285 L3 君 KUN, kimi lord, you, Mr 7 strokes BŌKUN tyrant SAIKUN wife YamadaKUN Mr Yamada OBI has ‘words’ (represented by 22 ‘mouth, say’), and (CO graph meaning ‘govern’ by holding a stick) as both semantic and phonetic, to give ‘lead people by words’, and hence ‘lead, leader’. MS1995:v1:216-7; YK1976:144; OT1968:170. Mnemonic: MY LORD, I SEE YOU RULE BY STICK IN HAND AND BY WORD 286 係 KEI, kakari involvement L3 9 strokes KANKEI connection KEISŌ contention kakariIN clerk in charge 287 軽 KEI, karui light, flippant L4 12 strokes KEISHOKU light meal KEIHAKU flippancy karuishi pumice Late graph (Shuowen): . Traditional form has 33 ‘vehicle’, and (CO, threads stretched A late graph (Shuowen) . Has ‘person’ 41 and 855 (‘joined threads’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘link up’. KJ1970:359; YK1976: 147-8; OT1968:63. Mnemonic: PERSON INVOLVED WITH JOIN- ING THREADS on loom) as phonetic with associated sense ‘empty’ (Katō, Yamada); Ogawa says ‘at full speed’. ‘Light’ is extended meaning from ‘empty’. KJ1970:346; YK1976:150; OT1968:983. Suggest take the modern right hand parts as 2003 ‘hand’ and 64 ‘ground’. Mnemonic: LIGHT VEHICLE PUSHED ALONG GROUND BY HAND 288 L3 血 KETSU, chi blood 6 strokes KETSUEKI blood KETTŌ lineage hanaji nose-bleed OBI shows 300 ‘bowl’ with blood in it (short stroke), in pledge. The meaning later became restricted to just ‘blood’. MS1995:v2: 1156-8; MR2007:318; KJ1970:365. Mnemonic: LIQUID SPILLING FROM BOWL IS BLOOD 289 L3 決 KETSU, kimeru/maru decide, settle, collapse 7 strokes KAIKETSU solution KETSURETSU breakdown KESSHIN determination Late graph (Shuowen) . Has 42 ‘water’, and (CO, meaning disputed, a hand pulling bowstring etc.) as phonetic with associated sense ‘earth collapses’ as in a dyke, and possibly also ‘pull apart’. In Tōdō’s word-family ‘gouge out’ (cf the NJK meaning ‘gouge’). ‘Decide’ is a loan usage. Note ‘collapse’ is still a minor meaning for this graph. KJ1970:367; YK1976:154; TA1965:631-6; KJ1985:351. We suggest taking as a man with a backpack (see also 253). Mnemonic: MAN DECIDES TO CARRY WATER IN BACKPACK The 200 Third Grade Characters 115

290 L4 研 KEN, togu hone, refine 9 strokes KENSHŪ training togikawa strop KENKYŪSHA researcher A late graph (Shuowen) . Has 47 ‘stone’, and 幵 / (a CO representing two level stakes with a meaning of ‘level’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘(make) flat, level’; in Tōdō’s word-family ‘divide in two; gap’ (here, eliminate gaps or undulations). ‘Refine’ is an extension of basic meaning ‘smoothe out’. KJ1970:375; YK1976:157-8; TA1965:601-06. Mnemonic: HONE STONE WITH TWO FUNNY STICKS 291 L4 県 KEN prefecture 9 strokes MieKEN Mie Prefecture KENREI prefectural bylaw KENCHŌ Prefectural Office Bronze depicts a severed head suspended upside down in a tree, as a punishment. Traditional form (which distorts the ‘tree’ component in bronze), has 855 (‘joined threads’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘hang’. Came to be used in Chinese for a similar-sounding word meaning ‘district, county’, and then in Japanese for ‘prefecture’. MS1995:v2:1020-22; KJ1970:379; YK1976:158; OT1968:787. For the modern form we suggest taking the top element as 76 ‘eye’ and the remaining strokes as a stand. Mnemonic: KEEP AN EYE ON THE STAND AT THE PREFECTURAL SHOW 292 L3 庫 KO storehouse 10 strokes SHAKO garage, depot SŌKO warehouse REIZŌKO refrigerator Bronze . Has 127 ‘building’, and 33 (‘vehicle, chariot’) as semantic and also as phonetic indicator. (The associated early Chinese pronunciation of was closer to SJ KO than SHA – the latter reading reflects a later Chinese pronunciation). Originally, a building to house chariots; later, became more general in meaning. MS1995:v1:452-3; KJ1970:390; YK1976:168; AS2007:182. Mnemonic: VEHICLE LEFT IN STOREHOUSE 293 L3 湖 KO, mizuumi lake 12 strokes BIWAKO Lake Biwa KOGAN lake shore KOSUI lake According to Mizukami, possibly originates in the simpler bronze form (= , now an unrelated NJK meaning ‘trade’). consists of 42 ‘water’, with (NJK originally ‘flesh beneath jaw’) as phonetic with, here, associated sense ‘large’. MS1995:v2:766-7, 1072-3; KJ1970:393; YK1976:168. We suggest taking as 18 ‘moon’ along with121 ‘old’. Mnemonic: OLD MOON SEEN IN WATER OF LAKE 116 The 200 Third Grade Characters

