Tyre characteristics and modelling 277 the curves here are plotted with assisting camber angle where the wheels are leaning into the turn. A similar reduction in lateral force will occur where the camber angle is reversed and the wheels lean out of the turn. At zero degrees of slip angle the introduction of camber angle introduces an offset from the origin, this being the camber thrust discussed earlier occurring at a zero slip angle. The small offsets in lateral force due to conicity and plysteer, discussed in section 5.2.3, are ignored in Figure 5.30. In the linear range the contributions in lateral force due to slip and camber may be added together but during the transition towards sliding it can be seen that the additive effect of camber will reduce although the peak value of lateral force is still increased. The maximum increase in peak lateral force will occur at different camber angles for different wheel loads. Thus for a given tyre on a given vehicle it is possible (Milliken and Milliken, 1995) to optimize camber angle for a given combination of slip angle and tyre load. 5.4.10 Overturning moment Two of the components of moment acting in the tyre contact patch have been discussed. The generation of rolling resistance moment was described while discussing the free rolling tyre in section 5.4.3. The self-aligning moment arising due to slip or camber angle was discussed in sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. For completeness the final component of moment acting at the tyre contact patch that requires description is the overturning moment that would arise due to deformation in the tyre as shown in Figure 5.31. The forces and moments as computed in the SAE reference frame are formulated to act at P, this being the point where the wheel plane intersects the ground plane at a point longitudinally aligned with the wheel centre. In Figure 5.31 it can be seen that distortion of the side walls results in a lateral shift of the contact patch, which may result from either slip angle or Slip angle Camber angle Wheel plane O Wheel centre O M x = F z y M x = F z y y P Y SAE P y Y SAE F z Z SAE Z SAE F z Fig. 5.31 Generation of overturning moment in the tyre contact patch

278 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics camber angle or a combination of the two. The resulting offset tyre load introduces an additional component of moment M x . Attention to the sign convention associated with the tyre reference frame is again needed if the moment is to be included in a tyre model. In Figure 5.31, to assist understanding, F z is represented as the tyre load acting on the tyre rather than the negative normal force computed in the Z SAE direction. A consideration of the overturning moment is generally more important where relatively large displacements in the tyre occur, as with aircraft tyres (Smiley, 1957; Smiley and Horne, 1960). Overturning effects are also of major importance for motorcycle tyres, particularly in terms of matching the behaviour of front and rear tyres. The lateral offset, y, also applies to the longitudinal forces and is responsible for the ‘stand up under light braking’ that all motorcycles display. 5.4.11 Combined traction and cornering (comprehensive slip) The treatment of longitudinal braking or driving forces and lateral cornering forces has so far dealt with the two components of force in isolation. The simulation of vehicle behaviour involving tyre forces acting in this manner leads to what is termed pure cornering or pure tractive (i.e. driving or braking) behaviour. In reality longitudinal and lateral forces often occur simultaneously during vehicle manoeuvres. A typical situation would be to initiate braking before entering a bend and continue braking into the corner. It is also typical, once the driver feels sufficient confidence, to begin applying throttle, and driving forces, during cornering before exiting the bend. For such situations a tyre model must be able to deal with combined tractive and cornering forces, a situation referred to as comprehensive slip. The basic law of friction relating frictional force to normal force can be of assistance when considering combinations of longitudinal driving or braking forces with lateral cornering forces. The treatment here concentrates on lateral forces due to slip angle with camber angle set to zero. Figure 5.32 initially shows a tyre subject to pure braking or cornering force where in each case the slip in the ground plane is such that the tyre force produced is a peak value this being F z , the peak coefficient of friction multiplied by tyre load. For pure cornering the peak force will occur at a relatively large slip angle where in Figure 5.32 some lateral distortion of the contact patch is indicated together with a small amount of pneumatic trail. For a tyre running at a large slip angle with additional braking force the resultant ground plane force is still equal to F z but the resultant force direction opposes the direction of sliding. The longitudinal and lateral forces F x and F y are now components of the resultant force. Thus it can be seen that the simultaneous action of longitudinal and lateral slip reduces the amount of cornering or braking/driving force that may be obtained independently. Figure 5.33 shows a plot of lateral force against longitudinal force for a range of slip angles at a given tyre load and with the camber angle set to zero. The x-axis represents the tyre at zero slip angle running from a maximum braking force value equal to F z at point A to a maximum driving force value equal to F z at point B, these points being consistent with the slip ratios that would produce peak force for a straight running tyre.

278 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

camber angle or a combination of the two. The resulting offset tyre load<br />

introduces an additional component of moment M x . Attention to the sign<br />

convention associated with the tyre reference frame is again needed if the<br />

moment is to be included in a tyre model. In Figure 5.31, to assist understanding,<br />

F z is represented as the tyre load acting on the tyre rather than the<br />

negative normal force computed in the Z SAE direction.<br />

A consideration of the overturning moment is generally more important<br />

where relatively large displacements in the tyre occur, as with aircraft tyres<br />

(Smiley, 1957; Smiley and Horne, 1960). Overturning effects are also of<br />

major importance for motorcycle tyres, particularly in terms of matching<br />

the behaviour of front and rear tyres. The lateral offset, y, also applies to<br />

the longitudinal forces and is responsible for the ‘stand up under light braking’<br />

that all motorcycles display.<br />

5.4.11 Combined traction and cornering (comprehensive slip)<br />

The treatment of longitudinal braking or driving forces and lateral cornering<br />

forces has so far dealt with the two components of force in isolation. The<br />

simulation of vehicle behaviour involving tyre forces acting in this manner<br />

leads to what is termed pure cornering or pure tractive (i.e. driving or braking)<br />

behaviour. In reality longitudinal and lateral forces often occur simultaneously<br />

during vehicle manoeuvres. A typical situation would be to<br />

initiate braking before entering a bend and continue braking into the corner.<br />

It is also typical, once the driver feels sufficient confidence, to begin<br />

applying throttle, and driving forces, during cornering before exiting the<br />

bend. For such situations a tyre model must be able to deal with combined<br />

tractive and cornering forces, a situation referred to as comprehensive slip.<br />

The basic law of friction relating frictional force to normal force can be of<br />

assistance when considering combinations of longitudinal driving or braking<br />

forces with lateral cornering forces. The treatment here concentrates on<br />

lateral forces due to slip angle with camber angle set to zero. Figure 5.32 initially<br />

shows a tyre subject to pure braking or cornering force where in each<br />

case the slip in the ground plane is such that the tyre force produced is a peak<br />

value this being F z , the peak coefficient of friction multiplied by tyre load.<br />

For pure cornering the peak force will occur at a relatively large slip angle<br />

where in Figure 5.32 some lateral distortion of the contact patch is indicated<br />

together with a small amount of pneumatic trail.<br />

For a tyre running at a large slip angle with additional braking force the resultant<br />

ground plane force is still equal to F z but the resultant force direction<br />

opposes the direction of sliding. The longitudinal and lateral forces F x and<br />

F y are now components of the resultant force. Thus it can be seen that the<br />

simultaneous action of longitudinal and lateral slip reduces the amount of<br />

cornering or braking/driving force that may be obtained independently.<br />

Figure 5.33 shows a plot of lateral force against longitudinal force for a<br />

range of slip angles at a given tyre load and with the camber angle set to<br />

zero. The x-axis represents the tyre at zero slip angle running from a maximum<br />

braking force value equal to F z at point A to a maximum driving<br />

force value equal to F z at point B, these points being consistent with the<br />

slip ratios that would produce peak force for a straight running tyre.

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