Multibody systems simulation software 125 The integration step size is variable and if a solution is not achieved at the next prediction point the solver can reduce the integration time step and alter the order of the polynomial to attempt another solution. This typically occurs when there is a sudden change in an equation associated with a physical event such as an impact or clash of parts. A general rule in modelling is never to program an equation that instantly changes value at a certain time. Problems will be avoided by using, for example, a function that allows a smooth transition from one value to another over a physically small time interval. Consideration of the predictor–corrector approach will indicate that at the start of a transient solution the solver may step forward and backward initially as it establishes a suitable scheme to progress the solution. Experienced users will again be aware of this and avoid programming important events to occur immediately after the start. For example, the simulation of a 5 second lane change manoeuvre may be best accomplished by an initial static analysis followed by the transient simulation for, say, 1 second of straight line driving before any steering inputs are made. Advanced applications may also involve the incorporation of control algorithms based on a discreet time step. An example discussed later in this book will include the modelling of an Antilock Braking System (ABS) using a fixed time cycle. A possible solution here is to fix the integration minimum and maximum step size to ensure the solver computes solutions at the fixed time steps of the ABS algorithm. This may of course result in inefficient computation at some stages of the simulation. On the other hand the fixed step scheme must be refined enough to deal with any sudden non-linear events during the analysis. Commercial multibody systems codes often have a range of integrators available that will adopt variations on the solution process discussed here. The most commonly used in MSC.ADAMS is referred to as the Gstiff integrator (Gear, 1971). Rather than storing past values of the polynomial a Taylor expansion (3.83) is used to store the polynomial in a form using the current value of the state variable x and the integration step size h. This is known as a Nordsieck vector. At a current time t the Nordsieck vector [N t ] has the form [ N ] x h x 2 2 3 3 k k T ⎡ d h d x h d x h d x ⎤ t ⎢ 2 3 ... k ⎥ (3.83) ⎣ dt 2 dt 3! dt k! dt ⎦ The components of [N t ] are added together to predict the next value of x at a time step h forward to a new time t h. As the simulation progresses the Nordsieck vector is updated by pre-multiplying by the Pascal triangle matrix to give a new vector [N th ]. An example of this is shown for a polynomial with an order k equal to 5 in (3.84): ⎡1 1 1 1 1 1⎤ ⎢ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ [ Nth] ⎢0 0 1 3 4 5⎥ ⎢ ⎥ [ Nt] ⎢ 0 0 0 1 4 5 ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0 1 5⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 0 0 0 0 1⎦ (3.84)

126 Mutibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics The predicted values in [N th ] lie on the polynomial described by [N t ] but are subject to further change as the state equations have not yet been corrected using the process shown in Figure 3.39. During the corrector phase the starting values of x and (dx/dt) are taken from [N th ]. As the value of x changes during the Newton–Raphson iteration process the components of the Nordsieck vector are updated by [N] where [N] [c][x] (3.85) and [c] T [c 0 c 1 c 2 c 3 … c k ] (3.86) The matrix [c] contains constants with values dependent on the polynomial order k (Orlandea, 1973). 3.4 Systems of units As with all engineering analysis it is important that consistent units are used throughout any calculation or simulation exercise. For static analysis the choice of a system of units can be quite forgiving as long as consistency is observed. For dynamic analysis more care is required. At a basic level if we consider the application of Newton’s second law to a body n with mass m n and acceleration {A Gn } 1 at the mass centre G n we have with the vector convention used here: Σ{F n } 1 m n {A Gn } 1 (3.87) It is important to note that equation (3.87) is only valid for certain systems of units. For a metric system of SI units (force N, mass kg, acceleration m/s 2 ) equation (3.87) can be used as it stands. The system of units used mainly in this text, and popular in Europe, is to use mm as the unit of choice for length. Clearly equation (3.87) would produce incorrect forces unless the right-hand side of (3.87) was divided by a constant, in this case 1000, to ensure consistency. Early users of programs such as MSC.ADAMS needed to define such a constant when defining gravitational forces, even for dynamic models operating in a zero gravity environment. As such users were reminded of some of the basic fundamentals of dynamics when using such software. More modern programs require the users to define only a set of units and apply the correction internally. The following table is provided to show the required corrections to various systems of units. Although for most users of MBS this will be for reference only, advanced users developing subroutines that link with MBS may still be required to implement a constant to ensure consistency. An early term used to define the constant was the ‘gravitational constant’ although a more recent and applicable definition is the ‘units consistency factor’ or UCF where for any system of units the following equation is valid for the given units consistency factor in Table 3.6: Σ F n mn AGn UCF { } 1 { } 1 (3.88) In the following table the units consistency factor is for the systems of units common to both metric and imperial systems.

126 Mutibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics<br />

The predicted values in [N th ] lie on the polynomial described by [N t ] but<br />

are subject to further change as the state equations have not yet been corrected<br />

using the process shown in Figure 3.39. During the corrector phase<br />

the starting values of x and (dx/dt) are taken from [N th ]. As the value of x<br />

changes during the Newton–Raphson iteration process the components of<br />

the Nordsieck vector are updated by [N] where<br />

[N] [c][x] (3.85)<br />

and<br />

[c] T [c 0 c 1 c 2 c 3 … c k ] (3.86)<br />

The matrix [c] contains constants with values dependent on the polynomial<br />

order k (Orlandea, 1973).<br />

3.4 Systems of units<br />

As with all engineering analysis it is important that consistent units are<br />

used throughout any calculation or simulation exercise. For static analysis<br />

the choice of a system of units can be quite forgiving as long as consistency<br />

is observed. For dynamic analysis more care is required. At a basic level if<br />

we consider the application of Newton’s second law to a body n with mass<br />

m n and acceleration {A Gn } 1 at the mass centre G n we have with the vector<br />

convention used here:<br />

Σ{F n } 1 m n {A Gn } 1 (3.87)<br />

It is important to note that equation (3.87) is only valid for certain systems<br />

of units. For a metric system of SI units (force N, mass kg, acceleration<br />

m/s 2 ) equation (3.87) can be used as it stands. The system of units<br />

used mainly in this text, and popular in Europe, is to use mm as the unit of<br />

choice for length. Clearly equation (3.87) would produce incorrect forces<br />

unless the right-hand side of (3.87) was divided by a constant, in this case<br />

1000, to ensure consistency.<br />

Early users of programs such as MSC.ADAMS needed to define such a<br />

constant when defining gravitational forces, even for dynamic models<br />

operating in a zero gravity environment. As such users were reminded of<br />

some of the basic fundamentals of dynamics when using such software. More<br />

modern programs require the users to define only a set of units and apply the<br />

correction internally. The following table is provided to show the required<br />

corrections to various systems of units. Although for most users of MBS<br />

this will be for reference only, advanced users developing subroutines that<br />

link with MBS may still be required to implement a constant to ensure consistency.<br />

An early term used to define the constant was the ‘gravitational<br />

constant’ although a more recent and applicable definition is the ‘units<br />

consistency factor’ or UCF where for any system of units the following<br />

equation is valid for the given units consistency factor in Table 3.6:<br />

Σ F<br />

n<br />

mn<br />

AGn<br />

UCF<br />

{ } 1<br />

{ } 1<br />

(3.88)<br />

In the following table the units consistency factor is for the systems of units<br />

common to both metric and imperial systems.

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