Introduction 15 The best multibody system codes now include, specifically for the vehicle handling task, a ‘concept level’ model that has no literal detail but instead a ‘wheel trajectory map’. In the near future, it seems that reverse engineering tools for deducing the required wheel trajectory map will become available. Crolla (1995) identifies the main types of computer-based tools which can be used for vehicle dynamic simulation and categorizes these as: (i) Purpose-designed simulation codes (ii) Multibody simulation packages that are numerical (iii) Multibody simulation packages that are algebraic (symbolic) (iv) Toolkits such as MATLAB One of the major conclusions that Crolla draws is that it is still generally the case that the ride and handling performance of a vehicle will be developed and refined mainly through subjective assessments. Most importantly he suggests that in concentrating on sophistication and precision in modelling, practising vehicle dynamicists may have got the balance wrong. This is an important issue that reinforces the main approach in this book, which is to encourage the application of models that lead to positive decisions and inputs to the vehicle design process. Crolla’s paper also provides an interesting historical review that highlights an important meeting at IMechE headquarters in 1956, ‘Research in automobile stability and control and tyre performance’. The author states that in the field of vehicle dynamics the papers presented at this meeting are now regarded as seminal and are referred to in the USA as simply ‘The IME Papers’. One of the authors at that meeting, Segel, can be considered to be a pioneer in the field of vehicle dynamics. His paper (Segel, 1956) is one of the first examples where classical mechanics has been applied to an automobile in the study of lateral rigid body motion resulting from steering inputs. The paper describes work carried out on a Buick vehicle for General Motors and is based on transferable experience of aircraft stability gained at the Flight Research Department, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory (CAL). The main thrust of the project was the development of a mathematical vehicle model that included the formulation of lateral tyre forces and the experimental verification using instrumented vehicle tests. Another author at the meeting, Milliken (Milliken and Whitcomb, 1956), has also continued to make a significant contribution to the discipline. In 1993, almost 40 years after embarking on this early work in vehicle dynamics, Segel again visited the IMechE to present a comprehensive review paper (Segel, 1993), ‘An overview of developments in road vehicle dynamics: past, present and future’. This paper provides a historical review that considers the development of vehicle dynamics theory in three distinct phases: Period 1 – Invention of the car to early 1930s Period 2 – Early 1930s to 1953 Period 3 – 1953 to present

16 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics In describing the start of Period 3 Segel references his early ‘IME paper’ (Segel, 1956). In terms of preparing a review of work in the area of vehicle dynamics there is an important point made in the paper regarding the rapid expansion in literature that makes any comprehensive summary and critique difficult. This is highlighted by the example of the 1992 FISITA Congress where a total of seventy papers were presented under the general title of ‘Total Vehicle Dynamics’. Following Segel’s historical classification of the vehicle dynamics discipline to date, the authors of this text suggest that we have now entered a fourth era that may be characterized by the use of engineering analysis software as something of a ‘commodity’, bought and sold and often used without a great deal of formal comprehension. In these circumstances there is a need for the software to be absolutely watertight (currently not possible to guarantee) or else for a small number of experts – ‘champions’ – within organizations to ensure the ‘commodity’ users aren’t drifting off the rails, to use a horribly mixed metaphor. This mode of operation is already becoming established within the analysis groups of large automotive companies where analysts make use of customized software programs such as ADAMS/Car. These programs have two distinct types of usage. At one level the software is used by an ‘expert’ with the experience, knowledge and skill to customize the models generated, the types of simulation to be performed and the format in which selected results will be presented. A larger group of ‘standard’ users are then able to use the program to carry out suspension or full vehicle simulations assuming little or no knowledge of multibody systems formulations and solution methods. The authors in Hogg et al. (1992) give further insights into how computer models and simulation programs are used by industry in the field of road vehicle dynamics. In this case the company is Lotus. In this paper the authors describe how simulation tools can be used at various stages in the design process. This includes the manner in which MSC.ADAMS is used to ‘tune’ a suspension design during development to produce, for example, very low but accurately controlled levels of steer change during suspension stroke. Hogg et al. (1992) continue to describe how for vehicle handling they used their own Simulation and Analysis Model (SAM). This functional model required a minimum of design information and used input parameters that can be obtained by measurement of suspension characteristics using a static test rig. The SAM model had 17 rigid body degrees of freedom (DOF). The paper identified that the vehicle body contributed 6 of these DOF and that each corner suspension unit had 2 DOF, one of which was the rotation of the road wheel and another that allowed vertical movement relative to the vehicle body. The suspensions were modelled to pivot about an instant centre. This is the same approach used with the swing arm full vehicle model described later in Chapter 6. The SAM model also had 3 DOF associated with steering which suggests steering torque inputs and the modelling of compliance in the steering system. The SAM model used an early version of the tyre model proposed by Pacejka and his associates (Bakker et al., 1986). The use of MSC.ADAMS by Lotus for handling simulations is also described in this paper (Hogg et al., 1992). In this case an example output

