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TENSION FREE LIFE Train the Mind Rewire the Brain AN ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF STRESS 4 Power Techniques that rewire your brain 3 Power Laws that guard you in the stressful situations In pursuit 2 Power Habits that retain your serenity of Health, Happiness & Success Unedited first draft version


Train the Mind<br />

Rewire the Brain<br />


STRESS<br />

4<br />

Power Techniques<br />

that rewire your<br />

brain<br />

3<br />

Power Laws<br />

that guard you in the<br />

stressful situations<br />

In pursuit<br />

2<br />

Power Habits<br />

that retain your<br />

serenity<br />

of Health, Happiness &<br />

Success<br />

Unedited<br />

first draft<br />


contents<br />

01<br />

Author's Note<br />

Power Laws<br />

03<br />

How to read this booklet?<br />

22<br />

Goal & Experience<br />

Achievement Resources<br />

24<br />

Rough Terrain<br />

06<br />

Word Power<br />

26<br />

THIS moment<br />

08<br />

Locus Point<br />

Power Techniques<br />

09<br />

Natural Response<br />

29<br />

Free up Space<br />

10<br />

Stress Causes<br />

31<br />

Penetration Mind Power<br />

11<br />

Virtual Tigers<br />

32<br />

Brain Sensitivity<br />

12<br />

Mind Game<br />

34<br />

Thinking Brain Intervention<br />

13<br />

Stress Circuit<br />

Power Habits<br />

14<br />

Body-Mind Correlation<br />

36<br />

Releasing Habit<br />

15<br />

Mind Focus<br />

37<br />

Unique Identity<br />

16<br />

Emotion & Thinking Brains<br />

38<br />

Key Points<br />

17<br />

Problem-Solution Zones<br />

39<br />

Breaking the Myths<br />

18<br />

Schematic Analysis<br />

41<br />

Practice Tips<br />

44<br />




I N S I D E O U T S T R A T E G Y<br />

In modern days, there is an emerging trend that has a cyclic<br />

“accumulate and release” pattern for stress. We accumulate stress<br />

during weekdays and dump stress during weekends. We take a<br />

bunch of holiday breaks to release the stress when the volume of<br />

accumulation becomes seemingly more. Is this the right way to<br />

manage stress?<br />

We all uniformly accept that stress is part of our life. Somehow, we<br />

are sold on the idea that stress is part and parcel of our life. Here is<br />

simple evidence. Just look around and listen to the common folk<br />

conversations, social media and TV channels related to this subject<br />

matter. As the social animals, we follow this trend and eventually<br />

become the owners of the stress. Now stress becomes a reality in<br />

this game. Are we designed to born and live in stress?<br />

In this game, there are two significant hazardous side effects.<br />

Firstly, the body responses to the stress and eventually it alters the<br />

physiology of the body to a degree where one may be subjected to<br />

the entire array of lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes,<br />

