1083 暇 KA, hima, itoma leisure, free time L1 13 strokes KYŪKAbreak, holiday YOKAleisure himadorube tardy Bronze () ; seal () ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 66 ‘day’, and (CO; orig. meaning: ‘unpolished/blemished jade’ [Shirakawa], or ‘person wearing mask’ [Katō, Mizukami]) as phonetic with associated sense taken either as i] ‘gap, space’, giving ‘day where there is a gap/ space’, or ii] ‘stay, be’, giving ‘be at home all day in leisurely manner’ (Ogawa). In Shirakawa’s view, bronze forms of show one or two hands taking material (possibly raw jade) from an enclosed space. SS1984:78-9,74; KJ1970:121; OT1968:473; MS1995:v1:198-200. Take as variant 170 ‘tool in hand’, and as variant 120 ‘door’. Mnemonic: USE TOOL IN HAND TO FIX DOOR ON DAY OF LEISURE 1084 禍 KA, wazawai disaster, calamity L1 13 strokes KAFUKUups and downs SAIKAcalamity KAKONroot of evil Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 723 ‘altar’ (by extension ‘deity’), and 659 (‘distorted mouth’) as phonetic with associated sense taken as i] ‘rebuke; displeased’ (Katō, Tōdō), or ii] ‘cruel death’ (Ogawa), both giving same overall sense ‘divine punishment’. KJ1970:311-2; TA1965:628; OT1968:725. Suggest take as topless tower. Mnemonic: TOPLESS TOWER HAS ALTAR BUT STILL A DISASTER 1085 L2 靴 KA, kutsu shoe 13 strokes SEIKAshoemaking kutsushitasock nagagutsuboot Seal ( 鞾 ) (included in a later version of Shuowen); is a later version. 鞾 consists of 836 ‘leather’, and 1079 (originally, vegetation growing luxuriantly) as phonetic, to represent a foreign loanword into Chinese (Ogawa suggests from the language of the Xiongnu) which itself initially denoted long riding boots. In the graph 鞾 , the phonetic function of the righthand element was later taken over by 258 ‘change’, quite possibly with a semantic connotation also. In Japanese usage at least, the sense became more generalized to ‘shoes, footwear’. OT1968:1094; GY2008:1545; SS1984:79. Mnemonic: CHANGE LEATHER INTO SHOE 1086 L1 寡 14 KA few, minimum, widow, minority strokes KAMOKUsilence KAFU/yamomewidow KAGENreticence Bronze ; seal . The bronze form has 30 ‘roof, dwelling’, and element typically taken as 103 (originally pictograph of person with large head), and interpreted as meaning ‘person alone under a roof’, and by extension ‘few’. Ogawa alone prefers to take the element under as a variant of ‘summer’ 88 (with associated sense ‘one’ here). The seal form has 218 ‘divide’ added, reinforcing the sense ‘divide (one thing)’, ‘few’. OT1968:283; MS1995:v1:384-5; KJ1970:312-3. Mnemonic: DIVIDING THE HEADS OF HOUSES LEAVES FEW The Remaining 1130 Characters 327

1087 箇 KA, KO item (counter) L1 14 strokes KAJŌgakiitemization KASHOplace, point IKKOone item Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has ‘bamboo’ 58 and 501 ‘hard, solid’. Originally, used to count lengths of bamboo, then later the connotation ‘bamboo’ was dropped, and employed widely as a general counter. Often interchanged with the counter 695. KJ1970:390- 91; AS2007:248; SS1984:80-81. Mnemonic: IT’S HARD TO ITEMISE BAMBOO 1088 稼 KA, kasegu work, earn money L1 15 strokes KAGYŌone’s trade kasegitebreadwinner tomokasegidual income Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 87 ‘grain plant’, and 89 (‘house’) as phonetic with associated sense as i] ‘good’, giving ‘grain which is well-developed’ (Ogawa), or ii] ‘cover over’, giving ‘grain harvested and covered’ (Tōdō). The meaning ‘work to earn money’ is extended. OT1968:736; TA1965:383. Mnemonic: HOUSE FULL OF GRAIN INDICATES WORK AND MONEY EARNED 1089 蚊 ka, BUN mosquito L3 10 strokes kabarifishing fly kaya*mosquito net kayarismudge fire Seal ( 蟁 ) ; late graph (Shuowen). Seal form has 䖵 ‘insect’ (general term), and 619 (‘people’) as phonetic purely for its onomatopoeic value to represent the sound of a mosquito buzzing in flight, and on the same basis was later replaced by 72 ‘text’ with the double insect 䖵 reduced to one, 60. Several other variant shapes were also used historically, but need not concern us here. OT1968:885; SS1984:759; GY2008:1048-9. Mnemonic: TEXT DESCRIBES MOSQUITO AS INSECT THAT GOES ‘BUN’ 1090 L1 牙 GA, GE, kiba tusk, fang 4 strokes DOKUGApoison fangs ZŌGEivory SHIGAteeth Bronze ; seal . The bronze forms are typically taken as depicting curved interlocking pieces of wood which made up part of the circular outer rim of a wheel; the original way of writing . Then, on the basis of the interlocking nature of these pieces of wood when put together, borrowed to represent ‘tusk, fang’. Shirakawa, in contrast, chooses to interpret the bronze forms (onwards) as representing from the outset tusks or fangs coming together vertically. The bronze forms are, though, more supportive of the first analysis above. MS1995:v2:826-8; KJ1970:134-6; OT1968:634; SS1984:82. Mnemonically difficult but suggest taking graph as a ‘peg’ (baby talk for ‘tooth’), with as a support. Mnemonic: WHEN YOUR ‘TOOTHY PEGS’ BECOME TUSKS, YOU NEED SUPPORT 328 The Remaining 1130 Characters