16 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

In describing the start of Period 3 Segel references his early ‘IME paper’<br />

(Segel, 1956). In terms of preparing a review of work in the area of vehicle<br />

dynamics there is an important point made in the paper regarding the rapid<br />

expansion in literature that makes any comprehensive summary and critique<br />

difficult. This is highlighted by the example of the 1992 FISITA<br />

Congress where a total of seventy papers were presented under the general<br />

title of ‘Total Vehicle Dynamics’.<br />

Following Segel’s historical classification of the vehicle dynamics discipline<br />

to date, the authors of this text suggest that we have now entered a<br />

fourth era that may be characterized by the use of engineering analysis<br />

software as something of a ‘commodity’, bought and sold and often used<br />

without a great deal of formal comprehension. In these circumstances there<br />

is a need for the software to be absolutely watertight (currently not possible<br />

to guarantee) or else for a small number of experts – ‘champions’ –<br />

within organizations to ensure the ‘commodity’ users aren’t drifting off the<br />

rails, to use a horribly mixed metaphor. This mode of operation is already<br />

becoming established within the analysis groups of large automotive companies<br />

where analysts make use of customized software programs such as<br />

ADAMS/Car. These programs have two distinct types of usage. At one<br />

level the software is used by an ‘expert’ with the experience, knowledge<br />

and skill to customize the models generated, the types of simulation to be<br />

performed and the format in which selected results will be presented. A<br />

larger group of ‘standard’ users are then able to use the program to carry<br />

out suspension or full vehicle simulations assuming little or no knowledge<br />

of multibody systems formulations and solution methods.<br />

The authors in Hogg et al. (1992) give further insights into how computer<br />

models and simulation programs are used by industry in the field of road<br />

vehicle dynamics. In this case the company is Lotus. In this paper the<br />

authors describe how simulation tools can be used at various stages in the<br />

design process. This includes the manner in which MSC.ADAMS is used<br />

to ‘tune’ a suspension design during development to produce, for example,<br />

very low but accurately controlled levels of steer change during suspension<br />

stroke.<br />

Hogg et al. (1992) continue to describe how for vehicle handling they used<br />

their own Simulation and Analysis Model (SAM). This functional model<br />

required a minimum of design information and used input parameters that<br />

can be obtained by measurement of suspension characteristics using a<br />

static test rig. The SAM model had 17 rigid body degrees of freedom<br />

(DOF). The paper identified that the vehicle body contributed 6 of these<br />

DOF and that each corner suspension unit had 2 DOF, one of which was the<br />

rotation of the road wheel and another that allowed vertical movement relative<br />

to the vehicle body. The suspensions were modelled to pivot about an<br />

instant centre. This is the same approach used with the swing arm full<br />

vehicle model described later in Chapter 6. The SAM model also had 3<br />

DOF associated with steering which suggests steering torque inputs and<br />

the modelling of compliance in the steering system. The SAM model used<br />

an early version of the tyre model proposed by Pacejka and his associates<br />

(Bakker et al., 1986).<br />

The use of MSC.ADAMS by Lotus for handling simulations is also<br />

described in this paper (Hogg et al., 1992). In this case an example output

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