Urban Voices 2007 Part 3

Urban Voices 2007 Part 3

Urban Voices 2007 Part 3


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UV<strong>2007</strong>.final.qxd 4/27/07 10:51 AM Page 142<br />

I Want To Know<br />

Sundus Hussein<br />

Grade 2, Shoreham P.S.<br />

I want to know why?<br />

I want to know why my mom cries when she hears the news?<br />

I want to know why my dad panics when the phone rings at night?<br />

I want to know why my uncle does not send me emails anymore?<br />

I want to know why some countries are so dangerous to live in?<br />

I want to know . . .<br />

I want to know . . .<br />

I want to know . . .<br />

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Question! Question!<br />

Qu’est-ce que c’est?<br />

Qu’est-ce que tu veux?<br />

Tu me poses des problèmes…<br />

Pas de réponse!<br />

Carly Lien<br />

2e année—French Immersion<br />

Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S.<br />

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Skin<br />

It surrounds you<br />

Holds you<br />

Keeps you from cold<br />

Keeps you from hot<br />

Jonathan Biafore<br />

Grade 7, King Edward P.S.<br />

It comes in different colours<br />

Different people<br />

Different races, places and faces<br />

None the same<br />

Yet all are<br />

If cut it heals<br />

When wet it seals<br />

It touches and feels<br />

Yet it’s just the outer layer<br />

For you are underneath . . .<br />

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Sad faces make you cry.<br />

Faces<br />

Mad faces make you sad.<br />

Happy faces make you happy.<br />

Austin Kpiebewieng<br />

Grade 2, Daystrom P.S.<br />

Faces.<br />

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Christina Beharry<br />

Grade 7, Terraview-Willowfield P.S.<br />

Please Define Colours<br />

Please define colours<br />

for I do not understand<br />

how someone can be judged<br />

by the shade of their hand.<br />

Please define races<br />

for I cannot see<br />

what makes some so different.<br />

We’re all humans, aren’t we?<br />

Please define friendship<br />

for it’s a horrible experience<br />

when no one wants to be with you<br />

’cause of your different appearance.<br />

What gives others<br />

the right to do all this?<br />

Saying who’s good and bad—<br />

it’s a new friend they’ll really miss!<br />

Please define love<br />

for all I see is hate—<br />

the way most have been treated<br />

based on a family trait.<br />

So the next time you see colours<br />

of the people of our lands<br />

please treat them with respect<br />

and soon we’ll all join hands.<br />

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I’m Blushing with Red<br />

Rachel Gertin<br />

Grade 2, Summit Heights P.S.<br />

What is red?<br />

Red is the rainbow that brightens the sky.<br />

Red is spunky and brave in a way.<br />

It is big and mighty, but calm and gentle.<br />

Red has passion and works with Blue to make Purple.<br />

Red mixes with Orange and Yellow in the fall.<br />

Red can move and jam and rock like crazy!<br />

Red can give you energy, movement or power!<br />

Red is scary and frightful.<br />

It is pretty and ugly and in between!<br />

It’s like pain from a leg or lips from a smile.<br />

Red is cuddly, cute, happy or mild.<br />

Red is the colour of your heart beating faster and faster!<br />

Red adds pizzazz to your life!<br />

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My Paradise<br />

Mithila Rajavel<br />

Grade 9, Jarvis C.I.<br />

I wake up in the early morning<br />

to watch the metamorphosis from night to day.<br />

The dark blue sky is fading<br />

into a deep solemn red.<br />

As dawn approaches<br />

the sky turns a brilliant orange.<br />

Then there it is, rising above,<br />

making the darkness cower away into nothing.<br />

The glowing star that brightens our life—<br />

the serene sun.<br />

I walk out onto the balcony;<br />

the gentle breeze immediately arouses my senses.<br />

The old tree down yonder<br />

stretches its long branches<br />

and clasps onto my balcony railing.<br />

My birdhouse is nestled into the branches.<br />

The chickadees are chirping their hearts out<br />

to welcome the morning.<br />

Their music, ringing in my ears,<br />

takes me to another world—<br />

an undisturbed peace.<br />

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As I walk down the shoreline<br />

I can hear the waves crashing<br />

again and again<br />

into the bottomless ocean.<br />

The tide wraps around me<br />

and I let myself be taken.<br />

As I drift weightlessly in the calming waters<br />

I hear the sweet clicking of dolphins.<br />

They frolic playfully in the water—<br />

such gentle, innocent creatures.<br />

As I dive deep under,<br />

I see an endless variety of life—<br />

the fish swimming to and fro<br />

through a rainbow of coral,<br />

illuminating marine life.<br />

Night has fallen,<br />

I can hear the crickets chirping<br />

perfectly in tune with the throbbing silence.<br />

As I lie leisurely in bed<br />

I look out the window<br />

at the shining stars<br />

lighting up the usual barren sky.<br />

Taking in the beauty of it all<br />

I smile.<br />

Entirely my paradise.<br />

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There used to be a time . . .<br />

