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v The four GPA variables are summarized for each value of MAJOR.<br />

v COMPARE=VARIABLES groups the boxplots for the four GPA variables together for each value of MAJOR.<br />

Example<br />


v<br />

COMPARE=GROUPS groups the boxplots for GPA1 for all majors together, followed by boxplots for GPA2<br />

for all majors, and so on.<br />

TOTAL and NOTOTAL Subcommands<br />

TOTAL and NOTOTAL control the amount of output produced by EXAMINE when factor variables are specified.<br />

v TOTAL is the default. By default, or when TOTAL is specified, EXAMINE produces statistics and plots for<br />

each dependent variable overall and for each cell specified by the factor variables.<br />

v NOTOTAL suppresses overall statistics and plots.<br />

v TOTAL and NOTOTAL are alternatives.<br />

v NOTOTAL is ignored when the VARIABLES subcommand does not specify factor variables.<br />

ID Subcommand<br />

ID assigns a variable from the active dataset to identify the cases in the output. By default the case<br />

number is used for labeling outliers and extreme cases in boxplots.<br />

v The identification variable can be either string or numeric. If it is numeric, value labels are used to<br />

label cases. If no value labels exist, the values are used.<br />

v Only one identification variable can be specified.<br />

Example<br />


v<br />

ID displays the value of LASTNAME for outliers and extreme cases in the boxplots.<br />

PERCENTILES Subcommand<br />

PERCENTILES displays the Percentiles table. If PERCENTILES is omitted, no percentiles are produced. If<br />

PERCENTILES is specified without keywords, HAVERAGE is used with default break points of 5, 10, 25, 50, 75,<br />

90, and 95.<br />

v Values for break points are specified in parentheses following the subcommand. EXAMINE displays up to<br />

six decimal places for user-specified percentile values.<br />

v The method keywords follow the specifications for break points.<br />

For each of the following methods of percentile calculation, w is the sum of the weights for all<br />

nonmissing cases, p is the specified percentile divided by 100, and X i is the value of the ith case (cases<br />

are assumed to be ranked in ascending order). For details on the specific formulas used, see the<br />

algorithms documentation included on the installation CD.<br />

HAVERAGE. Weighted average at X (w + 1)p . The percentile value is the weighted average of X i and X i+1 ,<br />

where i is the integer part of (w +1)p. This is the default if PERCENTILES is specified without a keyword.<br />

WAVERAGE. Weighted average at Xwp. The percentile value is the weighted average of X i and X (i+1) ,<br />

where i is the integer portion of wp.<br />

ROUND. Observation closest to wp. The percentile value is X i or X i+1 , depending upon whether i or i+<br />

1 is "closer" to wp.<br />

628 IBM SPSS Statistics 23 Command Syntax Reference

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