Kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies 51 2.6 Static force and moment definition Before progressing to the development of the equations of motion associated with large displacement rigid body dynamic motion it is necessary to examine the use of vectors for static analysis in multibody systems. In this case we define static analysis as the study of forces acting on a body or series of bodies where motion takes place in the absence of acceleration. That is a system that is either at rest or moving in a straight line with constant velocity. In order to demonstrate the use of vectors for representation of forces consider the following example, shown in Figure 2.22, which involves a tripod structure comprising three links with ball or spherical joints at each end. Before attempting any analysis to determine the distribution of forces it is necessary to prepare a free-body diagram and label the bodies and forces in an appropriate manner as shown in Figure 2.23. The notation used here to describe the forces depends on whether the force is an applied external force (action-only force) or an internal force resulting from the interconnection of bodies (action–reaction force). In this example we have an applied force at point A. In order to fully define a force we must be able to specify the point of application, the line of sight and the sense of the force. In this case we can use the notation {F A } 1 to define the force where the subscript A defines the point of application and the components of the vector F Ax , F Ay and F Az would define both the line of sight and the sense of the force. Where the force is the result of an interaction we can use, for example, the following {F A52 } 1 which specifies that the force is acting at A on Body 5 due to its interaction with Body 2. Note that for this example we are assuming that A is a point that could be, for example, taken to be at the centre of a bush or spherical joint. It should also be noted that in assigning identification numbers to the bodies we are taking Body 1 to be a fixed and unmoving body that may also be referred to as a ground body. In this example the ground body is not in one place as such but can be considered to be located at the positions B, C and D where fixed anchorages are provided. A Z 1 Y O1 1 B X 1 D {F A } 1 C Fig. 2.22 Tripod structure

52 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics Body 5 A {F A } 1 {F A52 } 1 {F A54 } 1 {F A25 } 1 {F A53 } 1 {F A45 } 1 A {F A35 } 1 A Body 2 A Body 3 Body 4 B D {F D41 } 1 {F B21 } 1 {F D14 } 1 C {F B12 } 1 {F C31 } 1 B D Body 1 {F C13 } 1 C Body 1 Fig. 2.23 Body 1 Free-body diagram of tripod structure For the action–reaction forces shown here Newton’s third law would apply so that for the interaction of Body 5 and Body 2 we can say that {F A52 } 1 and {F A25 } 1 are equal and opposite or {F A52 } 1 {F A25 } 1 (2.135) In this example we are looking at linkages that are pin-jointed, or have spherical joints at each end. An example of a similar linkage would be a tie rod in a suspension system. As both ends of the linkage are pin-jointed the force by definition must act along the linkage. In this case we could use this information to reduce the number of unknowns by using a scale factor as shown in equations (2.136) to (2.138): {F A25 } 1 f 2 {R AB } 1 (2.136) {F A35 } 1 f 3 {R AC } 1 (2.137) {F A45 } 1 f 4 {R AD } 1 (2.138) In this case the solution would be assisted as the three unknowns F A25x , F A25y and F A25z , associated with equation (2.136) for example, would be reduced to a single unknown f 2 . To maintain rigour the choice of position vector, for example {R AB } 1 rather than {R BA } 1 , has also been used so that comparing

52 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

Body 5<br />

A<br />

{F A } 1<br />

{F A52 } 1<br />

{F A54 } 1<br />

{F A25 } 1<br />

{F A53 } 1<br />

{F A45 } 1<br />

A<br />

{F A35 } 1<br />

A<br />

Body 2<br />

A<br />

Body 3<br />

Body 4<br />

B<br />

D {F D41 } 1<br />

{F B21 } 1<br />

{F D14 } 1<br />

C<br />

{F B12 } 1<br />

{F C31 } 1<br />

B<br />

D<br />

Body 1<br />

{F C13 } 1<br />

C<br />

Body 1<br />

Fig. 2.23<br />

Body 1<br />

Free-body diagram of tripod structure<br />

For the action–reaction forces shown here Newton’s third law would apply<br />

so that for the interaction of Body 5 and Body 2 we can say that {F A52 } 1 and<br />

{F A25 } 1 are equal and opposite or<br />

{F A52 } 1 {F A25 } 1 (2.135)<br />

In this example we are looking at linkages that are pin-jointed, or have spherical<br />

joints at each end. An example of a similar linkage would be a tie rod<br />

in a suspension system. As both ends of the linkage are pin-jointed the<br />

force by definition must act along the linkage. In this case we could use this<br />

information to reduce the number of unknowns by using a scale factor as<br />

shown in equations (2.136) to (2.138):<br />

{F A25 } 1 f 2 {R AB } 1 (2.136)<br />

{F A35 } 1 f 3 {R AC } 1 (2.137)<br />

{F A45 } 1 f 4 {R AD } 1 (2.138)<br />

In this case the solution would be assisted as the three unknowns F A25x , F A25y<br />

and F A25z , associated with equation (2.136) for example, would be reduced<br />

to a single unknown f 2 . To maintain rigour the choice of position vector, for<br />

example {R AB } 1 rather than {R BA } 1 , has also been used so that comparing

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