµng cÊ Æãp nh†t Th’ giÌi.<br />

Enchanted with<br />

grottoes amid the sea<br />

Ha Long Bay's imposing<br />

scenery left a deep impression<br />

on viewers of "Kong: Skull<br />

Island". The area's thousands<br />

of magnificent limestone<br />

mountains have been recognized<br />

twice by UNESCO as a world<br />

natural heritage and are one of<br />

the new seven natural wonders<br />

of the world. Bright blue skies,<br />

spectacular caves, and countless<br />

limestone islands emerging<br />

from the sea are typical sights<br />

around Ha Long Bay.<br />

Cua Van fishing village is<br />

another Quang Ninh location<br />

appearing in "Kong". The<br />

small village's tranquil<br />

and picturesque scenery<br />

has enchanted numerous<br />

visitors. Cua Van village,<br />

tens of kilometers from the<br />

seaside, is surrounded by both<br />

mountains and sea, making it<br />

an oasis, far from the noise of<br />

car horns. The village boasts<br />

beautiful houseboats docked<br />

close to each other housing<br />

friendly fishermen who talk to<br />

each other from their boats.<br />

Its breathtaking landscape<br />

has awarded the village a<br />

position on tourist website<br />

TravelandLeisure's list of the<br />

ten best coastal destinations in<br />

the world. Website Journeyetc<br />

also lists it as one of the 16 best<br />

villages in the world.<br />

©Paradise Group<br />

Tı ngµy 1/4 tÿnh Qu∂ng Ninh Æ∑ ∏p dÙng thu ph› 5 tuy’n tham quan trn vnh<br />

Hπ Long, B∏i Tˆ Long vÌi m¯c gi∏ tı 200.000VNß Æ’n 250.000VNß mÁi tuy’n.<br />

Ph› tham quan theo tuy’n vµ l≠u trÛ nghÿ Æm trn vnh (mÈt ho∆c 2 Æm) dao<br />

ÆÈng tı 500.000VNß Æ’n 750.000VNß/ng≠Íi.<br />

Starting on April 1, five routes to Ha Long Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay will be available,<br />

costing VND200,000 - 250,000 each route. Overnight stays on the bays (one or two<br />

nights) are priced from VND500,000 to VND750,000 per person.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />



Trong sË 3 Æfia Æi”m quay tπi Vi÷t Nam cÒa bÈ phim<br />

bom t†n "Kong: ß∂o Æ«u l©u", c„ lœ Qu∂ng B◊nh lµ<br />

n¨i nhÀn Æ≠Óc nhi“u chÛ ˝ nh†t. BÎi Æ©y lµ n¨i th˘c<br />

hi÷n nh˜ng c∂nh quay chÒ Æπo v“ n¨i Î cÒa King<br />

Kong, vÌi nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m mÌi lπ nh≠ lµng Yn PhÛ,<br />

thung lÚng Chµ Nfli, hang ChuÈt... mµ ngay c∂ ng≠Íi<br />

Vi÷t Nam Æ´i khi cÚng ch≠a tıng nghe Æ’n. Tı chÁ lµ<br />

nh˜ng Æfia danh v´ danh trn b∂n ÆÂ du lfich th’ giÌi<br />

nh≠ng vÌi vŒ Æãp ngoπn mÙc kh„ c„ th” di‘n t∂ bªng<br />

lÍi, nh˜ng n¨i nµy chæc chæn sœ Æ≠Óc nhi“u du kh∏ch<br />

Æ≠a vµo danh s∏ch ph∂i ghä th®m trong mÔa hà <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

Lµ n¨i Æ≠Óc chÛ ˝ nh†t trong suËt qu∏ tr◊nh Æoµn lµm<br />

phim quay tπi Qu∂ng B◊nh, lµng Yn PhÛ ÆÛng vÌi<br />

nh˜ng lÍi vfi Æπo di‘n n„i: “ßãp siu th˘c!”. Cfln Æ≠Óc<br />

g‰i lµ lµng Æ∏ m‰c, Yn PhÛ sÎ h˜u vŒ Æãp v´ cÔng<br />

Æ∆c bi÷t, vÌi nh˜ng khËi Æ∏ nhÚ "m‰c" ln tı m∆t<br />

Ɔt, xen gi˜a c∂nh vÀt, gi˜a nh˜ng ng´i nhµ xinh xæn<br />

trong lµng.<br />

Nªm trong qu«n th” Phong Nha - KŒ Bµng, ÆÃo ß∏<br />

ßœo dµi 17km trn Æ≠Íng H Ch› Minh lµ n¨i sÎ h˜u<br />

nhi“u c∂nh Æãp hÔng v‹, lÈng l…y vµ kh´ng käm ph«n<br />

huy“n b›. Nh◊n tı ÆÃo ß∏ ßœo, thung lÚng Chµ Nfli<br />

nh≠ mÈt th’ giÌi kh∏c t∏ch bi÷t hoµn toµn vÌi kh´ng<br />

gian bn ngoµi bÎi nh˜ng v∏ch nÛi Æ∏ d˘ng Ưng<br />

trÔng trÔng Æi÷p Æi÷p gi˜a Æπi ngµn.<br />

NÊi bÀt gi˜a thung lÚng Chµ Nfli lµ h Yn PhÙ thanh<br />

b◊nh, m∆t n≠Ìc trong væt nh≠ t†m g≠¨ng khÊng lÂ<br />

lµm bıng s∏ng c∂ thung lÚng. HÂ t∏ch bi÷t hoµn toµn<br />

vÌi khu d©n c≠, rÈng mnh m´ng, bn d≠Ìi d∑y nÛi<br />

Æ∏ v´i käo dµi. Xen kœ trn m∆t h lµ nh˜ng b∑i Ɔt<br />

trËng nh†p nh´ vıa ÆÒ Æ” tr©u bfl thong dong g∆m<br />

c·. Xa xa lµ nh˜ng d∑y nÛi Æan xen, qu†n l†y nhau »n<br />

hi÷n trong s≠¨ng kh„i mÍ ∂o. Khung c∂nh n¨i Æ©y<br />

yn ∂ thanh tfinh tuy÷t ÆËi, t˘a h nh≠ chÿ mÈt gÓn<br />

s„ng nh· bπn cÚng c„ th” c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc bÎi xung<br />

quanh qu∏ ÆÁi t‹nh l∆ng.<br />

VÌi vŒ Æãp hoang s¨, b› »n, hang ChuÈt Æ≠Óc l˘a<br />

ch‰n lµ n¨i trÛ ngÙ cÒa King Kong. G≠¨ng m∆t v…n<br />

cfln kh∏ lπ l…m trong h÷ thËng hang ÆÈng TÛ Lµn nµy<br />

c„ vŒ Æãp hoang s¨ h÷t nh≠ thÍi khai thin lÀp Æfia.<br />

Ph›a tr≠Ìc hang lµ mÈt dflng suËi trong væt, nh◊n ra<br />

xa lµ thung lÚng T©n Ho∏ mnh m´ng, Æãp Æ’n ngÏ<br />

ngµng. L˝ do khi’n hang Æ≠Óc ch‰n lµm bËi c∂nh mÎ<br />

mµn phim v◊ n¨i Æ©y sÎ h˜u cÊng hang h¨n c∂ m‰i s˘<br />

sæp Æ∆t. Kh´ng c«n tr∂i qua b†t k˙ c´ng Æoπn chÿnh<br />

sˆa hÀu k˙ nµo, chÿ c«n Æ∆t m∏y quay lµ c„ th” ghi<br />

Æ≠Óc nh˜ng th≠Ìc phim m´ ph·ng hoµn h∂o Æπi b∂n<br />

doanh cÒa Vua Khÿ thÍi ti“n sˆ.<br />

80<br />


Quang binh<br />

Following in the footprints of Kong<br />

Of the three locations used during the filming of<br />

"Kong: Skull Island" in Vietnam, Quang Binh is the<br />

most impressive, as its scenery was used to depict King<br />

Kong's home. Yen Phu Village, Cha Noi Valley and<br />

Chuot Cave have all satisfied and impressed visitors.<br />

These locations still virtually unknown throughout most<br />

of the world have become must-see destinations. Their<br />

beauty is especially spectacular during the summer.<br />

"Kong" director Jordan Vogt-Roberts described Quang<br />

Binh's Yen Phu Village as "surrealistically beautiful".<br />

The area owns its own unique beauty, boasting<br />

stalagmites and limestone rocks emerging from the<br />

ground amid small neat houses.<br />

Located in the Phong Nha - Ke Bang<br />

complex, the 17 kilometer Da Deo Pass<br />

on the Ho Chi Minh Trail is known for its<br />

imposing and mysterious scenery. Seen<br />

from Da Deo Pass, Cha Noi Valley looks<br />

like another world totally separate from the outside by a<br />

wall of high cliffs extending endlessly into the jungle.<br />

Yen Phu's tranquil lake is a focal point in the Cha Noi<br />

Valley. Its clear water surface acts as a huge mirror<br />

brightening the whole valley. The immense lake is<br />

separated from the residential area. It holds several plots<br />

of land that are large enough for buffalo to graze upon<br />

leisurely. In the distance, overlapping mountains loom<br />

cloaked in a thin layer of mist. The area is so quiet that it<br />

sometimes feels like you can feel the ripples of the lake.<br />

The pristine Chuot (Mouse) cave became Kong's home<br />

during the filming of Vogt-Robert's movie. Chuot cave<br />

is a part of the Tu Lan cave system, a new location that<br />

is still visited very infrequently. This has allowed it to<br />

maintain its original beauty. A clear stream runs in<br />

front of the cave and down into the stunning Tan Hoa<br />

Valley in the distance. Chuot cave was selected to serve<br />

as Kong's home because of its spectacular entrance that<br />

exceeded the director's expectation. In the film, the cave<br />

appears perfectly prehistoric.<br />

©Hanoi Photography<br />

C´ng ty l˜ hµnh Exotic Voyages giÌi thi÷u tÌi nh˜ng du kh∏ch<br />

th›ch kh∏m ph∏ c∏c Æa Æi”m trong phim bom t†n Hollywood<br />

tour tr‰n g„i 10 ngµy 9 Æm mang tn "New Kong: Skull<br />

Island Tour". Chi ti’t tham kh∂o: www.oxalis.com.vn/vi.<br />

Exotic Voyages Travel Agent is introducing a new ten-day, nine-night<br />

"New Kong: Skull Island" package to tourists who want to explore the<br />

locations where the movie was filmed. For more details, please visit<br />

www.oxalis.com.vn/vi.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


NINH binh<br />



Ninh B◊nh vÌi Trµng An, Tam CËc, B›ch ßÈng Æang<br />

lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng khu du lfich nÊi ti’ng nh†t cÒa<br />

Vi÷t Nam hi÷n nay sau khi xu†t hi÷n nhi“u c∂nh<br />

quay trong phim Kong. ß∆c bi÷t lµ Trµng An, n¨i<br />

Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn di s∂n thin nhin vµ di<br />

s∂n v®n h„a th’ giÌi.<br />

TÌi Trµng An, tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi nh†t lµ ngÂi trn<br />

con thuy“n l≠Ìt nhã qua c∏c d∑y nÛi, ngæm nh◊n<br />

dflng s´ng chπy uËn l≠Ón qua c∏c hang ÆÈng t˘<br />

nhin huy“n ∂o, k˙ b› nh≠: hang S∏ng, hang TËi,<br />

hang N†u R≠Óu, hang ßfia Linh...<br />

Nªm Î x∑ Ninh H∂i thuÈc huy÷n Hoa L≠, Tam CËc<br />

- B›ch ßÈng Æ≠Óc v› nh≠ "vfinh Hπ Long trn cπn",<br />

vÌi hang C∂, hang Hai vµ hang Ba lµ n¨i tuy÷t Æãp Æ”<br />

Æi thuy“n xu´i theo dflng s´ng Ng´ ßÂng trong væt.<br />

B›ch ßÈng c„ ngh‹a lµ "ÆÈng xanh", nªm c∏ch b’n<br />

Tam CËc 2km, tn do t” t≠Ìng Nguy‘n Nghi‘m, th©n<br />

phÙ cÒa Æπi thi hµo Nguy‘n Du Æ∆t vµo n®m 1773.<br />

B›ch ßÈng Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ "Nam thin Æ÷ nhfi<br />

ÆÈng" (Ưng sau ÆÈng H≠¨ng T›ch Î H≠¨ng S¨n, Hµ<br />

T‹nh). Ph›a tr≠Ìc ÆÈng lµ mÈt nh∏nh s´ng Ng´ ßÂng<br />

uËn l≠Ón bn s≠Ín nÛi, bn kia s´ng lµ c∏nh ÆÂng<br />

lÛa. N¨i Æ©y c„ ng´i chÔa cÊ Æ≠Óc d˘ng tı Æ«u ÆÍi<br />

nhµ HÀu L. Trong chÔa c„ qu∂ chu´ng lÌn Æ≠Óc ÆÛc<br />

tı thÍi vua L Th∏i TÊ.<br />

ß’n Ninh B◊nh, h∑y ghä v≠Ín chim Thung Nham,<br />

n¨i trÛ ngÙ cÒa g«n 40 loµi chim. C¯ kho∂ng 5-6 giÍ<br />

chi“u khi mÁi buÊi hoµng h´n v“, hµng ngµn con<br />

chim bay v“ tÊ, c∏nh chim træng tung bay gi˜a nÛi<br />

non nguyn s¨ k˙ thÛ, tπo thµnh mÈt c∂nh Æãp nh≠<br />

tranh thu˚ m∆c.<br />

82<br />



Ninh Binh Province, containing Trang An, Tam Coc, and Bich Dong has<br />

become one of the most famous tourist areas in Vietnam, especially since its<br />

appearance in "Kong: Skull Island". Trang An is another world heritage site<br />

recognized by UNESCO.<br />

One of the most entertaining experiences in Trang An is to sit on a boat gliding<br />

past the mountains and threading its way through mysterious caves.<br />

Tam Coc and Bich Dong are sometimes referred to as "Ha Long<br />

Bay on land". Tam Coc is a flooded karst cave system with three<br />

beautiful caves - Hang C∂, Hang Hai, and Hang Ba - on the<br />

Ngo Dong River. A boat ride will take you through a winding<br />

waterway which passes through these three caves. Bich Dong,<br />

which means "green cave", is two kilometers from the Tam Coc boat pier. It has<br />

been recognized as the second nicest grotto in the country (after Huong Tich<br />

Grotto). A branch of the Ngo Dong River runs in front of the cave and winds<br />

along the mountain side. On the other side of the river is a vast green field. Bich<br />

Dong also boasts an ancient three-tiered cave pagoda at the top of a steep stone<br />

staircase. The climb is worth it, offering a magnificent view and a charming<br />

pagoda. The pagoda was built in 1428, at the beginning of the Le Dynasty. It<br />

holds a colossal bronze bell cast under the reign of King Le Thai To.<br />

Ninh Binh is also famous for the Thung Nham Sanctuary, which is home to<br />

nearly 40 species of birds. When the sun sets at 5 or 6pm, thousands of birds<br />

fly back to their nests. The image of white birds flying across the pristine<br />

mountainous background creates a remarkable scene.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


©Nguyen Hoang Phi<br />

Visitors can take a boat across the lake to get a complete view of the<br />

lakeside houses, giving you a chance to experience the peace of the

landscape. On the journey you will pass the local people's beautiful<br />

plateau and the forests stretching as far as the eye can see.<br />

DA LAT<br />



N’u muËn t◊m nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi Î mÈt n¨i<br />

qu∏ quen thuÈc nh≠ ßµ Lπt, hà nµy bπn nn ln<br />

lfich kh∏m ph∏ lµng CÔ L«n, rıng l∏ phong vµ V≠Ín<br />

QuËc gia Bidoup.<br />

Lµng CÔ L«n t‰a lπc tπi th´n SuËi Cπn, x∑ L∏t, huy÷n<br />

Lπc D≠¨ng, g«n lµng ng≠Íi K’ho sinh sËng. Tı<br />

trung t©m thµnh phË, bπn sœ ph∂i v≠Ót h¨n 20km<br />

Æ≠Íng ÆÃo quanh co theo tÿnh lÈ 722 Æ” Æ’n vÌi<br />

lµng CÔ L«n. ß’n Æ©y, bπn tÀn mæt nh◊n ngæm<br />

nh˜ng con cÔ l«n v´ cÔng ngÈ ngh‹nh, hfla m◊nh<br />

gi˜a thin nhin hoang s¨ vµ tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng<br />

hoπt ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi nh≠: leo nÛi, b®ng rıng, th∂<br />

di“u, bæt c∏; cæm trπi, ÆËt lˆa ho∆c Î nhµ sµn...<br />

ô ßµ Lπt, cfln c„ c∏nh rıng l∏ phong tuy÷t Æãp<br />

nªm »n s©u trong h Tuy“n L©m, c∏ch lµng ߆t Sät<br />

mÈt con hÂ. ß” Æ’n Æ≠Óc c∏nh rıng ph›a bn kia,<br />

c∏ch duy nh†t lµ bπn Æi thuy“n ho∆c ca n´. Nh˜ng<br />

ngµy Æ«u hÃ, l∏ phong v…n xanh m≠Ìt, tı tı chuy”n<br />

sang vµng nhπt, cam, Æ· t≠¨i vµ cuËi cÔng lµ mÈt<br />

mµu Æ· th…m lÛc vµo thu. Trn Æ≠Íng Æi, bπn sœ<br />

ngang qua nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÒa c≠ d©n sËng ven<br />

hÂ, c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc vŒ Æãp cÒa vÔng ÆÂi nÛi cao<br />

nguyn, l†p l„ sau nh˜ng d∑y rıng th´ng c¯ nËi<br />

ti’p nhau tr∂i dµi Æ’n v´ tÀn.<br />

ßi xa h¨n n˜a, ßµ Lπt cfln c„ rıng nhi÷t ÆÌi Bidoup<br />

NÛi Bµ thuÈc cao nguyn L©m Vin, Æi”m Æ’n<br />

nh†t Æfinh kh´ng th” b· qua cho nh˜ng ai Æam m<br />

trekking vµ off-road. ßÀm ch†t T©y vÌi rıng th´ng<br />

vµ rıng l∏ phong, v≠Ín quËc gia Bidoup chi’m g«n<br />

tr‰n cao nguyn L©m Vin vÌi h¨n 1000 loµi th˘c<br />

vÀt, trong Æ„ c„ nh˜ng loµi Æ∆c tr≠ng nh≠ Th´ng<br />

Æ·, B∏ch xanh, P¨ mu, Th´ng 5 l∏ ßµ Lπt, Th´ng 2<br />

l∏ dãp... ß∆c bi÷t nh†t lµ s˘ xu†t hi÷n cÒa sŒ th´ng<br />

h‰ng vµng, loµi chim Æ∆c h˜u cÒa Bidoup vµ chÿ<br />

c„ Î Vi÷t Nam. Dπo ch¨i mÈt vflng quanh lµng cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi Lπch, ng≠Íi Cil, Mπ, dıng ch©n mua ly s˜a<br />

ÆÀu nµnh n„ng, vµi cÒ khoai lang n≠Ìng ch†m mÀt.<br />

MÔa hà Πߵ Lπt gi∂n dfi th’ th´i!<br />

An ecological village surrounded<br />

by birch forests and mountains<br />

If you want to explore new places in a familiar<br />

destination, you should plan a visit to Da Lat's birch<br />

forests, Cu Lan Village, and Bidoup National Park<br />

this summer.<br />

Da Lat is famous for its magnificent birch forests<br />

tucked into the Tuyen Lam Lake area. In early<br />

summer the birch forests are green and then<br />

gradually change to yellow, orange, red and dark<br />

red in autumn. Visitors can take a boat across the<br />

lake to get a complete view of the landscape. On the<br />

journey you will pass the local people's beautiful<br />

lakeside houses, giving you a chance to experience<br />

the peace of the plateau and the forests stretching as<br />

far as the eye can see.<br />

Cu Lan Village is situated in Suoi Can Hamlet, Lat<br />

Commune, Lac Duong District, close to the village<br />

of the K'ho people. To reach the village, you will<br />

travel along a 20 kilometer pass winding from the<br />

city center through provincial highway 722. At Cu<br />

Lan Village, you can see the adorable sloths that<br />

gave the town its name, or you can interact with<br />

nature by taking part in a range of outdoor activities,<br />

such as mountain climbing, forest hiking, kite<br />

flying, fishing and camping.<br />

Bidoup Nui Ba National Park on the Lam Vien<br />

Plateau is another must-see destination for those<br />

who enjoy trekking and off-roading. Bidoup<br />

National Park's pine and birch forests specific to<br />

the Central Highlands cover almost the whole area<br />

of the Lam Vien Plateau. The park is also home to<br />

more than 1,000 plant species, including red pine,<br />

green cypress, Fujian cypress, two-flat-needle leaf<br />

pine, and five-needle leaf pine. The forests hold<br />

over 441 species of vertebrate animals including the<br />

Vietnamese greenfinch, an endemic species of bird<br />

that lives only in Vietnam.<br />

When you leave the park you can walk around the<br />

villages of the Lach, Cil and Ma people, and stop<br />

for a while to enjoy roasted sweet potatoes and a<br />

glass of hot soy milk at a roadside stall. The trip<br />

sounds simple, but it promises many fascinating<br />

experiences.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


©Jonathan Gibby<br />

86<br />

MÔa hà lµ dfip l˝ t≠Îng nh†t Æ” bæt<br />

Æ«u nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh v“ vÌi x¯ dıa<br />

B’n Tre r˘c rÏ sæc mµu, Æ≠Óc Æi”m<br />

t´ bÎi mu´n vµn loπi tr∏i c©y t≠¨i<br />

ngon h∏i ngay trn c©y nh≠ m®ng<br />

cÙt, s«u ring, mÀn, ch´m ch´m... ô<br />

homestay, Æi Æfl chÃo d‰c c∏c knh<br />

rπch vÌi phong c∂nh thin nhin cfln<br />

hoang s¨; tr∂i nghi÷m c∏c hoπt ÆÈng<br />

cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng nh≠ lµm<br />

v≠Ín, r…y d≠a, lµm kão dıa lµ nh˜ng<br />

hoπt ÆÈng kh´ng th” b· qua khi bπn<br />

Æ’n B’n Tre. Tπi CÂn Quy, bπn c„ th”<br />

uËng n≠Ìc dıa tπi gËc, th≠Îng th¯c<br />

nh∑n, mÀn, cam, qu›t, b≠Îi quanh<br />

n®m. N¨i Æ©y cfln nÊi ti’ng vÌi Æ∆c s∂n<br />

tı t´m c∏ nh≠ t´m cµng xanh n≠Ìng,<br />

g·i c∏... CÂn PhÙng c„ b∏nh tr∏ng M¸<br />

Lflng, Æ∆c s∂n cÒa GiÂng Tr´m, n¨i<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

NGUY£N S• Và ß—P X` D\A<br />

bπn Æ≠Óc tr˘c ti’p tham gia ch‰n gπo,<br />

nπo dıa, tr∏ng b∏nh...<br />

ßi s©u vµo ba d∑y cÔ lao, B’n Tre cfln<br />

c„ nh˜ng v≠Ín c©y tr∏i Î C∏i M¨n,<br />

S¨n ßfinh, V‹nh B◊nh (ChÓ L∏ch) hay<br />

Tin Long, Tin ThÒy, T©n PhÛ (Ch©u<br />

Thµnh). NÊi ti’ng vÌi s«u ring, C∏i<br />

M¨n thuÈc x∑ V‹nh Thµnh, huy÷n ChÓ<br />

L∏ch lµ nguÂn cung ¯ng hµng tri÷u<br />

c©y giËng c∏c loπi nh≠ s«u ring, m®ng<br />

cÙt, xoµi c∏t, nh∑n tiu, bfln bon, ch´m<br />

ch´m vµ c∏c loπi c©y c„ mÛi.<br />

C∏c m„n dıa s∏p, chuËi ÆÀp n≠Ìng<br />

than, ®n kÃm n≠Ìc cËt dıa, chà b≠Îi<br />

thm s«u ring, Æu´ng dıa, thfit chuÈt<br />

dıa n≠Ìng, h†p, n†u cµ ri... lµ nh˜ng<br />

m„n ®n ÆÈc Æ∏o vµ chÿ Î x¯ dıa B’n<br />

Tre mÌi c„.<br />

MÈt n¨i kh∏c cÚng kh∏ mÌi mŒ Î B’n<br />

Tre lµ s©n chim Vµm HÂ tr∂i rÈng trn<br />

hai x∑ M¸ Hfla vµ T©n Xu©n, huy÷n<br />

Ba Tri. ß©y lµ n¨i trÛ ngÙ cÒa g«n<br />

500.000 con cfl, vπc vµ c∏c loµi chim<br />

thÛ hoang d∑ kh∏c. S©n chim Vµm HÂ<br />

cfln h†p d…n du kh∏ch vÌi rıng chµ lµ<br />

vµ th∂m th˘c vÀt phong phÛ gÂm c∏c<br />

loπi c©y nh≠: Êi, so ÆÚa, ÆÀu v∏n, m∑ng<br />

c«u xim, dıa n≠Ìc, Æ≠Ìc Æ´i, bÙp tra,<br />

chµ lµ, ´ r´, rau muËng bi”n...<br />

TÌi th®m s©n chim Vµm HÂ, h∑y th∂<br />

m◊nh bn con Æ≠Íng rıng, len l·i<br />

trong rıng ngÀp m∆n, tham quan khu<br />

c®n c¯ kh∏ng chi’n, Æi qua nh˜ng<br />

chi’c c«u tre læt lŒo, ng∂ l≠ng trn chi’c<br />

v‚ng Æung Æ≠a d≠Ìi t∏n l∏ rıng, h›t thÎ<br />

kh´ng kh› trong lµnh cÒa dflng s´ng Ba<br />

Lai trong nh˜ng ngµy nghÿ cuËi tu«n.

©Soyee Chiu<br />

BEN TRE<br />

Pristine beauty in the homeland<br />

of coconut trees<br />

Summer is the best time to begin your<br />

journey to Ben Tre, the homeland of<br />

coconut trees and various kinds of<br />

fruits, such as mangosteen, durian,<br />

plum and rambutan. You can even<br />

pluck these fresh fruits with your own hands<br />

and enjoy them right in the orchard. The Ben<br />

Tre area offers opportunities such as homestays,<br />

boat rowing along the canals to see nature, and<br />

participating in the activities of the local people<br />

like gardening and making coconut candy. On<br />

Quy Island you can enjoy fresh juice made from<br />

just-picked coconut and fruits such as longan,<br />

plums, oranges, mandarin, and grapefruit all<br />

year round. It is also famous for specialties made<br />

from grilled shrimp and raw fish. On Phung<br />

Island, you can enjoy the tasty flavor of girdle<br />

cakes, a specialty of Giong Trom, and directly<br />

participate in selecting rice, scraping coconut<br />

meat out and making cakes.<br />

If you have more time, you should explore the<br />

orchards in Cai Mon, Son Dinh, Vinh Binh (Cho<br />

Lach) or Tien Long, Tien Thuy, Tan Phu (Chau<br />

Thanh). Cai Mon in Vinh Thanh Commune,<br />

Cho Lach District is famous for its durian, and<br />

supplies seedlings to the whole province.<br />

Delicious dishes unique to Ben Tre include<br />

coconut wax, grilled banana served with<br />

coconut extract, and grape fruit compote served<br />

with durian.<br />

©Son Phong<br />

©Son Phong<br />

Vam Ho Sanctuary is a new destination in Ben<br />

Tre. It covers My Hoa and Tan Xuan communes<br />

in Ba Tri District. Tourists are attracted to the<br />

area's date-palm forest and rich vegetation cover<br />

including guava, French bean, Siamese custard<br />

apple, nipa and date-palm.<br />

A visit to the Vam Ho Sanctuary will give you<br />

an opportunity to immerse yourself in nature.<br />

You can take a leisurely walk along the forest<br />

roads, wind your way through the mangrove<br />

forests, cross small bamboo bridges, lie down<br />

on a hammock to rest under the foliage, enjoy<br />

the fresh air of the Ba Lai River, or visit the old<br />

resistance base. This is the perfect place to spend<br />

the weekend.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


destination Bµi vµ ∂nh: Tu†n D≠¨ng<br />


Hà nµy, n’u Æ∑ qu∏ quen thuÈc vÌi bi”n hay nh˜ng khu vui ch¨i n∏o<br />

nhi÷t, h∑y thˆ dµnh cho m◊nh mÈt l˘a ch‰n kh∏c, n¨i khung c∂nh<br />

ÆÂng ruÈng ng∏t xanh Î thung lÚng Mai Ch©u, Ha B◊nh.<br />

C∏ch Hµ NÈi g«n 150km vÌi 4 giÍ di chuy”n bªng<br />

´t´, thung lÚng Mai Ch©u nªm g‰n trong nh˜ng<br />

r∆ng nÛi cao. Lµ kh´ng gian sinh sËng cÒa cÈng<br />

ÆÂng ng≠Íi d©n tÈc Th∏i, Mai Ch©u ph∏t tri”n kh∏<br />

sÌm loπi h◊nh du lfich cÈng ÆÂng, nn dÔ chÿ lµ hµnh<br />

tr◊nh ngæn ngµy, n¨i Æ©y v…n sœ mang lπi cho bπn<br />

nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ vfi. D≠Ìi Æ©y lµ 4 Æi”m kh´ng<br />

th” b· qua khi Æ’n Mai Ch©u.<br />

88<br />


HÄNH TRçNH:<br />

ñ Tı Hµ NÈi Æi Mai Ch©u,<br />

bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n ´t´<br />

vÌi 4 giÍ di chuy”n.<br />

ßI LÑI:<br />

ñ V“ ph≠¨ng ti÷n di<br />

chuy”n gi˜a c∏c b∂n tπi<br />

Mai Ch©u, dch vÙ xe Æ≠a<br />

Æ„n cung c†p Æ«y ÆÒ cho<br />

du kh∏ch. MÈt l≠u ˝ nh·,<br />

h∑y thˆ Æπp xe mÈt l«n<br />

theo nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng<br />

dµi gi˜a 2 bn lµ ruÈng<br />

lÛa xanh m¨n mÎn. ß©y<br />

h¯a hãn sœ lµ mÈt tr∂i<br />

ni÷m thÛ v.<br />


MùA:<br />

ñ MÁi mÔa lµ mÈt khung<br />

c∂nh nn th¨ ring c„<br />

tπi Mai Ch©u, lµ c¨ hÈi<br />

Æ” bπn ch◊m Ææm trong<br />

khung c∂nh yn b◊nh cÒa<br />

thung lÚng nh·, tπm qun<br />

kh´ng kh› thµnh th n∏o<br />

nhi÷t. MÔa hà ΠMai Ch©u<br />

Æ∆c tr≠ng vÌi mµu xanh<br />

ng∏t cÒa nh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng<br />

ruÈng lÛa non, cÒa kh´ng<br />

kh› m∏t mŒ cÔng nÙ c≠Íi<br />

hi“n ha cÒa ng≠Íi d©n<br />

n¨i Æ©y.<br />

¬M TH#C:<br />

ñ Nn thˆ c¨m lam, m®ng<br />

rıng, tht lÓn n≠Ìng, c∏<br />

suËi. Vµ ch◊m Ææm trong<br />

men say nÂng cÒa ti’ng<br />

h∏t, ti’ng Ƶn cÒa Æi÷u<br />

Th∏i xe vang xa, tham<br />

gia vµo c∏c Æi÷u mÛa sπp,<br />

mÛa xe.<br />

LU TR@:<br />

ñ C„ kh∏ nhi“u l˘a ch‰n<br />

cho kh∏ch du lch, tı<br />

resort nªm gi˜a nÛi ÆÂi,<br />

Æ’n c∏c kh∏ch sπn (gi∏<br />

tı 300.000VNß). Bπn<br />

cÚng c„ th” nghÿ tπi nhµ<br />

sµn gÁ Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi d©n tπi Æ©y (gi∏ tı<br />

