Tyre characteristics and modelling 301 5.6.5 The ‘Magic Formula’ tyre model The tyre model which is now most well established and has generally gained favour is based on the work by Pacejka and as mentioned earlier is referred to as the ‘Magic Formula’. The ‘Magic Formula’ is not a predictive tyre model but is used to represent the tyre force and moment curves and is undergoing continual development. The early version (Bakker et al., 1986, 1989) is sometimes referred to as the ‘Monte Carlo version’ due to the conference location at which this model was presented in the 1989 paper. The tyre models discussed here are based on the formulations described in Bakker et al. (1989) and a later version (Pacejka and Bakker, 1993) referred to as version 3 of the ‘Magic Formula’. Other authors have developed systems based around the ‘Magic Formula’. The BNPS model (Schuring et al., 1993) is a particular version of the ‘Magic Formula’ that automates the development of the coefficients working from measured test data. The model name BNPS is in honour of Messrs Bakker, Nyborg and Pacejka who originated the ‘Magic Formula’ and the S indicates the particular implementation developed by Smithers Scientific Services Inc. In the original ‘Magic Formula’ paper Bakker et al. (1986) discuss the use of formulae to represent the force and moment curves using established techniques based on polynomials or a Fourier series. The main disadvantage with this approach is that the coefficients used have no engineering significance in terms of the tyre properties and as with interpolation methods the model would not lend itself to design activities. This is also reflected in Sitchen (1983) where the author describes a representation based on polynomials where the curves are divided into five regions but this still has the problem of using coefficients which do not typify the tyre force and moment characteristics. The general acceptance of the ‘Magic Formula’ is reinforced by the work carried out at Michelin and described in Bayle et al. (1993). In this paper the authors describe how the ‘Magic Formula’ has been tested at Michelin and ‘industrialized’ as a self-contained package for the pure lateral force model. The authors also considered modifications to the ‘Magic Formula’ to deal with the complicated situation of combined slip. The ‘Magic Formula’ model is undergoing continual development, which is reflected in a further publication (Pacejka and Besselink, 1997) where the model is not restricted to small values of slip and the wheel may also run backwards. The authors also discuss a relatively simple model for longitudinal and lateral transient responses restricted to relatively low time and path frequencies. The tyre model in this paper also acquired a new name and is referred to as the ‘Delft Tyre 97’ version. The ‘Magic Formula’ has been developed using mathematical functions that relate: (i) The lateral force F y as a function of slip angle (ii) The aligning moment M z as a function of slip angle (iii) The longitudinal force F x as a function of longitudinal slip When these curves are obtained from steady state tyre testing and plotted the general shape of the curves is similar to that indicated in Figure 5.57.

302 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics F x M z Slip angle Slip ratio F y Fig. 5.57 Typical form of tyre force and moment curves from steady state testing It is important to note that the data used to generate the tyre model is obtained from steady state testing. The lateral force F y and the aligning moment M z are measured during pure cornering, i.e. cornering without braking, and the longitudinal braking force during pure braking, i.e. braking without cornering. The basis of this model is that tyre force and moment curves obtained under pure slip conditions and shown in Figure 5.57 look like sine functions that have been modified by introducing an arctangent function to ‘stretch’ the slip values on the x-axis. The general form of the model as presented in Bakker et al. (1986) is: y(x) D sin[C arctan{Bx E(Bx arctan(Bx))}] (5.49) where Y(X) y(x) S v (5.50) x X S h (5.51) S h horizontal shift S v vertical shift In this case Y is either the side force F y , the aligning moment M z or the longitudinal force F x and X is either the slip angle or the longitudinal slip, for which Pacejka uses . The physical significance of the coefficients in the formula become more meaningful when considering Figure 5.58. For lateral force or aligning moment the offsets S v and S h arise due to adding camber or physical features in the tyre such as conicity and ply steer. For the longitudinal braking force this is due to rolling resistance. Working from the offset XY-axis system the main coefficients are: D – is the peak value. C – is a shape factor that controls the ‘stretching’ in the x direction. The value is determined by whether the curve represents lateral force, aligning moment, or longitudinal braking force. These values can be modified to

302 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

F x<br />

M z<br />

Slip angle <br />

Slip ratio <br />

F y<br />

Fig. 5.57<br />

Typical form of tyre force and moment curves from steady state testing<br />

It is important to note that the data used to generate the tyre model is obtained<br />

from steady state testing. The lateral force F y and the aligning moment<br />

M z are measured during pure cornering, i.e. cornering without braking, and<br />

the longitudinal braking force during pure braking, i.e. braking without<br />

cornering.<br />

The basis of this model is that tyre force and moment curves obtained<br />

under pure slip conditions and shown in Figure 5.57 look like sine functions<br />

that have been modified by introducing an arctangent function to<br />

‘stretch’ the slip values on the x-axis.<br />

The general form of the model as presented in Bakker et al. (1986) is:<br />

y(x) D sin[C arctan{Bx E(Bx arctan(Bx))}] (5.49)<br />

where<br />

Y(X) y(x) S v (5.50)<br />

x X S h (5.51)<br />

S h horizontal shift<br />

S v vertical shift<br />

In this case Y is either the side force F y , the aligning moment M z or the<br />

longitudinal force F x and X is either the slip angle or the longitudinal<br />

slip, for which Pacejka uses . The physical significance of the coefficients<br />

in the formula become more meaningful when considering Figure 5.58.<br />

For lateral force or aligning moment the offsets S v and S h arise due to<br />

adding camber or physical features in the tyre such as conicity and ply<br />

steer. For the longitudinal braking force this is due to rolling resistance.<br />

Working from the offset XY-axis system the main coefficients are:<br />

D – is the peak value.<br />

C – is a shape factor that controls the ‘stretching’ in the x direction. The<br />

value is determined by whether the curve represents lateral force, aligning<br />

moment, or longitudinal braking force. These values can be modified to

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