Acupuncture By Charlotte Reed - Get a Free Blog

Acupuncture By Charlotte Reed - Get a Free Blog

Acupuncture By Charlotte Reed - Get a Free Blog


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Th en, I was too afraid<br />

to try the needles. I imagined<br />

safety pins, broken glass, thumbtacks.<br />

You shook your head and frowned.<br />

Th ey’re too thin to hurt you, you said.<br />

Th ey don’t go deep enough.<br />

I wondered how<br />

a prick near the right nerve<br />

could give a man the strength<br />

to walk again. Or could suck<br />

the cancer out of someone’s grandpa.<br />

Or could stir the belly<br />

of a tired woman, just enough<br />

for a baby to grow.<br />

I wondered how,<br />

aft er years of your telling me<br />

it would never happen,<br />

it would never come to divorce,<br />

the words still came, sinking out of her mouth,<br />

landing on the fl oor.<br />

I watched you bite<br />

your cheeks.<br />

magus ~ 63 ~ mabus

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