2022 盲 MŌ, mekura blind L1 8 strokes MŌMOKUblindness MONMŌilliteracy mekuraBAN‘rubber stamp’ Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 76 ‘eye’, with 985 (‘lose, die, disappear, not have’), taken in one view as semantic and phonetic, giving ‘blind’ (Ogawa). Alternatively, is regarded as phonetic in function with associated sense ‘hidden’, giving ‘hidden and not visible’, with ‘blind’ as an extended sense (Tōdō). OT1968:696; TA1965:445-7. Mnemonic: DEAD EYES ARE BLIND 2023 耗 MŌ waste, decrease L1 10 strokes SHŌMŌconsumption SONMŌwastage, loss MAMŌwear and tear Seal ( 秏 ) ; a late graph (Shuowen). The seal form has 87 ‘grain’ (generic), with 230 (‘hair, fur’) as phonetic with associated sense taken in one view as ‘empty’, giving original meaning ‘grain missing, no grain’, and by extension ‘empty; run out, use up’ (Katō). Shuowen defines 秏 as ‘type of rice’, which is how the graph and underlying word may have been used around the time of compilation of Shuowen, but is originally a pictograph of a grain plant with the head leaning down, and is generally understood 2024 L1 猛 11 MŌ fierce, raging, brave, strong strokes MŌRETSUfierceness MŌJŪfierce animal MOSA*a stalwart fellow Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 19 ‘dog’, with (‘first child; beginning’; see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense ‘vigorous, strong, violent’, giving ‘fierce/violent dog’. Meanings such as ‘brave’ are extended senses. Note: analyses of (NJK, ‘beginning’) as ‘grain’ as a general term encompassing millet, wheat, and rice, not just rice alone; as above, Katō takes in the general sense. Another commentator treats here as semantic and phonetic meaning ‘small’, and considers it to denote ‘small grains of rice’ (sic; Ogawa). As for the change in shape to , with the determinative changed from ‘grain’ to ’plow’ (CO, 699), this appears to have been a change made at some point in block script. Kangxi zidian has entries for both 秏 and ; in the entry for the former, it is noted that ‘texts nowadays all use ’. KJ1970:172-3; OT1968:808; MS1995:v2:960-61,1054-5; SK1984:588; DJ2009:v2:565; ZY2009:v3:869,1000;. We suggest taking as multi-branched tree 73. Mnemonic: MULTIPLE BRANCHES ON TREE WASTE AWAY TO LOOK LIKE HAIRS differ. In one view, comprises 27 ‘child’, with 300 ‘bowl, cover’ taken as phonetic with associated sense ‘first’, giving ‘first child’ (Mizukami). Alternatively, is taken as semantic meaning ‘cover’, giving ‘child emerges (from beneath cover)/grows’ (Tōdō). Another view takes semantically as a bowl for bathing, giving ‘newborn baby’s first bath’, and hence ‘first’. Schuessler says ‘eldest (of siblings); first’. OT1968:645; GY2008:1291; KJ1970:769; MS1995:v1:352-3; TA1965:449-54; AS2007:381. Mnemonic: FIERCE DOG GETS TO BOWL BEFORE BRAVE INFANT The Remaining 1130 Characters 605

2025 L1 網 MŌ, ami net, network 14 strokes GYOMŌfishing net amidoscreen door TSŪSHINMŌnews network OBI () ; seal form A () ; seal form B . OBI form (bronze also) is a pictograph of a net, probably for catching wild animals or fish. Main entry for the graph in Shuowen has (see 570), but goes on to give and as alternative forms. comprises (variant of ) with 985 (‘lose, disappear, die’) added as phonetic with associated sense ‘mix, intertwine’, giving ‘net made of intertwined/ interwoven material’. Later was borrowed for its sound value as a convenient means of representing several grammatical function words of negative meaning, so to clarify the word for ‘net’ in writing 29 ‘thread’ was added, resulting in . QX2000:181,223,227- 8; KJ1970:782; MS1995:v2:1030-31; DJ2009:v2:617; SS1984:822-3; WD1974:759- 61. Suggest taking as cover, horns , and ‘dead’ 985. Mnemonic: DEAD HORNED CREATURE COVERED BY THREADED NET 2026 黙 MOKU, damaru be silent L1 15 strokes MOKUSATSUgive no reply CHINMOKUsilence damarikomu fallsilent Seal ; late graph (Shuowen); traditional form: . Has 19 ‘dog’, with (traditional form of 137 ‘black’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘nothing, silent’, thus ‘dog which is quiet’; by extension, ‘silent’. KJ1970:864-5; OT1968:647; TA1965:165; GY2008:1885-6. Mnemonic: BLACK DOG IS SILENT 2027 紋 MON crest, pattern L1 10 strokes MONSHŌheraldic crest SHIMONfingerprint HAMONripple A late, post-Shuowen graph. Originally written just as 72 (original meaning ‘pattern’; now ‘writing, text’). was used increasingly to mean ‘writing’, and when the meaning ‘pattern’ was intended this was indicated by adding 29 ‘thread’ as determinative to give . In Japanese, is now typically ‘crest’. OT1968:771; SS1984:825; KJ1970:220. Mnemonic: THREADS IN CREST FORM PATTERN LIKE WRITING 2028 L1 冶 YA smelt, melt 7 strokes YAKINmetallurgy TŌYAtraining kajiya*blacksmith Bronze ; seal . Seal form consists of 401 ‘ice’, with (‘I, me’; see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense taken in one approach either as i] ‘grow slack, relax’, or ii] ‘modify’. Either way, the resultant meaning is ‘smelt metal’ (in the case of i], by extension, and in ii] by indirect extension on the basis ‘modify metal in the same way as melting ice’). Another interpretation, though, takes the right-hand element in one of the bronze occurrences as a shape representing not ‘ice’ 606 The Remaining 1130 Characters

