not done also). The original meaning of this graph was ‘inscription’. ‘Well-known, notable’ is seemingly an extended sense deriving from the fact that the epitaphs often set out accomplishments of distinguished individuals and so had at least an implied laudatory aspect. In a related semantic extension, it is now associated with quality brands in merchandising, to the point that it can be considered a definite meaning. carries out the function of a notable/quality named brand, such as in meibutsu (‘noted product’) but it seems that , despite taking longer to write, has taken over that role to a significant extent. MS1995:v2:1366-7; OT1968:1043; SS1984:819; GY2008:1260; KJ1970:870; AS2007:387. Mnemonic: HAVE ONE’S NAME INSCRIBED IN METAL – GOOD QUALITY METAL 2017 滅 METSU, horobiru/bosu Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen). Consists destroy, perish of /42 ‘water’, combined with 烕 (CO; L1 13 strokes ‘flames die out’; see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense ‘run out, can no longer METSUBŌdestruction be seen’, giving ‘water runs out’; by extension, ZETSUMETSU extinction ‘perish, destroy’. Note: 烕 is comprised HAMETSU destruction of 8 ‘fire’, with 476 (CO; ‘type of battleax / halberd’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘run out, disappear’, giving ‘flames die out’. MS1995:v2:774-5,798-9; KJ1970:870; OT1968:602. Mnemonic: DESTROYED BY HALBERD, FIRE, AND WATER 2018 免 MEN, manukareru escape, avoid L1 8 strokes MENJOexemption MENZEI tax-exempt HŌMEN acquittal Bronze ; seal . Analyses diverge. Taken in one view as consisting of 41 ‘person’, with (interpreted as ‘female genitalia’ or ‘hindquarters of animal’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘submit’, giving ‘look down in submission’ (Katō, Mizukami). This interpretation, though, seems to be based on the seal form, and does not sit very well in relation to the older bronze forms. Another analysis takes literally as ‘female genitalia’ or ‘buttocks’, combined with ‘person’ to give ‘deliver newborn baby’ (Ogawa, Tōdō; Shirakawa sees this as one valid interpretation also), and this proposal is more plausible in terms of the bronze forms. Yet another interpretation takes this graph as originally relating to headwear: Gu sees it as depicting a person wearing a ritual mourning cap, while Shirakawa considers ‘remove helmet’ as a meaning for some of the forms identified as later . ‘Come out’ and ‘avoid’ may be regarded as extended senses if ‘deliver newborn baby’ or ‘remove helmet’ is accepted as the original meaning. A complicating factor to this graph is what appears to be a degree of confused usage involving NJK ‘rabbit, hare’, a graph similar in shape to from the seal stage onwards (but not earlier); in this connection, see 1029 also. KJ1970:818-20; MS1995:v1:94-5; OT1968:89; TA1965:739-41; GY2008:470,683; SS1984:820-21. We suggest taking as two boxes, and as a crouching person and as another person standing (both escapees). Mnemonic: TWO ESCAPEES HIDING BEHIND TWO BOXES TO AVOID RECAPTURE Or: ESCAPE BY RUNNING LIKE A HARE The Remaining 1130 Characters 603

2019 L1 麺 MEN noodles, wheat, flour 16 strokes MENRUInoodles MENBŌ rolling pin SEIMENJO noodle factory Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen); traditional . Consists of ‘wheat, barley’ (later 213, q.v.), with 丏 (CO; original meaning uncertain: interpretations include ‘floating plant’ [Mizukami] and ‘corpse’ [Shirakawa]) as phonetic [associated sense unclear]). , now the standard form in Japanese, with 417 ‘face’ as phonetic, appears to be a late variant. OT1968:1161; SS1984:821,774; MS1995:v1:6-8. Mnemonic: ON THE FACE OF IT, NOODLES ARE MADE FROM WHEAT 2020 L1 茂 MO, shigeru grow thickly 8 strokes HANMOthick growth MORIN dense forest shigemi thicket Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 53 ‘plants’, with (NJK, ‘[type of] halberd/ battle-ax’ 1591; see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense taken as i] ‘cover’, giving ‘plants cover’ (Tōdō, Ogawa), or ii] ‘luxuriant, abundant’, giving ‘luxuriant vegetation’ (Gu, Katō). Note: Mizukami also lists ‘(type of) plane’ as possible meaning for , which was originally a pictograph, though the OBI and bronze forms do suggest a weapon rather than a tool. TA1965:237-8; OT1968:850,392; GY2008:560; KJ1970:872; MS1995:v1:532-3. Mnemonic: PLANTS GROW THICKLY – HAVE TO CUT DOWN WITH HALBERD 2021 妄 MŌ, BŌ, midari irrational, rash L1 6 strokes MŌSŌdelusion BŌGENharsh words MEIMŌfallacy Bronze ; seal . Has 37 ‘woman’, with 985 ‘die, escape’ taken in one view as semantic and phonetic meaning ‘hidden, not clear’ (see Note below), giving original sense ‘unclear on account of woman, unclear because bewitched by woman’ (Mizukami, Tōdō). Another analysis treats as phonetic with associated sense ‘illogical, unreasonable’ (Ogawa). Either way, the extended sense is ‘random, arbitrary’. Note: early meanings for listed by Schuessler include ‘lose, disappear’, which lends support to the interpretation made by Mizukami and Tōdō. MS1995:v1:312-3; TA1965:445-8; OT1968:252. Mnemonic: IRRATIONAL AND RASH WOMAN DIES 604 The Remaining 1130 Characters

