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‘Yes, I heard that. We hear all these things. It wass that that put the idea into my head.’<br />

‘It’s to come up at the general meeting in June. I don’t know what’ll happen–it depends on<br />

Macgregor, I think. I’ll give you my vote, but I can’t do more than that. I’m sorry, but I simply can’t.<br />

You don’t know the row there’ll be. Very likely they will elect you, but they’ll do it as an unpleasant<br />

duty, under protest. They’ve made a perfect fetish of keeping this Club all-white, as they call it.’<br />

‘Of course, of course, my friend! I understand perfectly. Heaven forbid that you should get into<br />

trouble with your European friends on my behalf. Please, please, never to embroil yourself! The mere<br />

fact that you are known to be my friend benefits me more than you can imagine. Prestige, Mr Flory, iss<br />

like a barometer. Every time you are seen to enter my house the mercury rises half a degree.’<br />

‘Well, we must try and keep it at “Set Fair”. That’s about all I can do for you, I’m afraid.’<br />

‘Even that iss much, my friend. And for that, there iss another thing of which I would warn you,<br />

though you will laugh, I fear. It iss that you yourself should beware of U Po Kyin. Beware of the<br />

crocodile! For sure he will strike at you when he knows that you are befriending me.’<br />

‘All right, doctor, I’ll beware of the crocodile. I don’t fancy he can do me much harm, though.’<br />

‘At least he will try. I know him. It will be hiss policy to detach my friends from me. Possibly he<br />

would even dare to spread hiss libels about you also.’<br />

‘About me? Good gracious, no one would believe anything against me. Civis Romanus sum. I’m an<br />

Englishman–quite above suspicion.’<br />

‘Nevertheless, beware of hiss calumnies, my friend. Do not underrate him. He will know how to<br />

strike at you. He iss a crocodile. And like the crocodile’–the doctor nipped his thumb and finger<br />

impressively; his images became mixed sometimes–‘like the crocodile, he strikes always at the<br />

weakest spot!’<br />

‘Do crocodiles always strike at the weakest spot, doctor?’<br />

Both men laughed. They were intimate enough to laugh over the doctor’s queer English<br />

occasionally. Perhaps, at the bottom of his heart, the doctor was a little disappointed that Flory had<br />

not promised to propose him for the Club, but he would have perished rather than say so. And Flory<br />

was glad to drop the subject, an uncomfortable one which he wished had never been raised.<br />

‘Well, I really must be going, doctor. Good-bye in case I don’t see you again. I hope it’ll be all<br />

right at the general meeting. Macgregor’s not a bad old stick. I dare say he’ll insist on their electing<br />

you.’<br />

‘Let us hope so, my friend. With that I can defy a hundred U Po Kyins. A thousand! Good-bye, my<br />

friend, good-bye.’<br />

Then Flory settled his Terai hat on his head and went home across the glaring maidan, to his<br />

breakfast, for which the long morning of drinking, smoking and talking had left him no appetite.

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