Sec. 4–8 Classification of Filters and Amplifiers 255 transfer function that is realized, such as the Butterworth or Chebyshev response (defined subsequently). These two classifications are discussed in this section. Filters use energy storage elements to obtain frequency discrimination. In any physical filter, the energy storage elements are imperfect. For example, a physical inductor has some series resistance as well as inductance, and a physical capacitor has some shunt (leakage) resistance as well as capacitance. A natural question, then, is, what is the quality Q of a circuit element or filter? Unfortunately, two different measures of filter quality are used in the technical literature. The first definition is concerned with the efficiency of energy storage in a circuit [Ramo, Whinnery, and vanDuzer, 1967, 1984] and is 2p(maximum energy stored during one cycle) Q = (4–38) energy dissipated per cycle A larger value for Q corresponds to a more perfect storage element. That is, a perfect L or C element would have infinite Q. The second definition is concerned with the frequency selectivity of a circuit and is Q = f 0 (4–39) B where f 0 is the resonant frequency and B is the 3-dB bandwidth. Here, the larger the value of Q, the better is the frequency selectivity, because, for a given f 0 , the bandwidth would be smaller. In general, the value of Q as evaluated using Eq. (4–38) is different from the value of Q obtained from Eq. (4–39). However, these two definitions give identical values for an RLC series resonant circuit driven by a voltage source or for an RLC parallel resonant circuit driven by a current source [Nilsson, 1990]. For bandpass filtering applications, frequency selectivity is the desired characteristic, so Eq. (4–39) is used. Also, Eq. (4–39) is easy to evaluate from laboratory measurements. If we are designing a passive filter (not necessarily a single-tuned circuit) of center frequency f 0 and 3-dB bandwidth B, the individual circuit elements will each need to have much larger Q’s than f 0 B. Thus, for a practical filter design, we first need to answer the question. What are the Q’s needed for the filter elements, and what kind of elements will give these values of Q? This question is answered in Table 4–2, which lists filters as classified by the type of energy storage elements used in their construction and gives typical values for the Q of the elements. Filters that use lumped † L and C elements become impractical to build above 300 MHz, because the parasitic capacitance and inductance of the leads significantly affect the frequency response at high frequencies. Active filters, which use operational amplifiers with RC circuit elements, are practical only below 500 kHz, because the operational amplifiers need to have a large open-loop gain over the operating band. For very low-frequency filters, RC active filters are usually preferred to LC passive filters because the size of the LC components becomes large and the Q of the inductors becomes small in this frequency range. Active filters are difficult to implement within integrated circuits because the resistors and capacitors take up a significant portion of the chip area. This difficulty is reduced by using a switched-capacitor design for IC implementation. In that case, resistors † A lumped element is a discrete R-, L-, or C-type element, compared with a continuously distributed RLC element, such as that found in a transmission line.

Sec. 4–8 Classification of Filters and Amplifiers 255<br />

transfer function that is realized, such as the Butterworth or Chebyshev response (defined<br />

subsequently). These two classifications are discussed in this section.<br />

Filters use energy storage elements to obtain frequency discrimination. In any physical<br />

filter, the energy storage elements are imperfect. For example, a physical inductor has some<br />

series resistance as well as inductance, and a physical capacitor has some shunt (leakage)<br />

resistance as well as capacitance. A natural question, then, is, what is the quality Q of a circuit<br />

element or filter? Unfortunately, two different measures of filter quality are used in the<br />

technical literature. The first definition is concerned with the efficiency of energy storage in a<br />

circuit [Ramo, Whinnery, and vanDuzer, 1967, 1984] and is<br />

2p(maximum energy stored during one cycle)<br />

Q =<br />

(4–38)<br />

energy dissipated per cycle<br />

A larger value for Q corresponds to a more perfect storage element. That is, a perfect L or C<br />

element would have infinite Q. The second definition is concerned with the frequency selectivity<br />

of a circuit and is<br />

Q = f 0<br />

(4–39)<br />

B<br />

where f 0 is the resonant frequency and B is the 3-dB bandwidth. Here, the larger the value of Q,<br />

the better is the frequency selectivity, because, for a given f 0 , the bandwidth would be<br />

smaller.<br />

In general, the value of Q as evaluated using Eq. (4–38) is different from the value of Q<br />

obtained from Eq. (4–39). However, these two definitions give identical values for an RLC<br />

series resonant circuit driven by a voltage source or for an RLC parallel resonant circuit driven<br />

by a current source [Nilsson, 1990]. For bandpass filtering applications, frequency selectivity<br />

is the desired characteristic, so Eq. (4–39) is used. Also, Eq. (4–39) is easy to evaluate from<br />

laboratory measurements. If we are designing a passive filter (not necessarily a single-tuned<br />

circuit) of center frequency f 0 and 3-dB bandwidth B, the individual circuit elements will each<br />

need to have much larger Q’s than f 0 B. Thus, for a practical filter design, we first need to<br />

answer the question. What are the Q’s needed for the filter elements, and what kind of<br />

elements will give these values of Q? This question is answered in Table 4–2, which lists filters<br />

as classified by the type of energy storage elements used in their construction and gives<br />

typical values for the Q of the elements. Filters that use lumped † L and C elements become<br />

impractical to build above 300 MHz, because the parasitic capacitance and inductance of the<br />

leads significantly affect the frequency response at high frequencies. Active filters, which use<br />

operational amplifiers with RC circuit elements, are practical only below 500 kHz, because<br />

the operational amplifiers need to have a large open-loop gain over the operating band. For<br />

very low-frequency filters, RC active filters are usually preferred to LC passive filters because<br />

the size of the LC components becomes large and the Q of the inductors becomes small in this<br />

frequency range. Active filters are difficult to implement within integrated circuits because<br />

the resistors and capacitors take up a significant portion of the chip area. This difficulty is<br />

reduced by using a switched-capacitor design for IC implementation. In that case, resistors<br />

† A lumped element is a discrete R-, L-, or C-type element, compared with a continuously distributed RLC<br />

element, such as that found in a transmission line.

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