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“Breakfast,” says Rue. She holds them out revealing two big<br />

eggs.<br />

“What kind are those?” I ask.<br />

“Not sure. There’s a marshy area over that way. Some kind<br />

of waterbird,” she says.<br />

It’d be nice to cook them, but neither of us wants to risk a<br />

fire. My guess is the tribute who died today was a victim of the<br />

Careers, which means they’ve recovered enough to be back in<br />

the Games. We each suck out the insides of an egg, eat a rabbit<br />

leg and some berries. It’s a good breakfast anywhere.<br />

“Ready to do it?” I say, pulling on my pack.<br />

“Do what?” says Rue, but by the way she bounces up, you<br />

can tell she’s up for whatever I propose.<br />

“Today we take out the Careers’ food,” I say.<br />

“Really? How?” You can see the glint of excitement in her<br />

eyes. In this way, she’s exactly the opposite of Prim for whom<br />

adventures are an ordeal.<br />

“No idea. Come on, we’ll figure out a plan while we hunt,” I<br />

say.<br />

We don’t get much hunting done though because I’m too<br />

busy getting every scrap of information I can out of Rue about<br />

the Careers’ base. She’s only been in to spy on them briefly,<br />

but she’s observant. They have set up their camp beside the<br />

lake. Their supply stash is about thirty yards away. During the<br />

day, they’ve been leaving another tribute, the boy from District<br />

3, to watch over the supplies.<br />

“The boy from District Three?” I ask. “He’s working with<br />

them?”<br />


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