Multibody systems simulation software 123 k x m c Fig. 3.40 Simple 1 degree-of-freedom mass, spring, damper system 2 d m x d c x kx 0 (3.76) 2 dt dt The implementation of this as first order differential equations is simply a matter of introducing a new variable, for example z, for the velocity and writing (3.76) as two implicit first order differential equations: dx z 0 dt (3.77) d m z dt cz kx 0 (3.78) The predictor phase of the solution can be explained with the help of the plot of the value of the state variable x as a function of time t as shown in Figure 3.41. The current solution point, or nth integration time step, is shown to be occurring at time t n . Previous successful solutions have been computed at times t n1 , t n2 , t n3 , …, t nk . The next value to be predicted x n1 will occur at time t n1 . The time between each solution point is the integration time step h. Note that this should not be confused with output steps that are generally defined before the analysis and are used to fix the time interval at which results will be calculated for printing and plotting. The integration time step must be at least as small as the output time step to compute solutions but will generally be smaller in order to obtain a solution. In some programs the integration time steps may be fixed but usually, as with programs like MSC.ADAMS, they will be variable and will use programmed logic to determine the optimum step size for the problem in hand. For the solution at the next time step to lie on the polynomial both the value of the state variable x n1 and the derivative dx n1 /dt must satisfy the polynomial. The derivative dx n1 /dt at the next time step t n1 can be related to the unknown future value x n1 and the past computed values using dxn dt 1 ( ) Pn x , x , x , x , x , K, x n1 n n1 n2 n3 nk (3.79) For the solution at the next time step to lie on the polynomial both the value of the state variable x n1 and the derivative must satisfy the polynomial.

124 Mutibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics x Next predicted value Last successful solution h dx n1 dt t nk t n3 t n2 t n1 t n t n1 time t (s) Fig. 3.41 Use of predictor to fit a polynomial through past values For successful computation of the next solution at time t n1 there are therefore two unknowns, x n1 and dx n1 /dt, that must be found. This requires two equations, the first being the polynomial in (3.79) and the second being the state equation G(x, ẋ, t) 0. Using the Newton–Raphson approach described in the previous section the solution takes the form in (3.80): ∂G ∂x˙ ∂G x˙n1 xn1G x˙ n1, xn1, t ∂x ( ) (3.80) If we substitute a term that represents the ratio ẋ n1 x n1 we end up with the following two equations on which the solution is based: ⎡ ∂G ∂G ⎤ ⎣ ⎢ x G x x t ∂x ∂x ⎦ n 1 ˙ ˙ n 1, n 1, ẋ x n1 n1 ⎥ ( ) (3.81) (3.82) The integration process can be thought of as having two distinct phases. The first of these is the predictor phase that results in values of x n1 and ẋ n1 that satisfy a polynomial fit through past values. The second is the corrector phase that iterates using the process shown in Figure 3.39 until the error is within tolerance and the solution can progress to the next time step. Parameters can be set that control the solution process. Examples of these are the initial, maximum and minimum integration step sizes to be used and the order of the polynomial fit. Parameters used during the corrector phase include the acceptable error tolerance, the maximum number of iterations and the pattern or sequence to be used in updating the Jacobian matrix during the iterations. In general these will default to values programmed into the software but with experience users will find the most suitable settings for the analysis in hand.

Multibody systems simulation software 123<br />

k<br />

x<br />

m<br />

c<br />

Fig. 3.40 Simple 1 degree-of-freedom mass, spring, damper system<br />

2<br />

d<br />

m<br />

x d<br />

c x kx 0<br />

(3.76)<br />

2<br />

dt<br />

dt<br />

<br />

The implementation of this as first order differential equations is simply a<br />

matter of introducing a new variable, for example z, for the velocity and<br />

writing (3.76) as two implicit first order differential equations:<br />

dx<br />

z 0<br />

dt<br />

(3.77)<br />

d<br />

m z dt<br />

cz<br />

kx<br />

0<br />

(3.78)<br />

The predictor phase of the solution can be explained with the help of the<br />

plot of the value of the state variable x as a function of time t as shown in<br />

Figure 3.41. The current solution point, or nth integration time step, is shown<br />

to be occurring at time t n . Previous successful solutions have been computed<br />

at times t n1 , t n2 , t n3 , …, t nk . The next value to be predicted x n1 will<br />

occur at time t n1 . The time between each solution point is the integration<br />

time step h. Note that this should not be confused with output steps that are<br />

generally defined before the analysis and are used to fix the time interval at<br />

which results will be calculated for printing and plotting. The integration<br />

time step must be at least as small as the output time step to compute solutions<br />

but will generally be smaller in order to obtain a solution. In some<br />

programs the integration time steps may be fixed but usually, as with programs<br />

like MSC.ADAMS, they will be variable and will use programmed<br />

logic to determine the optimum step size for the problem in hand.<br />

For the solution at the next time step to lie on the polynomial both the<br />

value of the state variable x n1 and the derivative dx n1 /dt must satisfy the<br />

polynomial.<br />

The derivative dx n1 /dt at the next time step t n1 can be related to the<br />

unknown future value x n1 and the past computed values using<br />

dxn<br />

dt<br />

1<br />

( )<br />

Pn x , x , x , x , x , K,<br />

x<br />

n1 n n1 n2<br />

n3<br />

nk<br />

(3.79)<br />

For the solution at the next time step to lie on the polynomial both the value<br />

of the state variable x n1 and the derivative must satisfy the polynomial.

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