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7 See, for example, Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, The Medium Is the Message (New York: Random House, 1967).<br />

8 Jacques Ellul, The Technological Bluff (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990), p. 76,<br />

quoted in Ronfeldt, “Cyberocracy Is Coming,” 1992.<br />

9 Ronfeldt, “Cyberocracy Is Coming,” 1992.<br />

10 See, for example, Stephen Bates, The Potential Downside of the National Information Infrastructure (Washington, D.C.:<br />

The Annenberg Washington Program, 1995).<br />

11 Ronfeldt explores this concern in depth in “Cyberocracy Is Coming,” 1992.<br />

12 Various interviews and electronic correspondence with Coban Tun.<br />

13 Interview with Douglas Steele, Washington, D.C., February 2, 1997; A. Lin Neumann, “The Resistance Network,” Wired,<br />

January 1996, Vol. 4.01, p. 108.<br />

14 Ibid.<br />

15 Neumann, “The Resistance Network,” 1996; Martha FitzSimmon, ed., Communicators of Conscience: Humanitarian and<br />

Human Rights Organizations’ Use of the Internet (New York: The Freedom Forum Media Studies Center, 1994), p. 25.<br />

16 Steele interview, 1997.<br />

17 The BurmaNet News, No. 603, January 3, 1997. The full text of BurmaNet’s daily news reports are archived at<br />

ftp://Sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/political-science/freeburma/bnn/.<br />

18 Steele interview, 1997. Interview with Michael Beer, Washington, D.C., December 19, 1996. See also, The Associated<br />

Press, “Asian Rebels Use Internet,” The (Annapolis) Sunday Capital, April 23, 1995, p. A12.<br />

19 BurmaNet Editor, The Free Burma Movement and the Internet, unpublished manuscript. The writer, while known to the<br />

authors, requested anonymity.<br />

20 Ibid. Beer interview, 1996. See also Barbara Crossette, “Burmese Opposition Gets Oslo Radio Service,” The New York<br />

Times, July 19, 1992, p. 11.<br />

21 Information provided by Mike Mitchell, International Republican Institute.<br />

22 December 15, 1996, email message posted on BurmaNet.<br />

23 June 28, 1997, email message posted on BurmaNet.<br />

24 Interview with Beer, 1996; authors’ monitoring of BurmaNet and related electronic mail lists.<br />

25 Posting in The BurmaNet News, No. 762, July 1, 1997.<br />

26 This was contained in an email welcome message after one of the authors electronically subscribed to MyanmarNet.<br />

27 Steele interview, 1997.<br />

28 Various email messages.<br />

29 Gov. William Weld, remarks at Burma bill signing, June 25, 1996. Provided by the governor’s office.<br />

30 See, for example, Theo Emery, “Motorola, HP to Cut Ties to Burma: Cite Massachusetts Law Barring Business in<br />

Nation,” The Boston Globe, November 29, 1996, p. B11.<br />

31 See, for example, “A State’s Foreign Policy: The Mass That Roared,” The Economist, February 8, 1997, pp. 32–33.<br />

32 Interview with Rep. Byron Rushing, Boston, January 23, 1997.<br />

33 Interview with Jose Juves, Boston, January 23, 1997.<br />

34 Juves and Rushing interviews, 1997.<br />

35 Interview with Simon Billenness, January 23, 1997.

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