Maggie Mo<br />

Grade 10, Marc Garneau C.I.<br />

Life Not Long Ago<br />

When my only concern was whether<br />

I got to watch the afternoon Sailor Moon shows;<br />

not whether I would ace the math exam.<br />

When naptimes were still a valid school activity,<br />

and recesses were three times a day;<br />

having no lunch break because I spent it in the library finishing my essay.<br />

When the biggest task I wanted to accomplish<br />

was to sneak into the candy cabinet without getting caught;<br />

not to be successful in life having a career I love.<br />

When I was sure of what I wanted to be when I grew up:<br />

a secret agent, millionaire, designer;<br />

not something that ends in—logist.<br />

When the worst thing I could ever do<br />

was to fight with another kid on the playground,<br />

not disappointing myself, my parents or my teachers.<br />

When boys had cooties,<br />

and the minimum distance I could be near him was one meter;<br />

not so close that he could possibly hold my heart.<br />

When the prospect of adulthood<br />

was so many eons away it seemed like a joke;<br />

not so near that I could feel the weight of responsibility crushing my head.<br />

There used to be a time<br />

when I was young, carefree,<br />

expecting little, wanting little,<br />

and life was simple bliss.<br />

This is the time<br />

when I am on the path of adulthood,<br />

faced with turmoil, challenges,<br />

and looking forward to a new realm of life.<br />

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And I remember<br />

And I remember<br />

running<br />

to the sound of the ice cream truck<br />

running past the other kids<br />

eager to get there first<br />

so there’s no line and no one to wait on<br />

Candice Dallas-Bartley<br />

Grade 9, L’Amoreaux C.I.<br />

And I remember<br />

feeling my heart race<br />

while I played manhunt with my friends in the sun<br />

scared of getting caught<br />

feeling my laughter rising in my throat<br />

even though nothing was funny<br />

And I remember<br />

swimming<br />

with my neighbour, Himali,<br />

swimming to the bottom of the pool<br />

after diving off into the deep end<br />

then racing each other to the other side<br />

And I remember<br />

watching<br />

the sunset in the smothering heat<br />

eating a popsicle<br />

watching the pinks<br />

the reds<br />

the oranges<br />

the purples<br />

and the yellows<br />

all mixing together<br />

and wishing summer could last forever<br />

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Time Goes By<br />

Madeleine Da Cambra<br />

Grade 7, Bowmore P.S.<br />

A<br />

Minute Minute<br />

Turns Into<br />

Hours Hours<br />

Turn Into<br />

Days Days<br />

Turn Into<br />

Weeks Weeks<br />

Turn Into<br />

Months Months<br />

Turn Into<br />

Years Years<br />

Turn Into<br />

Decisions Consequences<br />

Consequences Decisions<br />

A Lifetime<br />

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In just that moment<br />

Everything else stops.<br />

Just One<br />

Marija Ojdrovic<br />

Grade 11, Humberside C.I.<br />

The world stops spinning like a dog chasing its tail,<br />

And that dog stops too.<br />

The wind stops breathing like a heavy smoker,<br />

And that smoker puts down the cigarette.<br />

The second hand stops ticking like a lifeless heart,<br />

And that heart promptly awakens.<br />

The gravity stops pulling like a tugboat at work,<br />

And that tugboat just floats.<br />

The stars stop shining like burnt-out flashlights,<br />

And those flashlights light up in one last burst.<br />

The pages stop turning like in a closed book,<br />

And that reader learns from the experience.<br />

It is but one instant that means<br />

The world, the chase,<br />

The breath, the urge,<br />

The time, the heart,<br />

The work, the rest,<br />

The sparkle, the light,<br />

The knowledge, the experience,<br />

The realization<br />

That in just that moment<br />

Everything else stops.<br />

What is that moment for you?<br />

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Clock<br />

A home for a tick tock<br />

as the hours go by<br />

in my grandfather’s clock<br />

that tick will never die<br />

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Jake Halliday-Conquer<br />

Grade 3, Wilkinson P.S.<br />

Inside a Piano<br />

Inside a piano<br />

is like inside our world.<br />

Athletes sprint<br />

across the chromatic scales.<br />

Children staccato<br />

into the white puddles.<br />

Yun Kao<br />

Grade 11, Victoria Park S.S.<br />

Inside a piano are distinctive<br />

keys of alphabets<br />

composing sentences of<br />

breathtaking melodies and harmonies.<br />

Sudden maledictions pop out of<br />

the misplayed keys in the score.<br />

Inside a piano inhabit<br />

people with abundant varieties of emotions.<br />

Sometimes they roar in anger,<br />

other times they give each other<br />

