phonetic, with associated sense ‘beginning’, giving ‘tree with fruit used at beginning of pregnancy’, reflecting the popularity of this fruit in ancient times among pregnant women and an association with procreation. (Cf. the Japanese legend of Momotarō, the Peach Boy.) OT1968:506; TA1965:243-4; KJ1970:703. Mnemonic: A PEACH TREE IS AN OMEN 1781 L1 透 TŌ, suku/kasu/keru clear, transparent 10 strokes TŌMEI transparency TŌSHAtracing sukitōru be clear Seal ; late graph (a later version of Shuowen). Has 85 ‘move’, with 1451 (‘excellent’) as phonetic with associated sense taken either as i] ‘project, stick out’, considered to give ‘walk out in front of others’ or ‘leap up’ or ‘go past’ and by extension ‘penetrate’ (Katō), or ii] ‘dance’, giving ‘dance up’, and as loan usage ‘go, pass through; be transparent’ (Ogawa). ‘Leading’ may also suggest clearing the way. KJ1970:736; OT1968:1002. Mnemonic: EXCELLENT MOVEMENT CLEARS THE WAY 1782 悼 TŌ, itamu grieve, mourn L1 11 strokes AITŌgrief, mourning TSUITŌmourning itamubeki lamentable Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 164 ‘heart, feelings’, with 1675 (‘table; excel’) as phonetic with associated sense taken in one view as ‘feel pain’, giving ‘the heart feels pain’ (Katō). Alternatively, the associated sense of is taken as ‘come out’, giving ‘sadness which leaves one feeling exhausted’ (Ogawa); the basis for Ogawa’s very specific meaning here is not made clear. KJ1970:675- 6; OT1968:376. Mnemonic: FEELINGS OF GRIEF OVER LOSS OF EXCELLENT TABLE 1783 盗 TŌ, nusumu steal L2 11 strokes TŌYŌappropriation GŌTŌrobbery nusubito* thief Seal ; traditional . Consists of CO 㳄 ‘drool saliva’ (see Note below), combined with 300 ‘bowl, dish’, interpreted in one view as giving ‘drool saliva over bowl of food, wanting to take it’ (Mizukami, Katō); by extension, ‘(quietly) take, steal’. Ogawa interprets the original sense of slightly differently as ‘look at food in another’s bowl and feel envious’, but still arrives at the same extended sense as above. Mizukami lists proposed OBI and bronze equivalents for . Note: 㳄 is comprised of ‘water, liquid’, combined with 496 (originally, depiction of person with mouth wide open; ‘lack; gap’), hence the meaning ‘drool saliva’. MS1995:v2:906-7; KJ1970:669; OT1968:532. We suggest taking the modern upper part of 1783 as ‘next’ 308. Mnemonic: STEAL A BOWL NEXT The Remaining 1130 Characters 531

1784 L1 陶 11 TŌ porcelain, train, pottery, happy strokes TŌKIceramic ware TŌZENhappily drunk TŌYA training, education Seal . Consists of /262 ‘hill, piledup earth’, with (‘bake earthenware’; see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense taken in one view as ‘(pile up) hill/ mountain on top of a hill/mountain’, giving overall sense ‘piled-up hills’ (Ogawa) or ‘name of double-layered mountain’ (Katō). Alternatively, is taken with associated sense ‘spread evenly’, giving overall meaning for as ‘pound piled-up earth and make firm’ (Tōdō). Use of in the sense ‘earthenware, pottery’ appears to be a loan use. It is unclear as to the acquisition of very minor meanings, namely ‘educate, train’ (which may be an extended meaning to train potters) and ‘happy’. (See example words.) Note: is comprised of 1141 ‘(earthenware) pot’, combined with 611 ‘enclose’; the latter element is taken to be an abbreviation for i] NJK ‘(lightly) roast’, giving the overall meaning ‘bake earthenware; earthenware’ (noted in Mizukami), or ii] as meaning ‘spread evenly all across mold’, giving ‘knead evenly and make earthenware’ (Tōdō). MS1995:v1:150-51,144-6; OT1968:1070; KJ1970:667-8; TA1965:179-83. We suggest taking as ‘pot’, as ‘enclosed’, and as ‘piled up earth’. Mnemonic: POTS ARE ENCLOSED BY PILED UP EARTH 1785 塔 TŌ tower, monument L2 12 strokes SEKITŌtombstone SOTŌBA*stupa GOJŪTŌ five-storied pagoda Seal ; a late graph (later version of Shuowen). This graph appears to have been devised in the course of the monumental task of translating the Buddhist canon from Sanskrit into Chinese. As part of this process, many Sanskrit Buddhist terms were carried across into Chinese as loanwords by adapting them to the sound system of Chinese, very often also with abbreviation of the original Sanskrit. In this case, Sanskrit stūpa (‘Buddhist shrine’) was reduced to just one syllable and represented by , consisting of 64 ‘earth, ground’, with (CO, original meaning ‘red beans’) as phonetic to represent the Chinese approximation of the Sanskrit syllable tū in stūpa. Note: according to Katō, these Buddhist shrines were originally built using stone, tiles, and earth, which would help explain use of as the determinative in , but he suggests there was also a semantic link between and 584 ‘hall, temple’ on the one hand and 1930 ‘mound, burial mound’ on the other. As is often the case, once loanwords have been adopted into a language, their meaning can change; in this case, changing to encompass a different shape such as a pagoda, and the use of wood as one of the construction materials. KJ1970:666-7; SS1984:647,645; OT1968:221. We suggest taking as 53 ‘plant’, and 134 ‘join, put together’, along with ‘earth’ 64. Mnemonic: PUT PLANTS AND EARTH TOGETHER TO MAKE A MONUMENT 532 The Remaining 1130 Characters