not done also). The original meaning of this<br />

graph was ‘inscription’. ‘Well-known, notable’<br />

is seemingly an extended sense deriving<br />

from the fact that the epitaphs often set out<br />

accomplishments of distinguished individuals<br />

and so had at least an implied laudatory<br />

aspect. In a related semantic extension, it<br />

is now associated with quality brands in<br />

merchandising, to the point that it can be<br />

considered a definite meaning. carries<br />

out the function of a notable/quality named<br />

brand, such as in meibutsu (‘noted<br />

product’) but it seems that , despite taking<br />

longer to write, has taken over that role<br />

to a significant extent. MS1995:v2:1366-7;<br />

OT1968:1043; SS1984:819; GY2008:1260;<br />

KJ1970:870; AS2007:387.<br />



2017<br />

滅<br />

METSU, horobiru/bosu Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen). Consists<br />

destroy, perish<br />

of /42 ‘water’, combined with 烕 (CO;<br />

L1<br />

13 strokes<br />

‘flames die out’; see Note below) as phonetic<br />

with associated sense ‘run out, can no longer<br />

METSUBŌdestruction<br />

be seen’, giving ‘water runs out’; by extension,<br />

ZETSUMETSU extinction<br />

‘perish, destroy’. Note: 烕 is comprised<br />

HAMETSU destruction<br />

of 8 ‘fire’, with 476 (CO; ‘type of battleax<br />

/ halberd’) as phonetic with associated<br />

sense ‘run out, disappear’, giving ‘flames die<br />

out’. MS1995:v2:774-5,798-9; KJ1970:870;<br />

OT1968:602.<br />



2018<br />

免<br />

MEN, manukareru<br />

escape, avoid<br />

L1<br />

8 strokes<br />

MENJOexemption<br />

MENZEI tax-exempt<br />

HŌMEN acquittal<br />

Bronze ; seal . Analyses diverge. Taken<br />

in one view as consisting of 41 ‘person’,<br />

with (interpreted as ‘female genitalia’ or<br />

‘hindquarters of animal’) as phonetic with<br />

associated sense ‘submit’, giving ‘look down<br />

in submission’ (Katō, Mizukami). This interpretation,<br />

though, seems to be based on<br />

the seal form, and does not sit very well in<br />

relation to the older bronze forms. Another<br />

analysis takes literally as ‘female genitalia’<br />

or ‘buttocks’, combined with ‘person’<br />

to give ‘deliver newborn baby’ (Ogawa, Tōdō;<br />

Shirakawa sees this as one valid interpretation<br />

also), and this proposal is more plausible<br />

in terms of the bronze forms. Yet another<br />

interpretation takes this graph as originally<br />

relating to headwear: Gu sees it as depicting<br />

a person wearing a ritual mourning cap,<br />

while Shirakawa considers ‘remove helmet’<br />

as a meaning for some of the forms identified<br />

as later . ‘Come out’ and ‘avoid’ may be<br />

regarded as extended senses if ‘deliver newborn<br />

baby’ or ‘remove helmet’ is accepted as<br />

the original meaning. A complicating factor<br />

to this graph is what appears to be a degree<br />

of confused usage involving NJK ‘rabbit,<br />

hare’, a graph similar in shape to from the<br />

seal stage onwards (but not earlier); in this<br />

connection, see 1029 also. KJ1970:818-20;<br />

MS1995:v1:94-5; OT1968:89; TA1965:739-41;<br />

GY2008:470,683; SS1984:820-21. We suggest<br />

taking as two boxes, and as a crouching<br />

person and as another person standing<br />

(both escapees).<br />




The Remaining 1130 Characters 603

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