Modelling and assembly of the full vehicle 371 often referred to as ‘negative feedback’ systems. The error can also be integrated and differentiated, with control forces applied proportional to the integral and the differential – these are the ‘I’ and the ‘D’ terms in the controller. One or more of the terms may not be used at all in any particular controller. An analogy for PID controllers can be found in vehicle suspensions. If the ride height is thought of as the desired output, then individual components of the suspension behave as parts of a control system. The springs produce a force proportional to the change in ride height and the dampers produce a force proportional to the derivative of ride height. Real dampers are often non-linear in performance, and there is nothing to stop non-linear gains being used for any of the control terms. The D term has the effect of introducing damping into the control system. An analogy for the I term is a little harder to come by. The best analogy is that of a self-levelling unit fitted to the suspension, which applies a restoring force related to the length of time the vehicle has been at the wrong ride height and how wrong the ride height is. (This is an imperfect analogy for many reasons but allows the notion to be understood at least.) In real systems, when the output is nearly the same as the reference state it is frequently the case that the control forces become too small to influence the system, either because of mechanical hysteresis or sensor resolution or some similar issue. One important measure of the quality of any control system is the accuracy with which it achieves its goals. Such an offset characterizes an inaccurate system; an integral term ‘winds up’ from a small error until powerful enough to restore the system to the reference state. Thus for classical control, integral terms are important for accuracy. However, since they take some time to act they can introduce delays into the system. In general PID controllers have the advantage that they produce ‘continuous’ output – that is to say all the derivatives are finite, the output has no steps – which is quite like the behaviour of real people. (iii) Fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic was first described in the 1960s but found favour in the 1980s as a fashionable ‘new’ technology. Notions of ‘true’ and ‘false’ govern ‘logic’ in computer algorithms. Simple control systems assess a set of conditions and make a decision based on whether or not such variables are true or false. Fuzzy logic simply defines ‘degrees of truth’ by using numbers between 0 and 1 such that the actions taken are some blend of actions that would be taken were something completely true and other actions that would be taken were something completely false. Fuzzy logic is most applicable to control systems where actions taken are dependent on circumstance and where a simple PID controller is unable to produce the correct output in every circumstance. For example, throttle demand in a rear-wheel drive vehicle model might be controlled with a PID controller to balance understeer; however, too much throttle would cause oversteer and some more sophisticated blend of steer and throttle input would be required to retain control under these circumstances. (iv) Neural networks. Where the system of interest is highly non-linear and a lot of data exists that describes desired outputs of the system for many different combinations of inputs, it is possible to use a neural network to ‘learn’ the patterns inherently present in the data. A neural network is quite simply a network of devices that is ‘neuron-like’. Neurons are the brain’s building blocks and are switches with multiple inputs and some

372 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics threshold to decide when they switch. In general, neural networks are run on transistor devices or in computer simulations. They require a period of ‘training’ when they learn what settings need to be made for individual neurons in order to produce the required outputs. Once trained, they are extremely rapid in operation since there is very little ‘processing’ as such, simply a cascade of voltage switching through the transistor network. If the network is implemented as semiconductor transistors then it works at a speed governed only by the latency of the semiconductor medium – extremely fast indeed. Neural networks are extremely useful for controlling highly non-linear systems for which it is too difficult to code a traditional algorithm. However, the requirement for a large amount of data can make the learning exercise a difficult one. Recent advances in the field reduce the need for precise data sets of input and corresponding outputs; input data and ‘desirable outcome’ definitions allow neural networks to learn how to produce a desirable outcome by identifying patterns in the incoming data. Such networks are extremely slow in comparison to the more traditional types of network during the learning phase. In general, for driver modelling there is little applicability for neural networks at present due to the lack of fully populated data sets with which to teach them. It is also worth commenting that for any input range that was not encountered during the learning phase, the outputs are unknown and may not prove desirable. This latter feature is not dissimilar to real people; drivers who have never experienced a skid are very unlikely to control it at the first attempt. (v) System identification. System identification is a useful technique, not dissimilar in concept to neural networking. A large amount of data is passed through one of several algorithms that produce an empirical mathematical formulation that will produce outputs like the real thing when given the same set of inputs. The formulation is more mathematical than neural networking and so the resulting equations are amenable to inspection – although the terms and parameters may lack any immediately obvious significance if the system is highly non-linear. System identification methods select the level of mathematical complexity required to represent the system of interest (the ‘order’ of the model) and generate parameters to tune a generic representation to the specific system of interest. As with neural networks, the representation of the system for inputs that are beyond the bounds of the original inputs (used to identify the model) is undefined. System identification is useful as a generic modelling technique and so has been successfully applied to components such as dampers as well as control system and plant modelling. System identification is generally faster to apply than neural network learning but the finished model cannot work as quickly. The same data set availability problems for neural networking also mean system identification is not currently applicable to driver modelling. (vi) Adaptive controllers. Adaptive control is a generic term to describe the ability of a control system to react to changes in circumstances. In general, people are adaptive in their behaviour and so it would seem at first glance that adaptive control is an appropriate tool for modelling driver behaviour. Optimum control models, described above, generally use some form of adaptive control to optimize the performance of a given controller architecture to the system being controlled and the task at hand. Adaptation is a problem in real world testing since it obscures real differences in performance;