100.000VNß).<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


ßáO THUNG KHE<br />

ßÃo Thung Khe, cfln Æ≠Óc bi’t Æ’n vÌi tn g‰i ÆÃo ß∏<br />

Træng, lµ mÈt trong bËn con ÆÃo Æãp vµ nguy hi”m<br />

nh†t Î T©y Bæc. G‰i lµ ÆÃo ß∏ Træng bÎi lœ Î Æ©y c„<br />

nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi Æ∏ træng, tuy÷t Æãp, s˜ng sıng bn<br />

v∏ch ÆÃo. ߯ng trn ÆÃo ß∏ Træng, bπn c„ th” nh◊n<br />

th†y toµn bÈ khung c∂nh nn th¨ tr˜ t◊nh cÒa thung<br />

lÚng Mai Ch©u, nh˜ng m∂ng xanh non cÒa lÛa, vµi<br />

n’p nhµ sµn »n hi÷n d≠Ìi nh˜ng bÙi tre.<br />


Trong ti’ng Th∏i, Pom lµ qu∂ ÆÂi, Co‰ng lµ c∏i trËng,<br />

Pom Co‰ng ngh‹a lµ b∂n cÒa nh˜ng qu∂ ÆÂi nªm trn<br />

c∏i trËng lÌn, chÿ ÆÂng ruÈng. Lµ n¨i tÀp trung cÒa<br />

kho∂ng 80 hÈ d©n, Æ©y lµ mÈt Æi”m hãn Æ≠Óc nhi“u<br />

du kh∏ch ghä th®m. ß’n Æ©y, bπn nn lang thang<br />

kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng cˆa hµng thÊ c»m, cıa hµng b∏n ÆÂ<br />

l≠u ni÷m ngay d≠Ìi ch©n nhµ sµn.<br />

Nh˜ng ng´i nhµ sµn Î Mai Ch©u th≠Íng Æ≠Óc x©y<br />

thµnh tıng cÙm vµ theo lËi ki”u ki’n trÛc truy“n<br />

thËng cÒa ng≠Íi Th∏i. Sµn nhµ lµm bªng tre ho∆c<br />

b≠¨ng vµ c∏ch m∆t Ɔt kho∂ng 2m bªng nh˜ng cÈt<br />

gÁ chæc chæn. M∏i nhµ lÓp gianh, l∏ m©y ho∆c bªng<br />

gπch. Nhµ c„ nhi“u cˆa sÊ c„ k›ch th≠Ìc lÌn. Bn d≠Ìi<br />

nhµ sµn lµ nh˜ng khung cˆi Æ” c∏c c´ g∏i Th∏i d÷t thÊ<br />

c»m. ß©y lµ nh˜ng Æi”m kh∏c bi÷t phÊ bi’n so vÌi nhµ<br />

sµn cÒa c∏c d©n tÈc kh∏c.<br />

BÅN LÉC<br />

ß©y lµ Æi”m du lfich cÈng ÆÂng nÊi ti’ng cÒa ng≠Íi<br />

Th∏i Træng, cÈng ÆÂng d©n tÈc sinh sËng l©u ÆÍi Î<br />

Mai Ch©u. B∂n L∏c hÈi tÙ t†t c∂ c∏c Æ∆c t›nh d©n d∑, t˘<br />

nhin, quy’n rÚ bÎi vŒ Æãp thanh b◊nh cÒa nh˜ng ng´i<br />

nhµ nªm d≠Ìi bÙi tre lµng, nh˜ng b∏nh xe n≠Ìc nªm<br />

bn nh˜ng dflng lπch nh· ch∂y r„c r∏ch Æm ngµy.<br />

Men theo con Æ≠Íng vµo b∂n lµ ÆÂng lÛa mπ xanh<br />

m¨n mÎn th¨m nÂng. Khung c∂nh vÔng qu thanh<br />

b◊nh sœ n›u ch©n du kh∏ch l≠u lπi l©u h¨n vÌi chuy’n<br />

dπo ch¨i gi˜a thin nhin nguyn s¨.<br />


Nªm Î vÔng nÛi Æ∏ v´i nn Mai Ch©u<br />

c„ mÈt sË hang nhÚ thπch tuy÷t Æãp<br />

nh≠ hang Chi“u, hang M· Lu´ng, chÿ<br />

c∏ch b∂n L∏c ch≠a Æ’n 2km. ß” ln<br />

c∏c hang nµy, bπn ph∂i chinh phÙc<br />

nh˜ng bÀc Æ∏ r†t cao. BÔ lπi nh˜ng giÍ phÛt ÆÊ mÂ<br />

h´i v◊ ÆÈ cao, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c th≠ th∏i<br />

d‘ chfiu khi thu vµo t«m mæt khung c∂nh thin nhin<br />

tuy÷t Æãp xung quanh.<br />

Hang M· Lu´ng c„ 2 cˆa Æ“u tr´ng ra c∏nh ÆÂng vµ<br />

c∏c b∂n lµng trong thung lÚng.<br />



Nªm Î ÆÈ cao c∏ch m∆t ruÈng xung quanh kho∂ng 5m<br />

Æ’n 7m, hang ®n s©u vµo lflng nÛi h¨n 500m k” c∂<br />

ng∏ch, chi“u rÈng tı 1m Æ’n 30m, vflm tr«n cao trung<br />

b◊nh 10m vÌi h÷ thËng Æ∏ nhÚ træng vµng xanh l„ng<br />

l∏nh. VŒ Æãp b¯c tranh thin nhin k˙ ∂o nµy sœ khi’n<br />

bπn m†t nhi“u thÍi gian Æ” kh∏m ph∏, chim ng≠Ïng.<br />

Hang Chi“u lµ tn g‰i do ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng Æ∆t ra.<br />

N„ Æ∆c bi÷t bÎi mÁi khi chi“u v“, ∏nh næng len l·i vµo<br />

hang ÆÈng khi’n c∏c khËi thπch nhÚ cµng quy’n rÚ<br />

vµ lung linh Æ’n lπ th≠Íng. Tr∂i qua 1.200 bÀc Æ∏, bπn<br />

sœ Æ∆t ch©n tÌi hang Chi“u. Dπo b≠Ìc trong Æ„, bπn sœ<br />

ngÏ ngµng tr≠Ìc s˘ ∂o di÷u cÒa thin nhin, vÌi mu´n<br />

vµn h◊nh thÔ Æ≠Óc tπo ra tı Æ∏ nhÚ tr∂i d‰c theo chi“u<br />

dµi 200m cÒa hang. CuËi hang c„ mÈt dflng suËi nh·,<br />

dflng n≠Ìc m∏t lµnh trong væt quanh n®m. Bπn h∑y<br />

thˆ c∂m nhÀn lµn n≠Ìc m∏t lπnh tπi Æ©y.<br />

Tπi Hµ NÈi, n’u bπn chÿ c„ 2 ngµy cuËi tu«n, Mai<br />

Ch©u lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o vÌi hµnh tr◊nh trÎ v“<br />

cÔng thin nhin, Ææm m◊nh trong h≠¨ng sæc cÒa<br />

ruÈng ÆÂng Bæc BÈ.<br />

http://magzter.com/Travellive<br />

90<br />




<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


©Sakda Anancharoenyos<br />

92<br />


Text and photos : Tuan Duong<br />

destination<br />



This summer, if you are already bored with beaches and noisy<br />

amusement areas, reward yourself with another option of<br />

green paddy fields in Mai Chau valley, Hoa Binh.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


94<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

Situated 150 km away<br />

from Hanoi, roughly<br />

a 4-hour drive,<br />

Mai Chau Valley<br />

lies within serene<br />

high mountain<br />

ranges. Home to the Thai ethnic<br />

community, Mai Chau has<br />

developed its community tourism<br />

quite early, so even on a short trip<br />

this place will bring you a lot of<br />

exciting experiences. Below are<br />

4 must-visit attractions in<br />

Mai Chau.<br />

Thung Khe Pass<br />

Thung Khe Pass, known as<br />

White Rock Pass, is one of 4<br />

most beautiful yet dangerous<br />

passes in the Northwest. It is<br />

called White Rock because this<br />

place has splendid white rock<br />

mountains, standing majestically<br />

by the hills. Standing on White<br />

Rock Pass, you can take in the<br />

whole picturesque scene of Mai<br />

Chau Valley: the green valley<br />

walls covered with rice paddy<br />

fields, as well as some stilt houses<br />

underneath bamboo groves.<br />

Pom Coong Village<br />

In Thai ethnic language, Pom<br />

means hill, while Coong means<br />

drum, Pom Coong means the<br />

village of hills lying on a big drum,<br />

which represents rice fields. The<br />

village, home to 80 households,<br />

is quite a rendezvous for tourists.<br />

While visiting here, you should<br />




wander and discover brocade and<br />

souvenir stores right underneath<br />

stilt houses.<br />

Stilt houses in Mai Chau are<br />

usually built in blocks and<br />

constructed in the traditional<br />

architectural style of the Thai<br />

people. The roofs are made of<br />

straw, cane leaves or bricks. The<br />

houses have many large-sized<br />

windows. Under the house is the<br />

floor is made of bamboo and built<br />

2 meters above the ground by<br />

stable wooden pillars. Underneath<br />

the stilt houses are looms for Thai<br />

girls to weave brocade, all of which<br />

are unique features of Thai stilt<br />

houses that set them apart from<br />

the architectural styles of other<br />

ethnic minorities.<br />

Itinerary:<br />

ñ From Ha Noi to Mai Chau, you can<br />

travel by car as it's only about a 4-hour<br />

drive.<br />

Transportation:<br />

ñ In terms of means of transportation<br />

between villages in Mai Chau, there are<br />

bus services available for tourists. Try<br />

riding bikes and strolling through long<br />

roads in the middle of green paddy<br />

fields. This can be a very enjoyable<br />

experience.<br />

Seasonal experience:<br />

ñ Each season provides its own serene<br />

sights in Mai Chau, an opportunity for<br />

you to fall in love with the peaceful<br />

sights of small valleys, while leaving<br />

behind the noisy city. Summer in Mai<br />

Lac Village<br />

This is a popular community<br />

tourism attraction of White<br />

Thai people, who are the oldest<br />

residents in Mai Chau. Lac village<br />

brings together wild, natural, and<br />

charming features of the culture<br />

and region with houses locating<br />

underneath bamboo groves, where<br />

water wheels, turned by small<br />

rivulets, warble day and night.<br />

Following the road leading to<br />

the village are freshly green<br />

and scented rice paddies. The sight<br />

of peaceful villages will keep you<br />

longer while you wander among<br />

wild nature.<br />

Chau is symbolized by the greenness<br />

of new paddy fields, and cool weather<br />

along with kind and gentle smiles of<br />

local people.<br />

Food:<br />

ñ Tourists should try bamboo-tubed<br />

rice, bamboo shoots, grilled pork, and<br />

stream fish. Also do indulge in the<br />

sounds of singing and instruments of the<br />

Thai ethnic traditional dance , partake in<br />

traditional bamboo dance (nh∂y sπp) or<br />

spread dance (mÛa xe)<br />

Accommodation:<br />

ñ There are various options for tourists,<br />

from resorts lying on the mountains<br />

to hotels (price starts from 300,000<br />

VND). You can also stay at stilt house<br />

homestays (from 100,000VND).

©Mark Turner<br />

Exploring caves<br />

Located in limestone mountains, Mai Chau<br />

owns some magnificent graphite caves such<br />

as Chieu, and Mo Luong, which are only 2<br />

km from Lac village. In order to enter these<br />

caves, you have to climb steep stone steps.<br />

In return for hard-fought altitude and time,<br />

you will enjoy a relaxing and pleasant feeling<br />

when catching the sight of surrounding<br />

natural beauty.<br />

Mo Luong Cave has both entrances<br />

overlooking paddy fields and villages in<br />

the valley. Situated 5 to 7 meters above<br />

surrounding rice paddies, the cave is 500<br />

meters deep inside the mountain including<br />

branches, 1 to 30 meters wide, its roof dome<br />

is 10m high on average with glittering yellow,<br />

blue and white graphite winding through its<br />

walls. The beauty of this picture of natural<br />

wonder will certainly convince you to take<br />

your time to explore and enjoy the sight in<br />

detail.<br />

Afternoon Cave, named by local residents,<br />

is most unique when afternoon comes and<br />

the sun shines through the caves making<br />

graphite blocks extraordinarily charming<br />

and vibrant. After 1,200 stone steps, you will<br />

arrive at Afternoon Cave. Wandering inside<br />

the cave, you will be amazed at the miracle<br />

of nature, with countless shapes created by<br />

graphite strands along 200 meters of the<br />

cave. At the end of the cave is a small stream<br />

with fresh and clear water throughout the<br />

whole year.<br />

In Ha Noi, if you only have 2 weekend days,<br />

Mai Chau is the perfect choice for a journey<br />

back to nature and to indulge in the sights<br />

and scents of Northern rice fields.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


culture Text and Photos: Le Bich<br />

Lµng S◊nh<br />

96<br />


ß’n lµng tranh d©n gian nÊi ti’ng cÒa x¯<br />

Hu’, n’u ghä th®m nhµ l∑o ngh÷ nh©n K˙<br />

H˜u Ph≠Ìc, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m c∏ch lµm<br />

tranh theo phong c∏ch lµng S◊nh.<br />

Sinh is a well-known folk painting<br />

village in Hue. A visit to artisan Ky<br />

Huu Phuoc offers an opportunity to<br />

experience the procedure of making<br />

Sinh village folk paintings.<br />

Lµng S◊nh nªm ven s´ng H≠¨ng, c∏ch trung t©m<br />

thµnh phË Hu’ 9km v“ ph›a ß´ng, tπi x∑ PhÛ<br />

MÀu, huy÷n PhÛ Vang, Thıa Thin - Hu’. Lµng<br />

nÊi ti’ng vÌi ngh“ lµm tranh cÊ. Tranh lµng S◊nh<br />

Æ∆c tr≠ng lµ loπi tranh thÍ in tı b∂n khæc gÁ, chia<br />

thµnh 3 dflng: tranh nh©n vÀt, tranh ÆÂ vÀt vµ<br />

tranh ÆÈng vÀt.<br />

Lµng Æ≠Óc thµnh lÀp tı th’ k˚ 15, kh´ng chÿ nÊi<br />

ti’ng vÌi ngh“ tranh, lµng S◊nh cfln lµ mÈt Æi”m<br />

Æ’n cuËn hÛt du kh∏ch bÎi phong c∂nh thanh<br />

b◊nh, nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc cÊ k›nh, ÆÀm<br />

ch†t d©n gian cfln Æ≠Óc l≠u gi˜.<br />

N’u c„ dfip Æ’n lµng S◊nh, h∑y ghä th®m nhµ l∑o<br />

ngh÷ nh©n K˙ H˜u Ph≠Ìc, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc mÍi trµ,<br />

trfl chuy÷n vÌi ngh÷ nh©n vµ Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng d…n lµm<br />

tranh d©n gian.<br />

Sinh Village is located in Phu Mau Commune,<br />

Phu Vang District, 9 kilometers east of Hue City.<br />

Sinh village woodblock paintings are used for<br />

worship purposes, and are divided into three topics:<br />

characters, objects, and animals.<br />

Founded in the 15 th century, Sinh village is famous<br />

not only for its woodblock paintings, but also for<br />

its peaceful landscape and ancient architectural<br />

structures which have stood the test of time to date.<br />

If you want to experience the making of folk<br />

paintings, please visit artisan Ky Huu Phuoc. You<br />

will be offered a cup of tea while listening to an<br />

introduction to the paintings and then be guided<br />

through the creation procedure.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Lµng S◊nh cn lµ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n cuËn hÛt du kh∏ch bÎi phong c∂nh thanh b◊nh,<br />

nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc cÊ k›nh, ÆÀm ch†t d©n gian cn Æ≠Óc l≠u gi˜.<br />

Sinh village is famous not only for its woodblock paintings, but also for its peaceful<br />

landscape and ancient architectural structures which have stood the test of time to date.<br />

98<br />


ß©y lµ c¨ hÈi Æ” bπn t˘ tay in tranh, nhÍ Æ„, nh˜ng b¯c<br />

tranh lµng S◊nh Æ∑ theo ch©n du kh∏ch Æi khæp n¨i.<br />

Tourists can make paintings themselves. The impression<br />

of these beautiful Sinh paintings will stay with tourists<br />

even as they journey onward.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


discovery Bµi vµ ∂nh: Aloha Nguy‘n<br />

Th∏c Hang –n (cn g‰i th∏c K50) tu´n ch∂y cuÂn cuÈn nh≠<br />

mÈt d∂i lÙa bπc l†p l∏nh gi˜a Æπi ngµn Kon Ch≠ R®ng thuÈc<br />

tÿnh Gia Lai. MÌi Æ≠Óc mÈt nh„m "backpacker" ph∏t hi÷n c∏ch<br />

Æ©y ch≠a l©u, vÌi vŒ k˙ v‹, nn th¨ vµ huy“n ∂o, ng‰n th∏c h¯a<br />

hãn sœ lµ Æi”m check-in kh´ng th” b· qua vÌi nh˜ng ng≠Íi<br />

th›ch phiu l≠u trong mÔa hà nµy.<br />

100<br />

Tı Pleiku, thµnh phË<br />

ch›nh cÒa tÿnh Gia<br />

Lai, sau khi v≠Ót<br />

qua ch∆ng Æ≠Íng<br />

h¨n 80km Æ’n thfi<br />

x∑ An Kh, chÛng<br />

t´i ti’p tÙc di chuy”n 30km n˜a Æ”<br />

Æ’n vÌi huy÷n Kbang. ßi thm 60km<br />

Æ≠Íng ÆÃo dËc vÌi c∂nh quan hai bn<br />

Æ≠Íng bπt ngµn mµu xanh cÒa nÛi<br />

rıng, cuËi cÔng cÚng Æ∆t ch©n ln<br />

khu b∂o tÂn Kon Ch≠ R®ng. Khu b∂o<br />

tÂn nªm trong N´ng tr≠Íng 4 thuÈc<br />

tÿnh Gia Lai.<br />

ßòNG ßI KHï KH§NG<br />


Sau khi lµm thÒ tÙc Æ®ng k˝ vÌi khu<br />

b∂o tÂn, c∂ nh„m Æ≠Óc hai anh ki”m<br />

l©m d…n Æ≠Íng vµo th∏c. Ph›a tr≠Ìc<br />

chÛng t´i lµ c˘ ly h¨n 12km, v…n Æi<br />

bªng xe m∏y qua nh˜ng Æoπn dËc cao<br />

Æ’n ch„ng m∆t. ThÀm ch›, chÿ c«n<br />

mÈt c¨n m≠a nhã, th” nµo cÚng bfi Æo<br />

Æ≠Íng. Chÿ mÌi bæt Æ«u nh≠ng qu∂<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

th˘c, chÛng t´i Æ∑ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc<br />

nh˜ng hi”m nguy vµ c˘c nh‰c trong<br />

hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ th∏c K50.<br />

Sau h¨n 1 ti’ng chπy xe m∏y trong<br />

Æ≠Íng rıng, Æoµn cÚng Æ’n Æ≠Óc khu<br />

v˘c Trπi Bfl. ß„ lµ mÈt ÆÂng c· mnh<br />

m´ng Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng<br />

ch‰n lµm n¨i d˘ng nhµ r…y. Gˆi xe<br />

tπi Æ©y vµ bæt Æ«u cuÈc chinh phÙc<br />

th∏c bªng ch›nh Æ´i ch©n cÒa nh˜ng<br />

ng≠Íi Æam m thin nhin hoang s¨.<br />

ß©y cÚng lµ Æi”m khÎi Æ«u cho hµnh<br />

tr◊nh trekking, b®ng rıng vµ lÈi suËi<br />

xuyn khu b∂o tÂn Kon Ch≠ R®ng.<br />

Dfip chÛng t´i Æi th∏c lµ th∏ng 3, thÍi<br />

Æi”m Æãp nh†t trong n®m Î Æ©y, vÌi ti’t<br />

trÍi næng †m vµ ›t m≠a. MÔa nµy n≠Ìc<br />

suËi ch≠a cao nh≠ng mÁi ng≠Íi v…n<br />

ki’m cho m◊nh mÈt nh∏nh c©y lµm<br />

gÀy cho an toµn. H◊ hÙc lÈi suËi h¨n 2<br />

ti’ng ÆÂng hÂ, c„ nh˜ng Æoπn s◊nh l«y<br />

ngÀp tÌi tÀn Æ«u gËi, c„ nh˜ng Æoπn<br />

ph∂i b®ng qua con suËi n≠Ìc ngang<br />

tÀn h´ng, lπi thm Æ∏ tr¨n khi’n t´i<br />

c„ lÛc ph∂i tä nhµo xuËng n≠Ìc. ß∑<br />

c∂m nhÀn s˘ m÷t m·i nh≠ng nh˜ng<br />

Æ´i ch©n v…n kh´ng chfiu chÔn b≠Ìc,<br />

v◊ tr≠Ìc mæt sœ lµ mÈt vŒ Æãp k˙ ∂o,<br />

tr∏ng l÷ cÒa ng‰n th∏c.<br />

C∂m xÛc vÏ fla khi tr≠Ìc mæt hi÷n ra<br />

mÈt ng‰n th∏c kh´ng ngıng tu´n<br />

ch∂y «m µo, tung b‰t træng x„a. Ngay<br />

d≠Ìi ch©n th∏c lµ nh˜ng khËi Æ∏<br />

mang nhi“u h◊nh dπng k˙ thÛ, x’p<br />

chÂng ln nhau.<br />

ChÛng t´i Ưng l∆ng hÂi l©u, tı xa<br />

chim ng≠Ïng th∏c K50 t˘a nh≠<br />

mÈt d∂i lÙa bπc, l†p l∏nh vµ lung linh<br />

gi˜a chËn nÛi rıng. C∂ kh´ng gian<br />

quanh th∏c tr´ng cÚng k˙ v‹, nn th¨<br />

vµ huy“n ∂o bi’t nh≠Íng nµo. D≠Íng<br />

nh≠ t†t c∂ nh˜ng tinh tÛy cÒa Ɔt trÍi,<br />

cÒa thin nhin Æ“u hÈi tÙ Î chËn<br />

nµy, n¨i nh≠ chËn thin Æ≠Íng gi˜a<br />

tr«n th’. VÌi t´i, th∏c K50 cfln Æãp<br />

h¨n c∂ tranh vœ, bÎi n„ ch›nh lµ t∏c<br />

ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt cÒa tπo h„a, lµ m„n<br />

quµ mµ mã thin nhin Æ∑ ≠u ∏i ban<br />

t∆ng cho Æπi ngµn hoang s¨ nªm v“<br />

h≠Ìng ß´ng Bæc tÿnh Gia Lai nµy.


ßoµn quy’t Æfinh d˘ng trπi d≠Ìi ch©n th∏c. Ph∂i n„i lµ chÛng t´i kh∏ may mæn<br />

khi Æ≠Óc hai anh ki”m l©m giµu kinh nghi÷m vµ Æ«y nhi÷t t◊nh d…n Æ≠Íng. Anh<br />

HÔng vµ nh†t lµ anh R„t, ng≠Íi d©n tÈc Ba Na, r†t rµnh Æfia h◊nh vµ v´ cÔng<br />

chuyn nghi÷p khi lÈi rıng.<br />

Sau Æ„, ai n†y chia nhau ng≠Íi ki’m c©y kh´ nh„m b’p, n†u c¨m trong Ëng tre,<br />

ng≠Íi gi®ng l≠Ìi bæt c∏, ng≠Íi mfl Ëc, h∏i rau. Vµ chÛng t´i Æ∑ c„ mÈt b˜a tËi ÆÀm<br />

ch†t hoang d∑ mµ kh´ng ph∂i ai cÚng c„ c¨ hÈi tr∂i nghi÷m trong ÆÍi. Gi˜a mµn<br />

Æm tfich mfich, bn ∏nh lˆa trπi bÀp bÔng, kh´ng g◊ thÛ vfi bªng c∂m nhÀn ti’ng<br />

th∏c vang v‰ng gi˜a kh´ng gian, vÌi ni“m h©n hoan d≠Íng nh≠ ÆÒ s¯c x„a tan Æi<br />

bao m÷t nh‰c cÒa c∂ ngµy trekking v†t v∂.<br />

S∏ng h´m sau, c∂ Æoµn nhÊ trπi, lπi ti’p tÙc hµnh tr◊nh chinh phÙc ng‰n th∏c.<br />

Sau mÈt Æm l†y lπi s¯c, ÆÒ Æ” Æi ln ph›a Æ«u nguÂn ng‰n th∏c. Trong th˘c t’,<br />

chÿ mÈt Æoπn Æ≠Íng ngæn ch≠a Æ’n 500m nh≠ng chÛng t´i Æ∑ kh∏ v†t v∂ khi<br />

ph∂i leo nh˜ng con dËc c„ ÆÈ dËc tÌi g«n 60 ÆÈ. ß≠Íng Æi kh∏ »m ≠Ìt vµ c„ r†t<br />

nhi“u væt. V◊ Æ©y lµ khu v˘c Æ«u nguÂn trong rıng giµ vÌi th∂m th˘c vÀt dµy Æ«y<br />

ru xanh nn c„ v´ sË væt l∏. ß„ lµ mÈt loπi væt sËng trn c©y, khi cæn th◊ kh´ng<br />

d‘ nhÀn bi’t.<br />

B◊nh minh ngµy mÌi nh≠ ti’p thm n®ng l≠Óng cho c∂ Æoµn len l·i gi˜a nh˜ng<br />

v∏ch Æ∏. RÂi l«n xuËng dËc nÛi Æ” nu´i lÌn d«n s˘ h∏o h¯c khi ti’ng th∏c ÆÊ ngµy<br />

mÈt g«n h¨n. Vµ cuËi cÔng lµ c∂m xÛc vÏ fla khi tÀn mæt chim ng≠Ïng tuy÷t t∏c<br />

cÒa thin nhin. Th∏c n≠Ìc «m µo tı chi“u cao 50m tu´n dµi nh≠ suËi t„c Æ≠Óc<br />

Æi”m xuy’t khäo läo bªng nh˜ng t∂ng Æ∏ ru phÒ xanh m≠Ìt. Kh„ di‘n t∂ h’t s˘<br />

