Requirements and Evaluation of a Smartphone Based Dead … 13 First of all, the behavior of the pedestrian has to be modeled. In general the 2D position trajectory p pred ðtÞ of a pedestrian over a prediction interval t 2½0; t pred can be expressed by ZZ t p pred ðÞ¼p t meas þ tv meas þ 0 a model ðÞdt t dt; ð12Þ where p meas and v meas are the position and velocity of the measurement, e.g. the localization filter, and a model ðÞis t the predictive behavior model of the pedestrian. [14, 15] show possibilities to choose the prediction model a model ðÞ. t If it is assumed that p meas ; v meas and a model ðÞare t binomial normal distributed and time-invariant, the predicted position p pred ðÞis t also binomial normal distributed with mean l pred ðÞ t and covariance R pred ðÞ t l pred ðÞ¼l t pred þ tl vmeas þ t2 2 l a model and ð13Þ R pred ðÞ¼R t pred þ t 2 R vmeas þ t4 4 R a model ð14Þ Based on this information, the front collision probability P coll for a certain prediction time t pred can be calculated as shown in [16]. It must be noted that the uncertainty of position, velocity and orientation of the ego vehicle must be taken into account for determining the collision probability P coll . In the following, for simplicity, a diagonal covariance matrix R pred ðt TTC Þ ¼ r 2 I is assumed. Figure 6 shows the front collision probability P coll of a pedestrian Fig. 6 Front collision probability p coll respects to the standard deviation r of the position measurement and the pedestrians crossing point p y of the vehicle front line. It is assumed that the standard deviation r is not growing with the time. In the shaded area there is a front collision with the vehicle. Only the half vehicle front line is represented with the middle of the vehicle at p y ¼ 0m

14 J. Rünz et al. which crosses the vehicle front line at a given point p y with a given standard deviation r. The vehicle front covers a horizontal-axis from p y 2½1; 1. The grey shaded area marks collisions where p y ¼ 0 m means a collision at the middle of the vehicle and p y ¼1 m is a collision with the right edge of the vehicle front. The white area shows the space free of front collisions. The figure displays that for an impact point e.g. at p y ¼0:75 m and a model and measurement based uncertainty of r ¼ 1:2 m, a front collision can only be predicted with a probability of about 55%. When a system is triggered with a front collision probability p coll; front greater than a threshold value of p thres , the probability of a system activation event p event can be determined ZZ ZZ p event ¼ f meas d 2 vd 2 p; X ð15Þ where f meas is the probability density function of the position and velocity measurement and X is the set of all measurement values which leads to a p coll greater than the threshold value of p thres . A positive event is a true-positive event if there is a collision with the vehicle, whereas a false-positive event is one without a collision with the vehicle front. Figure 7 shows the positive event probability for a threshold value of p thres ¼ 55%. As shown in Fig. 6, the horizontal-axis indicates the impact point of the pedestrian. Figure 7 shows that in order to get an acceptable number of false-positive events, it is necessary to have a low standard deviation r. For r ¼ 1 m, which would be a fair performance for GNSS based localization, the false-positive rate is still about 10% for p y ¼ 2 m, e.g. if the pedestrian crosses the vehicle front line with 1 m distance to the vehicle which is a common situation in normal traffic. Therefore, such a great false-positive probability cannot be tolerated. Fig. 7 False-positive and true-positive rate prediction with an assumed threshold front collision probability of p coll; front ¼ 55%. The shaded area shows the true-positive rate, whereas the white area shows the predicted false-positive rate

Requirements and Evaluation of a Smartphone Based Dead … 13<br />

First of all, the behavior of the pedestrian has to be modeled. In general the 2D<br />

position trajectory p pred ðtÞ of a pedestrian over a prediction interval t 2½0; t pred can<br />

be expressed by<br />

ZZ t<br />

p pred ðÞ¼p t meas þ tv meas þ<br />

0<br />

a model ðÞdt t dt;<br />

ð12Þ<br />

where p meas and v meas are the position and velocity of the measurement, e.g. the<br />

localization filter, and a model ðÞis t the predictive behavior model of the pedestrian.<br />

[14, 15] show possibilities to choose the prediction model a model ðÞ. t If it is assumed<br />

that p meas ; v meas and a model ðÞare t binomial normal distributed and time-invariant, the<br />

predicted position p pred ðÞis t also binomial normal distributed with mean l pred ðÞ t<br />

and covariance R pred ðÞ t<br />

l pred ðÞ¼l t pred þ tl vmeas<br />

þ t2 2 l a model<br />

and ð13Þ<br />

R pred ðÞ¼R t pred þ t 2 R vmeas þ t4 4 R a model<br />

ð14Þ<br />

Based on this information, the front collision probability P coll for a certain<br />

prediction time t pred can be calculated as shown in [16]. It must be noted that the<br />

uncertainty of position, velocity and orientation of the ego vehicle must be taken<br />

into account for determining the collision probability P coll .<br />

In the following, for simplicity, a diagonal covariance matrix R pred ðt TTC Þ ¼ r 2 I<br />

is assumed. Figure 6 shows the front collision probability P coll of a pedestrian<br />

Fig. 6 Front collision probability p coll respects to the standard deviation r of the position<br />

measurement and the pedestrians crossing point p y of the vehicle front line. It is assumed that the<br />

standard deviation r is not growing with the time. In the shaded area there is a front collision with<br />

the vehicle. Only the half vehicle front line is represented with the middle of the vehicle at<br />

p y ¼ 0m

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