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path, nervous of Flo, and Ba Pe came out with a bowl of paddy and they fed Nero and the pigeons.<br />

There were more yells from the servants’ quarters, and the gruffer voices of men trying to stop the<br />

quarrel. Ko S’la suffered a great deal from his wives. Ma Pu, the first wife, was a gaunt hard-faced<br />

woman, stringy from much child-bearing, and Ma Yi, the ‘little wife’, was a fat lazy cat some years<br />

younger. The two women fought incessantly when Flory was in headquarters and they were together.<br />

Once when Ma Pu was chasing Ko S’la with a bamboo, he had dodged behind Flory for protection,<br />

and Flory had received a nasty blow on the leg.<br />

Mr Macgregor was coming up the road, striding briskly and swinging a thick walking-stick. He<br />

was dressed in khaki pagri-cloth shirt, drill shorts and a pigsticker topi. Besides his exercises, he<br />

took a brisk two-mile walk every morning when he could spare the time.<br />

‘Top o’ the mornin’ to ye!’ he called to Flory in a hearty matutinal voice, putting on an Irish accent.<br />

He cultivated a brisk, invigorating, cold-bath demeanour at this hour of the morning. Moreover, the<br />

libellous article in the Burmese Patriot, which he had read overnight, had hurt him, and he was<br />

affecting a special cheeriness to conceal this.<br />

’Morning!’ Flory called back as heartily as he could manage.<br />

Nasty old bladder of lard! he thought, watching Mr Macgregor up the road. How his bottom did<br />

stick out in those tight khaki shorts. Like one of those beasdy middleaged scoutmasters, homosexuals<br />

almost to a man, that you see photographs of in the illustrated papers. Dressing himself up in those<br />

ridiculous clothes and exposing his pudgy, dimpled knees, because it is the pukka sahib thing to take<br />

exercise before breakfast–disgusting!<br />

A Burman came up the hill, a splash of white and magenta. It was Flory’s clerk, coming from the<br />

tiny office, which was not far from the church. Reaching the gate, he shikoed and presented a grimy<br />

envelope, stamped Burmese-fashion on the point of the flap.<br />

‘Good morning, sir.’<br />

‘Good morning. What’s this thing?’<br />

‘Local letter, your honour. Come this morning’s post. Anonymous letter, I think, sir.’<br />

‘Oh bother. ——All right, I’ll be down to the office about eleven.’<br />

Flory opened the letter. It was written on a sheet of foolscap, and it ran:<br />


SIR,–I the undersigned beg to suggest and WARN to your honour certain useful pieces of information whereby your<br />

honour will be much profited, sir.<br />

Sir, it has been remarked in Kyauktada your honour’s great friendship and intimacy with Dr Veraswami, the Civil Surgeon,<br />

frequenting with him, inviting him to your house, etc. Sir, we beg to inform you that the said Dr Veraswami is NOT A GOOD<br />

MAN and in no ways a worthy friend of European gentlemen. The doctor is eminently dishonest, disloyal and corrupt public<br />

servant. Coloured water is he providing to patients at the hospital and selling drugs for own profit, besides many bribes,<br />

extortions, etc. Two prisoners has he flogged with bamboos, afterwards rubbing chilis into the place if relatives do not send<br />

money. Besides this he is implicated with the Nationalist Party and lately provided material for a very evil article which<br />

appeared in the Burmese Patriot attacking Mr Macgregor, the honoured Deputy Commissioner.<br />

He is also sleeping by force with female patients at the hospital.<br />

Wherefore we are much hoping that your honour will ESCHEW same Dr Veraswami and not consort with persons who<br />

can bring nothing but evil upon your honour.<br />

And shall ever pray for your honour’s long health and prosperity,

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