Sec. 5–12 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 387 Referring to Fig. 5–37, let the input serial data symbols have a duration of T s sec each. These data can be binary (;1) to produce BPSK modulated carriers or can be multilevel complex-valued serial data to produce (as appropriate) QPSK, MPSK, or QAM carriers. D s = 1T s , is the input symbol (baud) rate. The serial-to-parallel converter reads in N input serial symbols at a time and holds their values (elements of w) on the parallel output lines for T = NT s seconds, where T is the time span of the IFFT. The IFFT uses w to evaluate output IFFT vector g, which contains elements representing samples of the complex envelope. The parallel-to-serial converter shifts out the element values of g. These are the samples of the complex envelope for the OFDM signal described by Eq. (5–117), where x(t) and y(t) are the I and Q components of the complex envelope. The OFDM signal is produced by the IQ modulators as shown in the figure. At the receiver, the serial data are recovered from the received OFDM signal by (1) demodulating the signal to produce serial I and Q data, (2) converting the serial data to parallel data, (3) evaluating the FTT, and (4) converting the FFT vector (parallel data) to serial output data. The length-of-the-FFT vector determines the resistance of OFDM to errors caused by multipath channels. N is chosen so that T = NT s is much larger than the maximum delay time of echo components in the received multipath signal. The PSD of the OFDM signal can be obtained relatively easily, since the OFDM signal of Eq. (5–117) consists of orthogonal carriers modulated by data with rectangular pulse shapes that have a duration of T sec. Consequently, the PSD of each carrier is of the form |Sa[p(f - f n )T] | 2 , and the overall PSD for the complex envelope of the OFDM signal is g (f) = C a N-1 n=0 ` sin [p(f - f n)T] p(f - f n )T 2 ` (5–118) where C = A 2 c ƒ w n ƒ 2 T and w n = 0. The spectrum is shown in Fig. 5–38 for the case of N = 32. Since the spacing between the carriers is 1T Hz and there are N carriers, the null bandwidth of the OFDM signal is B T = N + 1 T = N + 1 NT s L 1 T s = D s Hz (5–119) where the approximation is reasonable for N 7 10 and D s is the symbol (baud) rate of the input serial data for the OFDM transmitter. In more advanced OFDM systems, rounded (nonrectangular) pulse shapes can be used to reduce the PSD sidelobes outside the B T = D s band. Example 5–15 PSD FOR AN OFDM SIGNAL Compute and plot the PSD for the complex envelope of an OFDM signal. See Example5_15.m for the solution. Compare this result with that shown in Figure 5–38.

Sec. 5–12 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 387<br />

Referring to Fig. 5–37, let the input serial data symbols have a duration of T s sec each.<br />

These data can be binary (;1) to produce BPSK modulated carriers or can be multilevel<br />

complex-valued serial data to produce (as appropriate) QPSK, MPSK, or QAM carriers.<br />

D s = 1T s , is the input symbol (baud) rate. The serial-to-parallel converter reads in N input<br />

serial symbols at a time and holds their values (elements of w) on the parallel output lines for<br />

T = NT s seconds, where T is the time span of the IFFT. The IFFT uses w to evaluate output<br />

IFFT vector g, which contains elements representing samples of the complex envelope. The<br />

parallel-to-serial converter shifts out the element values of g. These are the samples of the<br />

complex envelope for the OFDM signal described by Eq. (5–117), where x(t) and y(t) are<br />

the I and Q components of the complex envelope. The OFDM signal is produced by the IQ<br />

modulators as shown in the figure.<br />

At the receiver, the serial data are recovered from the received OFDM signal by (1)<br />

demodulating the signal to produce serial I and Q data, (2) converting the serial data to<br />

parallel data, (3) evaluating the FTT, and (4) converting the FFT vector (parallel data) to<br />

serial output data.<br />

The length-of-the-FFT vector determines the resistance of OFDM to errors caused by<br />

multipath channels. N is chosen so that T = NT s is much larger than the maximum delay time<br />

of echo components in the received multipath signal.<br />

The PSD of the OFDM signal can be obtained relatively easily, since the OFDM signal<br />

of Eq. (5–117) consists of orthogonal carriers modulated by data with rectangular pulse<br />

shapes that have a duration of T sec. Consequently, the PSD of each carrier is of the form<br />

|Sa[p(f - f n )T] |<br />

2 , and the overall PSD for the complex envelope of the OFDM signal is<br />

g (f) = C a<br />

N-1<br />

n=0<br />

` sin [p(f - f n)T]<br />

p(f - f n )T<br />

2<br />

`<br />

(5–118)<br />

where C = A 2 c ƒ w n ƒ 2 T and w n = 0. The spectrum is shown in Fig. 5–38 for the case of<br />

N = 32. Since the spacing between the carriers is 1T Hz and there are N carriers, the null<br />

bandwidth of the OFDM signal is<br />

B T = N + 1<br />

T<br />

= N + 1<br />

NT s<br />

L 1 T s<br />

= D s Hz<br />

(5–119)<br />

where the approximation is reasonable for N 7 10 and D s is the symbol (baud) rate of the<br />

input serial data for the OFDM transmitter. In more advanced OFDM systems, rounded<br />

(nonrectangular) pulse shapes can be used to reduce the PSD sidelobes outside the B T = D s<br />

band.<br />

Example 5–15 PSD FOR AN OFDM SIGNAL<br />

Compute and plot the PSD for the complex envelope of an OFDM signal. See Example5_15.m<br />

for the solution. Compare this result with that shown in Figure 5–38.

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