1022 L1 椅 I chair 12 strokes ISUchair kurumaISUwheelchair nagaISUcouch Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 73 ‘wood, tree’, and 1174 (‘strange’) as phonetic (associated sense unclear), meaning ‘(type of) catalpa tree’. The wood was sometimes used for musical instruments as well as chairs; chair furniture was made in China from the Tang Dynasty onwards, initially only for the elite. The meaning ‘chair’ evolved by association. OT1968:509-10; SS1984:20; DJ2009:v2:453. Mnemonic: A CHAIR IS A STRANGE WOODEN THING 1023 L1 ? 彙 13 IHŌbulletin GOIvocabulary JIIdictionary I compile, collect, classify strokes Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Analyses vary. One takes as originally a pictograph of a hedgehog (Ogawa, Shirakawa). Alternatively, it is seen as abbreviation of NJK ‘wild boar; hedgehog’, with an abbreviation of 447 (‘stomach’) as 1024 違 I, chigau differ L2 13 strokes SŌIdifference IHANinfringement machigaimistake phonetic with associated sense ‘round, surround’, giving ‘animal which rolls into a ball’, again giving ‘hedgehog’ (Tōdō). Despite the diversity, scholars agree original meaning of is ‘hedgehog’; the later sense ‘collect’ is an extended sense, based on the large number of densely-packed spines the animal has, giving an impression of being collected together. OT1968:343; SS1984:21; TA1965:712-9. Suggest using 454 for its meaning ‘fruit tree’, with head part on top. Mnemonic: HEDGEHOGS ON TOP OF FRUIT TREES!? COLLECT AND CLASSIFY! OBI ; seal . Has 85 ‘walk, go’, and (original sense considered to be either ‘go in different directions, move away from’ or ‘patrol by going round enclosed area’; see 446 and 1021), here as semantic and phonetic with associated sense ‘move away from’, giving ‘move away from’; ‘be different’ is an extended sense. QX2000:192; KJ1970:8; MS1995:v2:1298-9,1436-8. Mnemonic: MOVE AWAY IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION 1025 L1 維 I rope, tie, support 14 strokes IJIupkeep ISHINrestoration SEN’Ifiber Bronze ; seal . Has 29 ‘thread’, and 324 (‘short-tailed bird, bird’) as phonetic with associated sense range ‘hold firmly, pull, dangle and pull’, giving ‘rope for pulling’; in Shuowen, further defined as the ropes for pulling the hood of a cart or carriage. Sense generalized to ‘rope’, and by extension ‘tie’, and presumably also ‘strengthen/support’. KJ1970:13; MS1995:v2:1016-18; OT1968:780. Mnemonic: ROPE THREADED THROUGH BIRD HELPS SUPPORT IT The Remaining 1130 Characters 311

1026 L1 慰 15 I, nagusami/mu/meru comfort, console, amusement strokes IMONconsolation IANcomfort nagusamimonoplaything Seal . Has 164 ‘heart, mind, feelings’, and 1019 (‘military rank’, but originally meant ‘press down’), taken either as phonetic with associated sense i] ‘become angry’, giving ‘anger pent up in the heart’ (Katō), or ii] ‘press down’, giving ‘calm down the heart/feelings’ (Ogawa). In the former interpretation, ‘console’ is a loan usage. Mizukami looks to list a bronze equivalent. KJ1970:9; OT1968:384; MS1995:v1:522-3. Mnemonic: THE HEART OF A PERSON WITH MILITARY RANK IS COMFORTING Or (see 1019): SHOW CORPSE’S HAND TO CONSOLE FEELINGS?! 1027 L1 緯 16 I, nuki horizontal, weft strokes Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 29 ‘thread’, and 446 (original sense ‘move away’ or ‘patrol round an area’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘surround’, thus ‘thread that surrounds (the vertical thread)’, i.e. ‘horizontal woof’. KJ1970:8; TA1965:718; OT1968:786. Mnemonic: HORIZONTAL WEFT THREAD DIFFERS IN DIRECTION TO WARP 1028 壱 ICHI one (formal) L1 7 strokes ICHIMAN’EN10,000 yen ISSENone thousand NIJŪICHItwenty-one Seal ; late graph (post-Shuowen); traditional: . Has ‘wine jar (bulbous, narrow neck opening out at rim)’, and 1196 (’auspicious’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘steamy, moldy’, thus ‘wine ferments and jar fills up’ (Yamada, Shirakawa, Ogawa). The sense ‘one’ is a loan usage, though possibly with a semantic component also, according to Qiu. YK1976:58; KJ1970:28-30; QX2000:120,275; SS1984:27-8. Suggest as 521 samurai, prone figure, and cover. Mnemonic: ONE SAMURAI STANDS COVERING PRONE FIGURE 1029 L1 逸 11 IPPINfine article soreyastray arrow ISSHUTSUescape ITSU, soreru/rasu escape, go astray fast, excel strokes Bronze ; seal ; traditional . Bronze has 85 ‘go, move’ and stylized depiction of leanlooking animal, taken as hare/rabbit, thus ‘hare/ rabbit escapes’ (Katō cautiously says ‘animal escapes’). At seal stage, this animal is very stylized. For the right-hand element of , which now corresponds to 2018 ‘avoid, escape’ (q.v.), there is no entry for in Shuowen – and thus no seal form. However, a seal-style equivalent for A) was created at a later date (sometimes done), very close to seal form for B) ‘rabbit’ (NJK). Historically, we find variation in the shape of the right-hand element of , in what seems to be a degree of confused usage between shapes A) and B). As is the case with ‘rabbit’, historically we find some fluctuation in the shape of graph 1029, though the latter now has as its standard form in modern Japanese. MS1995:v2:1296-7; GY2008:1289; KJ1970:56-7,730. Mnemonic: MOVE FAST LIKE A RABBIT AND ESCAPE 312 The Remaining 1130 Characters

