Tyre characteristics and modelling 269 A measure of the slip generated for the driven tyre can be defined by a further modification to the slip ratio S: S D 0 0 (5.21) where 0 is the angular velocity of the free rolling wheel D is the angular velocity of the driven wheel For driving a slip ratio of 1.0 is sometimes taken to define the onset of wheel spin. From equation (5.21) this will occur when the angular velocity of the driven wheel reaches a value of twice that for free rolling. Unlike braking, the slip ratio in driving can exceed 1.0 as the wheel angular velocity continues to increase. This definition of ‘spin’ is somewhat arbitrary. For both tractive and braking cases the relationship between longitudinal force and slip ratio is such that the wheel behaviour converges for slip ratios smaller than those at which peak force is produced. However, for larger slip ratios the wheel behaviour diverges rapidly. For spin in particular, angular velocity increases very quickly until torque is reduced. 5.4.6 Generation of lateral force and aligning moment The generation of lateral force and aligning moment in the tyre results from combinations of the same mechanisms and are thus treated together here. As a starting point it is helpful to consider Figure 5.22, which is adapted from the sketches for forces and torques provided by Olley (1945). Figure 5.22 is particularly useful for relating the sign convention for the lateral forces and aligning moments plotted and discussed throughout this chapter. From Figure 5.22 it can be seen that for a tyre rolling with a slip angle at zero camber angle the lateral force generated due to the distribution of shear stress in the contact patch acts to the rear of the contact patch centre creating a lever arm known as the pneumatic trail. This mechanism introduces the aligning moment and has a stabilizing or ‘centring’ effect on the road wheel. This is an important aspect of the steering ‘feel’ that is fed back to the driver through the steering system. Similarly it can be seen from Figure 5.22 that for a tyre rolling with a camber angle at zero slip angle the lateral force generated is called camber thrust. Due to the conditions in the contact patch the camber thrust acts in front of the contact patch centre creating a mechanism that creates a moment. Although this is referred to here as an aligning moment it has the opposite effect of the aligning moment resulting from slip angle and is sometimes called the camber torque as there is no resultant aligning action on the road wheel. 5.4.7 The effect of slip angle In order to understand the mechanisms that lead to the generation of lateral force and aligning moment resulting due to slip angle it is useful to start with Figure 5.23 showing the distribution of pressure p, and the lateral stress in the contact patch. The upper part of the figure provides a side view

270 Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics SLIP ANGLE CAMBER ANGLE Lateral force Camber thrust Lateral force Aligning moment due to slip angle Pneumatic trail Aligning moment due to camber angle Camber thrust Fig. 5.22 Direction of travel Direction of travel Forces and moments due to slip and camber angle and the lower part is a top view looking down on to the contact patch. The lateral stress boundary p represents the limit available between the tread rubber and the road surface. If the lateral stress is below this limit no sliding will occur but once the lateral stress reaches this limit the tread rubber will commence sliding. When the tyre rolls at a slip angle , tread rubber that is put down on the road surface at the front of the contact patch moves back through the patch at the same slip angle, deforming the sidewalls of the tyre, so that the lateral stress in the tread rubber steadily increases as shown. At a certain point in the contact patch the lateral stress reaches the limit boundary after which sliding takes place until the tread rubber leaves the rear of the contact patch and the lateral stress returns to zero. As the slip angle increases the rate at which lateral stress is generated as the tread rubber moves back through the contact patch increases so that the point at which slippage commences moves forward in the contact patch. It can also be seen that as the slip angle increases the area under the lateral stress curve increases. This area is a measure of the resulting lateral force F y generated by integrating the stress over the contact patch. At low slip

Tyre characteristics and modelling 269<br />

A measure of the slip generated for the driven tyre can be defined by a further<br />

modification to the slip ratio S:<br />

S <br />

D<br />

<br />

<br />

0<br />

0<br />

(5.21)<br />

where<br />

0 is the angular velocity of the free rolling wheel<br />

D is the angular velocity of the driven wheel<br />

For driving a slip ratio of 1.0 is sometimes taken to define the onset of<br />

wheel spin. From equation (5.21) this will occur when the angular velocity<br />

of the driven wheel reaches a value of twice that for free rolling. Unlike<br />

braking, the slip ratio in driving can exceed 1.0 as the wheel angular velocity<br />

continues to increase. This definition of ‘spin’ is somewhat arbitrary.<br />

For both tractive and braking cases the relationship between longitudinal<br />

force and slip ratio is such that the wheel behaviour converges for slip<br />

ratios smaller than those at which peak force is produced. However, for<br />

larger slip ratios the wheel behaviour diverges rapidly. For spin in particular,<br />

angular velocity increases very quickly until torque is reduced.<br />

5.4.6 Generation of lateral force and aligning moment<br />

The generation of lateral force and aligning moment in the tyre results from<br />

combinations of the same mechanisms and are thus treated together here.<br />

As a starting point it is helpful to consider Figure 5.22, which is adapted<br />

from the sketches for forces and torques provided by Olley (1945). Figure<br />

5.22 is particularly useful for relating the sign convention for the lateral<br />

forces and aligning moments plotted and discussed throughout this chapter.<br />

From Figure 5.22 it can be seen that for a tyre rolling with a slip angle at<br />

zero camber angle the lateral force generated due to the distribution of<br />

shear stress in the contact patch acts to the rear of the contact patch centre<br />

creating a lever arm known as the pneumatic trail. This mechanism introduces<br />

the aligning moment and has a stabilizing or ‘centring’ effect on the<br />

road wheel. This is an important aspect of the steering ‘feel’ that is fed<br />

back to the driver through the steering system.<br />

Similarly it can be seen from Figure 5.22 that for a tyre rolling with a camber<br />

angle at zero slip angle the lateral force generated is called camber thrust.<br />

Due to the conditions in the contact patch the camber thrust acts in front<br />

of the contact patch centre creating a mechanism that creates a moment.<br />

Although this is referred to here as an aligning moment it has the opposite<br />

effect of the aligning moment resulting from slip angle and is sometimes<br />

called the camber torque as there is no resultant aligning action on the<br />

road wheel.<br />

5.4.7 The effect of slip angle<br />

In order to understand the mechanisms that lead to the generation of lateral<br />

force and aligning moment resulting due to slip angle it is useful to start<br />

with Figure 5.23 showing the distribution of pressure p, and the lateral<br />

stress in the contact patch. The upper part of the figure provides a side view

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