Kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies 37 14. If the X-axes of frames m and p coincide and the Y-axis of frame p is rotated by , relative to the corresponding axis of frame m, then the vector {A} n/m is transformed from frame m to frame p according to the relationship {A} n/p [T m ] p {A} n/m (2.65) where {} T mp / ⎡1 0 0 ⎤ ⎢ 0 cos sin ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣⎢ 0 sin cos⎦⎥ (2.66) The other two transformations are given by equations (2.30) and (2.32). 15. The transformations of 14 above may be combined as indicated: [T m ] q [T p ] q [T n ] p [T m ] n (2.67) This chain of matrices is to be read from right to left. 16. Differentiation of the vector {A} T m [Ax Ay Az] with respect to the scalar variable t is defined by ⎡dAx / dt⎤ d {} A m ⎢ dAy / dt ⎥ dt ⎢ ⎥ ⎣⎢ dAz / dt⎦⎥ The result of this operation is a vector. 17. In general, d {} A mn {} A˙ dt / mn / (2.68) (2.69) where the dot denotes differentiation with respect to time. 18. Integration of the vector {A} T m [Ax Ay Az] with respect to the scalar variable t produces another vector defined by ∫ {} A m d ⎡ ⎢ t ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ∫ ∫ ∫ Ax dt⎤ ⎥ Ay dt⎥ Az dt⎥ ⎦ (2.70) 19. Differentiation of the dot product {A} m • {B} m with respect to time t is defined by d ({ A} • { B} ) { A} • { B˙ } { A˙ } • {} B d t m m m m m m where { ˙} d A { } ˙ d A and { B} {} B dt dt m m m m (2.71)

38 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics 20. Differentiation of the cross product {A} m {B} m with respect to time t follows the same rule as that for the dot product. Hence, d (2.72) d ({ A } m { B } m ) { A t } m { B˙ } m { A˙ } m { B } m 2.3 Geometry analysis 2.3.1 Three point method In order to establish the position of any point in space, vector theory can be used to work from three points for which the co-ordinates are already established. Consider the following example, shown in Figure 2.13. In this example the positions of A, B and C are taken to be known as the lengths AD, BD and CD. The position of D is unknown and must be solved. In terms of vectors this can be expressed using the following known inputs: {R A } 1 T [Ax Ay Az] {R B } T 1 [Bx By Bz] {R C } T 1 [Cx Cy Cz] |R DA | |R DB | |R DC | In order to solve the three unknowns Dx, Dy and Dz, which are the components of the position vector {R D } 1 , it is necessary to set up three equations as follows: |R DA | 2 (Dx Ax) 2 (Dy Ay) 2 (Dz Az) 2 (2.73) |R DB | 2 (Dx Bx) 2 (Dy By) 2 (Dz Bz) 2 (2.74) |R DC | 2 (Dx Cx) 2 (Dy Cy) 2 (Dz Cz) 2 (2.75) B {R DB } 1 A {R DA } 1 {R DC } 1 O1 Y 1 D X 1 Z 1 C Fig. 2.13 Use of position vectors for geometry analysis

38 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

20. Differentiation of the cross product {A} m {B} m with respect to time t<br />

follows the same rule as that for the dot product. Hence,<br />

d<br />

(2.72)<br />

d ({ A } m { B } m ) { A<br />

t<br />

} m { B˙<br />

} m { A˙<br />

} m { B } m<br />

2.3 Geometry analysis<br />

2.3.1 Three point method<br />

In order to establish the position of any point in space, vector theory can be<br />

used to work from three points for which the co-ordinates are already established.<br />

Consider the following example, shown in Figure 2.13.<br />

In this example the positions of A, B and C are taken to be known as the<br />

lengths AD, BD and CD. The position of D is unknown and must be solved.<br />

In terms of vectors this can be expressed using the following known inputs:<br />

{R A } 1 T [Ax Ay Az]<br />

{R B } T 1 [Bx By Bz]<br />

{R C } T 1 [Cx Cy Cz]<br />

|R DA |<br />

|R DB |<br />

|R DC |<br />

In order to solve the three unknowns Dx, Dy and Dz, which are the components<br />

of the position vector {R D } 1 , it is necessary to set up three equations as<br />

follows:<br />

|R DA | 2 (Dx Ax) 2 (Dy Ay) 2 (Dz Az) 2 (2.73)<br />

|R DB | 2 (Dx Bx) 2 (Dy By) 2 (Dz Bz) 2 (2.74)<br />

|R DC | 2 (Dx Cx) 2 (Dy Cy) 2 (Dz Cz) 2 (2.75)<br />

B<br />

{R DB } 1<br />

A<br />

{R DA } 1<br />

{R DC } 1<br />

O1<br />

Y 1<br />

D<br />

X 1<br />

Z 1<br />

C<br />

Fig. 2.13<br />

Use of position vectors for geometry analysis

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