1022<br />

L1<br />

椅<br />

I<br />

chair<br />

12 strokes<br />

ISUchair<br />

kurumaISUwheelchair<br />

nagaISUcouch<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Has 73<br />

‘wood, tree’, and 1174 (‘strange’) as phonetic<br />

(associated sense unclear), meaning ‘(type of)<br />

catalpa tree’. The wood was sometimes used<br />

for musical instruments as well as chairs; chair<br />

furniture was made in China from the Tang<br />

Dynasty onwards, initially only for the elite.<br />

The meaning ‘chair’ evolved by association.<br />

OT1968:509-10; SS1984:20; DJ2009:v2:453.<br />


THING<br />

1023<br />

L1 ?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

彙<br />

13<br />

IHŌbulletin<br />

GOIvocabulary<br />

JIIdictionary<br />

I<br />

compile, collect,<br />

classify<br />

strokes<br />

Seal ; late graph (Shuowen). Analyses vary. One<br />

takes as originally a pictograph of a hedgehog<br />

(Ogawa, Shirakawa). Alternatively, it is seen as<br />

abbreviation of NJK ‘wild boar; hedgehog’,<br />

with an abbreviation of 447 (‘stomach’) as<br />

1024<br />

違<br />

I, chigau<br />

differ<br />

L2<br />

13 strokes<br />

SŌIdifference<br />

IHANinfringement<br />

machigaimistake<br />

phonetic with associated sense ‘round, surround’,<br />

giving ‘animal which rolls into a ball’,<br />

again giving ‘hedgehog’ (Tōdō). Despite the<br />

diversity, scholars agree original meaning of<br />

is ‘hedgehog’; the later sense ‘collect’ is an<br />

extended sense, based on the large number of<br />

densely-packed spines the animal has, giving<br />

an impression of being collected together.<br />

OT1968:343; SS1984:21; TA1965:712-9. Suggest<br />

using 454 for its meaning ‘fruit tree’, with head<br />

part on top.<br />



OBI ; seal . Has 85 ‘walk, go’, and (original<br />

sense considered to be either ‘go in different<br />

directions, move away from’ or ‘patrol by going<br />

round enclosed area’; see 446 and 1021), here<br />

as semantic and phonetic with associated sense<br />

‘move away from’, giving ‘move away from’; ‘be<br />

different’ is an extended sense. QX2000:192;<br />

KJ1970:8; MS1995:v2:1298-9,1436-8.<br />



1025<br />

L1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

維<br />

I<br />

rope, tie, support<br />

14 strokes<br />

IJIupkeep<br />

ISHINrestoration<br />

SEN’Ifiber<br />

Bronze ; seal . Has 29 ‘thread’, and <br />

324 (‘short-tailed bird, bird’) as phonetic with<br />

associated sense range ‘hold firmly, pull, dangle<br />

and pull’, giving ‘rope for pulling’; in Shuowen,<br />

further defined as the ropes for pulling the<br />

hood of a cart or carriage. Sense generalized<br />

to ‘rope’, and by extension ‘tie’, and presumably<br />

also ‘strengthen/support’. KJ1970:13;<br />

MS1995:v2:1016-18; OT1968:780.<br />



The Remaining 1130 Characters 311

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