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schoolmasters sniggering over their Latin tags; and here was this wonderful man who could tell you<br />

about the inhabitants of the planets and the bottom of the sea, and who knew that the future was not<br />

going to be what respectable people imagined. A decade or so before aeroplanes were technically<br />

feasible Wells knew that within a little while men would be able to fly. He knew that because he<br />

himself wanted to be able to fly, and therefore felt sure that research in that direction would continue.<br />

On the other hand, even when I was a little boy, at a time when the Wright brothers had actually lifted<br />

their machine off the ground for fifty-nine seconds, the generally accepted opinion was that if God had<br />

meant us to fly He would have given us wings. Up to 1914 Wells was in the main a true prophet. In<br />

physical details his vision of the new world has been fulfilled to a surprising extent.<br />

But because he belonged to the nineteenth century and to a non-military nation and class,<br />

he could not grasp the tremendous strength of the old world which was symbolised in his mind by<br />

fox-hunting Tories. He was, and still is, quite incapable of understanding that nationalism, religious<br />

bigotry and feudal loyalty are far more powerful forces than what he himself would describe as<br />

sanity. Creatures out of the Dark Ages have come marching into the present, and if they are ghosts they<br />

are at any rate ghosts which need a strong magic to lay them. The people who have shown the best<br />

understanding of Fascism are either those who have suffered under it or those who have a Fascist<br />

streak in themselves. A crude book like The Iron Heel, written nearly thirty years ago, is a truer<br />

prophecy of the future than either Brave New World or The Shape of Things to Come. If one had to<br />

choose among Wells's own contemporaries a writer who could stand towards him as a corrective,<br />

one might choose Kipling, who was not deaf to the evil voices of power and military "glory." Kipling<br />

would have understood the appeal of Hitler, or for that matter of Stalin, whatever his attitude towards<br />

them might be. Wells is too sane to understand the modern world. The succession of lower-middleclass<br />

novels which are his greatest achievement stopped short at the other war and never really began<br />

again, and since 1920 he has squandered his talents in slaying paper dragons. But how much it is,<br />

after all, to have any talents to squander.

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