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XX<br />

Next morning there was great excitement in Kyauktada, for the long-rumoured rebellion had at last<br />

broken out. Flory heard only a vague report of it at the time. He had gone back to camp as soon as he<br />

felt fit to march after the drunken night, and it was not until several days later that he learned the true<br />

history of the rebellion, in a long, indignant letter from Dr Veraswami.<br />

The doctor’s epistolary style was queer. His syntax was shaky and he was as free with capital<br />

letters as a seventeenth-century divine, while in the use of italics he rivalled Queen Victoria. There<br />

were eight pages of his small but sprawling handwriting.<br />

MY DEAR FRIEND (the letter ran),–You will much regret to hear that the wiles of the crocodile have matured. The<br />

rebellion–the so-called rebellion–is all over and finished. And it has been, alas! a more Bloody affair than I had hoped should<br />

have been the case.<br />

All has fallen out as I have prophesied to you it would be. On the day when you came back to Kyauktada U Po Kyin’s<br />

spies have informed him that the poor unfortunate men whom he have Deluded are assembling in the jungle near Thongwa.<br />

The same night he sets out secretly with U Lugale, the Police Inspector, who is as great a Rogue as he, if that could be, and<br />

twelve constables. They make a swift raid upon Thongwa and surprise the rebels, of whom there are only Seven!! in a<br />

ruined field hut in the jungle. Also Mr Maxwell, who have heard rumours of the rebellion, came across from his camp<br />

bringing his Rifle and was in time to join UPo Kyin and the police in their attack on the hut. The next morning the clerk Ba<br />

Sein, who is U Po Kyin’s jackall and dirty worker, have orders to raise the cry of rebellion as Sensationally as possible,<br />

which was done, and Mr Macgregor, Mr Westfield and Lieutenant Verrall all rush out to Thongwa carrying fifty sepoys<br />

armed with rifles besides Civil Police. But they arrive to find it is all over and U Po Kyin was sitting under a big teak tree in<br />

the middle of the village and putting on airs and lecturing the villagers, whereat they are all bowing very frightened and<br />

touching the ground with their foreheads and swearing they will be forever loyal to the Government, and the rebellion is<br />

already at an end. The so-called weiksa, who is no other man a circus conjurer and the minion of U Po Kyin, have<br />

vanished for parts unknown, but six rebels have been Caught. So there is an end.<br />

Also I should inform you that there was most regrettably a Death. Mr Maxwell was I think too anxious to use his Rifle<br />

and when one of the rebels try to run away he fired and shoot him in the abdomen, at which he died. I think the villagers<br />

have some bad feeling towards Mr Maxwell because of it. But from the point of view legal all is well for Mr Maxwell,<br />

because the men were undoubtedly conspiring against the Government.<br />

Ah, but, my Friend, I trust that you understand how disastrous may all this be for me! You will realise, I think, what is its<br />

bearing upon the Contest between U Po Kyin and myself, and the supreme leg-up it must give to him. It is the triumph of<br />

the crocodile. U Po Kyin is now the Hero of the district. He is the pet of me Europeans. I am told that even Mr Ellis has<br />

praised his conduct. If you could witness the abominable Conceitedness and the lies he is now telling as to how mere were<br />

not seven rebels but Two Hundred!! and how he rushed uponthem revolver in hand–he who was only directing operations<br />

from a safe distance while the police and Mr Maxwell creep up upon the hut–you would find it veritably Nauseous I assure<br />

you. He has had the effrontery to send in an official report of the matter which started, ‘By my loyal promptitude and<br />

reckless daring’, and I hear that positively he had had this Conglomeration of lies written out in readiness days before the<br />

occunence. It is Disgusting. And to think that now when he is at the Height of his triumph he will again begin to calumniate<br />

me with all the venom at his disposal etc. etc.

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