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Wisdom Magazine. A Christian Publication with Practical help for daily living

Wisdom Magazine. A Christian Publication with Practical help for daily living


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harden. There is nothing worse than a hard heart; rejoicing softens<br />

the arteries.<br />


Paul says to his readers “Do not be anxious about anything,<br />

but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,<br />

present your requests to God” (v 6)<br />

He then goes on to say there is a promise that follows this:-<br />

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,<br />

will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (v 7)<br />

In other words prayer guards your mind from anxiety.<br />

Talk about serving on the DPG guarding Mrs T. Talk about<br />

when she was on holiday and the officer relaxing on the Mr T’s<br />

chair. Mr T found him and he found himself directing traffic as<br />

he lost his privileged post . Talk about how they went about<br />

their lives knowing that the responsibility of security was not<br />

on their shoulders but the team of Police Officers around them.<br />

That is guarding – allowing us to live our lives not worrying<br />

because the peace of God is guarding us 24/7. There is so<br />

much going on in the heavenlies that we do not know about<br />

making our way straight. When we pray there is an offloading<br />

of the burden. If we do not pray that burden just gets heavier<br />

and heavier.<br />


Is there a way in which we can protect ourselves from stress and panic<br />

attacks? What do you do when you feel it all coming on top?<br />

Paul says “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,<br />

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if<br />

anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things” (v 8)<br />

This I believe is your protection plan<br />

Before we become Christians our minds are full of rubbish and we give<br />

little thought to what is on our minds. We are full of fear, guilt and<br />

regret that weigh us down and affect our health.<br />

Paul in the book of Romans tells us to renew our minds he says “Do not<br />

conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed<br />

by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and<br />

approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will”<br />

We need to train our minds to think in a Christ like way!<br />

Casey Treat in his book called “Renewing the mind” says this:-<br />

“The mind is an amazing and powerful creation of God. No animal has<br />

a mind like ours, no machine or computer can match its abilities and<br />

no human has tapped its full potential. It is the control centre of our<br />

lives. It stores all the experiences and learned material. It reasons and<br />

creates information; it chooses from a myriad of options every day. It<br />

plans and sees into the future with an imagination that is unlimited. It<br />

has been said that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and yet we waste<br />

our minds daily. Even in the Christian world, we let our minds wander<br />

and lead us into mediocrity and negativity”<br />

The bottom line is that where you set your mind will control where<br />

you go in life – Paul says very clearly where we need to set our minds<br />

if we are going to succeed.<br />

How do I control my mind – this is a process that needs to go on daily<br />

and it starts with feeding the mind. The Word of God will renew your<br />

mind:-<br />

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or<br />

stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight<br />

is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. He<br />

is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season<br />

and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers”<br />

Psalm 1 v 1 – 3<br />


Paul says “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me,<br />

or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with<br />

you”<br />

We need to be people that listen to, watch and read the right things,<br />

and be people that put things into practice.<br />

If you are like me you probably have listened to many sermons or read<br />

many books where God has spoken to you and you have said when I<br />

get home or when I get up tomorrow that is one of the first things I am<br />

going to do. Then when the time comes you forget and put it on the<br />

back burner.<br />

In order to combat stress we have to plan of action and move things<br />

around in our lives to make a difference. It brings us back to the<br />

question “What is your purpose?” We do not lack purpose but often<br />

our priorities are wrong.<br />

Paul also introduces another concept into this Stress Buster of the<br />

“Pursuit of Putting into Practice” and it is the idea of having good role<br />

models.<br />


Have you ever been with people of a different nationality for so long<br />

that you begin to copy their accent? Theresa does this after just a few<br />

minutes. We are always copying others even when we do not realise<br />

it.<br />

If you surround yourself with positive people who you enjoy being<br />

with it will do your stress levels a world of good.<br />


A Quaker offered property to anyone who considered himself<br />

contented. When a man came to claim the lot, he was asked, “If you’re<br />

contented, why do you want my lot?”<br />

Often we say we are contented but inside and our lives show that this<br />

far from the truth.<br />

The last Stress Buster that Paul gives us here is to live in that place of<br />

contentment:-<br />


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