darkish romantic preludes.<br />

Inside a piano is a<br />

kid that plays through forte.<br />

When tired<br />

he decrescendos down to<br />

a pianissimo sleep.<br />

Inside my piano is a heaven that<br />

touches everyone’s heart and soul<br />

because what plays out of my piano<br />

is from the inside of me.<br />

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Piano<br />

Kevin Hsiao<br />

Grade 6, Brian P.S.<br />

There is a great piano<br />

slowly collecting dust, and quietly alone<br />

Until I apply my fingers<br />

there is no sound or tone<br />

Suddenly sweet music gently fills the air<br />

People turn their heads wondering “what” and “where”<br />

Slowly the music stops<br />

I walk away<br />

The old piano is smiling, showing his ivory teeth<br />

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Ludwig von Beethoven<br />

Prabha Poudel<br />

Grade 6, Roden P.S. Jr.<br />

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one two<br />

Time Wasted<br />

symphonic notes pouring<br />

through the walls<br />

windows<br />

doorways<br />

from that wretched<br />

thing<br />

three four<br />

once bringing me excitement<br />

wonder<br />

pride<br />

now dashed away<br />

with loathsome promises<br />

of work<br />

always work<br />

never once broken<br />

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Alexandra Koskinen<br />

Grade 9, Highland J.H.S.<br />

one two<br />

moments of staring<br />

into shining gold<br />

seem so undeniably<br />

pointless<br />

after it<br />

stole<br />

my saturdays<br />

three four<br />

sweet melodies turn<br />

sour<br />

with every passing moment<br />

oh how I<br />

protest<br />

ever falling<br />

for that stupid brass creature<br />

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Rap City<br />

160 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

Aarani Paramalingam<br />

Grade 8, Highcastle P.S.<br />

Music (a tanka)<br />

Music can be felt<br />

It can touch your very soul<br />

Calming to your mind<br />

It can love you in the cold<br />

An opening of the heart<br />

Mishannah Stevens<br />

Grade 9, Weston C.I.<br />

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Chessy Jian<br />

Grade 12, Sir John A. MacDonald C.I.<br />

Fading Memories<br />

162 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

Open those Gates<br />

Open those gates<br />

to your empty eyes.<br />

Listen to your surroundings:<br />

can’t you hear the tears of the sky?<br />

Take a tentative step<br />

and feel<br />

the silk whispers of the wind.<br />

It’s beautiful—<br />

let’s befriend it.<br />

Breathe deeply.<br />

Can you smell the dew on grass<br />

or taste the sunny mornings?<br />

Finally, let the sandy shores<br />

wash away those empty shells<br />

that used to be inhabited.<br />

If you can open your eyes<br />

and see those singing voices<br />

then you can paint the water’s sighs<br />

and realize<br />

for the first time<br />

you’re somewhere else.<br />

If one door closes for you<br />

I’ll open another one.<br />

Penny Zhang<br />

Grade 8, Agnes Macphail P.S.<br />

Promise me you’ll make it as bright as your smile!<br />

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Madeleine Long<br />

8e année—French Immersion<br />

Earl Grey Sr. P.S.<br />

Poème basé sur un livre :<br />

Les secrets d’Aramanth<br />

Dans le désert<br />

On explore<br />

Le char à voile<br />

Les Vieux Enfants<br />

On est capturé,<br />

Emprisonné<br />

Par des hommes qui ont des cheveux coloriés.<br />

On a entendu qu’on va être pendu.<br />

Notre quête<br />

Est incomplète.<br />

On n’a pas trouvé<br />

La vérité,<br />

N’a pas entendu<br />

Le vent chanter,<br />

N’a pas assuré<br />

La paix pour notre cité.<br />

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Freedom Surfer<br />

Gilad Lippa<br />

Grade 6, Maurice Cody P.S.<br />

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Being L.D.<br />

Don’t listen to words that hurt you,<br />

like you are stupid or wrong.<br />

Don’t listen because they’re not true.<br />

I used to hear those things when I was younger.<br />

Everyone else learned to print and spell.<br />

The more they learned the more I stood out.<br />

A lot of people thought that I was lazy.<br />

I really tried to be like other kids<br />

but I couldn’t be.<br />

I thought it was just me.<br />

Maggie Bisset<br />

Grade 6, Forest Manor P.S.<br />

I used to feel panicked when I wrote.<br />

My brain would tell me things but my hands weren’t fast enough.<br />

It never looked how I imagined it would be<br />

and things were missing that I thought were there.<br />

Sometimes it made me angry.<br />

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Even when I felt sad<br />

a voice inside my head told me to keep believing.<br />

It said that one day these stories that my hand wasn’t fast enough to write<br />

