Modelling and assembly of the full vehicle 349 anti-roll bars form more than about one third of the overall roll stiffness – in other words if K Tr is greater than 0.5 K Ts . 6.8 Aerodynamic effects Some treatment of aerodynamics is generally given in existing text books (Milliken and Milliken, 1995; Gillespie, 1992) dealing with vehicle dynamics. Other textbooks are dedicated to the subject (Hucho and Ahmed, 1998). The flow of air over the body of a vehicle produces forces and moments acting on the body resulting from the pressure distribution (form) and friction between the air and surface of the body. The forces and moments are considered using a body centred reference frame where longitudinal forces (drag), lateral forces, and vertical forces (lift or down thrust) will arise. The aerodynamic moments will be associated with roll, pitch and yaw rotations about the corresponding axes. Current practice is generally to ignore aerodynamic forces for the simulation of most proving ground manoeuvres but for some applications and classes of vehicle this is clearly not representative of the vehicle dynamics in the real world, for example winged vehicles. It is often said that for some vehicles of this type the down thrust is so great that this could overcome the weight of a vehicle, allowing it, for example, to drive upside-down through a tunnel, although this has never been demonstrated. The lack of speed limits on certain autobahns in Germany also means that a vehicle manufacturer selling a high performance vehicle to that market will need to test the vehicle at speeds well over twice the legal UK limit. The possibility of aerodynamic forces at these high speeds destabilizing the vehicle needs to be investigated and where physical testing is to be done, equivalent computer simulation is also desirable. Other effects such as side gusting are also tested for and have been simulated by vehicle dynamicists in the past. An approach that has been commonly used is to apply forces and moments to the vehicle body using measured results, look-up tables, from wind tunnel testing. As the vehicle speed and the attitude of the body change during the simulation the forces and moments are interpolated from the measured data and applied to the vehicle body. A difficulty with such an approach is that the measured results are for steady state in each condition and that transient effects are not included in the simulation. Consideration has been given to the use of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program to calculate aerodynamic forces and moments in parallel with (co-simulation) an MBS program solving the vehicle equations of motion. The problem at the current time with this approach is the mismatch in the computation time for both methods. MBS models of a complete vehicle can simulate vehicle handling manoeuvres in seconds, or even real time, whereas complex CFD models can involve simulation times running into days. Current CFD methods also have difficulty with aerodynamic transient effects (e.g. vortex shedding) although an emerging group of ‘multi-physics’ codes look set to address these problems. Thus there is no realistic prospect of the practical use of transient aerodynamics effects being modelled in the near future. However, genuine transient aerodynamic effects, such as those involved in so-called ‘aeroelastic

350 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics flutter’ – an unsteady aerodynamic flow working in sympathy with a structural resonance – are extremely rare in ground vehicles. In order to introduce readers to the fundamentals consider a starting point where it is intended only to formulate an aerodynamic drag force acting on the vehicle body. The drag force F D can be considered to act at a frontal centre of pressure for the vehicle centre of pressure (CP) and have the following formulation: 1 V CDA FD (6.12) 2 GC where C D the aerodynamic drag coefficient the density of air A the frontal area of the vehicle (projected onto a yz plane) V the velocity of the vehicle in the direction of travel GC a gravitational constant The gravitational constant is included in equation (6.12) to remind readers that this is a dynamic force. If the model units are SI then GC is equal to 1. If as commonly used the model units for length are mm then GC is equal to 1000. When formulating the aerodynamic drag force it should be considered that the force acts at the CP and that this point generally moves as the vehicle changes attitude. Similarly the drag coefficient C D and projected frontal area A also change as the body moves. For the position shown in Figure 6.25 it is clear that for anything other than straight-line motion it is going to be necessary to model the forces as components in the body centred axis system. If we consider the vehicle moving only in the xy plane then this is going to require at least the formulation of a longitudinal force Fx, a lateral force Fy and a yawing moment Mz all resolved from the centre of pressure to the body centred axis system, usually located at the mass centre. Wind tunnel testing or computational fluid dynamic analysis is able to yield coefficients for all six possible forces and moments acting on the body, referred back to the mass centre. Note that for passenger vehicles it is typical that the aerodynamic yaw moment is as shown in the figure, i.e. is such to make the vehicle turn away from the wind. For other vehicles this may not be true and individual research on the vehicle in question is needed. 2 Fx cm Mz CP F D Fy V Fig. 6.25 Application of aerodynamic drag force

Modelling and assembly of the full vehicle 349<br />

anti-roll bars form more than about one third of the overall roll stiffness – in<br />

other words if K Tr is greater than 0.5 K Ts .<br />

6.8 Aerodynamic effects<br />

Some treatment of aerodynamics is generally given in existing text books<br />

(Milliken and Milliken, 1995; Gillespie, 1992) dealing with vehicle dynamics.<br />

Other textbooks are dedicated to the subject (Hucho and Ahmed, 1998).<br />

The flow of air over the body of a vehicle produces forces and moments acting<br />

on the body resulting from the pressure distribution (form) and friction<br />

between the air and surface of the body. The forces and moments are considered<br />

using a body centred reference frame where longitudinal forces<br />

(drag), lateral forces, and vertical forces (lift or down thrust) will arise. The<br />

aerodynamic moments will be associated with roll, pitch and yaw rotations<br />

about the corresponding axes.<br />

Current practice is generally to ignore aerodynamic forces for the simulation<br />

of most proving ground manoeuvres but for some applications and<br />

classes of vehicle this is clearly not representative of the vehicle dynamics<br />

in the real world, for example winged vehicles. It is often said that for some<br />

vehicles of this type the down thrust is so great that this could overcome the<br />

weight of a vehicle, allowing it, for example, to drive upside-down through<br />

a tunnel, although this has never been demonstrated.<br />

The lack of speed limits on certain autobahns in Germany also means that<br />

a vehicle manufacturer selling a high performance vehicle to that market<br />

will need to test the vehicle at speeds well over twice the legal UK limit.<br />

The possibility of aerodynamic forces at these high speeds destabilizing the<br />

vehicle needs to be investigated and where physical testing is to be done,<br />

equivalent computer simulation is also desirable. Other effects such as side<br />

gusting are also tested for and have been simulated by vehicle dynamicists<br />

in the past.<br />

An approach that has been commonly used is to apply forces and moments<br />

to the vehicle body using measured results, look-up tables, from wind tunnel<br />

testing. As the vehicle speed and the attitude of the body change during the<br />

simulation the forces and moments are interpolated from the measured data<br />

and applied to the vehicle body. A difficulty with such an approach is that the<br />

measured results are for steady state in each condition and that transient<br />

effects are not included in the simulation. Consideration has been given to the<br />

use of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program to calculate aerodynamic<br />

forces and moments in parallel with (co-simulation) an MBS program<br />

solving the vehicle equations of motion. The problem at the current time with<br />

this approach is the mismatch in the computation time for both methods.<br />

MBS models of a complete vehicle can simulate vehicle handling manoeuvres<br />

in seconds, or even real time, whereas complex CFD models can<br />

involve simulation times running into days. Current CFD methods also have<br />

difficulty with aerodynamic transient effects (e.g. vortex shedding) although<br />

an emerging group of ‘multi-physics’ codes look set to address these problems.<br />

Thus there is no realistic prospect of the practical use of transient aerodynamics<br />

effects being modelled in the near future. However, genuine<br />

transient aerodynamic effects, such as those involved in so-called ‘aeroelastic

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