2022<br />

盲<br />

MŌ, mekura<br />

blind<br />

L1<br />

8 strokes<br />

MŌMOKUblindness<br />

MONMŌilliteracy<br />

mekuraBAN‘rubber stamp’<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 76 ‘eye’,<br />

with 985 (‘lose, die, disappear, not have’),<br />

taken in one view as semantic and phonetic,<br />

giving ‘blind’ (Ogawa). Alternatively, is<br />

regarded as phonetic in function with associated<br />

sense ‘hidden’, giving ‘hidden and<br />

not visible’, with ‘blind’ as an extended sense<br />

(Tōdō). OT1968:696; TA1965:445-7.<br />

Mnemonic: DEAD EYES ARE BLIND<br />

2023<br />

耗<br />

MŌ<br />

waste, decrease<br />

L1<br />

10 strokes<br />

SHŌMŌconsumption<br />

SONMŌwastage, loss<br />

MAMŌwear and tear<br />

Seal ( 秏 ) ; a late graph (Shuowen). The<br />

seal form has 87 ‘grain’ (generic), with <br />

230 (‘hair, fur’) as phonetic with associated<br />

sense taken in one view as ‘empty’, giving<br />

original meaning ‘grain missing, no grain’,<br />

and by extension ‘empty; run out, use up’<br />

(Katō). Shuowen defines 秏 as ‘type of rice’,<br />

which is how the graph and underlying word<br />

may have been used around the time of<br />

compilation of Shuowen, but is originally<br />

a pictograph of a grain plant with the head<br />

leaning down, and is generally understood<br />

2024<br />

L1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

猛<br />

11<br />

MŌ<br />

fierce, raging, brave,<br />

strong<br />

strokes<br />

MŌRETSUfierceness<br />

MŌJŪfierce animal<br />

MOSA*a stalwart fellow<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 19<br />

‘dog’, with (‘first child; beginning’; see Note<br />

below) as phonetic with associated sense ‘vigorous,<br />

strong, violent’, giving ‘fierce/violent<br />

dog’. Meanings such as ‘brave’ are extended<br />

senses. Note: analyses of (NJK, ‘beginning’)<br />

as ‘grain’ as a general term encompassing<br />

millet, wheat, and rice, not just rice alone;<br />

as above, Katō takes in the general sense.<br />

Another commentator treats here as<br />

semantic and phonetic meaning ‘small’, and<br />

considers it to denote ‘small grains of rice’<br />

(sic; Ogawa). As for the change in shape<br />

to , with the determinative changed<br />

from ‘grain’ to ’plow’ (CO, 699), this<br />

appears to have been a change made at<br />

some point in block script. Kangxi zidian<br />

has entries for both 秏 and ; in the entry<br />

for the former, it is noted that ‘texts nowadays<br />

all use ’. KJ1970:172-3; OT1968:808;<br />

MS1995:v2:960-61,1054-5; SK1984:588;<br />

DJ2009:v2:565; ZY2009:v3:869,1000;. We suggest<br />

taking as multi-branched tree 73.<br />



differ. In one view, comprises 27 ‘child’,<br />

with 300 ‘bowl, cover’ taken as phonetic<br />

with associated sense ‘first’, giving ‘first child’<br />

(Mizukami). Alternatively, is taken as semantic<br />

meaning ‘cover’, giving ‘child emerges<br />

(from beneath cover)/grows’ (Tōdō). Another<br />

view takes semantically as a bowl for<br />

bathing, giving ‘newborn baby’s first bath’,<br />

and hence ‘first’. Schuessler says ‘eldest (of<br />

siblings); first’. OT1968:645; GY2008:1291;<br />

KJ1970:769; MS1995:v1:352-3; TA1965:449-54;<br />

AS2007:381.<br />



The Remaining 1130 Characters 605

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