1289 遣 KEN, tsukau, yaru send, use, do, give L1 13 strokes HAKENdispatch kozukaipocket money yarinaosure-do Seal . Has 85 ‘go, move’, and (see Note below) as phonetic with associated sense taken as i] ‘continue on’ (though possibly with a semantic function also), giving ‘person continues walking after another’, i.e. ‘follow’ (Katō), or ii] ‘take just one part of something accumulated, and send/move somewhere else’ (Tōdō). ‘Send away, dispatch’ may be seen as an extended sense. The meaning ‘give’ is also probably an extended sense, deriving from the offering of items in funerary ritual (Schuessler). Ogawa notes ‘use’ as a Japanese-only usage, and this may be based on having been employed to represent the Japanese verb tsukawasu meaning ‘send, dispatch’, and then being the head), serving in one view (Gu) as phonetic; other scholars, however, take not just but the whole complex element as the phonetic, with associated sense ‘raise up high’, likewise giving the meaning ‘offer meat of dog as sacrifice’. Subsequently, the sense was generalized to ‘offer up, present’. The modern form has ‘south’ 208 as the left-hand component. GY2008:1555; MS1995:v2:846-7; KJ1970:373; OT1968:645. Mnemonic: SOUTHERN DOG IS DEDICATED Or: DEDICATED SOUTHERN DOG IS GIVEN AS PRESENT borrowed for the separate but homophonous honorific form tsukawasu meaning ‘use’ (strictly speaking, the Old Japanese equivalents of these two verbs, but the principle involved still holds). Similarly, the meaning ‘do’ associated with may derive from the fact that the verb yaru in Old Japanese meant ‘send, dispatch’, but later there evolved yaru meaning ‘do’, as in the modern language. Note: is interpreted in one analysis as depicting hands putting a bow into a grave pit, as part of a funerary ritual (Gu), or alternatively as depicting accumulated possessions piled up (Tōdō) / clods of earth made round with the hands into a mound (Katō). KJ1970:382-3; MS1995:v2:1302-4; AS2007:425; TA1965:606; JD1967:459; OT1968:1011. As with 847, we suggest taking upper right hand part as ‘odd insect’ ( 60 ‘insect’), and suggest lower right as buttocks. Mnemonic: DO SEND ME THAT ODD INSECT WITH MOVING BUTTOCKS 1290 L2 賢 KEN, kashikoi wise 16 strokes KENJAa sage KENMEIwisdom kashikoidatefeigned wisdom Bronze ; seal . Has 10 ‘shell, shell currency, valuables’, and 臤 1237 ‘hard’ (q.v. for etymology), taken in one analysis as semantic and phonetic, to give original meaning ‘hard, good quality shell’ (Ogawa, Shirakawa). Alternatively, 臤 is taken as phonetic with as- sociated sense ‘numerous’, thus ‘give numerous/plentiful valuables to others’ (Katō, Gu; the latter interpretation, according to Katō, is based on a passage attributed to Zhuangzi). The meaning ‘wisdom/wise’ comes from a change from material wealth to wealth of knowledge (Katō). OT1968:961; SS1984;264; KJ1970:133-4; GY2008:611. Take 臤 as its components 2003 ‘hand’ and staring eye 543 ‘retainer’. Mnemonic: WISE RETAINER STARES HARD AT SHELL-MONEY IN HAND The Remaining 1130 Characters 383

