Simulation output and interpretation 407 (deg) Understeer Ackermann K Understeer gradient angle 180 L R Oversteer Lateral acceleration (g) Fig. 7.12 Determination of understeer gradient (Gillespie, 1992) Vehicles with stiff suspension, high steer axis angles and wide tyres are more prone to this effect. Returning to the more general steady state cornering behaviour, the constant radius turn test procedure (ISO 4138), the procedure may be summarized as: ● Start at slow speed, find Ackermann angle. ● Increment speed in steps to produce increments in lateral acceleration of typically 0.1g. ● Corner in steady state at each speed and measure steering inputs. ● Produce a graph similar to that shown in Figure 7.12. Considering the diagram, two regions are apparent. In the ‘understeer’ region, more steer angle is necessary compared to the Ackermann angle to hold the chosen radius. This may not seem intuitive unless the view is taken that the vehicle steers less than is expected (‘under’ the Ackermann response) and more steer angle is needed to compensate for it. Similarly, the ‘oversteer’ region needs less steer angle compared to the Ackermann angle. If the oversteer is large, the steer might need to become negative to trim the vehicle in the steady state. For many, oversteer is marked by the use of steer in the opposite direction to the corner – so-called ‘opposite lock’. However, the strict definition only requires that less steer than the Ackermann angle is applied – the transition to opposite lock merely marks a further degree of oversteer but there is nothing especially significant about the sign change. If the steer angle does not vary with lateral acceleration the vehicle is said to be ‘neutral steering’. At low lateral acceleration the road wheel angle can be expressed using (7.12): ⎛180⎞ L KA (7.12) ⎝ ⎠ y R

408 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics where road wheel angle (deg) K understeer gradient (deg/g) A y lateral acceleration (g) L wheelbase (m) R radius (m) Note that the use of understeer gradient in degrees/g can be expressed at either the axle or the handwheel if appropriate regard is taken of the steering reduction ratio. For vehicle dynamicists it is easy to declare that the only measure of consequence is the axle steer; however, this is to ignore the subjective importance of handwheel angle to the operator of the vehicle. Note also that this parameter K is not to be confused with the more common ‘stability factor’ K as developed by Milliken and Segel and used later in this chapter. Olley makes an important distinction between what he calls the primary effects on the car affecting the tyre slip angles and secondary effects affecting handwheel angles and body attitudes, which are acutely sensed by the operator (Milliken and Milliken, 2001). Perhaps the biggest source of difficulty between practical and theoretical vehicle dynamicists is that the large modifiers of the primary vehicle dynamics are generally fixed by the time the practical camp get their hands on a vehicle and so are not considered by them; the secondary modifiers used to great effect to deliver the required subjective behaviour of the vehicle for its marketplace are frequently overlooked by the theoretical camp as being ‘small modifiers’ despite being important to the emotional reaction of the driver to the vehicle. For this entirely prosaic reason it is common that members of each fraternity understand little of what goes on in the other. 7.3.3 Some further discussion of vehicles in curved path Below the limiting yaw rate it is tempting to think that for a real vehicle the behaviour is largely geometric in nature (Figure 7.13). This is essentially a repeat of the Ackermann diagram in Figure 7.5 and equation (7.5). The geometric yaw rate is achieved by some notional vehicle that may be thought of as running on ‘blade’ wheels on indestructible ice – no sideslip V V mean geom L 180 L Fig. 7.13 Geometric yaw rate expectations

Simulation output and interpretation 407<br />

<br />

(deg)<br />

Understeer<br />

Ackermann<br />

K Understeer gradient<br />

angle<br />

180 L<br />

<br />

<br />

R<br />

Oversteer<br />

Lateral acceleration (g)<br />

Fig. 7.12 Determination of understeer gradient (Gillespie, 1992)<br />

Vehicles with stiff suspension, high steer axis angles and wide tyres are<br />

more prone to this effect.<br />

Returning to the more general steady state cornering behaviour, the constant<br />

radius turn test procedure (ISO 4138), the procedure may be summarized<br />

as:<br />

● Start at slow speed, find Ackermann angle.<br />

● Increment speed in steps to produce increments in lateral acceleration of<br />

typically 0.1g.<br />

● Corner in steady state at each speed and measure steering inputs.<br />

● Produce a graph similar to that shown in Figure 7.12.<br />

Considering the diagram, two regions are apparent. In the ‘understeer’ region,<br />

more steer angle is necessary compared to the Ackermann angle to hold the<br />

chosen radius. This may not seem intuitive unless the view is taken that the<br />

vehicle steers less than is expected (‘under’ the Ackermann response) and<br />

more steer angle is needed to compensate for it. Similarly, the ‘oversteer’<br />

region needs less steer angle compared to the Ackermann angle. If the oversteer<br />

is large, the steer might need to become negative to trim the vehicle in<br />

the steady state. For many, oversteer is marked by the use of steer in the<br />

opposite direction to the corner – so-called ‘opposite lock’. However, the<br />

strict definition only requires that less steer than the Ackermann angle is<br />

applied – the transition to opposite lock merely marks a further degree of<br />

oversteer but there is nothing especially significant about the sign change.<br />

If the steer angle does not vary with lateral acceleration the vehicle is said<br />

to be ‘neutral steering’.<br />

At low lateral acceleration the road wheel angle can be expressed using<br />

(7.12):<br />

<br />

⎛180⎞<br />

L<br />

KA (7.12)<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

y<br />


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