ngÏ ngµng rÂi Æ’n th∏n phÙc tr≠Ìc s˘ sæp Æ∆t hµi hfla cÒa Ɔt trÍi.<br />

PH¢N Bˇ:<br />

ñ Hi÷n nay trong khu<br />

b∂o tÂn Kon Ch≠<br />

R®ng c„ trn 8 th∏c<br />

kh∏c nhau, nh≠ng Æãp<br />

vµ hÔng v‹ nh†t lµ th∏c<br />

K50 (hay cn g‰i th∏c<br />

Hang –n). K’ Æ’n lµ<br />

th∏c K40 hay cn g‰i<br />

th∏c Ba T«ng, cÚng<br />

Æ≠Óc xem lµ th∏c Æãp<br />

trong khu v˘c T©y<br />

Nguyn.<br />

VÄI LU ≥ TRõC<br />

KHI ßI THÉC:<br />

ñ Bπn c«n g‰i Æi÷n<br />

thoπi tr≠Ìc cho khu<br />

b∂o tÂn Æ” Æ®ng k˝,<br />

xem t◊nh h◊nh thÍi ti’t<br />

c„ m≠a hay kh´ng.<br />

Lin h÷: Anh HÔng<br />

0978 035 772<br />

ñ Chu»n b l“u, tÛi<br />

ngÒ, l≠¨ng th˘c &<br />

n≠Ìc uËng cho 2<br />

ngµy, thuËc chËng væt<br />

v◊ trong rıng væt r†t<br />

nhi“u<br />

ñ Giµy leo nÛi hay giµy<br />

lÈi suËi, ÆÂ Æi rıng, ∏o<br />

kho∏c nhã.<br />

THAM QUAN:<br />

ñ Th∏c K50 nªm kh∏<br />

xa trung t©m thµnh<br />

phË Pleiku, nn mÈt<br />

khi Æ∑ tÌi Pleiku, ngoµi<br />

chuy’n th∏m hi”m<br />

th∏c K50, bπn nn k’t<br />

hÓp kh∏m ph∏ nh˜ng<br />

Æi”m kh∏c Î vÔng ven<br />

Pleiku.<br />

ñ Bi”n HÂ T’n≠ng:<br />

Ng≠Íi d©n Æa<br />

ph≠¨ng quen g‰i lµ<br />

Bi”n HÂ, nªm c∏ch<br />

thµnh phË Pleiku g«n<br />

10km theo h≠Ìng Æi<br />

KonTum. Con Æ≠Íng<br />

xuËng Bi”n HÂ Æãp<br />

nh≠ b¯c tranh, hai<br />

bn lµ ngÛt ngµn<br />

th´ng xanh. N¨i cuËi<br />

Æ≠Íng lµ c∏c bÀc tam<br />

c†p bªng Æ∏ d…n Æ’n<br />

ng´i nhµ lÂng th¨<br />

mÈng gi˜a lng hÂ.<br />

Tı Æ©y ph„ng t«m<br />

mæt bao qu∏t Æ” th†y<br />

nh˜ng loµi hoa Æang<br />

HÄNH TRçNH:<br />

ñ Tı TP.HCM/HN,<br />

bπn bay vÌi Vietnam<br />

Airlines Æ” tÌi Pleiku,<br />

thµnh phË ch›nh cÒa<br />

tÿnh Gia Lai. Tı trung<br />

t©m TP. Pleiku Æi theo<br />

quËc lÈ 19 v“ h≠Ìng<br />

Quy Nh¨n kho∂ng<br />

80km lµ tÌi th x∑ An<br />

Kh. TÌi ng∑ ba Æi<br />

Kbang rœ tr∏i, Æi 30km<br />

lµ tÌi x∑ Kbang. Ti’p<br />

tÙc Æi thm kho∂ng<br />

60km n˜a sœ tÌi khu<br />

b∂o tÂn Kon Ch≠<br />

R®ng (thuÈc qu∂n l˝<br />

cÒa N´ng Tr≠Íng 4,<br />

tÿnh Gia Lai). Th∏c<br />

K50 nªm trong khu<br />

b∂o tÂn nµy.<br />

khoe sæc, Æãp nh†t lµ<br />

vµo t«m cuËi th∏ng<br />

9 khi Pleiku vµo mÔa<br />

hoa d∑ qu˙.<br />

ñ Ch≠ ß®ng Ya:<br />

Theo ti’ng cÒa ÆÂng<br />

bµo J’rai ngh‹a lµ cÒ<br />

gıng dπi, Æ©y lµ mÈt<br />

ng‰n nÛi lˆa Æ∑ ng≠ng<br />

hoπt ÆÈng hµng tri÷u<br />

n®m, vÌi mi÷ng nÛi<br />

h◊nh ph‘u Æ∆c tr≠ng.<br />

NÛi lˆa Ch≠ ß®ng<br />

Ya »n m◊nh gi˜a bËn<br />

b“ nÛi non trÔng<br />

Æi÷p, ©m th«m, l∆ng<br />

lœ nh≠ng trµn Æ«y s¯c<br />

sËng vµ Æ«y m ho∆c.<br />

Ln Æÿnh nÛi, bπn sœ<br />

Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m c∂m<br />

gi∏c yn ∂, thanh b◊nh<br />

cÒa khung c∂nh thin<br />

nhin hoang s¨ ÆÀm<br />

ch†t T©y Nguyn,<br />

d≠Ìi ch©n lµ mÈt<br />

vÔng b◊nh nguyn<br />

xanh thºm.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 101

߯ng trn Æÿnh th∏c, chÛng t´i m∆c<br />

s¯c tÀn h≠Îng b¯c tranh thin nhin<br />

hÔng v‹ vµ hoang s¨ cÒa nÛi rıng. Th∂<br />

hÂn theo vÚ Æi÷u cÒa thin nhin vµ<br />

kh´ng kh› m∏t lπnh, cfln g◊ tuy÷t vÍi<br />

h¨n kho∂nh khæc kh„ qun Æ„!<br />

TrÎ v“ lπi Trπi Bfl, chÛng t´i quy’t<br />

Æfinh ÆÊi Æ≠Íng Æi, kh´ng theo h≠Ìng<br />

lÈi suËi mµ lµ b®ng rıng. Trekking qua<br />

nh˜ng con dËc cao, thÿnh tho∂ng ph∂i<br />

ngÂi xuËng Æ” thÎ cho ÆÏ m÷t. D≠Ìi<br />

t∏n rıng toµn nh˜ng c©y to, l∏ ken<br />

nhau dµy Æ∆c Æ’n nÁi kh´ng Æ” l‰t tia<br />

næng nµo, Æoµn ng≠Íi trÎ nn nh· bä<br />

nh≠ng lπi l©ng l©ng xÛc c∂m. BÎi ai<br />

cÚng th†y m◊nh nh≠ mÈt thµnh vin<br />

Æoµn th∏m hi”m trong mÈt cuËn phim<br />

ÆÀm ch†t Æ≠Íng rıng nµo Æ„. Vµ cÚng<br />

nhÍ c∂m xÛc †y, chÛng t´i qun c∂<br />

nh˜ng gi‰t m h´i kh´ng ngıng tu´n,<br />

cfln bæp ch©n th◊ Æang t c¯ng d«n<br />

v◊ Æoπn Æ≠Íng rıng kh´ng d‘ chinh<br />

phÙc. VÌi Æoπn Æ≠Íng nµy, c∂ nh„m<br />

chÿ bi’t cæm Æ«u Æi, kh´ng d∏m nghÿ<br />

ch©n v◊ Î Æ©y c„ r†t nhi“u væt. Thm<br />

vµo Æ„, c∏i n„ng nh≠ muËn væt ki÷t s¯c<br />

m‰i ng≠Íi.<br />

N’u bπn lµ ng≠Íi yu thin nhin vµ<br />

chºng e dà tr≠Ìc nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh<br />

trekking Æ«y thˆ th∏ch, t´i khuyn<br />

bπn h∑y ln k’ hoπch Æ” kh∏m ph∏<br />

th∏c K50 trong mÔa hà nµy. Bπn cÚng<br />

Æıng qun rÃn luy÷n s¯c kh·e, chu»n<br />

bfi nh˜ng dÙng cÙ c«n thi’t cho hµnh<br />

tr◊nh chinh phÙc Æang chÍ bπn Î ph›a<br />

tr≠Ìc. "Tin c∂nh" cÒa vÔng Ɔt Gia<br />

Lai v…n Æang »n m◊nh th∏ch th¯c c∏c<br />

ph≠Ót thÒ t◊m Æ’n. Vµ nn nhÌ, h∑y<br />

lµ nh˜ng ph≠Ót thÒ c„ ˝ th¯c Æ” cÔng<br />

chung tay b∂o v÷ vŒ Æãp nguyn s¨ cÒa<br />

dflng th∏c tinh kh´i nµy nhä!<br />

102<br />


Theo tµi li÷u cÒa<br />

Khu b∂o tÂn KON<br />

CH R°NG,<br />

th∏c K50 nªm Î t‰a ÆÈ<br />

14 o 31' 10" N; 108 o 36'23"E;<br />

cao ÆÈ 831m.<br />

Chi“u cao th∏c<br />

kho∂ng h¨n 50m.<br />

¬M TH#C:<br />

THAM QUAN:<br />

ñ ß≠Íng th´ng cÊ<br />

Bi”n HÂ ChÃ: mÈt<br />

Æi”m check-in r†t<br />

nÊi ti’ng hi÷n nay tπi<br />

Pleiku, quy’n rÚ vÌi<br />

hai d∑y th´ng cÊ thÙ<br />

trn mÈt tr®m n®m<br />

tπo nn mÈt nät v´<br />

cÔng th¨ mÈng cho<br />

phË nÛi. ß≠Íng th´ng<br />

cÊ nªm c∏ch Bi”n HÂ<br />

h¨n 5km theo h≠Ìng<br />

Æi v“ nÛi lˆa Ch≠<br />

߮ng Ya.<br />

ñ Nhµ m T©y<br />

Nguyn: trn Æ≠Íng<br />

tı Pleiku Æi vµo Nhµ<br />

m∏y thÒy Æi÷n Yaly,<br />

bπn sœ Æi qua nh˜ng<br />

bu´n lµng cÒa ng≠Íi<br />

Ba Na. ô Æ©y v…n<br />

cn nh˜ng khu nhµ<br />

m T©y Nguyn. N’u<br />

may mæn, bπn sœ g∆p<br />

nh˜ng ngh÷ nh©n giµ<br />

tπc t≠Óng nhµ mÂ.<br />

D≠Ìi Æ©y lµ mÈt sË<br />

m„n Æ∆c s∂n/Æa chÿ<br />

»m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Î<br />

Pleiku vµ An Kh mµ<br />

du kh∏ch nh†t Ænh<br />

ph∂i thˆ.<br />

ñ Gµ chÿ nªm trn<br />

Æ≠Íng ßÁ Trπc,<br />

Pleiku<br />

ñ ßÿnh Coffee &<br />

Lifestyle: 375A<br />

Quang Trung, An<br />

Kh. ß’n vÌi ßÿnh<br />

Coffee, bπn sœ ch◊m<br />

Ææm vµo mÈt kh´ng<br />

gian †m ∏p, tho∂i m∏i,<br />

cÔng nh˜ng m„n ®n<br />

v´ cÔng h†p d…n, hay<br />

th≠Îng th¯c h≠¨ng v<br />

ng‰t ngµo cÒa mÈt ly<br />

cµ ph rang nguyn<br />

ch†t vÌi chÁ ngÂi mµ<br />

bπn ≠ng ˝ nh†t.<br />

ñ Cafe Thu Hµ: C„<br />

nhi“u qu∏n Î Pleiku,<br />

bπn nn thˆ Æ” tÀn<br />

h≠Îng h≠¨ng v cµ<br />

ph Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa<br />

Gia Lai.<br />

ñ PhÎ HÂng hai t´:<br />

22-24 Nguy‘n V®n<br />

TrÁi, Pleiku. N¨i Æ©y<br />

c„ m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng<br />

kh´ng du kh∏ch nµo<br />

Æ∆t ch©n tÌi m∂nh<br />

Ɔt nµy c„ th” b·<br />

qua lµ phÎ kh´ Gia<br />

Lai. Ng≠Íi d©n Î<br />

Æ©y th≠Íng Æ∆t cho<br />

n„ mÈt c∏i tn d©n<br />

d∑ kh∏c lµ "phÎ hai<br />

t´", ≥ n„i phÎ ®n<br />

hai t´ mÌi "ÆÒ Æ´".<br />

Gi∏ kho∂ng 25.000<br />

- 35.000VNß/t´.<br />

ñ C¨m Gµ M¸ T©m<br />

2: 6 Quang Trung,<br />

Pleiku.<br />

ñ PhÎ b vin Tµu<br />

L˝: 36 Tr«n PhÛ,<br />

Pleiku. Qu∏n nµy qu∏<br />

nÊi ti’ng Î Pleiku nn<br />

bπn kh´ng c«n lo v“<br />

ch†t l≠Óng. Kh´ng<br />

gian qu∏n kh´ng rÈng<br />

læm nh≠ng r†t Æ´ng<br />

kh∏ch vµo ra, bπn nn<br />

Æi ®n sÌm mÈt chÛt<br />

Æ” phng tr≠Íng hÓp<br />

h’t chÁ. Gi∏ Î Æ©y<br />

t«m 30.000VNß/t´.<br />

ñ BÛn H≠Íng:<br />

KiËt 16, S©n vÀn<br />

ÆÈng HAGL. Gi∏<br />

40.000VNß/t´.<br />

LU TR@:<br />

ñ Kh∏ch sπn Hoµng<br />

Anh Gia Lai: 01 PhÔ<br />

ßÊng, Pleiku<br />

ñ Green Bamboo -<br />

Tre Xanh Plaza Hotel:<br />

18, L Lai, Pleiku<br />

ñ Kh∏ch sπn S San:<br />

89 HÔng V≠¨ng,<br />

Pleiku<br />

ñ Kh∏ch sπn Pleiku:<br />

124 L LÓi, Pleiku<br />

ñ Kh∏ch sπn<br />

Kh∏nh Linh<br />

ñ Kh∏ch sπn An Kh:<br />

572 Quang Trung,<br />

P. T©y S¨n, th x∑<br />

An Kh.<br />

THòI TI⁄T:<br />

ñ MÔa Æãp nh†t trong<br />

n®m Î Gia Lai lµ tı<br />

th∏ng 8 Æ’n th∏ng 1<br />

n®m sau, vÌi ti’t trÍi<br />

se lπnh v“ Æm. Tı<br />

th∏ng 2 Æ’n th∏ng 4<br />

lµ Æÿnh Æi”m mÔa kh´,<br />

ti’t trÍi næng n„ng.<br />

Tı th∏ng 5 Æ’n th∏ng<br />

7 lµ vµo mÔa m≠a.<br />

ñ Nh≠ng An Kh th◊<br />

kh∏c v◊ Æ©y lµ n¨i giao<br />

thoa gi˜a cao nguyn<br />

vµ ÆÂng bªng. Nn<br />

thÍi gian Æãp nh†t<br />

trong n®m Æ” tham<br />

quan n¨i nµy lµ tı<br />

th∏ng 1 Æ’n th∏ng 6.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 103

----------------------------<br />

Th´ng tin thm:<br />

+ »m th˘c: D≠Ìi Æ©y lµ mÈt sË m„n Æ∆c s∂n/Æfia chÿ »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Î Pleiku vµ An Kh mµ du<br />

kh∏ch nh†t Æfinh ph∂i thˆ.<br />

-Gµ chÿ nªm trn Æ≠Íng ßÁ Trπc, Pleiku<br />

-ßÿnh Coffee & Lifestyle: 375A Quang Trung, An Kh. ß’n vÌi ßÿnh Coffee, bπn sœ ch◊m Ææm vµo<br />

mÈt kh´ng gian †m ∏p, tho∂i m∏i, cÔng nh˜ng m„n ®n v´ cÔng h†p d…n, hay th≠Îng th¯c h≠¨ng vfi<br />

ng‰t ngµo cÒa mÈt ly cµ ph rang nguyn ch†t vÌi chÁ ngÂi mµ bπn ≠ng ˝ nh†t.<br />

-Cafe Thu Hµ: C„ nhi“u qu∏n Î Pleiku, bπn nn thˆ Æ” tÀn h≠Îng h≠¨ng vfi cµ ph Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa<br />

Gia Lai.<br />

-PhÎ HÂng hai t´: 22-24 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, Pleiku. N¨i Æ©y c„ m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng kh´ng du kh∏ch<br />

nµo Æ∆t ch©n tÌi m∂nh Ɔt nµy c„ th” b· qua lµ phÎ kh´ Gia Lai. Ng≠Íi d©n Î Æ©y th≠Íng Æ∆t<br />

cho n„ mÈt c∏i tn d©n d∑ kh∏c lµ ìphÎ hai t´î, ˝ n„i phÎ ®n hai t´ mÌi ìÆÒ Æ´”. Gi∏ kho∂ng<br />

25.000 - 35.000VNß/t´.<br />

-C¨m Gµ M¸ T©m 2: 6 Quang Trung, Pleiku.<br />

-PhÎ bfi vin Tµu L˝: 36 Tr«n PhÛ, Pleiku.†Qu∏n nµy qu∏ nÊi ti’ng Î Pleiku nn bπn kh´ng c«n lo<br />

v“ ch†t l≠Óng. Kh´ng gian qu∏n kh´ng rÈng læm nh≠ng r†t Æ´ng kh∏ch vµo ra, bπn nn Æi ®n sÌm<br />

mÈt chÛt Æ” phfing tr≠Íng hÓp h’t chÁ. Gi∏ Î Æ©y t«m 30.000ÆÂng/t´.<br />

-BÛn H≠Íng: KiËt 16, S©n vÀn ÆÈng HAGL. Gi∏ 40.000VNß/t´.<br />

+ L≠u trÛ:<br />

-Kh∏ch sπn Hoµng Anh Gia Lai:†01 PhÔ #Êng, Pleiku<br />

-Green Bamboo ñ Tre Xanh Plaza Hotel:†18, L Lai, Pleiku<br />

-Kh∏ch sπn S San: 89 HÔng V≠¨ng, Pleiku<br />

-Kh∏ch sπn Pleiku: 124 L LÓi, Pleiku<br />

-Kh∏ch sπn Kh∏nh Linh<br />

-Kh∏ch sπn An Kh: 572 Quang Trung, P. T©y S¨n, thfi x∑ An Kh.<br />

+ ThÍi ti’t:<br />

-MÔa Æãp nh†t trong n®m Î Gia Lai lµ tı th∏ng 8 Æ’n th∏ng 1 n®m sau, vÌi ti’t trÍi se lπnh v“<br />

Æm. Tı th∏ng 2 Æ’n th∏ng 4 lµ Æÿnh Æi”m mÔa kh´, ti’t trÍi næng n„ng. Tı th∏ng 5 Æ’n th∏ng 7<br />

lµ vµo mÔa m≠a.<br />

-Nh≠ng An Kh th◊ kh∏c v◊ Æ©y lµ n¨i giao thoa gi˜a cao nguyn vµ ÆÂng bªng. Nn thÍi gian Æãp<br />

nh†t trong n®m Æ” tham quan n¨i nµy lµ tı th∏ng 1 Æ’n th∏ng 6.<br />

104<br />


discovery<br />




Text and Photos: Aloha Nguyen<br />

The powerful<br />

Hang En<br />

Waterfall (also<br />

known as K50<br />

Waterfall) is<br />

like a silver<br />

strip of silk<br />

sparkling<br />

amid the Kon<br />

Chu Rang<br />

Jungle in Gia<br />

Lai Province.<br />

Recently<br />

discovered<br />

by a group of<br />

backpackers,<br />

Hang En<br />

Waterfall<br />

with its<br />

magnificent,<br />

poetic and<br />

subtle beauty<br />

promises to<br />

be a must-see<br />

check-in for<br />

adventurous<br />

tourists this<br />

summer.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 1<strong>05</strong>

From Pleiku, the chief city of Gia Lai<br />

Province, we crossed a more than 80-km<br />

stretch of road to arrive at An Khe Town, and<br />

continued to travel an additional 30km to<br />

reach Kbang District. Going a further 60km<br />

over the pass with green, thick, interminable<br />

mountains and forests both sides of the<br />

road, we finally set foot in Kon Chu Rang<br />

Natural Reserve, located at Plantation 4 in<br />

Gia Lai Province.<br />



After checking in with the reserve, our<br />

group was guided by two foresters. We had<br />

to conquer a 12km difficult-to-access stretch<br />

of road with very high and slippery slopes<br />

by motorbike. It seemed that any light<br />

rain could make us fall off the motorbikes.<br />

Although we had scarcely started our<br />

journey, we could feel its dangers and<br />

hardships.<br />

After more than one hour, we reached Trai<br />

Bo. That is a vast grassland where local<br />

people erect their sentry boxes. We left our<br />

motorbikes there and, with our passion<br />

for neglected nature, began to conquer<br />

the waterfall. This is the starting point of<br />

our trekking, fording springs and crossing<br />

forests in Kon Chu Rang Natural Reserve.<br />

106<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

It was March then, the most beautiful<br />

time of the year with warm sunshine and<br />

little rain. The spring was not too wet this<br />

season, but we still used tree branches<br />

as walking sticks for safety. We zealously<br />

waded across the stream for more than two<br />

hours. Some sections were swampy up to<br />

our knees, some were full of water up to our<br />

hips and slippery rocks made us sometimes<br />

fell down. Despite our exhaustion, we did<br />

not shrink from difficulties because the<br />

stunning waterfall was waiting for us ahead.<br />

This is the<br />

starting<br />

point of our<br />

trekking in<br />

Kon Chu<br />

Rang Natural<br />


According to the documents of Kon Chu Rang<br />

Natural Resever, the K50 waterfall is located in the<br />

co-ordinate of 14 o 31' 10''N; 108 o 36' 23''E; and the<br />

altitude of 831m. It is more than 50m high.<br />

We could not<br />

suppress our<br />

happiness when<br />

the imposing<br />

waterfall<br />

appeared in front of us. We stood<br />

still for a while to contemplate the<br />

K50 Waterfall that looked like a silver<br />

strip of silk sparkling amid the forest<br />

and mountains. The area around the<br />

waterfall was also so magnificent,<br />

poetic and subtle. It seemed that all the<br />

quintessence of nature converged at<br />

this place in order to create a paradise<br />

in this world. As for me, the K50<br />

Waterfall is more beautiful than a<br />

masterpiece, since it is a perfect artwork<br />

of nature, a valuable gift Mother Nature<br />

bestows on this neglected vast jungle of<br />

Gia Lai Province.<br />


ñ The Kon Chu Rang<br />

Natural Reserve has<br />

8 waterfalls, but the<br />

most beautiful and<br />

magnificent one is<br />

the K50 Waterfall (or<br />

Hang En Waterfall).<br />

The second one is<br />

the K40 Waterfall, or<br />

Ba Tang Waterfall.<br />

It is also one of<br />

the most beautiful<br />

waterfalls in the<br />

Central Highlands.<br />


ñ From HCM City or<br />

Hanoi, you fly with<br />

Vietnam Airlines to<br />

arrive at Pleiku, the<br />

chef city of Gia Lai<br />

Province. From the<br />

center of Pleiku,<br />

traveling 80km along<br />

the National Highway<br />

19 in the direction<br />

of Quy Nhon City,<br />

you will reach An<br />

Khe Town. Going<br />

to the T-junction<br />

to Kbang, turn left<br />

and travel 30km and<br />

you will reach Kbang<br />

Commune. Continue<br />

to go further 60km<br />

and you will come<br />

to the Kon Chu<br />

Rang Reserve (under<br />

the management of<br />

Plantation 4, Gia Lai<br />

Province). The K50<br />

waterfall is within the<br />

reserve.<br />

NOTE:<br />

ñ You should call in<br />

advance to register<br />

and ask about the<br />

weather. Contact: Mr<br />

Hung 0978 035 772<br />

ñ Prepare tents,<br />

sleeping bags, food<br />

and drink for 2 days,<br />

and terrestrial leech<br />

repellent because<br />

there are many<br />

leeches in the forest.<br />

ñ Take shoes for<br />

climbing mountains<br />

and crossing streams,<br />

light coats, and items<br />

for a forest trip.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 107

108<br />

Places for sight<br />

seeing:<br />

The K50 Waterfall<br />

is quite far from the<br />

city center of Pleiku,<br />

so, in addition to the<br />

expedition to the<br />

waterfall, you should<br />

visit other places in the<br />

environs of Pleiku<br />

ñ T'nung Lake (also<br />

known as Sea Lake): It<br />

is located nearly 10km<br />

from Pleiku City along<br />

the National Highway 14<br />

to Kon Tum. The road<br />

to the lake is picturesque<br />

with pine forests that<br />

stretch as far as the eye<br />

can see on both sides.<br />

At the end of the slope<br />

is a beautiful house in<br />

the middle of the lake,<br />

where tourists can get<br />

some fresh air, pose for<br />

photos and contemplate<br />

beautiful flowers,<br />

especially at the end of<br />

September when wild<br />

sunflowers are in bloom<br />

in Pleiku.<br />

ñ Chu Dang Ya: It<br />

means "wild ginger"<br />

in the language of<br />

the J'rai people. It is<br />

a volcano that has<br />

stopped operating for<br />

millions of years, with<br />

a funnel-shaped crater.<br />

Chu Dang Ya Volcano<br />

hides itself amid the<br />

mountains that seem<br />

to extend endlessly.<br />

Though Chu Dang Ya<br />

is an extinct volcano, it<br />

is full of vitality and very<br />

fascinating. Standing on<br />

the top of the mountain,<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

you will feel the serenity<br />

of pristine natural<br />

sights, specific to the<br />

Central Highlands, and<br />

contemplate the green<br />

plain at the foot of the<br />

mountain.<br />

ñ The road lined with old<br />

pine trees is a famous<br />

check-in in Pleiku. Two<br />

rows of old pine trees<br />

create a poetic beauty<br />

for this mountainous city.<br />

The road is more than 5<br />

km from Sea Lake in the<br />

direction of Chu Dang<br />

Ya Volcano.<br />

ñ Charnel houses in the<br />

Central Highlands: on<br />

the way from Pleiku to<br />

Yaly Hydroelectric Plant,<br />

you will pass the villages<br />

of the Bana ethnic<br />

people. Charnel houses<br />

remain in this place.<br />

Sometimes you can see<br />

old craftsmen carving<br />

statues for the charnel<br />

houses.<br />


Our group decided to pitch tents at the foot of the waterfall.<br />

We were very lucky to be accompanied by experienced and<br />

enthusiastic foresters, who were at home in such terrain.<br />

After that, some of us fetched firewood to light a fire and cook rice<br />

in bamboo tubes. The others caught fish and snails and picked<br />

vegetables. We finally had a simple but wonderful dinner that<br />

few people have an opportunity to experience in their life. In the<br />

silence of the night, and by the flickering flame, there was nothing<br />

more interesting than hearing the resounding sound of the<br />

waterfall. This happiness helped us get rid of the exhaustion of a<br />

long and hard trek.<br />

In the next morning, we continued our journey to conquer the top<br />

of the waterfall. After a full night's sleep, we felt strong enough to<br />

face hardships ahead. Although the stretch of path was less than<br />

500m, it was hard for us to climb the 60-degree slopes. Moreover,<br />

the path was wet and slippery. Terrestrial leeches were also a<br />

danger to trekkers. With a thick vegetation cover, this was an ideal<br />

environment for this species.<br />

The dawn of a new day seemed to invigorate us to conquer the<br />

cliffs. Our eagerness gradually increased when the sound of<br />

the waterfall became nearer and nearer. We finally burst with<br />

happiness when contemplating this masterpiece of nature. The<br />

waterfall thunderously plunges down from a height of 50m,<br />

looking like long hair embellished with slabs of rocks full of<br />

green moss. It was hard for us to describe our amazement and<br />

admiration in the face of this harmonious arrangement of nature.<br />

Standing on the top of the waterfall, we enjoyed the breathtaking

Where to eat:<br />

Following is the list<br />

of specialties and<br />

restaurants in Pleiku and<br />

An Khe you should try.<br />

ñ Chicken at Do Trac<br />

Street, Pleiku<br />

ñ ßÿnh Coffee & Lifestyle<br />

at 375A Quang Trung,<br />

An Khe. You'll wallow in<br />

a warm and comfortable<br />

space with very good<br />

food and drink. Please<br />

enjoy a tasty cup of pure<br />

coffee in a comfortable<br />

seat.<br />

ñ Cafe Thu Hµ will give<br />

you a chance to enjoy<br />

the special flavor of Gia<br />

Lai coffee.<br />

and neglected natural sight of<br />

mountains and forests to our heart's<br />

content and let our souls sink into<br />

the dance of nature and cool, fresh<br />

air. That was a wonderful and<br />

unforgettable moment in our life!<br />

Returning to Trai Bo, we decided<br />

to continue to cross the jungle.<br />

We trekked across high slopes and<br />

sometimes had to stop and take a rest.<br />

Amid the forest of high trees, we felt<br />

how small we were. We seemed to be<br />

explorers in an adventurous movie.<br />

The feeling of adventure made us<br />

forget the sweat streaming down our<br />

bodies and tired legs.<br />

If you are nature lovers and do not<br />

hesitate to face the challenges of<br />

trekking, please make a plan for<br />

conquering the K50 Waterfall this<br />

summer. Don't forget to take physical<br />

exercise to improve your health and<br />

prepare necessary belongings for your<br />

journey. The "Paradise" of Gia Lai is<br />

always a challenge to backpackers.<br />

Backpackers should have a sense of<br />

joining hands to protect its pristine<br />

beauty.<br />

Standing on the top<br />

of the waterfall,<br />

we enjoyed the<br />

breathtaking and<br />

neglected natural<br />

sight of mountains<br />

and forests to our<br />

heart's content.<br />

The waterfall<br />

thunderously<br />

plunges down from<br />

a height of 50m,<br />

looking like long<br />

hair embellished<br />

with slabs of rocks<br />

full of green moss.<br />

ñ PhÎ HÔng at 22-24<br />

Nguyen Van Troi,<br />

Pleiku: The restaurant<br />

is famous for dry phÎ, a<br />

must-try dish in Gia Lai.<br />

Local people call the<br />

restaurant "phÎ hai t´},<br />

implying that ph? is so<br />

delicious that you must<br />

eat 2 bowls to satisfy<br />

your craving. It costs<br />

VND25,000 - 35,000/<br />

bowl.<br />

ñ Com gµ (Chicken rice)<br />

M¸ T´m 2 at 6 Quang<br />

Trung, Pleiku.<br />

ñ PhÎ b vin (noodle<br />

with beef balls) Tµu L˝<br />

at 36 Tran Phu, Pleiku:<br />

This restaurant is very<br />

famous in Pleiku, so you<br />

don't have to worry<br />

about its quality. It is<br />

not big but always full<br />

of customers. It costs<br />

VND30,000/bowl.<br />

ñ BÛn (Noodle) H≠Íng<br />

at Kiot 16, Hoang Anh<br />

Gia Lai Stadium. It costs<br />

VND40,000/bowl.<br />

Accommodation:<br />

ñ Hoang Anh Gia Lai<br />

Hotel: 01 Phu Dong,<br />

Pleiku<br />

ñ Green Bamboo - Tre<br />

Xanh Plaza Hotel: 18, Le<br />

Lai, Pleiku<br />

ñ Se San Hotel: 89 Hung<br />

Vuong, Pleiku<br />

ñ Pleiku Hotel: 124 Le<br />

Loi, Pleiku<br />

ñ Khanh Linh Hotel<br />

ñ An Khe Hotel: 572<br />

Quang Trung, Tay Son<br />

Ward, An Khe Town.<br />

Weather:<br />

ñ The best season in Gia<br />

Lai is from August to<br />

January, which is cool at<br />

night. It is very dry and<br />

hot from February to<br />

April. It is rainy season<br />

from May to July.<br />

ñ However, An Khe is<br />

different because it is an<br />

intersection between<br />

the plateau and the<br />

plain, so the best season<br />

for sightseeing is from<br />

January to June.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 109

destination<br />

Bµi vµ ∂nh: Nguy‘n Hoµng B∂o<br />

110<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Hµnh tinh nµy<br />

v…n cn bao c´ng<br />

tr◊nh b› »n ch≠a<br />

th” l˝ gi∂i nh≠<br />

Kim T˘ Th∏p Î<br />

Ai CÀp, t≠Óng Æ∏<br />

Stonehenge Î Anh<br />

hay nh˜ng phi’n<br />

Æ∏ Puma Punku<br />

phºng l◊ nh≠ dao<br />

cæt Î Bolivia Æ≠Óc<br />

cho lµ s∂n ph»m<br />

cÒa ng≠Íi ngoµi<br />

hµnh tinh... Nh≠ng<br />

nh˜ng n¨i Æ„ du<br />

kh∏ch v…n c„ th”<br />

Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n mÈt<br />

c∏ch d‘ dµng.<br />

Ring hn Æ∂o<br />

b› »n Rapa Nui Î<br />

Chile th◊ du kh∏ch<br />

hi’m c„ c¨ hÈi ti’p<br />

cÀn, v◊ Æ©y lµ hn<br />

Æ∂o bi÷t lÀp n¨i<br />

g«n nh≠ tÀn cÔng<br />

th’ giÌi.<br />

Vµ Æ„ ch›nh lµ<br />

Æi”m Æ’n mµ t´i<br />

mong chÍ nh†t<br />

trong chuy’n rong<br />

ruÊi Nam M¸ cÒa<br />

m◊nh Æ” kh∏m ph∏<br />

mÈt trong nh˜ng<br />

hn Æ∂o c„ ng≠Íi Î<br />

hŒo l∏nh nh†t trn<br />

Tr∏i ߆t.<br />

TH⁄ GIõI<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 111


ßÅO PH|C SINH<br />


CûA HÄ LAN, NGòI CH¢U<br />

¢U ß¡U TI£N TçNH Cò KHÉM PHÉ RA<br />

HíN ßÅO NÄY ß@NG DëP LŸ PH|C<br />

SINH N°M 1722.<br />

Rapa Nui, "hfln Æ∂o hoang væng" theo ng´n ng˜ cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi b∂n Æfia, lµ mÈt hfln Æ∂o nÛi lˆa nh· nªm chnh<br />

vnh gi˜a Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng rÈng lÌn. ß” Æ’n Æ≠Óc n¨i<br />

nµy, kh∏ch du lfich th≠Íng Æi bªng m∏y bay tı thÒ Æ´<br />

Santiago de Chile, hay mua mÈt tour h∂i tr◊nh dµi dªng<br />

d∆c hµng th∏ng trÍi lnh Ænh trn bi”n. Nhi“u du kh∏ch<br />

th≠Íng g‰i Æ©y lµ Æ∂o PhÙc Sinh (Easter Island), Æ∏nh<br />

d†u s˘ ki÷n thuy“n tr≠Îng Jacob Roggeveen cÒa Hµ Lan,<br />

ng≠Íi Ch©u ¢u Æ«u tin t◊nh cÍ kh∏m ph∏ ra hfln Æ∂o<br />

nµy ÆÛng dfip l‘ PhÙc Sinh n®m 1722. Nh≠ng t´i v…n<br />

th›ch g‰i hfln Æ∂o lµ Rapa Nui do †n t≠Óng n“n v®n h„a<br />

thfi gi∏c r˘c rÏ mµ ng≠Íi d©n n¨i Æ©y Æ∑ x©y d˘ng tı hµng<br />

ngµn n®m tr≠Ìc, v…n cfln tÂn tπi Æ’n ngµy nay.<br />

DI SÅN CûA N≈N V°N HïA<br />


B†t ch†p chi ph› vÀn chuy”n vµ dfich vÙ l≠u trÛ kh∏ cao<br />

ÆËi vÌi mÈt kh∏ch du lfich bÙi, t´i v…n muËn Æ∆t ch©n<br />

Æ’n vÔng Ɔt xa x´i nµy Æ” tÀn mæt ch¯ng ki’n nh˜ng<br />

Æi“u b› »n. T´i c„ th” c∂m nhÀn nät v®n h„a b∂n Æfia<br />

kh´ng l…n vµo Æ©u Î Rapa Nui ngay khi vıa Æ∆t ch©n<br />

xuËng s©n bay vÌi nh˜ng b¯c t≠Óng Moai m´ ph·ng<br />

cho mÈt n“n v®n h„a huy“n b›. DÔ Î thÍi hi÷n Æπi, ng≠Íi<br />

d©n Rapa Nui v…n muËn g◊n gi˜ th¯ v®n h„a Æ∆c s÷t vµ<br />

b†t bi’n, dÔ cho l≠Óng du kh∏ch Æ∆t ch©n ln hfln Æ∂o<br />

ngµy mÈt nhi“u. H‰ Æ∑ ra mÈt sË "Æi“u luÀt" cho du<br />

kh∏ch tr≠Ìc khi lµm thÒ tÙc nhÀp c∂nh vµo hfln Æ∂o.<br />

MÈt trong nh˜ng quy tæc b†t di b†t dfich lµ kh´ng Æ≠Óc<br />

chπm tay vµo Moai. Trn Æ∂o v…n cfln hi÷n di÷n 887 b¯c<br />

t≠Óng Moai tr¨ l◊ cÔng thÍi gian mµ Æa ph«n trong sË Æ„<br />

kh´ng c„ mÈt hµng rµo b∂o v÷ nµo c∂. Chπm vµo chÛng,<br />

c„ ngh‹a bπn Æ∑ chπm vµo th¯ v®n h„a thfi gi∏c cÒa tÊ<br />

tin ng≠Íi Rapa Nui Æ∑ Æ≠Óc h‰ g◊n gi˜ hµng ngµn n®m<br />

qua. Hay ƨn gi∂n h¨n, bπn Æ∑ x©m phπm vµo th¯ tµi<br />

s∂n v´ gi∏ Æ∑ mang lπi nguÂn kh∏ch du lfich lÌn khi tµi<br />

nguyn, kh› hÀu, thÊ nh≠Ïng Î Æ©y kh´ng ÆÒ Æ” nu´i<br />

sËng 6.000 c≠ d©n trn Æ∂o.<br />

Di÷n t›ch cÒa Rapa Nui vŒn vãn 163,3km 2 , chÿ bªng 1/4<br />

di÷n t›ch cÒa PhÛ QuËc nh≠ng ƪng sau s˘ nh· bä †y<br />

ch¯a d˘ng c∂ mÈt n“n v®n minh lÌn Æ«y b› »n. ChÛng<br />

t´i c„ nh˜ng ngµy thu xe ´t´ dπo quanh hfln Æ∂o, lµ<br />

c∏ch th¯c ti÷n lÓi Æ” bπn c„ th” kh∏m ph∏ Rapa Nui<br />

Æ≠Óc nhi“u h¨n khi thÍi gian Î Æ©y kh´ng l©u. MÈt hfln<br />

Æ∂o bä nh· kh´ng sÎ h˜u tµi nguyn g◊ ngoµi Æ∏, rıng,<br />

tr∏i dπi lπi ch¯a Æ˘ng nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc, bi”u<br />

t≠Óng r†t tinh t’ khi’n c∂ th’ giÌi ng≠Ïng mÈ.<br />

MÈt trong nh˜ng Æi“u b› »n lµ h«u h’t nh˜ng d∑y t≠Óng<br />

Moai Æ“u Ưng thµnh tıng hµng c„ m∆t h≠Ìng vµo<br />

bn trong hfln Æ∂o, kh∏c nh˜ng g◊ t´i ngh‹ lµ nh˜ng<br />

b¯c t≠Óng †y ph∂i h≠Ìng ra Æπi d≠¨ng Æ” b∂o v÷ hfln<br />

Æ∂o. C„ th” tı ngµn x≠a, ng≠Íi Rapa Nui kh´ng mong<br />

chÍ nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æ’n tı Æπi d≠¨ng ngoµi kia mµ h‰ chÿ<br />

muËn h≠Ìng v“ cÈi nguÂn, nh˜ng tÀp tÙc hay cÒng cË<br />

h÷ thËng t›n ng≠Ïng l©u ÆÍi Æang b∂o v÷ cuÈc sËng cÒa<br />

h‰ tıng ngµy tıng giÍ. ßi“u nµy hoµn toµn phÔ hÓp khi<br />

112<br />


ng≠Íi gËc Rapa Nui cÊ, vÌi trang<br />

phÙc truy“n thËng, Æeo khuyn, th”<br />

h◊nh to lÌn, n≠Ìc da ng®m Æen m∆n<br />

mfli vÔng bi”n vµ Æ«y nh˜ng h◊nh<br />

x®m trn c¨ th” nh◊n kh∏ch du lfich<br />

vÌi ∏nh mæt hoµi nghi, mÈt c∏ch<br />

bi”u lÈ Æ«y t›nh thfi gi∏c vÌi ng≠Íi<br />

ngoµi. VÌi h‰, ph∂i ch®ng nh˜ng<br />

du kh∏ch xa lπ †y c„ th” cuËn ph®ng<br />

nh˜ng gi∏ trfi v®n h„a Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa<br />

