1494 L1 宵 SHŌ, yoi evening 10 strokes yoizukihangover TESSHŌall night yoigoshiovernight Bronze ; seal ; lower part of traditional form has 1490 ‘resemble’ not . Analyses differ. One takes it as two components: 30 ‘roof, dwelling’, and as phonetic with associated sense ‘a little, small, hardly any’, thus ‘time of hardly any light inside house’, hence ‘evening’. Ogawa, by contrast, sees it as three elements: ‘roof; dwelling’, plus 46 ‘evening’, plus 38 (‘small’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘dark’, thus ‘evening time when dark inside house’; Ogawa also feels there was an erroneous change in this graph at the seal stage from to 18 ‘moon’, but many of the OBI and bronze occurrences of these two graphs are hard to tell apart. MS1995:v1:376-7; GY2008:1144; OT1968:279. Mnemonic: SMALL MOON SEEN UNDER ROOF IN THE EVENING 1495 症 SHŌ symptom, illness L1 10 strokes SHŌJŌsymptoms ENSHŌinflammation KYŌFUSHŌphobia No seal form; a very late graph. Has ‘sick bed’, 404 and 43 (‘correct, proper’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘sign, indication’, giving ‘symptom of illness’. According to Shirakawa, the graph is of popular recent origin, appearing in relatively late pre-modern Chinese texts such as Shuihu zhuan (The Water Margin; a 14th century novel); originally, for many centuries, was used as a popular form for /737 “proof”. KJ1970:489; SS1984:440; OT1968:678. Mnemonic: PROPER SYMPTONS OF ILLNESS 1496 祥 SHŌ good fortune, omen L1 10 strokes KISSHŌgood omen FUSHŌJIill omen, scandal HASSHŌCHIcradle, origin Seal . Analyses differ somewhat. Most commentators take / 723 as ‘altar, deity, show’, with 426 (‘sheep’) as phonetic with associated sense taken in one view as ‘auspicious’, thus ‘good fortune, auspicious’ (Ogawa, Shirakawa). Mizukami, alternatively, takes the associated sense firstly as ‘deities appreciate good shape’, and by extension ‘auspicious’, but adds a cautionary note saying the shape and meaning of this graph are not certain. Gu takes the associated sense as ‘ritual offering’. Mizukami also lists proposed OBI and bronze equivalents. OT1968:723; SS1984:440-41; MS1995:v2:948-9; GY2008:1155; KJ1985:447. Mnemonic: SHEEP SACRIFICED ON ALTAR TO BRING GOOD FORTUNE 1497 称 SHŌ praise, name, chant L1 10 strokes SHŌGŌtitle SHŌSANpraise MEISHŌname Seal ; traditional form has 爯 as right-hand element. Has 87 ‘grain plant’ and 爯 (see Note below) ‘lift up by hand’ as semantic and phonetic, giving ‘lift up sheaves of grain by hand, lift up’. ‘Call out’ is regarded as an extended sense (Katō, Mizukami); Katō suggests there was a verbal component involved when The Remaining 1130 Characters 443

sheaves of grain were lifted and probably also counted. ‘Praise’ appears to be considered a further extended sense. Mizukami lists OBI and bronze equivalents corresponding to 爯 . Note: The OBI and bronze equivalents of 爯 do suggest something in the shape of a sheaf or bale. 爯 consists of 319 ‘claw’ or sometimes – as here – ‘hand’, plus the lower element taken as either (Katō), or , in either case treated as phonetic with associated sense ‘lift up’ and giving overall meaning ‘lift up by hand’. The modern form is an abbreviated shape based on early (probably Tang Dynasty) calligraphic cursive models of this graph. KJ1970:549; MS1995:v2:819-20; OT1968:731; FC1974:1623-4. We suggest taking 尓 as a variant of ‘altar’ 723. Mnemonic: PRAISING AND CHANTING AT ODD ALTAR FOR GOOD GRAIN CROP 1498 L1 渉 SHŌ cross (over), liaise 11 strokes KŌSHŌnegotiations KANSHŌinterference SHŌGAIpublic relations OBI ; seal . The OBI forms vary, consisting of 50 ‘river’ or / 42 ‘water’ (either of these complete or abbreviated), and 221 ‘walk’, thus ‘make ripples crossing a river/ stream’. is common in bronze. Shuowen lists two seal forms: the heading has with an extra element on the right, but also notes the simpler form , which came to predominate later. Senses such as ‘liaise, negotiate’ are probably based on crossing from one side to another. MS1995:v2:778-9,v1:702-3; KJ1970:623; OT1968:587. Mnemonic: WALK THROUGH WATER TO CROSS IN ORDER TO LIAISE 1499 L2 紹 SHŌ introduce, inherit 11 strokes SHŌKAIintroduction SHŌKAISHAintroducer JIKOSHŌKAIself-introduction Seal . Has 29 ‘thread’, and 1486 (‘summon, partake’) taken either as i] semantic and phonetic, meaning ‘join’ (Gu, Ogawa), or ii] as phonetic with associated sense ‘bend’ or ‘invite’ (Mizukami). Either way, overall original sense is ‘join threads’. By extension, generalized on the basis of bringing two things together, giving ‘introduce, inherit’. Mizukami lists proposed OBI and bronze equivalents. GY2008:767; OT1968:775; MS1995:v2:1010-11. Mnemonic: SUMMONED TO INTRODUCE THREADS 1500 L2 訟 SHŌ accuse, sue 11 strokes SOSHŌlitigation SOSHŌNINplaintiff SOSHŌHIYŌcourt costs Bronze ; seal . Has 118 ‘words; speak’, and 126 (originally, ‘freely open up something enclosed’; ‘public, fair’ – see) as phonetic with associated sense ‘attack’ (Ogawa says ‘grow violent’), thus ‘attack someone openly with words’, and hence ‘quarrel, litigate’. MS1995:v2:1188-9,v1:100-02; TA1965:307; OT1968:923. Mnemonic: PUBLIC WORDS OF ACCUSATION LEAD ONE TO SUE 444 The Remaining 1130 Characters