back pain, migraine, hyperacidity etc. Secondly, as the owners of<br />

stress, we tend to freely distribute and multiply this effect to the<br />

people who come in contact with us.<br />

Honestly speaking, there is no such thing called stress management.<br />

Yes, one cannot manage stress as stress response circuit is an<br />

evolutionary design, developed and perfected by billion years of<br />

human evolution. The result will be futile if one attempts to play<br />

with this circuit. This booklet is to establish this truth and to<br />

provide a set of practical tools to handle optimally ourselves in the<br />

stressful situations.<br />

This booklet is my attempt to provide the readers the rightful<br />

education and practical techniques that relinquish one the<br />

ownership of stress and eventually not to expose himself to the<br />

entire gamut of those lifestyle diseases.<br />

L E A D A T E N S I O N<br />

F R E E L I F E<br />

&<br />

L I V E L A R G E ! !<br />






4 TACTICS<br />


H O W T O R E A D T H I S B O O K L E T ?<br />

“New education & experiential<br />

knowledge are required to<br />

heighten the awareness level<br />

and eventually free us from the<br />

clutches of stressful situations”<br />

Do you know why different people react<br />

differently even though the situation is same for<br />

all? Given a particular situation to a group of<br />

people, each one of us in this group uniformly<br />

reacts to the situation but very differently from<br />

one another. Let us do a bit of reverse<br />

engineering here.<br />

Our success is based on the result of our action.<br />

But, where the action originates from? Our<br />

action is based on thinking mind. But, the mind is<br />

conditioned by the collection of life experiences<br />

until this moment. Also, these collections<br />

contribute to the individual’s faith & belief<br />

structure. Hence, our awareness is limited and<br />

well within the scope of the faith & belief<br />

structure. This is a conditioned pattern & the<br />

mind is conditioned to work in accordance<br />

with this pattern. Each individual has his own<br />

conditioned pattern and hence his reaction to a<br />

given situation is conditioned and different than<br />

others.<br />

When life is not moving in accordance with our<br />

desire then it is important to review our actions<br />

and more importantly our conditioned mind.<br />

Stressful life is not the one that we desire. Do<br />

we?We may need to alter our action &<br />

conditioned mind to come out our regular<br />

pattern. For this to<br />

happen, a new education & experiential<br />

knowledge are required to heighten the<br />

awareness level that frees him from the clutch of<br />

the stressful life.<br />

This booklet provides a radical shift in increasing<br />

the awareness level and changes the way one<br />

handles himself in the stressful situations. The<br />

experience that a reader gains from the practice<br />

of the recommended tools and techniques leads<br />

him truly a tension free life. Before proceeding<br />

further, first, the reader needs to understand the<br />

structure of this book in order to enjoy the full<br />

benefits.<br />

The booklet is covered in four major sections<br />

Achievement Resources<br />

Power Laws<br />

Power Techniques<br />

Power Habits<br />

Tension free life | 03

19<br />

H O W T O R E A D T H I S B O O K L E T ?<br />

Achievement resources section has two purposes.<br />

Firstly, it provides the right resources to open up<br />

your rational brain. Rational brain is the master<br />

control to get into your internal world. It is<br />

important to equate those questions asked in this<br />

section to your real life scenario. Secondly, it<br />

eliminates some of the general misconceptions of<br />

this subject matter.<br />

Power laws are the three guard lines that keep you<br />

balanced in the stressful situations. There is a<br />

proportionate increase in the strength of the<br />

protection with the increased level of your faith to<br />

these laws. You stay balanced with your increased<br />

level of faith.<br />

Power techniques are very subtle as those<br />

techniques aim to work at your internal landscape.<br />

The techniques appear useless if the reader<br />

approaches the techniques without a proper<br />

understanding of the earlier sections of the<br />

booklet. So, it is important to go by the flow of the<br />

book without skipping the chapters.<br />

Power habits are the two-dimensional corrections<br />

that compensate the “lows” of your stressful<br />

moments.<br />

Now continue your happy reading!!<br />

Change your life with<br />

these four power<br />

techniques, three power<br />

laws and<br />

two power habits.<br />

Tension free life | 04

2<br />

4<br />



STRESS?<br />

LEVEL OF<br />



5<br />



TALK?<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />





LEVEL OF<br />


MENTAL<br />



W O R D P O W E R<br />

Words have POWER when<br />

repeated multiple times.<br />

Words alter our emotional<br />

state.<br />

Here is a typical example of a conversation<br />

between two people, “this morning, I drove to the<br />

marketplace and the traffic was really heavy &<br />

driving was truly hectic. After collecting the<br />

items in the shop, I was standing in the queue; all<br />

of a sudden the guy who stood in front of me in<br />

the queue dropped his shopping cart to the<br />

cashier, rushed to the refrigerator section to<br />

collect a pocket of milk which he apparently<br />

forgot in the first round of shopping. It was really<br />

irritating and I wasted my time because of<br />

someone’s mistake. Somehow, I managed to<br />

squeeze my other activities to go right time for<br />

my appointed meeting with my boss"<br />

How do you feel when you hear such a<br />

conversation? On hearing this conversation,<br />

there is a feel that life seems to be hectic. The<br />

cause for one to feel this way is the words that<br />

were used in the conversation.<br />

Here is an example of another conversation. This<br />

morning when I got out into the balcony, the day<br />

appeared bright. The sunlight was perfect<br />

enough to provide such an ambiance. The sound<br />

of the birds in my small garden was really<br />

soothing enough and it was a perfect start of the<br />

day as I enjoyed my morning coffee in this serene<br />

surroundings. As I drove the car, my neighbour<br />

who was taking his dog for the morning stroll<br />

greeted me “Good morning”<br />

with a big smile. As I crossed half way to the<br />

office, the traffic became intense and that gave<br />

me a break and an opportunity to listen to the<br />

recorded motivational speech of my favourite<br />

business leader. Eventually, I reached office late<br />

but in the right time to go for the meeting with<br />

the clients.<br />

On hearing this conversation, there is a sense of<br />

positive feel. Again, what makes one feel this way<br />

is the words that were used in the conversation.<br />

So, words have POWER when repeated multiple<br />

times. Words alter our emotional state.<br />

Tension free life | 06

19<br />

F A S H I O N S T A T E M E N T S<br />

“I am stressed”. “Life is hectic”. “Office is frantic”. “I<br />

am dead tired”.These are some commonly and<br />

widely used statements of young’s and matured<br />

likewise. These have become the fashion<br />

statements of the modern world. Please do<br />

remember the power of words and effects on our<br />

emotional state. Whatever the words that were<br />

repeated will get reinforced and finally, those<br />

become our property. So, do not carry stress on our<br />

shoulder. It is not a Ph.D. degree to carry<br />

along with us to feel proud of.<br />

Stress is not a property that one wants to carry<br />

along as a title and hence, discard those fashion<br />

statements right away if you have developed such<br />

habits knowingly or unknowingly.<br />

Stress is not a PhD degree<br />

to carry along with you to<br />

feel proud of.<br />

Question<br />

1. What kind of words that you<br />

listen and talk?<br />

It is time now to review the<br />

words that are commonly<br />

exchanged in your surroundings.<br />

Importantly, review the people<br />

to whom you commonly interact<br />

on day today basis.<br />

Tension free life | 07

19<br />

Question<br />

L O C U S P O I N T<br />

2. Are you clear on the locus of<br />

stress? Please review your<br />

recent stressful situations and<br />

analyse sensibly the exact locus<br />

of the stress.<br />

In today’s scenario, one encounters stress in every<br />

aspect of the life. Stress emanates while driving, in<br />

traffic, children education, in office, at home and so<br />

on. What is that which causes stress? This is a<br />

genuine question. Is that external situation that<br />

causes the stress or the internal experience to the<br />

situation causes the stress? If it is the external<br />

situation such as office causing stress then the<br />

office should be stressful to all of the employees<br />

uniformly. But, in reality, the same office is<br />

stressful for some while it is enjoyable for others.<br />

The external office is the same for all.But, the<br />

internal experience of the office varies from<br />

person to person. Hence, stress is not external but<br />

very much internal.<br />

Knowing this fact, if one blames the external<br />

situation such as office then it is mere his<br />

ignorance. So, it is good to revise the location of the<br />

stress if one has a tendency to blame the external<br />

situations. Those external situations are simply the<br />

triggers but not the causes for the stress. Your<br />

experience to the situation plays the key role in<br />

deciding the locus point of the stress.<br />

The locus of stress is<br />

pretty much internal in<br />

contrast to the belief that<br />

stress comes from the<br />

external surroundings.<br />

Tension free life | 08

N A T U R A L R E S P O N S E<br />

How the skin protects the<br />

body from the external<br />

surroundings, stress protects<br />

you from the external<br />

dangerous ambiance<br />

The primary need of all the species on the planet<br />

is to stay safe and protected. Human species are<br />

a weak animal by nature. They can’t fly like birds<br />

and run like rest of the animals. In the woods,<br />

they are exposed to all sorts of threats from<br />

different predators. Because of their weakness<br />

and threats posed by other animals, they<br />

developed flight/fly response to the external<br />

threats.<br />

Stress is a flight/fly response which provides the<br />

sufficient instantaneous energy that allows them<br />

either to fight with the animals threatening them<br />

or simply, run away from the place of the threat<br />

to a safer place. Either of these demands energy<br />

to cope up with the situation.<br />

So, stress is a natural response to stay safe and<br />

protected. How the skin protects the body from<br />

the external surrounding, stress protects you<br />

from the external dangerous ambiance.<br />

The stress response is part of the evolution and is<br />

a source of evolutionary energy.<br />

Two points are worth to remember in this<br />

discussion.<br />

a) Firstly, it is an automated natural response<br />

based on the demanding situation.<br />

b) It is an instant boost of energy for a very short<br />