285<br />

L3<br />

君<br />

KUN, kimi<br />

lord, you, Mr<br />

7 strokes<br />

BŌKUN tyrant<br />

SAIKUN wife<br />

YamadaKUN Mr Yamada<br />

OBI has ‘words’ (represented by 22<br />

‘mouth, say’), and (CO graph meaning<br />

‘govern’ by holding a stick) as both semantic<br />

and phonetic, to give ‘lead people by words’,<br />

and hence ‘lead, leader’. MS1995:v1:216-7;<br />

YK1976:144; OT1968:170.<br />

Mnemonic: MY LORD, I SEE YOU RULE BY<br />


286<br />

係<br />

KEI, kakari<br />

involvement<br />

L3<br />

9 strokes<br />

KANKEI connection<br />

KEISŌ contention<br />

kakariIN clerk in charge<br />

287<br />

軽<br />

KEI, karui<br />

light, flippant<br />

L4<br />

12 strokes<br />

KEISHOKU light meal<br />

KEIHAKU flippancy<br />

karuishi pumice<br />

Late graph (Shuowen): . Traditional form <br />

has 33 ‘vehicle’, and (CO, threads stretched<br />

A late graph (Shuowen) . Has ‘person’ 41<br />

and 855 (‘joined threads’) as phonetic with<br />

associated sense ‘link up’. KJ1970:359; YK1976:<br />

147-8; OT1968:63.<br />



on loom) as phonetic with associated sense<br />

‘empty’ (Katō, Yamada); Ogawa says ‘at full<br />

speed’. ‘Light’ is extended meaning from ‘empty’.<br />

KJ1970:346; YK1976:150; OT1968:983. Suggest<br />

take the modern right hand parts as 2003<br />

‘hand’ and 64 ‘ground’.<br />



288<br />

L3<br />

血<br />

KETSU, chi<br />

blood<br />

6 strokes<br />

KETSUEKI blood<br />

KETTŌ lineage<br />

hanaji nose-bleed<br />

OBI shows 300 ‘bowl’ with blood in it<br />

(short stroke), in pledge. The meaning later<br />

became restricted to just ‘blood’. MS1995:v2:<br />

1156-8; MR2007:318; KJ1970:365.<br />


BLOOD<br />

289<br />

L3<br />

決<br />

KETSU, kimeru/maru<br />

decide, settle, collapse<br />

7 strokes<br />

KAIKETSU solution<br />

KETSURETSU breakdown<br />

KESSHIN determination<br />

Late graph (Shuowen) . Has 42 ‘water’, and<br />

(CO, meaning disputed, a hand pulling bowstring<br />

etc.) as phonetic with associated sense<br />

‘earth collapses’ as in a dyke, and possibly also<br />

‘pull apart’. In Tōdō’s word-family ‘gouge out’ (cf<br />

the NJK meaning ‘gouge’). ‘Decide’ is a loan<br />

usage. Note ‘collapse’ is still a minor meaning<br />

for this graph. KJ1970:367; YK1976:154;<br />

TA1965:631-6; KJ1985:351. We suggest taking<br />

as a man with a backpack (see also 253).<br />



The 200 Third Grade Characters 115

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