Mapping 250K/500K SNP assay

Mapping 250K/500K SNP assay

Mapping 250K/500K SNP assay


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68 GeneChip ® <strong>Mapping</strong> <strong>500K</strong> Assay Manual<br />

Prepare enough PCR Master Mix to run three PCR reactions per<br />

sample.<br />

Location<br />

Pre-PCR Clean Room<br />

Prepare the PCR Master Mix<br />

To prepare the PCR Master Mix:<br />

The PCR reaction is sensitive to the concentration of primer used. It<br />

is critical that the correct amount of primer be added to the PCR<br />

Master Mix to achieve the correct distribution of fragments (200 to<br />

1100 bp) in the products.<br />

Check the PCR reactions on a gel to ensure that the distribution is<br />

correct (see Figure 4.3). 90 µg of PCR product is needed for<br />

fragmentation.<br />

1. Keeping the 50 mL Falcon tube in the cooling chamber, add the<br />

reagents in Table 4.16 in the order shown.<br />

2. Remove the TITANIUM Taq DNA Polymerase from the freezer<br />

and immediately place in a cooler.<br />

3. Pulse spin the Taq DNA polymerase for 3 sec.<br />

4. Immediately add the Taq DNA polymerase to the master mix;<br />

then return the tube to the cooler on ice.<br />

5. Vortex the master mix at high speed 3 times, 1 sec each time.<br />

6. Pour the mix into the solution basin, keeping the basin on ice.

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