WOULD be written.<br />

I did find people who believed in me.<br />

They taught me things that changed my world.<br />

They showed me how to use a computer.<br />

They listen to me and talk to me.<br />

They are kind to me.<br />

Now the things in my head are getting written<br />

so that others can read them—not just me.<br />

If you meet a kid who can’t do what others do—<br />

a kid who can’t write or read like you,<br />

try to be a friend and be a person who believes in them.<br />

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Dani Tavroges<br />

8e année—Core French<br />

Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School<br />

Ode aux cheveuxs<br />

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Pauline Pangilinan<br />

Grade 3, Terraview-Willowfield P.S.<br />

Self-Portrait<br />

My brain is like a calculator.<br />

My eyes are like a window opening and closing.<br />

My heart is as warm as a hot chocolate.<br />

I live in a math textbook and I eat word problems.<br />

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Marionette<br />

Gueletina Ksenia<br />

Grade 8, Charles H. Best M.S.<br />

I’m lost like a marionette,<br />

dangling, with its feet almost touching the ground.<br />

I’m lost like a newspaper<br />

thrown away to the wind, not quite reaching the sky.<br />

I’m lost like a sock,<br />

doomed to uselessness without the other half.<br />

I’m lost like a broken toy;<br />

A toy car breaking a wheel just before reaching the finish line.<br />

I’m lost like a pop can<br />

rattling in an empty gutter.<br />

But at the same time,<br />

I’m found like a piece of fuzz<br />

flying on the wind and chased by little kids on a Saturday.<br />

I’m found like a shell<br />

unearthed by patient hands from the sand.<br />

My life, like any other life, is like a knot—<br />

tangled, complicated, useless.<br />

It’ll be unravelled at the end, but when it does,<br />

I’ll be sorry to see it go.<br />

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Maya Stewart Pathak<br />

Grade 8, Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S.<br />

I am From<br />

I am from transforming<br />

Like a caterpillar to a butterfly<br />

A listener to a teller<br />

From plastic cups sticky from<br />

Little hands<br />

Chubby cheeks flushed pink<br />

From smiling<br />

Mushed up peas, bananas with peanut butter<br />

A worn brown bear with<br />

Button eyes and a<br />

Lost nose<br />

To tall crystal glasses painted<br />

Green purple blue<br />

Freckled cheeks flushed pink<br />

From smiling<br />

Curried rice and peas, hot samosas and nan<br />

Climbing the sycamore tree<br />

Branches dancing and<br />

Peeling bark<br />

I am from transforming<br />

Like a caterpillar to a butterfly<br />

A scribbler to a poet<br />

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Mithuna Jeganthas<br />

Grade 5, White Haven Jr. P.S.<br />

What School is Really Like<br />

School<br />

An enchanted forest full of books<br />

A secret chamber full of knowledge<br />

A place that allows curiosity<br />

A path that leads to your imagination<br />

A memory you will never forget<br />

A message telling you “You could do it”<br />

An open gateway for learning spirits<br />

A journey to achieve your goal<br />

An adventure to succeed<br />

A road to your future<br />

A start to your life<br />

A learning palace<br />

School<br />

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Bronwyn Smith<br />

Grade 5, John Wanless Jr. P.S.<br />

What I Found in my Desk<br />

A mouse I forgot to feed<br />

A pumpkin with lots of seeds<br />

A sandwich with cottage cheese<br />

An ice cube that will not freeze<br />

A tennis ball that doesn’t bounce<br />

A rag doll that weighs one ounce<br />

A birthday card I did not send<br />

A pencil that doesn’t bend<br />

An art portrait that has no face<br />

A ribbon from last year’s race<br />

And one more thing I must confess<br />

A note from the teacher: CLEAN THIS MESS<br />

(modelled on Bruce Lansky’s “What I Found in My Desk”)<br />

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School<br />

The pens danced across the pages<br />

The words began to grow<br />

The erasers jumped on and off<br />

The papers started to complain<br />

The paperclips started to scream<br />

The staples began to sing<br />

The chairs were fighting<br />

Then the school opened<br />

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Katie Middlebrook<br />

Grade 9, Weston C.I.<br />

Jazmin Batey<br />

Grade 5, High Park Alternative School Jr.<br />

What’s On My Bookshelf<br />

Books that talk and tell me stories<br />

Beautiful beads that glitter and glow<br />

Family photographs holding memories<br />

Crinkled paper storing secrets<br />

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Deepa Prashad<br />

Grade 6, North Bridlewood Jr. P.S.<br />

Portrait<br />

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Pink Perfume<br />

I remember her pink perfume<br />

Enveloping her every move<br />

Tracing her footsteps<br />

Like a shadow.<br />

I remember her joyous voice<br />

Bobbing up and down<br />

As the ice cube in her drink<br />

Rocks gently from side to side.<br />

Deirdre McDonald<br />

Grade 12, Silverthorn C.I.<br />

Her lips, painted pale pink,<br />

framed a witty mouth.<br />

Her hands, soft, small,<br />

Carried a secret inside each crevice.<br />

I remember being captivated<br />

By her endless stories.<br />

Her laugh, her tight-lipped smile,<br />

And how her eyes would light up<br />

Every time she saw us.<br />

I can still smell her pink perfume.<br />

(Inspired by Dorothy Livesay)<br />

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Adrian Hagar<br />

Grade 9, Dr. Norman Bethune C.I.<br />

In the Eye of the Beholder<br />

I was beautiful<br />

once, porcelain perfection<br />