372 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

threshold to decide when they switch. In general, neural networks are run<br />

on transistor devices or in computer simulations. They require a period of<br />

‘training’ when they learn what settings need to be made for individual<br />

neurons in order to produce the required outputs. Once trained, they are<br />

extremely rapid in operation since there is very little ‘processing’ as such,<br />

simply a cascade of voltage switching through the transistor network. If the<br />

network is implemented as semiconductor transistors then it works at a<br />

speed governed only by the latency of the semiconductor medium –<br />

extremely fast indeed. Neural networks are extremely useful for controlling<br />

highly non-linear systems for which it is too difficult to code a traditional<br />

algorithm. However, the requirement for a large amount of data can make<br />

the learning exercise a difficult one. Recent advances in the field reduce the<br />

need for precise data sets of input and corresponding outputs; input data<br />

and ‘desirable outcome’ definitions allow neural networks to learn how to<br />

produce a desirable outcome by identifying patterns in the incoming data.<br />

Such networks are extremely slow in comparison to the more traditional<br />

types of network during the learning phase. In general, for driver modelling<br />

there is little applicability for neural networks at present due to the lack of<br />

fully populated data sets with which to teach them. It is also worth commenting<br />

that for any input range that was not encountered during the learning<br />

phase, the outputs are unknown and may not prove desirable. This latter<br />

feature is not dissimilar to real people; drivers who have never experienced<br />

a skid are very unlikely to control it at the first attempt.<br />

(v) System identification. System identification is a useful technique, not<br />

dissimilar in concept to neural networking. A large amount of data is<br />

passed through one of several algorithms that produce an empirical mathematical<br />

formulation that will produce outputs like the real thing when<br />

given the same set of inputs. The formulation is more mathematical than<br />

neural networking and so the resulting equations are amenable to inspection<br />

– although the terms and parameters may lack any immediately obvious<br />

significance if the system is highly non-linear. System identification<br />

methods select the level of mathematical complexity required to represent<br />

the system of interest (the ‘order’ of the model) and generate parameters to<br />

tune a generic representation to the specific system of interest. As with<br />

neural networks, the representation of the system for inputs that are beyond<br />

the bounds of the original inputs (used to identify the model) is undefined.<br />

System identification is useful as a generic modelling technique and so has<br />

been successfully applied to components such as dampers as well as control<br />

system and plant modelling. System identification is generally faster to<br />

apply than neural network learning but the finished model cannot work as<br />

quickly. The same data set availability problems for neural networking also<br />

mean system identification is not currently applicable to driver modelling.<br />

(vi) Adaptive controllers. Adaptive control is a generic term to describe the<br />

ability of a control system to react to changes in circumstances. In general,<br />

people are adaptive in their behaviour and so it would seem at first glance<br />

that adaptive control is an appropriate tool for modelling driver behaviour.<br />

Optimum control models, described above, generally use some form of<br />

adaptive control to optimize the performance of a given controller architecture<br />

to the system being controlled and the task at hand. Adaptation is a problem<br />

in real world testing since it obscures real differences in performance;

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