h‰ mÈt ngµy kh´ng xa?<br />

MÈt Æ´i l«n t´i cË mÿm c≠Íi vÌi h‰<br />

nh≠ng h«u nh≠ Æ∏p lπi lµ th∏i ÆÈ<br />

thÍ ¨, c∂nh gi∏c. MÈt sË du kh∏ch<br />

cË sÍ tay vµo t≠Óng Moai cËt y’u<br />

chÿ muËn c∂m nhÀn thÀt h≠ v“ c∏c<br />

t≠Óng Æ∏ huy“n b› Æ“u bfi xˆ l˝ b†t<br />

k” lµ ai. MÁi l«n nh≠ th’ du kh∏ch<br />

c„ th” bfi phπt ln Æ’n 500USD.<br />

T´i th›ch ki”u v®n h„a thfi gi∏c<br />

ph´ tr≠¨ng, r‚ rµng nµy cÒa ng≠Íi<br />

Rapa Nui Æ” c„ th” gi˜ b∂n sæc vµ<br />

nh˜ng gi∏ trfi tinh th«n tr≠Íng tÂn<br />

m∑i m∑i.<br />

ChÛng t´i Æ∑ dµnh tr‰n hai ngµy Æ”<br />

t◊m hi”u nh˜ng b¯c t≠Óng Moai nÊi<br />

ti’ng nh†t trn hfln Æ∂o bªng chi’c<br />

xe thu t˘ l∏i Î trung t©m thfi tr†n.<br />

Rapa Nui c„ h◊nh dπng lµ mÈt tam<br />

gi∏c vÌi c∏c Æÿnh lµ nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi<br />

lˆa, n¨i ch¯a nguÂn n≠Ìc ng‰t duy<br />

nh†t trn Æ∂o. Thin nhin hoang<br />

s¨ n¨i tÀn cÔng th’ giÌi khi’n<br />

chÛng t´i nh≠ Æ≠Óc sËng trong<br />

mÈt th’ giÌi kh∏c so vÌi cuÈc sËng<br />

hi÷n tπi. M∆c dÔ khu v˘c ph›a Bæc<br />

ch≠a c„ h÷ thËng Æ≠Íng Æ” k’t nËi<br />

tr‰n vãn hfln Æ∂o, nh≠ng h÷ thËng<br />

Æ≠Íng s∏ trn Æ∂o ÆÒ Æ” chÛng t´i<br />

vi vu, Æ„n nh˜ng c¨n gi„ lÈng nh≠<br />

nh˜ng hfln Æ∂o nhi÷t ÆÌi kh∏c Î<br />

Ch©u É - Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng.<br />

Nh˜ng b¯c t≠Óng<br />

Moai th◊ v…n ch‘m<br />

ch÷, g≠¨ng m∆t sæc<br />

lπnh, c„ t≠Óng ÆÈi<br />

mÚ Æ· Æ≠Óc lµm<br />

bªng ch†t xÿ cÒa nÛi lˆa. ß∑ c„ r†t<br />

nhi“u ng≠Íi tham gia vµo vi÷c x©y<br />

d˘ng chÛng cÈng vÌi nhi“u nguÂn<br />

l˘c vµ thÍi gian. Nhi“u nhµ kh∂o cÊ<br />

cÚng cË t◊m hi”u vÀt li÷u x©y d˘ng,<br />

c∏ch th¯c vÀn chuy”n nh˜ng b¯c<br />

t≠Óng Moai n∆ng hµng chÙc t†n<br />

vµ c„ b¯c t≠Óng v…n Æang trong<br />

qu∏ tr◊nh hoµn t∏c cao Æ’n 21m vµ<br />

n∆ng hµng tr®m t†n nh≠ th’ nµo.<br />

MÈt hfln Æ∂o nh· Æ≠Óc h◊nh thµnh<br />

tı vi÷c phun trµo nÛi lˆa gi˜a Æπi<br />

d≠¨ng mµ ng≠Íi Rapa Nui lπi tËn<br />

qu∏ nhi“u nguÂn l˘c cho vi÷c x©y<br />

d˘ng nh˜ng b¯c t≠Óng khÊng lÂ<br />

Æ’n th’.<br />

Vi÷c x©y d˘ng Moai cµng nhi“u<br />

khi’n ng≠Íi Rapa Nui c«n nhi“u<br />

gÁ h¨n Æ” vÀn chuy”n nh˜ng b¯c<br />

t≠Óng Æ∏ khÊng l Æ∆t ln nh˜ng b÷<br />

Æ∏ cao s∏t mäp bi”n. H‰ ch∆t ph∏<br />

rıng Æ’n m¯c ÆÈ kh´ng cfln b„ng<br />

d∏ng mÈt c©y nµo trn hfln Æ∂o.<br />

Ph≠¨ng ti÷n kh´ng cfln ÆÂng ngh‹a<br />

vÌi vi÷c ki’n tπo c∏c b¯c t≠Óng Æ∏ bfi<br />

Æ◊nh tr÷. Thm vµo Æ„, d©n sË trn<br />

Æ∂o ngµy mÈt Æ´ng, nguÂn l≠¨ng<br />

th˘c lπi bfi cπn ki÷t d«n, dfich b÷nh<br />

hoµnh hµnh, nh˜ng cuÈc nÈi chi’n<br />

Æ…m m∏u cÔng vÌi nπn ®n thfit<br />

ng≠Íi lµm cho n“n v®n minh cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi Rapa Nui ngµy cµng lung lay<br />

vµ d«n bi’n m†t. ß©y cÚng lµ v†n<br />

Æ“ lµm t´i suy ngh‹ khi Æ’n th®m<br />

nh˜ng t≠Óng Æ∏ nªm ch·ng ch¨ Î<br />

m· Æ∏ nÛi lˆa Rano Raraku trn<br />

Æ∂o. MÈt n“n v®n minh bi’n m†t<br />

cÚng c„ th” tı vi÷c Æ“ cao y’u tË thfi<br />

gi∏c qu∏ m¯c mµ tÊ tin h‰ kh´ng<br />

sao t˘ ki”m so∏t Æ≠Óc.<br />

MÈt hn Æ∂o bä nh·<br />

kh´ng sÎ h˜u tµi<br />

nguyn g◊ ngoµi Æ∏,<br />

rıng, tr∏i dπi lπi ch¯a<br />

Æ˘ng nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh<br />

ki’n trÛc, bi”u t≠Óng<br />

r†t tinh t’ khi’n c∂ th’<br />

giÌi ng≠Ïng mÈ.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 113

TRƒN GI~ BôI HÄNG TúNG<br />

UY NGHI£M VÄ Bê ¬N.<br />




TH⁄ GIõI CûA NH~NG Kà<br />

Y£U THI£N NHI£N<br />

T´i cho m◊nh lµ kŒ yu thin nhin vµ vi÷c l˘a ch‰n<br />

Rapa Nui Æ” th≠ gi∑n sau c∂ hµnh tr◊nh dµi kh∏m<br />

ph∏ Nam M¸ lµ mÈt ph«n th≠Îng Æ∏ng gi∏. BËn<br />

ngµy trn hfln Æ∂o ÆÒ Æ” t´i c„ th” hfla Æi÷u cÔng<br />

thin nhin hoang s¨, ch≠a bfi t∏c ÆÈng nhi“u bÎi<br />

ÆÍi sËng hi÷n Æπi. T´i c„ nh˜ng buÊi chi“u Ææm<br />

m◊nh trn b∑i bi”n Anakena vÌi rıng dıa tr‹u qu∂<br />

uËn l≠Ón theo nh˜ng ÆÂi c∏t træng. Truy“n thuy’t<br />

n„i rªng Æ©y ch›nh lµ n¨i Æ«u tin mµ tÊ tin cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi Rapa Nui Æ∆t ch©n ln hfln Æ∂o sau mÈt hµnh<br />

tr◊nh di c≠ g«n nh≠ kh´ng t≠Îng trn Æπi d≠¨ng<br />

bao la, Æ«y hi”m h‰a. N¨i Æ©y d≠Íng nh≠ cÚng lµ<br />

ch∆ng cuËi trong hµnh tr◊nh di c≠ cÒa loµi ng≠Íi<br />

hi÷n Æπi tı m†y chÙc ngµn n®m tr≠Ìc Æ’n nh˜ng<br />

vÔng Ɔt xa x´i Nam M¸. MÈt eo vfinh bi”n nh· m<br />

Æ“m h≠Ìng ra Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng Æ∑ giÛp t´i x„a tan<br />

nh˜ng m÷t m·i, c∂m th†y an nhin vµ t≠Îng t≠Óng<br />

cuÈc sËng thanh b◊nh vËn d‹ cÒa hfln Æ∂o Æ≠Óc tr†n<br />

gi˜ bÎi hµng t≠Óng Moai uy nghim vµ b› »n.<br />

M‰i th¯ Î Rapa Nui Æ“u kh∏ Ææt v◊ ph∂i Æ≠Óc Æ≠a<br />

ra tı Ɔt li“n. ßi“u nµy cÚng ÆÛng th´i khi m∏y bay<br />

lµ ph≠¨ng ti÷n phÊ bi’n c„ th” chuyn chÎ nh˜ng<br />

s∂n ph»m, m∆t hµng tiu dÔng ra Æ∂o. ChÛng t´i<br />

l≠u trÛ tπi mÈt khu camping s∏t<br />

bi”n vµ g«n vÌi thfi tr†n Hang<br />

Roa. Khu camping nµy sinh hoπt<br />

cÔng vÌi chÒ nhµ vµ sˆ dÙng<br />

chung kho∂ng kh´ng gian n†u<br />

b’p. N’u bπn Æi chÓ Æfia ph≠¨ng,<br />

khu v˘c tÀp hÓp mÈt vµi chi’c xe<br />

b∏n t∂i ÆÀu Î trung t©m thfi tr†n<br />

vµo nh˜ng buÊi s∏ng, vµ t˘ n†u<br />

®n thay v◊ ra nhµ hµng th◊ bπn Æ∑<br />

ti’t ki÷m Æ≠Óc mÈt khËi ti“n.<br />

114<br />


H∂i s∂n, Æ∆c bi÷t c∏, lµ nguÂn th˘c ph»m t≠¨ng ÆËi rŒ trn Æ∂o v◊<br />

Æ©y cÚng lµ nguÂn kinh t’ Æ” nu´i sËng d©n Æ∂o, sau du lfich. MÈt<br />

ngµy l∏i xe dπo quanh Rapa Nui, buÊi tr≠a chÛng t´i c„ th” ®n qua<br />

loa bªng sandwich, ph´ mai mua tı thÒ Æ´ Santiago, nh≠ng buÊi<br />

chi“u chÛng t´i lπi c„ nh˜ng b˜a ®n thfinh soπn do ch›nh t˘ tay<br />

n†u. C„ ngµy, chÛng t´i cfln ch’ bi’n hºn m„n nÈm theo h≠¨ng vfi<br />

qu nhµ khi xin Æ≠Óc mÈt hoa chuËi to Î mÈt nhµ d©n g«n Ɔy.<br />

Thin nhin Rapa Nui hoang d∑ nn nh˜ng hπt giËng mµ chim<br />

mang Æ’n giÛp n¨i Æ©y c„ nh˜ng rıng Êi dπi ven Æ≠Íng chi ch›t<br />

qu∂ ch›n vµo mÔa xu©n. ß´i khi, buÊi tr≠a cÒa chÛng t´i chÿ<br />

dÔng vµi thanh s´c´la vµ Êi, mÈt th¯ Êi ruÈt Æ·, tr∏i kh´ng to læm<br />

nh≠ng ng‰t thanh Æ’n lfim ng≠Íi. ßi“u nµy, chÛng t´i Æ∑ Ɖc<br />

tr≠Ìc th´ng tin khi quy’t Æfinh sœ t◊m ra nh˜ng rıng Êi mi‘n ph›<br />

nh≠ th’ trn Æ∂o. Qu∂ thÀt thin nhin n¨i Æ©y thÀt hµo ph„ng<br />

cho nh˜ng l˜ kh∏ch.<br />

T´i cÚng Æ∑ c„ nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc ngæm hoµng h´n no n Æ’n<br />

tÀn khi nh˜ng ∏nh ÆÃn vµng bæt Æ«u le l„i trn mÈt vµi con Æ≠Íng<br />

quanh trung t©m thfi tr†n. ßm v“, kh´ng gian trn Æ∂o thÀt t‹nh<br />

mfich, thanh b◊nh vµ chÿ cfln nghe mÁi ti’ng s„ng vÁ r◊ r«m bn<br />

nh˜ng v∏ch nÛi lˆa. Nh˜ng Æm tr®ng s∏ng, hµng t≠Óng Moai<br />

nÊi bÀt nh≠ nh˜ng ∏nh hµo quang v®n h„a tr≠Íng tÂn Î n¨i tÀn<br />

cÔng cÒa th’ giÌi.<br />

TRÅI NGHIåM:<br />

Vµ d≠Ìi Æ©y lµ nh˜ng<br />

Æi“u kh´ng th” b· qua<br />

tπi Rapa Nui:<br />

ñ Tæm bi”n vµ t˘ tay h∏i dıa<br />

Î b∑i Anakena, n¨i truy“n<br />

thuy’t cho rªng tÊ tin cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi Rapa Nui Æ∑ Æ’n Æ©y<br />

tı ph≠¨ng T©y,<br />

ñ Ngæm hoµng h´n huy‘n<br />

ho∆c Î Æÿnh nÛi lˆa Orongo,<br />

ñ ß’n m· Æ∏ nÛi lˆa Rano<br />

Raraku t˘ nhin mµ ng≠Íi<br />

Rapa Nui Æ∑ tıng sˆ dÙng<br />

trong thÍi cÊ Æπi Æ” ch’ tπo<br />

ra nh˜ng b¯c t≠Óng Moai<br />

huy“n b›,<br />

ñ Th≠Îng th¯c m„n Êi dπi,<br />

ruÈt Æ· Æ≠Óc m‰c ven trn<br />

nhi“u con Æ≠Íng Î hn Æ∂o,<br />

ñ T˘ n†u ®n Æ” ti’t ki÷m chi<br />

ph› vµ Î homestay vÌi ng≠Íi<br />

Rapa Nui,<br />

ñ Xem nh˜ng Æi÷u nh∂y cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi d©n Æa ph≠¨ng tÙ tÀp<br />

vµo nh˜ng buÊi chi“u,<br />

ñ ChÃo thuy“n kayak xung<br />

quanh hn Æ∂o, cÔng ra kh¨i<br />

Æ∏nh c∏ vÌi ng≠Íi d©n Rapa<br />

Nui trn Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng.<br />

TI≈N Tå:<br />

ñ Chile sˆ dÙng ÆÂng Peso<br />

(CLP) trong giao dch. Du<br />

kh∏ch Æ≠Óc khuyn nn<br />

ÆÊi ti“n tı ÆÂng USD sang<br />

CLP Î lÙc Æa, khi Æ„ bπn<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc t˚ gi∏ 1USD x†p<br />

xÿ 650CLP. Nh≠ng n’u bπn<br />

mang USD sang ÆÊi trn<br />

Æ∂o th◊ t˚ gi∏ gi∂m cn<br />

1USD = 500CLP. ô th tr†n<br />

Hang Roa c„ vµi ng©n hµng<br />

nhµ n≠Ìc, bπn c„ th” mang<br />

hÈ chi’u ra ÆÊi ti“n vµo giÍ<br />

hµnh ch›nh trong tu«n.<br />

LU TR@:<br />

ñ Kh∏ch sπn vµ nh˜ng khu<br />

resort trn Æ∂o kh∏ Ææt vÌi<br />

gi∏ tı 250 - 300USD/phng.<br />

Tuy nhin, bπn cÚng c„ th”<br />

t◊m khu Camping quanh th<br />

tr†n vµ thu l“u vÌi chi ph›<br />

tı 15 - 20USD/l“u, ho∆c<br />

thu phng Æ´i Î khu nµy<br />

gi∏ tı 50 - 55USD/phng.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 115

destination<br />

Text and Photos: Nguyen Hoang Bao<br />

This was the destination I chose to visit in order to discover<br />

one of the most secluded inhabited islands in the world.<br />

Rapa Nui is a volcanic island in the middle of the immense<br />

Pacific Ocean. In order to reach this place, visitors must fly<br />

from Santiago, the capital of Chile, or take a month-long boat<br />

tour on the sea. Rapa Nui means "deserted island" in the<br />

local language. Tourists often call it Easter Island, as it was<br />

discovered on Easter Sunday in 1722 by Dutch captain Jacob<br />

Roggeveen. I prefer to call it Rapa Nui because it contains a<br />

bright visual culture built by the local people for thousands<br />

of years.<br />

The heritage of the mysterious<br />

culture<br />

Despite the high cost of transport and accommodation, I<br />

still wanted to set foot on this distant island to witness its<br />

mysteries. I could feel the native culture as soon as I arrived<br />

at the airport and saw the copies of the Moai statues, specific<br />

to the Rapa Nui culture. Though they live in modern times,<br />

the people of Rapa Nui still preserve their millennia-long<br />

cultural identity. More and more tourists are coming to visit<br />

the island, but there are still "regulations" if tourists want to<br />

enter the island. One of these immutable regulations is not<br />

to touch the Moai statues. Those who deliberately touch the<br />

Moai are fined USD500, no matter who they are. Currently,<br />

there are 887 statues left on the island. Most of them are<br />

not protected by any fence. Touching the statues means<br />

the end of the world<br />

This planet is filled with so many<br />

mysterious and unexplainable<br />

structures - including the pyramids<br />

in Egypt, Stonehenge in England,<br />

and the Puma Punku stone blocks<br />

in Bolivia that bear no chisel<br />

marks and interlock with very fine<br />

precision. These sites are sometimes<br />

considered the products of aliens.<br />

Those places are easily accessible.<br />

On the contrary, the mysterious Rapa<br />

Nui Island in Chile is very difficult to<br />

approach, as it stands isolated at the<br />

end of the world.<br />

116<br />


that you are touching the visual<br />

culture of the ancestors of the<br />

Rapa Nui people. More simply, it<br />

is a violation of the valuable assets<br />

that have brought a large number<br />

of tourists to the island when its<br />

own natural resources and soil<br />

are not rich enough to feed 6,000<br />

inhabitants.<br />

Rapa Nui covers an area of 163.3km 2 ,<br />

equivalent to three-fourths of Phu<br />

Quoc Island. Behind its smallness<br />

and lack of resources, however,<br />

is a great mysterious civilization.<br />

It boasts marvelous architectural<br />

structures that the whole world<br />

can admire. A convenient way to<br />

explore Rapa Nui if you do not have<br />

much time is to rent a car.<br />

One of the island's mysteries is<br />

why most of the Moai statues<br />

stand in line facing the inside of<br />

the island instead of facing the sea<br />

and protecting the island. Perhaps<br />

in the distant past, the Rapa Nui<br />

residents did not expect anyone<br />

from the outside to try and enter<br />

the island. The statues seem more<br />

interested in defending their own<br />

customs and beliefs. This theory<br />

was strengthened by the native<br />

Rapa Nui people I saw, who often<br />

looked at tourists suspiciously,<br />

as if they were seeing aliens who<br />

were threatening their culture and<br />

society. The Rapa Nui people were<br />

tall with dark complexions and<br />

bodies covered in tattoos, wearing<br />

traditional costumes and big<br />

earrings. I sometimes smiled at<br />

them, but they responded with an<br />

indifferent and vigilant attitude. I<br />

actually liked their straight forward<br />

and somewhat rude method of<br />

expression.<br />

We rented a car and spent two<br />

days learning about the Moai<br />

statues across the island. Rapa<br />

Nui is shaped like a triangle, with<br />

volcanoes and freshwater at each<br />

point. The island's secluded and<br />

pristine nature made us feel like<br />

we had entered another world-one<br />

completely different from what we<br />

had previously known. Although<br />

the road network had not been<br />

completed yet, it was enough for us<br />

to travel around and contemplate<br />

the island's beautiful natural sights.<br />

The stern faces of the Moai statues<br />

have been watching the island for<br />

thousands of years. Some have red<br />

hats made from volcanic cinders.<br />

The construction of the statues<br />

took lots of people and lots of time.<br />

Archeologists have put significant<br />

time and effort into studying<br />

how the statues were built and<br />

transported-most weigh tens of<br />

tons. Some weigh hundreds of<br />

tons and are over 20 meters high.<br />

Although Rapa Nui is just a small<br />

island formed from volcanic<br />

eruption and ocean tides, the<br />

local people dedicated all of their<br />

resources to the construction<br />

of the huge statues. In order to<br />

transport and place the colossal<br />

statues on the stone platforms,<br />

the Rapa Nui people needed a<br />

large quantity of wood.<br />

They deforested the island so<br />

extensively that they eventually<br />

ran out of trees. With no means<br />

of transport, the construction of<br />

Moai came to a standstill.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 117

118<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 119

120<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

Itinerary:<br />

ñ From Vietnam, you fly<br />

to the capital of Santiago,<br />

Chile, transiting in one of<br />

three airports - Sydney,<br />

Auckland, Doha or Sao<br />

Paulo - depending on<br />

the airlines you fly with.<br />

A return ticket costs<br />

between USD1,500 - 2,200,<br />

depending on the time of<br />

the year. From Santiago, you<br />

fly with the Latam Airlines<br />

to Rapa Nui, a return ticket<br />

costs USD300 - 600.<br />

Activities:<br />

ñ You should spend at least<br />

one or two days riding a<br />

bicycle around the island.<br />

You will have a wonderful<br />

experience when you<br />

contemplate herds of wild<br />

horses grazing in a carefree<br />

way on the grasslands<br />

close to the blue sea of the<br />

Pacific, and moai scattered<br />

everywhere guarding the<br />

mysterious island. You can<br />

rent a bike at the campsite<br />

or in the center of Hanga<br />

Roa Town.<br />

Currency:<br />

ñ Chilean use peso (CLP).<br />

Tourists should change<br />

your money from USD to<br />

CLP in the mainland ($1<br />

= CLP650). In the island,<br />

the exchange rate is lower<br />

($1 = CLP500). There are<br />

some state-owned banks in<br />

Hang Roa Town where you<br />

can exchange your money<br />

during office hours. If you<br />

do, remember to bring your<br />

passport with you.<br />

Accommodation:<br />

ñ Hotels and resorts are<br />

rather expensive (about<br />

USD250 - 300/per room/per<br />

night). However, you can<br />

rent a tent on the campsite<br />

with a cost of USD15 - 20,<br />

or a double room in this<br />

area at the price of USD50<br />

- 55/room/night.<br />

Souvenir:<br />

ñ Go to the island office to<br />

affix the symbol of a moai<br />

on your passport.<br />

Experiences:<br />

The followings are the<br />

must-do things on<br />

Rapa Nui:<br />

ñ Bathe in the sea and pick<br />

coconuts on the Anakena<br />

beach. Legend has it that<br />

the beach is the first place<br />

the ancestors of the Rapa<br />

Nui people set foot on.<br />

ñ Contemplate sunset from<br />

the top of the Orongo<br />

Volcano.<br />

ñ Visit the Rano Raraku<br />

quarry, where the Rapa<br />

Nui people created the<br />

mysterious moai during<br />

ancient times.<br />

ñ Enjoy wild guava fruit from<br />

the roadsides.<br />

ñ Cook for yourself<br />

and book a homestay<br />

accommodation to save<br />

on costs.<br />

ñ Enjoy the traditional dance<br />

of the local people every<br />

afternoon.<br />

ñ Kayak around the island.<br />

ñ Make an offshore fishing<br />

trip with the local people.<br />

Lack of resources, population growth, exhaustion of food<br />

sources, rampant epidemic diseases, bloody civil wars, and<br />

cannibalism caused the gradual disappearance of the Rapa Nui<br />

civilization. As I viewed the scattered and solitary statues lying<br />

in the Rano Raraku quarry, it seemed to me that the civilization<br />

had disappeared because of an excessive dedication to visual<br />

elements.<br />

The world of nature lovers<br />

I<br />

am a nature lover and selecting Rapa Nui as a relaxation<br />

destination after a long journey exploring South<br />

America was a worthy award. Four days on the island<br />

was long enough for me to mix with pristine nature. I<br />

had opportunities to wallow in sunshine on the Anakena<br />

beach and to admire the coconut forests winding along<br />

the white-sand dunes. Legend has it that this beach was the first<br />

place that the Rapa Nui ancestors set foot on after their long and<br />

dangerous voyage on the vast ocean. It also seems to be the last<br />

stop in man's migration journey to the distant lands of South<br />

America thousands of years ago. A small and calm channel facing<br />

the Pacific helped me to get rid of my fatigue and brought me<br />

peace of mind. I imagined the peaceful life of the island guarded<br />

by the rows of solemn and mysterious Moais.<br />

Rapa Nui is a very expensive place to visit, as nearly everything

is transported in from mainland Chile. We stayed in<br />

a campsite close to the sea and Hang Roa Town. We<br />

shared the kitchen with the house owner. Visitors can<br />

save a substantial amount of money by buying and<br />

cooking food from the market - an area with several<br />

vans in the center of the town. Seafood, however, and<br />

particularly fish, is relatively cheap. Following tourism,<br />

the island's fishing industry is its second largest<br />

economic sector.<br />

In order to save our money, we often had quick lunches<br />

of sandwiches or cheese bought from Santiago. But we<br />

treated ourselves to a good dinner that we prepared.<br />

One day when we were given banana flowers we made<br />

nÈm and could taste the distinct flavors of Vietnam.<br />

The roadside wild guava forests laden with fruit in the<br />

springtime were an interesting present for tourists.<br />

We read this information and decided to enjoy the<br />

free guavas. The fruit is small and red on the inside, as<br />

sweet as sugar candy. The nature in this place is truly<br />

generous to visitors.<br />

The sunset gave us a wonderful opportunity to sit and<br />

contemplate. Nighfall brought silence over the island,<br />

broken only by the murmur of waves. Under the moon<br />

the moai become even more prominent, shining under<br />

halos of light.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 121

destination By: Iryna Kokota Photo: Many photographers<br />

Hµnh tr◊nh "khai ph∏"<br />

nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n s∏ng gi∏<br />

trong mÔa hà <strong>2017</strong> v…n<br />

ch≠a bao giÍ dıng lπi vÌi<br />

Travellive. L«n nµy lµ mÈt<br />

ß´ng ¢u Æ«y t≠¨i mÌi vÌi<br />

Ukraine ÆÀm ch†t thin<br />

nhin k˙ v‹ pha trÈn vÌi<br />

nh˜ng gi∏ tr cÊ x≠a. D≠Ìi<br />

Æ©y lµ Æ“ cˆ kh∏ thÛ v bÎi<br />

ch›nh mÈt ph„ng vin t˘<br />

do ng≠Íi Ukraine - Iryna<br />

Kokota v“ 9 Æi”m "mustsee"<br />

cho mÔa hà tπi quËc<br />

gia c„ ph«n l∑nh thÊ ch©u<br />

¢u lÌn nh†t nµy.<br />

places to visit in the summer<br />

T‰a lπc tπi trung t©m Ch©u ¢u, nh≠ng cho tÌi giÍ, Ukraine v…n lµ Ɔt<br />

n≠Ìc ›t Æ≠Óc kh∏m ph∏ nh†t Î c˘u lÙc Æfia. VÌi nh˜ng truy“n thËng<br />

phong phÛ vµ con ng≠Íi th©n thi÷n, Ukraine mang tÌi cho du kh∏ch<br />

mÈt loπt nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc Æ∏o. MÔa hà sœ trÎ nn thi vfi h¨n bao<br />

giÍ h’t vÌi chuy’n chinh phÙc r∆ng nÛi Carpathian nguyn s¨, th≠Îng<br />

th¯c t∏ch cµ ph ÆÀm Ƶ h≠¨ng vfi Î Lviv, hfla m◊nh vµo l‘ hÈi hi÷p s‹ tπi<br />

Kamianetsk-Podilskyi, chim ng≠Ïng mÈt trong nh˜ng Ƶi phun nhπc<br />

n≠Ìc Æãp nh†t th’ giÌi hay ti÷c tÔng th©u Æm trn b∑i bi”n Arcadia...<br />

Ukraine is the biggest country, situated in the very heart of Europe, and,<br />

so far, is the most undiscovered one. Rich on the picturesque traditions<br />

and hospitable people, Ukraine offers a great diverse of unique experiences:<br />

climbing the pristine Carpathian Mountains, tasting flavored coffee in Lviv,<br />

observing the knights festival in Kamianetsk-Podilskyi, enjoying one of the<br />

world's most beautiful music fountain, or partying the night away on the<br />

magnificent Arcadia beach.<br />

Travellive continues to<br />

amaze tourists with its<br />

"must-see" list for summer<br />

exploration in <strong>2017</strong>. This<br />

time Travellive highlights<br />

Ukraine, a fresh destination<br />

imbued with magnificient<br />

landscapes and rich cultural<br />

traditions. Here a freelance<br />

Ukrainian journalist -<br />

Iryna Kokota presents the<br />

country's top nine "must-see"<br />

summer attractions.<br />

122<br />


©Martynyuk<br />

ßòNG H¡M TçNH Y£U<br />

Chºng c„ g◊ ph∂i nghi ngÍ n’u coi Æ©y lµ<br />

Æfia danh l∑ng mπn nh†t trn toµn l∑nh thÊ<br />

Ukraine, vÌi vŒ Æãp k˙ ∂o nh≠ trong truy÷n<br />

cÊ t›ch.<br />

Bπn sœ ngπc nhin khi bi’t rªng Æ©y lµ mÈt<br />

ph«n cÒa tuy’n Æ≠Íng xe lˆa chπy qua khu<br />

rıng tÌi mÈt nhµ m∏y gÁ cÚ k‹. Trong suËt<br />

bao n®m qua, c∏c bÙi c©y m‰c chªng chfit d‰c<br />

theo Æ≠Íng ray, vµ nh˜ng chuy’n xe lˆa Æ“u<br />

Æ∆n chπy qua Æ∑ cæt tÿa cµnh c©y tπo thµnh<br />

mÈt m∏i vflm käo dµi 6km tr´ng nh≠ mÈt<br />

"Æ≠Íng h«m xanh" vÀy, dÔ mÈt sË Æoπn cÒa<br />

cung Æ≠Íng nµy kh´ng c„ c©y che phÒ. Du<br />

kh∏ch th≠Íng chÿ Æi t∂n bÈ chıng 1km rÂi<br />

quay lπi, nn n’u ti’p tÙc hµnh tr◊nh, bπn sœ<br />

c„ c¨ hÈi t˘ m◊nh kh∏m ph∏ toµn th” l∏t cæt<br />

t˘ nhin hoang d∑ nµy.<br />

Vë TRê:<br />

ñ ß≠Íng h«m T◊nh yu lµ<br />

mÈt hi÷n t≠Óng th˘c vÀt Î<br />

ph›a t©y cÒa Ukraine, c∏ch<br />

Klevan, mÈt th tr†n nh·<br />

c∏ch thÒ Æ´ Kyiv 350km,<br />

kho∂ng 7km.<br />

HOÑT ßóNG:<br />

ñ ß©y lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng cho<br />

mÈt buÊi hãn h l∑ng mπn,<br />

Æ≠a ra lÍi c«u h´n, tÊ ch¯c<br />

chÙp ∂nh c≠Ìi, hay thÀm ch›<br />

cˆ hµnh mÈt h´n l‘ ch„ng<br />

v∏nh! Ng≠Íi ta tin rªng n’u<br />

c∏c c∆p t◊nh nh©n cÔng næm<br />

tay nhau t∂n bÈ trn cung<br />

Æ≠Íng t◊nh yu nµy vµ cÔng<br />

≠Ìc nguy÷n th◊ Æi“u ≠Ìc Æ„<br />

sœ trÎ thµnh hi÷n th˘c.<br />

S# KIåN:<br />

ñ ßa Æi”m k˙ ∂o nµy Æ∑<br />

truy“n c∂m h¯ng cho Æπo<br />

di‘n Æi÷n ∂nh NhÀt B∂n<br />

Akiyoshi Imazeki b†m m∏y<br />

bÈ phim "Klevani: Ai no<br />

Tunnel", Æ∑ Æ≠Óc c´ng chi’u<br />

tπi Lin hoan Phim QuËc t’<br />

Hµ NÈi n®m 2014.<br />

Tunnel<br />

Location:<br />

ñ Tunnel of Love is a botanical phenomenon which can<br />

be found in the West of Ukraine, 7km from Klevan, a little<br />

town around 350km from Kyiv, the capital.<br />

Activities:<br />

ñ The Tunnel of Love is a perfect spot for a romantic date,<br />

making a proposal, organizing an unbelievable wedding<br />

photo shoot, or even... having a quick wedding ceremony! It<br />

is said that if lovers, walking hand in hand through the tunnel<br />

make a wish, it will come true, but only if they are sincerely<br />

in love.<br />

Events:<br />

of<br />

Love<br />

Without a doubt, it is<br />

the most romantic,<br />

i n c r e d i b l y<br />

beautiful, fairytalelike<br />

place in the<br />

whole of Ukraine!<br />

S u r p r i s i n g l y ,<br />

it's a part of an<br />

old abandoned<br />

railway running through the forest to an<br />

old wood factory. During the years, the trees<br />

and bushes, lining the rails, grew up, and<br />

regularly passing trains cut their branches,<br />

helping to get into a shape of an arch. This<br />

arch stretches for up to 6km (some small<br />

areas happen to be without trees) and looks<br />

like a green tunnel. Tourists mostly embark<br />

on the first km and then turn back, so in case<br />

you keep going further, you are more likely<br />

to have the whole wild slice of nature for<br />

yourself.<br />

ñ This magical place inspired Japanese movie director<br />

Akiyoshi Imazeki, and he filmed a drama "Klevani: Ai no<br />

Tunnel" which was first released, by the way, at Hanoi<br />

International Film Festival in 2014.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 123