sheaves of grain were lifted and probably also<br />

counted. ‘Praise’ appears to be considered a<br />

further extended sense. Mizukami lists OBI<br />

and bronze equivalents corresponding to 爯 .<br />

Note: The OBI and bronze equivalents of 爯 do<br />

suggest something in the shape of a sheaf or<br />

bale. 爯 consists of 319 ‘claw’ or sometimes<br />

– as here – ‘hand’, plus the lower element<br />

taken as either (Katō), or , in either case<br />

treated as phonetic with associated sense<br />

‘lift up’ and giving overall meaning ‘lift up by<br />

hand’. The modern form is an abbreviated<br />

shape based on early (probably Tang Dynasty)<br />

calligraphic cursive models of this graph.<br />

KJ1970:549; MS1995:v2:819-20; OT1968:731;<br />

FC1974:1623-4. We suggest taking 尓 as a<br />

variant of ‘altar’ 723.<br />



1498<br />

L1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

渉<br />

SHŌ<br />

cross (over), liaise<br />

11 strokes<br />

KŌSHŌnegotiations<br />

KANSHŌinterference<br />

SHŌGAIpublic relations<br />

OBI ; seal . The OBI forms vary, consisting<br />

of 50 ‘river’ or / 42 ‘water’ (either<br />

of these complete or abbreviated), and <br />

221 ‘walk’, thus ‘make ripples crossing a river/<br />

stream’. is common in bronze. Shuowen lists<br />

two seal forms: the heading has with an<br />

extra element on the right, but also notes<br />

the simpler form , which came to predominate<br />

later. Senses such as ‘liaise, negotiate’<br />

are probably based on crossing from one<br />

side to another. MS1995:v2:778-9,v1:702-3;<br />

KJ1970:623; OT1968:587.<br />



1499<br />

L2<br />

紹<br />

SHŌ<br />

introduce, inherit<br />

11 strokes<br />

SHŌKAIintroduction<br />

SHŌKAISHAintroducer<br />

JIKOSHŌKAIself-introduction<br />

Seal . Has 29 ‘thread’, and 1486 (‘summon,<br />

partake’) taken either as i] semantic and<br />

phonetic, meaning ‘join’ (Gu, Ogawa), or ii]<br />

as phonetic with associated sense ‘bend’ or<br />

‘invite’ (Mizukami). Either way, overall original<br />

sense is ‘join threads’. By extension, generalized<br />

on the basis of bringing two things<br />

together, giving ‘introduce, inherit’. Mizukami<br />

lists proposed OBI and bronze equivalents.<br />

GY2008:767; OT1968:775; MS1995:v2:1010-11.<br />



1500<br />

L2<br />

訟<br />

SHŌ<br />

accuse, sue<br />

11 strokes<br />

SOSHŌlitigation<br />

SOSHŌNINplaintiff<br />

SOSHŌHIYŌcourt costs<br />

Bronze ; seal . Has 118 ‘words; speak’,<br />

and 126 (originally, ‘freely open up something<br />

enclosed’; ‘public, fair’ – see) as phonetic<br />

with associated sense ‘attack’ (Ogawa says<br />

‘grow violent’), thus ‘attack someone openly<br />

with words’, and hence ‘quarrel, litigate’.<br />

MS1995:v2:1188-9,v1:100-02; TA1965:307;<br />

OT1968:923.<br />



444 The Remaining 1130 Characters

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