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Clemo shakes his head slowly, resignedly.<br />

FM: Do you know why that is?<br />

I don’t wait for a response.<br />

FM: It’s because you aren’t engaging with this process. And if you don’t engage then we cannot work<br />

towards treating you, and improving your quality of life, and that includes the insomnia, and the panic<br />

attacks, all of it. To date, across all of our sessions, I would say that your responses to my questions<br />

are mostly about avoidance. That must be exhausting for you. Isn’t it? It must exhaust you dodging my<br />

questions, working out ways to preserve that facade of toughness. My question to you is why you are<br />

so willing to expend so much energy avoiding this process when it would be so much easier if you<br />

would open yourself up to it? I’m not a quack, DI Clemo, I’ve worked with many people in similar<br />

situations to yours, and helped them.<br />

JC: And what would you say my situation is, Dr Manelli?<br />

FM: You suffer from severe, debilitating depression leading to insomnia and panic attacks, all of<br />

which have affected your ability to do your job. Based on our discussions, I would say that they have<br />

their roots in a combination of factors, which arose at the time of the Benedict Finch case.<br />

JC: And what were those factors?<br />

FM: You tell me. What do you think they were?<br />

He is stony-faced.<br />

JC: I thought that was your job.<br />

FM: My job is to help you. Let me. Talk to me.<br />

Clemo sits absolutely still for a moment, then puts his head in his hands. He sobs, and the sound is<br />

awful and strangulated, but it’s what I’ve been waiting for. I take my chance.<br />

FM: Play a game with me.<br />

JC: What?<br />

FM: I’m going to say a word, and I want you to tell me how you feel about it. No! Don’t argue about<br />

it, just do it. Will you?<br />

He holds his fingers over his eyes now, trying to stem the tears.<br />

FM: Emma.<br />

He gets control of himself, and then the silence in the room seems endless, capacious, but just<br />

when I think I’ve lost him, he speaks.<br />

JC: I loved her.<br />

FM: I know you did.<br />

JC: So much.<br />

FM: Do you still love her?

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