124<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

H¤ SYNEVIR - "HíN NGñC<br />


DÔ c„ nhi“u tn g‰i "Hfln ng‰c cÒa d∑y<br />

nÛi Carpathian", "Mæt bi”n" hay "K˙ quan<br />

Ukraine", nh≠ng chºng c„ tn nµo di‘n t∂<br />

Æ«y ÆÒ vŒ Æãp tuy÷t vÍi cÒa h Synevir. ß©y lµ<br />

h lÌn nh†t trn d∑y nÛi Carpathian (nªm Î<br />

ÆÈ cao 989m so vÌi m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n) vÌi rıng<br />

c©y cÊ thÙ bao b‰c xung quanh. C∏c nhµ khoa<br />

h‰c ≠Ìc t›nh h Æ≠Óc ki’n tπo h¨n 10.000<br />

n®m tr≠Ìc!<br />

H c„ m∆t n≠Ìc trong væt,<br />

h¨i kho∏ng h„a, vµ c„<br />

nhi“u loµi c∏ qu˝ hi’m<br />

nh≠ c∏ hÂi vµ c∏ hÂi c«u<br />

vÂng. Hµng tr®m con<br />

sœ nÊi ln m∆t n≠Ìc khi<br />

bπn bæt Æ«u cho chÛng ®n. C∏c hoπt ÆÈng c©u<br />

c∏, cæm trπi hay b¨i lÈi Æ“u bfi c†m, h¨n n˜a<br />

cÚng chºng c„ nhi“u ng≠Íi d∏m tæm trong<br />

dflng n≠Ìc lπnh 11 0 C ngay c∂ gi˜a mÔa hÃ!<br />

ô gi˜a h c„ mÈt hfln Æ∂o nh· gæn li“n vÌi<br />

mÈt truy“n thuy’t l∑ng mπn. Truy“n thuy’t<br />

k” rªng c´ ti”u th≠ tn Syn con g∏i mÈt B∏<br />

t≠Ìc giµu c„ Æem lflng yu m’n chµng ch®n<br />

cıu tn Vir. Khi B∏ t≠Ìc bi’t chuy÷n ´ng ra<br />

l÷nh cho gia nh©n gi’t Vir bªng c∏ch näm<br />

mÈt t∂ng Æ∏ lÌn vµo chµng tı v∏ch nÛi. LÛc<br />

Syn bi’t tin ng≠Íi yu cÒa m◊nh Æ∑ kh´ng<br />

cfln trn c‚i ÆÍi nµy, c´ ngÂi g«n t∂ng Æ∏ vµ<br />

kh„c. Chºng bao l©u mÈt h n≠Ìc trong xanh<br />

k˙ ∂o xu†t hi÷n tı dflng l÷ cÒa c´ bao quanh<br />

t∂ng Æ∏. Ch›nh v◊ vÀy h n≠Ìc mang tn Æ´i<br />

t◊nh nh©n - Syn vµ Vir.<br />

Hi÷n giÍ chÿ cfln hai b¯c Æiu khæc gÁ cao<br />

13m cÒa Æ´i t◊nh nh©n trŒ tuÊi lµm chÛng ta<br />

nhÌ Æ’n c©u chuy÷n th«n thoπi Æ„. Ng≠Íi ta<br />

cÚng tin rªng n’u hai ng≠Íi g∆p gÏ vµ ph∂i<br />

lflng nhau g«n h n≠Ìc, th◊ t◊nh yu cÒa h‰ sœ<br />

m∑i tr≠Íng tÂn. ßi“u nµy khi’n n¨i Æ©y cµng<br />

nÊi ti’ng ÆËi vÌi c∂ ng≠Íi d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng vµ<br />

du kh∏ch khi muËn tÊ ch¯c l‘ c≠Ìi.<br />

HOÑT ßóNG:<br />

ñ C„ nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng cho<br />

du kh∏ch tπi Æ©y, nh≠ Æi h∏i<br />

qu∂ m‰ng vµ h∏i n†m, c≠Ïi<br />

ng˘a, hay Æi bÈ leo nÛi. Bπn<br />

cÚng c„ th” ghä th®m trung<br />

t©m b∂o tÂn g†u n©u, mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng loµi ÆÈng vÀt<br />

lÌn nh†t Ch©u ¢u.<br />

LU TR@:<br />

ñ R†t d‘ t◊m mÈt Æa chÿ<br />

homestay vÌi m¯c gi∏ ph∂i<br />

ch®ng, tı 10 - 25USD/Æm.<br />

Activities:<br />

©Andrii Zakhariuk<br />

ñ There is a wide range of<br />

activities such as: picking<br />

berries and mushrooms,<br />

riding horses, mountainhiking<br />

you name it. Also you<br />

can visit the conservation<br />

center for brown bears,<br />

which is considered one of<br />

the biggest in Europe.<br />

Accomodation:<br />

ñ It is easy to find a<br />

homestay for a decent price<br />

between USD10 - 25/night.

"Pearl of the Carpathian Mountains", "Sea Eye", "Ukrainian Wonder",<br />

Synevir Lake has lots of names yet none of them fully describe its picturesque<br />

beauty. It is the largest lake of the Carpathians (situated at 989 meters above<br />

sea level) and surrounded by hundred years old trees. Scientists estimate that<br />

the lake was formed over 10,000 years ago!<br />

Its water is absolutely clear, transparent, and slightly mineralized, and the<br />

lake rich in rare species of fish such as trout and rainbow - hundreds of<br />

them pop up as soon as you start giving them food. Fishing, camping and<br />

swimming is prohibited, but there are not many who would dare to swim in<br />

11-degree water (even in midst of summer).<br />

A small island, related to a romantic legend, is right in the middle of the lake.<br />

It is said that a rich Count had a daughter named Syn who fell in love with<br />

a simple shepherd Vir. When the Count had found out about it he ordered<br />

his servants to kill Vir and they threw a big stone at him from a cliff. When<br />

Syn found out that her beloved was dead, she sat near the stone and began to<br />

cry. Soon a marvelous blue lake appeared from her tears around that stone.<br />

Hence forth it was named after these two lovers - Syn and Vir.<br />

Now only two wooden 13-meter high sculptures of young lovers remind us<br />

about that myth. It is also believed if people meet and fall in love near the<br />

lake, their love will last forever, unsurprisingly making it a popular spot<br />

among locals to celebrate weddings.<br />

Synevir<br />

Lake - The<br />

"Pearl<br />

of the<br />

Carpathian<br />

Mountains"<br />

©Mike Pellinni<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 125

126<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

©Lena Kanshyna<br />


KH§NG NGû<br />

Ki’n trÛc cÊ k›nh, »m th˘c tuy÷t vÍi, b∑i bi”n<br />

c∏t træng, cuÈc sËng v“ Æm s´i ÆÈng vµ v´<br />

vµn nh˜ng l‘ hÈi trong suËt mÔa hà - Æ„ lµ<br />

nh˜ng g◊ Æ” miu t∂ Odessa, thµnh phË lÌn<br />

cÒa Ukraine bn bÍ Hæc H∂i.<br />

Tuy nhin, "hfln ng‰c" »n gi†u cÒa<br />

Odessa ch›nh lµ nh˜ng c≠ d©n<br />

th©n thi÷n, hi’u kh∏ch vµ trµn<br />

Æ«y khi’u hµi h≠Ìc. Chÿ Æ∆t mÈt<br />

c©u h·i ƨn gi∂n - "Lµm th’ nµo<br />

Æ” t´i Æi Æ’n trung t©m thµnh phË?", bπn c„<br />

th” Æ≠Óc tr∂ lÍi rªng: "Tπi sao bπn muËn vµo<br />

trung t©m thµnh phË? Bπn chºng c«n tÌi Æ„<br />

Æ©u. TËt h¨n lµ tÌi th®m chÓ Privoz! ßi thºng,<br />

sau khi rœ ph∂i...". C≠ d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng n¨i Æ©y<br />

vËn nÊi ti’ng vÌi th„i quen tr∂ lÍi mÈt c©u h·i<br />

bªng mÈt c©u h·i kh∏c.<br />

C„ lœ Æi t∂n bÈ lµ ph≠¨ng c∏ch th›ch hÓp nh†t<br />

Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m Odessa, Æ∆c bi÷t trong ti’t trÍi<br />

mÔa hÃ. T†t c∂ nh˜ng Æi”m tham quan chÒ<br />

y’u nªm tÀp trung Î khu trung t©m thµnh phË.<br />

Bπn nn tÌi Nhµ h∏t Opera, n¨i Æ≠Óc coi lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc Æãp nh†t<br />

trn th’ giÌi, rÂi th∂ bÈ d‰c ßπi lÈ Primorsky<br />

d≠Ìi t∏n c©y keo Æ” tÌi bi”u tr≠ng Æ∆c bi÷t nh†t<br />

cÒa Odessa - BÀc thang Potemkin, vÌi chi“u<br />

dµi 142m.<br />

ô Odessa c„ mÈt Æfia Æi”m tn lµ Ukrainian<br />

Ibiza. ß„ lµ Arcadia - mÈt b∑i bi”n vÌi v´ sË<br />

sµn nh∂y vµ c©u lπc bÈ Æm, cÚng nh≠ c∏c<br />

nhµ hµng vµ qu∏n cafä †m cÛng. ß©y lµ thin<br />

Æ≠Íng cho nh˜ng ai yu th›ch cuÈc sËng v“<br />

Æm, vµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi muËn Æ≠Óc nh∂y nh„t<br />

th©u Æm!<br />

VÌi nh˜ng ng≠Íi ≠a th›ch kh´ng kh› yn t‹nh<br />

h¨n c„ th” ch‰n nh˜ng khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ven<br />

bi”n nh≠ Zatoka vµ Karolino-Bugaz, n¨i c„<br />

nh˜ng b∑i bi”n Æãp m hÂn nªm c∏ch Odessa<br />

60km vµ c„ th” Æ’n Æ„ bªng tµu Æi÷n ho∆c<br />

minibus. Du kh∏ch th≠Íng ÆÊ v“ Æ©y r†t Æ´ng<br />

vµo mÔa hÃ.<br />

Khi hà tÌi, b«u kh´ng kh› trn toµn thµnh phË<br />

trÎ nn d‘ chfiu, chan hfla ∏nh næng mÍi g‰i du<br />

kh∏ch. CÚng kh´ng ngπc nhin khi c≠ d©n Æfia<br />

ph≠¨ng g‰i Odessa lµ "NÙ c≠Íi cÒa ChÛa".<br />

S# KIåN:<br />

ñ Odessa c„ k˚ ni÷m<br />

ngµy l‘ quËc t’ C∏<br />

th∏ng T≠. Vµo th∏ng 8<br />

hµng n®m, khu du lch<br />

Zatoka c„ tÊ ch¯c Lin<br />

hoan nhπc Jazz.<br />

HOÑT ßóNG:<br />

ñ Nh˜ng ai ≠a mπo<br />

hi”m kh´ng nn b·<br />

qua khu Æ≠Íng h«m<br />

Î Odessa. VÌi chi“u<br />

dµi kho∂ng 2.500km,<br />

Æ©y c„ lœ lµ h÷ thËng<br />

Æ≠Íng h«m lÌn nh†t<br />

trn Th’ giÌi.<br />

Events:<br />

ñ Odessa celebrates<br />

April Fool's Day<br />

festival. Each August<br />

the sea resort Zatoka<br />

hosts Jazz Festival.<br />

Activities:<br />

ñ Discovering Odessa's<br />

catacombs might be<br />

a great choice for<br />

adventure seekers.<br />

Stretching to length<br />

of 2,500 km (!), they<br />

are perhaps the largest<br />

network of tunnels<br />

anywhere in the world.

Odessa<br />

City<br />

- The<br />

Sleepless<br />

City<br />

Beautiful classical architecture, delightful food, sandy beaches, bustling<br />

nightlife, and dozens of festivals throughout summer - it is all about Odessa,<br />

the main Ukrainian city on the Black Sea.<br />

However, the major Odessa "pearl" is actually its citizens, who are extremely<br />

friendly, hospitable and famous for their great sense of humor. Asking a<br />

simple question - "How can I get to the city center?" - you might hear: "Why<br />

do you need to go to the city center? No, you don't need to go there. Better<br />

visit our Privoz! You go straight, after turn right..." - locals are known for their<br />

habit to answer a question with a question.<br />

Walking, perhaps, is activity No1 in Odessa, especially during the summer<br />

time. All the major sights are concentrated in the city center. You find yourself<br />

in front of the gorgeous Opera House which is considered as one of the most<br />

beautiful in the world, then walk along Primorsky Boulevard linen with<br />

acacias, reaching Odessa's most iconic symbol, the Potemkin Steps (Stairs),<br />

having a length of 142m.<br />

Beautiful classical<br />

architecture,<br />

delightful food,<br />

sandy beaches,<br />

bustling nightlife,<br />

and dozens of<br />

festivals throughout<br />

summer - it is all<br />

about Odessa, the<br />

main Ukrainian city<br />

on the Black Sea.<br />

There is a place in Odessa known as Ukrainian Ibiza. It's Arcadia - a beach<br />

area full of discos and night clubs, cozy restaurants and cafes. It is a paradise<br />

for night life lovers and those who seek to dance into the night! Those who<br />

prefer the more quiet "beach life" might check out sea resorts Zatoka and<br />

Karolino-Bugaz with pleasing white sand beaches (situated around 60km<br />

from Odessa and are easily reachable by electric train or minibus). Usually<br />

they are full of tourists in summer.<br />

In summer, the atmosphere in the whole city is so relaxed, and the city itself<br />

is really sunny and welcoming, that it is no surprise why locals call Odessa<br />

"God's smile".<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 127

128<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

©Alexxx Malev<br />



T‰a lπc tπi trung t©m Ukraine, Sofiyivka<br />

lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng tuy÷t ph»m ngh÷<br />

thuÀt hoa vin nÊi ti’ng trn th’ giÌi,<br />

thÀm ch› cfln Æ≠Óc so s∏nh vÌi Versaille<br />

Î Ph∏p. H¨n c∂ mÈt c´ng vin, Sofiyivka<br />

cfln lµ mÈt chu»n m˘c v“ ki’n trÛc<br />

phong c∂nh. Hoa vin c„ nhi“u th∏c<br />

n≠Ìc, Ƶi phun n≠Ìc, hang ÆÈng vµ Æ∏<br />

t∂ng, c∏c c´ng tr◊nh lfich sˆ vµ Æiu khæc<br />

cÊ, h n≠Ìc vµ ao n≠Ìc trong xanh, c∏c<br />

ng´i l«u vµ v≠Ín Æ∏, cÔng hµng ngh◊n<br />

loµi th˘c vÀt qu˝ hi’m. Tπi Æ©y cfln c„<br />

c∂ dflng s´ng ng«m Acheron mµ du<br />

kh∏ch c„ th” dÔng thuy“n kh∏m ph∏.<br />

Toµn th” c´ng vin rÈng kho∂ng 180ha<br />

nªm tπi khu ngoπi ´ cÒa thfi tr†n cÊ<br />

Uman. ß©y lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng v› dÙ<br />

nÊi ti’ng nh†t v“ thi’t k’ hoa vin ki”u<br />

Ch©u ¢u cuËi th’ k˚ 18 Æ«u th’ k˚ 19<br />

cfln Æ≠Óc b∂o tÂn tÌi ngµy nay.<br />

C´ng vin c„ cÊng ch›nh trang tr›<br />

bªng chi’c v≠¨ng mi÷n cÒa n˜ th«n<br />

La M∑ Vesta (n˜ th«n cÒa b’p lˆa vµ<br />

m∏i †m gia Æ◊nh). Ng≠Íi ta tin rªng<br />

n’u mÈt c∆p Æ´i Æi qua d≠Ìi v≠¨ng<br />

mi÷n cÒa n˜ th«n, h‰ sœ Æ≠Óc h≠Îng<br />

cuÈc sËng hπnh phÛc. ß„ cÚng lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng l˝ do v◊ sao nhi“u c∆p<br />

mÌi k’t h´n tÌi th®m Sofiyivka. Trong<br />

c´ng vin cfln c„ t≠Óng cÒa c∏c th«n<br />

Hermes, Venus, Cupid, Apollo....<br />

KHÉM PHÉ:<br />

ñ ߪng sau mÁi y’u<br />

tË trong c´ng vin lµ<br />

mÈt huy“n thoπi thÛ<br />

v ch¯a Æ˘ng nh˜ng<br />

»n ˝ s©u xa. Du<br />

kh∏ch nn l˘a ch‰n<br />

tour c„ h≠Ìng d…n<br />

vin, vËn thµnh thπo<br />

vµi ng´n ng˜.<br />

THAM QUAN:<br />

ñ Vµo c∏c dp cuËi<br />

tu«n, c´ng vin kh∏<br />

Æ´ng ÆÛc, v◊ th’ tËt<br />

nh†t bπn nn Æ” ra<br />

mÈt ngµy trong tu«n<br />

Æ” Æi tÌi Æ©y tı Kyiv<br />

hay Odessa. Vä vµo<br />

cˆa kho∂ng 1USD.<br />

Discovery:<br />

ñ There is an<br />

interesting legend<br />

and hidden meaning<br />

behind each<br />

element, so a tour<br />

guide - is highly<br />

recommended<br />

(they speak several<br />

languages).<br />

Sightseeing:<br />

ñ It can often get<br />

pretty crowded at<br />

the weekends, so<br />

you'd better take a<br />

one day trip from<br />

Kyiv or Odessa<br />

during weekdays.<br />

The entrance fee is<br />

around USD1.<br />

©Sergii Gulenok<br />

Sofiyivsky Park<br />

- "Ukraine's<br />

Versaille"<br />

Sofiyivka situated in the heart of<br />

Ukraine, is one of the world's famous<br />

garden-park art creations, people<br />

compare it with France's Versaille.<br />

It is not just a park, but a standard<br />

of landscape architecture. There are numerous<br />

waterfalls, fountains and cascades, grottoes<br />

and rocks, historical buildings and antique<br />

sculptures, lakes and blue-water ponds, pavilions<br />

and stone gardens, thousands of rare trees and<br />

plants. And even an underground river Acheron<br />

that you can explore by boat!<br />

It all covers almost 180 hectares at the outskirts<br />

of the ancient town Uman. It is one of the most<br />

famous examples of late 18 th and early 19 th century<br />

European landscape garden design preserved to<br />

our time.<br />

There is a main entrance decorated with a<br />

crown of the Roman goddess Vesta (goddess<br />

of the hearth, home, and family). It is said that<br />

a couple who pass under her crown aregoing<br />

to live happily and is one of the reasons why<br />

many newlyweds come to Sofiyivka. The park is<br />

decorated with the statues of Hermes, Venus,<br />

Cupid, Apollo, etc.

©Valerii Iavtushenko<br />


TRUY≈N THˇNG<br />

ß©y kh´ng chÿ lµ mÈt l‘ hÈi, mµ cfln lµ mÈt tu«n<br />

nghÿ l‘ Æãp nh≠ m¨, bæt Æ«u tı ngµy 22/8 n®m<br />

nay. N„ nh≠ th” mÈt chuy’n du hµnh ng≠Óc thÍi<br />

gian Æ≠a bπn trÎ v“ Ɔt n≠Ìc Ukraine hµng tr®m<br />

n®m tr≠Ìc khi t†t c∂ ng≠Íi b∏n hµng Æ“u m∆c trang<br />

phÙc d©n tÈc, Æ∏m Ƶn ´ng th◊ pha trfl, c≠Íi cÓt,<br />

thi tho∂ng lπi tÓp mÈt ngÙm gorilka (mÈt loπi r≠Óu<br />

vodka cÒa Ukraine), vµ »u Æ∂ xem ai lµ ng≠Íi kh·e<br />

nh†t. Trong khi Æ„, phÙ n˜ trao ÆÊi tin t¯c mÌi<br />

nh†t vµ ca h∏t.<br />

Ngµy nay, c∏c nhµ s∂n xu†t, ng≠Íi b∏n dπo, hay ƨn<br />

thu«n lµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi chÿ Æ’n Æ” theo d‚i tı khæp<br />

Ɔt n≠Ìc Ukraine Æ“u ÆÊ v“ lµng Velyki Sorochynci<br />

(vÔng Poltava) Æ” th≠Îng th¯c c∏c ti’t mÙc tr◊nh<br />

di‘n s©n kh†u vµ mua sæm th∂ ga. H‰ giao dfich<br />

vµ qu∂ng c∏o nh˜ng s∂n ph»m t˘ tay h‰ lµm nh≠<br />

mÀt ong, m¯t, vÀt dÙng lµm bªng gÁ vµ bÔn, qu«n<br />

∏o vµ c¨ man c∏c loπi th˘c ph»m. ß∑ bao giÍ bπn<br />

nghe n„i v“ m„n b∏nh bao varenyky vµ m„n sÛp cÒ<br />

c∂i Æ≠Íng borsch truy“n thËng cÒa Ukraine ch≠a?<br />

Tπi l‘ hÈi Sorochyntsi, bπn sœ c„ dfip tÀn mæt xem<br />

c∏ch chÛng Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n, cÚng nh≠ Æ≠Óc n’m<br />

thˆ m„n ®n d©n tÈc nÊi ti’ng nµy.<br />

ßIÕM NHƒN:<br />

ñ Tπi L‘ hÈi, c„ hµng loπt<br />

x≠Îng thÒ c´ng thu<br />

thÔa, gËm s¯ vµ l rÃn.<br />

Bπn c„ th” h‰c c∏ch lµm<br />

n’n, cÚng nh≠ nh˜ng<br />

con bÛp b truy“n thËng<br />

motanka cÒa Ukraine.<br />

Qua mÁi n®m, sË l≠Óng<br />

c∏c n≠Ìc tham gia vµo<br />

l‘ hÈi ÆÈc Æ∏o nµy ngµy<br />

cµng nhi“u. N®m ngo∏i,<br />

Vi÷t Nam lµ mÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng n≠Ìc giÌi thi÷u s∂n<br />

vÀt d©n tÈc l«n Æ«u tin<br />

tπi Æ©y.<br />

Highlights:<br />

ñ There are dozens<br />

of workshops such as<br />

embroidery, pottery,<br />

forging; you can learn<br />

how to make candles, and<br />

traditional Ukrainian dolls<br />

(motanka).<br />

ñ More and more<br />

countries participate<br />

in this unique fair each<br />

year. Last year, Vietnam<br />

was among those who<br />

presented its own national<br />

goods for the first time.<br />

Sorochyntsi<br />

Fair -<br />

Traditional<br />

Colours<br />

This is not just a fair, but a one-week<br />

picturesque holiday starting this year<br />

on 22 th August. It is like a journey<br />

through time, back to hundredyears-ago<br />

Ukraine - all the sellers<br />

are wearing national costumes, men<br />

are joking, laughing, occasionally<br />

drinking gorilka (Ukrainian vodka),<br />

and fighting to find out who is the<br />

strongest one; whilst women are<br />

discussing last news and singing.<br />

Nowadays, producers, vendors,<br />

and simply gawkers from all over<br />

Ukraine flock to a village Velyki<br />

Sorochynci (Poltava region) for<br />

theater performances and insane<br />

shopping. They trade and advertise<br />

home-made products such as honey,<br />

jam, wooden and mud goods, clothes<br />

and all kinds of food. Have you heard<br />

of Ukrainian traditional dumplings<br />

(varenyky) and soup with beetroots<br />

(borsch)? At Sorochyntsi Fair they are<br />

going to be made just in front of you,<br />

and everyone is welcome to try these<br />

famous national dishes.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 129


MÈt khi Æ∑ Æ∆t ch©n ln thµnh<br />

phË Lviv huy“n b› vÌi nh˜ng<br />

con phË hãp r∂i s·i Æ«y quy’n<br />

rÚ vµ b«u kh´ng kh› nh≠<br />

trong truy÷n cÊ t›ch, bπn sœ<br />

ch’t m ch’t m÷t n¨i nµy. Du kh∏ch tı khæp n¨i<br />

trn th’ giÌi lu´n quay trÎ lπi vµ Î hµng th∏ng trÍi<br />

nhÍ m¯c chi ph› hÓp l˝ n¨i Æ©y (so vÌi tiu chu»n<br />

ph≠¨ng T©y).<br />

H„a ƨn Î nhµ hµng trung b◊nh kho∂ng 10USD,<br />

vµ mÈt Æm Î hostel c„ gi∏ 20USD. C„ lœ Æi“u<br />

kh„ kh®n nh†t vÌi bπn lµ lµm sao l˘a ch‰n Æ≠Óc<br />

tËi Æa c∏c qu∏n ®n Æ” th≠Îng th¯c trong suËt k˙<br />

nghÿ cÒa m◊nh Î Lviv. Kh´ng chÿ ƨn thu«n lµ n¨i<br />

kh∏ch Æ’n ®n uËng, mÁi qu∏n ®n Î Æ©y Æ“u c„<br />

"kh∏i ni÷m" ring. Chºng hπn, trong khu´n vin<br />

mÈt tfla nhµ 5 t«ng vÌi mÈt chi’c xe ´t´ cÊ trn<br />

n„c m∏i, "Dim Legend" vıa lµ qu«y bar, nhµ hµng<br />

vµ cˆa hµng b∏n ÆÂ l≠u ni÷m. MÁi t«ng l«u ch‰n<br />

mÈt "huy“n thoπi Æ´ thfi" lµm chÒ Æ“ bµi tr› ring.<br />

Cfln nhµ hµng "Baczewski" lπi khi’n ta hÂi t≠Îng<br />

lπi thÍi gian Æ«u th’ k˚ 20, vÌi c∏ch bµi tr› c∏c ÆÂ<br />

Æπc cÚ vµ mÈt chi’c Ƶn piano cÊ. VÌi trfl ch¨i<br />

kh®m "Pid zolotoyu rozoyu" - ngh‹a lµ nhµ hµng c„<br />

th˘c ƨn kh´ng Æ“ gi∏, sau khi nhÀn Æ≠Óc h„a ƨn<br />

thanh to∏n, ng≠Íi ta sœ nÁ l˘c h’t s¯c Æ” th≠¨ng<br />

th∂o xem ph∂i tr∂ bao nhiu.<br />

Khu trung t©m thµnh phË lfich sˆ Lviv lµ mÈt Di s∂n<br />

th’ giÌi cÒa UNESCO. Qu∂ng tr≠Íng Rynok nªm<br />

ngay gi˜a khu v˘c nµy. Trong qu∂ng tr≠Íng c„ Tfla<br />

Thfi ch›nh Thµnh phË truy“n thËng ("ratusha"),<br />

Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng vµo th’ k˚ 19, vÌi 44 ng´i nhµ bao<br />

b‰c xung quanh, ph∂n ∏nh n“n ngh÷ thuÀt vµ ki’n<br />

trÛc cÒa nh˜ng th’ k˚ tr≠Ìc (th’ k˚ 16 - th’ k˚ 20).<br />

Nhi“u ng´i nhµ trong sË nµy nay Æ∑ trÎ thµnh b∂o<br />

tµng, phflng tr≠ng bµy ngh÷ thuÀt, hostel, nhµ<br />

hµng, vµ qu∏n cafe. Kh´ng c„ g◊ thÛ bªng vi÷c vıa<br />

leo ln Tfla Thfi ch›nh vıa Æ’m sË bÀc thang, vµ khi<br />

ln tÌi Æÿnh, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c ngæm<br />

nh◊n toµn c∂nh thµnh phË.<br />



SìI ß¡Y QUY⁄N Rü VÄ B¡U KH§NG KHê NH<br />


130<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

Ngoµi ra, Lviv cfln Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ thin Æ≠Íng<br />

cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi nghi“n cµ ph. ô mÁi g„c phË<br />

n¨i Æ©y Æ“u c„ c∏c qu∏n cafä. CÚng thÀt kh„ t◊m<br />

n¨i b∏n cafä mang Æi bÎi vi÷c th≠Îng th¯c mÈt<br />

t∏ch cµ ph Æ∑ trÎ thµnh n’p sËng th≠Íng nhÀt cÒa<br />

c≠ d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng. H‰ tÀn h≠Îng thÍi gian, vıa<br />

nh©m nhi t∏ch cµ ph, vıa t∏n g…u hay Ɖc b∏o.