everything bright and good<br />

high above the shadows, and confident<br />

they couldn’t touch me<br />

it was unreal<br />

then I found you<br />

embodiment of darkness<br />

so alluring<br />

you stood there<br />

so calm in your defiance<br />

of everything I believed<br />

(I could imagine<br />

wings, black-feathered wings<br />

but that would be overly<br />

dramatic)<br />

you brought me down<br />

from the lies I stood for<br />

your kiss<br />

like liquid fire<br />

searing truth into my soul<br />

shattering my world and everything<br />

in it; everything right and wrong<br />

178 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

you held my hand<br />

all night<br />

as I cried tears of<br />

reproach and<br />

fear<br />

of what I knew<br />

the truth<br />

brought me through the<br />

darkness, the false light<br />

stopped me<br />

from ending it the easy way<br />

forced me to realize<br />

the flaws<br />

within and without<br />

I was beautiful<br />

but now I am alive<br />

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Juliet<br />

180 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

Katherine Kouzmina<br />

Grade 10, Humberside C.I.<br />

The Diamond<br />

The diamond<br />

looks like<br />

it is<br />

from a golden chest.<br />

It looks like<br />

a rainbow umbrella.<br />

It is as shiny<br />

as a golden sun.<br />

It could be<br />

jewellery for a<br />

silvery mermaid.<br />

Merron Tegene<br />

Grade 1, Rose Avenue P.S.<br />

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Le matin<br />

Emma Buller<br />

6e année—French Immersion<br />

Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S.<br />

Il est 7 h du matin…<br />

Je dois me lever<br />

Mais encore ma tête reste<br />

Sur mon oreiller.<br />

Mes yeux sont fermés.<br />

Je n’ai pas bougé.<br />

C’est presque l’heure<br />

Du petit déjeuner.<br />

Mais je suis toujours au lit<br />

Jusqu’à ce que ma sœur me dise :<br />

«Réveille-toi! C’est samedi!»<br />

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Castle<br />

Melissa Kwan<br />

Grade 5, Diefenbaker E.S.<br />

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Sky Runner<br />

On top of the world<br />

we sit and watch<br />

the sun shipwreck into a sea of buildings.<br />

You look at me<br />

smiling a crooked smile.<br />

You look down.<br />

The city lights up<br />

to celebrate the fall of the sun,<br />

and, through your window,<br />

I can see the light turn on in your attic.<br />

Michelle Chan<br />

Grade 10, Riverdale C.I.<br />

The September wind kicks you up on your feet<br />

and you pretend to jump over the edge of the building,<br />

to dive into the ocean of speeding cars.<br />

Startled, I scramble to stop you,<br />

to save you<br />

from nothing.<br />

You laugh and pull me in.<br />

Into a run for our lives<br />

over the top of the skyline.<br />

September kisses my face<br />

and makes you flush a rosy red,<br />

barely visible in the weak light.<br />

184 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

We leap over the gaps between the buildings,<br />

building a bridge for future<br />

sky runners.<br />

The world stops.<br />

So we stop.<br />

And hold our breaths in fear.<br />

We hold our breaths in fear of losing what we have created.<br />

Courage.<br />

We face our fears.<br />

I laugh into the night,<br />

and you mirror me.<br />

Nothing is broken<br />

so we keep running.<br />

What are we running from?<br />

You laugh.<br />

I smile.<br />

The city twinkles like a million stars below us<br />

as we float above our universe.<br />

It’s what we’ve created; it’s what we’ve made.<br />

Tonight, the city is ours.<br />

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I Need To Be Brave<br />

I need to be brave<br />

at night time to get some sleep<br />

but I have a light<br />

186 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

Negar Karimi<br />

Grade 3, Fenside P.S.<br />

The Poetry Project<br />

A poem doesn’t have to rhyme;<br />

people write them all the time.<br />

Zoë Norman<br />

Grade 6, Bowmore P.S.<br />

It’s not very hard to make them unique;<br />

they could have sound effects—hinges that creak.<br />

Allusions so tortured, so dreadfully weak,<br />

to give them the syllabic cadence they seek.<br />

Bards sift through themes to find ones that will matter,<br />

displaying their words on a bright silver platter.<br />

’Cause when it comes to that deadline day,<br />

it’s not very easy to get an “A”.<br />

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Pen and Flame<br />

Meredith Laver<br />

Grade 7, St. Andrew’s J.H.S.<br />

The shadowy charcoal stains gaze moodily down from the creamy firebrick<br />

at the flickering play of colours that dance below, occasionally leaping up<br />

to grin obnoxiously, and then, twisting away,<br />

pulled by a fiery momentum.<br />

Silky flames brush amber lips against the stony chimney walls<br />

and then glide away to slip again through rusted bars.<br />

Smoky illusions twist in and out of shifting forms,<br />

weaving a translucent tapestry of clouded perfume.<br />

Flickering golden butterflies dart through the haze,<br />

sparking intertwining trails.<br />

An ad for cars sails gently on an updraft to smother the warm glow<br />

emitted by the sinuous threads of flickering illumination.<br />

A tangled web of ginger tendrils snakes through the fibres of the paper<br />

while greedy tongues lick hungrily at a once-bold headline.<br />

Pale ivory becomes molten copper, surging with waves of flowing passion.<br />

Golden worms devour the crinkled mahogany edges, nibbling away<br />

at a story of oppression and pain, destroying all evidence.<br />

It writhes to escape, but is caught on a whisper of air and is whirled furiously<br />

