Simulation output and interpretation 413 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 7.18 Possibilities for departure from linearity close to the subjective linearity limit and then the vehicle speed is increased in order to increase the lateral acceleration. The increase in vehicle speed is gradual and so details such as driveline layout are not relevant because the drive torque is low. This situation might occur, for example, on a long, constant radius, downhill motorway interchange ‘cloverleaf’. The three scenarios illustrated in Figure 7.18 can be summarized as: (a) reduced AyG and further reduced YRG (b) reduced AyG and YRG in proportion to each other (c) reduced YRG and further reduced AyG In scenario (a), yaw rate gain is reduced further than lateral acceleration gain. In order to accommodate the changes in both lateral acceleration and yaw rate, the radius of the path must increase and so the vehicle has a period of adjustment to a new, wider line in the curve. Most drivers notice this and instinctively reduce vehicle speed to restore the desired path over the ground. It is described subjectively as an ‘understeer departure’ or ‘pushing’ or perhaps in the USA as ‘plowing’ (ploughing). If uncompensated, it leads to a vehicle departing the course (road, track, etc.) in an attitude that is basically forwards. This is by far the most common behaviour for road vehicles. It is desirable since, if the vehicle does leave the road, it is least likely to roll over and will correctly present the engineered crash structure between the occupants and any obstacles encountered. For sporty drivers the sensation of the vehicle ‘turning out’ of the corner as it departs from linearity can become tiresome. In scenario (b), lateral acceleration and yaw rate gain change in some connected manner and the vehicle will maintain course although it might need some modification to steering input. Subjectively this vehicle will be described as ‘neutral’ although objectively it might well be understeering. Excess speed for a curve will lead to the vehicle running wide but with no sense of ‘turning out of the curve’. Such a vehicle generally feels benign although the progressive departure can mean it is unnoticed by inattentive drivers. Enthusiastic drivers will not be so frustrated by this behaviour. In scenario (c), lateral acceleration gain reduces more than yaw rate gain. This leads to an ‘over-rotation’ of the vehicle when viewed in plan. Depending on the severity of the mismatch, the change may lead to a spin out of the curve. From inside the vehicle there is a pronounced sense of the rear end

414 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics of the vehicle departing first but objectively the vehicle may not actually oversteer in the classical sense – it may simply move ‘towards neutrality’. This is the nature of rear-wheel-drive vehicles when driven to departure using the throttle. Subjectively, there is a pronounced sense of ‘oversteer’ – sometimes described as ‘loose’ in the USA. Vehicles that preserve yaw rate gain as they lose linearity are widely regarded as fun to drive and sporty. A further difficulty between theoretical and practical dynamicists is that the former group often consider the vehicle on the basis of ‘fixed control’ and ‘free control’ where the latter almost always use ‘driver input to complete a set task’. With fixed and free control, the inputs are consistent and the response of the vehicle is used to evaluate it. With driver input, the vehicle response is substantially constant and the vehicle is evaluated on the basis of the required changes in driver input to complete a task. More and more, so-called ‘black lakes’ – large flat areas of high grip surface – are being added to vehicle testing facilities to allow the evaluation of fixed and free control manoeuvres for experimental correlation purposes. Also gaining in popularity are theoretical ‘driver models’. These range from simple pathfollowers to sophisticated multi-loop, multi-pass adaptive controllers. At present there are many such models and none has gained precedence, suggesting perhaps that none is ideal for the task at hand – understanding and improving vehicle behaviour. Methods for modelling driver behaviour are discussed in Chapter 6. A very real problem with such models is that there is a fine line between evaluating the quality of the driver model and evaluating the change on the vehicle. Did the vehicle performance improve because the modification suited the driver model? Does that behaviour reflect a typical driver in an emergency situation? These criticisms are not unique to modelling and can also be levelled at highly skilled development drivers. Indeed, within motorsport circles this particular difficulty is widely recognized. There are drivers who can drive a given setup in the fastest way that it can be driven but who cannot articulate how the vehicle could be faster. Such drivers are an asset on race days but less so during development testing. For this reason, ‘test’ or ‘development’ drivers are frequently employed who have a different set of skills to event drivers. In summary then, the subjective evaluation of a vehicle depends largely on the nature of its departure from linearity while objective evaluation is an absolute positioning against a neutral datum. From inside the vehicle it is generally difficult to distinguish between a vehicle that is operating at a large body slip angle and one that is truly oversteering. In any case, to control a large body slip angle it is frequently necessary to reduce or reverse steering input (‘opposite lock’), changing the measured yaw rate gains substantially towards oversteer. 7.3.5 Mechanisms for generating under- and oversteer To understand the vehicle parameters that have an influence on oversteer, understeer and departure behaviour, we can use the roll stiffness model described earlier to consider a series of free bodies and the force moment balance on each during steady state cornering. Figure 7.19 shows a version of the roll stiffness model while travelling in a curved path, with a lateral acceleration A y .