1083<br />

暇<br />

KA, hima, itoma<br />

leisure, free time<br />

L1<br />

13 strokes<br />

KYŪKAbreak, holiday<br />

YOKAleisure<br />

himadorube tardy<br />

Bronze () ; seal () ; late graph (Shuowen).<br />

Has 66 ‘day’, and (CO; orig. meaning:<br />

‘unpolished/blemished jade’ [Shirakawa], or<br />

‘person wearing mask’ [Katō, Mizukami]) as<br />

phonetic with associated sense taken either as<br />

i] ‘gap, space’, giving ‘day where there is a gap/<br />

space’, or ii] ‘stay, be’, giving ‘be at home all day in<br />

leisurely manner’ (Ogawa). In Shirakawa’s view,<br />

bronze forms of show one or two hands taking<br />

material (possibly raw jade) from an enclosed<br />

space. SS1984:78-9,74; KJ1970:121; OT1968:473;<br />

MS1995:v1:198-200. Take as variant 170<br />

‘tool in hand’, and as variant 120 ‘door’.<br />



1084<br />

禍<br />

KA, wazawai<br />

disaster, calamity<br />

L1<br />

13 strokes<br />

KAFUKUups and downs<br />

SAIKAcalamity<br />

KAKONroot of evil<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 723 ‘altar’<br />

(by extension ‘deity’), and 659 (‘distorted<br />

mouth’) as phonetic with associated sense<br />

taken as i] ‘rebuke; displeased’ (Katō, Tōdō),<br />

or ii] ‘cruel death’ (Ogawa), both giving same<br />

overall sense ‘divine punishment’. KJ1970:311-2;<br />

TA1965:628; OT1968:725. Suggest take as<br />

topless tower.<br />



1085<br />

L2<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

靴<br />

KA, kutsu<br />

shoe<br />

13 strokes<br />

SEIKAshoemaking<br />

kutsushitasock<br />

nagagutsuboot<br />

Seal ( 鞾 ) (included in a later version of<br />

Shuowen); is a later version. 鞾 consists of <br />

836 ‘leather’, and 1079 (originally, vegetation<br />

growing luxuriantly) as phonetic, to represent<br />

a foreign loanword into Chinese (Ogawa suggests<br />

from the language of the Xiongnu) which<br />

itself initially denoted long riding boots. In the<br />

graph 鞾 , the phonetic function of the righthand<br />

element was later taken over by 258<br />

‘change’, quite possibly with a semantic connotation<br />

also. In Japanese usage at least, the sense<br />

became more generalized to ‘shoes, footwear’.<br />

OT1968:1094; GY2008:1545; SS1984:79.<br />


1086<br />

L1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

寡<br />

14<br />

KA<br />

few, minimum, widow,<br />

minority<br />

strokes<br />

KAMOKUsilence<br />

KAFU/yamomewidow<br />

KAGENreticence<br />

Bronze ; seal . The bronze form has 30<br />

‘roof, dwelling’, and element typically taken as <br />

103 (originally pictograph of person with large<br />

head), and interpreted as meaning ‘person alone<br />

under a roof’, and by extension ‘few’. Ogawa<br />

alone prefers to take the element under as a<br />

variant of ‘summer’ 88 (with associated sense<br />

‘one’ here). The seal form has 218 ‘divide’ added,<br />

reinforcing the sense ‘divide (one thing)’, ‘few’.<br />

OT1968:283; MS1995:v1:384-5; KJ1970:312-3.<br />



The Remaining 1130 Characters 327

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