up the sooty chimney, clinging desperately to the flue.<br />

Scattered fragments, scattered words drift down and are lost<br />

amid the flaming sea.<br />

A wasted story.<br />

The flickering amber flowers retreat, laughing, into a fortress of charred logs<br />

where dusty white squares are split by ebony chasms,<br />

revealing a vividly glowing river of vermillion embers.<br />

A girl lies by the cooling hearth, scratching a pen across paper.<br />

She is trying to write a poem.<br />

188 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

The Feather<br />

The furry feather<br />

Looks like it has<br />

Lots of tickles<br />

In it.<br />

Madeline Koo<br />

Grade 1, Kennedy P.S.<br />

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Rina Kang<br />

Grade 7, Bowmore P.S.<br />

The Day My Consciousness Met Poetry<br />

Miss,<br />

Sorry to disturb your<br />

Charismatic fantasies, but as your loyal<br />

Conscious and Security Advisor,<br />

I must inform you that I have scavenged<br />

A most curious, dazzled soul lurking in Sector D of the<br />

Brain.<br />

I held him captive<br />

Under my most watchful eyes.<br />

Miss,<br />

In all the years of my most<br />

Loyal service I have never set eyes on a<br />

Being of such grand<br />

Character.<br />

His crystalline appearance was as<br />

Captivating as the<br />

Ghostly glow of the moon-lit night.<br />

He carried a fragrance of magnolia<br />

Ready to bloom.<br />

His demeanour was as<br />

Mystifying as the lost deserts of Egypt.<br />

190 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

As I stood there,<br />

A symphony of emotions<br />

Consumed his soul,<br />

And his body, no more.<br />

He gave me a sense of understanding beyond my years,<br />

Which I shall cherish eternally.<br />

Sadly enough, what I extracted little from him was<br />

His place of origin:<br />

The Monarch of Imagination<br />

And his name:<br />

Poetry.<br />

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Everything<br />

Don’t you hate—just hate it<br />

When every song,<br />

When every picture,<br />

When every word,<br />

When every thought,<br />

When just everything<br />

reminds you of that<br />

Special person …<br />

And that just reminds you<br />

of the one thing<br />

you don’t have.<br />

192 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong><br />

Shirley Lai<br />

Grade 7, Port Royal P.S.<br />

Poetry<br />

Writing a poem<br />

Is like knitting<br />

It is very difficult<br />

But it all comes together<br />

In<br />

The end<br />

Jillian Sprenger<br />

Grade 4, Millwood J.S.<br />

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Author and Artist Index<br />

