‘So you see,’ said U Po Kyin with a pleased air, ‘you see how I have undermined him. He is like a tree sawn through at the base. One tap and down he comes. In three weeks or less I shall deliver that tap.’ ‘How?’ ‘I am just coming to that. I think it is time for you to hear about it. You have no sense in these matters, but you know how to hold your tongue. You have heard talk of this rebellion that is brewing near Thongwa village?’ ‘Yes. They are very foolish, those villagers. What can they do with their dahs and spears against the Indian soldiers? They will be shot down like wild animals.’ ‘Of course. If there is any fighting it will be a massacre. But they are only a pack of superstitious peasants. They have put their faith in these absurd bullet-proof jackets that are being distributed to them. I despise such ignorance.’ ‘Poor men! Why do you not stop them, Ko Po Kyin? There is no need to arrest anybody. You have only to go to the village and tell them that you know their plans, and they will never dare to go on.’ ‘Ah well, I could stop them if I chose, of course. But then I do not choose. I have my reasons. You see, Kin Kin–you will please keep silent about this–this is, so to speak, my own rebellion. I arranged it myself.’ ‘What!’ Ma Kin dropped her cigar. Her eyes had opened so wide that the pale blue white showed all round the pupil. She was horrified. She burst out—— ‘Ko Po Kyin, what are you saying? You do not mean it! You, raising a rebellion–it cannot be true!’ ‘Certainly it is true. And a very good job we are making of it. That magician whom I brought from Rangoon is a clever fellow. He has toured all over India as a circus conjurer. The bullet-proof jackets were bought at White-away & Laidlaw’s stores, one rupee eight annas each. They are costing me a pretty penny, I can tell you.’ ‘But, Ko Po Kyin! A rebellion! The terrible fighting and shooting, and all the poor men who will be killed! Surely you have not gone mad? Are you not afraid of being shot yourself?’ U Po Kyin halted in his stride. He was astonished. ‘Good gracious, woman, what idea have you got hold of now? You do not suppose that I am rebelling against the Government? I–a Government servant of thirty years’ standing! Good heavens, no! I said that I had started the rebellion, not that I was taking part in it. It is these fools of villagers who are going to risk their skins, not I. No one dreams that I have anything to do with it, or ever will, except Ba Sein and one or two others.’ ‘But you said it was you who were persuading them to rebel?’ ‘Of course. I have accused Veraswami of raising a rebellion against the Government. Well, I must have a rebellion to show, must I not?’ ‘Ah, I see. And when the rebellion breaks out, you are going to say that Dr Veraswami is to blame for it. Is that it?’ ‘How slow you are! I should have thought even a fool would have seen that I am raising this rebellion merely in order to crush it. I am–what is that expression Mr Macgregor uses? Agent provocateur–Latin, you would not understand. I am agent provocateur. First I persuade these fools at

Thongwa to rebel, and then I arrest them as rebels. At the very moment when it is due to start, I shall pounce on the ringleaders and clap every one of them into jail. After that, I dare say there may possibly be some fighting. A few men may be killed and a few more sent to the Andamans. But meanwhile, I shall be first in the field. U Po Kyin, the man who quelled a most dangerous rising in the nick of time! I shall be the hero of the district.’ U Po Kyin, justly proud of his plan, began to pace up and down the room again with his hands behind his back, smiling. Ma Kin considered the plan in silence for some time. Finally she said: ‘I still do not see why you are doing this, Ko Po Kyin. Where is it all leading? And what has it got to do with Dr Veraswami?’ ‘I shall never teach you wisdom, Kin Kin! Did I not tell you at the beginning that Veraswami stands in my way? This rebellion is the very thing to get rid of him. Of course we shall never prove that he is responsible for it; but what does that matter? All the Europeans will take it for granted that he is mixed up in it somehow. That is how their minds work. He will be ruined for life. And his fall is my rise. The blacker I can paint him, the more glorious my own conduct will appear. Now do you understand?’ ‘Yes, I do understand. And I think it is a base, evil plan. I wonder you are not ashamed to tell it me.’ ‘Now, Kin Kin! Surely you are not going to start that nonsense over again?’ ‘Ko Po Kyin, why is it that you are only happy when you are being wicked? Why is it that everything you do must bring evil to others? Think of that poor doctor who will be dismissed from his post, and those villagers who will be shot or flogged with bamboos or imprisoned for life. Is it necessary to do such things? What can you want with more money when you are rich already?’ ‘Money! Who is talking about money? Some day, woman, you will realise that there are other things in the world besides money. Fame, for example. Greatness. Do you realise that the Governor of Burma will very probably pin an Order on my breast for my loyal action in this affair? Would not even you be proud of such an honour as that?’ Ma Kin shook her head, unimpressed. ‘When will you remember, Ko Po Kyin, that you are not going to live a thousand years? Consider what happens to those who have lived wickedly. There is such a thing, for instance, as being turned into a rat or a frog. There is even hell. I remember what a priest said to me once about hell, something that he had translated from the Pali scriptures, and it was very terrible. He said, “Once in a thousand centuries two red-hot spears will meet in your heart, and you will say to yourself, ‘Another thousand centuries of my torment are ended, and there is as much to come as there has been before.’” Is it not very dreadful to think of such things, Ko Po Kyin?’ U Po Kyin laughed and gave a careless wave of his hand that meant ‘pagodas’. ‘Well, I hope you may still laugh when it comes to the end. But for myself, I should not care to look back upon such a life.’ She re-lighted her cigar with her thin shoulder turned disapprovingly on U Po Kyin while he took several more turns up and down the room. When he spoke, it was more seriously than before, and even with a touch of diffidence.