414 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

of the vehicle departing first but objectively the vehicle may not actually<br />

oversteer in the classical sense – it may simply move ‘towards neutrality’.<br />

This is the nature of rear-wheel-drive vehicles when driven to departure<br />

using the throttle. Subjectively, there is a pronounced sense of ‘oversteer’ –<br />

sometimes described as ‘loose’ in the USA. Vehicles that preserve yaw rate<br />

gain as they lose linearity are widely regarded as fun to drive and sporty.<br />

A further difficulty between theoretical and practical dynamicists is that the<br />

former group often consider the vehicle on the basis of ‘fixed control’ and<br />

‘free control’ where the latter almost always use ‘driver input to complete<br />

a set task’. With fixed and free control, the inputs are consistent and the<br />

response of the vehicle is used to evaluate it. With driver input, the vehicle<br />

response is substantially constant and the vehicle is evaluated on the basis<br />

of the required changes in driver input to complete a task. More and more,<br />

so-called ‘black lakes’ – large flat areas of high grip surface – are being<br />

added to vehicle testing facilities to allow the evaluation of fixed and free<br />

control manoeuvres for experimental correlation purposes. Also gaining in<br />

popularity are theoretical ‘driver models’. These range from simple pathfollowers<br />

to sophisticated multi-loop, multi-pass adaptive controllers. At<br />

present there are many such models and none has gained precedence, suggesting<br />

perhaps that none is ideal for the task at hand – understanding and<br />

improving vehicle behaviour. Methods for modelling driver behaviour are<br />

discussed in Chapter 6. A very real problem with such models is that there<br />

is a fine line between evaluating the quality of the driver model and evaluating<br />

the change on the vehicle. Did the vehicle performance improve because<br />

the modification suited the driver model? Does that behaviour reflect a typical<br />

driver in an emergency situation? These criticisms are not unique to<br />

modelling and can also be levelled at highly skilled development drivers.<br />

Indeed, within motorsport circles this particular difficulty is widely recognized.<br />

There are drivers who can drive a given setup in the fastest way that<br />

it can be driven but who cannot articulate how the vehicle could be faster.<br />

Such drivers are an asset on race days but less so during development testing.<br />

For this reason, ‘test’ or ‘development’ drivers are frequently employed<br />

who have a different set of skills to event drivers.<br />

In summary then, the subjective evaluation of a vehicle depends largely on<br />

the nature of its departure from linearity while objective evaluation is an<br />

absolute positioning against a neutral datum. From inside the vehicle it is<br />

generally difficult to distinguish between a vehicle that is operating at a<br />

large body slip angle and one that is truly oversteering. In any case, to control<br />

a large body slip angle it is frequently necessary to reduce or reverse<br />

steering input (‘opposite lock’), changing the measured yaw rate gains substantially<br />

towards oversteer.<br />

7.3.5 Mechanisms for generating under- and oversteer<br />

To understand the vehicle parameters that have an influence on oversteer,<br />

understeer and departure behaviour, we can use the roll stiffness model<br />

described earlier to consider a series of free bodies and the force moment<br />

balance on each during steady state cornering. Figure 7.19 shows a version<br />

of the roll stiffness model while travelling in a curved path, with a lateral<br />

acceleration A y .

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