phonetic, with associated sense ‘beginning’,<br />

giving ‘tree with fruit used at beginning<br />

of pregnancy’, reflecting the popularity of<br />

this fruit in ancient times among pregnant<br />

women and an association with procreation.<br />

(Cf. the Japanese legend of Momotarō, the<br />

Peach Boy.) OT1968:506; TA1965:243-4;<br />

KJ1970:703.<br />

Mnemonic: A PEACH TREE IS AN OMEN<br />

1781<br />

L1<br />

透<br />

TŌ, suku/kasu/keru<br />

clear, transparent<br />

10 strokes<br />

TŌMEI transparency<br />

TŌSHAtracing<br />

sukitōru be clear<br />

Seal ; late graph (a later version of<br />

Shuowen). Has 85 ‘move’, with 1451<br />

(‘excellent’) as phonetic with associated<br />

sense taken either as i] ‘project, stick out’,<br />

considered to give ‘walk out in front of others’<br />

or ‘leap up’ or ‘go past’ and by extension<br />

‘penetrate’ (Katō), or ii] ‘dance’, giving ‘dance<br />

up’, and as loan usage ‘go, pass through;<br />

be transparent’ (Ogawa). ‘Leading’ may<br />

also suggest clearing the way. KJ1970:736;<br />

OT1968:1002.<br />


THE WAY<br />

1782<br />

悼<br />

TŌ, itamu<br />

grieve, mourn<br />

L1<br />

11 strokes<br />

AITŌgrief, mourning<br />

TSUITŌmourning<br />

itamubeki lamentable<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 164<br />

‘heart, feelings’, with 1675 (‘table; excel’)<br />

as phonetic with associated sense taken in<br />

one view as ‘feel pain’, giving ‘the heart feels<br />

pain’ (Katō). Alternatively, the associated<br />

sense of is taken as ‘come out’, giving<br />

‘sadness which leaves one feeling exhausted’<br />

(Ogawa); the basis for Ogawa’s very specific<br />

meaning here is not made clear. KJ1970:675-<br />

6; OT1968:376.<br />



1783<br />

盗<br />

TŌ, nusumu<br />

steal<br />

L2<br />

11 strokes<br />

TŌYŌappropriation<br />

GŌTŌrobbery<br />

nusubito* thief<br />

Seal ; traditional . Consists of CO 㳄<br />

‘drool saliva’ (see Note below), combined with<br />

300 ‘bowl, dish’, interpreted in one view as<br />

giving ‘drool saliva over bowl of food, wanting<br />

to take it’ (Mizukami, Katō); by extension, ‘(quietly)<br />

take, steal’. Ogawa interprets the original<br />

sense of slightly differently as ‘look at food<br />

in another’s bowl and feel envious’, but still<br />

arrives at the same extended sense as above.<br />

Mizukami lists proposed OBI and bronze<br />

equivalents for . Note: 㳄 is comprised of <br />

‘water, liquid’, combined with 496 (originally,<br />

depiction of person with mouth wide open;<br />

‘lack; gap’), hence the meaning ‘drool saliva’.<br />

MS1995:v2:906-7; KJ1970:669; OT1968:532.<br />

We suggest taking the modern upper part of<br />

1783 as ‘next’ 308.<br />

Mnemonic: STEAL A BOWL NEXT<br />

The Remaining 1130 Characters 531

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