period of time which dies off after a certain<br />

period.<br />

In the woods, if there is a movement in the<br />

bushes then the brain is programmed to naturally<br />

fear, worry or doubt to assume the probable<br />

presence of tiger/lion behind the bushes.<br />

Fear/worry/doubts are the trigger points for the<br />

stress response.<br />

But, unfortunately, in the modern days, the same<br />

stress response which is supposed to protect and<br />

safeguard us is causing all kinds of modern<br />

lifestyle diseases. This is really ironical.<br />

Tension free life | 09

C A U S E S<br />

Two common causes of<br />

stress are<br />

1. Task in hand demands<br />

energy far more than one’s<br />

resource capacity<br />

2. Result of the action is not<br />

in favour.<br />

Often at times, the task in hand demands more<br />

energy than what your resource capabilities are.<br />

It demands more energy and it depletes your<br />

resource capabilities. On the other hand, you<br />

may expect a particularly favourable result out of<br />

your action but in reality, the result happened to<br />

be hostile. Both of these situations create doubts,<br />

worries and fear in you. Eventually, the stress<br />

response kicks in because of the worries, doubts<br />

and fears.<br />

So, two common causes of stress are<br />

1. Task in hand demands energy far more than<br />

one’s resource capacity<br />

2. Result of the action is not in favour<br />

.<br />

Tension free life | 10

V I R T U A L T I G E R S<br />

The stress circuit which<br />

worked in the primitive<br />

times and the one that works<br />

now in the modern days are<br />

one and the same.<br />

When the virtual tigers (threats) are repeated<br />

very often then there will be multiple stress<br />

responses leading to the chronic stress. Chronic<br />

stress is the cause for multiple lifestyle diseases<br />

such as migraine, hypertension, anxiety disorder<br />

etc.<br />

Unlike our primitive ancestors, we live in a very<br />

safer world now. We have proper shelters, food,<br />

and other basic necessities which the ancestors<br />

were deprived of. Modern-day men are<br />

completely out of threats from the wild animals.<br />

Modern day needs/problems such as financial<br />

situation, children education, office work, house<br />

renovation, road traffics, income tax etc now turn<br />

out to be the virtual tigers. Any of the above<br />

listed necessities might kick in the stress<br />

response because of the two causes of the stress<br />

that we mentioned above.<br />

The stress circuit which worked in the primitive<br />

times and the one that works now in the modern<br />

days are one and the same. Only the big<br />

difference between these two scenarios is that<br />

the time duration of the threats. In the wilds,<br />

threat stays as along as the tiger is in your<br />

vicinity. Threat vanishes the moment tiger<br />

disappears from the scene. In this case, the threat<br />

amplification is larger but the duration is lesser.<br />

But, now this virtual tiger is not as big as the<br />

threats of the wild but constant nagging<br />

troublesome issues always sitting in the back of<br />

our mind. So, the threat amplification is smaller<br />

but the duration of the thread is longer now.<br />

Tension free life | 11

M I N D G A M E<br />

One may end up spending the<br />

entire life unrealistically if the<br />

mental projection glasses and<br />

filter are not perfected<br />

Virtual tigers are in the individual's mind frames.<br />

What is real to you? It is not things that happen<br />

around you or within you. What is real is what<br />

you think about the things. Even though plenty of<br />

things happening around you, you automatically<br />

and selectively pick up few events that are of<br />

interest to you. Rest of the events will be<br />

discarded by your filter. This is a selective<br />

attention. Even then the selected events will not<br />

get into your mind as they are. They are coloured<br />

and projected to the mental screen how you<br />

wanted that to be. This colouring is based on the<br />

life experiences and individual faith & value<br />

system. So, it is a kind of double filtering process<br />

that happens automatically.<br />

Because of this double filtering process, the mind<br />

thinks in a certain way. Since these filter and tint<br />

are different for different persons, the mental<br />

projections of the individuals are different.<br />

Hence, they think and act differently for the<br />

same incident. As said earlier, what one thinks<br />

that is what is real to him and hence, he acts<br />

differently than others. If he thinks that the<br />

incident present in front of him as a threat then it<br />

is one hundred percent threat for him even<br />

though in reality the incident is absolutely safe.<br />

Simply, because what one thinks that is what is<br />

real to him.<br />

The entire system then follows the cues of his<br />

mind and responds accordingly. If one feels the<br />

event is a threat then automatically stress<br />

response kicks in followed by the whole array of<br />

the physiological and psychological cascade of<br />

responses. This can be easily explained in the<br />

context of the dream which many of us would<br />

have experienced at least few times. Let us<br />

assume that one gets a dream where a tiger<br />

chasing him. The body reacts to this thread by<br />

pumping up his heartbeat, increase the level of<br />

sweat gland, increase the breathing rate and so<br />

on. Even though the threat is not real but still the<br />

body reacts as if the threat is real. If one instantly<br />

comes out of the dream to his consciousness, he<br />

can still feel those rapid changes and the body<br />

reactions clearly.<br />

This is how sometimes when the filter and glasses<br />

used for the projection into the mental screen<br />

are not perfected then probably one may live<br />

completely in a kind of a situation similar to the<br />

dream state. He thinks the event is a danger<br />

while in reality, it is completely safe.<br />

3. How perfect are your<br />

mental glasses & filter? If you<br />

are stressed-out too often<br />

then it is good to review your<br />

own programmed glasses<br />

and filter that are<br />

responsible for the distorted<br />

mental projection.<br />

Tension free life | 12

S T R E S S C I R C U I T<br />

Our brain triggers stress response based on the<br />

threats. It is an automation triggered by the<br />

emotion. It is carried out by the ANS (autonomous<br />

nervous system) and the response is completely<br />

involuntary. It is an activation of the sympathetic<br />

nervous system to provide the right source of<br />

energy and prepares the body to face the threats.<br />

Once out of threat, the parasympathetic nervous<br />

system kicks in and the energy level is pulled back<br />

to normal state.<br />

Certain hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol and<br />

noradrenaline are secreted with the triggers and<br />

activation sympathetic nervous system. These<br />

hormones initiate certain physiological changes<br />

notably increased blood flow, increased blood<br />

pressure, increased heart rate, increased<br />

breathing, dilation of pupil and relaxation of the<br />

bladder.<br />

All the physiological changes prepare the body to<br />

provide the additional energy to face the threats.<br />

But, these are temporary and stay as long<br />

as the threat is present. Once out of threat, the<br />

parasympathetic nervous system kicks in which<br />

withdraws the hormones secretions and bring the<br />

physiological changes to normalcy. These, in turn,<br />

brings the body back to the normal state.<br />

The response is a cycle of turning on the<br />

sympathetic nervous system, bring up the energy<br />

level, turning on the parasympathetic nervous<br />

system and bring down the energy level to<br />

normalcy. This is a temporary process and stays<br />

only in the presence of the threat.<br />

Stress is a cyclic pattern of<br />

turning on/off the<br />

sympathetic and<br />

parasympathetic nervous<br />

systems.<br />

Tension free life | 13

B O D Y – M I N D C O R R E L A T I O N<br />

The body follows the mind. This is the<br />

psychological effect on our physiology. Have you<br />

heard about the prevalent medical field called<br />

Psychoneuroimmunology? The immunity system of<br />

the body can be altered by the psychic state of the<br />

mind. Psychosomatic diseases are the illnesses that<br />

arise from the disorder of the psychic state of the<br />

mind.<br />

It is important to create the free space in the mind.<br />

This space allows our ideas to move around freely<br />

in the mind. When the mind space is cramped then<br />

there is no free flow of fresh ideas and one gets<br />

stuck in a particular mode. Wherever free flow is<br />

not possible, energy transference will not be<br />

smooth. This causes tension in the mind. Tensed<br />

mind creates a stiff body. The body becomes stiff<br />

when the mind is tensed. The muscles and joints<br />

mobility will be lost. Now, this becomes a good<br />

start point for an array of all other illnesses.<br />

So, create a free space in the mind. How to do this?<br />

Create a free space in<br />

the mind in order for<br />

the body to move<br />

freely.<br />

Tension free life | 14

M I N D F O C U S<br />

Focussed eyes see things<br />

that normal unfocussed<br />

eyes can’t see around<br />

the task in hand.<br />

Do you know the power of focus? It is the<br />

penetration power of the mind and this power is<br />

given to all of us equally. What happens when<br />

one focus on a particular task for a prolonged<br />

duration of time? He can get the penetration<br />

power to handle the task. When he penetrates<br />

into the task, the world around the task explodes.<br />

He tends to see things that a normal unfocussed<br />

eye can’t see around the task. This is how he<br />

solves the problem related to the task while<br />

others struggle to solve. The penetration power<br />

is like the magnifying lens that allows the world<br />

around the task to see in high definition. This new<br />

visibility gives the probabilities of the means and<br />

solutions related to the task.<br />

4. Your power of focus in the solution zone?<br />

While in the solution zone, the attempted<br />

solution has the potential to get convert into a<br />

problem if the penetration level is less.<br />

Tension free life | 15<br />

This means to say that the task itself is simply<br />

magnified. Such is the power of focus. But,<br />

unfortunately, the attention span of the<br />

individuals decline heavily in the recent years.<br />

Because there are too many distractions which<br />

deplete the ability of an individual to stay<br />

focussed.<br />

In other words, if one focuses on the problem<br />

then the problem gets magnified. On the other<br />

hand, focussing on a solution, the solution gets<br />

magnified. So, it is wise to focus on the solution in<br />

order to solve the problem related to the task.<br />

But, the question at hand: How focussed are we<br />

practically?<br />

Attention is a learnable skill & it is our rights to<br />

stay attentive. One can train the brain to<br />

enhance the attention faculty. Attention is again<br />

a power. The question now is how to harness this<br />

power for our growth.

