financial-information-act-return-march-31-2016 financial-information-act-return-march-31-2016

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NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2016 AND 2015 NOTE 12: INTANGIBLE ASSETS British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (in millions) Land Rights Internally Developed Software Purchased Software Other Work in Progress Total Cost Balance at March 31, 2014 $ 183 $ 85 $ 334 $ 19 $ 46 $ 667 Net additions 15 34 32 21 17 119 Disposals and retirements - - - (9) (4) (13) Balance at March 31, 2015 198 119 366 31 59 773 Net additions 42 30 73 7 1 153 Disposals and retirements - - (2) (19) (2) (23) Balance at March 31, 2016 $ 240 $ 149 $ 437 $ 19 $ 58 $ 903 Accumulated Amortization Balance at March 31, 2014 $ - $ (21) $ (129) $ (8) $ - $ (158) Amortization expense - (17) (48) (3) - (68) Balance at March 31, 2015 - (38) (177) (11) - (226) Amortization expense - (21) (48) - - (69) Disposals and retirements - (4) 5 - - 1 Balance at March 31, 2016 $ - $ (63) $ (220) $ (11) $ - $ (294) Net carrying amounts At March 31, 2015 $ 198 $ 81 $ 189 $ 20 $ 59 $ 547 At March 31, 2016 $ 240 $ 86 $ 217 $ 8 $ 58 $ 609 Land rights consist primarily of statutory rights of way acquired from the Province in perpetuity. These land rights have indefinite useful lives and are not subject to amortization. These land rights are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset value may not be recoverable. NOTE 13: RATE REGULATION Regulatory Accounts The following regulatory assets and liabilities have been established through rate regulation. In the absence of rate regulation, these amounts would be reflected in total comprehensive income unless the Company sought recovery through rates in the year in which they are incurred. For the year ended March 31, 2016, the impact of regulatory accounting has resulted in a net increase to total comprehensive income of $475 million (2015 - $734 million) which is comprised of an increase to net income of $403 million (2015 - $470 million) and an increase to other comprehensive income of $72 million (2015 – $264 million increase). For each regulatory account, the amount reflected in the Net Change column in the following regulatory tables represents the impact on comprehensive income for the applicable year, unless otherwise recovered through rates. Under rate regulated accounting, a net decrease in a regulatory asset or a net increase in a regulatory liability results in a decrease to comprehensive income.

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2016 AND 2015 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (in millions) April 1 2015 Addition (Reduction) Interest Amortization Net Change March 31 2016 Regulatory Assets Heritage Deferral Account $ 165 $ (137) $ 1 $ (29) $ (165) $ - Non-Heritage Deferral Account 524 483 28 (118) 393 917 Trade Income Deferral Account 244 51 9 (55) 5 249 Demand-Side Management 842 145 - (79) 66 908 First Nations Provisions & Costs 564 14 6 (43) (23) 541 Non-Current Pension Cost 564 142 - (15) 127 691 Site C 419 - 17 - 17 436 CIA Amortization 87 5 - - 5 92 Environmental Provisions & Costs 382 51 - (75) (24) 358 Smart Metering & Infrastructure 283 20 11 (31) - 283 IFRS Pension 650 - - (38) (38) 612 IFRS Property, Plant & Equipment 758 134 - (20) 114 872 Rate Smoothing Account 166 121 - - 121 287 Other Regulatory Accounts 66 30 1 (19) 12 78 Total Regulatory Assets 5,714 1,059 73 (522) 610 6,324 Regulatory Liabilities Heritage Deferral Account - 15 1 8 24 24 Future Removal & Site Restoration Costs 33 - - (24) (24) 9 Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses 71 (3) - 1 (2) 69 Total Finance Charges 173 158 - (26) 132 305 Other Regulatory Accounts 4 14 - (9) 5 9 Total Regulatory Liabilities 281 184 1 (50) 135 416 Net Regulatory Asset $ 5,433 $ 875 $ 72 $ (472) $ 475 $ 5,908


FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2016 <strong>AND</strong> 2015<br />

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority<br />

(in millions)<br />

April 1<br />

2015<br />

Addition<br />

(Reduction) Interest Amortization<br />

Net<br />

Change<br />

March 31<br />

2016<br />

Regulatory Assets<br />

Heritage Deferral Account $ 165 $ (137) $ 1 $ (29) $ (165) $ -<br />

Non-Heritage Deferral Account 524 483 28 (118) 393 917<br />

Trade Income Deferral Account 244 51 9 (55) 5 249<br />

Demand-Side Management 842 145 - (79) 66 908<br />

First Nations Provisions & Costs 564 14 6 (43) (23) 541<br />

Non-Current Pension Cost 564 142 - (15) 127 691<br />

Site C 419 - 17 - 17 436<br />

CIA Amortization 87 5 - - 5 92<br />

Environmental Provisions & Costs 382 51 - (75) (24) 358<br />

Smart Metering & Infrastructure 283 20 11 (31) - 283<br />

IFRS Pension 650 - - (38) (38) 612<br />

IFRS Property, Plant<br />

& Equipment 758 134 - (20) 114 872<br />

Rate Smoothing Account 166 121 - - 121 287<br />

Other Regulatory Accounts 66 30 1 (19) 12 78<br />

Total Regulatory Assets 5,714 1,059 73 (522) 610 6,324<br />

Regulatory Liabilities<br />

Heritage Deferral Account - 15 1 8 24 24<br />

Future Removal & Site<br />

Restoration Costs 33 - - (24) (24) 9<br />

Foreign Exchange Gains<br />

and Losses 71 (3) - 1 (2) 69<br />

Total Finance Charges 173 158 - (26) 132 305<br />

Other Regulatory Accounts 4 14 - (9) 5 9<br />

Total Regulatory Liabilities 281 184 1 (50) 135 416<br />

Net Regulatory Asset $ 5,433 $ 875 $ 72 $ (472) $ 475 $ 5,908

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