Tyre characteristics and modelling 313 an overall effective contact point for the tyre at the given moment of interaction with the terrain it is necessary to determine an effective normal vector to the road surface acting through the contact point. Once again Vesimaki (1997) uses a weighted average approach. The road normal can therefore be defined by using again the x component X ern as an example: Amwn Xern ∑ ∑ Xnm (5.71) i1 j1 Veff where Xn m is the x component of the road normal for the mth component of area within the cross-sectional tyre element. Having found a volume, contact point and road normal vector for the deformed tyre at the given integration point in time it is necessary to compute a normal force acting on the tyre from the road. This involves an intermediate step where the effective volume of penetration, V eff , is related to effective radial penetration of the tyre. This involves interpolation of a look-up table held within the tyre model that relates, for the defined tyre profile, the tyre penetration to penetrated volume when the tyre is compressed onto a flat surface. The final computation required by the tyre model is to determine the effective coefficient of friction, eff , due to contact with the terrain: n m n m eff ∑ ∑ i=1 j1 Amw V eff n m (5.72) where m is the coefficient of friction associated with the mth component of area within the cross-sectional tyre element. For off-road simulation a useful aspect of this approach is that the coefficient of friction can be factored to vary for each road element as described in section 5.6.3. Another tyre model, FTire, specifically developed for ride and durability simulations has been developed by COSIN Software in Germany (Gipser, 1999) and made available through an interface in MSC.ADAMS. The model comprises a rigid rim surrounded by elements with elastic interconnections that form a surrounding flexible belt or ring and has been developed to deal with frequencies up to 120 Hz and to encompass obstacles in the longitudinal direction of rolling with wavelengths half the length of the tyre contact patch. In the transverse direction the model can handle inclination of the road surface but not obstacles that vary across the tyre lateral direction, hence the model is referred to as a ‘2 1 ⁄2-dimensional’ nonlinear vibration model. The model can also accommodate the effects of stiffening and radial growth associated with high angular spin velocities. The model input parameters comprise tyre geometry and measured physical characteristics, with the optional input of natural frequencies and damping factors associated with the lower vibration modes of an unloaded tyre on a rigid rim. The belt or flexible ring is modelled as 50 to 100 lumped mass elements elastically interconnected and mounted to the rigid rim.

314 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics The elements have interconnecting stiffness to account for relative bending, extension, radial and tangential motion in the circumferential and lateral directions. The radial connection between elements on the belt and the rigid rim is a combined spring damper that allows the model to account for centrifugal dynamic stiffening at high angular spin velocities. Each of the interconnected belt elements has 5 to 10 massless tread blocks each having non-linear stiffness and damping in the radial, tangential and lateral directions, hence allowing the tread blocks to transmit normal forces from the road directly to the belt. Frictional forces in both the circumferential and lateral directions can be transmitted through the shear forces acting on the massless tread elements. The resultant forces and moments acting on the rigid rim are found by integrating the forces acting throughout the elastic foundation of the belt. 5.7 Implementation with MBS MBS software intended for use in vehicle dynamics will often have specialized modules intended for tyre modelling. As stated the Fiala tyre model is the default in MSC.ADAMS and at this time can be implemented directly without any special programs. Implementation of the ‘Magic Formula’ tyre model and the Interpolation method can be achieved using a specialized module ADAMS/Tire or by writing FORTRAN subroutines and linking these to provide a customized user executable of MSC.ADAMS. Current versions of programs such as ADAMS/Car make the incorporation of a tyre model appear seamless. Example tyre model subroutines developed by the authors are provided in Appendix B, some of which form the basis of a tyre modelling, checking and plotting facility (Blundell, 2000). One interface between MSC.ADAMS and a tyre model is through a userwritten TIRSUB subroutine. The subroutine defines a set of three forces and three torques acting at the tyre to road surface contact patch and formulated in the SAE co-ordinate system. The equations used to formulate these forces and moments have been programmed into the subroutines to represent the various tyre models. The transformation of the forces and moments from the tyre contact patch to the wheel centre is performed internally by the program. The TIRSUB subroutine is called from within the model data set by a TIRE statement for each tyre on the vehicle. Tyre data can be passed from the TIRE statement, from SPLINE and ARRAY statements within the data set, or programmed into the subroutine. In addition MSC.ADAMS passes a number of variables, which describe the current set of contact properties and may be used in any model formulation. These variables, which are computed in the SAE co-ordinate system, are listed below: (i) Longitudinal slip ratio (ii) Lateral slip angle (radians) (iii) Camber angle (radians) (iv) Normal deflection of tyre into road surface (v) Normal velocity of penetration of tyre into road surface (vi) Longitudinal sliding velocity of contact patch

Tyre characteristics and modelling 313<br />

an overall effective contact point for the tyre at the given moment of interaction<br />

with the terrain it is necessary to determine an effective normal vector<br />

to the road surface acting through the contact point. Once again<br />

Vesimaki (1997) uses a weighted average approach. The road normal can<br />

therefore be defined by using again the x component X ern as an example:<br />

Amwn<br />

Xern<br />

∑ ∑ Xnm<br />

(5.71)<br />

i1<br />

j1<br />

Veff<br />

where<br />

Xn m is the x component of the road normal for the mth component of area<br />

within the cross-sectional tyre element.<br />

Having found a volume, contact point and road normal vector for the<br />

deformed tyre at the given integration point in time it is necessary to compute<br />

a normal force acting on the tyre from the road. This involves an intermediate<br />

step where the effective volume of penetration, V eff , is related to<br />

effective radial penetration of the tyre. This involves interpolation of a<br />

look-up table held within the tyre model that relates, for the defined tyre<br />

profile, the tyre penetration to penetrated volume when the tyre is compressed<br />

onto a flat surface.<br />

The final computation required by the tyre model is to determine the effective<br />

coefficient of friction, eff , due to contact with the terrain:<br />

<br />

n<br />

m<br />

n m<br />

eff ∑ ∑<br />

i=1<br />

j1<br />

Amw<br />

V<br />

eff<br />

n<br />

<br />

m<br />

(5.72)<br />

where<br />

m is the coefficient of friction associated with the mth component of area<br />

within the cross-sectional tyre element.<br />

For off-road simulation a useful aspect of this approach is that the coefficient<br />

of friction can be factored to vary for each road element as described<br />

in section 5.6.3.<br />

Another tyre model, FTire, specifically developed for ride and durability<br />

simulations has been developed by COSIN Software in Germany (Gipser,<br />

1999) and made available through an interface in MSC.ADAMS.<br />

The model comprises a rigid rim surrounded by elements with elastic interconnections<br />

that form a surrounding flexible belt or ring and has been<br />

developed to deal with frequencies up to 120 Hz and to encompass obstacles<br />

in the longitudinal direction of rolling with wavelengths half the length<br />

of the tyre contact patch. In the transverse direction the model can handle<br />

inclination of the road surface but not obstacles that vary across the tyre<br />

lateral direction, hence the model is referred to as a ‘2 1 ⁄2-dimensional’ nonlinear<br />

vibration model. The model can also accommodate the effects of<br />

stiffening and radial growth associated with high angular spin velocities.<br />

The model input parameters comprise tyre geometry and measured physical<br />

characteristics, with the optional input of natural frequencies and<br />

damping factors associated with the lower vibration modes of an unloaded<br />

tyre on a rigid rim. The belt or flexible ring is modelled as 50 to 100 lumped<br />

mass elements elastically interconnected and mounted to the rigid rim.

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