A<br />

Laila Abdulhadi – Forest Manor P.S. 123<br />

Faria Abedin – H.J. Alexander C.S. 40<br />

Caleb Ajao – Anson S. Taylor Jr. P.S. 132<br />

Ashleigh Alexander – L’Amoreaux C.I. 70<br />

Brian Aouad – Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 48<br />

Marina Apostolopoulos – Brian P.S. 121<br />

B<br />

Pranav Balakrishnan – Daystrom P.S. 130<br />

Rashaun Baptiste – Humberwood Downs J.M. Academy 122<br />

Jazmin Batey – High Park Alternative School Jr. 175<br />

Christina Beharry – Terraview-Willowfield P.S. 146<br />

Jonathan Biafore – King Edward P.S. 144<br />

Maggie Bisset – Forest Manor P.S. 166<br />

Kianna Blair-Washington – Willow Park Jr. P.S. 36<br />

Hana Brath – Withrow Avenue P.S. 69<br />

Abigail Buller – Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S. 4<br />

Emma Buller – Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S. 182<br />

Kaitlin Burek – John G. Althouse M.S. 138<br />

Heather Burt – John Ross Robertson P.S. 75<br />

C<br />

Yvonne Cadogen – L’Amoreaux C.I. 74<br />

Joshua Cambranes – Cordella Avenue Jr. P.S. 87<br />

Anne Chambers – Humberside C.I. 105, 117<br />

Michelle Chan – Riverdale C.I. 184<br />

Tithi Chowdhury – John A Leslie P.S. 92<br />

Sophia Christopher – John Ross Robertson P.S. 57<br />

Marisa Coulton – North Bridlewood Jr. P.S. 60<br />

Liam Cummins – Bowmore P.S. 126<br />

Josh Cunningham – Roden P.S. Jr. 84<br />

Julia Cuthbertson – Broadlands P.S. 62<br />

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D<br />

Madeleine Da Cambra – Bowmore P.S. 152<br />

Candice Dallas-Bartley – L’Amoreaux C.I. 151<br />

Roxanne De Souza – Silverthorn C.I. 34<br />

Katarina Djuric – Rosethorn J.S. 47<br />

Amanda Dmytryshyn – Silverthorn C.I. 17<br />

Jennifer Do – Kane M.S. 112<br />

Lexia Donaldson – Selwyn E.S. 67<br />

F<br />

Jing Yang Fan – North Bridlewood Jr. P.S. 137<br />

Zhiliang Fang – Corvette Jr. P.S. 95<br />

Dahir Farah – Cordella Avenue Jr. P.S. 54<br />

Gemma Foley – Dovercourt Jr. P.S. 51, 59<br />

Deborah Francis – Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. 53<br />

G<br />

Aniza Galbete – Gracedale P.S. 13<br />

Jenfay Gan – Port Royal P.S. 139<br />

Rachel Gardiner – John A. Leslie P.S. 52<br />

Rachel Gertin – Summit Heights P.S. 147<br />

Agrin Ghiasvand – Brian P.S. 135<br />

Molly Gladstone – Bowmore P.S. 141<br />

Dominique Glassman – Riverdale C.I. 128<br />

Sveta Gosteva – Charles H. Best M.S. cover<br />

Monica Guan – Henry Hudson Sr. P.S. 63<br />

Adiya Guzmán-Durakovic – Montrose P.S. 8<br />

H<br />

Adrian Hagar – Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. 178<br />

Shakira Hakimzadah – Victoria Park S.S. 100<br />

Jake Halliday-Conquer – Wilkinson P.S. 154<br />

Will Hanna – Maurice Cody P.S. 30<br />

Christine Hansen-Gealon – Highland J.H.S. 106<br />

Yasir Haque – Rene Gordon E.S. 18<br />

Elizabeth Harvey – Lambton-Kingsway J.M.S. 50<br />

Daniel Haynes – Clinton Street Jr. P.S. 109<br />

Taher Hitawala – Woburn Jr. P.S. 86<br />

Jordan Hofmann – Palmerston Avenue P.S. 64<br />

David Hong – Weston C.I. 9<br />

Hinako Hosoya – Queen Victoria P.S. 44<br />

Kevin Hsiao – Brian P.S. 156<br />

Lily Huang – Clinton Street Jr. P.S 94<br />

Saniya Hussain – O’Connor P.S. 125<br />

Sundus Hussein – Shoreham P.S. 142<br />

Peter Huycke – John Wanless Jr. P.S. 85<br />

Michael Iwamoto – John Ross Robertson P.S. 79<br />

J<br />

Mithuna Jeganthas – White Haven Jr. P.S. 172<br />

Mithila Jeyakumar – Queen Victoria P.S. 111<br />

Chessy Jian – Sir John A. MacDonald C.I. 162<br />

Christopher Jones – John G. Althouse M.S. 32<br />

Zainab Jumshaid – North Bridlewood Jr. P.S. 58<br />

196 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong> <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong> 197<br />

I<br />

K<br />

Sophia Kane – John Ross Robertson P.S. 75<br />

Rina Kang – Bowmore P.S. 190<br />

Yun Kao – Victoria Park S.S. 155<br />

Evangeline Kapsalis – Woburn Jr. P.S. 42<br />

Céline Karkaby – Dunlace P.S. 119<br />

Negar Karimi – Fenside P.S. 186<br />

Jasmeet Kaur Ajrha – Humberwood Downs J.M. Academy 27<br />

Jessica Keffer – St. Andrew’s P.S. 14<br />

Peter Kim – Sir Wilfred Laurier C.I. 108<br />

Jamieson King – John Ross Robertson P.S. 56<br />

Jada Kinnaird – Chine Drive P.S. 11<br />

Madeline Koo – Kennedy P.S. 189<br />

Alexandra Koskinen – Highland J.H.S. 83, 158<br />

Katherine Kouzmina – Humberside C.I. 180<br />

Austin Kpiebewieng – Daystrom P.S. 145<br />

Gueletina Ksenia – Charles H. Best M.S 103, 170<br />

Candice Kung – Don Mills C.I. 24<br />

Melissa Kwan – Diefenbaker E.S. 183

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L<br />

Shirley Lai – Port Royal P.S. 192<br />

Janice Lam – Port Royal P.S. 129<br />

Sandy Lam – Carlton Village Jr. & Sr. P.S. 65<br />

Iyma Lamarche – Palmerston Avenue P.S. 1<br />

Meredith Laver – St. Andrew’s J.H.S. 188<br />

Mary Lee – Agincourt C.I. 22<br />

David Lee – Highland J.H.S. 82<br />

Hudson Lennie – John G. Althouse M.S. 37<br />

Cece Li – North Bridlewood Jr. P.S. 12<br />

Clement Li – Cummer Valley M.S. 49<br />

Lauren Li – Millwood J.S. 66<br />

Carly Lien – Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S. 143<br />

Ruyang Lin – Grenoble P.S. 88<br />

Gilad Lippa – Maurice Cody P.S. 165<br />

Alanna Lipson – Humberside C.I. 6<br />

Tommy Liu – R.H. King Academy 23<br />

Yevin Liyanapatabendi – John A. Leslie P.S. 131<br />

Michael Locatelli – Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 134<br />

