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His breath is warm and then his lips are brushing butterfly-soft against mine. My eyes<br />

close on their own. The romantic comedies are right about this part. You have to close<br />

your eyes. He pulls away and my lips are cold. Am I doing it wrong? My eyes fly open and<br />

crash into the darkening blue of his. He kisses me like he’s afraid to continue and he’s<br />

afraid to stop. I grip the front of his shirt and hold on tight.<br />

My butterflies are rioting.<br />

He squeezes my hand and my lips part and we’re tasting each other. He tastes like<br />

salted caramel and sunshine. Or what I think salted caramel and sunshine taste like. He<br />

tastes like nothing I’ve ever experienced, like hope and possibility and the future.<br />

I pull away first this time, but only because I need air. If I could, I would kiss him every<br />

second of every day for all the days.<br />

He leans his forehead against mine. His breath is warm against my nose and cheeks.<br />

It’s slightly sweet. The kind of sweet that makes you want more.<br />

“Is it always like that?” I ask, breathless.<br />

“No,” he says. “It’s never like that.” I hear the wonder in his voice.<br />

And just like that, everything changes.

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