‘So you see,’ said U Po Kyin with a pleased air, ‘you see how I have undermined him. He is like a<br />

tree sawn through at the base. One tap and down he comes. In three weeks or less I shall deliver that<br />

tap.’<br />

‘How?’<br />

‘I am just coming to that. I think it is time for you to hear about it. You have no sense in these<br />

matters, but you know how to hold your tongue. You have heard talk of this rebellion that is brewing<br />

near Thongwa village?’<br />

‘Yes. They are very foolish, those villagers. What can they do with their dahs and spears against<br />

the Indian soldiers? They will be shot down like wild animals.’<br />

‘Of course. If there is any fighting it will be a massacre. But they are only a pack of superstitious<br />

peasants. They have put their faith in these absurd bullet-proof jackets that are being distributed to<br />

them. I despise such ignorance.’<br />

‘Poor men! Why do you not stop them, Ko Po Kyin? There is no need to arrest anybody. You have<br />

only to go to the village and tell them that you know their plans, and they will never dare to go on.’<br />

‘Ah well, I could stop them if I chose, of course. But then I do not choose. I have my reasons. You<br />

see, Kin Kin–you will please keep silent about this–this is, so to speak, my own rebellion. I arranged<br />

it myself.’<br />

‘What!’<br />

Ma Kin dropped her cigar. Her eyes had opened so wide that the pale blue white showed all round<br />

the pupil. She was horrified. She burst out——<br />

‘Ko Po Kyin, what are you saying? You do not mean it! You, raising a rebellion–it cannot be true!’<br />

‘Certainly it is true. And a very good job we are making of it. That magician whom I brought from<br />

Rangoon is a clever fellow. He has toured all over India as a circus conjurer. The bullet-proof jackets<br />

were bought at White-away & Laidlaw’s stores, one rupee eight annas each. They are costing me a<br />

pretty penny, I can tell you.’<br />

‘But, Ko Po Kyin! A rebellion! The terrible fighting and shooting, and all the poor men who will be<br />

killed! Surely you have not gone mad? Are you not afraid of being shot yourself?’<br />

U Po Kyin halted in his stride. He was astonished. ‘Good gracious, woman, what idea have you got<br />

hold of now? You do not suppose that I am rebelling against the Government? I–a Government servant<br />

of thirty years’ standing! Good heavens, no! I said that I had started the rebellion, not that I was taking<br />

part in it. It is these fools of villagers who are going to risk their skins, not I. No one dreams that I<br />

have anything to do with it, or ever will, except Ba Sein and one or two others.’<br />

‘But you said it was you who were persuading them to rebel?’<br />

‘Of course. I have accused Veraswami of raising a rebellion against the Government. Well, I must<br />

have a rebellion to show, must I not?’<br />

‘Ah, I see. And when the rebellion breaks out, you are going to say that Dr Veraswami is to blame<br />

for it. Is that it?’<br />

‘How slow you are! I should have thought even a fool would have seen that I am raising this<br />

rebellion merely in order to crush it. I am–what is that expression Mr Macgregor uses? Agent<br />

provocateur–Latin, you would not understand. I am agent provocateur. First I persuade these fools at

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