Lviv - The<br />

Mysterious<br />

City<br />

Once you appear in mysterious Lviv with its<br />

narrow charming cobble streets and fairytale<br />

atmosphere, it will capture your heart forever.<br />

Many tourists from all over the world keep<br />

coming back again and again, settling for<br />

months, and thanking heavens for the quite<br />

cheap life here (compare to western standards).<br />

X⁄P HÑNG:<br />

ñ ƒn ph»m du lch<br />

nÊi ti’ng Lonely<br />

Planet Æ∑ x’p Lviv<br />

trong sË Top 5<br />

Nh˜ng Æa Æi”m<br />

Æ≠Óc yu th›ch<br />

nh†t Î Ch©u ¢u,<br />

cÔng vÌi vÔng<br />

Dordogne Î Ph∏p<br />

vµ Venice Î Italy...<br />

RANKING:<br />

ñ "Lonely Planet"<br />

ranked Lviv<br />

at the top-5<br />

Best European<br />

destinations<br />

together with<br />

Dordogne region<br />

in France and<br />

Italian Venice.<br />

Average bill at a restaurant - USD10, a night at<br />

a hostel - USD20. So far, the hardest choice you<br />

are going to have to make in Lviv is which restaurant to choose to fit as many of them as<br />

possible during your stay. There is no just "a restaurant", absolutely each one has its own<br />

concept. For example, "Dim Legend" is a bar, restaurant, and souvenir shop spread over five<br />

floors with a vintage car on the roof. Every floor has a different urban legend as a theme.<br />

Restaurant "Baczewski" - its interior looks like early 20 th century, with vintage furniture and<br />

an old piano. The trick of "Pid zolotoyu rozoyu" is menu without prices, so after getting a bill<br />

people try all their best to negotiate what they should pay.<br />

The historic Lviv city center is a UNESCO heritage site. Rynok Square is in the very heart of<br />

the center. The Square has the traditional City Town Hall ("ratusha"), built in 19 th century,<br />

and is surrounded by 44 houses, reflecting art and architecture from previous centuries (16 th<br />

- 20 th century). Many of the houses became museums, art galleries, hostels, restaurants,<br />

and coffee shops. There is nothing more interesting than climbing up Town Hall counting<br />

numerous stairs and at the top you are going to be awarded with the best city views!<br />

Besides, Lviv is known as the best spot for coffee lovers. There are dozens of nice coffee<br />

shops at every corner. It is hard to find "take away" as having a cup of coffee is the whole<br />

ritual for the locals. They take their time and enjoy, chatting and reading newspapers.<br />

http://issuu.com/Travellive<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 131

S# KIåN:<br />

ñ C„ mÈt sË l‘ hÈi<br />

mang kh´ng kh› thÍi<br />

Trung cÊ Æ≠Óc tÊ<br />

ch¯c tπi Æ©y nh≠ L‘<br />

hÈi Hi÷p s‹ QuËc t’<br />

"Ti“n ÆÂn" - Æ≠Óc<br />

tÊ ch¯c vµo ngµy<br />

29/4 hµng n®m vÌi<br />

s˘ tham gia cÒa c∏c<br />

"hi÷p s‹" tı nhi“u<br />

n≠Ìc trn th’ giÌi,<br />

m∆c gi∏p mang<br />

g≠¨m, vµ c≠Ïi ng˘a<br />

Ɔu th≠¨ng.<br />

Events:<br />

ñ Walking around<br />

the castle brings a<br />

distinguishing feeling<br />

of appearing in<br />

the Middle Ages.<br />

Especially during the<br />

festivals that take<br />

place here like the<br />

Knight International<br />

Festival "Outpost"<br />

which starts 29 th<br />

of April with<br />

participants from<br />

different countries<br />

wearing knight<br />

armor, carrying<br />

swords, riding<br />

horses and jousting.<br />




Truy“n thuy’t k” rªng vµo Æ«u th’ k˚ 19, khi<br />

Hoµng Æ’ Osman cÒa ThÊ Nh‹ K˙ ti’n qu©n<br />

tÌi Æ´ thµnh Kamianets - Podilskyi vµ nh◊n<br />

th†y c∏c c´ng tr◊nh phflng thÒ, ´ng th∏n phÙc<br />

h·i ai lµ ng≠Íi Æ∑ x©y nn c∏c b¯c t≠Íng thµnh<br />

v˜ng ch∑i nh≠ th’. C∏c cÀn th«n t©u rªng<br />

ng≠Íi Æ„ ch›nh lµ Th≠Óng Æ’. Sau khi th†t<br />

bπi trong nÁ l˘c Æ∏nh chi’m Æ´ thµnh nµy,<br />

´ng than rªng: "H∑y Æ” Th≠Óng Æ’ lµm vi÷c<br />

nµy", rÂi truy“n l÷nh rÛt qu©n. Tr∂i qua suËt<br />

lfich sˆ l©u ÆÍi vµ Æ«y bπo l˘c cÒa m◊nh, l©u<br />

Ƶi chÿ bfi th†t thÒ hai l«n tr≠Ìc v´ sË nh˜ng<br />

nÁ l˘c Æ∏nh chi’m.<br />

Nªm trong Æ´ thµnh cÔng tn Î vÔng ph›a T©y<br />

cÒa Ukraine, ph∏o Ƶi Kamianets-Podilskyi<br />

nh≠ mÈt hfln Æ∏ t∂ng vÌi 12 th∏p canh c„<br />

t≠Íng bao b‰c. Ban Æ«u trong giai Æoπn tı th’<br />

k˚ 10 tÌi th’ k˚ 13, ph∏o Ƶi Æ≠Óc x©y bªng<br />

gÁ, sau Æ„ Æ≠Óc x©y lπi bªng Æ∏. ô gi˜a ph∏o<br />

Ƶi c„ mÈt kho∂ng s©n rÈng, n¨i hi÷n nay lµ<br />

mÈt b∂o tµng tr≠ng bµy nh˜ng hi÷n vÀt thÛ<br />

vfi t∏i hi÷n lπi lfich sˆ cÒa Ukraine trong h¨n<br />

mÈt th’ k˚ qua. Ln c∏c th∏p canh, bπn c„ th”<br />

ngæm nh◊n quang c∂nh tuy÷t vÍi cÒa thfi tr†n<br />

vµ vÔng phÙ cÀn. Cfln tı trn c«u NhÀt B∂n<br />

d…n vµo ph∏o Ƶi, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng ngoπn<br />

c∂nh tr› Æãp Æ’n m hÂn.<br />

Kamianets-<br />

Podilskyi<br />

Castle - One<br />

of Ukraine's<br />

Seven<br />

Wonders<br />

In the early 17 th century, as a legend says,<br />

when Turkish Khan Osman approached<br />

Kamianets-Podilskyi city and saw the<br />

fortifications, he asked admiringly,<br />

who built those mighty walls, and was<br />

given an answer: "God Himself". After,<br />

being unable to conquer the city, he said: "So let<br />

God Himself capture it", and turned his troops<br />

away from the fortress. Throughout its long and<br />

violent history, despite dozens of attempts, the<br />

stronghold was captured only twice.<br />

Kamianets-Podilskyi fortress (situated in the<br />

same city in the West of Ukraine) is a rock with<br />

twelve towers that are linked by a wall. It was<br />

first built of wood in the 10 th to 13 th centuries,<br />

then, rebuilt in stone. There is a large courtyard<br />

in the middle where a fantastic museum with<br />

quite interesting exhibits displays the history<br />

of Ukraine over the last century. Luckily<br />

most of the towers are open for tourists, and<br />

many offer attractive views of the town and<br />

the surroundings. But the most breathtaking<br />

panorama is from the Turkish Bridge leading<br />

to the fortress.<br />

132<br />


VYLKOVE -<br />


Vylkove lµ ng´i lµng nh· ÆÈc Æ∏o vÌi h÷<br />

thËng knh rπch chªng chfit nªm g«n bin<br />

giÌi vÌi Romania. ß©y lµ ng´i lµng duy nh†t<br />

Î Ukraine mµ c≠ d©n sˆ dÙng c∂ thuy“n vµ<br />

´t´ lµm ph≠¨ng ti÷n di chuy”n, h÷t nh≠ mi“n<br />

T©y Î Vi÷t Nam!<br />

DÔ Vylkove Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh lµ "Venice cÒa<br />

Ukraine", Æi“u chÒ y’u h†p d…n du kh∏ch<br />

kh´ng ph∂i lµ c∏c knh rπch mµ ch›nh lµ<br />

dflng Danube, con s´ng lÌn nh†t Î ch©u ¢u<br />

(3.000km). Thm vµo Æ„, khu D˘ tr˜ Sinh<br />

quy”n Danube tr∂i rÈng tÌi 50.000ha lµ khu<br />

d˘ tr˜ Æ«m l«y lÌn nh†t Î Ch©u ¢u. Ph«n<br />

nªm trn Romania cÒa khu d˘ tr˜ nµy do<br />

UNESCO b∂o tÂn.<br />

Vylkove t‰a lπc trn Æfia Æi”m Æãp nn th¨ cÒa<br />

dflng hÓp l≠u gi˜a s´ng Danube vµ Hæc H∂i.<br />

Du kh∏ch c„ th” tÌi th®m "Kilometer sË 0",<br />

n¨i dflng s´ng ÆÊ ra bi”n. Hoπt ÆÈng ch›nh<br />

cÒa tour du lfich mÈt ngµy bªng thuy“n lµ<br />

quan s∏t c∏c loµi chim vÌi nh˜ng loµi tuy÷t<br />

Æãp nh≠ b n´ng træng, ngÂng trÍi vµ chim<br />

≠ng bi”n Æu´i træng. Ngoµi ra, cfln c„ c∏c hoπt<br />

ÆÈng kh∏c nh≠ c©u c∏ vµ n’m r≠Óu!<br />

M∆c dÔ ph∂i m†t tÌi 4 ti’ng di chuy”n kh∏ lµ<br />

thˆ th∏ch tı Odessa, nh≠ng kh´ng cfln nghi<br />

ngÍ g◊ n˜a, c∂nh sæc thin nhin hoang s¨<br />

n¨i Æ©y qu∂ lµ s˘ t≠Îng th≠Îng x¯ng Æ∏ng<br />

trong mÈt th’ giÌi toµn c«u h„a vÌi tËc ÆÈ<br />

ch„ng m∆t.<br />

Vylkove<br />

Ukrainian<br />

Venice<br />

¬M TH#C:<br />

ñ Vylkove Æ≠Óc bi’t<br />

tÌi nh≠ lµ th tr†n<br />

cÒa nh˜ng ng≠Íi s∂n<br />

xu†t r≠Óu. Loπi nho<br />

"novak" Æ∆c bi÷t chÿ<br />

m‰c trn m∂nh Ɔt<br />

nµy, vµ loπi r≠Óu<br />

cÔng tn do c≠ d©n<br />

t˘ tay chi’t xu†t c„<br />

v du nhã.<br />

FOOD AND<br />


ñ Vylkove is also<br />

known as a town of<br />

winemakers. A special<br />

type of grape called<br />

"novak" is grown<br />

exclusively in this<br />

town, and the homemade<br />

eponymous<br />

wine has a gentle<br />

delicate taste.<br />

Vylkove is a unique little village on<br />

the border with Romania covered<br />

with many water channels. It is the<br />

only village in Ukraine, where boats<br />

are used by locals as well as cars,<br />

similar to the western part of southern<br />

Vietnam.<br />

Although it is called Ukrainian Venice, the main<br />

tourist attraction in Vylkove is not waterways, but<br />

Danube, the biggest river in Europe (3,000km).<br />

Rather, the Danube Bio Reserve which covers<br />

up to 50 thousand hectares and is the biggest<br />

swampland reserve in Europe! The Romanian part<br />

of the reserve is protected by UNESCO.<br />

Vylkove is located at the scenic confluence of the<br />

Danube and the Black Sea. Tourists are taken to<br />

visit "zero kilometer", where the river flows into<br />

the sea. Bird-watching is the main activity of<br />

the one-day cruise tour - you may see gorgeous<br />

white pelicans, geese, and white-tailed sea eagles.<br />

Not to mention the spectacular views and some<br />

astoundingly beautiful scenery you are going to<br />

be awarded with. Besides, there are other available<br />

activities such as fishing and wine tasting!<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 133

Landscape Alley<br />

134<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

THÄNH PHˇ KYIV -<br />


Theo ˝ ki’n nhi“u h≠Ìng d…n<br />

vin du lfich, Kyiv lµ mÈt thµnh<br />

phË thÒ Æ´ Æ∏ng chÛ ˝ nh≠ng g«n<br />

nh≠ ch≠a Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ ÆÛng Î<br />

ch©u ¢u. Kh´ng ph∂i chÿ c„ mÈt<br />

sË Æfia Æi”m tham quan h†p d…n<br />

du kh∏ch nh≠ Î nhi“u thµnh phË<br />

kh∏c, mµ Î Æ©y lµ hµng tr®m b∏u<br />

vÀt ki’n trÛc vµ ngh÷ thuÀt Æang<br />

»n n∏u chÍ kh∏m ph∏. ThÀt kh„ Æ”<br />

mong ÆÓi ›t Æi tı mÈt thµnh phË<br />

c„ lfich sˆ 1000 n®m tuÊi.<br />

H∑y bæt Æ«u hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m<br />

ph∏ vÌi Tu vi÷n hang Æ∏ Kyivo-<br />

Pechers’ka Lavra, Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng<br />

vµo th’ k˚ 11 trn Æÿnh c∏c ng‰n<br />

ÆÂi ven s´ng Dnipro vÌi nh˜ng<br />

nhµ thÍ m∏i vflm d∏t vµng vµ<br />

nh˜ng Æ≠Íng h«m c„ c∏c x∏c ≠Ìp<br />

cÒa nh˜ng th«y tu d‰c hai bn.<br />

ß©y lµ m∂nh Ɔt thing ling nh†t<br />

ÆËi vÌi hµng tri÷u t›n ÆÂ Ch›nh<br />

thËng gi∏o.<br />

Ti’p Æ„, h∑y tÌi Nhµ thÍ ch›nh tfla<br />

Th∏nh Sophia, tfla v≠¨ng cung<br />

th∏nh Æ≠Íng cÊ nh†t trong thµnh<br />

phË, vÌi nh˜ng b¯c kh∂m vµ b›ch<br />

h‰a ngh◊n n®m tuÊi tuy÷t Æãp. Tu<br />

vi÷n Kyivo-Pechers’ka Lavra vµ<br />

Nhµ thÍ ch›nh tfla Th∏nh Sophia<br />

Æ“u nªm trong danh s∏ch di s∂n<br />

th’ giÌi cÒa UNESCO. Ph› vµo cˆa<br />

kho∂ng 4USD.<br />

Vë TRê:<br />

ñ Kyiv lµ thÒ Æ´ vµ<br />

lµ thµnh phË lÌn<br />

nh†t cÒa Ukraine.<br />

Thµnh phË nªm v“<br />

ph›a Bæc mi“n Trung<br />

Ukraine, tr∂i d‰c hai<br />

bn bÍ s´ng Dnepr,<br />

con s´ng ch∂y v“<br />

ph›a nam vµ ÆÊ vµo<br />

bi”n ßen.<br />

Location:<br />

ñ Kyiv is Ukraine's<br />

capital as well as<br />

the country's largest<br />

city. It is located in<br />

Northern Central<br />

Ukraine along the<br />

banks of the Dnepr<br />

River, which runs<br />

south to the Black<br />

Sea.<br />

MÈt trong nh˜ng Æfia Æi”m du kh∏ch ≠a<br />

th›ch lµ Andriyivsky Descent (ng≠Íi<br />

d©n Æfia ph≠¨ng g‰i lµ Andriyivsky<br />

Uzviz), vËn th≠Íng Æ≠Óc so s∏nh vÌi<br />

Monmartre Î Paris. ß©y lµ mÈt con<br />

Æ≠Íng hãp chπy xuËng d≠Ìi ch©n ÆÂi vÌi nhi“u d†u mËc<br />

lfich sˆ, chºng hπn ng´i nhµ cÒa Mikhail Bulgakov, t∏c<br />

gi∂ cuËn ti”u thuy’t huy“n b› "Ngh÷ nh©n vµ Margarita".<br />

Tπi Æ©y c„ nhi“u nhµ hµng †m cÛng, c∏c phflng tr≠ng bµy<br />

ngh÷ thuÀt vµ c∏c cˆa hµng b∏n ÆÂ thÒ c´ng m¸ ngh÷ cÒa<br />

Ukraine vµ nh˜ng di vÀt cÚ thÍi S´ Vi’t.<br />

C∏ch Andriyivsky Descent kh´ng xa lµ Landscape Alley<br />

(Ng‚ Phong c∂nh). ß©y c„ lœ lµ Æfia Æi”m vui nhÈn nh†t Î<br />

thÒ Æ´ vÌi v´ sË c∏c t∏c ph»m Æiu khæc ngh÷ thuÀt Æ≠¨ng<br />

Æπi hµi h≠Ìc Æ≠Óc c∏c b¯c kh∂m mµu sæc s∆c sÏ che phÒ.<br />

H∑y t≠Îng t≠Óng bπn xu†t hi÷n trong th’ giÌi cÒa Alice Î<br />

X¯ Th«n tin... vµ Æ©y ch›nh lµ n„!<br />

Khu Pirogovo, rÈng kho∂ng 150ha g«n Kyiv, lµ b∂o tµng<br />

ngoµi trÍi lÌn nh†t th’ giÌi. N„ lµ Æfia Æi”m sË mÈt c«n<br />

tÌi th®m trong chuy’n nghÿ hà ΠKyiv. C„ h¨n 320 c´ng<br />

tr◊nh b∂o tµng nh≠ nhµ cˆa, chuÂng bfl, cËi xay gi„, nhµ<br />

thÍ t∏i hi÷n lπi ÆÍi sËng th´n d∑, c∏c truy“n thËng vµ v®n<br />

h„a cÒa ng≠Íi d©n Ukraine sËng trn m‰i mi“n Ɔt n≠Ìc<br />

hµng tr®m n®m tr≠Ìc.

Kyiv city<br />

- the<br />

heart of<br />

Ukraine<br />

Kyiv is an<br />

outstanding city,<br />

and at the same<br />

time is the most<br />

u n d e r e s t i m a t e d<br />

European capital,<br />

according to numerous tourist guides. There are not<br />

just a couple of "must-see" sights that usually attract<br />

tourists in many other cities, but hundreds of precious<br />

hidden treasures, which are displayed in architecture<br />

and art. It is hard to expect less from more than 1000-<br />

year-old city!<br />

Let's start with the Monastery of Caves, Kyivo-Pechers'ka<br />

Lavra, set on hills above the Dnipro River in 11 th century<br />

- with its gold-domed churches and the underground<br />

tunnels lined with mummified monks. Sounds a bit<br />

mysterious... In fact, it is the holiest land for the millions<br />

of Orthodox Christians.<br />

Iryna Kokota<br />



Ukrainian freelance<br />

journalist and blogger<br />

N®m 2014, c´ Æ∑ Æi du<br />

lch g«n mÈt n®m trong<br />

vÔng ß´ng Nam É tr≠Ìc<br />

khi kh∏m ph∏ Vi÷t Nam,<br />

n¨i Æ≠Óc c´ nhÀn xät "lµ<br />

mÈt Ɔt n≠Ìc Æ«y thÛ v"<br />

vµ Æ∑ quy’t Ænh Î lπi Æ©y.<br />

Trong hai n®m qua, c´<br />

Æ∑ vi’t nhi“u bµi v“ Vi÷t<br />

Nam nh≠ng ch≠a c„ bµi<br />

nµo giÌi thi÷u Ɔt n≠Ìc<br />

qu h≠¨ng c´. C´ cÚng<br />

nhÀn th†y nhi“u ng≠Íi Vi÷t<br />

Nam bi’t r†t ›t th´ng tin v“<br />

Ukraine, dÔ n„ nªm ngay<br />

trung t©m ch©u ¢u vµ c„<br />

v´ sË Æi“u ngπc nhin thÛ<br />

v dµnh cho du kh∏ch. ß„<br />

lµ l˝ do Æ” Iryna Kokota<br />

muËn giÌi thi÷u bµi vi’t nµy<br />

trn Travellive. Ukraine c„<br />

nhi“u Æi“u k˙ thÛ nh≠ng<br />

b∏u vÀt qu˝ gi∏ nh†t cÒa<br />

n¨i nµy, theo c´, ch›nh lµ<br />

nh˜ng ng≠Íi d©n nÂng hÀu<br />

vµ lu´n sΩn lng giÛp ÆÏ<br />

ng≠Íi kh∏c.<br />

In 2014, she had been<br />

traveling for a year through<br />

South-East Asia until she<br />

discovered Vietnam. She found<br />

it to be a fascinating country<br />

and decided to settle here<br />

for "some months"to know<br />

more about its traditions and<br />

culture. So far, it's been two<br />

years she has been living<br />

here. During this time she<br />

wrote many articles about<br />

Vietnam, but none about her<br />

own country. At the same time<br />

she has noticed that many<br />

Vietnamese know so little<br />

about Ukraine, despite the fact<br />

that it is located right in the<br />

heart of Europe and has many<br />

interesting things to offer. That<br />

is the reason why she writes<br />

this article for Travellive. Of the<br />

main treasures of her country,<br />

the most precious one, in her<br />

opinion, is its people, warmhearted<br />

and helpful.<br />

Next, St. Sophia Cathedral is the oldest church in the city,<br />

which has spectacular millennial mosaics and frescoes.<br />

Kyivo-Pechers'ka Lavra and St. Sophia Cathedral, both,<br />

included to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Entrance<br />

fee is around USD4.<br />

One of favorite tourist places is Andriyivsky Descent<br />

(called by locals Andriyivsky Uzviz), very often compared<br />

to Monmartre in Paris. It is a narrow down-hill street<br />

full of historical landmarks like, for example, the<br />

house of Mikhail Bulgakov, who wrote the enigmatic<br />

novel "Master and Margarita". There are a lot of cozy<br />

restaurants, art-galleries, and shops, selling hand-made<br />

Ukrainian handicraft and old soviet relics.<br />

The Landscape Alley is within walking distance of<br />

Andriyivsky Descent. Perhaps, the funniest place in the<br />

capital consists of hilarious contemporary art sculptures,<br />

covered with bright colorful mosaics. Imagine, you<br />

appear in Alice in Wonderland’s world... This is it!<br />

Pirogovo Open-Air, covering around 150 hectares near<br />

Kyiv, is the largest outdoor museum in the world. It<br />

is a N01 place to visit while being in Kyiv in summer.<br />

There are over 320 museum constructions like houses,<br />

cowshed, windmills, churches that represent rural<br />

life, traditions and culture of Ukrainians living in the<br />

different parts of the country hundreds of years ago.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 135



Tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt mÔa hà kh„ qun tπi<br />

cao nguyn ßµ Lπt vÌi g„i nghÿ d≠Ïng<br />

"Bonjour Etä". Chÿ vÌi 2.500.000VNß,<br />

bπn sœ c„ 1 Æm nghÿ tπi phng Le petit<br />

cho hai ng≠Íi bao gÂm b˜a s∏ng, mÈt<br />

b˜a ti÷c trµ chi“u Æ” cÔng ng≠Íi th©n<br />

yu tÀn h≠Îng kh› trÍi cao nguyn yn<br />

b◊nh vµ trong lµnh, gi∂m gi∏ 30% khi sˆ<br />

dÙng dch vÙ spa tπi La Cochinchine.<br />

Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng tı nay cho Æ’n<br />

h’t 30/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>. ß” bi’t thm th´ng tin<br />

chi ti’t ho∆c Æ∆t phng, lin h÷ theo sË<br />

Æi÷n thoπi 063 3555 888 ho∆c<br />

email reservation-dalat@anamandararesort.com.<br />

Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi<br />

h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng,<br />

kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng,<br />

c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong<br />

vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.<br />


H∑y thÊi bay c∏i n„ng b¯c cÒa<br />

mÔa hà vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh buffet<br />

bia ÆÈc Æ∏o tπi qu∏n bar t«ng<br />

th≠Óng The Summit. Trong hai<br />

giÍ, bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c<br />

kh´ng giÌi hπn c∏c loπi bia t˘<br />

ch‰n trong bÈ s≠u tÀp 10 loπi bia<br />

cao c†p bao gÂm Heineken, Tiger,<br />

Sapporo vµ nhi“u h¨n n˜a. Cn<br />

g◊ tuy÷t vÍi h¨n khi cÔng bπn bÃ<br />

nh©m nhi ly bia m∏t lπnh vµ ngæm<br />

khung c∂nh hoµng h´n kho∏ng<br />

Æπt bn h T©y. ß” bi’t thm chi<br />

ti’t vµ Æ∆t bµn, vui lng lin h÷<br />

Hotline 0901 778 318 ho∆c email<br />

dining.pphan@panpacific.com.<br />


Indochine Palace Hue mang<br />

Æ’n cho du kh∏ch ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

≠u Æ∑i mÔa hà h†p d…n vÌi gi∏<br />

chÿ 2.400.000VNß/2 ng≠Íi.<br />

Theo Æ„, du kh∏ch sœ c„ 1 Æm<br />

nghÿ tπi phng Deluxe kÃm<br />

b˜a s∏ng hµng ngµy, 1 b˜a tr≠a<br />

ho∆c tËi cho 2 ng≠Íi tπi nhµ<br />

hµng La Brasserie, tr∏i c©y chµo<br />

mıng, mi‘n ph› b” b¨i, gym,<br />

sauna, nhÀn phng sÌm tı 10h<br />

s∏ng vµ tr∂ phng muÈn Æ’n<br />

4h chi“u (tÔy vµo t◊nh trπng<br />

phng). Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng<br />

tı 1/5 - 31/10/<strong>2017</strong>. Chi ti’t<br />

lin h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi 0234<br />

393 6666 ho∆c email: rsvn@<br />

indochinepalace.com; sales@<br />

indochinepalace.com.<br />


SAIGON<br />

ß∏nh tan c∏i n„ng cÒa mÔa<br />

hà cÔng m„n tr∏ng mi÷ng g©y<br />

sËt: B∏nh churros kãp kem vÌi<br />

5 h≠¨ng v kh∏c nhau. B∏nh<br />

churros dÔng kÃm vÌi kem tπo<br />

nn mÈt s˘ k’t hÓp hoµn h∂o<br />

vµ h¯a hãn sœ mang lπi s˘ mÌi<br />

mŒ cho v gi∏c cÒa bπn. Cn chÍ<br />

ÆÓi g◊ n˜a? H∑y tÌi The Library<br />

vµ th≠Îng th¯c ngay vÌi gi∏ chÿ<br />

150.000VNß++/ph«n, tı nay<br />

Æ’n h’t ngµy 31/5/<strong>2017</strong>. Th´ng<br />

tin chi ti’t lin h÷ theo sË Æi÷n<br />

thoπi: 08 3520 9099 ho∆c email:<br />

dine@icsaigon.com.<br />



Tı th¯ 2 - th¯ 6, vÌi gi∏ chÿ<br />

180.000VNß, th˘c kh∏ch sœ<br />

Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ b˜a tr≠a thnh<br />

soπn tiu chu»n 5* k’t hÓp Æi”m<br />

s†m, mÈt m„n ch›nh (m◊ xµo, m◊<br />

hoµnh th∏nh ho∆c c¨m træng ®n<br />

kÃm vÌi c∏c m„n xµo) vµ kÃm<br />

m„n tr∏ng mi÷ng ngon tuy÷t tπi<br />

nhµ hµng Kabin, t«ng 1 kh∏ch<br />

sπn Renaissance Riverside Sµi<br />

Gn. Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng cho<br />

buÊi tr≠a c∏c ngµy trong tu«n.<br />

Th´ng tin chi ti’t lin h÷ theo<br />

sË Æi÷n thoπi: 08 3822 0033<br />

ho∆c website: www.renaissancehotels.marriott.com.<br />


SAIGON<br />

CÔng gia Æ◊nh tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng<br />

ngµy hà Æ∏ng nhÌ tπi kh∏ch sπn<br />

The Alcove Library Saigon vÌi<br />

ch≠¨ng tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i tËt<br />

nh†t trong n®m, ∏p dÙng cho<br />

nh˜ng booking tr≠Ìc ngµy 30/9.<br />

Theo Æ„, khi Æ∆t tı 2 Æm trÎ<br />

ln, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph›<br />

Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay, trong khi n’u<br />

Æ∆t tı 3 Æm trÎ ln sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

h≠Îng thm nh˜ng dch vÙ ≠u<br />

Æ∑i kh∏c nh≠ Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay,<br />

n≠Ìc tr∏i c©y chµo mıng, gi∂m<br />

gi∏ dch vÙ F&B... Chi ti’t lin<br />

h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi: 08 6256<br />

9966 ho∆c email: alcove@<br />

alcovehotel.com.vn.<br />


Th·a th›ch th≠Îng th¯c Dim<br />

Sum All-You-Can-Eat tπi<br />

nhµ hµng Ming Court (ngµy<br />

trong tu«n vÌi gi∏ chÿ vÌi<br />

450.000VNß++/ng≠Íi, cuËi<br />

tu«n c„ thm qu«y buffet h†p<br />

d…n vÌi gi∏ 550.000VNß++/<br />

ng≠Íi). VÌi Æi”m nh†n v“ ch†t<br />

l≠Óng v≠Ót trÈi, ti÷c tr≠a Dim<br />

Sum All-You-Can-Eat Æ≠Óc<br />

chu»n b thÀt tinh t’, c∏c m„n<br />

dim sum Æ≠Óc d‰n ln n„ng<br />

hÊi vµ nhi“u m„n Æ∆c sæc kh∏c<br />

nh≠ vt quay bæc kinh, b∏nh x’p<br />

chin cÛc hoa, ba r‰i dÂn b∏nh<br />

bao, b∏nh cuËn t´m,... chæc<br />

chæn sœ lµm hµi lng nh˜ng th˘c<br />

kh∏ch sµnh ®n. Th´ng tin chi<br />

ti’t lin h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi:<br />

08 3925 7777 ho∆c website:<br />

www.hotelnikkosaigon.com.vn.<br />


Ti÷c t˘ ch‰n h∂i s∂n vµo<br />

mÁi tËi th¯ 7 & chÒ nhÀt<br />

hµng tu«n tπi nhµ hµng<br />

quËc t’ La Brasserie vÌi gi∏<br />

690.000VNß++/kh∏ch sœ lµ l˘a<br />

ch‰n h†p d…n dµnh cho bπn.<br />

Ti÷c t˘ ch‰n h∂i s∂n vÌi 1 su†t<br />

bµo ng≠ phÙc vÙ cho mÁi th˘c<br />

kh∏ch vÌi l˘a ch‰n tı c∏c ki”u<br />

ch’ bi’n: ki”u ¢u cÊ Æi”n ho∆c<br />

ki”u Vi÷t Nam vÌi sËt mÏ hµnh.<br />

UËng kh´ng giÌi hπn r≠Óu vang,<br />

r≠Óu sake, bia t≠¨i vµ n≠Ìc<br />

ng‰t. Chi ti’t lin h÷ theo sË<br />

Æi÷n thoπi 04 3822 3535 ho∆c<br />

website: www.hotelnikkohanoi.<br />

com.vn<br />


Nh©n dp k˚ ni÷m 5 n®m<br />

Pullman Hanoi, 10 n®m th≠¨ng<br />

hi÷u Pullman, 20 n®m c´ng<br />

tr◊nh kh∏ch sπn Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng,<br />

50 n®m AccorHotels, Pullman<br />

Hanoi tung ra ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

khuy’n mπi Æ∆c bi÷t vÌi tn g‰i<br />

Our World Is Your Playground.<br />

Theo Æ„, tı th∏ng 5 tÌi cuËi<br />

th∏ng 12/<strong>2017</strong>, t†t c∂ du kh∏ch<br />

nghÿ ho∆c sˆ dÙng dch vÙ tπi<br />

kh∏ch sπn trong c∏c ngµy 5, 10<br />

vµ 20 hµng th∏ng sœ nhÀn Æ≠Óc<br />

bÈ voucher bao gÂm voucher<br />

50.000VNß, 100.000VNß,<br />

gi∂m 20% vµ 500.000VNß sœ<br />

Æ≠Óc sˆ dÙng tπi kh∏ch sπn.<br />

Chi ti’t tham kh∂o tπi website:<br />

www.pullman-hanoi.com<br />


Cho nh˜ng buÊi ti’p Æ„n ÆËi t∏c quan tr‰ng, buffet tËi h≠¨ng v quËc t’ hµng ngµy tπi Nhµ hµng El Patio<br />

tı th¯ 2 - th¯ 5 hµng tu«n vÌi gi∏ 560.000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn (kh´ng bao gÂm Æ uËng); 625.000VNß++/<br />

ng≠Íi lÌn (bao gÂm bia t≠¨i vµ n≠Ìc ng‰t) vµ 9<strong>05</strong>.000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn (bao gÂm 6 loπi vang Æ· vµ 3 loπi<br />

vang træng) sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho bπn. Chi ti’t lin h÷ theo sË Æi÷n thoπi: 04 3934 3343 ho∆c<br />

email: melia.hanoi@melia.com, website: www.melia.com.<br />

136<br />




A buffet dinner with an<br />

international flavor served at<br />

El Patio Restaurant is an ideal<br />

location for doing business. It<br />

costs VND560,000++/person<br />

(no drink); VND625,000++/<br />

person (including fresh<br />

beer and soft drinks) and<br />

VND9<strong>05</strong>,000++/person<br />

(including six kinds of red wine<br />

and three kinds of white wine)<br />

from Monday to Thursday.<br />

For more details, please<br />

contact: 04 3934 3343 or<br />

email: melia.hanoi@melia.com,<br />

Website: www.melia.com.<br />


SAIGON<br />

Blow off the heat of summer<br />

with a dessert churros<br />

cake. The churros cake has<br />

five different flavors and<br />

an ice cream filling. What<br />

are you waiting for? Come<br />

to The Library and enjoy it<br />

immediately. It costs only<br />

VND150,000++/portion, valid<br />

until May 31 st , <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

For more details, please<br />

contact: 08 3520 9099 or<br />

email: dine@icsaigon.com.<br />


SAIGON<br />

For only VND180,000, diners<br />

can enjoy a hearty lunch<br />

(5-star standard) with dim<br />

sum, a main dish (fried noodle,<br />

hoanh thanh noodle, or rice<br />

served with a fried dish) and<br />

a delicious dessert at Kabin<br />

Restaurant on the first floor<br />

of the Renaissance Riverside<br />

Saigon Hotel. The program is<br />

applied for lunch from Monday<br />

to Friday.<br />

For more details, please<br />

contact: 08 3822 0033 or<br />

website: www.renaissancehotels.marriott.com<br />


DALAT<br />

Experience an unforgettable<br />

summer in Dalat Plateau<br />

with the "Bonjour Etä"<br />

leisure package. For only<br />

VND2,500,000, you will have<br />

a night accommodation at Le<br />

Petit room for two persons<br />

that includes breakfast and<br />

afternoon tea. This gives you<br />

an opportunity to enjoy the<br />

plateau's serenity and fresh<br />

air. You will also receive a<br />

30% discount at the Spa at La<br />

Cochinchine. The program is<br />

valid until May 30 th , <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

For further information<br />

and reservation, please<br />

contact 063 3555 888 or<br />

email: reservation-dalat@<br />

anamandara-resort.com<br />


Enjoy All-You-Can-Eat Dim<br />

Sum at Ming Court Restaurant<br />

(VND450,000++/person on<br />

weekdays, VND550,000++/<br />

person on the weekend). The<br />

Dim Sum menu boasts a wide<br />

selection of dishes including<br />

hot dumplings, Peking duck,<br />

steamed rice paper rolls and<br />

deep-fried dumplings. This<br />

diverse and tasty menu will<br />

surely satisfy diners.<br />

For more details, please<br />

contact: 08 3925 7777<br />

or website: www.<br />

hotelnikkosaigon.com.vn<br />


La Brasserie's seafood buffet,<br />

offered every Saturday and<br />

Sunday evening is an attractive<br />

choice. For VND690,000++/<br />

person, you can enjoy seafood<br />

to your heart's content. You<br />

will be served a portion of<br />

abalone cooked in either the<br />

style of Europe or Vietnam.<br />

In addition, you can drink<br />

unlimited wine, sake wine,<br />

fresh beer and soft drinks. For<br />

more details, please contact:<br />

04 3822 3535 or website:<br />

www.hotelnikkohanoi.com.vn<br />


To celebrate five years of<br />

the Pullman Hanoi, ten years<br />

of the trade name Pullman,<br />

20 years of its construction<br />

and 50 years of AccorHotels,<br />

Pullman Hanoi offers a special<br />

promotion called Our World<br />

Is Your Playground. From May<br />

until late December <strong>2017</strong>,<br />

tourists who stay or use the<br />

hotel services on the 5 th , 10 th<br />

and 20 th of every month will<br />

receive vouchers, including<br />

VND50,000, VND100,000, and<br />

VND500,000 vouchers and<br />

20% discount voucher, which<br />

can be used at the hotel.<br />

For more details, please refer<br />

to website: www.pullmanhanoi.com<br />


Blow away the heat of summer<br />

with a unique beer buffet at<br />

the top floor of The Summit.<br />

For two hours you can enjoy<br />

unlimited amounts of ten kinds<br />

of beer in the bar's collection,<br />

including Heineken, Tiger, and<br />

Sapporo. Nothing beats sipping<br />

a cold beer and watching the<br />

sunset over West Lake with<br />

your friends.<br />

For further information and<br />

reservations, please contact<br />

Hotline 0901 778 318 or email<br />

dining.pphan@panpacific.com.<br />


This summer Indochine Palace Hue offers<br />

tourists a special promotion. For just<br />

VND2,400,000/two people, tourists will<br />

get night accommodations, breakfast, and<br />

a free lunch or dinner for two people at La<br />

Brasserie Restaurant. They will also receive<br />

welcoming fruits, and access to the swimming<br />

pool, gym and sauna. You can check in early<br />

starting at 10am and check out as late as 4<br />

pm (depending on the condition of vacant<br />

rooms). The program is applied from May 1 st<br />

to October 31 st , <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

For more details, please contact 0234 393 6666<br />

or email: rsvn@indochinepalace.com; sales@<br />

indochinepalace.com.<br />

An array of promotions and<br />

special offers by restaurants,<br />

hotels, resorts, fashion<br />

brands, airlines and tourist<br />

agencies in Vietnam and<br />

other countries.<br />


Enjoy memorable summer days at The Alcove Library Hotel Saigon with a special booking offer lasting until<br />

