1233 斤 KIN weight, ax L1 4 strokes KINRYŌold weight KINmeold weight FUKIN ax OBI ; bronze ; seal . One view, based on the bronze form, takes as the curved handle of an ax, with the outer element (‘cliff’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘curved like a lizard’, giving ‘ax with curved handle’ (Katō). The OBI form, though, is of different structure, and Qiu convincingly analyzes this as representing an ax or adze-like tool about to cut an object (Qiu says a tree) in half. In ancient times this tool was also used as a convenient measure of weight, hence the extended sense ‘unit of weight’; in Japan as a traditional unit of weight, about 600 grams. KJ1970:285; QX2000:180,55; MS1995:v1:594-5; OT1968:449. Mnemonic: HACKSAW-LIKE AX IS QUITE A WEIGHT 1234 L1 菌 KIN fungus, bacteria 11 strokes SAIKINbacteria KINRUIfungi HOKINSHA germ carrier Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 53 ‘plant’, with 囷 (‘round granary’) as phonetic with associated sense taken as i] ‘shady and damp’, 1235 L1 琴 KIN, koto koto (oriental harp) 12 strokes teFŪKINaccordion KINSENheartstrings kotozume plectrum Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Seal form, which lacks , the bottom two strokes of , shows body (bridge) and strings of a koto (Oriental harp) stood upright. At the clerical script stage, 1236 L1 僅 KIN, wazuka few/little, barely 13 strokes KINKINmerely, only KINSHŌfew, little KINSHŌSA slight majority Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 41 ‘person’, with CO (‘burning human sacrifice’ as rain-making ritual or ‘burning of drought god effigy’ [Mizukami]) as phonetic with as- thus ‘blotch-like growth in damp, shady places’ (Katō), or ii] ‘crowded’, thus ‘crowded plant growth’ (Shirakawa). In Shuowen, is defined as ‘mushroom’; ‘fungus, bacterium’ are extended sense. Note: CO 囷 (‘granary’) is 84 ‘enclosure’, with ‘grain’ 87. QX2000:193; KJ1970:295; SS1984:208-9. Mnemonic: GRAIN PLANT IN ENCLOSURE GETS FUNGUS the lower element changed to 138 (‘now’) as phonetic with associated sense usually taken as ‘enclose in box shape, enclose’, thus ‘box-shape musical instrument with strings’, i.e. koto. Ogawa, however, takes associated sense to be ‘sound’. Mizukami and Ogawa take the keyhole-shaped element in seal form, corresponding to in as abbreviation of later , as phonetic. MS1995:v2:854-5; KJ1970:243; SS1984:210; OT1968:658. Take as ‘king’ 5. Mnemonic: NOW TWO KINGS PLAY THE KOTO sociated sense ‘a little, scant’, thus ‘person of meagre talents’; later generalized to ‘meagre, a little’. Note: OBI ancestral form of has ‘fire’ as bottom element, though less clear in bronze, then erroneously changed to ‘earth’ 64 in seal. TA1965:695-8; SS1984:210; GY2008:1186; WB1994:162; OT1968:217; MS1995:v1:270-71. Take as ‘odd’ master 315, ‘eye’ 76, ‘grass’ 53. Mnemonic: ODD MASTER KEEPS EYE ON PERSONS IN THE GRASS – ONLY A FEW The Remaining 1130 Characters 367

