1364 L1 懇 17 KON, nengoro na friendly, cordial, courteous, kind strokes KONDANfriendly chat KONGANentreaty KONJŌkindliness Seal ; a late graph (later version of Shuowen). Has 164 ‘heart, mind, feelings’, and 貇 / 豤 1363 (‘boar’ > ‘boar bites/digs’) with associated sense taken variously as i] ‘include’, giving ‘include warm feelings’ (Ogawa), or ii] ‘reach down’, giving ‘reach down into someone’s feelings’ (Shirakawa), or iii] ‘wanting one thing’, giving ‘a pure heart’ (Katō; Gu also), or iv] ‘in detail’, giving ‘be watchful on points of detail’ (Tōdō). OT1968:390; SS1984:330; KJ1970:412; GY2008:1158; TA1965:695-9. As with 1363, we suggest using the top right element 281 as ‘stopping and staring’. Mnemonic: BOAR STOPS AND STARES – HOPEFULLY IT’S FEELING FRIENDLY! 1365 佐 SA assist, assistant L1 7 strokes HOSAassistant SAKANfield officer TAISAcolonel A late, post-Shuowen graph. Has 24 ‘left’, in an extended sense ‘support, help’, and 41 ‘person’ added, giving overall meaning ‘assist/ one who assists’. KJ1970:416; OT1968:53; GY2008:450. Mnemonic: PERSON ON THE LEFT IS AN ASSISTANT 1366 L3 沙 7 SA, isago news, tidings, sand grains strokes BUSATAneglect to write SABAKUdesert toriZATAgossip, rumor Bronze ; seal . Has 42 ‘water’, and 160 ‘few, a little’ as semantic and phonetic, giving ‘small stone particles (suspended) in water’, i.e. ‘sand’. Ogawa takes a slightly different view, as originally meaning ‘water’s edge’, then progressively by extension ‘sandy soil at water’s edge’, and ‘sand’. 879 ‘sand’ is a later equivalent graph (noted in Yupian as a popular writing for ), in which 47 ‘stone’ is substituted for ‘water’. The meanings ‘news, tidings,’ are perhaps by association with word-family ‘scatter(ed)’. KJ1970:415-6; MS1995:v2:734-5; GY2008:496-7,815; OT1968:561. Mnemonic: THE NEWS IS THAT THERE IS LITTLE WATER – NOT GOOD TIDINGS 1367 唆 SA, sosonokasu, sosoru entice, incite L1 10 strokes SHISAsuggestion, hint KYŌSAincitement KYŌSASHAabettor A late, post-Shuowen graph. Shuowen has , in relation to which , devised later, is a popular variant. Has 22 ‘mouth’, and CO (see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense ‘set a dog on (someone or something)’, giving ‘urge on verbally, urge on’; often has negative connotation. Note: originally (OBI) has ‘drag the foot, foot’ (see Appendix), with (‘tall, slim person’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘walk slowly’, thus ‘walk slowly, walk dragging foot’ (see also 715). KJ1970:418-9,158-9; GY2008:1046,1715; MS1995:v1:286-7. As with 1470, we suggest taking right hand part as ‘crossed legs’ , and ‘runny nose’ . Mnemonic: RUNNY NOSE, MOUTH AND CROSSED LEGS ARE ENTICING!? The Remaining 1130 Characters 405

1368 詐 SA lie, deceive L1 12 strokes SAGISHIswindler SASHUfraud SASHŌmisrepresentation Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen). Has 118 ‘words; speak’, and 141 (‘make’) as semantic and phonetic, giving ‘make up words, deceive with words’. ( originally denoted marks made with a cutting instrument; ‘make’ is an extended sense.) MS1995:v2:1192-3,v1:18-9; KJ1970:437; OT1968:924. Mnemonic: MAKE UP WORDS IN DECEITFUL LIE 1369 L1 鎖 SA, kusari chain, link 18 strokes SAKOKUclosed country RENSAdesert kusaridomesprocket Seal ; late graph (later version of Shuowen); traditional . Has 16 ‘metal’, and

1368<br />

詐<br />

SA<br />

lie, deceive<br />

L1<br />

12 strokes<br />

SAGISHIswindler<br />

SASHUfraud<br />

SASHŌmisrepresentation<br />

Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen). Has 118<br />

‘words; speak’, and 141 (‘make’) as semantic<br />

and phonetic, giving ‘make up words, deceive<br />

with words’. ( originally denoted marks<br />

made with a cutting instrument; ‘make’ is an<br />

extended sense.) MS1995:v2:1192-3,v1:18-9;<br />

KJ1970:437; OT1968:924.<br />


1369<br />

L1<br />

鎖<br />

SA, kusari<br />

chain, link<br />

18 strokes<br />

SAKOKUclosed country<br />

RENSAdesert<br />

kusaridomesprocket<br />

Seal ; late graph (later version of Shuowen);<br />

traditional . Has 16 ‘metal’, and

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