E M O T I O N & T H I N K I N G B R A I N S<br />

Stress is an emotion centric<br />

response that hijacks the<br />

thinking brain<br />

The stress response is based on the trigger<br />

which occurs in the form of fear, doubt or<br />

worry. Hence, the stress response is<br />

emotion-centric. The problem of the<br />

emotion-centric response is that it is so well<br />

automated that it hijacks the thinking brain.<br />

That is the reason one can’t think straight<br />

while he is in stress. The clarity of the<br />

situation and taking appropriate action is<br />

not possible in the automated centric<br />

process. Thinking brain intervention is a<br />

MUST in the stressed out situation. But, in<br />

reality, in most of the cases, this is not<br />

happening.<br />

But, it is possible to bring the thinking brain<br />

into the picture while in stress. Stress<br />

5. What is the involvement of thinking brain?<br />

Thinking brain is switched off in the extreme<br />

emotional situation. With proper training, the<br />

thinking brain can be brought into the equation to<br />

set equilibrium.<br />

response can be altered with the thinking brain.<br />

This requires brain training and it is a learnable<br />

skill. Obviously, this cannot be practiced during<br />

the peak of the stressed out situation. This<br />

should be practiced when one is in a normal state.<br />

Tension free life | 16

P R O B L E M - S O L U T I O N Z O N E S<br />

The so called “easy going”<br />

person has the inherent<br />

capability to move to the<br />

solution zone right away. This<br />

capacity is a skill and it is a<br />

learnable skill.<br />

The problem is that one stays in the problem<br />

zone instead of moving into the solution zone.<br />

So, the solution is to stay in the solution zone<br />

instead of staying in the problem zone. Stress<br />

is a problem. We need to come out the stress<br />

that means with the right solutions. If we focus<br />

and stay in the problem zone then naturally<br />

due to the power of focus, the problem gets<br />

magnified. We end up entangled with multiple<br />

problems and hence stress gets multiplied. On<br />

the other hand, if we focus and shift to the<br />

solution zone then we will be overwhelmed<br />

with multiple solutions that will flush us out of<br />

the state of stress.<br />

Entangling in the stress mode for a<br />

prolonged period of time is a chronic<br />

stress. It is a like a black hole. It sucks all<br />

our energy as the mind revolves in a<br />

vicious loop that follows from one<br />

problem to another problem. In this<br />

state, we become the owner of stressful<br />

life. Chronic stress has the ability to<br />

alter the internal physiology of the body<br />

everlastingly. The danger here is that<br />

we don’t keep the stress for ourselves.<br />

We give freely to others when they come in<br />

contact with us. Do you remember the power<br />

of words in the early chapter? “Life is hectic”<br />

“office is stressful”. We begin to propaganda<br />

stress freely.<br />

So, what is the main difference between a<br />

stressful people to a people without stress?<br />

The fact here is that there no single person on<br />

this planet without stress. But, the difference<br />

is that the so-called easy going” person has the<br />

ability to handle the stress mindfully. In other<br />

words, he knows how to switch to the solution<br />

zone quickly as soon as the stress response<br />

strikes him.<br />

A stressed person either gets caught in the<br />

vicious loop of the problem zone or takes more<br />

time than usual to move to the solution zone.<br />

The so called “easy going” person has the<br />

inherent capability to move to the solution<br />

zone right away. This capacity is a skill and it is<br />

a learnable skill.<br />

Tension free life | 17

S C H E M A T I C A N A Y L I S<br />

The whole idea is to keep<br />

our emotion positive or at<br />

least neutral. Consistent<br />

negative emotions lead to<br />

the stressful life.<br />

Here is a simplified block diagram. It is a simple<br />

trigger and stress response circuit. The event or<br />

situation triggers the stress response circuit. The<br />

trigger and response change our emotional state.<br />

The whole idea in life is to keep our emotion<br />

positive or at least neutral. Negative emotions<br />

lead to an unbalanced life. Consistent negative<br />

emotions lead to the stressful life.<br />

Memory: The event is not projected into the<br />

mental screen as it is but distorted since it is<br />

controlled by the memory. Memory is the storage<br />

area and is the collection of our life experiences.<br />

Meaning to the event is assigned by referring to<br />

this database. Otherwise, a meaningful<br />

interpretation of the event is not possible. This is<br />

how our earlier experiences of life distort the<br />

current event. In other words, our memory<br />

influences the interpretation of the current<br />

event.<br />

This clearly explains why the same event has<br />

different meaning for different people. Because<br />

their memory or the life experiences are<br />

different. This also clearly explains why a<br />

particular situation is enjoyable for some but the<br />

same situation is stressful for others.<br />

There are two outputs from the memory. All the<br />

relevant and similar information of the life<br />

experiences related to the current event is<br />

projected into the mental screen and the<br />

associated emotions relevant to those events are<br />

also retrieved.<br />

Let us understand this mechanism with an<br />

example. Let us assume that you are given a quick<br />

deadline to your project. You are supposed to<br />

finish the task in hand within a week. Failure to<br />

do this incurs a heavy loss to the organization.<br />

This event sets the trigger T and memory<br />

extraction happens to assign a meaning to the<br />

event. Your past experience related to the event<br />

and the associated emotions are now projected<br />

on the mental screen. Let us say that you have a<br />

bad experience in your earlier attempts and you<br />

failed miserably. This has a negative implication<br />

and consequently triggers the stress responses.<br />

Action: One takes action based on the mental<br />

projection of the event. The action is to work<br />

either in the problem or solution zone. When one<br />

takes an action in the problem zone, the problem<br />

naturally multiplies adding up his negative<br />

emotion. In the solution zone, if the action is not<br />

yielding the right solution then it adds up again<br />

the negative emotion. Ideally, one needs to<br />

quickly move into the solution zone and take<br />

right action that yields the right solution to<br />

generate the positive result.<br />

So, the result of action again affects the emotion.<br />

Tension free life | 18

19<br />

S C H E M A T I C A N A Y L I S<br />

In most cases, our action automatically follows the<br />

earlier patterns of our life experience unless<br />

otherwise intervened wilfully to change the<br />

pattern. Under the influence of this automation, we<br />

repeat the same action and we end up with the<br />

same mistake. So, there is a way to detach<br />

ourselves from this automation and method of<br />

doing this will be presented in the later chapter.<br />

Stress Response: Stress is a natural response to<br />

stay safe and protected. How the skin protects the<br />

body from the external surroundings, stress<br />

protects you from the external dangerous<br />

ambiance.<br />

The stress response is part of the evolution and the<br />

source of evolutionary energy.<br />

Two points are worth to remember in this<br />

discussion.<br />

a) Firstly, it is an automated natural response<br />

based on the demanding situations.<br />

In most cases, our action<br />

automatically follows the<br />

earlier patterns of our life<br />

experience unless otherwise<br />

intervened wilfully to change<br />

the pattern<br />

b) It is an instant boost of energy for a very short<br />

period of time which dies off after a certain period<br />

(See the response curve).<br />

The instant upsurge of energy alters the body<br />

physiology which in turns changes the bodily<br />

responses. This is why, we faint, sweat or tremor in<br />

a stressful situation. Also, it increases the heart<br />

rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate etc. These<br />

bodily sensations again alter the emotion.<br />

So, there are three sources that affect our<br />

emotions.<br />

a) Mental projection<br />

b) Action<br />

c) Bodily response<br />

Tension free life | 19

19<br />

S C H E M A T I C A N A Y L I S<br />

Our tools and techniques to handle the stressful<br />

situation also centered on these three emotional<br />

sources.<br />

Thinking Brain: We have three layers of the brain<br />

namely primitive brain, emotional brain & thinking<br />

brain. If the associated emotions from the memory<br />

are strong then those emotions trigger amygdala,<br />

the emotional center of the brain which hijacks the<br />

thinking brain. This is why one cannot think<br />

straight in a stressful situation.<br />

Chronic stress: In the normal state, a single trigger<br />

generates a single stress response. If the triggers<br />

become multiple then the stress circuit generates<br />

multiple responses instead of a single response.<br />

This is a chronic stress state which permanently<br />

alters the physiology of the body causing the array<br />

of lifestyle diseases. In reality, even though the<br />

event is externally triggered only once, internally it<br />

gets multiplied by the mind into multiple triggers<br />

causing multiple projections on the mental screen.<br />

This internal multiplication is due to the strong<br />

emotional component that is attached to the event.<br />

In the case of project deadline example, all the<br />

failed events of the earlier attempts flash into the<br />

mental screen and each one of those generates the<br />

stress response. So, it is not a single stress<br />

response but a stream of stress responses that<br />

completely alter the body chemistry.<br />

Tension free life | 20

1<br />

GOAL &<br />


2<br />

ROUGH<br />


3<br />

