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Wisdom Magazine. A Christian Publication with Practical help for daily living

Wisdom Magazine. A Christian Publication with Practical help for daily living


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Ships Are Safe In<br />

The Harbour<br />

But Ships Are Not Made For<br />

The Harbour. Purpose Of<br />

Creation For Ships Is<br />

For Sailing In The<br />

Deep Sea Not<br />

Shallow Water<br />

Luke 5 v 4-13 Jesus said to Peter “Put out into deep<br />

water and let down your nets for a catch”. There is<br />

always danger associated with sailing in deep water<br />

but that is where the fish are. Launching into the<br />

deep gives Jesus the opportunity to perform miracles.<br />

Ships are very safe in the harbour but ships are not made<br />

for the harbour. Ships are made for sailing in the deep/sea<br />

not staying in shallow water. A boat in the harbour rots. You<br />

cannot tie a leader down. Open sea people cannot stay for<br />

long in the harbour. They only come there to sharpen their<br />

axe. Christians in the same vein are safe in the church<br />

but we are not made for sitting in the church but to<br />

go out into the world to proclaim the good news of<br />

our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. He came to give<br />

life and life in abundance to all human beings. Rom<br />

10 v 13-15 “Everyone who calls on the name of the<br />

Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the<br />

one they have not believed in? And how can they<br />

believe in the one of whom they have not<br />

heard? And how can they hear without<br />

someone preaching to them? And how<br />

can they preach unless they are sent? As<br />

it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring<br />

good news!” Christians have been sent with Power from on<br />

high to go into the whole world so Christians must quit sitting<br />

in the harbour/church and launch out into the deep and walk<br />

on water if we need to walk on water as Peter did. Jesus<br />

Christ the Redeemer is the only hope of a dying world.<br />

Christians cannot keep quiet, there is more joy in Heaven<br />

over one sinner that repents from their sins and turns to God.<br />

This is our primary objective-Salvation of souls from eternal<br />

damnation. When people seek first the Kingdom of God, all<br />

these things that the whole world is looking for will be added<br />

unto us by God Himself. He has no shortage of<br />

provisions. He has more than enough to daily load us<br />

with benefits but first things first. When you seek<br />

Him first, all these things follow. Our charity work<br />

is secondary to and complimentary to the salvation<br />

of souls which is first and foremost. Brothers and<br />

sisters this is our priority. Praise God.<br />

(Note taken by editor under the teaching<br />

of Pastor King of Dream Centre<br />

Peoria/Senior Pastor Riverside<br />

Community Church Peoria USA)<br />


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