Madeline Long – Earl Grey Sr. P.S. 164<br />

M<br />

N<br />

April Masongsong – West Glen J.S. 26<br />

Katarina Mayer – Rosethorn J.S. 110<br />

Lauren McCarthy – Rosethorn J.S. 45<br />

Maggie McDonald – Williamson Road P.S. 68<br />

Deirdre McDonald – Silverthorn C.I. 177<br />

Yeats McNally – Earl Grey Sr. P.S. 46<br />

Katie Middlebrook – Weston C.I. 7, 174<br />

Maggie Mo – Marc Garneau C.I. 150<br />

Rahim Mohamed – Thistletown C.I. 136<br />

Nasir Mohamed – Westview Centennial S.S. 140<br />

Quadriy Naimi – Willow Park Jr. P.S. 101<br />

Sean Nemett – Norway P.S. 102<br />

Maxwell Norman – Bowmore P.S. 116<br />

Zoë Norman – Bowmore P.S 187<br />

O<br />

Marija Ojdrovic – Humberside C.I. 153<br />

Chris O’Melia – Maurice Cody P.S. 30<br />

Jamie Onyshko – Diefenbaker E.S. 93<br />

Ivy Osei – Lamberton P.S. 120<br />

P<br />

Pauline Pangilinan – Terraview-Willowfield P.S. 169<br />

Matthew Papadatos – Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 19<br />

Aarani Paramalingam – Highcastle P.S. 160<br />

Maya Stewart Pathak – Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S. 171<br />

Thomas Poltoranos – Princess Margaret J.S. 89<br />

Anya Pospiech – George Peck P.S. 133<br />

Prabha Poudel – Roden P.S. Jr. 157<br />

Deepa Prashad – North Bridlewood Jr. P.S. 176<br />

Thomas Pryor – John A. Leslie P.S. 3<br />

Rafay Qadri – Forest Manor P.S. 16<br />

198 <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong> <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong> 199<br />

Q<br />

R<br />

Aryana Rabii – Lillian P.S. 80<br />

Tharmila Rajasingam – R.H. King Academy 38<br />

Mithila Rajavel – Jarvis C.I. 148<br />

Ravin Ramnarain – Anson S. Taylor Jr. P.S. 39<br />

Cameron Redlich – Princess Margaret J.S. 78<br />

Lillian Ross-Millard – Horizon Alternative School 31<br />

S<br />

Brahm Sanger – Daystrom P.S. 33<br />

Peter Sarellas – Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S. 96<br />

Eilythea Senis – John Buchan Sr. P.S. 20<br />

Caitlin Seto – Diefenbaker E.S. 97<br />

Danielle Shachar – Cummer Valley M.S. 72, 99<br />

Justine Shackleton – West Rouge Jr. P.S. 5<br />

Tori Shin – Lillian P.S. 21<br />

Andrew Shon – Cummer Valley M.S. 28<br />

Sulaxi Sivakumar – Glamorgan Jr. P.S. 61<br />

Bronwyn Smith – John Wanless Jr. P.S. 173

UV<strong>2007</strong>.final.qxd 4/27/07 10:51 AM Page 200<br />

Jillian Sprenger – Millwood J.S. 104, 193<br />

Lathika Sritharan – Sir Wilfred Laurier C.I. 91<br />

Nicole Staios – Terraview-Willowfield P.S. 2<br />

Mishannah Stevens – Weston C.I. 161<br />

Vinoj Suthakaran – Highcastle P.S. 90<br />

Moshin Syed – Willow Park Jr. P.S. 127<br />

T<br />

Dani Tavroges – Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 168<br />

Candice Tay – Bayview M.S. 124<br />

Merron Tegene – Rose Avenue P.S. 181<br />

V<br />

Carrie Viegas – Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 98<br />

W<br />

Jerry Wang – Forest Manor P.S. 77<br />

Emily Webb – Roselands Jr. P.S. 81<br />

Cassandra Wells – Weston C.I. 10<br />

Valerie West – Queen Victoria P.S. 114<br />

Rachel Wilson – Brian P.S. 29<br />

Y<br />

David Yang – Lambton-Kingsway J.M.S. 41<br />

Grace Yao – Lescon P.S. 25<br />

Quincy Yee – Runnymede Jr. & Sr. P.S. 55<br />

Stephanie Yip – Brian P.S. 73<br />

Alice You – Cummer Valley M.S. 35<br />

Z<br />

200<br />

Jerry Zhang – Lescon P.S. 76<br />

Michael Zhang – Dovercourt Jr. P.S. 115<br />

Penny Zhang – Agnes Macphail P.S. 163<br />

Mari Zhou – Jarvis C.I. 15<br />

Max Zidel – Vaughan Road Academy 118<br />

<strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Voices</strong> • L’écho de la ville <strong>2007</strong>

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