THIS<br />

MOMENT<br />

P O W E R L A W S<br />

3<br />


G O A L & E X P E R I E N C E<br />

Let us assume that you have a goal. You work<br />

hard in attaining the goal. Finally, you achieved<br />

the goal with your hard work. Naturally, you feel<br />

elated with your achievement. This celebration<br />

stays with you for days or weeks or months. But,<br />

this exuberance fades away after certain<br />

duration. Now, you may start a new goal and then<br />

the cycle continues. What is then the purpose of<br />

setting the goals and achieving those goals?<br />

Obviously, it provides the direction in life. Other<br />

than that, any numbers of achievements become<br />

simply the anchoring tools that remind you of<br />

your specific skills in attaining the goals. It is like<br />

a medal collected by winning the competition. A<br />

medal is an exhibit of your distinct skill.<br />

Then, what is that which stays with you forever in<br />

this game of setting the life goals and achieving<br />

those? It is those experiences, good or bad that<br />

one encountered in the process of achieving the<br />

goals. So, what stays with you is your experience<br />

in attaining the goal. In fact, each individual is the<br />

construct of these experiences. He is shaped as a<br />

personality based on these experiences.<br />

If you ask any successful people of those who<br />

achieved certain very distinctive positions then it<br />

becomes so clear from their view that the<br />

position is not giving the happiness but the<br />

experience in attaining the position is the one<br />

that gives them the happiness.<br />

Happiness comes not<br />

from the goal but from<br />

the experience in<br />

attaining the goal<br />

Tension free life | 22

G O A L & E X P E R I E N C E<br />

This realisation is so important in setting up<br />

individual mindset while working in the solution<br />

zone. Remember that all our attempts at the<br />

solutions do not yield the favourable results.<br />

Having realised the fact that the experience in<br />

attaining the goal is more important than the goal<br />

itself, it is then okay to face the unfavourable<br />

results. In obtaining a solution, one may not<br />

succeed but the attempt that one made is really<br />

significant which sets the experience in him.<br />

In other words, try the solutions with conviction. It<br />

is important to give one hundred percent effort<br />

irrespective of the end result. It is guaranteed that<br />

one gains experience.<br />

Accelerated growth: As per the power of focus,<br />

things get magnified and multiplied where one<br />

focuses on. So, it is dangerous to focus on the<br />

problem zone because the problem gets magnified<br />

and multiplied. It is pertinent to switch to the<br />

solution zone. Now, the solution gets magnified<br />

and multiplied. Here the solution may go<br />

right or wrong. When the solution is in the right<br />

direction, it puts us on the growth path. But when<br />

the solution goes wrong, it puts us in double<br />

growth path. Because here we get a chance to<br />

learn something new out of our failure. New<br />

learning aligns us in the evolutionary path. This is a<br />

must for the human. Without which, we cease to<br />

grow.<br />

When the solution is in the<br />

right direction, it puts us<br />

on the growth path. But<br />

when the solution goes<br />

wrong, it puts us in<br />

double growth path.<br />

Tension free life | 23

R O U G H T E R R A I N<br />

Stress provides the<br />

reference. A state of joy<br />

cannot become<br />

meaningful without a<br />

state of stressful<br />

situation.<br />

Value: Imagine a life without stress. It is great<br />

and full of happiness & joy. But, how one knows<br />

that he is joyful? There should be a reference to<br />

measure the happiness. How happy are you?<br />

Without a proper reference, he may not even<br />

realise that he is joyful even though he is in a<br />

state of joy. Stress provides this reference. A<br />

state of joy cannot become meaningful without a<br />

state of the stressful situation.<br />

The value of the shadow of the tree can be fully<br />

realised only when we walk in the harsh heat of<br />

the sun. Without the experience in the sun, our<br />

experience of the shadow has void meaning.<br />

Rough terrain makes you realise the value of<br />

smooth surface. We encounter stress to know<br />

the value of our experience of joy. The danger is<br />

that some of us are so much entangled in the<br />

mode of stress so that they lose the ability to see<br />

another side of their life. This is the sorry state of<br />

chronic stress. So, it is safe to have stress but it<br />

should not become chronic.<br />

Balance act: Life is a cyclic pattern of on and off.<br />

The sun appears in the morning and vanishes in<br />

the evening. Moon comes in the night and<br />

vanishes in the morning. The modern digital<br />

world is a construct of this binary system only. It<br />

is just on and off. So, accept the stressful state<br />

willingly like how one accept joyful state<br />

cheerfully.<br />

Tension free life | 24

R O U G H T E R R A I N<br />

New Learning: Growth for a person comes from his<br />

new learnings. Growth ceases when there is no<br />

learning from the experiences of life. If one repeats<br />

the same set of activities day in and day out, he will<br />

soon hit the wall. He gets bored. New learning<br />

means that one dares to venture into those<br />

unknown zones. This unknown zone is a rough<br />

terrain to manoeuvre. Stress provides an<br />

opportunity of this rough terrain. Let us play here<br />

in this terrain for our new learning and gain new<br />

experience.<br />

Rough terrain requires good manoeuvring skill. It is<br />

a learning ground. It is a learning opportunity to<br />

learn new things. Learning becomes our<br />

experience. A collection of those experiences is our<br />

definition. Rough terrain provides an opportunity<br />

to know the value of the smooth surface.<br />

New learning becomes<br />

our experiences. A<br />

collection of those<br />

experiences is our<br />

definition.<br />

Tension free life | 25

T H I S M O M E N T<br />

When we live in THIS<br />

present moment, we don’t<br />

feel stressed. Let us live the<br />

same way the next moment.<br />

We will not feel stressed in<br />

that moment too<br />

I got the opportunity to deal with many numbers<br />

of clients who have the chronic stress.<br />

Eventually, they all pose with some kind of<br />

psychosomatic illness such migraine, anxiety,<br />

hypertension, cardiovascular diseases etc. With<br />

all these people when I asked this question.<br />

“Right now, at this very moment, in this split of<br />

the second, do you have stress? Uniformly, the<br />

answers were NO. I am now asking the same<br />

question to you. Do you feel stressed at this very<br />

moment, this split of the second? If the answer is<br />

NO then we have the answer handling stress.<br />

When we live in THIS present moment, we don’t<br />

feel stressed. Let us live the same way the next<br />

moment. We will not feel stressed in that<br />

moment too. Let us then extrapolate this pattern<br />

of living from moment to moment from now on.<br />

We will not be stressed out lifelong. But, this is<br />

not as simple as it looks.<br />

The biggest hurdle living in the present moment<br />

is caused by our own mind. At any given point of<br />

time, the mind has the movement. It moves from<br />

the past to future and future to past without<br />

stopping in this present moment. It is like a clock<br />

pendulum that swings from one end to another<br />

with a brief crossing at the neutral point. Both<br />

the ends of the swing are the locus of the past<br />

and future and the neutral point is the present<br />

moment.<br />

Tension free life | 26

T H I S M O M E N T<br />

Take an example of driving the car to the office.<br />

Strictly speaking, we need to be in the experience<br />

of driving the car of how we handle the break, gear<br />

and how we manage the traffic, how we follow the<br />

rules of the traffic etc. There is no great conscious<br />

effort is required in doing all of those above<br />

activities as we have repeated the driving for many<br />

years. So, naturally, we work in a kind of autopilot<br />

mode and do all those actions without any<br />

conscious effort. The mind is now free to fast<br />

forward to the event that is going to happen in the<br />

office or rewind to the past event that happened<br />

back at the home. This is the mind pendulum<br />

action.<br />

Chronic stress is a construct of our mind. The<br />

pendulum action of the mind is the cause. Mind<br />

constructs the meaning from our own past<br />

experiences and projects those in the future.We<br />

need to train the mind to work in the present<br />

moment. This is again a skill and it is a learnable<br />

skill.<br />

Alive: Mind seeks what we don’t have. There are so<br />

many other things which we have. But, still, the<br />

mind looks for something which we don’t have.<br />

Tension free life | 27<br />

This is the effect of the distinctive attribute that<br />

human species possess which is called CURIOSITY.<br />

There is nothing wrong in becoming curious in life<br />

but on the other hand, one should develop the<br />

ability to be of grateful of what one possesses.<br />

The value of the leg is known only after we break<br />

our leg in an accident. Until the time, the leg<br />

functionality is taken for granted. Human system<br />

and in general, this entire universe are complete<br />

orchestrated system and cherish the experiences<br />

of these every moment.<br />

So, do not cherish stress, hectic life and so on.<br />

There is a flip side to it. Cultivate our awareness to<br />

cherish those other fine experiences which we<br />

have taken those for granted. For instant, in this<br />

moment, we are alive. In spite of all those ups and<br />

downs of the life, the life force is pretty much<br />

active in this very moment. Is it not a magic? It is<br />

the greatest realisation.<br />

But, have you realised this wonderful gift? Let us<br />

try to realise this by increasing the level of our<br />

awareness. Cherish life!!