September 30 th . If you book two nights or more, there will be a free car to meet and see you off at the airport. If<br />

you book three nights or more, you will enjoy preferential treatment, such as the free car, welcoming fruit, and a<br />

discount applied to F&B services.<br />

For more details, please contact: 08 6256 9966 or email: alcove@alcovehotel.com.vn.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 137

TIN T‡NG HúP<br />

KHÉNH HíA<br />

Ngµy 16/4, tπi Khu du lch Æ∂o Hn Tªm<br />

trn vnh Nha Trang, tÿnh Kh∏nh Ha,<br />

C´ng ty CÊ ph«n Hn Tªm Bi”n Nha<br />

Trang Æ∑ ra mæt khu gi∂i tr›, th” thao bi”n<br />

vÌi nhi“u tr ch¨i gi∂i tr›, th” thao Æ∆c<br />

tr≠ng dµnh cho du kh∏ch say m vÀn ÆÈng<br />

trn bi”n, ≠a th›ch c∂m gi∏c mπnh bn<br />

s„ng n≠Ìc. Trong sË nµy c„ tµu th” thao<br />

vÌi tn g‰i Seabreacher, c„ th” l∆n xuËng<br />

d≠Ìi n≠Ìc vµ ph„ng ln kh·i m∆t n≠Ìc, l«n<br />

Æ«u tin c„ m∆t tπi Vi÷t Nam. Bn cπnh<br />

Æ„, khu gi∂i tr› cn c„ c∏c tr ch¨i th”<br />

thao nh≠: can´ käo phao bay, dÔ bay Æ´i,<br />

m´ t´ n≠Ìc, chÃo thuy“n... ß©y lµ khu du<br />

lch, nghÿ d≠Ïng Æπt tiu chu»n 4 sao, mÁi<br />

n®m Æ„n trn 800.000 du kh∏ch Æ’n tham<br />

quan, nghÿ d≠Ïng vµ tham gia c∏c tr ch¨i,<br />

gi∂i tr› bi”n.<br />

Nh˜ng th´ng tin cÀp nhÀt v“<br />

Æ≠Íng bay mÌi mÎ, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

v®n ho∏, ch›nh s∏ch ngµnh du<br />

lch, x’p hπng & gi∂i th≠Îng du<br />

lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc...<br />


CuËi th∏ng 4 vıa qua, chuy’n<br />

bay thºng Æ«u tin trong lch sˆ<br />

cÒa hµng kh´ng H∂i ¢u tı ßµ<br />

NΩng tÌi ßÂng HÌi Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c<br />

hoµn thµnh ch∆ng bay tπi s©n bay<br />

ßÂng HÌi, Qu∂ng B◊nh. ß≠Íng<br />

bay thºng tı ßµ NΩng tÌi ßÂng<br />

HÌi Æ≠Óc khai th∏c bÎi Hµng<br />

kh´ng H∂i ¢u bªng thÒy phi c¨<br />

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B-EX<br />

Æ≠Óc s∂n xu†t tπi Hoa K˙. ß©y<br />

lµ loπi phi c¨ cÏ nh· chÿ 14 chÁ<br />

ngÂi, c„ læp phao Æ” c„ th” ÆÁ c∂<br />

trn Æ≠Íng bay vµ trn m∆t n≠Ìc,<br />

vÌi s˘ linh ÆÈng r†t cao. Kh∏ch<br />

hµng c„ th” tÔy ch‰n dch vÙ bay<br />

thu chuy’n tr‰n g„i tÌi h¨n 20<br />

Æa Æi”m trn khæp Ɔt n≠Ìc Vi÷t<br />

Nam. D˘ ki’n trong <strong>2017</strong> - 2018,<br />

h∑ng sœ ti’p tÙc mÎ thm Æ≠Íng<br />

bay mÌi tÌi Ninh B◊nh, Nha<br />

Trang vµ nhi“u Æa danh kh∏ch.<br />


HÄN QUˇC<br />

Khu ki’n trÛc Gyeonghoeru<br />

(Kh∏nh HÈi l©u) thuÈc qu«n th”<br />

Hoµng cung Gyeongbokgung sæp<br />

Æ≠Óc mÎ cˆa Æ” tÊ ch¯c tham<br />

quan Æ∆c bi÷t tı th∏ng 4 Æ’n<br />

th∏ng 10 n®m nay. ߯ng tı t«ng<br />

2 cÒa khu di t›ch nµy, kh∏ch tham<br />

quan sœ cho∏ng ngÓp bÎi khung<br />

c∂nh tuy÷t vÍi cÒa cung Æi÷n Î<br />

ph›a Æ´ng vµ ng‰n nÛi hÔng v‹<br />

Inwangsang Î ph›a t©y. Chuyn<br />

gia v®n h„a sœ h≠Ìng d…n du<br />

kh∏ch tham quan kho∂ng 30 Æ’n<br />

40 phÛt, 3 l«n mÈt ngµy tı th¯<br />

hai Æ’n th¯ s∏u (trı th¯ ba), 4 l«n<br />

cho ngµy cuËi tu«n.<br />


Festival Di s∂n Qu∂ng Nam l«n<br />

th¯ VI sœ Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c vµo gi˜a<br />

th∏ng 6 Æ’n vÌi nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng<br />

mÌi lπ, Æ∆c sæc ÆÀm d†u †n x¯<br />

Qu∂ng. MÙc tiu kh´ng chÿ thu<br />

hÛt kh∏ch du lch mµ th´ng qua<br />

l‘ hÈi, nh˜ng th≠¨ng hi÷u nÊi<br />

ti’ng cÒa x¯ Qu∂ng sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

qu∂ng b∏ rÈng r∑i vÌi c∏c hoπt<br />

ÆÈng nh≠: tr◊nh di‘n nghi l‘ d˘ng<br />

c©y nu cÒa c∏c d©n tÈc thi”u sË<br />

Vi÷t Nam; ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n<br />

c∏c loπi h◊nh ngh÷ thuÀt truy“n<br />

thËng; tri”n l∑m, tr≠ng bµy h◊nh<br />

∂nh hi÷n vÀt giÌi thi÷u v“ vÔng<br />

Ɔt, con ng≠Íi, v®n h„a, du lch<br />

cÒa ÆÂng bµo c∏c d©n tÈc thi”u<br />

sË. MÈt Æi”m Æ∆c sæc n˜a trong<br />

tu«n l‘ Festival Di s∂n Qu∂ng<br />

Nam lµ cuÈc thi th∂ di“u quËc t’<br />

vÌi h¨n 100 ÆÈi Æ’n tı c∏c n≠Ìc<br />

Canada, NhÀt B∂n, Hoa K˙... di‘n<br />

ra tı ngµy 5 - 9/6 tπi b∑i bi”n An<br />

Bµng (TP HÈi An) vµ b∑i bi”n<br />

Tam Thanh (TP Tam K˙).<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

Khu du lch quËc t’ Tu«n Ch©u<br />

Hµ NÈi - Tu«n Ch©u Ecopark,<br />

tπi Æa phÀn x∑ Sµi S¨n, huy÷n<br />

QuËc Oai, c∏ch trung t©m Hµ<br />

NÈi 10km c„ b∑i bi”n nh©n tπo<br />

Æ≠Óc coi lµ lÌn nh†t ß´ng Nam<br />

É Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng ÆÛng<br />

k◊ nghÿ l‘ 30/4, 1/5 vıa qua. Ngay<br />

k“ bn ßπi lÈ Th®ng Long, hπt<br />

nh©n cÒa khu Æ´ th sinh th∏i<br />

Tu«n Ch©u Ecopark ch›nh lµ d˘<br />

∏n Tland Hanoi - Trung t©m vui<br />

ch¨i gi∂i tr›, nghÿ d≠Ïng thuÈc<br />

vµo loπi hi÷n Æπi nh†t mi“n Bæc<br />

vÌi c´ng vin n≠Ìc, c©u lπc bÈ<br />

bi”u di‘n c∏ heo, s≠ tˆ bi”n, khu<br />

»m th˘c, kh∏ch sπn, hÈi ngh hÈi<br />

th∂o...<br />

HÄN QUˇC<br />

Ngµy 27/4 vıa qua, TÊng cÙc<br />

Du lch Hµn QuËc tπi Vi÷t Nam,<br />

Trung t©m v®n h„a Hµn QuËc<br />

tπi Vi÷t Nam vµ BÈ N´ng nghi÷p<br />

Hµn QuËc Æ∑ tÊ ch¯c hÈi th∂o<br />

vµ tri”n l∑m ∂nh giÌi thi÷u du lch<br />

N´ng th´n Hµn QuËc tπi kh´ng<br />

gian tri”n l∑m thuÈc Trung t©m<br />

V®n h„a Hµn QuËc Hµ NÈi. Qua<br />

Æ„, BÈ N´ng nghi÷p vµ Ph∏t tri”n<br />

N´ng th´n muËn giÌi thi÷u v“ du<br />

lch n´ng th´n Hµn QuËc mÈt<br />

c∏ch Æa chi“u, Æa dπng vµ cÙ th”<br />

h¨n. ßÂng thÍi Æ≠a ra ph≠¨ng<br />

h≠Ìng ph∏t tri”n c∏c s∂n ph»m<br />

du lch n´ng th´n vµ ph≠¨ng ∏n<br />

qu∂ng b∏ Æ≠a du kh∏ch Æ’n g«n<br />

h¨n vÌi n´ng th´n Hµn QuËc<br />

nhªm n©ng cao hi÷u qu∂ mÎ rÈng<br />

qu∂ng b∏ du lch Hµn QuËc tπi<br />

th tr≠Íng ß´ng Nam É - mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng th tr≠Íng tr‰ng<br />

t©m nh†t cÒa du lch Hµn QuËc<br />

hi÷n tπi.<br />

VëNH HÑ LONG<br />

Dch vÙ chÃo thuy“n kayak Æ≠Óc<br />

bÊ sung vµo c∏c s∂n ph»m du lch<br />

trn vnh Hπ Long hoπt ÆÈng tı<br />

1/5, Î 8 tuy’n du lch gÂm c∏c<br />

khu v˘c Ba Hang, Hang LuÂn, HÂ<br />

ßÈng Tin, Hang Trinh N˜, VÙng<br />

TÔng S©u, Cˆa Vπn, V´ng Ving,<br />

CËng ß· vµ Hang C·. ß” Æ≠Óc<br />

phäp hoπt ÆÈng dch vÙ nµy, c∏c<br />

doanh nghi÷p ph∂i Æ∂m b∂o c∏c<br />

Æi“u ki÷n an toµn, Æ®ng k˝ vÌi<br />

c¨ quan c„ th»m quy“n vµ k˝<br />

hÓp ÆÂng vÌi Ban Qu∂n l˝ vnh<br />

Hπ Long.<br />

HÑ LONG<br />

Ngµy 29/4, TÀp Æoµn Sun Group<br />

Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng<br />

Typhoon Water Park - c´ng vin<br />

n≠Ìc hi÷n Æπi bÀc nh†t ß´ng<br />

Nam É trong qu«n th” vui ch¨i<br />

gi∂i tr› ƺng c†p quËc t’ Sun<br />

World Halong Complex tπi TP.<br />

Hπ Long (Qu∂ng Ninh). Typhoon<br />

Water Park hÈi tÙ 12 tr ch¨i<br />

d≠Ìi n≠Ìc ÆÈc Æ∏o, mÌi lπ hµng<br />

Æ«u th’ giÌi, mang tÌi thm mÈt<br />

Æi”m Æ’n gi∂i tr› ƺng c†p cho<br />

TP. Hπ Long. Ra mæt mÔa hÃ<br />

n®m <strong>2017</strong>, cÔng vÌi qu«n th” Sun<br />

World Ha Long Complex bao<br />

gÂm: c´ng vin chÒ Æ“ Dragon<br />

Park, c´ng vin n≠Ìc Typhoon<br />

Water Park, h÷ thËng c∏p treo<br />

hai k˚ lÙc th’ giÌi vµ vng quay<br />

M∆t trÍi...<br />

VIåT NAM<br />

Vıa qua, trang du lch Asia One<br />

Æ∑ gÓi ˝ 5 tr∂i nghi÷m mµ du<br />

kh∏ch Æam m mπo hi”m nh†t<br />

Ænh nn thˆ Î Ch©u É, trong<br />

Æ„ c„ hoπt ÆÈng l≠Ìt v∏n di“u Î<br />

MÚi Nä (Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn,<br />

Vi÷t Nam). N®m thin Æ≠Íng<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m mπo hi”m hi÷n Æ≠Óc<br />

trang Asia One nhæc tÌi ngoµi<br />

l≠Ìt v∏n di“u Î MÚi Nä cn c„<br />

nh∂y bungee Î Macau (Trung<br />

QuËc), chinh phÙc trπm Everest<br />

Base Camp Î Nepal, nh∂y dÔ<br />

trong nhµ Î Sentosa (Singapore)<br />

vµ l∆n ngæm san h´ Î Palawan<br />

(Philippines).<br />


Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ƺng c†p 5 sao The Anam nªm bn b∑i bi”n dµi tuy÷t Æãp cÒa Cam Ranh Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai<br />

tr≠¨ng cuËi th∏ng 4 vıa qua vÌi 117 villa, 96 phng kh∏ch, khu spa gÂm 10 phng tr li÷u vµ rπp chi’u phim 3D.<br />

The Anam lµ s˘ k’t hÓp tinh t’ gi˜a vŒ Æãp phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc Ph∏p cÊ Æi”n vµ vŒ duyn d∏ng tr«m m∆c mang<br />

h¨i thÎ truy“n thËng Vi÷t Nam, nÊi ln nh≠ mÈt Æi”m s∏ng cho l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng chuy’n Æi nghÿ d≠Ïng bi”n cao<br />

c†p g«n khu v˘c Nha Trang.<br />

138<br />




The Anam, a five-star resort<br />

located on Cam Ranh's long<br />

beautiful coastline, officially<br />

opened in late April. The<br />

resort has 117 villas, 96 living<br />

rooms, ten spa treatment<br />

rooms and a 3D theater. The<br />

Anam is a subtle combination<br />

of classic French architecture<br />

and Vietnamese charm,<br />

making it a great destination<br />

for tourists who are seeking<br />

premium sea resorts near Nha<br />

Trang.<br />


Gyeonghoeru Pavillion and<br />

Gyeongbokgung Royal Place<br />

is predicted to open and<br />

welcome tourists from April<br />

to October <strong>2017</strong>. From the<br />

second floor of this pavillion,<br />

tourists will be met with<br />

spectacular views of the palace<br />

in the east and the sensational<br />

Mount Inwangsang in the west.<br />

Cultural experts take tourists<br />

to see the premise for 30 - 40<br />

minutes, three times a day<br />

during week days (except<br />

Tuesday), and four times during<br />

weekends.<br />


On April 16 th , at Hon Tam<br />

tourist site in Nha Trang,<br />

Khanh Hoa, Hon Tam Nha<br />

Trang Joint Stock company<br />

officially opened its beach<br />

sports and entertainment<br />

center featuring games for<br />

tourists who are interested<br />

in exciting beach and water<br />

activities. One of these is a<br />

small watercraft called the<br />

Seabreacher, which can dive<br />

and spring out of water. It<br />

can be found nowhere else in<br />

Vietnam. The entertainment<br />

center also has other games<br />

and activities such as hang<br />

gliding for couples, flying<br />

canoes, water motorcycles, and<br />

kayaking. The 4-star resort and<br />

tourist site receives 800,000<br />

tourists annually who come to<br />

stay, relax, and enjoy the beach<br />

activities.<br />


On April 27 th , North Korea's<br />

General Department of<br />

Tourism in Vietnam, the<br />

Center for North Korea's<br />

Culture in Vietnam, and<br />

Korea's Ministy of Agriculture<br />

and Rural Development<br />

co-organized a workshop<br />

and photos exhibition to<br />

introduce North Korea's<br />

rural tourism the Center<br />

for Korean Culture, Hanoi.<br />

The Ministy of Agriculture<br />

and Rural Development<br />

expressed its desire to<br />

introduce rural tourism in a<br />

more comprehensive way to<br />

bring rural tourism of North<br />

Korea close to tourists, and<br />

to promote the country's rural<br />

tourism in Southeast Asia<br />

one of the key markets at the<br />

moment.<br />


Kayak tours have been added<br />

to travel itineraries in Halong<br />

Bay. They will begin operation<br />

on May 1 st on eight routes<br />

including Ba Hang, Hang Luon,<br />

Ho Dong Tien, Trinh Nu cave,<br />

Vung Tung sau, Cua Van, Vong<br />

Vieng, Cong Do and Hang<br />

Co. In order to operate those<br />

tours, enterprises must ensure<br />

safe conditions and register<br />

with competent authority as<br />

well as sign contracts with the<br />

Halong Bay Management board.<br />

HALONG<br />

On April 29 th , Sun Group<br />

officially opened Typhoon<br />

Water Park the newest water<br />

park in Southeast Asia, and<br />

an entertainment complex<br />

meeting international standards<br />

in Sun World Halong Complex<br />

in Halong city (Quang Ninh).<br />

Typhoon Water Park has<br />

12 unique water games.<br />

Other entertainment sites<br />

and theme parks like Dragon<br />

Park, Typhoon Water Park,<br />

a record-breaking cable<br />

system, and a sunwheel will be<br />

introduced in summer <strong>2017</strong>.<br />


Recently, tourism website<br />

Asia One has suggested five<br />

experiences that adventurous<br />

tourists must take part in.<br />

This includes kite surfing in<br />

Mui Ne (Phan Thiet, Binh<br />

Thuan, Vietnam). The other<br />

four experiences are bungee<br />

jumping in Macau (China),<br />

conquering the Everest Base<br />

Camp in Nepal, indoor hang<br />

gliding in Sentosa (Singapore)<br />

and diving and seeing coral<br />

reefs in Palawan (Philippines).<br />

HANOI<br />

International tourist site<br />

Tuan Chau Hanoi-Tuan<br />

Chau Ecopark, in Sai Son<br />

commune, Quoc Oai district<br />

is 10 kilometers from the<br />

Hanoi city center. The biggest<br />

manmade beach in Southeast<br />

Asia officially opened in Hanoi<br />

during the April 30 th - May 1 st ,<br />

<strong>2017</strong> holiday weekend. Situated<br />

right on Thang Long Avenue,<br />

the core of Tuan Chau Ecopark<br />

is the Tland Hanoi project, the<br />

newest entertainment center<br />

and resort in the North, which<br />

has a manmade beach, water<br />

park, clubs with dolphins,<br />

sea lion performances, a<br />

food center, hotels, and a<br />

conference and meeting hall.<br />


Quang Nam's 6 th Heritage Festival will<br />

take place in mid-June with many new<br />

activities. The objective of the festival is<br />

not only to attract toursts but also to<br />

popularize Quang Nam's famous brands<br />

through various activities such as setting<br />

the neu tree by Vietnam's ethnic groups,<br />

performing traditional art, and exhibiting<br />

displays introducing the ethnic people's<br />

land and culture. One featured activity<br />

of the Quang Nam Heritage Festival is<br />

the international kite flying competition,<br />

which involves more than 100 teams<br />

from Canada, Japan, and the USA. The<br />

competition lasts from June 5 th - 9 th An<br />

Bang Beach (Hoi An) and Tam Thanh<br />

Beach (Tam Ky city).<br />

Updated information about new<br />

flight routes, culture programs,<br />

tourism policies, ranking &<br />

awards... in Vietnam and other<br />

countries<br />


In late April, the first straight flight from Da Nang to Dong Hoi was completed at Dong Hoi, Quang Binh<br />

airport. The non-stop route from Da Nang to Quang Binh is offered by Hai Au airline, using a USA-made<br />

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B-EX. The carrier has 14 seats with life savers, and can travel on both land<br />

and sea with high flexibility. Customers are also offered rental or flight packages to more than 20 places<br />

nationwide. It is projected that in <strong>2017</strong> and 2018, the airline will continue to reach more routes to Ninh<br />

Binh, Nha Trang and elsewhere.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 139

HÄ NóI<br />

TEL CODE:04<br />




Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750.<br />

Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com<br />

Æ” c„ thm th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o<br />

For further information, please contact: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750.<br />

*Or visit www.vntravellive.com<br />

for advertising information<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

(Telephone Code: 04)<br />




(29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3843 0245)<br />

KOREA<br />

(Daeha Building, 360 Kim M∑ *Tel:<br />

3831 5110)<br />

USA<br />

(7 L∏ng Hπ, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3850<br />

5000)<br />


(43 - 45 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49)<br />


(41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3848 9168)<br />


(63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3823 5092)<br />




TAXIS<br />










TURKEY<br />

(Floor 14, HCO Building,<br />

44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3822 2460)<br />



(Unit 801, East Wing, Lotte<br />

Center Hanoi - 54 Lieu Giai<br />

*Tel: 3946 0404 *Website: www.<br />

hongkongairlines.com.)<br />


(1st Floor, Crowne Plaza West<br />

Hanoi - 36 L ߯c Th‰, M¸ ß◊nh<br />

*Website: www.jal.com)<br />

EVA AIR<br />

(Unit 15.02, 15th Floor, Corner<br />

Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh<br />

*Tel: 3936 1600 ~ 02 *Website:<br />

www.evaair.com)<br />


(200 Nguy‘n S¨n, BÂ ß“, Long<br />

Bin *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website:<br />

http://www.vietnamairlines.com)<br />



(70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3828 0702 *Websitel: www.buffalotours.com)<br />


(1 st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 )<br />


BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A -<br />


(7 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan<br />

Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370<br />

*Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367)<br />

(113C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho<br />

Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38<br />

66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76<br />

(45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (84-<br />

54)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax:<br />

(84-54) 393 44 57)<br />

TAXIS<br />


( Tel: 04 3257 5757 Website:<br />

www.thanhcongtaxi.vn)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(47 Kim ßÂng, Gi∏p B∏t, Hoµng<br />

Mai *Tel: 3822 2666 *3861 6161<br />

*Website: http://www.mailinh.vn)<br />



(6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831<br />

3333 *Website: www.fortuna.vn)<br />



(1A Nghi Tµm, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 6270 8888 *Website:<br />

http://www.intercontinental.com)<br />


Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ yn<br />

t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ<br />

nh©n vin th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh<br />

sœ khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t<br />

vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng<br />

nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n<br />

nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ<br />

hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i<br />

vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ.<br />

Located in the old tranquil French<br />

Quarter, La Casa Hotel with the<br />

friendly and enthusiasm will make<br />

you feel like being home. 84<br />

rooms, 4 apartments with modern<br />

design and amenities, and our system<br />

of restaurants, bar, gym, pool<br />

and spa will bring you memorable<br />

experiences.<br />

(17 Pham Dinh Ho St., Hai Ba<br />

Trung Dist., Hanoi * Tel: 6656<br />

<strong>05</strong>60 * Email: info@lacasahotel.vn,<br />

Website: www.lacasahotel.com.vn)<br />


(54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3333<br />

6016 *Website: www.lottecenter.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(1 Thanh Nin, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3823 8888 *Website:<br />

www.panpacific.com/en/hotelsresorts/vietnam/hanoi)<br />


(K5 Nghi Tµm, 11 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y<br />

HÂ *Tel: 3719 9000 *Website:<br />

www.sheratonhanoi.com)<br />



(7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www.<br />

bluebirdwine.com)<br />

C•M VIåT<br />

(63 Phπm HÂng Th∏i<br />

*Tel: 3927 5920)<br />


(22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/<br />

0904 885 414)<br />


(No 18, Lane 50/59/17 ß∆ng<br />

Thai Mai, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 8585<br />

1443)<br />


(16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ,<br />

*Tel: 3719 2828)<br />

LONG ßçNH<br />

(64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3942 9168)<br />


(199A Nghi Tµm, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3719 3170 *Website:<br />

http://ngonhaisan.vn)<br />


(34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi<br />

*Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Hot line:<br />

0916 018 535 *Website: www.<br />

homerestaurant.vn)<br />

140<br />


KOTO<br />

(59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa<br />

*Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http://<br />

www.koto.com.au)<br />

NHÄ 9NKC<br />

9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m,<br />

Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website:<br />

www.nha.coffee)<br />


(No 10, Tong Duy Tan Str, Hoan<br />

Kiem District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam<br />

*Tel: (+84) 4.32212222 *Email:<br />

yen.le@ngonvilla.com *Website:<br />

www.ngonvilla.com)<br />


(28 Tang Bat Ho Str - Hai Ba<br />

Trung Dist - Hanoi - Vietnam<br />

*Mail: info@maisonvie.vn *Tel:+84<br />

3633 0206 *hotline: 0904 150<br />

383 *http://www.maisonvie.vn)<br />

PHô 24<br />

(31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 1812 *Website:<br />

http://pho24.com.vn)<br />


(10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288<br />

*Website: http://www.original.vn/<br />

webapp/home.php)<br />

POTS 'N PANS<br />

(57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng<br />

*Tel: 3944 0204)<br />

QUÉN °N NGON<br />

26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133<br />

*Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email:<br />

ngonhanoi@vnn.vn)<br />


(66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04<br />

3266 8888)<br />

S` BUFFET<br />

(64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ<br />

NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website:<br />

www.subuffet.vn)<br />



*3 th Floor * THE KITCHEN BBQ<br />

BUFFET, 5 th Floor* COFFEE CLUB<br />

CAF– RESTAURANT, 4 th Floor / 3B<br />

Le Thai To, Hoan Kiem *Tel: 3938<br />

1168 / 0919 293 949)<br />


(19 Ng´ V®n SÎ, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3944 6317, website: www.verticalehanoi.com)<br />



(2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 1494)<br />


(6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 0444)<br />


(45 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem<br />

*Tel: 3936 8349 Website: www.<br />

vpresso.vn)<br />


(23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3828 8820)<br />


(59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 0888)<br />


(38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 5368)<br />

THE KAFE<br />

(18 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh,<br />

*Tel: 37476245 *Website:www.<br />

thekafe.vn)<br />


& TEA LEAF<br />

(28 Thanh Nin, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3715 4240 *Website:<br />

http://www.coffeebean.com)<br />


(Floor 19, Pacific Place<br />

Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901)<br />



(250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3978 5407 *Website:<br />

http://amadoraspa.vn/vn/howto-spa.html)<br />


SAGE<br />

(71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Hotline: 0932 391 888)<br />


(42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6116 *Website:<br />

http://www.anamqtspa.com)<br />


(44 L Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng<br />

*Tel: 2220 6788 *Website:<br />

http://aqmspa.vn)<br />


(Add: 68 Nguy‘n Du - Hµ NÈi<br />

*Hotline: 0868 038 080 *Email:<br />

info@deaura.com.vn)<br />


(51 Xu©n Di÷u, Q. T©y HÂ *Tel: 04<br />

3718 6281 *T«ng 4 IPH Shopping<br />

Center 241 Xu©n ThÒy, Q. C«u<br />

Gi†y *Tel: 04 3788 6688 *25 L˝<br />

Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Q. Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04<br />

3828 8888 *T«ng 6 th∏p C Vincom<br />

Center 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Q. Hai Bµ<br />

Tr≠ng *Tel: 04 3974 9191 *T«ng<br />

3 ta A Th®ng Long Number One<br />

sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, Q. Nam<br />

Tı Lim *Tel: 04 7306 6655 *T«ng<br />

6 Vincom Center 54A Nguy‘n Ch›<br />

Thanh, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307<br />

8889 *T«ng 7 Vincom Center 2B<br />

Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, Q. ßËng ßa<br />

*Tel: 04 7307 9898)<br />


(T«ng 5 TTTM H G≠¨m Plaza,<br />

Tr«n PhÛ, Hµ ß´ng *Tel: 04 73<strong>05</strong><br />

5858 *T«ng 2 Berriver Long Bin,<br />

390 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, quÀn Long Bin<br />

*Tel: 04 7302 6696)<br />


(65B T´ Hi’n Thµnh, Hai Bµ<br />

Tr≠ng *Tel: 6282 8588 *Website:<br />

http://vansenspa.vn)<br />

ZEN SPA<br />

(100 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3719 9889)<br />



(17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ<br />

NÈi *Tel: 3825 1950 *Website:<br />

http://www.citibank. com.vn)<br />


198 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 3137 *Website: http://<br />

www.vietcombank.com.vn)<br />



(27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 6270 0479 *Website:<br />

http://www.carat.vn/)<br />


(23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www.<br />

casadoriente.com)<br />


(43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel:<br />

3733 6101 *website: www.<br />

craftlink-vietnam.com)<br />

IPA NIMA<br />

(73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3933 4000 *Website:<br />

http://ipa-nima.com)<br />

SˇNG<br />

(27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3928 8733)<br />

T¢N M≤ DESIGN<br />

(61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 1154 *Website:<br />

http://www.tanmydesign.com)<br />


(110 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 19<strong>05</strong> *Website:<br />

http://tranhtheuxq.com/vi/)<br />



MUSEUM<br />

(SË 2, Phπm HÔng, M‘ Tr◊, Tı Lim,<br />

Hµ NÈi *Tel: 6287 0604 *Website:<br />

baotanghanoi.com.vn)<br />

BÅO TÄNG H¤ CHê MINH -<br />


(19 Ng∏ch 158/193 Ng‰c Hµ, ßÈi<br />

C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3846<br />

3757)<br />

BÅO TÄNG PH| N~ VIåT<br />


MUSEUM<br />

(36 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµng Bµi, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 9129<br />

*Website: baotangphunu.org.vn)<br />

CHú ߤNG XU¢N - DONG<br />

XUAN MARKET (ßÂng Xu©n,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi)<br />

CHùA MóT CóT - ONE PIL-<br />


(ChÔa MÈt CÈt, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh,<br />

Hµ NÈi)<br />

CHùA TRƒN QUˇC - TRAN<br />


(Thanh Nin, TrÛc Bπch, Ba ß◊nh,<br />

Hµ NÈi)<br />

CON ßòNG GˇM S` - HA-<br />


(HÂng Hµ, †p Thπnh Vinh, PhÛc X∏,<br />

Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)<br />


NOLOGY<br />

(Nguy‘n V®n Huyn Street, C«u<br />

Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website:<br />

http://www.vme.org.vn)<br />



(1 Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3824 2433 *Website: http://<br />

www.baotanglichsu.vn)<br />



(6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http://<br />

www.vnfam.vn/)<br />



(Add: SË 27 CÊ Linh, Long Bin,<br />

Hµ NÈi *http://aeonmall-long-bien.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng<br />

*Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http://<br />

vincomshoppingmall.com/vi-VN/VincomCenterBaTrieu)<br />


(24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m,<br />

Hµ NÈi)<br />



Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3961<br />

*Website: http://citimart.com.vn<br />


(22 - 32 L Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3825 6148 *Website: http://<br />

www.intimexna.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 141

HCMC<br />

TEL CODE:08<br />




Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750.<br />

Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com<br />

Æ” c„ thm th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o<br />

For further information, please contact: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750.<br />

