Modelling and assembly of the full vehicle 391 a y lateral acceleration (m/s 2 ) torque around z-axis (Nm) steer angle (rad) side slip angle (rad) ij wheel slip angles (rad) . yaw rate (rad/s) F zij vertical forces on each wheel (N) ij position: i front(f )/rear(r), j left(l)/right(r) Note that steer angle and the velocity of the vehicle’s centre of gravity v cog are specified as model inputs. The relationship between the dynamic vehicle parameters can be formulated as differential equations. Most of these can be found in the standard literature. Using formulas by Wong (2001) and Will and Żak (1997) the following differential equations for acceleration, torque and yaw rate can be derived: 1 ( ) v˙ cos sin cos sin ˙ x m F xfl F yfl F xfr F yfr F xrl F xrr v y 1 ( ) (6.28) v˙ cos sin cos sin ˙ y m F yfl F xfl F yfr F xfr F yrl F yrr v x (6.29) t f t f tr tr Fxfl Fxfr Fxrl Fxrr bFyfl bFyfr cFyrl cFyrr 2 2 2 2 M M M M (6.30) zfl zfr zrl zrr ˙˙ J z (6.31) where the additional parameters are defined as: F xij longitudinal forces on tyre ij (N) F yij lateral forces on tyre ij (N) F xij longitudinal forces on tyre ij in the vehicle’s co-ordinate system (N) F yij lateral forces on tyre ij in the vehicle’s co-ordinate system (N) M zij self-aligning moment on tyre ij (Nm) m mass of vehicle (kg) J z moment of inertia around vertical axis (Nm 2 ) t f , t r front and rear track width (m) b, c position of centre of gravity between wheels (m) Other important states are the wheel slip angles ij and the body slip angle , defined as follows: fl/ r ⎛ ⎞ vy b˙ arctan ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ vx tf˙ ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ (6.32)

392 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics rl/ r ⎛ ⎞ vy c˙ arctan ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ vx tr˙ ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ (6.33) ⎛ arctan v y ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ v ⎠ (6.34) In this model roll and pitch of the vehicle are neglected but weight transfer is included to determine the vertical load at each wheel as defined by Milliken and Milliken (1995): F mg m ah y c zfl/ r ⎛ 1 ma 2 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ t ⎠ l F mg m ah y b zrl/ r ⎛ 1 ma 2 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ t ⎠ l (6.35) (6.36) The additional parameters are the height h of the vehicle’s centre of gravity, the wheelbase and the gravitational acceleration g. In equations (6.37) and (6.38) it has to be considered that a x v . x and a y v . y. The yaw motion of the vehicle has to be taken in account (Wong, 2001) giving: a v˙ v ˙ (6.37) x x y a v˙ v ˙ y y x x x x h l h l (6.38) In this work the author (Wenzel et al., 2003) has simulated a range of vehicle manoeuvres using both the ‘Magic Formula’ and Fiala tyre models described in Chapter 5. The example shown here is for the lane change manoeuvre used in this case study with a reduced steer input applied at the wheels as shown in the bottom of Figure 6.63. Also shown in Figure 6.63 are the results from the Simulink model and a simulation run with the MSC.ADAMS linkage model. For this manoeuvre and vehicle data set the Simulink and MSC.ADAMS models can be seen to produce similar results. In completing this case study there are some conclusions that can be drawn. For vehicle handling simulations it has been shown here that simple models such as the equivalent roll stiffness model can provide good levels of accuracy. It is known, however, that roll centres will ‘migrate’ as the vehicle rolls, particularly as the vehicle approaches limit conditions. The plots for Case Study 1 in Chapter 4 show the vertical movement of the roll centre along the centre line of the vehicle as the suspension moves between bump and rebound. On the complete vehicle the roll centre will also move laterally off the centre line as the vehicle rolls. Using a multibody systems approach to develop a simple model may also throw up some surprises for the unsuspecting analyst. The equivalent roll

392 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

<br />

rl/<br />

r<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

vy<br />

c˙<br />

arctan<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

1<br />

⎜ vx<br />

tr˙<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠<br />

(6.33)<br />

⎛<br />

arctan v y ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ v ⎠<br />

(6.34)<br />

In this model roll and pitch of the vehicle are neglected but weight transfer<br />

is included to determine the vertical load at each wheel as defined by<br />

Milliken and Milliken (1995):<br />

F mg m ah y c<br />

zfl/<br />

r ⎛ 1<br />

ma<br />

2<br />

⎞<br />

⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ t ⎠<br />

l<br />

F mg m ah y b<br />

zrl/<br />

r ⎛ 1<br />

ma<br />

2<br />

⎞<br />

⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ t ⎠<br />

l<br />

(6.35)<br />

(6.36)<br />

The additional parameters are the height h of the vehicle’s centre of gravity,<br />

the wheelbase and the gravitational acceleration g.<br />

In equations (6.37) and (6.38) it has to be considered that a x v . x and<br />

a y v . y. The yaw motion of the vehicle has to be taken in account (Wong,<br />

2001) giving:<br />

a v˙<br />

v<br />

˙<br />

(6.37)<br />

x x y<br />

a v˙<br />

v<br />

˙<br />

y y x<br />

x<br />

x<br />

x<br />

h<br />

l<br />

h<br />

l<br />

(6.38)<br />

In this work the author (Wenzel et al., 2003) has simulated a range of<br />

vehicle manoeuvres using both the ‘Magic Formula’ and Fiala tyre models<br />

described in Chapter 5. The example shown here is for the lane change<br />

manoeuvre used in this case study with a reduced steer input applied at the<br />

wheels as shown in the bottom of Figure 6.63.<br />

Also shown in Figure 6.63 are the results from the Simulink model and a<br />

simulation run with the MSC.ADAMS linkage model. For this manoeuvre<br />

and vehicle data set the Simulink and MSC.ADAMS models can be seen to<br />

produce similar results.<br />

In completing this case study there are some conclusions that can be drawn.<br />

For vehicle handling simulations it has been shown here that simple models<br />

such as the equivalent roll stiffness model can provide good levels of accuracy.<br />

It is known, however, that roll centres will ‘migrate’ as the vehicle<br />

rolls, particularly as the vehicle approaches limit conditions. The plots for<br />

Case Study 1 in Chapter 4 show the vertical movement of the roll centre<br />

along the centre line of the vehicle as the suspension moves between bump<br />

and rebound. On the complete vehicle the roll centre will also move laterally<br />

off the centre line as the vehicle rolls.<br />

Using a multibody systems approach to develop a simple model may also<br />

throw up some surprises for the unsuspecting analyst. The equivalent roll

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