2<br />

4<br />


POWER<br />



4<br />

1<br />

3<br />


SPACE<br />

BRAIN<br />




S O L U T I O N S<br />

Having discussed so far the engineering<br />

mechanism of the stress response, the causes for<br />

the stress, the mind game in the context of the<br />

stress and the understanding of those three<br />

universal power laws, it is time now to move on to<br />

the methods, techniques and tools to lead a tension<br />

free life. With the practice of the following<br />

techniques, tension free life is not going to be a farfetched<br />

reality. It is very much practical.<br />

Free up space:<br />

As stated in “this moment” chapter, stress cannot<br />

coexist when we live in this very moment. In this<br />

very moment, we are somehow connected within.<br />

To illustrate this phenomenon, let us assume that<br />

you are on holiday trip to a beach resort. You are at<br />

the resort and when you slide the curtain of your<br />

bedroom window, you get a nice view of the deep<br />

blue sea and the sun has just begun to rise. The<br />

reflection of the rays of the sun can be seen on the<br />

ocean surface. The orange colour of the sun & blue<br />

colour of the sea, the <strong>comb</strong>ination is so<br />

mesmerizing and you are in that moment. Now, at<br />

this very moment, there is absolutely no sign of<br />

stress. You are somehow connected with the<br />

display of external energy which in turn lead you a<br />

connection within. Influence of mind at this very<br />

moment is negligible.<br />

As stated earlier, without any external support,<br />

living in THIS present moment is a challenge<br />

because of the influence of the mind. But, it is an<br />

art that can be developed. Mind when it is<br />

cluttered, it has the maximum outside movement.<br />

This is the time, the mind tends to swing from back<br />

and forth from the past to future and vice versa.<br />

The practice here is simply to free up space inside<br />

the mind. When there is a free space there is a way<br />

for the free flow of energy. How to create this free<br />

space? The answer is simple. Plainly, observe the<br />

mind willingly. One cannot control the mind. If one<br />

attempts to control the mind then the mind<br />

becomes violent. But, give the liberty for the mind<br />

to act in its own terms and just observe the<br />

wandering pattern. Observe the mind willingly but<br />

Tension free life | 29

S O L U T I O N S<br />

with one very important condition. Do not engage<br />

with the mind while observing. This means,<br />

irrespective of the movement of the mind, we stay<br />

aside watching just only the movement of mind,<br />

our own thoughts without passing on judgments.<br />

Initially, when one directs his awareness, he will<br />

notice the chaotic movement of the mind from the<br />

past to future back and forth. But with the<br />

boundary condition, the mind does not know what<br />

to do after sometimes. This is the state we need<br />

very often. Over a period of time, one develops this<br />

distinctive skill to stay in the moment on demand<br />

and at will. It slowly then becomes his default state<br />

of existence.<br />

Practice method:<br />

Duration: 3minutes<br />

1. Sit upright in a calm and quite place either on the<br />

floor or in a chair.<br />

2. Relax the body consciously and let there not be<br />

any form of tension in the body.<br />

3. Pay attention to the rise and fall of breath for a<br />

period of ten breath counts.<br />

Tension . free life | 30<br />

4. Simply, divert your attention to your mind. What<br />

is the thought that surfaces out of the mind?<br />

Observe the movement of the mind and<br />

importantly, stay non-judgemental. The moment<br />

one tends to engage with the mind, the system of<br />

mind goes haywire. Stay here in this mode for three<br />

minutes.<br />

5. After three minutes, slowly come out this state.<br />

This practice appears to be simple and even stupid.<br />

But, this has a profound impact in training the mind<br />

not to swing back and forth from the past to future.<br />

Swinging is due to the entertainment and<br />

voluntarily, in this practice, we force ourselves not<br />

to entrain with the mind. The above technique,<br />

when practiced for a consistent period of four<br />

weeks changes the pattern of movement of mind.<br />

We slowly get the ability to live in the present<br />


P E N E T R A T I O N M I N D P O W E R<br />

While in the solution zone,<br />

the attempted solution has<br />

the potential to get convert<br />

into a problem if the<br />

penetration level is less. This<br />

is where the power of focus<br />

becomes the key<br />

As stated earlier, it is important to move quickly<br />

from the problem zone to solution zone. The<br />

energy magnifies and multiplies where one<br />

focuses on. If the focus is on the problem then the<br />

problem multiplies & when focus on the solution,<br />

solution magnifies and multiplies. Stress is a<br />

problem and we need to move to solution zone to<br />

find out the solution for the stress. But, while you<br />

are in the solution zone, the attempted solution<br />

has the potential to get convert into a problem if<br />

the penetration level is less. This is where the<br />

power of focus becomes the key. Unfortunately,<br />

the attention faculty of the brain has a declining<br />

trend in the recent years. People have very short<br />

attention span time. But, good news is that it is a<br />

learnable skill.<br />

Technique:<br />

Duration: 3minutes<br />

1. Sit upright in a calm and quite place either on<br />

the floor or in a chair.<br />

2. Relax the body consciously and let there not be<br />

any form of tension in the body.<br />

3. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your<br />

breath.<br />

4. You may get distracted by the external or<br />

internal means in the form of noise, smell or even<br />

our own mind distraction. Gently, discard the<br />

Tension free life | 31<br />

distractions and pay attention again to the rise &<br />

fall of breath. Remember in order to strengthen<br />

the attention muscle, distractions act as the<br />

dumb bells.<br />

5. Continue this attention strengthening<br />

exercise for three minutes.<br />

Initially, one may notice distractions are<br />

annoying because the attention on the breath is<br />

such a boring exercise and our awareness picks<br />

up the distractions more easily. With a period of<br />

time and consistent practice, the neural network<br />

of the brain changes & the attention capability<br />


B R A I N S E N S I T I V I T Y<br />

A dumb pulse oxymeter has<br />

the ability to detect the<br />

heart beat while our own<br />

brain cannot able to detect<br />

the signal at the index<br />

finger.<br />

Stress is an automated process and it is emotioncentric.<br />

When the emotion is highly dominant,<br />

the thinking brain is completely bypassed. This is<br />

the reason, a person cannot think straight in a<br />

stressed out situation. Can we manage the<br />

emotion while we are in the stress mode? Then, it<br />

is possible to alter the emotional input to the<br />

stress circuit and hence the response from the<br />

circuit will be different. This is a leap step<br />

forward in handling a stressful situation. We are<br />

dynamically altering the stress response as it<br />

unfolds in real time.<br />

The first step here is, how good are we in<br />

capturing the emotion? This means, we are<br />

completely aware of our emotion in any given<br />

situation. With this emotional awareness level, it<br />

is then possible to manage the emotion. When<br />

one is in control of his emotion, he gets the ability<br />

to manage his emotion. Also, he gets the power<br />

to become aware of others emotions and he gets<br />

the ability to manage them in a better way.<br />

How do we capture our emotions? Emotions are<br />

nothing but feelings that pop up from the body as<br />

bodily sensations. The sensitivity to capture<br />

these sensations determines our emotional<br />

awareness. But, unfortunately, most of us lack<br />

this skill. We have the ability to capture gross<br />

sensations such as pain and pleasure but not the<br />

subtle & finer sensations such as throbbing,<br />

pulsating and tickling sensations. Better the brain<br />

sensitivity for the finer subtle sensations, higher<br />

would be the emotional awareness and greater<br />

the ability to handle the stressful situation.<br />

If an electronic gadget such as a pulse oxymeter<br />

is inserted into the fingers, it preciously detects<br />

the heart rate. This means there is a pulsating<br />

signal that is there on the index finger. So, if one<br />

gently touches the thumb and the index finger, he<br />

should able to feel his own hard beat. If he can’t<br />

feel this pulsating sensation but just the touch<br />

sensation then definitely the brain sensitivity is<br />

less in this case. A dumb pulse oxymeter can able<br />

to detect the signal while our own brain cannot<br />

able to detect. It is now time to improve the<br />

sensitivity of the brain so that one’s emotional<br />

awareness gets enhanced.<br />

Tension free life | 32

S E N S I T I V I T Y P R A C T I C E<br />

Sensitivity Practice:<br />

Duration: 3minutes<br />

1. Sit upright in a calm and quite place either on the<br />

floor or in a chair.<br />

2. Relax the body consciously and let there not be<br />

any form of tension in the body.<br />

3. Pay attention to your rise and fall of your<br />

breathing for ten breath counts.<br />

4. Gently, touch the index finger with the thumb<br />

finger. Retain this finger lock for next three<br />

minutes. Divert your attention to the touch<br />

sensation, that is the meeting point between the<br />

thumb and index finger. Initially, one may feel only<br />

the gross touch sensation but with consistent<br />

practice, one slowly witnesses the pulsating<br />

sensation of the heart.<br />

5. With consistent practice, when the attention is<br />

diverted to the middle of the palm, one might even<br />

witnesses more subtle sensations of the nerve<br />

ending points.<br />

6. After three minutes, slowly come out this<br />

practice mode.<br />

With the above practice, one can train the brain for<br />

the subtle sensations.<br />

Tension free life | 33

T H I N K I N G B R A I N I N T E R V E N T I O N<br />

Stress is an automated process and it is emotioncentric.<br />

When the emotion is highly dominant, the<br />

thinking brain is completely bypassed. That is the<br />

reason, a person cannot think straight in a stressed<br />

out situation. Can we change the stress response<br />

by the intervention of thinking brain? The answer<br />

is NO if we leave the automation freely. But, with<br />

brain sensitivity training, it is possible to<br />

dynamically alter the stress response as it unfolds<br />

in real time. There is a thin line of a gap between<br />

the trigger and response. One can exploit this<br />

region.<br />

In between response and experience is a space.<br />

Experience has no inherent meaning to it. Meaning<br />

is outside the experience & it comes from our mind.<br />

How we assign the meaning to the experience has<br />

an effect on our feeling. If the experience<br />

generates a bad feeling then it is important to work<br />

on the alternate possibilities of the “meaning” that<br />

we assign to the experience. This is the way the<br />

thinking brain helps in changing the stress<br />

response.<br />

Tension free life | 34<br />

The entire process of experience, assigning<br />

meaning & responding to the experience have<br />

become so integral that all of those act in<br />

coherence as one entity. It is so automatically<br />

programmed that we don’t even realise that there<br />

are individual components to the experience i.e the<br />

experience in itself as well as the meaning to the<br />

experience. The meaning is assigned straight from<br />

our own faith & belief structure.<br />

Practice method:<br />

In order to have a less stressful effect of the<br />

experiences of life, it is good to follow this practice<br />

method.<br />

1. Pick the experience that causes the stress<br />

2. Bring it to your mind, the event/people<br />

responsible for this experience<br />

3. Find out the meaning that you have<br />

automatically assigned to this experience<br />

4. Now, look for 3 more alternative meanings to<br />

this experience<br />

5. If all the alternatives generate negative feeling<br />

then specifically generate a more positive meaning<br />

to the event.<br />

6. Now, substitute this meaning for the experience<br />

to have a positive feeling.

