Is IEEE 802.11p V2X Obsolete Before it is Even Deployed? 41 8. ETSI EN 302 663 Access layer specification for intelligent transport systems operating in the 5 GHz frequency band v1.2.0. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2012 9. ETSI EN 302 665 Communication architecture, v1.1.1. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2010 10. ETSI TS 102 687 Decentralized congestion control mechanisms for intelligent transport systems operating in the 5 GHz range; Access layer part v1.1.1. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2011 11. ETSI TS 102 894-2 Users and applications requirements; Part 2: applications and facilities layer common data dictionary v1.2.1. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2014 12. ETSI TS 103 097 Security; security header and certificate formats v1.2.1. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2015 13. IEEE 1609.2-2012 (2012) Wireless access in vehicular environments—security services for applications and management messages. IEEE 14. ITU-T X.680 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): specification of basic notation. International Telecommunication Union, 2015 15. ITU-T X.691 ASN.1 encoding rules: specification of packed encoding rules (PER). International Telecommunication Union, 2015 16. Jiang D, Delgrossi L (2008) IEEE 802.11p: Towards an international standard for wireless access in vehicular environments. In: Vehicular technology conference, pp 2036–2040 17. Krajzewicz D, Hertkorn G, Rössel C, Wagner P (2002) SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) - an open-source traffic simulation. In: 4th Middle east symposium on simulation and modelling, pp 183–187 18. Rondinone M, Maneros J, Krajzewicz D, Bauza R, Cataldi P, Hrizi F, Gozalvez J, Kumar V, Röckl M, Lin L, Lazaro O, Leguay J, Härri J, Vaz S, Lopez Y, Sepulcre M, Wetterwald M, Blokpoel R, Cartolano F (2013) iTETRIS: a modular simulation platform for the large scale evaluation of cooperative ITS applications. Simul Model Pract Theory 34:99–125 19. Schmidt-Eisenlohr F (2010) Interference in vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks. KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe 20. Sommer C, Dressler F (2008) Progressing toward realistic mobility models in VANET simulations. IEEE Commun Mag 46(11):132–137 21. Sommer C, German R, Dressler F (2011) Bidirectionally coupled network and road traffic simulation for improved IVC analysis. IEEE Trans Mobile Comput 10(1):3–15 22. Varga A (2010) OMNeT++. In: Modelling and tools for network simulation. Springer, Berlin 23. Vesco A, Scopigno R, Casetti C, Chiasserini C (2013) Investigating the effectiveness of decentralized congestion control in vehicular networks. In: IEEE globecom workshops

Prototyping Framework for Cooperative Interaction of Automated Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users Timo Pech, Matthias Gabriel, Benjamin Jähn, David Kühnert, Pierre Reisdorf and Gerd Wanielik Abstract The continuous development and implementation of highly automated driving functions for vehicles raise new issues in traffic research, as e.g. the effect of automated vehicles on the driver and the surrounding traffic participants. For the efficient implementation of scientific investigations about advanced cooperative interaction between automated vehicles and other road users, generic hardware and software modules must be available. This paper presents the concept vehicle Carai3 for automated driving as well as relevant algorithmic components for investigating cooperative interactions of road users. Both are part of the prototyping framework of the Professorship for Communication Engineering from Technische Universität Chemnitz. Finally, applications addressing cooperative interactions between road users which are based on said prototyping framework are introduced. Keywords Automated driving Road side unit Cooperative interaction of road users Data fusion Intent estimation VRU protection ADAS development Intelligent transportation systems T. Pech (&) M. Gabriel B. Jähn D. Kühnert P. Reisdorf G. Wanielik Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany e-mail: timo.pech@etit.tu-chemnitz.de M. Gabriel e-mail: matthias.gabriel@etit.tu-chemnitz.de B. Jähn e-mail: benjamin.jeahn@etit.tu-chemnitz.de D. Kühnert e-mail: david.kuehnert@etit.tu-chemnitz.de P. Reisdorf e-mail: pierre.reisdorf@etit.tu-chemnitz.de G. Wanielik e-mail: gerd.wanielik@etit.tu-chemnitz.de © Springer International Publishing AG 2016 T. Schulze et al. (eds.), Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2016, Lecture Notes in Mobility, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44766-7_4 43

Is IEEE 802.11p V2X Obsolete Before it is Even Deployed? 41<br />

8. ETSI EN 302 663 Access layer specification for intelligent transport systems operating in the<br />

5 GHz frequency band v1.2.0. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2012<br />

9. ETSI EN 302 665 Communication architecture, v1.1.1. European Telecommunication<br />

Standards Institute, 2010<br />

10. ETSI TS 102 687 Decentralized congestion control mechanisms for intelligent transport<br />

systems operating in the 5 GHz range; Access layer part v1.1.1. European Telecommunication<br />

Standards Institute, 2011<br />

11. ETSI TS 102 894-2 Users and applications requirements; Part 2: applications and facilities<br />

layer common data dictionary v1.2.1. European Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2014<br />

12. ETSI TS 103 097 Security; security header and certificate formats v1.2.1. European<br />

Telecommunication Standards Institute, 2015<br />

13. IEEE 1609.2-2012 (2012) Wireless access in vehicular environments—security services for<br />

applications and management messages. IEEE<br />

14. ITU-T X.680 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): specification of basic notation.<br />

International Telecommunication Union, 2015<br />

15. ITU-T X.691 ASN.1 encoding rules: specification of packed encoding rules (PER).<br />

International Telecommunication Union, 2015<br />

16. Jiang D, Delgrossi L (2008) IEEE 802.11p: Towards an international standard for wireless<br />

access in vehicular environments. In: Vehicular technology conference, pp 2036–2040<br />

17. Krajzewicz D, Hertkorn G, Rössel C, Wagner P (2002) SUMO (Simulation of Urban<br />

MObility) - an open-source traffic simulation. In: 4th Middle east symposium on simulation<br />

and modelling, pp 183–187<br />

18. Rondinone M, Maneros J, Krajzewicz D, Bauza R, Cataldi P, Hrizi F, Gozalvez J, Kumar V,<br />

Röckl M, Lin L, Lazaro O, Leguay J, Härri J, Vaz S, Lopez Y, Sepulcre M, Wetterwald M,<br />

Blokpoel R, Cartolano F (2013) iTETRIS: a modular simulation platform for the large scale<br />

evaluation of cooperative ITS applications. Simul Model Pract Theory 34:99–125<br />

19. Schmidt-Eisenlohr F (2010) Interference in vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks. KIT<br />

Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe<br />

20. Sommer C, Dressler F (2008) Progressing toward realistic mobility models in VANET<br />

simulations. IEEE Commun Mag 46(11):132–137<br />

21. Sommer C, German R, Dressler F (2011) Bidirectionally coupled network and road traffic<br />

simulation for improved IVC analysis. IEEE Trans Mobile Comput 10(1):3–15<br />

22. Varga A (2010) OMNeT++. In: Modelling and tools for network simulation. Springer, Berlin<br />

23. Vesco A, Scopigno R, Casetti C, Chiasserini C (2013) Investigating the effectiveness of<br />

decentralized congestion control in vehicular networks. In: IEEE globecom workshops

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