1291 謙 KEN, herikudaru humble, modest L2 17 strokes KENSONhumility KENKYOmodesty KENJŌ humility Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen); traditional form has . Has 118 ‘words; speak’, and 1281 ‘combine’/ ‘cannot’ (q.v.) as phonetic with associated sense ‘cave in’, giving ‘give up one’s own intention, concede’, and hence ‘be humble, modest’. OT1968:940; TA1965:863-6. Mnemonic: COMBINE WORDS IN HUMBLE FASHION 1292 鍵 KEN, kagi key, lock L1 17 strokes kagikkolatchkey child KENBANkeyboard kagiana keyhole 1293 繭 KEN, mayu cocoon L1 18 strokes KENCHŪpongee ōmayudouble cocoon karamayu waste cocoon Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen); traditional 繭 . Has 29 ‘thread’, and 60 ‘insect’, with CO (‘symmetry of ram’s horns’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘balanced’, giving ‘something 1294 L1 顕 KEN, arawareru manifest, visible 18 strokes KENCHO nanoticeable KEN’YŌprominence KENBIKYŌ microscope Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen). Has 16 ‘metal’, and 498 (‘build, erect’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘bind’, giving ‘wedge to stop a cart/carriage’. Regarding the later meaning ‘lock’, Shirakawa considers this to derive from an intermediate stage involving use of the graph to denote ‘door/gate bolt’ (otherwise written ), the sense then being extended to ‘lock’ and ‘key’. SS1984:265; OT1968:1047; AS2007:305. Mnemonic: A BUILDING SHOULD HAVE METAL KEY-LOCKS balanced made by insects with thread’, i.e. ‘cocoon’. Note: has top element for ram’s horns, with two sides balanced, with 30 (roof, covering) as phonetic with associated sense ‘symmetrical’ (Katō). KJ1970:199-200; OT1968:791; MS1995:v2:1024-5. Take modern form for top element as 53 ‘grass’, and as double-chambered cocoon. Mnemonic: INSECT THREADS DOUBLE COCOON UNDER GRASS Bronze ; seal ; traditional . Interpretations differ. Scholars typically take bronze forms as including 103 ‘head’. The left element, CO 㬎 ‘bright; appear’ (see Note 2 below), is usually interpreted as phonetic in , with associated sense taken as i] ‘shine’, giving ‘beautiful decoration worn on the head’, and by extension ‘shine brightly’ (Ogawa), or ii] ‘bend’, giving ‘bent-over body’ (Katō) (‘appear, 384 The Remaining 1130 Characters

1291<br />

謙<br />

KEN, herikudaru<br />

humble, modest<br />

L2<br />

17 strokes<br />

KENSONhumility<br />

KENKYOmodesty<br />

KENJŌ humility<br />

Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen); traditional<br />

form has . Has 118 ‘words; speak’, and <br />

1281 ‘combine’/ ‘cannot’ (q.v.) as phonetic with<br />

associated sense ‘cave in’, giving ‘give up one’s<br />

own intention, concede’, and hence ‘be humble,<br />

modest’. OT1968:940; TA1965:863-6.<br />



1292<br />

鍵<br />

KEN, kagi<br />

key, lock<br />

L1<br />

17 strokes<br />

kagikkolatchkey child<br />

KENBANkeyboard<br />

kagiana keyhole<br />

1293<br />

繭<br />

KEN, mayu<br />

cocoon<br />

L1<br />

18 strokes<br />

KENCHŪpongee<br />

ōmayudouble cocoon<br />

karamayu waste cocoon<br />

Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen); traditional 繭 .<br />

Has 29 ‘thread’, and 60 ‘insect’, with CO<br />

(‘symmetry of ram’s horns’) as phonetic with<br />

associated sense ‘balanced’, giving ‘something<br />

1294<br />

L1<br />

顕<br />

KEN, arawareru<br />

manifest, visible<br />

18 strokes<br />

KENCHO nanoticeable<br />

KEN’YŌprominence<br />

KENBIKYŌ microscope<br />

Seal ; a late graph (Shuowen). Has 16<br />

‘metal’, and 498 (‘build, erect’) as phonetic<br />

with associated sense ‘bind’, giving ‘wedge to<br />

stop a cart/carriage’. Regarding the later meaning<br />

‘lock’, Shirakawa considers this to derive<br />

from an intermediate stage involving use of the<br />

graph to denote ‘door/gate bolt’ (otherwise<br />

written ), the sense then being extended<br />

to ‘lock’ and ‘key’. SS1984:265; OT1968:1047;<br />

AS2007:305.<br />



balanced made by insects with thread’, i.e.<br />

‘cocoon’. Note: has top element for ram’s<br />

horns, with two sides balanced, with 30<br />

(roof, covering) as phonetic with associated<br />

sense ‘symmetrical’ (Katō). KJ1970:199-200;<br />

OT1968:791; MS1995:v2:1024-5. Take modern<br />

form for top element as 53 ‘grass’, and as<br />

double-chambered cocoon.<br />



Bronze ; seal ; traditional . Interpretations<br />

differ. Scholars typically take bronze<br />

forms as including 103 ‘head’. The left<br />

element, CO 㬎 ‘bright; appear’ (see Note 2<br />

below), is usually interpreted as phonetic in ,<br />

with associated sense taken as i] ‘shine’, giving<br />

‘beautiful decoration worn on the head’, and<br />

by extension ‘shine brightly’ (Ogawa), or ii]<br />

‘bend’, giving ‘bent-over body’ (Katō) (‘appear,<br />

384 The Remaining 1130 Characters

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