1<br />


HABIT<br />

2<br />

UNIQUE<br />


P O W E R H A B I T S<br />

2<br />


R E L E A S I N G H A B I T S :<br />

Releasing moments truly<br />

connect a person to the<br />

deeper side of him.<br />

During the wakeful hours of the day, mostly we<br />

engage in activities in our works, family, travel<br />

etc. We repeat these set of engagements day<br />

after day and slowly these engagements become<br />

part of our life. We wear different masks with the<br />

engagements. We wear the mask of a father<br />

while engaging with the son, the mask of an<br />

employee with the employer, mask of a consumer<br />

with the seller and so on. Anything, when<br />

repeated, becomes a pattern and our habit.<br />

When one or more of these engagements not<br />

going as per our desire then that would become<br />

the potential cause of the stress in life. So, stress<br />

has also become a pattern of our life.<br />

To break this stressful pattern, one needs to<br />

create few of the releasing moments during the<br />

wakeful hours of the day. These moments can be<br />

anything that truly connects a person to the<br />

deeper side of him. These moments can be<br />

anything from listening to the music, doing<br />

physical exercises, riding a bike, cooking, singing,<br />

uttering even some meaningless words, chatting<br />

with a person very closer and so on.<br />

The boundary condition in creating such a<br />

moment is that the person should get connect to<br />

his deeper self or simply, live in that moment<br />

without wearing a mask. Voluntarily, create such<br />

moments and embed those with the daily<br />

activities of the wakeful hours.<br />

Now, we have created a perfect balance of the<br />

releasing moments to the active moments which<br />

helps in creating a tension free life.<br />

Tension free life | 36

U N I Q U E I D E N T I T Y :<br />

Become unique by your<br />

talents. This “high”<br />

effectively compensates the<br />

low period of stress.<br />

We have set of strong and weak points. A strong<br />

point helps in compensating a weak point. This is<br />

the law of compensation. We are in our "lows" in<br />

the stressful situations. We need "high" as<br />

compensation. These "highs" sometimes, we<br />

falsely augment with drinking, smoking, eating<br />

etc. These are created with the external<br />

resources. These highs are weak that loses their<br />

strength very fast with respect to time. So, these<br />

are the temporary highs which give relief only for<br />

the shorter duration.<br />

A true high can be built by enhancing the inner<br />

strength using the internal resources. One way of<br />

doing this is to build a unique self-identity. Selfidentity<br />

is that how one sees himself. Each one of<br />

us has some sort of talents or skills. All one needs<br />

to do is to enhance and sharpen the faculties to a<br />

point that he becomes unique by those talents. It<br />

is then good to associate him to those heightened<br />

talents.<br />

. This attribute adds value to a person because he<br />

has proved to himself his worthiness. This selfidentity<br />

helps in his low stressful life. Our identity<br />

changes with time and is not fixed. We can<br />

consciously build one that adds value to us. For<br />

example, let us consider that one is good in music.<br />

Now, he has to put conscious effort in enhancing<br />

and sharpening this talent. Over a period of time,<br />

his skill level has moved to a place where it<br />

fetches some unique position. He is different and<br />

becomes the new version of himself. This “high”<br />

effectively compensates the low period of stress.<br />

Tension free life | 37

K E Y P O I N T S<br />

1. Words have power. Word alters the emotional<br />

state.<br />

2. The locus of stress is pretty much internal in<br />

contrast to the belief that stress comes from the<br />

external surroundings.<br />

3. Stress is a natural protection mechanism. How<br />

the skin protects the body from the external<br />

surroundings, stress protects you from the<br />

external dangerous ambiance.<br />

4. Two common causes of stress are<br />

1. Task in hand demands energy far more than<br />

one’s resource capacity<br />

2. Result of the action is not in favour.<br />

5. The stress circuit which worked in the<br />

primitive times and the one that works now in<br />

the modern days are one and the same.<br />

6. One may end up spending the entire life<br />

unrealistically if the mental projection glasses<br />

and filter are not perfected<br />

7. Stress is a cyclic pattern of turning on/off the<br />

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous<br />

systems.<br />

8. Body-Mind correlation: Create a free space in<br />

the mind in order for the body to move freely.<br />

9. Focussed eyes see things that normal<br />

unfocussed eyes can’t see around the task in<br />

hand.<br />

10. Stress is an emotion-centric response that<br />

hijacks the thinking brain.<br />

11. The so called “easy going” person has the<br />

inherent capability to move to the solution zone<br />

right away. This capacity is a skill and it is a<br />

learnable skill.<br />

12. Happiness comes not from the goal but from<br />

the experience in attaining the goal<br />

13. When the solution is in the right direction, it<br />

puts us on the growth path. But when the<br />

solution goes wrong, it puts us in double growth<br />

path.<br />

14. Stress provides the reference. A state of joy<br />

cannot become meaningful without a state of the<br />

stressful situation.<br />

15. New learning becomes our experiences. A<br />

collection of those experiences is our definition.<br />

16. When we live in THIS very moment, we don’t<br />

feel stressed.<br />

17. We need to train the mind to work in the<br />

present moment. This is again a skill and it is a<br />

learnable skill.<br />

18. While in the solution zone, the attempted<br />

solution has the potential to get convert into a<br />

problem if the penetration level is less. This is<br />

where the power of focus becomes the key<br />

19. A dumb pulse oxymeter has the ability to<br />

detect the heart beat while our own brain cannot<br />

able to detect at the index finger.<br />

20. Releasing moments truly connect a person to<br />

the deeper side of him.<br />

Tension free life| 38

M Y T H S<br />

“Thinking of a situation without<br />

stress is as good as thinking of<br />

body without skin. It does not<br />

look good!!”<br />

1. Stress is harmful to our health<br />

This is the most common myth related to this<br />

subject matter. Stress is a natural protection<br />

mechanism that provides us the instant burst of<br />

energy to tackle the demanding situations. Stress<br />

is a natural response to stay safe and protected.<br />

How the skin protects the body from the external<br />

surrounding, in the same way, stress protects us<br />

from the external dangerous ambiance. The<br />

stress response is part of the evolution and is a<br />

source of evolutionary energy. Thinking of a<br />

situation without stress is as good as thinking of<br />

body without skin. It does not look good!!<br />

It is the chronic stress that is harmful to health. In<br />

the normal state, a single trigger generates a<br />

single stress response. If the triggers become<br />

multiple then the stress circuit generates<br />

multiple responses instead of a single response.<br />

This is a chronic stress state which has the ability<br />

to permanently alter the physiology of the body<br />

causing the array of lifestyle diseases.<br />

2. Office ( external situation) is stressful<br />

Generally, stress is attributed to the external<br />

situations such as office, traffic etc. Is that<br />

external situation that causes the stress or the<br />

internal experience to the situation causes the<br />

stress? If it is the external situation such as office<br />

causing<br />

stress then the office should be stressful to all of<br />

the employees uniformly. But, in reality,<br />

Tension free life | 39<br />

the same office is stressful for some while it is<br />

enjoyable for others. The locus of stress is pretty<br />

much internal in contrast to the belief that stress<br />

comes from the external surroundings.<br />

The external office is the same for all.But, the<br />

internal experience of the office varies from<br />

person to person. Hence, stress is not external<br />

but very much internal. Knowing this fact, if one<br />

blames the external situation such as office then<br />

it is mere his ignorance. So, it is good to revise the<br />

location of the stress if one tends to blame the<br />

external situations. Those external situations are<br />

simply the triggers but not the causes for the<br />

stress. Your experience to the situation plays the<br />

key role in deciding the locus point of the stress.<br />

The good news is that one can assign different<br />

meanings to the external situation and it is a<br />

learnable skill.