1237 緊 KIN tight, compact, tense L1 15 strokes KINCHŌtension KINKYŪcrisis KINMITSU compactness Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 29 ‘thread/string’, and NJK 臤 (now means ‘hard, wise’, but bronze form originally depicted a hand [ 2003] pulling out an eyeball [ 543, now meaning ‘minister’]) as semantic and phonetic, meaning ‘pull straight’, to give ‘pull strings/thread straight’ (Gu), ‘pull strings/thread tight’ (Ogawa), or ‘bind tight’ (Schuessler). ‘Tense’ is an extended sense. Note: Shirakawa, who similarly gives the meaning of 臤 as ‘to destroy an eyeball’, believes it was made part of a sacrificial ritual when something important was being sought from the deities. GY2008: 1036,605; OT1968:785; SS1984:212; AS2007:315. We suggest taking the components literally, though gruesome. Mnemonic: HAND PULLS OUT EYEBALL AND THREADS IT TIGHT – QUITE TENSE 1238 L1 錦 KIN, nishiki brocade, showy 16 strokes Kara nishikiChinese brocade nishikigoicolored carp nishikiE colored print Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has NJK ‘white silk, silk cloth’, with 16 ‘gold’ as semantic and phonetic, giving ‘silk fabric with gold color’. Tōdō, following an explanation in the Shiming dictionary of ca. 200AD, treats as indicating this type of fabric is the most valuable, just as ‘gold’ is the most valuable metal. ‘Brocade’, a cloth which does not necessarily use silk, is extended sense. Note: comprises 1232 ‘cloth fragment, cloth’, with 69 ‘white’. GY2008:1609; OT1968:320,315; MS1995:v1:438-9; TA1965:822. Mnemonic: GOLD BROCADE ON WHITE CLOTH IS SHOWY 1239 L1 謹 KIN, tsutsushimu circumspect 17 strokes KINGENseriousness KINKEIDear Sirs tsutsushinde respectfully Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 118 ‘words; speak’, and (‘sacrificial burning’: see 1236) as phonetic with associated sense ‘scant, sparse; barely’, giving ‘restrain one’s words, be cautious’. Note: for etymology of , see 1236. OT1968:939; KJ1970:294; TA1965:695-8. For explanation of mnemonic, see 1236. Mnemonic: ODD MASTER USES CIRCUMSPECT WORDS WHEN GETTING GRASS IN EYE 1240 襟 KIN, eri collar, neck, neckband L1 18 strokes KYŌKINbosom, heart KINDOgenerosity erikubi nape of neck A late, post-Shuowen graph. Has / 444 ‘garment’, and 682 (‘forbid, ban’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘close, shut’, thus ‘garment seam’; ‘neckband, collar’ is an extended sense. OT1968:910; SS1984:213. Mnemonic: COLLARS ARE BANNED GARMENTS 368 The Remaining 1130 Characters

1237<br />

緊<br />

KIN<br />

tight, compact, tense<br />

L1<br />

15 strokes<br />

KINCHŌtension<br />

KINKYŪcrisis<br />

KINMITSU compactness<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 29<br />

‘thread/string’, and NJK 臤 (now means ‘hard,<br />

wise’, but bronze form originally depicted a<br />

hand [ 2003] pulling out an eyeball [ 543,<br />

now meaning ‘minister’]) as semantic and<br />

phonetic, meaning ‘pull straight’, to give ‘pull<br />

strings/thread straight’ (Gu), ‘pull strings/thread<br />

tight’ (Ogawa), or ‘bind tight’ (Schuessler).<br />

‘Tense’ is an extended sense. Note: Shirakawa,<br />

who similarly gives the meaning of 臤 as ‘to<br />

destroy an eyeball’, believes it was made part of<br />

a sacrificial ritual when something important<br />

was being sought from the deities. GY2008:<br />

1036,605; OT1968:785; SS1984:212; AS2007:315.<br />

We suggest taking the components literally,<br />

though gruesome.<br />



1238<br />

L1<br />

錦<br />

KIN, nishiki<br />

brocade, showy<br />

16 strokes<br />

Kara nishikiChinese brocade<br />

nishikigoicolored carp<br />

nishikiE colored print<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has NJK ‘white<br />

silk, silk cloth’, with 16 ‘gold’ as semantic and<br />

phonetic, giving ‘silk fabric with gold color’.<br />

Tōdō, following an explanation in the Shiming<br />

dictionary of ca. 200AD, treats as indicating<br />

this type of fabric is the most valuable,<br />

just as ‘gold’ is the most valuable metal.<br />

‘Brocade’, a cloth which does not necessarily<br />

use silk, is extended sense. Note: comprises<br />

1232 ‘cloth fragment, cloth’, with<br />

69 ‘white’. GY2008:1609; OT1968:320,315;<br />

MS1995:v1:438-9; TA1965:822.<br />



1239<br />

L1<br />

謹<br />

KIN, tsutsushimu<br />

circumspect<br />

17 strokes<br />

KINGENseriousness<br />

KINKEIDear Sirs<br />

tsutsushinde respectfully<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 118<br />

‘words; speak’, and (‘sacrificial burning’: see<br />

1236) as phonetic with associated sense ‘scant,<br />

sparse; barely’, giving ‘restrain one’s words, be<br />

cautious’. Note: for etymology of , see 1236.<br />

OT1968:939; KJ1970:294; TA1965:695-8. For<br />

explanation of mnemonic, see 1236.<br />

Mnemonic: ODD MASTER USES<br />



1240<br />

襟<br />

KIN, eri<br />

collar, neck, neckband<br />

L1<br />

18 strokes<br />

KYŌKINbosom, heart<br />

KINDOgenerosity<br />

erikubi nape of neck<br />

A late, post-Shuowen graph. Has / 444<br />

‘garment’, and 682 (‘forbid, ban’) as phonetic<br />

with associated sense ‘close, shut’, thus ‘garment<br />

seam’; ‘neckband, collar’ is an extended sense.<br />

OT1968:910; SS1984:213.<br />


368 The Remaining 1130 Characters

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