*Or visit www.vntravellive.com<br />

for advertising information<br />

TP. HCM<br />

(Telephone Code: 08)<br />



KOREA<br />

(107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1<br />

*Tel: 38225757)<br />

USA<br />

(4 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3520 4610)<br />

LAOS<br />

(93 Pasteur, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 7667)<br />


(2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1<br />

*Tel: 382 99023)<br />

JAPAN<br />

(261 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, District 3<br />

*Tel: 3933 3510)<br />

RUSSIA<br />

(40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan,<br />

District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)<br />




TAXIS<br />










FRANCE<br />

(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District<br />

3 *Tel: 3520 6800)<br />


(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh,<br />

Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District<br />

*Tel: 3518 0045)<br />


(Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L<br />

LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173)<br />


(77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3<br />

*Tel: 3932 7637)<br />



(34 L Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824<br />

2878 *Website: https://www.<br />

koreanair.com)<br />


(Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building,<br />

1- 5 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 3888 *Website:<br />

http://www.qatarairways.com)<br />


(Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L Lai,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website:<br />

http://www.turkishairlines.com)<br />



(130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District<br />

1*Tel: 3838 9944 *www.ginkgovoyage.com<br />



(45 L Th∏nh T´n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http://<br />

www.saigontourist.net)<br />



(27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ<br />

L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988<br />

*Email: chris@viet4mua.vn/ hieu.<br />

chrisnguyentim@me.com *Website:<br />

www.viet4mua.vn)<br />

TAXIS<br />

TAXI 27/7<br />

(153 X´ Vi’t Ngh÷ T‹nh, Ward<br />

17, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3962<br />

0620 *Website: http://www.27-7.<br />

com.vn/home/index.html)<br />



(19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website:<br />

http://www.caravellehotel.com)<br />


(3C Ton Duc Thang, District 1, Ho<br />

Chi Minh, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 8<br />

6263 6688) *Website: lemeridiensaigon.com)<br />



(59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM<br />

*Tel: 3822 5678)<br />



(17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1,<br />

TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717)<br />


(76 L Lai, District 1*Tel: 3822<br />

8888 *Website: http://www.saigon.<br />

newworldhotels.com<br />


(117 L Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 08<br />

3829 5368 *Fax: 08 3829 3415<br />

*Email: info@norfolkhotel.com.vn<br />

*Website: www.norfolkhotel.com.vn<br />



(242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5,<br />

HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email:<br />

info@hcm.equatorial.com *www.<br />

equatorial.com)<br />


(309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi Str,<br />

Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: +84 8<br />

3842 1111)<br />


(133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chinh,<br />

Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256<br />

9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000<br />

*Website: www.alcovehotel.com.vn)<br />



(8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP.HCM<br />

*Tel: 84 8 3822 0033)<br />


*18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp.<br />

HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688<br />

*Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: services@<br />

windsorplazahotel.com)<br />

142<br />





(238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820<br />

7157 *Website: www.aulacdobrazil.<br />

com)<br />


(242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5<br />

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Tel:<br />

3839 7777, ext. 8000 *Email:<br />

dine@hcm.equatorial.com)<br />


(197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o,<br />

Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website:<br />

www.thegoodmorningvietnam.com)<br />


(26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3<br />

* Tel: 3930 8421)<br />


(23 T´n ߯c Thæng, B’n Nghä, Q1,<br />

Tp HCM *Tel: 6299 1304 - 0906<br />

018 007)<br />


(11A Ng´ V®n N®m,<br />

District 1*Tel: 3822 9783)<br />


(13 - 15 - 17 ßÂng KhÎi, Dist.1 *Tel:<br />

3829 6676)<br />


(311 Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh<br />

District, HCMC *Tel: 08 3842 1111<br />

* www.parkroyalhotels.com/saigon.)<br />

PHô 24<br />

(5 Nguy‘n Thi÷p, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3822 6278 *Website:<br />

http://pho24.com.vn)<br />


(160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel:<br />

(+84-8) 3827 7131 *Fax: (+84-8)<br />

3827 7127 *Email: info@<br />

quananngon.com)<br />

QUÉN NGON 138<br />

138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn<br />

1, T.p HÂ Ch› Minh *Tel: (08) 38<br />

279 666 / (08) 38 257 179 *Email:<br />

ngon138@saigonkhanhnguyen.vn<br />

*Website: www.quanngon138.com)<br />


(Floor 1, 73 Mπc Th B≠Îi,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 3824 5671)<br />


(1 st Floor, Norfolk Mansion, 17-19-<br />

21 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3823<br />

2221 *Website: www.shangpalace.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(Add: 200A Ly Tu Trong Street,<br />

District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: 08 6284 1188 *Hotline: 0124<br />

668 7354 *Facebook: Sushi Tei<br />

Vietnam)<br />


TÀp hÓp h¨n 300 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng<br />

cÒa 5 n“n »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Ch©u É<br />

lµ Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n, Trung Hoa,<br />

Th∏i Lan vµ Vi÷t Nam d≠Ìi cÔng<br />

mÈt m∏i nhµ.<br />

Home to more than 300 signature<br />

dishes of 5 renowned Asian culinary<br />

cultures: Korea, Japan, China, Thailand<br />

and Vietnam.<br />

(Saigon Garden, 99 Nguy‘n Hu÷,<br />

Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3821 3821,<br />

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ngonasia)<br />



(T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76 L Lai, Q.1,<br />

TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website:<br />

www.chillsaigon.com)<br />


(Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon,<br />

56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District<br />

*Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http://<br />

www.palacesaigon.com)<br />


(6 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 5180)<br />


(Add: 190 - 192 De Tham Street,<br />

District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: 08 3920 3047 *Hotline: 0124<br />

668 7354 *Website: www.magnoliakitchen.com<br />

*Facebook: Magnolia<br />

Kitchen & Cafe)<br />


(28 L LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3954<br />

*Website: saxrnart.com)<br />


(97 S≠¨ng Nguy÷t Énh, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3925 0388)<br />



(26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http://<br />

www.annamspa.vn/vn)<br />


(Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu,<br />

Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847<br />

9964 *3847 9295)<br />


(74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, P Da Kao,<br />

Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809<br />

*Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website:<br />

www.shapeline.com.vn<br />


(72 Trµn Quang Kh∂i, P.T©n ßnh,<br />

Dist.1 *Tel: 3910 5575 *Website:<br />

http://www.spatropic.com/)<br />


(T«ng L3 Shopping Mall, Vincom<br />

ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L Th∏nh T´n &<br />

45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, P. B’n Nghä<br />

Q.1 *Tel: 08 7307 9899 *T«ng 3,<br />

Vincom Mega Mall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ<br />

NÈi, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2 *Tel: 08<br />

7303 9888)<br />


ANZ<br />

(39 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http://<br />

www.anz.com/vietnam)<br />


(8 Floor, Vincom Center, 72 L<br />

Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, B’n<br />

Nghä Ward, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 0<strong>05</strong>6<br />

*Website: http://www.eximbank.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www.<br />

saigonbank.com.vn)<br />


(Floor 1, Sµi Gn Center Building -<br />

37 T´n ߯c Thæng, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3911 0000 *Website: http://<br />

www.standardchartered.com.vn)<br />


(10 V‚ V®n Ki÷t, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 7245 *Website: http://<br />

www.vcbhcm.com.vn)<br />



(50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http://<br />

www.apricotgallery.com.vn)<br />


(9 ß´ng Du, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3822 2394 *Website: http://<br />

www.anupa.net)<br />


(47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www.<br />

saigonartisan.com)<br />


(1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3925 1495)<br />


(Tel 0909 66 22 31 *www.Hoang-<br />

GiaPearl.com)<br />

IPA NIMA<br />

(77 - 79 ßÂng KhÎi, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http://<br />

ipa-nima.com)<br />


(132 L Th∏nh T´n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 3847 *Website:<br />

www.kenlysilk.com)<br />


(81 & 107 ßÂng KhÎi, District1<br />

*Tel: 3822 2856 *3829 1146<br />

*Website: http://khaisilkcorp.com/<br />

khaicravat/shopping.html)<br />


(98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www.<br />

mosaiquedecoration.com)<br />


(41 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http://<br />

www.huongngafinearts.vn/)<br />


(129B L Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http://<br />

vietnamartist.com/index.aspx)<br />


(114 L LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493<br />

*Website: http://tdtc.com.vn)<br />



(28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3)<br />


(7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.)<br />


TORY<br />

(2 Nguy‘n Bÿnh Khim, District 1)<br />


(97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1)<br />


(65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1)<br />



(34 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3825 7750)<br />


(35Bis, 45 L Th∏nh T´n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 7636)<br />


(65 L LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 )<br />


(171 ßÂng KhÎi & 116 Nguy‘n<br />

Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999<br />

*Website:vincomshoppingmall.com)<br />


(72 L Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘<br />

Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: vincomshoppingmall.com<br />



(16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District<br />

& 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel:<br />

3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website:<br />

www.annam-gourmet.com)<br />


(L LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 143

CÉC<br />

THÄNH PHˇ<br />

DU LëCH<br />

KHÉC<br />




Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750.<br />

Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com<br />

Æ” c„ thm th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o<br />

For further information, please contact: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 116 750.<br />

*Or visit www.vntravellive.com<br />

for advertising information<br />

SAPA (Telephone Code: 020)<br />



(010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http://<br />

www.sunnymountainhotel.com)<br />


(Sapa District, Lao Cai Province,<br />

Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522<br />

*Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email:<br />

resa.sapa@victoriahotels.asia<br />

*www.victoriahotels.asia)<br />



(23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3871 556)<br />


(31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3871 064)<br />


(51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3871 438)<br />




TAXIS<br />











39 Xu©n Vin, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel:<br />

3871 019)<br />



(31 Xu©n Vin, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel:<br />

3872 606 *Website: http://vietdiscovery.com)<br />


(68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel:<br />

6523 172 *Website: http://sapastar.com)<br />

HÅI PHíNG - CÉT BÄ<br />

(Telephone Code: 031)<br />



RESORT & SPA<br />

(C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686<br />

*Website: http://catbaislandresortspa.com)<br />


(Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888<br />

*Website: http://www.dosonresorthotel.com.vn)<br />


ߤ S•N TOURISM<br />

(Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330<br />

*Website: http://dosontourism.com/)<br />



(111-113-115 L Lai, M∏y Chai,<br />

Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679<br />

*Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www.<br />

viet4mua.vn)<br />


(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L Ch©n<br />

*Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http://<br />

dulichhaiphong.com.vn/)<br />


CHEN<br />

(204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng<br />

Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)<br />


(Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel:<br />

3887 151 *Website: http://www.<br />

greenmango.vn/)<br />

TR@C L¢M<br />

(3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng<br />

*Tel: 3733 833)<br />

TAXIS<br />

ߤ S•N<br />

(SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng<br />

*Tel: 3864 864)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc<br />

B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833<br />

*Website: http://www.mailinh.vn)<br />



(11 Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel:<br />

3822 034 *Website: http://www.<br />

vietcombank.com.vn/)<br />

ACB<br />

(69 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, HÂng Bµng<br />

*Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www.<br />

acbbank.com.vn)<br />


(5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865<br />

*Website: www.techcombank.com.vn)<br />


CHú S¿T<br />

(Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng)<br />


(23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel:<br />

3746 858 *Website: http://www.<br />

intimexco.com)<br />


(1/20A L HÂng Phong, Ng´<br />

Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website:<br />

http://www.parkson.com.vn/)<br />

NINH BçNH<br />

(Telephone Code: 030)<br />



(ßinh ßi“n, ß´ng Thµnh, Ninh<br />

B◊nh *Tel: 3889 979 *Website:<br />

thereedhotel.com)<br />


NINH<br />

(Telephone Code: 0203)<br />



(8 Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y<br />

*Tel: 3845 810 *Website: http://<br />

www.halongplaza.com)<br />


(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y<br />

*Tel: 3848108 *Website: http://<br />

www.novotelhalong.com)<br />



(Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh<br />

*Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http://<br />

www.tuanchauholidayvilla-halong.com)<br />

Legend Halong<br />


HALONG<br />

(No. 12 Ha Long Street, Bai Chay<br />

Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh<br />

Province *Tel: (+84)-33-3636555<br />

*Website: www.wyndhamhalong.com)<br />

144<br />




(T«ng 3 Vincom Plaza Hπ Long, P.<br />

Bπch ߪng, TP. Hπ Long *Tel: 033<br />

3841 166)<br />


¢U C•<br />

(Hanoi Sales Office: 47<br />

Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3933 4545 *Website: http://www.<br />

aucocruises.com)<br />


(Head Office: Townhouse B14,<br />

Tuan Chau Marina, Halong, Quang<br />

Ninh, Vietnam *Tel: 6281 888 *Fax:<br />

6281 666 *Hanoi Office: 20 th Floor,<br />

VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba<br />

Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam *Tel:<br />

04 2220 8686 *Fax: 04 2220 8689<br />

*Email: info@aphroditecruises.com<br />

*Website: www.aphroditecruises.com)<br />


(Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A<br />

L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04.<br />

3926 4009 *Website: http://www.<br />

halongcalypsocruise.com)<br />


Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A<br />

L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04.<br />

3926 4009 *Website: http://www.<br />

orientalsails.com)<br />


(Hanoi Sales Office: 81C L˝ Nam<br />

ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747<br />

8006 *Website: http://www.halongphoenixcruiser.com)<br />


(Room 201, Hanoi Tower - 49 Hai<br />

Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi<br />



(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3847 591)<br />


(Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long<br />

*Tel: 3845 913)<br />

TAXIS<br />

THÄNH C§NG<br />

(Tel: 3675 757)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266)<br />



(Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844<br />

749 *Website: http://vietcombank.<br />

com.vn)<br />

BIDV<br />

(Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai<br />

*Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://bidv.<br />

com.vn)<br />

HóI AN<br />

(Telephone Code: <strong>05</strong>10)<br />



(1 Pham Hong Thai Street, Hoi An<br />

City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: +84 510 391 4555 *Fax: +84<br />

510 391 4515 *Email: hoian@<br />

anantara.com)<br />


(Group 6, Block T©n Thnh, C»m<br />

An Ward *Tel: 3939 111 *Website:<br />

http://www.boutiquehoianresort.com)<br />


(SË 10, Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, HÈi An,<br />

Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam *Tel:<br />

3861 445 *Fax: 3861 636 *Email:<br />

reservation@hoianhotel.com.vn<br />

*Website: www.hoianhotel.com.vn)<br />


(SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi<br />

An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam<br />

*Tel: 392 7011 *Fax: 392 7019<br />

*Email: reservation@hoianbeachresort.com.vn<br />

*Website: www.<br />

hoianbeachresort.com.vn)<br />

LOTUS HóI AN<br />

(330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770<br />

*Website: http://hoianlotushotel.com/)<br />


& SPA HOI AN<br />

(Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach<br />

*Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http://<br />

www.palmgardenresort.com.vn/)<br />


(01 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Cam<br />

Nam, Hoi An *Tel: <strong>05</strong>10 3862<br />

628 *Email: info@phohoiresort.com<br />

*Website: www.phohoiresort.com)<br />


RESORT<br />

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777<br />

*Website: http://www.<br />

sunrisehoian.vn)<br />



(Thanh Nin Road, Cˆa ßπi<br />

*Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http://<br />

www.goldensandresort-spa.com.vn)<br />


(ƒp 1, ßi÷n D≠¨ng, ßi÷n Bµn *Tel:<br />

3940 000 *Website: http://www.<br />

thenamhai.com/)<br />


(39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An<br />

*Tel: <strong>05</strong>103 950 777)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040<br />

*Website: http://www.victoriahotels.<br />

asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa)<br />



(10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo<br />

*Tel: 3910 911 *Website: http://<br />

www.hoiantravel.com/)<br />



(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199<br />

*Website: http://www.heavengardenres.com/vn)<br />



(11 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c<br />

*Tel: 3910 369 *Website: http://<br />

hoiansakura.com)<br />


(Down the alley next to 60 L LÓi<br />

*Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http://<br />

secretgardenhoian.com/)<br />

SEN<br />

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 252<br />

*Website: http://nhahangsenhoian.vn)<br />




(101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922<br />

*Website: http://www.hoianfullmoontowns.com)<br />

TAM TAM CAF–<br />

(110 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel:<br />

3862 212 *Website: http://www.<br />

tamtamcafe-hoian.com)<br />

TAXIS<br />

HóI AN<br />

(193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u<br />

*Tel: 3919 919)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy<br />

Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292<br />

*Website: http://www.mailinh.vn)<br />



(4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340<br />

*Website: http://www.vietinbank.vn)<br />




(10B Tr«n H≠ng ßπo)<br />


& CULTURE<br />

(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945)<br />


(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3911 382)<br />



(149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535)<br />


É ß§NG SILK<br />

(62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59)<br />

L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@<br />

(65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996)<br />

MóC KIM B¤NG<br />

(C»m Kim *Tel: 3934 282)<br />


(23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c<br />

*Tel: 3911 872 *Website: http://<br />

tranhtheuxq.com)<br />

ßÄ NøNG<br />

(Telephone Code: 0236)<br />



(Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap<br />

Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str,<br />

Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: 3<br />

959 555 *Fax: 3 959 555 *Web:<br />

www.alacarteliving.com *Email:<br />

reservation-dn@alacarteliving.com)<br />


& SPA<br />

(Bai Dai Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon<br />

City, Vietnam *Tel: +84 (0) 56<br />

3840 132 *Email:quynhon@avanihotels.com)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Tr≠Íng Sa Street, Hoµ H∂i,<br />

NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel:<br />

3981234 *Website: danang.<br />

regency.hyatt.com)<br />


(Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu M¸, NgÚ Hµnh<br />

S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website:<br />

http://www.fusionmaiadanang.com)<br />



(B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888<br />

*Website: www.danang.intercontinental.com/)<br />


(252 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Son<br />

Tra Dist *Tel: 3778 888 *Website:<br />

www.grandtourandehotel.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 145

OTHER<br />

CITIES<br />


BEACH<br />

(V‚ Nguyn Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel:<br />

3919 777 *Website: www.fusionsuitesdanangbeach.com)<br />


(99 V‚ Nguyn Gi∏p, quÀn<br />

NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel:<br />

391 9999 *Fax: 391 9998<br />

*Website: www.premier-villagedanang.com)<br />


RESORT<br />

(V‚ Nguyn Gi∏p Street, NgÚ<br />

Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website:<br />

www.pullman-danang.com)<br />


HOTEL<br />

(Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of<br />

Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website:<br />

http://www.accorhotels.com/7821)<br />



(36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel:<br />

3929 999 *Website: http://www.<br />

novotel-danang-premier.com)<br />


(V‚ Nguyn Gæp, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n,<br />

ßµ NΩng *Tel: <strong>05</strong>11 3847 333<br />

*Website: www.furamavietnam.com)<br />




TAXIS<br />




SPAS<br />







RESORT<br />

(21 Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, ßµ NΩng<br />

*Tel: 3961 777 *Website: http://<br />

www.centarahotelsresorts.com/cdv/<br />

cdv_default.asp.UN_s9OSIHwM)<br />



(Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng<br />

Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website:<br />

http://www.asianatravelmate.com)<br />

TAXIS<br />

S§NG HÄN<br />

(37/1 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u<br />

*Tel: 3719 258)<br />


TR@C L¢M VI£N<br />

(8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582<br />

428 *Website: http://truclamvien.<br />

com.vn/)<br />

SPA<br />


(Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng -<br />

Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh<br />

S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website:<br />

http://www.vincharmspa.com)<br />



(244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh<br />

*Tel: 3650 118 *Website: http://<br />

www.techcombank.com.vn)<br />




(No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hin, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 3470 114 *Website:<br />

http://www.chammuseum.danang.vn)<br />


(24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website:<br />

http://www.baotangdanang.vn)<br />



(176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)<br />

HU⁄<br />

(Telephone Code: 0234)<br />



(ThuÀn An Town, PhÛ Vang<br />

*Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http://<br />

www.anamandarahue-resort.com)<br />


(12 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, TP. Hu’<br />

*Tel: 3839 998 *Website: www.<br />

albahotels.com.vn)<br />


(1<strong>05</strong>A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’<br />

*Tel: 393 6666 - Fax: 393 6555<br />

*Email: info@indochinepalace.com<br />

*Website: www.indochinepalace.<br />

com)<br />


& SPA<br />

(5 L LÓi, TP Hu’ *Tel: 383 7475<br />

*Website: www.laresidence-hue.com<br />



(49 L LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: ( 3823390<br />

*Website: http://www.centuryriversidehue.com)<br />


(8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel:<br />

3882 222 *Website: http://www.<br />

imperial-hotel.com.vn/)<br />


(Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688<br />

*Website: http://www.vedanalagoon.com/)<br />


CUNG ßçNH<br />

(3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ<br />

*Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http://<br />

www.royalpark.com.vn/)<br />

TèNH GIA VI£N<br />

(7/28 L Th∏nh T´n & 50 PhÛ<br />

MÈng, Kim Long *Tel: 3522 243<br />

& 3510 644 *Website: http://www.<br />

tinhgiavien.com.vn/)<br />


(5 L LÓi, TP. Hu’<br />

*Tel: <strong>05</strong>4 3837 475)<br />

TAXIS<br />

THÄNH C§NG<br />

(Tel: 357 5757)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(Tel: 3898 989)<br />


VIB<br />

(51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh<br />

*Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http://<br />

www.vib.com.vn)<br />


(78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 3811 900<br />

Website: http://www.vietcombank.<br />

com.vn)<br />



(Hµ Kh, H≠¨ng Long)<br />


(Telephone Code: <strong>05</strong>8)<br />



(Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel:<br />

384 7333 *Website: www.anlamnvb.com)<br />



(38 Tr«n PhÛ Boulevard, LÈc Th‰<br />

*Tel: 388 9999 *Website: www.<br />

havanahotel.vn)<br />



(Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh,<br />

Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam<br />

*Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Website:<br />

www.rivieraresortspa.com)<br />




WAVES<br />

(Add: Hon Tam Island, Vinh<br />

Nguyen, Nha Trang)<br />


(Add: SË 2 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, LÈc<br />

Th‰, Nha Trang<br />



(32-34 Tran Phu Street, Nha<br />

Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province,<br />

Vietnam *Telephone: 3737 222<br />

*Email: reservation@thecostanhatrang.com)<br />


HOTEL & SPA<br />

(12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999<br />

*Website: http://www.sunrisenhatrang.com.vn/)<br />



(Tel:+84 58 3524 268 *Email:<br />

reservations-ninhvan@sixsenses.com)<br />



(Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel:<br />

352 1948 *Website: http://www.<br />

louisianebrewhouse.com.vn/)<br />


GUAVA<br />

(34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp<br />

*Tel: 3526 197 *Website: http://<br />

www.guava.vn/)<br />

146<br />



(90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰<br />

*Tel: 3524 351)<br />

TAXIS<br />


(*Tel: 381 8181)<br />


(46 L Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰<br />

*Tel: 3810 810)<br />


BIDV<br />

(45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822<br />

034 *Website: http://bidv.com.vn/)<br />


(4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m<br />

*Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http://<br />

www.vietinbank.vn)<br />

BçNH THUÜN<br />

(Telephone Code: 062)<br />



(Mui Ne Beach, KM10, *Ham Tien<br />

Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan<br />

Province, Vietnam *Tel: 374 1888<br />

*Fax: 374 1555 *Email: muine@<br />

anantara.com<br />


(Khu phË 5, PhÛ H∂i, Phan Thi’t,<br />

B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 3828 288, Fax:<br />

3828 111 *Email: reservation@<br />

aromabeachresort.com *Website:<br />

www.aromabeachresort.com)<br />


(Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, PhÛ Hµi,<br />

Phan Thi’t *Tel: 062. 3 812 799<br />

*Website: www.phuhairesort.com)<br />


(Su´› N≠Ìc, MÚi Nä *Tel: 3836 888<br />

*Website: www.bluebaymuineresort.<br />

com)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh<br />

Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813<br />

000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email:<br />

resa.phanthiet@victoriahotels.asia<br />

*www.victoriahotels.asia)<br />


(Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh,<br />

Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 62<br />

3846 768 *Web: www.sonataresort.<br />

com)<br />


DENCES<br />

(Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t,<br />

B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 0 62 371 9111 /<br />

062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333<br />

*Email: reservation@thecliffresort.<br />

com.vn, *website: www.thecliffresort.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel:<br />

3847 589 *Website: http://www.<br />

gmvnmuine.com)<br />

SPA<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Ke Ga, Tan Thanh, Ham Thuan<br />

Nam, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: (84.62) 3683 115<br />

/ 3683 117 / 3683 279 *Fax:<br />

(84.62) 3683 114 *Hotline: (84)<br />

974 496 660 *Website: www.<br />

rockwaterbay.vn *Facebook: Rock<br />

Water Bay Resort *Email: info@<br />

rockwaterbay.vn)<br />



(Km 11, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507<br />

*Website: http://www.saigon-art.com)<br />


(34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213)<br />


CO.OP MART<br />

(1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng<br />

*Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http://<br />

www.coopmart.vn)<br />

ßÄ LÑT<br />

(Telephone Code: 063)<br />



RESORT & SPA<br />

(L Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555<br />

888 *Website: http://anamandararesort.com/)<br />


DALAT<br />

(HÂ Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4,<br />

ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84-633 -<br />

800 999 *Email:dalat@binhanvillage.<br />

com *Website:www.binhanvillage.<br />

com)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel:<br />

3831 515 *Website: http://www.<br />

dalatedensee.com/)<br />

NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT<br />

(10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp.<br />

ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax:<br />

063 383 5868 *Email: info@<br />

ngocphatdalathotel.com *Website:<br />

www.ngocphatdalathotel.com)<br />


(Zone 7&8, Khu du lch HÂ Tuy“n<br />

L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt)<br />


(35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7,<br />

Thung LÚng T◊nh Yu, ßµ Lπt *Tel:<br />

06 3356 5279 *Website: www.<br />

terrassedesrose-villa.com *E-mail:<br />

info@terrassedesroses-villa.com)<br />



(Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL hÂ<br />

Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063<br />

3883 838 / Website: www.terracottaresort.com)<br />



(12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444)<br />

BçNH D•NG<br />

(Telephone Code: 650)<br />


(21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan<br />

An Dist, Binh Duong Province,<br />

Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555<br />

*Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email:<br />

rsvn.sr@anlam.com *Hotline: (+84)<br />

908 998 550)<br />


(555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax:<br />

0650 367 8880 *Email: info@<br />

themirahotel.com.vn *email: sales@<br />

themirahotel.com.vn / reservation@<br />

themirahotel.com.vn)<br />


HOTEL<br />

(230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p<br />

Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650<br />

222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342<br />

*Email: sales@becamexhotel.com<br />

/ reservation@becamexhotel.com /<br />

booking@becamexhotel.com)<br />

VüNG TÄU<br />

(Telephone Code: 064)<br />



(H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuyn<br />

MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website:<br />

http://www.hotramresort.com/)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß·<br />

*Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http://<br />

www.tropicanabeachresort.com/)<br />


(Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i,<br />

Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email:<br />

reservations@almaoasislonghai.com,<br />

Website: www.almaoasislonghai.com)<br />


(Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuyn MÈc, Bµ Ra,<br />

VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3781 631,<br />

Email: info@thegrandhotram.com<br />

*Website: www.thegrandhotram.com)<br />



(Tel: +84 64 3831 222 *Email:<br />

reservations-condao@sixsenses.com)<br />

TAXIS<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(12 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3563 656)<br />

PETRO<br />

(50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a<br />

*Tel: 3851 851)<br />


DAVID<br />

(92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2<br />

*Tel: 3521 012)<br />


(6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856<br />

959 )<br />

PH@ QUˇC<br />

(Telephone Code: 077)<br />



QUˇC<br />

(Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng,<br />

PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988<br />

*Email: contact@laverandaresorts.com<br />

*Website: www.laverandaresorts.com)<br />


(Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To<br />

Commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077<br />

626 0999 *Email: H9770@accor.<br />

com *Website: www.novotelphuquoc.<br />

com)<br />


(B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc<br />

*Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077<br />

3847 771 *Email: info@vinpearlphuquoc-resort.com<br />

*Website: www.<br />

vinpearlresort-phuquoc.com)<br />


ISLAND<br />

(Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel:<br />

077 399 0011 *Fax: 077 399 9911<br />

*Email: contact@salindaresort.com,<br />

*Website: www.salindaresort.com)<br />

CAF–<br />


& INFO CAFE<br />

(No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong<br />

*Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website:<br />

www.visitphuquoc.info)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 147

ß\NG Bì Lö C• HóI THAM D# NH~NG S# KIåN ßÖC S¿C TÑI CÉC<br />

ßIÕM ß⁄N TRONG VÄ NGOÄI NõC T\ 15/<strong>05</strong> - 15/06/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Do not miss chances to join these unparralleled events taking place from<br />

May15 th to June15 th , <strong>2017</strong> in Vietnam and other countries.<br />

June 1 - 4, Korea<br />

The 32 nd Korea World Travel Fair<br />

Ti’p nËi s˘ thµnh c´ng trong c∏c mÔa tr≠Ìc, n®m<br />

<strong>2017</strong> HÈi chÓ Du Lch QuËc T’ tπi Hµn QuËc l«n<br />

th¯ 32 (KOTFA <strong>2017</strong>) sœ trÎ lπi vÌi quy m´ lÌn<br />

h¨n, hoµnh tr∏ng h¨n m‰i n®m. ß∆c bi÷t, sœ c„ c∏c<br />

buÊi tri”n l∑m, c∏c gian hµng du lch trong vµ ngoµi<br />

n≠Ìc, c∏c buÊi hÈi th∂o vµ chia sŒ th´ng tin du lch,<br />

bi”u di‘n v®n h„a, tour »m th˘c... N®m <strong>2017</strong> lµ n®m<br />

Æ«u tin HÈi chÓ mÎ rÈng g†p Æ´i di÷n t›ch, 900 tÊ<br />

ch¯c tı h¨n 70 Ɔt n≠Ìc d˘ ki’n sœ tham gia vÌi h¨n<br />

140.000 l≠Ót kh∏ch tham quan trong 4 ngµy di‘n ra<br />

hÈi chÓ.<br />

The Korea World Travel Fair is the largest international<br />

fair related to travel, tourism resources and cultures in<br />

Korea. Following its success in previous years, the Korea<br />

World Trade Fair will be held on a much larger scale in<br />

<strong>2017</strong>, involving the participation of 900 organizations<br />

from more than 70 countries. There will be exhibitions,<br />

domestic and international tourist kiosks, and seminars<br />

sharing tourist information. In addition, visitors can<br />

entertain themselves with cultural performances and<br />

culinary tours. More than 140,000 visitors are expected<br />

to attend during the four days of the fair.<br />

May 30, Singapore<br />

Dragon Boat<br />

Festival<br />

Ti’ng trËng rÈn r∑ vµ m„n<br />

b∏nh Û ngon tuy÷t lµ nh˜ng<br />

y’u tË thÛ v khi’n L‘ hÈi<br />

ßua Thuy“n RÂng (Dragon<br />

Boat Festival) trÎ thµnh<br />

mÈt l‘ hÈi c˘c k˙ h†p d…n Î<br />

Singapore mµ bπn kh´ng th”<br />

b· qua khi Æ’n Æ∂o quËc S≠<br />

tˆ vµo cuËi th∏ng nµy.<br />

Thumping drumbeats and<br />

delicious dumplings are a few<br />

of the ingredients that make<br />

the Dragon Boat Festival an<br />

exciting event in Singapore. It<br />

is a must-see destination if you<br />

are in Singapore at the end of<br />

the month.<br />

At the end of June,<br />

Quang Binh<br />

The Cave Festival in<br />

Quang Binh<br />

ß©y lµ hoπt ÆÈng vÌi k˙<br />

v‰ng giÛp Qu∂ng B◊nh v≠Ót<br />

qua kh„ kh®n, phÙc hÂi vµ<br />

ph∏t tri”n du lch sau nh˜ng<br />

bi’n cË m´i tr≠Íng bi”n Î<br />

mi“n Trung. Hoπt ÆÈng gÂm<br />

c∏c chuÁi s˘ ki÷n Æ∆c sæc,<br />

tiu bi”u nhªm t´n vinh vŒ<br />

Æãp k˙ ∂o cÒa “V≠¨ng quËc<br />

hang ÆÈng Qu∂ng B◊nh”.<br />

This festival aims to introduce<br />

and promote the culture,<br />

tourism, and unique value of<br />

Quang Binh's cave system,<br />

in the hope that Quang Binh<br />

will recover from the 2016<br />

Vietnam Marine Life Disaster<br />

and continue to develop. The<br />

festival will involve numerous<br />

special events highlighting the<br />

subtle beauty of ”Quang Binh<br />

- Kingdom of the Caves”.<br />

June 24, Peru<br />

Inti Raymi, the<br />

Festival of the Sun,<br />

in Peru<br />

Inti Raymi Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi<br />

thµnh phË Cuzco Æ” t´n vinh<br />

th«n m∆t trÍi, v th«n Æ≠Óc<br />

ng≠Íi Inca cÊ coi lµ Ɔng<br />

s∏ng tπo ra vπn vÀt trn tr∏i<br />

Ɔt cÚng nh≠ quy’t Ænh vÀn<br />

m÷nh cÒa con ng≠Íi vµ vÚ trÙ.<br />

L‘ hÈi th≠Íng käo dµi mÈt<br />

tu«n. Vµo ban ngµy, ng≠Íi ta<br />

tÊ ch¯c tr≠ng bµy, tri”n l∑m<br />

cÔng c∏c hoπt ÆÈng nh∂y mÛa,<br />

ca h∏t trn Æ≠Íng phË. ß’n<br />

tËi, nhi“u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh nhπc<br />

sËng Æ≠Óc bi”u di‘n mi‘n<br />

ph› Î qu∂ng tr≠Íng Plaza de<br />

Armas Æ” phÙc vÙ ng≠Íi d©n<br />

Æa ph≠¨ng vµ du kh∏ch.<br />

The Inti Raymi is an annual<br />

religious ceremony held in<br />

Cuzco in honor of the Sun<br />

God, whom the ancient Inca<br />

people considered to be the<br />

creator of everything, and the<br />

one who determines the destiny<br />

of mankind and the universe.<br />

The festival takes place over a<br />

week with the aim of praying<br />

for a bumper crop and green<br />

fields. In the daytime there will<br />

be exhibitions and dancing and<br />

singing activities on the streets.<br />

In the evening, free live music<br />

performances will be held at the<br />

Plaza de Armas Square.<br />

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