M Y T H S<br />

“Asking someone to stay<br />

relaxed is like asking someone<br />

to stay alive as well dead<br />

simultaneously!”<br />

3. Life is always challenging & often stressful<br />

We all uniformly accept that stress is part of our<br />

life. Somehow, we are sold on to the idea that<br />

stress is part and parcel of our life. Here is simple<br />

evidence. Just look around and listen to the<br />

common folk conversations, social media and TV<br />

channels related to this subject matter. As the<br />

social animals, we follow this trend and<br />

eventually become the owners of the stress. Now<br />

stress becomes a reality in this game. Are we<br />

designed to born and live in stress?<br />

No!! All the creatures in this universe follow the<br />

same pattern as that of the universe. Universe<br />

pattern is nothing but expansion & growth. Even<br />

today, the universe is constantly expanding, the<br />

Himalayas is growing taller & so on. We follow<br />

the same pattern of expansion & growth. We are<br />

not here to constrict ourselves with the stress<br />

element and hence, our life follows the same<br />

pattern of growth & expansion.<br />

4. Relax when you are stressed out<br />

Just relax!! This a contradictory remedy. You are<br />

financially poor and say that you are looking for a<br />

solution to become financially stronger. What<br />

will happen if someone comes and say, “Become<br />

Rich?” Also, it is like asking someone to stay alive<br />

as well dead simultaneously. This is how it sounds<br />

to offer a solution to stay relaxed in the stressed<br />

out situation.<br />

Tension free life | 40<br />

One cannot stay relaxed in the stressful situation<br />

because stress and relaxation cannot coexist<br />

together. Both are mutually exclusive.<br />

5. Meditate when you are stressed out<br />

Meditation has the ability to alter the state of<br />

awareness. Meditative state is a heightened state<br />

of awareness. Stress is a different state of<br />

awareness. Hence, if one plans to mediate in a<br />

stressful situation, it is not going to work for him<br />

because both stressful state & meditative state<br />

are different states of awareness. But, it is<br />

possible with a proper training to get into a<br />

meditative state of awareness that disregards<br />

the stressful state.<br />

6. Stress management (can we??)<br />

Can we manage stress and hence, managing<br />

stress circuit? Also, there is an emerging trend<br />

that has a cyclic “accumulate and release”<br />

pattern for stress. We accumulate stress during<br />

the weekdays and dump the stress during<br />

weekends. We take a bunch of holiday breaks to<br />

release the stress when the volume of<br />

accumulation becomes seemingly more. Is this<br />

the right way to manage stress? Honestly<br />

speaking, there is no such thing called stress<br />

management. Yes, one cannot manage stress as<br />

stress response circuit is an evolutionary design<br />

developed and perfected by billion years of<br />

human evolution. The result will be futile if one<br />

attempts to play with this circuit. Stress circuit is<br />

an evolutionary automated process such as blood<br />

circulatory system, digestive system etc. Can we<br />

manage blood circulation or digestive system?<br />

Only possible solution is how to handle ourselves<br />

optimally in the stressful situation. This means, it<br />

is managing the inputs to the stress circuit but<br />

not managing the stress circuit itself. In fact, this<br />

booklet is to establish this truth and to provide a<br />

set of practical tools to handle optimally<br />

ourselves in the stressful situations.

P R A C T I C E T I P S<br />

“Dedication and consistency of the practice are the<br />

prices that one pays to attain such a high level of mental<br />

state”<br />

Living a tension free life is bliss but it will not come to all of us that easily. It needs efforts. It<br />

demands a very different state of mind which in turn calls for proper training of the mind and<br />

rewiring the brain. This comes with a cost. Dedication and consistency of the practice are the<br />

prices that one pays to attain such high level of the mental state. The suggested practices<br />

appear to be very boring at the beginning stage. Here are the two reasons for the boredom.<br />

a) All mind training practices are very subtle in nature and the practitioner is not used to do<br />

this type of very subtle mind training and b) the practitioner expectation to get the<br />

instantaneous result. There is always a mismatch of the result to the expectation.<br />

Here are certain tips that help in breaking the barrier and ripe the ultimate reward. The<br />

reward that one is going to get is really very HUGE!! Set aside 15 minutes of dedicated time<br />

for the practice. Ideally, I suggest one to do the practice at the start and end of the day<br />

fifteen minutes each. One needs to create a practice logbook. Please do not hold the logbook<br />

in the mind. The mind is very good at generating ideas and it is not good to hold data. So, do<br />

not overload mind by holding data.<br />

To see a solid result, one needs to do the below practices at least for thirty consecutive days.<br />

Steps:<br />

1. Allocate 15 minutes of your morning time before the start of the day. Practice the four<br />

power techniques in these 15 minutes. Record the practices in the logbook to see the<br />

consistency of the practice.<br />

2. Allocate 15 minutes towards the end of the day. Reflect on the various situations of the<br />

day and use the logbook to write/check the five power questions, three laws & two habits.<br />

It is easy to maintain and track the logbook using daily journal and goal tracking mobile apps.<br />

Tension free life | 41

P R A C T I C E T I P S<br />

Tension free life | 42

P R A C T I C E T I P S<br />

Use goal tracker mobile app to keep record of practice<br />

logbook.<br />

Tension free life | 43

S U M M A R Y<br />

In summary, stress is a natural response and is a<br />

powerful protection mechanism. Stress is an<br />

essential mechanism for our survival. It is<br />

harmful only when the stress becomes chronic.<br />

Since the locus of the stress is internal, it is<br />

important to optimise our own internal<br />

landscape, i.e. the mind and emotion.<br />

Present moment awareness and stress can’t<br />

coexist. Mind acts as a pendulum that swings<br />

back and forth to past and future and it deprives<br />

one to experience the present moment as it is. So,<br />

it is significant to formally observe the movement<br />

of mind with detached awareness. Mind ceases<br />

to swing with the “Free up the mind space”<br />

practice.<br />

We need absolute clarity in obtaining the<br />

solution and that is achievable by the enhanced<br />

power of focus. “Penetration mind power”<br />

technique helps in heightening the attention<br />

faculty of the brain. Stress is emotion-centric and<br />

hence we should be trained in our emotional<br />

awareness & emotional management. “Brain<br />

sensitivity” practice helps in enhancing this skill.<br />

By default, thinking brain is naturally bypassed in<br />

stressed out situation. How to enable the<br />

thinking brain dynamically while stress unfolds in<br />

real time is the ultimate means of handling the<br />

stress. “Brain sensitivity” and “Thinking brain<br />

intervention” practices help in bringing this<br />

dynamism.<br />

While the two power habits help in the<br />

compensation of the stress, application of the<br />

three power laws help in guarding us to retain<br />

the balanced state.<br />

Practice the four power techniques, three power<br />

laws and two power habits to lead a tension free<br />

life!! Live large!!<br />

Tension free life| 44<br />

Practice the four power<br />

techniques, three power laws<br />

and two power habits to lead<br />

a tension free life!!

Body Healthy<br />

mind<br />

Focussed<br />

balance<br />

Emotional<br />

lifestyle<br />

Stylish<br />

leadership<br />

Effective<br />

innovation at<br />

Greater<br />

work<br />

relationships<br />

Effective<br />

management<br />

level of productivity<br />

High<br />

Transformational Wellness<br />

Personal Coaching Program<br />

Rediscover Holistic Identity<br />

featuring<br />

Invest<br />

240<br />

Hours/<br />

Year<br />

+ Mindfulness + Emotional Intelligence<br />

Wellness<br />

gaining<br />

High level of energy<br />

Personal<br />

Wellness<br />

program for the<br />

Business Leaders<br />

Tension free life | 45

your life<br />

Recharge<br />

force!!<br />

Wellness<br />

Personal<br />

at different<br />

retreats<br />

Bangalore,<br />

locations:<br />

Yercaud &<br />

Ooty,<br />

focussing on<br />

Coorg<br />

awareness,<br />

Wellness<br />

mindfulness,<br />

Emotional<br />

yoga<br />

Intelligence,<br />

& coaching.<br />

training<br />

Wellness<br />

Personal Retreats Program<br />

Rewire<br />

Health<br />

DNA.<br />

2-3 days<br />

Retreat<br />

Program<br />

Tension free life| 46

is harmful for our health<br />

-Stress<br />

is stressful<br />

-Office<br />

is always challenging & often stressful<br />

-Life<br />

when you are stressed out<br />

-Relax<br />

management (can we?)<br />

-Stress<br />

when you are stressed out<br />

-Meditate<br />

Engineering Analysis of Stress<br />


Contact NOW<br />

B R E A K I N G T H E M Y T H S ! !<br />

Train the Mind<br />

Rewire the Brain<br /> | | Mob:7760 655 410



M O T I O N<br />

E<br />


I F E L<br />

M I N D<br />

Murali profile: Former engineering director & now, a personal wellness success coach for<br />

the corporate senior executives. Works with worldwide clients those include CFO, CEO, MD,<br />

VP from ABB, Volvo, Airbus, AMD, Colliers and other companies. Holds bachelor degree in<br />

engineering & masters in contemplative science.An avid believer of contemplative science,<br />

amateur long distance runner, cyclist, occasional horse rider & blogger.<br /><br />

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